View Full Version : Are we ripe for the taking?

07-23-21, 16:24
So after this "answer" to the question "When will children under 12 be able to get vaccinated?" the other night from Biden (and yes it is a direct quote): “I’ve heard you speak about it, because you always, I’m not being solicitous, but you, you’re always straight up about what you’re doing, and the question is, whether or not we should be in a position where, you are, why can’t, the experts say, we know that this virus is, in fact, is, is, going to be, excuse me, we all know the drugs approved are not temporarily approved but permanently approved...”

So with this being just the latest in a long string of things that prove we have a disaster in the White House, it's pretty clear we've never been under a weaker leadership, our military is pretty clearly suffering under the same sort of delusional, identity-driven buffoonery and it would appear we'd be about ripe for the picking. Do you suppose China, Russia and others are thinking that this is the time they've been waiting for to make more serious inroads on the West in general? Or will they be better to sit back and let us destroy ourselves a little more completely before really starting to test how far they can go in areas where we would have become involved under stronger leadership?

Sadly the only time I heard that he really spoke coherently was when he was talking about taking everyone's 9mms and "assault rifles."

07-23-21, 16:51
No, right now we're divided but still powerful. Even if China and Russia had a chance of winning a war against us, it would be a Pyrrhic victory at best. Also, an attack on us would give us a common enemy and undo a lot of the polarization, if not just for a short time. The far left may not get in line, but (classic) liberals and conservatives would unite against the most grave threat of a foreign.

07-23-21, 16:51
China's got what they want. We're no longer a threat, we're buying all their cheap crap, and they're buying all our real estate. They're already winning.

07-23-21, 17:20
we're buying all their cheap crap, and they're buying all our real estate. They're already winning.

How’d that work out for Japan?

07-23-21, 18:17
Hey, he got a few dozen to show up to the town hall & won with 81 million votes in the most secure election ever...don't ever question the will of the people that have spoken.

07-23-21, 18:33
How’d that work out for Japan?

At least the Japanese stuff was high quality. I'd give anything to buy Sony stuff not made in Mehico.

07-23-21, 18:33
BOT, best thing that can happen is Joe keeps speaking his mind rather than reading off a teleprompter.

Just tell us what you think Joe.

07-23-21, 19:02
How’d that work out for Japan?

They bought worthless buildings; the Chinese are buying OUR farmland. :mad:

07-23-21, 19:26
I dont think anyone wants to make a move against mainland US.

But they HAVE figured out that they can basically do whatever they want throughout the rest of the world; and America won't do a damn thing. All the attacks on Israel never would have happened under trump.

07-23-21, 19:30
We may not be ripe yet, but it ain’t long good…

07-23-21, 19:45
I dont think anyone wants to make a move against mainland US.

But they HAVE figured out that they can basically do whatever they want throughout the rest of the world; and America won't do a damn thing. All the attacks on Israel never would have happened under trump.

This. Taiwan and the Baltic states are screwed if China and Russia want to take them back. China already has screwed Hong Kong in the ass. If they decide to directly go after us, which I just don’t see happening, they are screwed. IE take Taiwan after some made up offense, they would get away with - attack a US carrier group to make it happen— not going to go well, for them.

07-23-21, 22:29
This. Taiwan and the Baltic states are screwed if China and Russia want to take them back. China already has screwed Hong Kong in the ass. If they decide to directly go after us, which I just don’t see happening, they are screwed. IE take Taiwan after some made up offense, they would get away with - attack a US carrier group to make it happen— not going to go well, for them.

So the Chinese didn't take Hong Kong back, the UK lease expired. Taiwan would be different, Taiwan is kind of like South Korea, it could start shit if they moved on it.

07-24-21, 00:14
You guys might find this piece by my former boss from my RedState days worth the read...

"If one looks over the past year, a disturbing pattern emerges of potential actions being rehearsed to enable China to do what the Japanese did in 1941. That is, run the table on their strategic objectives, with the difference being that China could land the knockout blow that Japan was unable to administer.

It is now clear to anyone but the most thoroughly bought-and-paid-for Chinese backers in the State Department and the US media that the Wuhan virus was created in a lab run by the Chinese military. We don’t yet know if the release was accidental or “accidental,” but what we do know is that while the Chinese had quarantined Wuhan from all travel to the greater Communist China, they still permitted international flights. So, from this data point alone, the premise that the virus was deliberately released is supportable, and the virus was spread to a) gauge Western reaction to a “pandemic,” and b) economically and politically damage the West.

