View Full Version : This should end swimmingly (Door to door vaccine outreach)

07-06-21, 23:33
Because, you know, showing up at your doorstep will convince you to get the Covid vaccine...


The Biden administration is launching a new "door-to-door" effort to vaccinate Americans after falling short of its Fourth of July goal of having 70 percent of the adult population with at least one shot of the coronavirus vaccine.

Amid the administration's ongoing concerns of a surge of the more contagious Delta variant of the virus, President Biden pitched his plan to boost the vaccinated population during remarks he made on Tuesday.

"Now we need to go community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood and often times door-to-door- literally knocking on doors, to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus," Biden said.

And, of course, the red headed idiot decided to make sure we understood.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki also referred to the "door-to-door" effort while listing the five objectives of Biden's COVID response earlier in the day at Tuesday's briefing, citing "targeted community door-to-door outreach" to "get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring that they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is."

I'll omit the Godwin Law reference as it's pretty obvious in this situation. But I never really expected our government to take the Jehovah's Witness approach.

I'm pretty sure my response is going to be "GTFO my property."

07-06-21, 23:53
Reply at this house: "Go sodomize yourself with a live porcupine!"

07-07-21, 00:19
I was reading about this on another news sight.

Then I went to the comments, some good ideas there.

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07-07-21, 00:27
Uncle Joe and the joker were happy telling the American people not to trust the vaccine when President Trump was in office. Now they want to pay for people to go door to door and convince people to get vaccinated.



07-07-21, 00:31
And you can tell the idiots are injuring themselves from the crank-yanking as they fantasize about shutting the world down again...

My prayers to our serving members, who may soon find themselves having to make a hard choice.

07-07-21, 00:51

07-07-21, 05:43
Yeah, we shoot trespassers 'round here. Government trespassers? Shoot em twice!

07-07-21, 05:57
Serious question. How is it legal to give out medical info to random individuals recruited to harass people in their homes?

Either way I chose not to get vaccinated at this time, probably never if I’m being honest. Sending some snot nosed zealot to my doorstep isn’t going to change my mind. In fact it just further cements my choice to resist.

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07-07-21, 06:49
Meanwhile in Oklahoma...


07-07-21, 06:58
Send some people out to travel from house to house in the cities and rural areas to interact closely with multiple strangers during a pandemic? Now that is progressive. Maybe they could hand out blankets too?


07-07-21, 07:15
Serious question. How is it legal to give out medical info to random individuals recruited to harass people in their homes?

Well, rule of law is, and has been, completely out the window. That being said, I think they should start the door to door on Chicago's Southside and report back the results. If they make it back...

07-07-21, 07:17
- But if it saves just one life

- Do it for the children

07-07-21, 07:24
How will they know if you have/haven’t been vaccinated? I would think the homeowners can do 1 of 2 things: 1) lie 2) not answer and close the door.

07-07-21, 07:50
Send some people out to travel from house to house in the cities and rural areas to interact closely with multiple strangers during a pandemic? Now that is progressive. Maybe they could hand out blankets too?


Exactly. This disease is so dangerous that we have to go door-to-door to convince you to get vaccinated, all while Covid Karens spread it further through this very plan. Why don’t we hand out dirty needles to heroin addicts so that they know what a dirty needle looks like.

07-07-21, 07:50
If one of these peons shows up at our door, the simple answer is, "It's none of your business. Have a great day, and please don't come back."

07-07-21, 08:33
But what about the Lambda variant!!


Victims with adverse reactions not being heard...think these concerns will be shared when the knock comes??


07-07-21, 10:26
If this should happen, I don't see it lasting very long.

If you haven't gotten by now, you probably don't want it.

I for see a lot of " Get off my lawn" scenarios.

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Straight Shooter
07-07-21, 12:19
I wish the damn VA would stop callin me about gettin it. Ive told them now 6-8 times Ill never get it and they keep on calling and asking every time I go in.

07-07-21, 12:32
Reminds me of this...



07-07-21, 13:07
How will they know if you have/haven’t been vaccinated? I would think the homeowners can do 1 of 2 things: 1) lie 2) not answer and close the door.

You can be sure they already have access to any local medical records about who has been vaccinated. If you lie, it will be pitched as making false statements to a federal official. Best to just not open the door.

Who will they have doing this door knocking, social workers, medics, certainly not the cops they were elected by vilifying.

07-07-21, 13:07
I wish the damn VA would stop callin me about gettin it. Ive told them now 6-8 times Ill never get it and they keep on calling and asking every time I go in.

I wondered if it was just me. Guess not.

ETA: Anyone else been hit up for the "voluntary DNA research" where they want to draw an extra vial of blood? WTF is up with that. No thanks.

07-07-21, 14:14
I'll just tell them "we've all received a vaccine" (not saying it is Covid, but...). If they say that their records indicate otherwise, I'll ask them to repeat it while recording it, and then close the door and start proceedings for HIPAA violations against the government. At the least, I'll report it as a whistleblower that my private medical information was disclosed without my consent in violation of HIPAA.

