View Full Version : Sgt. Perry Indicted on Murder (Austin Uber driver shoots AK wielding Moron)

07-02-21, 12:48
The Soros backed Austin DA got Sgt. Perry indicted over what is even more than Rittenhouse as clear cut a case of self defense as you could ever find!

Mr. Perry has a good law firm defending him. They have set up a funding source but I won't link it here unless told it's ok, you might kick in a few bucks if you can.

Spread the word!


07-02-21, 13:15
Time to clean house in Austin.

Johnny Rico
07-02-21, 13:28
This is in Texas? Kind of puts things in perspective whenever smug folks tell those of us in besieged states to move.

07-02-21, 13:45
This is in Texas? Kind of puts things in perspective whenever smug folks tell those of us in besieged states to move.

We have a Soros elected DA in Austin. Our state passed a RECORD number of pro gun bills this last session- good ones- Constitutional Carry, Sanctuary State, Texas Made Suppressor bill etc.....We ain't exactly "Jooisey" Lol....

And yes, Get the Hell out of Communist shitholes. Quit feeding your jailers!

07-02-21, 13:52
This is in Texas? Kind of puts things in perspective whenever smug folks tell those of us in besieged states to move.

You are right..... Stay away. Please.

07-02-21, 14:24
Keep in mind for an indictment, the DA is not required to provide exculpatory evidence.

So DA could have just said he shot the guy, and not mentioned to the gun the aggressor pointed him.

This was clearly a good shoot under both SYG and carjacking statutes.

07-02-21, 14:49
We have a Soros elected DA in Austin. Our state passed a RECORD number of pro gun bills this last session- good ones- Constitutional Carry, Sanctuary State, Texas Made Suppressor bill etc.....We ain't exactly "Jooisey" Lol....

And yes, Get the Hell out of Communist shitholes. Quit feeding your jailers!

the laws passed were your rights anyway ? but they have been taken away
sure you can constitutional carry but when a cop is prosecuted for a good shoot what do you think they will do to avg joe !

07-02-21, 16:40
the laws passed were your rights anyway ? but they have been taken away
sure you can constitutional carry but when a cop is prosecuted for a good shoot what do you think they will do to avg joe !

Not a cop, a soldier driving for UBER on his liberty time. Or whatever the Army calls off duty time.

07-02-21, 17:18
If he gets convicted, it'll probably be go time, especially if he gets sentenced to death.

john armond
07-02-21, 17:34
What I was reading is people are saying foster was acting in self defense because Perry was driving aggressively into the “protesters.” foster’s sister also said that while he “talked shit” he was this overly sweet, peaceful, loving person, who would never even think of using violence against anyone. I guess verbally expressing violent actions is the same as saying I love you now.

07-02-21, 17:59
This is in Texas? Kind of puts things in perspective whenever smug folks tell those of us in besieged states to move.

Horse crap...Texans welcome all.


Johnny Rico
07-02-21, 18:29
Horse crap...Texans welcome all.


Thanks. I ain't moving, this is home after all. I won't pack it it in and move out, that does nothing but guarantee victory for the enemy. It just grates when people insist that conceding defeat is the answer. Remember to stay ever vigilant and take nothing for granted. The AR-15 was invented in California after all. Jeff Cooper was born and raised here. And San Francisco used to be a military town. What happened here can happen anywhere.

07-02-21, 18:52
Keep up the good fight amigo...it's gonna be a long road to victory. The immigrants coming in from the west coast across the tx border are probably worse than what's coming up from the south in the long run & Austin is a perfect example.

Note the reply to the original...patriots are in this fight together.


07-02-21, 23:05
What I was reading is people are saying foster was acting in self defense because Perry was driving aggressively into the “protesters.” foster’s sister also said that while he “talked shit” he was this overly sweet, peaceful, loving person, who would never even think of using violence against anyone. I guess verbally expressing violent actions is the same as saying I love you now.

Yeah they tried that cute little trick last summer in a few places; ANTIFag "security" to act on people defending themselves from the initial wrongdoing of their buddies.

It doesn't work like that you assholes. If your "side" is in the wrong in the first place you are NOT justified in "defending" your fellow shitheads.

