View Full Version : SF gay men's chorus does a video with... ummm.... unusual lyrics

07-08-21, 10:56


The lyrics posted with the video:









You can interpret those lyrics in more than one way.

07-08-21, 11:23
Like Alanis Morriset not understanding the word “Ironic”, these guys don’t understand the word ‘parody’. They say it is a parody, but its not.

These snarky little bitches think that by being snarky little bitches they get a pass.

My three year old nephew bit my daughter at the family reunion and instantly declared that it was ‘accident’, ‘ACCIDENT’. How ironic, don’t cha’ think?

07-08-21, 11:26
So, they’ve gone from “what we do in our bedroom is our business” to “you better celebrate our sin with us or you will be censored, unemployed and shunned and we are coming after your kids”. Anyone surprised by this?

07-08-21, 11:30
So, they’ve gone from “what we do in our bedroom is our business” to “you better celebrate our sin with us or you will be censored, unemployed and shunned and we are coming after your kids”. Anyone surprised by this?

The sin that dare not say its name to the lifestyle that won’t shut up.

07-08-21, 12:16
Mentally ill deviants who want to convert children by forcing them into having gay sex…….

I’m sure that’s not gonna work how they think it’s gonna work.



The lyrics posted with the video:

You can interpret those lyrics in more than one way.

07-08-21, 13:34
Like Alanis Morriset not understanding the word “Ironic”, these guys don’t understand the word ‘parody’. They say it is a parody, but its not.

These snarky little bitches think that by being snarky little bitches they get a pass.

My three year old nephew bit my daughter at the family reunion and instantly declared that it was ‘accident’, ‘ACCIDENT’. How ironic, don’t cha’ think?

It’s a parody in the same way that jerk everyone has in their lives intentionally insults you and then claims he was “just busting your balls” and tells you that you need to lighten up when you get pissed off at what was clearly not a joke.

The left plays the same MO to perfection, unfortunately. When their opponents point out the end game of the leftist agenda, they claim that the right is paranoid. “Yes, because if we let gays get married, we’ll have S&M demonstrations in the street and our kids will be sexualized. What a bunch of paranoid bullshit!” Flash forward to 2021…

07-08-21, 14:05
It’s a parody in the same way that jerk everyone has in their lives intentionally insults you and then claims he was “just busting your balls” and tells you that you need to lighten up when you get pissed off at what was clearly not a joke.

The left plays the same MO to perfection, unfortunately. When their opponents point out the end game of the leftist agenda, they claim that the right is paranoid. “Yes, because if we let gays get married, we’ll have S&M demonstrations in the street and our kids will be sexualized. What a bunch of paranoid bullshit!” Flash forward to 2021…

It's more difficult for them to tell you to lighten up, when they're busy trying to staunch the flow of blood from their nose.

07-08-21, 14:18
It's more difficult for them to tell you to lighten up, when they're busy trying to staunch the flow of blood from their nose.

True. And bad things happen when you tell someone to go home get their shine box…

07-08-21, 15:03
forcing someone vs not liking is not the same the left does not understand this but then again the left are the current nazi brown shirt types forcing their view and history has shown it never works out for them

07-08-21, 15:14
Legalize perversion, don't be surprised when you get more of it.

07-08-21, 15:28
There was a thread where they crosschecked the names on the choir roster against the sex offender data base for pedos before it got taken down. Lets just say you wouldnt be surprised how many names of that roster were in the database.

These leftists are either extremely brazen or extremely stupid that would just blurt out their grooming agenda in the open.

Alex V
07-08-21, 15:49
It was always the plan. Use the gay marriage movement to normalize trans people, then pedos.

07-08-21, 17:01
Again, mentally ill deviants who should not be a part of our society.

This is what these freaks want, to rape little boys and girls and to normalize this practice.

There was a thread where they crosschecked the names on the choir roster against the sex offender data base for pedos before it got taken down. Lets just say you wouldnt be surprised how many names of that roster were in the database.

These leftists are either extremely brazen or extremely stupid that would just blurt out their grooming agenda in the open.

07-08-21, 18:27
So, they’ve gone from “what we do in our bedroom is our business” to “you better celebrate our sin with us or you will be censored, unemployed and shunned and we are coming after your kids”. Anyone surprised by this?

Yep, crossing lines. I'm good with what you do in your house is your business, but they seem to have forgotten it works both ways. Not many people are actually looking for equality, most of them want preference. But not the first time the world has had to deal with actual "gay nazis" trying to force their world view on everyone else. And they too started with the kids, hitler youth and BDM.

07-08-21, 18:35
I used to be what you do in your house is not my business.

But when I see things like this, I remember what the Torah said the remedy is for this deviant behavior . Maybe G-D understood better than me.

07-08-21, 19:17

"Rearing children should be the common responsibility of the whole community. Any legal rights parents have over ‘their’ children should be dissolved and each child should be free to choose its own destiny. Free twenty-four hour child care centers should be established where faggots and lesbians can share the responsibility of child rearing." - Boston’s Gay Men’s Liberation Demand #6 presented at the 1972 Democratic National Convention

VIP3R 237
07-08-21, 21:21
It was always the plan. Use the gay marriage movement to normalize trans people, then pedos.