Over the past year, the United States has been the subject of an unprecedented number of cyber-attacks. The best known is the ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline, but that was just one of many. Details are here, but the trend is unsettling. The high number of such attacks in October coincides with about the time that the Wuhan virus was “accidentally” being released.

... [fastforward to close]

"The stuff of action novels? Sure. But think about it for a moment. Is the likelihood that all of this happening over the past year by accident any greater than the likelihood that we’ve seen a series of probes and rehearsals for a Chinese move to achieve strategic dominance in the Pacific without a full-blown war with the US. If everyone is saying that China will move to regain control of Taiwan sooner rather than later, why wouldn’t they try to run the table?

Keep in mind, we’re looking at capabilities—which we know—not intentions—which are unknowable. Also keep in mind, in the words of Ian Fleming, “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.” I think we have to assume we are well past three instances at this point."

Trust me, the whole thing is worth the read--and I'm not just saying this because the author was the only guy who had my back when the entire rest of the Full Psycho Nevertard site leadership that preceded him wanted to throw me out for "insufficient NeverTrump zeal" like a bunch of 1790s French Jacobins.

07-24-21, 00:37
First problem I see is ransomware attacks came from Russia, not China.

And I don't see Putin being stupid enough to cozy up to or trust China.

Someone once said, if you look for a conspiracy hard enough...eventually you will find it even it it isn't actually there.

07-24-21, 23:38
The USA is supposedly headed up by a doddering, demented old guy who is obviously incapable of leadership or critical thought, as observed by anyone who takes a close look (including most of our allies, and their popular press), and somewhere between 40% and 65% of the US electorate doesn't really believe he won the election anyway. (I'm not claiming Trump got 65% of the vote - rather Trump got 52-55% of the vote, and there are a significant number of Dems who hate Trump but don't really believe Biden won, as it's just blindingly obvious who voted for what in much of the midwest.)

The actual "Office of the President" power is being exercised by no one knows who, probably a group of people with little fiefdoms and uncertain power that varies from day to day. Congress is hyper-dysfunctional and looks about like 1859. There is no real chain of command anywhere, just political jockeying and shifting loyalties. Far-left governors are intentionally destroying their states, economically and socially, for fun and with aspirations of some power over the resulting wasteland. Race relations that were OK have been set back 50 years or more, and there's an uncontrolled invasion at the southern border, which "Biden" along with large parts of the federal government are not only failing to fight, but actually facilitating and encouraging.

The SecDef is practically a socialist, and a booster for CRT. We've sunk like a trillion dollars on two jets (F-35 and F-22) that have very little operational availability and dubious capabilities even when able to fly. The USAF wants to dispose of the A-10 for the 9th time and Congress is refusing. There are serious proposals to acquire more F-15s, a jet that was designed when most Baby Boomers were in high school and we were under presidents Johnson and Nixon, because nothing newer is really doing the job. Our latest refueling plane doesn't work, and the ones that do work are being retired due to extreme age.

Meanwhile the Navy has trouble getting people to steer its ships without crashing into random freighters, and yet they double down on "diversity" and worthless political crap. We are continuing to acquire near useless LCS ships, we have a bunch of aircraft carriers we can barely run, our submarines are no longer better than the latest Russian designs, and it's basically a question of whether the navy fails first from widespread incompetence, mutiny and wokeness, or sheer failure of maintenance and logistics.

I don't follow Big A quite as closely but it seems to have the same general problems as the AF and Navy, minus the crashing.

I doubt that any of the big 3 military branches can operate competently in any kind of war environment, much less a surprise attack from a peer adversary. The USMC seems to be trying to take on most of the possible roles of the Army and half those of the Navy, which makes me wonder if its generals concluded they are "on their own" as the 3.5th branch of the military. The USMC doesn't seem to be fully messed up like the big 3 but by itself is not going to hold the line against China, etc. And of course it relies on the Navy to get places 99% of the time.

We are clearly behind both Russia and China on hypersonic missile technology, and probably behind Russia (at least) on air defense technology as well.

So yeah, any realistic peer country that wanted to attack us would find this an ideal time to do so, although three or six months from now is probably just as good.

I don't expect a full frontal attack though. It would probably provoke a nuclear response, and could also cause our failing empire to coalesce back into something functional. Instead, I expect all our enemies - which are many, including China, Iran, North Korea, Turkey (realistically, despite NATO membership and our base there), Pakistan, Venezuela, and probably a dozen others - to poke at the edges constantly to cause weakness and minor failures, intending that to lead to a major failure and collapse in the next several years.