07-07-21, 14:45
I'm pretty sure my response is going to be "GTFO my property."



07-07-21, 14:46
You can be sure they already have access to any local medical records about who has been vaccinated. If you lie, it will be pitched as making false statements to a federal official. Best to just not open the door.

Who will they have doing this door knocking, social workers, medics, certainly not the cops they were elected by vilifying.Probably use people similar to Census takers, I would assume.

They don't have enough other employees to even entertain that idea.

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07-07-21, 15:16
I'll just tell them "we've all received a vaccine" (not saying it is Covid, but...). If they say that their records indicate otherwise, I'll ask them to repeat it while recording it, and then close the door and start proceedings for HIPAA violations against the government. At the least, I'll report it as a whistleblower that my private medical information was disclosed without my consent in violation of HIPAA.

Since the .gov is "paying the bill", with the taxpayers credit card, I believe vax data is not protected by HIPAA. Could be wrong but...

07-07-21, 16:49
I don’t know why anyone answers their door for anyone they don’t know personally in the first place…

I’d like to say I’m surprised, but the current reality we inhabit this seems par for the course.

We’re swimming with debt and the nation is fractured, but let’s spend money bothering and intimidating people to get a not-vaccine for a pandemic that has a 99% survival rate.

This administration is full retard. Anyone who voted for them is as well.

07-07-21, 16:59
This administration is full retard. Anyone who voted for themrefused to give them full-force opposition by all legal means available is as well.
FIFY! If you didn't vote straight down the line Trump Republican in 2020, as distasteful as some of those candidates were, the problem is looking right back at you in your mirror. You broke it, you bought it...

07-07-21, 18:28
sign on door
unless you are delivering a package and you knock or ring the bell I am going to think you are breaking in as that just happened and take appropriate action :)

or when they open violently cough on them in their face and say I should not be talking to anyone with this tuberculosis what do you want :)

I might apply for the job then not go out blaming my white privilege as I should not be allowed to tell folks what to do so just pay me

07-07-21, 19:48
This is a real sign I took a picture of here in New Mexico. Pretty clear message:


07-07-21, 22:52
....Who will they have doing this door knocking, social workers, medics, certainly not the cops they were elected by vilifying.

Volunteer Activists. You know the type...
Maybe backed up with some city official supervisor with the actual clout to report to with the 'census' info.
Negative answers and non-responsive visits will simply be logged for return visits later; assuming these will likely be much smaller numbers, and therefore able to be visited by the proper officials with clout that can actually write you a fine/summons/etc.
You know... just like they did to all those shop owners not to long ago who "violated" a mandate somehow in some intangible way.
IIRC no city officials were yeeted off the property with all the due haste they deserved back then either, so...

I don’t know why anyone answers their door for anyone they don’t know personally in the first place…
Bruh... people use Uber these days too... :laugh:

07-07-21, 23:50
Volunteer Activists. You know the type...
Maybe backed up with some city official supervisor with the actual clout to report to with the 'census' info.
Negative answers and non-responsive visits will simply be logged for return visits later; assuming these will likely be much smaller numbers, and therefore able to be visited by the proper officials with clout that can actually write you a fine/summons/etc.
You know... just like they did to all those shop owners not to long ago who "violated" a mandate somehow in some intangible way.
IIRC no city officials were yeeted off the property with all the due haste they deserved back then either, so...

Bruh... people use Uber these days too... :laugh:

Fock Uber.

07-08-21, 02:58
I have seven cactus on my door step, do you know people still come up and ring the bell?

07-08-21, 08:14
I have seven cactus on my door step, do you know people still come up and ring the bell?

Answer the door with a machete in hand. That tends to keep the conversation brief, if any at all. Trust me it really works.

07-08-21, 08:24
Watch out...the door to door jab sales folks may be a carrier of the Epsilon variant. Such bs.


07-08-21, 14:20
If they show up here I video the whole encounter, including asking them for their solicitation license (one is required for most door to door things), and make sure they are not violating HIPAA.

07-08-21, 14:51
It's funny this thread has come up now. I just had a meeting with a senior level Emergency Management official in my AOR last week. I think I can answer why this is happening.

The U.S. Health and Human Services tracks vaccine distribution, to include demographics. Their reports have consistently shown that high density urban area minorities are underrepresented in vaccinations. They falsely assumed this was because local and state government's were "underserving" those populations. So they threw together a last minute, ad-hoc vaccination program to directly serve those areas.


They gave local emergency management authorities the task of community outreach, to get local residents out en masse to these CDC operated vaccine clinics in high density minority communities. In our AOR, the CDC expected to vaccinate 3,000 residents per day. What they got was a few dozen per day. Of course they were perplexed by the low turnout.

It's like they forgot that the U.S. government once came to minority communities with "free health care". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_Syphilis_Study

Their program was an abject failure here, mostly due to their own reputation as untrustworthy.