At the rate we’re going pedophilia will be a societal norm in 5 years…

07-08-21, 22:13
At the rate we’re going pedophilia will be a societal norm in 5 years…

Should you be surprised when their commander and chief likes to sniff children?

07-08-21, 22:28
Sounds like the slippery slope is, well, slippery.

What's to be done about all of this? Not much.

07-08-21, 22:38
What would the Muslims do? Seems I should convert.

07-08-21, 23:13
I used to be what you do in your house is not my business.

But when I see things like this, I remember what the Torah said the remedy is for this deviant behavior . Maybe G-D understood better than me.

I'm still a "what you do in your house" person, but I'm also a "what I do in my house" kind of person. People should be wary of property lines accordingly.

07-08-21, 23:18
What would the Muslims do? Seems I should convert.

I think you have a severe misunderstanding of reality in many Muslim countries.

If you want some harsh reality, look up "bachi baza" (applies mostly to Afghanistan and Pakistan), and then look up "gay cruising in Riyadh". Or just read this article:


07-09-21, 00:41
I think you have a severe misunderstanding of reality in many Muslim countries.

If you want some harsh reality, look up "bachi baza" (applies mostly to Afghanistan and Pakistan), and then look up "gay cruising in Riyadh". Or just read this article:


LOL. Looks like they already got "their" kids.

07-09-21, 05:23
I'm still a "what you do in your house" person, but I'm also a "what I do in my house" kind of person. People should be wary of property lines accordingly.

What I am starting to think about is has our what you do in your house, has led to a bunch of grown men singing about wanting sex with children. I think I can do a hybrid response what you do in your house is still good for me. But if you come out looking for little kids, then go biblical .

07-09-21, 10:21
At the rate we’re going pedophilia will be a societal norm in 5 years…

Gonna be alot of us in prison for murder then if that happens

07-09-21, 17:43
What I am starting to think about is has our what you do in your house, has led to a bunch of grown men singing about wanting sex with children. I think I can do a hybrid response what you do in your house is still good for me. But if you come out looking for little kids, then go biblical .

Funny how even the biggest dirtbags in prison know pedos should die but "enlightened" society so often thinks they need to be understood.

Johnny Rico
07-09-21, 18:24
Funny how even the biggest dirtbags in prison know pedos should die but "enlightened" society so often thinks they need to be understood.

Not funny at all. It's truly bizarro world out there.

07-09-21, 20:58
And fags wonder why they get their shit kicked.

07-09-21, 22:35
Not funny at all. It's truly bizarro world out there.

I meant funny "strange" not funny "ha ha."

Couple things at play here.

First every generation feels they must free the oppressed. This is why we still have a civil rights movement and few people actually want true equality because that might solve the problem and end the need for the "movement." Most truly oppressed people were liberated decades and sometimes centuries ago so that leaves people who are somehow unfairly oppressed by over reaching legal systems and people who are "culturally" oppressed. Eventually we will liberate fourth graders from oppressive educational systems that are trying to indoctrinate them in classically valuable skills such as math, reading and science and yes I'm aware that this is actually in the beginning stages in some places.

The second thing is once you have managed to provide food, clothing and shelter for yourself and family you can contemplate lesser needs. And rather than adhere to some formal structure of right and wrong people philosophize instead of engage in critical thinking and avoid judging in order to not accept responsibility. So when the average person says "but it's wrong to steal", the overly enlightened think "but what if that was me? what if "I" had to steal" and the question is couched in some extremely unlikely and exaggerated scenario where it could be justified. And it is a short trip from providing justification for theft to justifying dealing drugs to robbing banks and eventually somehow arriving at sexual contact with children.

It's all a matter of portraying the perpetrator as somehow the "victim" which in the mind of people who are capable of complete moral objectively makes them not responsible for their actions and someone who actually needs to be liberated despite their many victims. It is often astonishing what otherwise civilized people will do simply because it is suddenly permissible. When they travel to places like India they can treat housekeeping staff like literal slaves simply because it is acceptable but when back in the US they champion the plight of undocumented orange pickers like they are Lincoln who has come to free the slaves. Won't even get started on what some folks will do in places like Thailand where you can purchase almost anything. I honestly don't know why Epstein went to the trouble to buy and island when he could have just visited Bangkok every 4 months and been just another pedo looking to rent in quantity.

07-09-21, 22:41
Like Alanis Morriset not understanding the word “Ironic”, these guys don’t understand the word ‘parody’. They say it is a parody, but its not.

These snarky little bitches think that by being snarky little bitches they get a pass.

My three year old nephew bit my daughter at the family reunion and instantly declared that it was ‘accident’, ‘ACCIDENT’. How ironic, don’t cha’ think?

It's worse when a dog you've had for 8 years suddenly starts to color on the walls.

07-09-21, 22:58
Just gotta say, those lyrics read to me like "gaining acceptance" not "banging kids".

I know quite a few gay men. Not one wants to bang little boys. They like men, not kids. Being a filthy pedo is, with very rare exception, a "straight" man thing. I can't say what causes pedophilia, but it ain't homosexuality. A bullet to the head cures pedophilia 10 times out of 10 though.