07-25-21, 06:17
Well that’s cheery.

The 1936 Olympic Games: Berlin

The 2022 Olympic Games: Beijing

07-25-21, 07:20
The Chinese attached the USA in the worlds first biological war, and they won.

The USA did absolutely nothing against the Chinese and the world followed because it was the path of least resistance.

They are buying American farm land to feed their people in China, not to sell the produce in the USA.

But too many of our leaders are taking money and support from the ChiComms, too many Universities have taken huge money and the ChiComs are sending their agents to steal our secretes in the guise of students.

If the Chicom flu wasn't enough to wake up everyone in the USA, then I don't know what will be.

It is now becoming evident in the UK and Israel that vaccines against this stuff only last so long 58% of the people in hospital in Israel have had both shots, add an other 3% that have had one shot.
One doctor in Israel believes that the vaccine after 6 months of the last shot will still be only 16% effective.

Why do they need to make a move on the USA homeland, when the USA has been neutralized without firing a shot.

So very Sun Tzu.

07-25-21, 07:29
The Chinese attached the USA in the worlds first biological war, and they won.

The USA did absolutely nothing against the Chinese and the world followed because it was the path of least resistance.

They are buying American farm land to feed their people in China, not to sell the produce in the USA.

But too many of our leaders are taking money and support from the ChiComms, too many Universities have taken huge money and the ChiComs are sending their agents to steal our secretes in the guise of students.

If the Chicom flu wasn't enough to wake up everyone in the USA, then I don't know what will be.

It is now becoming evident in the UK and Israel that vaccines against this stuff only last so long 58% of the people in hospital in Israel have had both shots, add an other 3% that have had one shot.
One doctor in Israel believes that the vaccine after 6 months of the last shot will still be only 16% effective.

Why do they need to make a move on the USA homeland, when the USA has been neutralized without firing a shot.

So very Sun Tzu.

Exactly. Why would China invade when they can just own us and our resources?

07-25-21, 07:32
The answer, like others have said, isn't simple. Yes, we are "ripe" for the picking in the sense that politically we are divided more than any other time since the Civil War and I have this feeling some on the opposite side of the political aisle would prefer to blame the Administration (regardless of which party controls the White House) for the ills of an overt attack than the people responsible. I have little doubt a 9/11 style attack might unify the people for a brief moment in time, but even with that we were back to squabbling less than two years later.

But on the point, I would hope nobody ever takes Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin lightly because they both are way smarter than our current President. Xi seems like the long game type of person who knows exactly how to hit us where it hurts the most (economically) and holds the high ground on some of our most vital assets like medical and technology. Putin is a relic of the Cold War who is a crafty statesman that's playing in the shadows. Again, he knows how to poke and prod behind the scenes and watch us go into a shark feeding frenzy with each other rather than overtly doing anything. Plus, he's going to get blamed by the left anyway.

But make no mistake, both nations were intently watching our response to the pandemic and making notes of what the Covidiots were doing.

But what both probably realize is the easiest way to defeat the United States is allow us to defeat ourselves first. There is no reason to overtly attack us as Steyr pointed out as it does little more than unify us for a brief period of time against that aggressor (see 9/11). However, if you allow a nation to tear itself apart internally and remove themselves from the world stage, it makes your job of getting what you wanted easier in the long run. Both are allowing the "useful idiots" (a term I thought was attributed to Lenin, but I found out it wasn't) to do the job of distracting and destroying their global competition while they play the long game of what they want in the long run.

Two part post...

07-25-21, 07:55
Part 2:

But what do China and Russia want? That's the question one has to answer. Global domination? I don't think Russia is hell bent on the idea of a worldwide socialist unification any longer, but being the power broker in Europe certainly is on the table. But they really have positioned themselves to control Europe if they wanted. All it's going to take is a "natural gas pipeline accident" of some sort during a really cold winter in Europe for them to be brought to heel. European leaders are smart enough to know their lifeline depends on a steady flow of oil and natural gas from Russia. Something Trump actually warned the Germans about a couple of years ago.

So, Russia has a lot more control of Europe than the average American (or European outside of the former Eastern Bloc countries) realizes. The UK is the only outlier in that group to be honest.

Does China want Taiwan and control of the Pacific? Probably, but they can't do it quite yet even with us out of the picture. But, consider this scenario...