07-03-21, 04:03
Thanks. I ain't moving, this is home after all. I won't pack it it in and move out, that does nothing but guarantee victory for the enemy. It just grates when people insist that conceding defeat is the answer. Remember to stay ever vigilant and take nothing for granted. The AR-15 was invented in California after all. Jeff Cooper was born and raised here. And San Francisco used to be a military town. What happened here can happen anywhere.

Golden State Arms Division was also there and it was the second largest firearms importer in the US for much of the 20th century. But CA became the 60s counter culture mecca and that was the knife in the back. Could have happened in Chicago, but you guys had the beaches and better bud.

CA was invaded from all sides, every dope smoking, long haired, hippie trash, underground militant wannabe made their way to your state and set up shop. I know people tried to hold the line but you guys were just outnumbered. It's sad, it's a beautiful state and that was probably a big part of the attraction.

Guaranteed if I'm ever homeless I'm making my way to SF because of the weather and the programs.

07-03-21, 11:08
This is in Texas? Kind of puts things in perspective whenever smug folks tell those of us in besieged states to move.

No, this is in Austin. While the state capitol may be there Austin is NOT Texas.

DA Garza is a steaming pile of dung who coddles actual criminals while persecuting LE and decent citizens. Yes I said persecute.

07-03-21, 11:14
What I was reading is people are saying foster was acting in self defense because Perry was driving aggressively into the “protesters.” foster’s sister also said that while he “talked shit” he was this overly sweet, peaceful, loving person, who would never even think of using violence against anyone. I guess verbally expressing violent actions is the same as saying I love you now.

Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it.
Garrett Foster came looking for trouble. He found it.

07-03-21, 16:59
Keep in mind for an indictment, the DA is not required to provide exculpatory evidence.

So DA could have just said he shot the guy, and not mentioned to the gun the aggressor pointed him.

This was clearly a good shoot under both SYG and carjacking statutes.

Well said.

Former NY State Chief Justice Sol Wachtler: "district attorneys now have so much influence on grand juries that "by and large" they could get a grand jury to “indict a ham sandwich.” Wachtler believed grand juries “operate more often as the prosecutor’s pawn than the citizen’s shield.”


What I was reading is people are saying foster was acting in self defense because Perry was driving aggressively into the “protesters.” foster’s sister also said that while he “talked shit” he was this overly sweet, peaceful, loving person, who would never even think of using violence against anyone. I guess verbally expressing violent actions is the same as saying I love you now.

I am clling B.S. on this statement.

07-03-21, 18:03
I feel like if Foster’s fiancée/wife had arms and legs she would have been out of his league.

07-03-21, 19:03
Not a cop, a soldier driving for UBER on his liberty time. Or whatever the Army calls off duty time.

AHHH OK thanks stand corrected on that :)

still stand by laws on what we had already and the left still making ground we try to stop but just get pushed back sadly

confused it with another story seems to be so many in the news !

john armond
07-03-21, 19:09
Well said.

Former NY State Chief Justice Sol Wachtler: "district attorneys now have so much influence on grand juries that "by and large" they could get a grand jury to “indict a ham sandwich.” Wachtler believed grand juries “operate more often as the prosecutor’s pawn than the citizen’s shield.”


I am clling B.S. on this statement.

Are you calling BS on what I wrote, or what they are saying? I’m a bit confused.

Article with quotes from his mother:

Article with quotes from his sister:

I think Rolling Stone even did an article on foster, plus plenty of others.

I’m not saying what foster’s defenders is reality in any way, I’m just stating what they are saying.

07-04-21, 17:04
Are you calling BS on what I wrote, or what they are saying? I’m a bit confused.

Article with quotes from his mother:

Article with quotes from his sister:

I think Rolling Stone even did an article on foster, plus plenty of others.

I’m not saying what foster’s defenders is reality in any way, I’m just stating what they are saying.

When Foster pointed the AK at the Perry he was not acting in self defense. He was acting like a cowboy. It should be easy for Perry to articulate having an AK pointed at his face/chest made him fear for his life. This is the definition of self defense. I am calling out the narrative that Perry was the good guy in this scenario.

07-04-21, 18:23
This is in Texas? Kind of puts things in perspective whenever smug folks tell those of us in besieged states to move

While I am not from Texas I do know that Austin is the San Francisco of that state. So I'll guarantee you that Texas as a whole is MUCH more "free" than wherever you're from (you did refer to your AO as a "besieged state").