I give exactly zero shits what consenting adults do amongst themselves. I'll keep my nose out of their business and I damned sure expect others to stay out of mine. Violate my privacy "at your own risk" as it were. Don't need no damned hadji-style morality police in my neck of the woods. I'd really give that type a "get off my lawn" moment.

07-09-21, 23:11
Just gotta say, those lyrics read to me like "gaining acceptance" not "banging kids".

I know quite a few gay men. Not one wants to bang little boys. They like men, not kids. Being a filthy pedo is, with very rare exception, a "straight" man thing. I can't say what causes pedophilia, but it ain't homosexuality. A bullet to the head cures pedophilia 10 times out of 10 though.

I give exactly zero shits what consenting adults do amongst themselves. I'll keep my nose out of their business and I damned sure expect others to stay out of mine. Violate my privacy "at your own risk" as it were. Don't need no damned hadji-style morality police in my neck of the woods. I'd really give that type a "get off my lawn" moment.I don't think it sounds like banging kids either, it sounds more like grooming to me. I also don't think that pedophilia is a straight man thing either. Plenty of homo pedos, and plenty of instances of females molesting children. Perversion comes in all forms.

Soli Deo Gloria

07-10-21, 05:02
Just gotta say, those lyrics read to me like "gaining acceptance" not "banging kids".

I know quite a few gay men. Not one wants to bang little boys. They like men, not kids. Being a filthy pedo is, with very rare exception, a "straight" man thing. I can't say what causes pedophilia, but it ain't homosexuality. A bullet to the head cures pedophilia 10 times out of 10 though.

I give exactly zero shits what consenting adults do amongst themselves. I'll keep my nose out of their business and I damned sure expect others to stay out of mine. Violate my privacy "at your own risk" as it were. Don't need no damned hadji-style morality police in my neck of the woods. I'd really give that type a "get off my lawn" moment.

Perhaps not in your zip code. And I agree that not all homosexuals are pedos, but is south florida it seemed like all pedos were homos.

07-10-21, 07:37
Taking the kids along:


07-10-21, 07:43
Perhaps not in your zip code. And I agree that not all homosexuals are pedos, but is south florida it seemed like all pedos were homos.

As far as I know, 100% male victims and 100% male perps.


07-10-21, 07:59
I suppose a lot of it depends on your definition of a pedo. I stick with the classic definition, a rapist of prepubescent children. These baby raping freaks should all F'ing hang. Hysteria and false accusations happen and need to be sorted out, but then "to the gallows" or hell bring back crow's cages.

So I wouldn't consider Epstein to be a pedophile. Statutory rapist, yes. Sexual predator, yes. I would say the same of Harvey Milk. He liked underage boys, not children. Still a predator, still statutory rape, but not a pedo. I believe that he would be considered a pederast, at least if we "modernized" the definition. Old standards didn't really consider it criminal to have sexual relations once the child was past puberty. Hell, if Epstein had moved to Utah instead of the Caribbean he could have declared himself a prophet and largely been left alone. Not that I find it acceptable to rape young girls, but FLDS and polygamy still exist here. I treat those I encounter like the scum they are, I'm considered "rude" and "intolerant".

Now, there are certainly "militant" gays that just wanna rub shit in your face to piss you off. That is exactly what this choir was doing. Looks like it worked. They knew this would cause a stir, and that's exactly why they did it. I don't agree with that kind of thing, but such is life. I put it up there with carrying a slung AR on the street or into a Walmart.

I don't go out much. When I do one of my favorite haunts is a gay bar. Decent place, good company, and the drinks are cheap. Got friends there. Most would privately admit this was a silly thing to do, but publicly they would support the choir's right to do it. Just like most here feel about the morons with their slung ARs. Like I said I know plenty of gays and lesbians, plenty of assorted kinksters (gay or straight) too. I even know a guy who slathers after young girls but stays, just barely, on the right side of the line. There are a lot of "interesting" things you find out about your average folks once word gets around that you are not gonna freak out and get judgmental.

Most folks, no matter what spins their spicy bits, just wanna be left the F alone to live their lives. As long as they are grown ass humans doing no harm to kids I could care less.

Y'all wanna lynch pedos? I'm in. Anyone that wants to lynch consenting adults, just know I'm on the other side of that line. I'll fight with "them".

07-10-21, 07:59
Just gotta say, those lyrics read to me like "gaining acceptance" not "banging kids".

I know quite a few gay men. Not one wants to bang little boys. They like men, not kids. Being a filthy pedo is, with very rare exception, a "straight" man thing. I can't say what causes pedophilia, but it ain't homosexuality. A bullet to the head cures pedophilia 10 times out of 10 though.

I give exactly zero shits what consenting adults do amongst themselves. I'll keep my nose out of their business and I damned sure expect others to stay out of mine. Violate my privacy "at your own risk" as it were. Don't need no damned hadji-style morality police in my neck of the woods. I'd really give that type a "get off my lawn" moment.

Not every gay person is, but this list of demands from 1972 reeks of grooming.


A person on another forum made a good point about stop and think why homosexuals are always wanting access into kid activities.