All the sudden, we have another worldwide outbreak of something maybe a bit more serious than Covid. Highly transmissible and maybe a bit more virulent than the last one and the US shuts down yet again. The US Navy is put into harbor, the Army, USAF and USMC are non-deployable and quarantined and the economy grinds to a halt yet again. People hunker down and wait for things to pass. Eventually, the National Guard and some Reserve and AD units are mobilized to assist with the medical help (just like we saw with Covid). Then, you get that "spark" of whatever the useful idiots come up with à la another George Floyd moment where the situation turns even worse and the violence spreads from inner cities to the burbs and beyond.

More National Guard are sent to the cities to help restore order, maybe even a national lockdown gets put into place and the Administration starts talking Martial Law. You've now effectively taken the US Military out of the fight. China waltzes into Taiwan without any problem. Sure, the rest of SE Asia, Japan, South Korea and Australia will complain, but they can't project the power we can. Plus, they will be dealing with the same virus we're dealing with. NATO can't move for the same reason. They'll accept the occupation of Taiwan since China holds the Aces and Kings in regards to their economic survival.

And even if the United States does object, the Armed Forces are crippled by the same outbreak that brought our nation to its knees. Plus, it'll take just a few "delayed" shipments of medical equipment and supplies we depend on to shut us up. The US objects, the Chinese Ambassador goes to the White House and remind the President not to bite the hand that feeds him behind closed doors. Yes, we object in the UN and politicians get their three minute interviews on the networks, but we don't do a thing since the American people could care less about Taiwan at that moment since they are dealing with trouble far closer to home. Treaties be damned, we will be focusing on our domestic problems rather than caring what else happens in the world.

China reclaims Taiwan while establishing itself as the major power in the Far East without ever firing a shot at the United States in anger. We've already seen many of our so called representatives avoid calling out China since many are probably on the payroll or otherwise compromised. (here's looking at you, Eric Swalwell) Everyone knows the virus originated in China and it wasn't from a man eating a damn bat. Most people don't remember the Chinese trying to blame the US Army for releasing the virus (that story got buried quickly) nor do they know/care that the US partially funded the Wuhan Lab. Anyway...

Again, if you think major world powers didn't watch our reaction to the Wu-Flu with keen interest and continuing to watch the ongoing idiocy regarding the "Delta" variant, you aren't paying attention. They're also watching our own political process and are fully aware of how divided we are as a nation. It's going to be way easier for them to allow the useful idiots to destroy this country from within rather than striking out at us.

It's easy to remove the United States from the world stage without doing so militarily. You allow us to remove ourselves, Balkanize and then deal with the remnants from a position of power.

07-25-21, 11:22
What do China and Russia want, they want what all normal leaders of countries want.

To secure a better future for their country and as a result for the leadership become more powerful both on the internal as well as external stage.

China is the country that needs to be defeated.

They are attempting to secure 70 key locations around the world through the belt and road initiative.

I tell every African I know that are from countries where the Chinese are moving in, rise up and grab your machetes and kill them all your grandchildren will thank you.

As far as the USA is concerned, they only need to destroy our economy and get us fighting about stupid things.

With Covid the leadership in DC missed a golden opportunity to turn things around. For the sake of arrangement lets not worry if any of the things I purpose are Constitutional.
After securing a new source for medicines from India and Israel among others then do the following;

1. Deport EVERY Chinese national from the USA

2. Seize all Chinese funds donated or invested in the USA

3. Default on the portion of debit owned by China

4. Seize all property owned in the USA by China

5. Force a world wide boycott of Chinese everything

6. Declare China is open game for hackers both State sponsored and individuals, in an effort to destroy their economy and infrastructure

7. Tell China any military force by them to counter the above will result in the USA using weapons of mass destruction to eliminate their cities. Since they were the first to use a weapon of mass destruction, this would be legal and moral.

Get Putin to sign on, by offering him some nice things as part of the deal.

Did anyone in DC, even come close to any of these of course not. Trump included.

A month or so ago the top Chinese virologist if I remember correctly told a conference of Chinese scientist that they had just won the world first biological war. Understand he was 100% cleared to state this fact by the ChiComs, to say it if he wasn't would result in his whole family getting killed.

How did DC respond to this, not even a yawn.

So answer the question, about if the USA is ripe for the taking?

In my view the USA is a rotten piece from fruit, that is on the ground under the tree and most people are too stupid to understand it.

