View Full Version : Film Review: “Nobody”

07-11-21, 08:11
All right... I saw the preview for this a while back and thought, “Well, that could be terrible.” But didn’t have anything planned for last night, and I like Bob Odenkirk’s role in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.

The gist: Former “somebody” who has given up the life is drawn back in. There are Russians. Lots of Russians. Somebody’s relative gets offed. There is a *** (spoiler, kinda). Lots of German guns. Hand to hand fighting and bullets and explosions.

Do you sense that this is similar to John Wick? Well, uh, yes. There are other slight comparisons that I don’t want to mention, because...you don’t want to know everything about a movie before you watch it.

I liked it. It is not ‘as good’ as the first Wick film, but it’s different in a way that makes it seem like it’s not trying to match Wick. It may not even be a great movie, but there were comedic moments (maybe even in a self-deprecating sort of way) in it that made both my wife and I either roll our eyes or laugh. Bored family-man mashup that I felt drew from the Wick films, RED, maybe even I Am Pilgrim.

Go in expecting nothing, and I think you’ll enjoy it.


OK, let me drop that to a B-

It’s fun, not great.

Also, yes, watch the credits.

I got from Redbox...needed a change from watching/playing with three kids under five and a house remodel and an everyday transition to Netflix. Come to think about it...maybe that theme is why I liked the movie.


07-11-21, 11:22
Fan of Odenkirk here. This film is out of his character from Breaking Bad and Saul but some elements of Saul surface throughout. I rented just for the bus scene.. ;)


If you liked Cranston in Breaking Bad, check out Your Honor. It has much of the same intensity and everything goes south for his character. Very well written.

07-11-21, 13:11
Cranston's Your Honor full episode..


07-11-21, 13:30
Fan of Odenkirk here. This film is out of his character from Breaking Bad and Saul but some elements of Saul surface throughout. I rented just for the bus scene.. ;)


Ok, I'm sold.
1) I love the genre of "old guys kicking ass" (that's why RED was so awesome).
2) I love realistic fight scenes like this where EVERYONE gets hurt. Movies where either good guy is Terminator level invincible, or bad guys just get up after being tossed across a room, hit with a pipe, etc. just gets real old after a while.
3) The vigilante sub-genre of I guess you could call "fury of a patient man who is also a total nobody" is seriously underrated and underserved in movies. It's all become to much a derivative of Boondock Saints/Death Wish where there are endless 'fiery gunfights' and the protag is like, secretly ex-cia/operator/ninja living the quiet life until blah blah blah, whatev. Bad things happen to Joe Nobody too, Hollywood...
The last one of that sub-genre I've seen that had anywhere near the right vibe was "The Horseman", even if from a cinematic perspective it was a little unpolished.

07-11-21, 14:15
Mmmmm Connie Nielsen yum.

07-11-21, 19:03
A super fun ride, and hilarious in ways you don’t expect. Very much in the flavor of John Wick, but a lot more humor.

On a side note, is every male actor over the age of 45 required to do an action flick?