I had quite a few sports coaches growing up that seemed to have wives/girlfriends. The only info not specific to the particular sport I recall were things like do our homework, good sportsmanship, be polite, have some class, and thing like that. Never was there anything about sex advice other than catching a guy eyeballing women to pay attention to avoid getting hit in the head with a baseball.

07-10-21, 08:07
Perhaps not in your zip code. And I agree that not all homosexuals are pedos, but is south florida it seemed like all pedos were homos.

As far as I know, 100% male victims and 100% male perps.


Most of the actual baby rapers I see around here have wives, or would otherwise consider themselves "straight" if they have adult sexual relationships. Same with most of the boy scout stuff and clergy abuse. Just cause it's man/boy doesn't mean gay. It's more complicated than that. Pedos are a critter all their own.

07-10-21, 08:19
Most of the actual baby rapers I see around here have wives, or would otherwise consider themselves "straight" if they have adult sexual relationships. Same with most of the boy scout stuff and clergy abuse. Just cause it's man/boy doesn't mean gay. It's more complicated than that. Pedos are a critter all their own.

There are bisexuals.

My childhood physician was a scoutmaster, married, and pedophile. I always had a parent along during visits so apparently nothing too unseemly during exams and in all honesty the dude may have saved my life(or at least a lot of additional pain and suffering) once or twice versus some crap level doctoring I have seen later in life.

Fortunately he offed himself during the arrest.

07-10-21, 12:37
Most of the actual baby rapers I see around here have wives, or would otherwise consider themselves "straight" if they have adult sexual relationships. Same with most of the boy scout stuff and clergy abuse. Just cause it's man/boy doesn't mean gay. It's more complicated than that. Pedos are a critter all their own.I would say that if it involves a man and a boy, it is gay. Of course, I would also say, that if a guy is bi, he is gay

But honestly, I don't care how people label it, there is heterosexuality, which is how our creator set it up, and there is perversion.

Soli Deo Gloria

07-10-21, 12:49
I would say that if it involves a man and a boy, it is gay. Of course, I would also say, that if a guy is bi, he is gay

But honestly, I don't care how people label it, there is heterosexuality, which is how our creator set it up, and there is perversion.

Soli Deo Gloria

I would just add that the Creator instituted monogamous and married heterosexuality, everything else being perversion (to various degrees).

07-10-21, 12:55
I would just add that the Creator instituted monogamous and married heterosexuality, everything else being perversion (to various degrees).Agreed

Soli Deo Gloria

07-10-21, 12:58
I know quite a few gay men. Not one wants to bang little boys. They like men, not kids. Being a filthy pedo is, with very rare exception, a "straight" man thing. I can't say what causes pedophilia, but it ain't homosexuality.


07-10-21, 20:45
I just remembered DeBlasio's wife's mask from this past New Years.


07-10-21, 22:35
I guess I just gave a different perspective. Round here lots of folks condemn adults having consensual relationships because they aren't hetero, but they quietly accept 60 yr old "religious" filth bags raping 12 yr old girls cause she's his latest so called wife.

ETA: "HERE" being my AO, not this board.

07-10-21, 22:38
I guess I just gave a different perspective. Round here lots of folks condemn adults having consensual relationships because they aren't hetero, but they quietly accept 60 yr old "religious" filth bags raping 12 yr old girls cause she's his latest so called wife.

Can't say as I've seen anyone here type such a thing.

07-11-21, 00:57
I guess I just gave a different perspective. Round here lots of folks condemn adults having consensual relationships because they aren't hetero, but they quietly accept 60 yr old "religious" filth bags raping 12 yr old girls cause she's his latest so called wife.

I get where you were trying to go. Suffice to say having lived in South Florida for a few decades I knew more than a couple guys who were gay. It is one of my "least important things to worry about" issues and very much falls under "consenting adults so not my concern." And while I'm not gonna be one of those guys who wants it to be reclassified as a mental disorder and a legit crime it's obviously still out of the norm. I don't think anyone needs to be hate shamed for it or anything...a lot of people fall outside of the norm for all kinds of reasons. Hell sports nerds are outside the norm as far as I'm concerned.

But that said, in nearly every case of pedo shit from straight up violent rape of children all the way to courting teens that aren't legal yet that I have knowledge of it is almost always gay guys zooming male victims. For what is a minority population of the community they are very disproportionately involved in the majority of underage sex crimes and this includes the religious leaders who typically also choose male targets.

Now OBVIOUSLY this has nothing to do with homosexuals who aren't engaging in acts with underage individuals just as my black friends have jack shit to do with whoever got robbed, raped or murdered last month. But when "some" black people decide to act as a community, they can't pretend their isn't some luggage and the same thing holds true for gay guys when they decide to be a LBGTXYZ "community." If you are gonna speak for everyone, better keep your own house in order before you start calling out everyone else. Or better yet, do what the rest of the free folks do and be a "individual."

I could never be part of a "white community." I want no commonality with the Clintons, I listen to the wrong music and usually I believe many different things. So when any "community" decides to preach to me about values or threaten to impose their values on me and mine, then they should expect to be challenged each and every step of the way.