07-25-21, 11:44
The only saving grace that the US has is that NOBODY wants to deal with the FSA..... they would rather watch them destroy from the inside and then pick up what's left.

07-25-21, 11:50
A month or so ago the top Chinese virologist if I remember correctly told a conference of Chinese scientist that they had just won the world first biological war. Understand he was 100% cleared to state this fact by the ChiComs, to say it if he wasn't would result in his whole family getting killed.

Same thing as how we should have known terrorism in general and bioterror and biowarfare in particular had been adopted as official Chinese doctrine 20 years ago when the senior PLA colonels who wrote Unrestricted Warfare had it published and distributed rather than finding themselves harvested for organs.

07-25-21, 13:32
No, right now we're divided but still powerful. Even if China and Russia had a chance of winning a war against us, it would be a Pyrrhic victory at best. Also, an attack on us would give us a common enemy and undo a lot of the polarization, if not just for a short time. The far left may not get in line, but (classic) liberals and conservatives would unite against the most grave threat of a foreign.

I like your optimism but I don’t see us offering much resistance internally and “external” threats would be much greater as they will involve internal support. Look up UN presence in Utah - I’ll try to locate the link.

Too many in this nation (including this forum) are clueless. Too many claims of “tinfoil!” by a demographic that really should have known better yet while they had their collective heads in the proverbial sand they considered themselves wise.

So, what has changed?

Some are STARTING to awaken to what has been obvious to some of us for several decades.

We shall see but I have little faith in the self-imposed ignorant suddenly awakening with knowledge. Just doesn’t happen that way.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-25-21, 16:24
We got on top post WWII blip in time really

China has been on top multiple times and sometimes longer than we have been a country ! Over the thousands of years they have been around

Many other countries have been on top to and lost it

We needed to be strong to stay on top and we are not strong anymore sadly we will pay the price but maybe in the future we can get back on top

The world will not end it will radically change as it has continuously and often its to the downside of most being controlled enslaved etc...

07-25-21, 20:45
Ok, odds learn Mandarin and evens learn Cantonese because we’re F’ed.


07-25-21, 21:15
Right now, our internal differences can still be patched up given a big enough threat from outside. They'll wait until we've torn the rifts too deep to reconcile, almost certainly help drive those wedges between us both directly and through their eats-his-own-diaperslop-if-left-unsupervised puppet, and THEN they'll strike For All The Marbles.

That or, if the '22 midterms don't go their way they'll go then in the hope of getting a crippler in before we can get a real President in the game two years later.

07-25-21, 21:29
As far as I'm concerned, if we fall, and we are failing, we have it coming. To those that have been given much, much is required.

07-25-21, 22:58
Again according to Sun Tzu the best victory comes when you don't have to field your army. If the leadership of the USA doesn't pull it's head out of it's collective rear end, the economy is going to tank due to hyper inflation.

I might be the only guy here that has lived through it. I will not do it again. It will rip this country to pieces, as different economic and interest groups battle to try and maintain normal.

I really think once inflation rockets past 100% per year, then we will be in a decade or longer of suffering. Suffering must happen, for when you start to shrink the money supply people will do with out a lot of things.

07-25-21, 23:04
Yup, "Carter on Crystal Meth" for at least the next two years, our next chance to put the brakes on Bitesdung is the midterms. Even that only buys a little time, '24 is Do-or-Die assuming we haven't crossed the Rubicon already.

Lord help us all... and may He help us wake enough of our countrymen from their walking slumber to turn this ship around before we plow into the iceberg.

07-25-21, 23:14
Get Putin to sign on, by offering him some nice things as part of the deal.

Did anyone in DC, even come close to any of these of course not. Trump included.

Trump did get cock blocked on this one. This is why right after the election there were accusations of Russian manipulation of the election. If Trump tried to do anything meaningful with Putin, it would have simply been presented as evidence of Trumps collusion with Russia to undermine the US elections which prevented the lawful election of Hillary Clinton.

That was their right out of the box move and honestly Trump got caught unprepared on that one too.

07-25-21, 23:24
Again according to Sun Tzu the best victory comes when you don't have to field your army. If the leadership of the USA doesn't pull it's head out of it's collective rear end, the economy is going to tank due to hyper inflation.

I might be the only guy here that has lived through it. I will not do it again. It will rip this country to pieces, as different economic and interest groups battle to try and maintain normal.

I really think once inflation rockets past 100% per year, then we will be in a decade or longer of suffering. Suffering must happen, for when you start to shrink the money supply people will do with out a lot of things.