The next push will target rural communities. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7020e3.htm?s_cid=mm7020e3_e&ACSTrackingID=USCDC_921-DM57588&ACSTrackingLabel=MMWR

I expect it will be received about as well as the urban program, which is to say about as well as a fart in church. Simply put, the federal government can't or won't understand why so many citizens flat don't trust them. FWIW I think the vaccine is perfectly fine as vaccines go. That is to say that nothing created by humans is 100% perfect, but the over/under favors getting vaccinated versus not getting vaccinated.

You might die of the bubonic plague next week because you inadvertently came into contact with infected rodent feces, but that's no reason to avoid travelling in western states. https://www.cdc.gov/plague/maps/index.html

So sure, you might die from getting the covid vaccine, but that's not a good reason to avoid the vaccine either. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html#:~:text=Reports of death after COVID,received a COVID-19 vaccine.

P.S. That poor schlep knocking on your door is just some marginally employable pawn whose unemployment benefits have run out. Hate the game, not the player.

07-08-21, 15:51
As long as we resist vaccines with the same disinterest that Afghanis resisted freedom, we should be okay...it'll just be 20 or so years before they give up and leave. Hopefully they won't say "bye" either.

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07-08-21, 16:12
If we cannot force people to vote in person due to Covid, how can we ask them to speak face-to-face with a complete stranger?

Its the new govt organization - Super Spreader (SS) corps.

07-08-21, 16:14
guaranteed your address goes on a watch list !

should say NO with gun in hand or open carry in your home :)
so you go on the have gun and the anti vac list and OH if you have an American flag you go on the new racist list so 3 for 1 :)

07-08-21, 16:27
It's funny this thread has come up now. I just had a meeting with a senior level Emergency Management official in my AOR last week. I think I can answer why this is happening.


P.S. That poor schlep knocking on your door is just some marginally employable pawn whose unemployment benefits have run out. Hate the game, not the player.

Excellent post!

I have to disagree with the end - its hard to say who will be going door to door. Heavily political orangization paid million is possible.

07-08-21, 17:03
The best thing to do is tell them the truth.

Yes ma’am/sir, I have received my vaccinations in hopes that we can beat this deadly disease together!

07-08-21, 17:08
There is something to be said for the Albert Gibson method...


"Get lost, dipshit."

07-08-21, 19:10
Meanwhile in Oklahoma...


Excellent Point.

If someone comes to my door to ask they will be told to leave. This would be an enormous waste of time and money. My family all go the Rona in early November. We all got vacinated too. This is a personal medical decision. Everyone who wants a vacine got it or knows where to get it. Just like with Photo ID!

07-08-21, 20:14
P.S. That poor schlep knocking on your door is just some marginally employable pawn whose unemployment benefits have run out. Hate the game, not the player.

Excellent post!

I have to disagree with the end - its hard to say who will be going door to door. Heavily political orangization paid million is possible.

Be it some dumb schlub, an SEIU contract, or some activist/political kickback deal hiring whomever I don't care. Like telemarketing, there are some jobs you just shouldn't take. If you do you deserve the shit you get.

Wanna up the vax rates, how about an honest bipartisan campaign trying to sell it on the merits while acknowledging the (rare but real through relatively minor) risks.

Either that or give my doc access to the vax so he can either convince me, of I slip him a tip to miss and hit the sink. Either way the numbers look better which is all .gov trash cares about anyway.

07-09-21, 06:51


07-09-21, 07:33
If we cannot force people to vote in person due to Covid, how can we ask them to speak face-to-face with a complete stranger?

Its the new govt organization - Super Spreader (SS) corps.You're kidding right?!?! I wish I still had the pics but back when mail in voting was the hot topic I took pics of my weekly trip to Costco. Sunday afternoon....jam packed! Line to the register going down the length of the entire store with people packed in like sardines. Most of these people were over 40 with many being well into retirement age. I'm betting they weren't all Trump supporters/conservatives/or just people who saw it for what it was.

There's logic and then theres what the tv tells you and never shall the two meet!!!

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07-09-21, 07:39
None of this is about you/us. As the previous poster said, it's about the urban areas and specifically about urban poor minorities. No one is going into the Appalachia to knock on doors and they all secretly, (or not so secretly) want suburbia to disappear.

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07-09-21, 13:47
You're kidding right?!?! I wish I still had the pics but back when mail in voting was the hot topic I took pics of my weekly trip to Costco. Sunday afternoon....jam packed! Line to the register going down the length of the entire store with people packed in like sardines. Most of these people were over 40 with many being well into retirement age. I'm betting they weren't all Trump supporters/conservatives/or just people who saw it for what it was.

There's logic and then theres what the tv tells you and never shall the two meet!!!

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

The main reason the Dems provided for insisting on more liberal (no pun intended) mail-in voting was to save us from Covid. Not my reasoning.

07-09-21, 13:51
The main reason the Dems provided for insisting on more liberal (no pun intended) mail-in voting was to save us from Covid. Not my reasoning.I know. That's my point. People were put in fear of standing in line to vote. But they happily shopped all day long standing in lines to pay!

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