07-11-21, 08:46
I still think pedos are a different animal. Pedos are into young children, their victims "age out". As I said earlier statutory, underage sex is really a separate thing. Still predatory and wrong but separate.

Here in my AO, a pedo got busted a few years ago. Outwardly fine upstanding member of "the church", married... Yada yada. Reaction ranged from "he's secretly gay, and a perv. Throw the book at him.", to "he's a good brother who lost his way" So if he's gay he's evil, but if he's strait he deserves understanding and forgiveness.

F that. He's not gay, he's not straight. He's a pedo, tap twice and move on.

But I see a lot of that crap and I'm not willing to look the other way. Like Steyr puts it, I don't let black thugs set my definition of all blacks. A thug is a thug, and they come in all flavors. Most blacks are hard working middle class folks. No relation. Here in my AO, just accepting your gay family members can get you ostracized. Lotta hate for no good reason. I catch some heat, but I give zero shits about zealots. Like I tell them, "If your god has a problem with me he knows where I live."

I got bigger things to worry about than the color of another man's skin or what manner of consenting adult relationships he engages in.

07-11-21, 09:32
I got bigger things to worry about than the color of another man's skin or what manner of consenting adult relationships he engages in.

To listen to the MSM and ComDems (actually the same) one would be believe us Americans wake up every morning thinking about how can we oppress and terrorize gay people and colored folks.

07-11-21, 09:43
Here in my AO, a pedo got busted a few years ago. Outwardly fine upstanding member of "the church", married... Yada yada. Reaction ranged from "he's secretly gay, and a perv. Throw the book at him.", to "he's a good brother who lost his way" So if he's gay he's evil, but if he's strait he deserves understanding and forgiveness.

The latter group is engaging in clan/cult behavior.

There is absolutely nothing a perceived member of the group can do(short of turning their back on the group) that the group will find fault with while the same act committed against a member of the group will cause them to go ape shit and often they will exhibit the same outrage over the same wrongful interaction occurring between other groups.

That mindset is endemic to political parties, the slavery issue(that it is still going on in Africa does not get mentioned by those pissed over the version that ended over 150 years ago), many police agencies, and tbe list goes on and on.

All of the groups mentioned have excellent PR campaigns to fling up a huge volume of BS to obscure what they are about.

07-11-21, 19:14
F that. He's not gay, he's not straight. He's a pedo, tap twice and move on.

So sadly seen this quite a bit, but pedos have a sexual orientation. Guys who are into little girls are into little girls and guys who are into little guys are into little guys. I don't think I've ever seen crossover on victim gender.

Now I don't know what it is, maybe the instances of guys who rape little girls simply get away with it a lot more, but it is mostly males victimizing males. Now pedos are definitely different, they are like serial killers in a way. And I suppose somewhere there are some who are equal opportunity child rapers who will rape any child, but again that isn't typically what I've seen.

I also think it's got a lot to do with opportunity. This is why pedos often join the church, become scout masters and the like. That way it's not unusual for them to be around a lot of young males and they are trusted in that position.

07-11-21, 23:11
So sadly seen this quite a bit, but pedos have a sexual orientation. Guys who are into little girls are into little girls and guys who are into little guys are into little guys. I don't think I've ever seen crossover on victim gender.

Now I don't know what it is, maybe the instances of guys who rape little girls simply get away with it a lot more, but it is mostly males victimizing males. Now pedos are definitely different, they are like serial killers in a way. And I suppose somewhere there are some who are equal opportunity child rapers who will rape any child, but again that isn't typically what I've seen.

I also think it's got a lot to do with opportunity. This is why pedos often join the church, become scout masters and the like. That way it's not unusual for them to be around a lot of young males and they are trusted in that position.

Disturbingly, but not surprisingly, it's starting to become less acceptable to criticize pedophilia. The woke crowd is starting to dip their toes in the water of pushing for its acceptance. Right now, they want people to differentiate between pedophiles who do not act on their urges and those who do, and to allow people to openly admit their attraction to children without fear of discrimination so long as they obey the law. However, because they want to file pedophilia as a sexual orientation, it would become something "normal" and therefore, not something that the mental health professionals would be permitted to diagnose or treat. The next step, of course, is reverse the science and laws and have it found that children "can consent". By sexualizing children the way they are now, it's clear they're trying to do that.

People would say "No WAY will anyone be cool with child molestation!" Well, look at all the stuff in 2021 that is celebrated that, 20 years ago, everyone said would never be acceptable. It's coming.

07-11-21, 23:44
Disturbingly, but not surprisingly, it's starting to become less acceptable to criticize pedophilia. The woke crowd is starting to dip their toes in the water of pushing for its acceptance. Right now, they want people to differentiate between pedophiles who do not act on their urges and those who do, and to allow people to openly admit their attraction to children without fear of discrimination so long as they obey the law. However, because they want to file pedophilia as a sexual orientation, it would become something "normal" and therefore, not something that the mental health professionals would be permitted to diagnose or treat. The next step, of course, is reverse the science and laws and have it found that children "can consent". By sexualizing children the way they are now, it's clear they're trying to do that.

People would say "No WAY will anyone be cool with child molestation!" Well, look at all the stuff in 2021 that is celebrated that, 20 years ago, everyone said would never be acceptable. It's coming.