07-04-21, 18:33
What I was reading is people are saying Foster was acting in self defense because Perry was driving aggressively into the “protesters.” foster’s sister also said that while he “talked shit” he was this overly sweet, peaceful, loving person, who would never even think of using violence against anyone. I guess verbally expressing violent actions is the same as saying I love you now.

That is the bullshit narrative ANTIFA/BLM has been using.....their "security" guys are protecting illegal acts. Sorry, but that doesn't wash. If the act you're doing is friggin' illegal in the first place you are then in the wrong for anything you do after that as a result.

07-04-21, 19:04
Isn't it odd that blm, antifa, and nfca, can roam the streets pointing guns at US citizens with impunity?

07-04-21, 20:24
Isn't it odd that blm, antifa, and nfca, can roam the streets pointing guns at US citizens with impunity?

In 2020 or 2021 that is not odd. In the "Normal World" yes, that is bullshit. Yet "Normal World" remains an alternate universe from that in which we currently exist. Disgusting.....:mad:

07-04-21, 21:36
While I am not from Texas I do know that Austin is the San Francisco of that state. So I'll guarantee you that Texas as a whole is MUCH more "free" than wherever you're from (you did refer to your AO as a "besieged state").

I don’t think either end of the spectrum is true, but regardless- all y’all stay the f*ck away.

07-05-21, 03:08
If he gets convicted, it'll probably be go time, especially if he gets sentenced to death.
You could probably say the same about the Kenosha situation. All it's going to take is one of these good shoots in defense from mob violence to get sunk in court, and the rioters will know they can now act with impunity (moreso than they already can).

What I was reading is people are saying foster was acting in self defense because Perry was driving aggressively into the “protesters.”....
Yes, stopping at an intersection while pedestrian mobs ignore all traffic laws and personal safety is super aggressive... :rolleyes:

... foster’s sister also said that while he “talked shit” he was this overly sweet, peaceful, loving person, who would never even think of using violence against anyone. I guess verbally expressing violent actions is the same as saying I love you now.

To use their own logic at them - then why was he like, the only person there toting ye olde Kalash?

07-05-21, 21:02
This is in Texas? Kind of puts things in perspective whenever smug folks tell those of us in besieged states to move.

Texas has been Californiated..

07-06-21, 08:30
This is Austin and NOT normal for the rest of our state.

Still....stay in yuor blue state hellholes and fight back, please. We are full. LOL

07-06-21, 09:51
Soros and his minions are investing heavily to turn TX the same way they bought off Virginia by heavily funding leftist candidates.

Soros seems to be off limits even to alternative investigative journalist. That needs to change ASAP.

07-06-21, 09:52
This is Austin and NOT normal for the rest of our state.

Still....stay in yuor blue state hellholes and fight back, please. We are full. LOL

Unfortunately, carpetbaggers are not the problem; most of the people in my blue state who want to move out are conservatives looking for a warmer, redder state. The issue is the universities. Conservative, red state kids go to their communist-enclave college, get brainwashed, leave as leftists, but stay in the state and vote in leftist politicians. Most leftists who move south don't do so until after they hear that a formerly red area is starting to become more blue.

But in general, the same rule applies to every state: The colleges are all liberal in all 50 states, and the cities are almost all liberal, but the rural areas in almost every state are still conservative. Even in New York and California, almost the entire state is red, with the exception of the densely populated cities that vote with a hive mind. I live in a blue state, but in a pretty conservative area; my county went to Trump both times. So the problem is not red states vs. blue states; it's red areas vs. blue areas, which is why things like "voting with your feet" doesn't work, and Balkanizing wouldn't work either at this point either; everything is so fractured.

07-06-21, 10:53
I bet if he gets a change of venue, this will last an hour in Bell County.

john armond
07-06-21, 13:05
When Foster pointed the AK at the Perry he was not acting in self defense. He was acting like a cowboy. It should be easy for Perry to articulate having an AK pointed at his face/chest made him fear for his life. This is the definition of self defense. I am calling out the narrative that Perry was the good guy in this scenario.

Ok. That’s what I was hoping you meant. We are in total agreement.

07-06-21, 21:53
Horse crap...Texans welcome all.


OKLAHOMA Really SUCKS keep going to ARKANSAS