The "no limit" current Fed program to Wall Street is pretty frightening.

Legendary investor Jeremy Grantham will tell viewers this about the Fed’s policies:

“They have the housing market, the stock market and the bond market all overpriced at the same time. And they will not be able to prevent, sooner or later, the asset prices coming back down. So we are playing with fire because we have the three great asset classes moving into bubble territory simultaneously.”

Add in Quantitative Easing (which means Wall Street always gets it's demands) and it's just a matter of time UNLESS somebody executes some kind of course correction, and make no mistake even if we do the right thing...we are going to feel it.

To get everyone up to speed, this is the can we've been kicking down the road ever since the first Wall Street bailout. It never actually ended.


07-26-21, 05:40
Again according to Sun Tzu the best victory comes when you don't have to field your army. If the leadership of the USA doesn't pull it's head out of it's collective rear end, the economy is going to tank due to hyper inflation.

I might be the only guy here that has lived through it. I will not do it again. It will rip this country to pieces, as different economic and interest groups battle to try and maintain normal.

I really think once inflation rockets past 100% per year, then we will be in a decade or longer of suffering. Suffering must happen, for when you start to shrink the money supply people will do with out a lot of things.

Swallwell is still on the Intel committee.

07-26-21, 17:15
Threat of invasion is low....we have way too many guns per capita and enough patriot type of folks that would defend the US.

Unfortunately we have folks internally trying to change that....everyday in different ways.

07-26-21, 18:21
Threat of invasion is low....we have way too many guns per capita and enough patriot type of folks that would defend the US.

Unfortunately we have folks internally trying to change that....everyday in different ways.

See posts 17 and 18. No invasion needed when we have already been compromised and conquered.

07-26-21, 18:46
This seems problematic to me:


07-26-21, 19:03
This seems problematic to me:


That's just a drop in the bucket, brother. I don't think we know or can comprehend a fraction of the irrevocable damage this illegitimate Administration has done in just seven months with his open border policy.

07-26-21, 20:59
If you can’t see who funded the riots in the Summer, who released COVID and didn’t stop international travel from Wuhan, who coordinated the media narrative via investment in the media companies and health NGOs, I can’t help you. Like I said, odds learn Mandarin and evens learn Cantonese.

Trump poked the hornet’s nest, if he was even legit, and the Murder hornets poked back…

07-26-21, 23:33
If you can’t see who funded the riots in the Summer, who released COVID and didn’t stop international travel from Wuhan, who coordinated the media narrative via investment in the media companies and health NGOs, I can’t help you. Like I said, odds learn Mandarin and evens learn Cantonese.

Trump poked the hornet’s nest, if he was even legit, and the Murder hornets poked back…

So I used to know a lot of Cantonese, even if only 3% of China spoke the language it was typically "free China" aka Hong Kong, Singapore and Macao. Most of my native speaking teachers spoke Cantonese. Mandarin is spoken in Taiwan, which for the moment is still free but for some reason not many martial arts teachers from Taiwan really traveled to the US, although a lot of US teachers went to Taiwan for instruction.

One possible reason is westerners in Taiwan are almost always suspected as US intelligence officers and this was actually true in the case of Robert Smith who was one of the first westerners to study correct Chinese boxing back in the 1960s while working for the CIA in Taiwan.

Sadly my Mandarin is very limited and has a very heavy accent. Of course with smartphones now, everyone can speak Chinese. The app that translates Chinese / Japanese characters never fails to astonish me. All those years learning kanji and kana, almost made pointless by a stupid phone.

07-28-21, 06:28
Swallwell. Is. On. The. Intel. Committee.


Nancy knows this yet hasn’t removed him. What does that tell you?

07-28-21, 06:54
She's his control?

08-19-21, 13:12
So after watching the utter flustercuck in Afghanistan. Does it occur to most that the people who "organized" this withdrawal are the same people currently in charge of our national defense and our military around the globe? Now that is alarming to say the least.

08-19-21, 14:29
So after watching the utter flustercuck in Afghanistan. Does it occur to most that the people who "organized" this withdrawal are the same people currently in charge of our national defense and our military around the globe? Now that is alarming to say the least.

Yeah, the kind of thing to inspire waking up screaming. Our national, well GLOBAL, nightmare, has reached a point where I don't even bother with sleeping anymore and just rely on massive doses of caffeine to keep me going until I crash after Saturday grocery runs...