So right now it's a lot like "I know I'm a serial killer BUT I haven't done it yet." I don't care if anyone has acted on it or not, it's their nature. It's like me trying to not be attracted to women, it's just not gonna work.

I also get there are lines, and I don't want to engage in thought crimes even though we already have them. So a serial killer or pedophile who hasn't done anything wrong yet ISN'T yet a criminal....however they probably bear watching just like many people with other significant "at risk" factors.

If you are a member of the KKK or the ACP that is not a crime and your stupid ass beliefs are protected by the first amendment, but people who hold these beliefs so significantly that they feel the need to join the KKK or the ACP are other "at risk" people who bear watching.

And if any of that turns into compulsory behavior that cannot be self controlled then you probably need supervised care at a minimum. But once we put 60s radicals into positions of power and influence we probably lost much of our ability to make meaningful course corrections. The only thing keeping us from getting there on a fast track is the resistance that they will run into, especially when it comes to people protecting their kids.

07-12-21, 00:42
And this is why they are evil.......


07-12-21, 03:47
And this is why they are evil.......


Because one radical extremist is evil...all of them are evil. That's convenient. Swift is obviously a loon, but he is no more representative of all of them than you are representative of all gun owners.

07-12-21, 08:38
Disturbingly, but not surprisingly, it's starting to become less acceptable to criticize pedophilia. The woke crowd is starting to dip their toes in the water of pushing for its acceptance. Right now, they want people to differentiate between pedophiles who do not act on their urges and those who do, and to allow people to openly admit their attraction to children without fear of discrimination so long as they obey the law. However, because they want to file pedophilia as a sexual orientation, it would become something "normal" and therefore, not something that the mental health professionals would be permitted to diagnose or treat. The next step, of course, is reverse the science and laws and have it found that children "can consent". By sexualizing children the way they are now, it's clear they're trying to do that.

People would say "No WAY will anyone be cool with child molestation!" Well, look at all the stuff in 2021 that is celebrated that, 20 years ago, everyone said would never be acceptable. It's coming.

I have no idea what drives someone to pedophilia. Are they "born that way", develop into it, possessed by the devil? It does seem that being the victim of it can traumatize the victim so badly that they later become a perpetrator, but I don't know if that is true, or if so how much that accounts for the number of pedos. Doesn't matter to me. If you rape kids you should be executed. Now what if some dude has that desire and fights against it, never committing any crime against kids? Well, I'd say good for him. He should get all the help we can offer to fight against it, cause one "slip" is too much. Were I, God forbid, to develop this disease I would rather tap out than allow myself to commit that evil on a child.

Unfortunately, the legal system does not take it seriously. Most common sentence for first conviction of sexual offense against a child is PROBATION for hell's sake.

Those wanting to "normalize" pedophilia should be ostracized and essentially treated like criminals as well. How the FU## could anyone endorse the rape of a child? The psychological damage of that crime never goes away. The poor kid suffers issues for the rest of their life, even with good therapy and support, which most never get because they never report and internalize the shame and guilt.

We "normalize" too much. Look at the current Trans issue. Now I know and care about a few Trans people. I'm torn on how society should address the issue as a whole. I don't want them to hurt or suffer. The thing is though, it really is a psychological issue. A mental disorder. I see it like an extreme example of body dismorphia. But instead of a series of facelifts and boob jobs, they feel compelled to swap out their apparent gender. Like I said, I know Trans people. I may care about them, but I gotta admit their lives are a mess. They are chaotic, and are often surrounded by other unstable people. If "transitioning" was a cure, I'd be all for it. But it ain't. Suicide rates are high, and don't drop after transitioning. One "gal" I know was devastated after surgery because she still didn't "feel right", it hadn't "fixed" anything. Some do feel better, it's a crapshoot. Anyway, didn't want to add more drift. Just using an example of unintended consequences.

07-12-21, 10:08
I have no idea what drives someone to pedophilia. Are they "born that way", develop into it, possessed by the devil? It does seem that being the victim of it can traumatize the victim so badly that they later become a perpetrator, but I don't know if that is true, or if so how much that accounts for the number of pedos.

Not saying it's the only cause, but people who were abused as a child routinely become abusers. This is true for lots of other abuse issues as well:

kids who are beaten (non-sexual) routinely become physically abusive (non-sexual) to their own kids or wife
girl kids who witness mom getting beaten routinely become attracted to abusive men
kids who witness drug and alcohol abuse are far more likely to become abusers
kids who use alcohol as kids or young teens become alcoholics
etc. etc. etc.

It looks like there was tons of sexual abuse of kids from the 50's through the 70's, whether you look at churches, boy scouts, boarding schools, school sports teams, etc., and it wouldn't shock me if the huge number of people with abnormal sexuality today are (partially) an outgrowth of all that abuse. Why there was so much abuse for that 30 years I don't know, but it looks as if a lot of it was opportunity - a small number of abusers had unlimited access to kids, and the social mores of the era - obedience to and belief in authority of all kinds, and repression of even normal sexuality - would have prevented many of them from reporting, and caused actual reports to be ignored. My theory is that a tiny number of abusers way back when abused so many kids that it increased the number of abusers now.

A lot of you heard about MSU's doctor scandal, with a gymnastics team doctor abusing hundreds of girls and young women. The U of Michigan is currently dealing with a similar scandal where a male doctor abused hundreds of male students. It happened slightly longer ago and the doctor is already dead, but it's another instance of one abuser with hundreds of victims.

I don't believe that any large fraction of the population are abusers, but I do believe that some of the few abusers get away with it for decades and with huge numbers of victims.

Unfortunately, the legal system does not take it seriously. Most common sentence for first conviction of sexual offense against a child is PROBATION for hell's sake.

Any data for this? If it's real, it must be a state or regional thing. Michigan and Wisconsin treat any physical sexual abuse severely - years in prison for first offense. Even attempt can get years in prison.

07-12-21, 10:18
Because one radical extremist is evil...all of them are evil. That's convenient. Swift is obviously a loon, but he is no more representative of all of them than you are representative of all gun owners.

Oh, I would think it's more than just Swift, but you believe what you want.

The growth of the drag queen outreach to children is just one indication of this evil. Go look up the Folsom street fair for another.

B Cart
07-12-21, 12:44
Disturbingly, but not surprisingly, it's starting to become less acceptable to criticize pedophilia. The woke crowd is starting to dip their toes in the water of pushing for its acceptance. Right now, they want people to differentiate between pedophiles who do not act on their urges and those who do, and to allow people to openly admit their attraction to children without fear of discrimination so long as they obey the law. However, because they want to file pedophilia as a sexual orientation, it would become something "normal" and therefore, not something that the mental health professionals would be permitted to diagnose or treat. The next step, of course, is reverse the science and laws and have it found that children "can consent". By sexualizing children the way they are now, it's clear they're trying to do that.

People would say "No WAY will anyone be cool with child molestation!" Well, look at all the stuff in 2021 that is celebrated that, 20 years ago, everyone said would never be acceptable. It's coming.

Unfortunately, I fear you are right, and it's frightening. I have 3 kids, aged 3, 6, and 8, and i am truly scared about what the world will look like for them in the next 10 years. Based on the amount of evil that has become accepted and normalized in the past decade, it doesn't seem far fetched that pedophilia will be accepted and normalized in the next decade.

07-12-21, 13:34
Most of the actual baby rapers I see around here have wives, or would otherwise consider themselves "straight" if they have adult sexual relationships. Same with most of the boy scout stuff and clergy abuse. Just cause it's man/boy doesn't mean gay. It's more complicated than that. Pedos are a critter all their own.

Jerry Sandusky was married to a biological woman, but he was as bent as they come. He was a pedo/pederast who exclusively raped boys. No one cares if they consider themselves "straight". Sex crimes are one area where the accused doesn't get to self-identify. We categorize them as they present themselves. You're a man with a wife and kids but you rape little boys? You're a gay pedophile. You're a male gymnastics doctor who molests girls as young as 8? You're a "straight" pedophile.

Not that it really matters. All predators of underage persons have an affliction that transcends gender. Part of the allure is simply the corruption of the innocent. Some want to experience their victim's fear and terror. Some want to "convert" the victim into a romantic partner. Some convince themselves that the child is the one coming on to them. Doesn't matter as they all prey on the vulnerable.

That's why terms like hebephilia (sexual interest in pubescent children, typically children aged 11–14) and ephebophilia (sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19) haven't been adopted in the DSM-V and most criminal courts. It doesn't matter if the victim is two or fifteen, you commit a sexual act on them and you're a repulsive criminal who needs to be jailed. Sure the more heinous the act(s) the longer they should serve, but they're all pedos because we don't want to entertain some leniency argument that sends us down some slippery slope.

I'm not heartless mind you, it's just that my soft spot is reserved for the vulnerable who in this case are the kids. If you're born with some defective wiring in your brain that makes you sexually attracted to underage persons, I very much feel pity for you. But that pity only extends to the point you act on those urges. Once that happens, my pity for you is gone. The very first time you touch an underage person in a sexual manner, I'd prefer that you offed yourself before you did that. Now you've ruined an innocent person's life and I have nothing but revulsion and vengeance to offer you.

07-12-21, 15:25
More sodomite enablers after the children. This isn't some extremists stuff these days, this is mainstream to Dems.


07-12-21, 17:41
Oh, I would think it's more than just Swift, but you believe what you want.

The growth of the drag queen outreach to children is just one indication of this evil. Go look up the Folsom street fair for another.

I have a very close friend who actually was an investigator for a large metro PD and all he did was child sex crimes. You aren't gonna tell me anything new that I didn't know about. I know more than I wish I did.

The Carlie Brucia case in particular is one I with I could forget about and wish I knew far fewer details. I could kill Joe Smith with a shovel every day for 10 years and never once feel bad about it.

07-12-21, 17:44
Jerry Sandusky was married to a biological woman, but he was as bent as they come. He was a pedo/pederast who exclusively raped boys. No one cares if they consider themselves "straight". Sex crimes are one area where the accused doesn't get to self-identify. We categorize them as they present themselves. You're a man with a wife and kids but you rape little boys? You're a gay pedophile. You're a male gymnastics doctor who molests girls as young as 8? You're a "straight" pedophile.

Not that it really matters. All predators of underage persons have an affliction that transcends gender. Part of the allure is simply the corruption of the innocent. Some want to experience their victim's fear and terror. Some want to "convert" the victim into a romantic partner. Some convince themselves that the child is the one coming on to them. Doesn't matter as they all prey on the vulnerable.

That's why terms like hebephilia (sexual interest in pubescent children, typically children aged 11–14) and ephebophilia (sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19) haven't been adopted in the DSM-V and most criminal courts. It doesn't matter if the victim is two or fifteen, you commit a sexual act on them and you're a repulsive criminal who needs to be jailed. Sure the more heinous the act(s) the longer they should serve, but they're all pedos because we don't want to entertain some leniency argument that sends us down some slippery slope.

I'm not heartless mind you, it's just that my soft spot is reserved for the vulnerable who in this case are the kids. If you're born with some defective wiring in your brain that makes you sexually attracted to underage persons, I very much feel pity for you. But that pity only extends to the point you act on those urges. Once that happens, my pity for you is gone. The very first time you touch an underage person in a sexual manner, I'd prefer that you offed yourself before you did that. Now you've ruined an innocent person's life and I have nothing but revulsion and vengeance to offer you.

Yep...all of that.

07-13-21, 14:51
Another special learning moment for the wee ones from the folks that think sodomy is cool.

I'll add that it's not just the LBGTQRSTUV people's fault here, it's mostly the grossly derelict parents fault for exposing their children to this perverse behavior. They should be flogged.


07-13-21, 18:48
Another special learning moment for the wee ones from the folks that think sodomy is cool.

I'll add that it's not just the LBGTQRSTUV people's fault here, it's mostly the grossly derelict parents fault for exposing their children to this perverse behavior. They should be flogged.


Pretty sad when you need to depend on the muslims to call "bullshit."

07-13-21, 19:08
Pretty sad when you need to depend on the muslims to call "bullshit."

Yeah it's a shame. The Christian church is practically dead in Great Britain, but maybe the few faithful left were busy fighting off the next attacks from Boris' woke fake conservative government. Got to clamped down on those nefarious street preachers with all they're talk about sin and repentance and such. Isn't Islam the darling religion now in GB?

07-13-21, 20:11
Yeah it's a shame. The Christian church is practically dead in Great Britain, but maybe the few faithful left were busy fighting off the next attacks from Boris' woke fake conservative government. Got to clamped down on those nefarious street preachers with all they're talk about sin and repentance and such. Isn't Islam the darling religion now in GB?

Don't you mean ALL of Europe? If you don't love muslims you are obviously a nazi. And being called a nazi has way more sting in Europe than it does in the US because not very long ago some of them actually were nazis. Aside from being a actual commie, Merkel is especially vulnerable to words like "nazi" which is how Germany ended up with more Syrians than Syria.

Of course the most ironic part is the nazis were allied with many prominent muslim leaders in the middle east due to their mutual fondness for jews. In other instances they courted Islamic populations to undermine Stalin.


07-13-21, 20:22
Jerry Sandusky was married to a biological woman, but he was as bent as they come. .

In addition to the bisexual possibility, the wife could be a beard. That seems to have been a common thing in Hollywood the middle of last century and undoubtedly it occurs in other societal circles.

07-13-21, 20:41
Don't you mean ALL of Europe? If you don't love muslims you are obviously a nazi. And being called a nazi has way more sting in Europe than it does in the US because not very long ago some of them actually were nazis. Aside from being a actual commie, Merkel is especially vulnerable to words like "nazi" which is how Germany ended up with more Syrians than Syria.

Of course the most ironic part is the nazis were allied with many prominent muslim leaders in the middle east due to their mutual fondness for jews. In other instances they courted Islamic populations to undermine Stalin.


The irony of it all. The united hatred of the Jews from the Muslims and Nazis. And now if you call into question the religion of peace, or if you're pro-Israel you're branded a Nazi by the left. It makes your head spin.

07-13-21, 22:51
In addition to the bisexual possibility, the wife could be a beard. That seems to have been a common thing in Hollywood the middle of last century and undoubtedly it occurs in other societal circles.

The other very common thing is closet behavior where you marry a female, close your eyes and do the deed while pretending it's Rock Hudson and crank out of few kids to establish your "regular family guy" persona so few people even think it let alone question it.

07-13-21, 22:56
The irony of it all. The united hatred of the Jews from the Muslims and Nazis. And now if you call into question the religion of peace, or if you're pro-Israel you're branded a Nazi by the left. It makes your head spin.

To those who are not cable of having an objective, non emotional debate...everyone is a nazi.


07-14-21, 12:49
Another special learning moment for the wee ones from the folks that think sodomy is cool.

I'll add that it's not just the LBGTQRSTUV people's fault here, it's mostly the grossly derelict parents fault for exposing their children to this perverse behavior. They should be flogged.


The people who allowed that deserve a literal beatdown, as do the people performing it. The only way to teach someone that stupid that there are lines they can't cross, is with physical pain and fear. :mad: