View Full Version : And back to masks (7/21)

07-28-21, 05:27
Ok, let's be positive. This totally swamps out the 1/6 Hearings from most people's thoughts...

I just don't get it, I mean I do, they need a crisis and the MSM is more than happy to play along.

Someone needs to file a federal lawsuit challenging the latest CDC ruling, and get a national injunction put into place- just like the anti-Trump rulings. Look at the IHME data for the US, we beat covid. Pretty clear. We have uncoupled deaths from infections, that is why the MSM focuses on infections qualitatively and deaths anecdotally.

I thought that the smart people had figured out we had won and we were on our way back. Nope. The data doesn't support this. You've got to torture the data and make some bad logical leaps to get to going back to masks. It seems the rationale is that even vaxed people can get high viral loads with a delta infection. So even vaxed people can spread it. That's the theory to force vaxed people to mask up.

I really don't know how this is going to play out. I'm vaxed, I'm not wearing a mask. F em. I think a large number of people are going to do the same.

Talk about totally making people not want to vax - and forget any kind of booster.

Sad day for science, govt, freedom, and rational thought.

Funny tid-bit, I flew last week and the safety brief says that if the oxygen system deploys, you should remove your cloth mask before putting on the emergency mask. I thought that cloth masks didn't affect the ability to breathe.....

07-28-21, 06:14
Europe was having huge rallies to protest, where’re our anti-mask rallies?

07-28-21, 06:41
More coming besides the masks. They are now going to mandate that government workers get the vaccine or have regular testing and mitigation requirements.


My thoughts on the whole thing with vaccines/masks, the government is going to mandate government agencies to comply. Private businesses are/will mandate that you have to have vaccines/masks to utilize their services to make the public comply.

07-28-21, 06:53
No problem. I'm an undocumented migrant.

07-28-21, 07:03
Interesting idea. Not sure it would have any success with government mandates but it could make life difficult for a private employer:


07-28-21, 07:12
Interesting idea. Not sure it would have any success with government mandates but it could make life difficult for a private employer:


Did you file this? It looks like a good way to push back.

07-28-21, 07:12
I'm with FMCDH - why would anyone become vaccinated if it is so ineffective that the country still needs to wear masks?

This from the same people who said President Trump's administration fumbled the Covid reaction?


07-28-21, 07:24
Europe was having huge rallies to protest, where’re our anti-mask rallies?

You missed them?
It was all over the TV on January sixth.

Alex V
07-28-21, 07:41
Didn't wear a mask the first time [other than when I had to fly for work], won't wear them now.

07-28-21, 07:49
Unless I missed something my understanding was masks are suggested (not mandatory) in crowded indoor spaces in areas where covid is surging

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Alex V
07-28-21, 07:56
Unless I missed something my understanding was masks are suggested (not mandatory) in crowded indoor spaces in areas where covid is surging

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It will only take a day or two for some Governors to make a "suggestion" into a "mandate"

07-28-21, 08:12
Did you file this? It looks like a good way to push back.

I did not. I saw it on a blog that I frequent and found it interesting. Heads would explode in HR at my employer if they were served with something similar. It got my gears turning for sure.

07-28-21, 08:57
Yeah, F all that. I ain't gonna burka up. I call it a face burka for a reason. The whole point of making you wear it is to reinforce that you are of no value and will do as you are told. Same reason the damned hajis make their women wear em.

07-28-21, 10:03
I hope Big Brother goes for the mandatory masks again. All the people who said screw it the first time will say screw it again. All the good little liberals who religiously wore theirs and then ran out and got the vaccine on the promise they could ditch the mask will be the ones who will scream at the sky.

07-28-21, 10:14
I'm with FMCDH - why would anyone become vaccinated if it is so ineffective that the country still needs to wear masks?

The horror stories are why I'd NEVER take that poison. And the long term damage has yet to be seen. Eff the mask and the poison.

07-28-21, 10:25
Unless I missed something my understanding was masks are suggested (not mandatory) in crowded indoor spaces in areas where covid is surging

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It's a mandate for all federal employees in ALL federal spaces, regardless of local covid rates and population density within those spaces.

That's Step One.

07-28-21, 10:31
All the good little liberals who religiously wore theirs and then ran out and got the vaccine on the promise they could ditch the mask will be the ones who will scream at the sky.

Those people are probably going to be the ones in favor of masks. You know, layers of protection. 2 masks are better than one..... remember?

Unfortunately a lot of people will fall into the "have to" instead of "want to". No store would let you in without one, here

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07-28-21, 10:44
I’ll continue to go unmasked.

At this point the charade of law and order is over if you’ve been paying attention.

I am done. That goes for any law, mandate, etc. that violates my rights.

07-28-21, 10:54
No store would let you in without one, here

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Tell em you ain't there to shop you're there to loot. Then they gotta let you in without a mask.

07-28-21, 13:15
Tell em you ain't there to shop you're there to loot. Then they gotta let you in without a mask.

But if I’m there to loot, it I’ll want to wear a mask…

Even if your county is meeting the requirements, I’m sure most of them border county that isn’t, or the state has preponderance of counties that don’t, so yeah it’s going to become mandatory.

07-28-21, 13:27
Even a lot of liberals I know aren’t happy about this. I heard the most coherent argument from a very liberal family member the other day: people who didn’t get vaccinated know what they’re doing and they refuse the vaccine at their own risk. It shouldn’t be up to the vaccinated people to have to protect the unvaccinated people. Let us go without the masks, and let the unvaccinated people do it too. If the vaccine works, then neither vaxed or unvaxed people need to worry about vaxed people getting and spreading it. And if unvaxed people are worried, they can get the shot or wear a mask if they choose.

07-28-21, 13:43
They are really tickling the tail of the dragon by using the rationale that the vaccines (all of them oddly enough) allow infection and a high viral load, thus putting others at risk- but still protecting the vaxer.

That is some sort of miracle.... Of course, the data won't hold up. It never does. Population used is probably wrong, it usually is in some way. But that is after the fact.

07-28-21, 13:48
Unless I missed something my understanding was masks are suggested (not mandatory) in crowded indoor spaces in areas where covid is surging

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Off world destinations you say?


07-28-21, 14:41
Even a lot of liberals I know aren’t happy about this. I heard the most coherent argument from a very liberal family member the other day: people who didn’t get vaccinated know what they’re doing and they refuse the vaccine at their own risk. It shouldn’t be up to the vaccinated people to have to protect the unvaccinated people. Let us go without the masks, and let the unvaccinated people do it too. If the vaccine works, then neither vaxed or unvaxed people need to worry about vaxed people getting and spreading it. And if unvaxed people are worried, they can get the shot or wear a mask if they choose.

It’s incredible that freedom of choice is in question here. It blows my mind.

How hard they are pushing for the “vaccine” and every angle they have and threat they use is preposterous.

Get it if you want it, don’t if you don’t want it and let’s all drive on. Everyone deal w that he consequences of their decisions and actions accordingly.

I can’t even believe we have to articulate this idea to some people and they don’t get it…

07-28-21, 17:15
Saw this in the comment section of an article I read covering this latest .gov overreach.

“Remember to go get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from the virus they were vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.”

Hilarious and on point as to the absurdity of this whole thing.

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07-28-21, 17:25
Those people are probably going to be the ones in favor of masks. You know, layers of protection. 2 masks are better than one..... remember?

Unfortunately a lot of people will fall into the "have to" instead of "want to". No store would let you in without one, here

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During the height of the mask craziness there were a lot of stores with “mask required” signs yet majority of the people in there didn’t wear one and no one said a word.

07-28-21, 18:20
Tell em you ain't there to shop you're there to loot. Then they gotta let you in without a mask.Ha! I guess I wasn't thinking logically

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07-28-21, 18:20
During the height of the mask craziness there were a lot of stores with “mask required” signs yet majority of the people in there didn’t wear one and no one said a word.

I still regularly see idiots driving around alone in their cars wearing masks.

More often I see other idiots in stores with the mask mostly covering their chin.

You just can't fix stupid most of the time...

07-28-21, 18:25
During the height of the mask craziness there were a lot of stores with “mask required” signs yet majority of the people in there didn’t wear one and no one said a word.Yep but didn't work here. There were "door greeters" and someone immediately, handed you one, asked you to leave and if all that failed called the cops.

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07-28-21, 18:26
I still regularly see idiots driving around alone in their cars wearing masks.

More often I see other idiots in stores with the mask mostly covering their chin.

You just can't fix stupid most of the time...Saw one today wearing his on one ear. Not even strapped under the chin

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07-28-21, 19:18
Oddly enough, the Philippines has been locked down tight and was not letting anyone back in even OFW's.
Slowly they have allowed OFW's back in to the Country, but with a two week mandatory Quarantine.

So, how did the Delta variant get in to the Philippines?

Think about that for a hot minute...

07-28-21, 19:22
Back when I was flying a couple times a week I used to see "double masks, plus a full face shield" :haha: quite a bit once travel started picking up.

I just wanted to go over and lick em.

07-28-21, 19:32
Oddly enough, the Philippines has been locked down tight and was not letting anyone back in even OFW's.
Slowly they have allowed OFW's back in to the Country, but with a two week mandatory Quarantine.

So, how did the Delta variant get in to the Philippines?

Think about that for a hot minute...They had 1.5X million cases and 1.4X million recovered. 27,318 deaths. So not terrible, better than most 1st world countries.

I think that between all the islands of Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia the boarders are much more porous than we think. Besides it seems like they weren't locked down that hard since....

"Entertainment venues, amusement parks, and contacts sports are prohibited in the capital region and nearby provinces, while restaurants, gyms and indoor TOURIST attractions are allowed to operate at up to 40% capacity."


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07-28-21, 20:01
Here's a blonde using crayon to explain it so even hilary can understand...


07-28-21, 20:10
We had to start wearing masks again at work today... (gov'ment) Everyone was complaining, and several were not happy about the requirement to get vaccinated if the decide to roll that out. The other option we were told was that they would test you weekly if you weren't. It's nuts...

07-28-21, 20:34
Yep but didn't work here. There were "door greeters" and someone immediately, handed you one, asked you to leave and if all that failed called the cops.

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Geez, glad I live in a free state.

07-28-21, 20:37
We had to start wearing masks again at work today... (gov'ment) Everyone was complaining, and several were not happy about the requirement to get vaccinated if the decide to roll that out. The other option we were told was that they would test you weekly if you weren't. It's nuts...

Here you go: https://fakemaskusa.com/.

07-28-21, 20:51
Even a lot of liberals I know aren’t happy about this. I heard the most coherent argument from a very liberal family member the other day: people who didn’t get vaccinated know what they’re doing and they refuse the vaccine at their own risk. It shouldn’t be up to the vaccinated people to have to protect the unvaccinated people. Let us go without the masks, and let the unvaccinated people do it too. If the vaccine works, then neither vaxed or unvaxed people need to worry about vaxed people getting and spreading it. And if unvaxed people are worried, they can get the shot or wear a mask if they choose.

Mostly this, but it’s still pretty shitty that people that can and should get vaccinated won’t do it because they believe some BS spouted by the “smart” people like Jenny McCarthy. Those people are costing taxpayers money for hospitalization costs. And now it’s those people’s fault that WE have to wear masks. Dumb.

Based upon current deaths though, this will be a mostly self-correcting problem.


07-28-21, 20:55
lol...let the meltdown begin. Mask up!!


07-28-21, 20:55
Geez, glad I live in a free state.Depends where you live. Sticks of Pa no one cares either. Major metro areas are a little different even if it's in the suburbs

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07-28-21, 21:02
They had 1.5X million cases and 1.4X million recovered. 27,318 deaths. So not terrible, better than most 1st world countries.

I think that between all the islands of Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia the boarders are much more porous than we think. Besides it seems like they weren't locked down that hard since....

"Entertainment venues, amusement parks, and contacts sports are prohibited in the capital region and nearby provinces, while restaurants, gyms and indoor TOURIST attractions are allowed to operate at up to 40% capacity."


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They are claiming to have Delta variant cases now. As difficult as it is to get into the Philippines right now, that simply doesn't make sense.
Now if it comes in through an Oversea's Foreign Worker returning, bear in mind.
They were inoculated, tested, quarantined, tested again and then after seven to fourteen days, released to continue home. So how does Delta beat that?

07-28-21, 21:02
Mostly this, but it’s still pretty shitty that people that can and should get vaccinated won’t do it because they believe some BS spouted by the “smart” people like Jenny McCarthy. Those people are costing taxpayers money for hospitalization costs. And now it’s those people’s fault that WE have to wear masks. Dumb.

Based upon current deaths though, this will be a mostly self-correcting problem.

https://www.npr.org/2021/07/16/1017012853/97-of-people-entering-hospitals-for-covid-19-are-unvaccinatedAnd you think if we were all vaccinated you wouldn't be wearing masks? Fauci just said that vaccinated people can get it and give it to others, including vaccinated, people who can have a breakthrough!

Let's not forget that no one is vaccinating all the illegal migrants being bussed and flown all over the country. On the one hand they insist we get vaccinated and on the other they insist on transporting unvaccinated 3rd world all over this country!!!!! Some of them aren't vaccinated for anything!

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07-28-21, 21:21
Mostly this, but it’s still pretty shitty that people that can and should get vaccinated won’t do it because they believe some BS spouted by the “smart” people like Jenny McCarthy. Those people are costing taxpayers money for hospitalization costs. And now it’s those people’s fault that WE have to wear masks. Dumb.

Based upon current deaths though, this will be a mostly self-correcting problem.


Did you just actually use NPR as a source on M4 carbine?

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07-28-21, 21:28
And back to masks

I still prefer Charmin.

07-28-21, 21:33
Did you just actually use NPR as a source on M4 carbine?

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Yeah, I know, lol. I just did a quick DuckDuckGo search. It’s not like it’s fake news, just had the basic headline. This is the same story. At. Literally. Every. Hospital. Large data sets and anecdotally. My AO had 5 deaths this month, all unvaccinated. About 85% of hospitalized patients unvaccinated. But it’s such a low number that one person more or less moves the needle.

Bottom line: I’m not worried about getting Covid, and I don’t want to wear a mask. No need for a mask mandate, just only let people with insurance into the hospital. You don’t want to get vaxxed, don’t go to the hospital. You support defunding the police, don’t call 9-1-1. Boom. Easy.

07-28-21, 22:19
Yeah, I know, lol. I just did a quick DuckDuckGo search. It’s not like it’s fake news, just had the basic headline. This is the same story. At. Literally. Every. Hospital. Large data sets and anecdotally. My AO had 5 deaths this month, all unvaccinated. About 85% of hospitalized patients unvaccinated. But it’s such a low number that one person more or less moves the needle.

Bottom line: I’m not worried about getting Covid, and I don’t want to wear a mask. No need for a mask mandate, just only let people with insurance into the hospital. You don’t want to get vaxxed, don’t go to the hospital. You support defunding the police, don’t call 9-1-1. Boom. Easy.

I am extremely skeptical of the USA data keeping when Britain (58% un-Vaccinated)and Israel (60% VACCINATED)for their hospitalizations.Delta looks like a shit show and is going to blow the lid off the vaccination narrative.

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07-28-21, 22:43
And you think if we were all vaccinated you wouldn't be wearing masks? Fauci just said that vaccinated people can get it and give it to others, including vaccinated, people who can have a breakthrough!

Let's not forget that no one is vaccinating all the illegal migrants being bussed and flown all over the country. On the one hand they insist we get vaccinated and on the other they insist on transporting unvaccinated 3rd world all over this country!!!!! Some of them aren't vaccinated for anything!

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There are actually credible reports of illegals actively sick with covid being shipped around the country and stuffed in hotels. No quarantine, no notification to locals, nothing but covid super spreaders delivered hot and fresh to a neighborhood near you.

I am extremely skeptical of the USA data keeping when Britain (58% un-Vaccinated)and Israel (60% VACCINATED)for their hospitalizations.Delta looks like a shit show and is going to blow the lid off the vaccination narrative.

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The British numbers (roughly 50/50 vaxed v unvaxed) are mirrored in every country experiencing a "delta surge". Every country but the US anyway. Can't understand why you might be skeptical of such a trustworthy, ethical, and transparent administration as the one we have now.

07-29-21, 04:43
Start Listening at 16:40 minutes.
Doctor Robert Malone is the inventor of the MRNA vaccine. Many Doctors have been warning about antibody dependent enhancement and it appears thats exactly whats happening!

07-29-21, 07:06
We found out yesterday morning that we (federal facility) now have to go back to the all masks, all the time mandate. The grumblings of making federal employee receive a vaccine or be tested (on some random frequency) started too. With that came a bunch of folks saying “if that is the case, I will go ahead and retire early”—that would be very bad for where I work. I am sure that my facility is not the only one that has people with that mind set.

Nothing that is coming out has any logic or makes any sense. On the first page of the thread, the threat of lawsuit for ALL disease tracking should go to court (SCOTUS). I am just amazed that the “my body, my choice” Party is pushing that you really have no choice. If someone is unvaxxed, that is THEIR CHOICE and they accept the risk. As said before, if the vaccine is so ineffective for those who are vaxxed, then WTF.

07-29-21, 08:21
I am extremely skeptical of the USA data keeping when Britain (58% un-Vaccinated)and Israel (60% VACCINATED)for their hospitalizations.Delta looks like a shit show and is going to blow the lid off the vaccination narrative.

The British numbers (roughly 50/50 vaxed v unvaxed) are mirrored in every country experiencing a "delta surge". Every country but the US anyway. Can't understand why you might be skeptical of such a trustworthy, ethical, and transparent administration as the one we have now.

100% this.



07-29-21, 08:54

93,000 overdoses?
You know, I just look around and everyone looks a 1/4 bubble off plumb. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but this has ruined some people.
I'm very concerned that we might have a National mental health issue crisis.

Guns, cars, blunt objects, no it's overdoses....

07-29-21, 11:34
Gangster. Maybe a little cash poor, but by increasing his with holding of taxes, he makes it so that they can’t take his pay.

Frankly, $500 or $2500 for not wearing a mask, I can’t think of a better donation solicitation reason than fighting mask mandates….

ETA; forgot the link


07-29-21, 12:30
You WILL wear a mask! Or else!


U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) were ordered to start arresting visitors and staff who refuse to wear a mask on the House side of the Capitol complex starting Thursday, according to a police memo issued by new USCP Chief Thomas Manger that was obtained by a member of Congress.

Police were also advised not to arrest members of Congress for failing to wear masks but to report the lawmakers' noncompliance to the House sergeant-at-arms, the memo says.

Rep. Kat Cammack, R-Fla., got a copy of the memo distributed at Thursday's morning roll call from an unnamed police officer, she told Fox News. Police she's spoken to are "very uncomfortable" with this new directive that Cammack describes as "tyrannical."

The two-page guidance was issued by the new police chief, Manger, who took over on Friday to lead the Capitol Police force, which is still reeling from the Jan. 6 riot and Good Friday attack at the Capitol.

The memo says the police who work on the House side of the Capitol "shall enforce this mask policy on all staff and visitors" in "House Office Buildings, the Hall of the House, and House Committee meetings."

If a visitor or staff member fails to wear a mask, they will be not allowed entry. "Any person who fails to either comply or to leave the premises after being asked to do so would be subject to an arrest for Unlawful Entry," the memo says.

The memo:



07-29-21, 13:09

93,000 overdoses?
You know, I just look around and everyone looks a 1/4 bubble off plumb. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but this has ruined some people.
I'm very concerned that we might have a National mental health issue crisis.

Guns, cars, blunt objects, no it's overdoses....

It’s the constant, non-stop bombardment from the MSM and politicians and the division and fear they are sowing. Talking to coworkers and friends, young and old, men and women, many have said they feel we are on the verge of something terrible happening. The country just feels like it is going to explode.

07-29-21, 13:30
You WILL wear a mask! Or else!

The memo:

Looks like they aren't getting enough bang from the phony "January 6 insurrection" claim any more, and need to generate some new controversy. Should only be a week or two before some unruly staffer's response is Pearl Harbor, the War of 1812 and the last episode of MASH all in one.

07-29-21, 16:28

Ben Shapiro points out the discrepancies in vaccine reporting

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07-29-21, 16:34
At 58 most my HS classmates were typical 70s80s kids guns brought to school in trucks and so on
NOW so many are so left its insane

The so many pro jab folks here to ? I often think what is it that makes folks believe the gov then I think Stockholm syndrome and that happens ?

Some folks can not think for themselves and are happy being told what is real ? AND they buy into it much like here so many pro gov jab its insane they believe and now the facts are showing they are wrong and like all good lefty think they double down ?

Much like when folks ask about food as in what should I have for dinner ? Its like man if you do not even know what you want YIKES how sad

07-29-21, 17:42
At 58 most my HS classmates were typical 70s80s kids guns brought to school in trucks and so on
NOW so many are so left its insane

The so many pro jab folks here to ? I often think what is it that makes folks believe the gov then I think Stockholm syndrome and that happens ?

Don't discount a propaganda machine that's applied every ounce of the combined research of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Then when the Wall fell, the treasonous scum needed a new sugar-daddy so they sold out to the CCP and added China's tricks to the toolbag... plus with their insider members tapping our decades of insurgency, COIN, guerrilla, counterguerilla and PSYWAR experience for the cherry on top.

07-29-21, 18:29
Don't discount a propaganda machine that's applied every ounce of the combined research of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Then when the Wall fell, the treasonous scum needed a new sugar-daddy so they sold out to the CCP and added China's tricks to the toolbag... plus with their insider members tapping our decades of insurgency, COIN, guerrilla, counterguerilla and PSYWAR experience for the cherry on top.

Yeah :) sadly to so many are just weak :) so those as you point out KNOW this and are happy to have useful idiots :)

07-29-21, 19:07
Crap, looks like Shitzhizpantz has or is gonna mandate the vax for all fed contractors. That or make your life hell. Guess my moment of truth is coming soon. Get stung or get a new job.

I ain't scared of the vax, ain't scared of the boogeybug either. But seeing as how I gotta take time and at least minimal effort to get the shot, that tipped the scale. Awful easy to not do something, and it don't take much time either.

At this point I'm just being contrary. I'm against getting it just cause they say I gotta.

Not like I'd have any trouble switching jobs. Hell, you can't fall out of bed without landing on a job these days.

07-29-21, 19:13
They told us straight up for the last year that masks weren't going away and nothing would ever go back to normal again. Shame on this country for not taking their threats seriously.

07-29-21, 19:16
My body, my choice. No jab, no mask. I’ll take my chances.

07-29-21, 19:49
It will only take a day or two for some Governors to make a "suggestion" into a "mandate"

Man the governors are being tag teamed on social media. Our governor here has refused thus far to support this nonsense, and he can't post anything on social media without people ripping him apart, demanding that he start supporting vaccines and all that jazz. It's so crazy and one sided you know these fools are paid shills by some "community organizer" group.

07-29-21, 20:50
They told us straight up for the last year that masks weren't going away and nothing would ever go back to normal again. Shame on this country for not taking their threats seriously.Who didn't take it seriously? I'd say many want it this way and most likely secretly wanted this for a long time even if they didn't know they wanted it.

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07-29-21, 20:55
So far our governor said he's not going to recommend the new mask mandates! Shocked I am!!! [emoji15]


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07-29-21, 21:21
Crap, looks like Shitzhizpantz has or is gonna mandate the vax for all fed contractors. That or make your life hell. Guess my moment of truth is coming soon. Get stung or get a new job.

I ain't scared of the vax, ain't scared of the boogeybug either. But seeing as how I gotta take time and at least minimal effort to get the shot, that tipped the scale. Awful easy to not do something, and it don't take much time either.

At this point I'm just being contrary. I'm against getting it just cause they say I gotta.

Not like I'd have any trouble switching jobs. Hell, you can't fall out of bed without landing on a job these days.

You pretty much spelled it out the same way I'm feeling. I don't want it a) because the Government REALLY wants me to get it and b)assholes keep telling me to get it. I've got to drive 60 miles to get my jab, I don't feel like taking four hours to do something that seems like it's fairly ineffective against the Delta strain. I'm still not understanding how the vaccine is going to stop COVID if you can still catch and spread COVID if you're vaccinated.

07-29-21, 23:20
I am so grateful I got my card when I had the chance to without getting the jab.

07-29-21, 23:36
Who didn't take it seriously? I'd say many want it this way and most likely secretly wanted this for a long time even if they didn't know they wanted it.

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I think the vast majority of people thought we would just go back to normal by now.

07-30-21, 00:19
I think the vast majority of people thought we would just go back to normal by now.

We pretty much did. I was thinking that the airline BS was going to end. Not now.

The supposed data that back up the masking of vaxed people comes out on Friday. That is when the hilarity will ensue...

07-30-21, 00:27
I am so grateful I got my card when I had the chance to without getting the jab.

You mean like a bootleg covid passport?

07-30-21, 00:29
We pretty much did. I was thinking that the airline BS was going to end. Not now.

The supposed data that back up the masking of vaxed people comes out on Friday. That is when the hilarity will ensue...

Yea I think this is like 9/11, too. It's interesting to me you went there because I've been making that same analogy for a while now. Nothing went back to normal after that. Just intensified. Pretty sure this is the same story. Never let a good crisis go to waste I guess.

07-30-21, 00:56
Nothing that is coming out has any logic or makes any sense.

What if it does? Think about what it means if this is all being done with a purpose rather than incompetence...

Making you take the vaccine doesn’t increase their power. Extending the panic through the next election does.

What if the crazy over the top vaccine push is actually designed to INCREASE vaccine hesitancy?

07-30-21, 01:18
You mean like a bootleg covid passport?

Well, it’s a legit card filled out by the individuals who were administering the jabs, everything about it is authentic and legitimate, just no jabs in me.

07-30-21, 09:54
Crap, looks like Shitzhizpantz has or is gonna mandate the vax for all fed contractors. That or make your life hell. Guess my moment of truth is coming soon. Get stung or get a new job.

I ain't scared of the vax, ain't scared of the boogeybug either. But seeing as how I gotta take time and at least minimal effort to get the shot, that tipped the scale. Awful easy to not do something, and it don't take much time either.

At this point I'm just being contrary. I'm against getting it just cause they say I gotta.

Not like I'd have any trouble switching jobs. Hell, you can't fall out of bed without landing on a job these days.

I've been vaxed and have reported such, but I'm not showing "proof". If they want to test me every day, great! I'll get tested and know if/when I catch it so I can get max days off, and I'll get paid to do it. I really don't see the down side at this point. :confused:

07-30-21, 13:11
So far our governor said he's not going to recommend the new mask mandates! Shocked I am!!! [emoji15]


Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Nearly fell out of my chair on that one. He was really enjoying himself.

Straight Shooter
07-30-21, 13:25
Ill OPENLY ask this...and you can PM ME an answer if you know....WHERE CAN I GET A VAC CARD WITHOUT GETTING THE VAC?

07-30-21, 13:43
Well, it’s a legit card filled out by the individuals who were administering the jabs, everything about it is authentic and legitimate, just no jabs in me.

How did you manage that? You friends with a nurse or something? I think it's a good idea, the only thing is they're going to start making people get boosters, and then by next year there's already supposed to be a new vaccine for covid 21. And I imagine these will get harder to source as things go on.

07-30-21, 13:44
Ill OPENLY ask this...and you can PM ME an answer if you know....WHERE CAN I GET A VAC CARD WITHOUT GETTING THE VAC?

My friend wants to know too.

07-30-21, 18:36
How did you manage that? You friends with a nurse or something? I think it's a good idea, the only thing is they're going to start making people get boosters, and then by next year there's already supposed to be a new vaccine for covid 21. And I imagine these will get harder to source as things go on.

I worked at one of those max vaccination sites and the folks who did the shots were very helpful. I told them that I didn’t want the shot but my wife was insistent. I’ll figure out the booster and follow on ones when it happens.

07-30-21, 19:09
I worked at one of those max vaccination sites and the folks who did the shots were very helpful. I told them that I didn’t want the shot but my wife was insistent. I’ll figure out the booster and follow on ones when it happens.

Fun story. I'd believe it if this weren't the Internet (Wink, wink) where ANYONE CAN SEE IT! If the .gov types come a knockin, we folks on M4C can tell em how you're prone to tellin tall tales. :secret::secret::dirol:

07-30-21, 19:26
Ill OPENLY ask this...and you can PM ME an answer if you know....WHERE CAN I GET A VAC CARD WITHOUT GETTING THE VAC?

https://ahca DOT myflorida DOT com/docs/2020_COVID_19_Vaccination_Record_Card DOT pdf

110lb card stock.

07-30-21, 19:28
For all the Charlie Browns out there.


08-03-21, 06:57
We are back to masks at work, vaccine or no vaccine. Space and Defense company in Alabama. Also required in all federal buildings in N. Alabama.


08-03-21, 08:18
You know, I'm not a totally tin foil hat kinda guy... have become that way in the last year or so, but still, something like this should be alarming even if it is for "humanitarian" purposes.


The shielding approach aims to reduce the number of severe COVID-19 cases by limiting contact between individuals at higher risk of developing severe disease (“high-risk”) and the general population (“low-risk”). High-risk individuals would be temporarily relocated to safe or “green zones” established at the household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community level depending on the context and setting. They would have minimal contact with family members and other low-risk residents.

Current evidence indicates that older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. In most humanitarian settings, older population groups make up a small percentage of the total population. For this reason, the shielding approach suggests physically separating high-risk individuals from the general population to prioritize the use of the limited available resources and avoid implementing long-term containment measures among the general population.

In theory, shielding may serve its objective to protect high-risk populations from disease and death. However, implementation of the approach necessitates strict adherence to protocol. Inadvertent introduction of the virus into a green zone may result in rapid transmission among the most vulnerable populations the approach is trying to protect.

I know it's designed for "refugee camps" and whatnot, but you know someone at the Federal level has already looked at this and said "you know, this could work on a nationwide level..."

Dropping the un-vaxxed into camps where they can't harm anyone else. Don't even argue the ridiculousness of the idea. We passed ridiculous and went to absurd in the last year.

08-03-21, 08:48
You know, I'm not a totally tin foil hat kinda guy... have become that way in the last year or so, but still, something like this should be alarming even if it is for "humanitarian" purposes.
Dropping the un-vaxxed into camps where they can't harm anyone else. Don't even argue the ridiculousness of the idea. We passed ridiculous and went to absurd in the last year.

1) We are reaching levels of Clownworld (TM) that shouldn't even be possible.

2) I wanna name the first camp "Andersonville."

3) If you read this with absolutely zero knowledge of either recent history (like Cuomo's and Whitmer's nursing homes) or 20th Century history, it's not totally crazy, although it definitely reflects a total-war approach to this virus with a roughly 0.025% death rate. But apart from the really tinfoil view, this looks a lot like what the "D" state governors did with nursing homes, which resulted in roughly half of all Covid-19 fatalities in the US last year.

08-03-21, 09:26
I'm thinking that camp shit is more " how to deal in existing situations" like refugee camps abroad and such. No need to get too tinfoil just yet. No that I'd put it past these statist filth.

On a personal level, my employer is being pretty supportive. As federal contractors we are bound by the rules Shithizpants has put in play. The company says we ain't gonna ask our people and we ain't gonna segregate our people. So everybody will follow the alternate protocols so masking and testing for all. I just gotta decide if I'm OK with that on a personal level. As Chuckman said somewhere, I can't feed my family with my principles.

I masked up all last year on the job. It didn't hurt me. The main problem was as fed employees started trickling back in. There is a weird dynamic in the federal world. Not all, but a LOT of federal employees get off on treating contractors like shit. We would get all kinds of spurious complaints about not wearing masks and the like. It's just a power trip game. I also had a few tests last year, and I had lingering nose bleed issues well into this year, which can't be a good thing. Don't know what's up with that but I've never had the issue before they started scratching at the inside of my skull with their swabs.

Not an issue right now, but it's coming and I'll have to get off the fence.

08-03-21, 10:28
Don't even argue the ridiculousness of the idea. We passed ridiculous and went to absurd in the last year.

1) We are reaching levels of Clownworld (TM) that shouldn't even be possible.


08-03-21, 21:36
For all the Charlie Browns out there.


You pretty much nailed it there.

From the very beginning that goal post has steadily kept right on moving... It will never stop moving

08-03-21, 21:50
You pretty much nailed it there.

From the very beginning that goal post has steadily kept right on moving... It will never stop moving

Not until or unless we can get someone elected in '24 who will summarily shitcan the whole CDC-NIH-NIAID Alphabet Soup indiscriminately, and can get it done and make it stick before the Deep State vermin strike back.

08-03-21, 23:11
I was downtown Chicago today at the federal courthouse and the whole downtown from the train station all the up to and inside the courthouse was exactly like last summer. Masks everywhere, wash hands and sanitize everything. Ghost town in buildings, and there was barely anybody on the train or in Ogilvie. There were 7 vehicles in the train parking lot where at 8am that lot used to be full. You’d never think that Lollapalooza happened this weekend, this looked like early summer 2020 again.

08-04-21, 00:00
Not until or unless we can get someone elected in '24 who will summarily shitcan the whole CDC-NIH-NIAID Alphabet Soup indiscriminately, and can get it done and make it stick before the Deep State vermin strike back.

I don't think we have that long. Not only that, but what good would it do? Trump the Republican messiah was in office for the whole duration of all the draconian stuff and money printing, including what amounts to the indefinite seizure of private property by the CDC, which is a federal agency under the direct control of the executive branch. Either it's true that we don't elect our presidents anymore and he was just a plant, or even if we do manage to get someone good in they're so tied up in red tape they can't actually do anything.

I think our only hope is immediate mass passive resistance, Gandhi style. No masks, no vaccine, no lockdowns, no closures, no curfews, etc. and so forth. We all just en masse go back to living our normal lives and let herd immunity work its magic.

The problem is that the government is literally paying people to go along with all this nonsense. Loads of free money to anyone and everyone who will play along, from the top down. From government agencies, to corporations, to individuals. Everybody who plays along gets a free ride. That's what this whole thing really comes down to. If we all pretend there's a genuinely life threatening pandemic we all get free stuff. They engineered a debt ridden economy where 90% of people have everything to gain and nothing to lose, and all they need is an excuse, no matter how flimsy.

So this being the case I wouldn't expect much pushback from the masses, at least for as long as the gravy train has any steam left in it. I think about the best we can do is hide as much money and assets off the books as possible and keep our passports current.

08-04-21, 08:54
Da Fuq?!!! Concerts and parties are "safe" but going to work will kill ya cause the boogeybug got a makeover and walks through walls now.

F every weak ass pussy hiding under their bed collecting their dole. I ain't missed a day of work since the whole thing started outside of a short stint being sick (not covid) for a bit and told to shut the job down.

I know that don't make me special, there are a lot of folks who have been doing the same. But J. H. C. there are a LOT of panty pissers out there. We got work, we got jobs withering on the vine cause we can't fill em. I'm talking prevailing wage with bennies, $20-$40/hr. but folks can "do alright" staying home or doing door dash on the sly to supplement the dole. I wish we could afford to leave these Mother F'ers behind. Let them stay unemployed forever, but unfortunately we need every swinging dick (and the women too) to get off their ass.

08-04-21, 15:55
Masks?? Not for this ole timer... :-)


08-04-21, 16:20
The IL governor just announced he signed another executive order requiring all public schools to require mask use regardless of vaccination status. I’d venture to say he will revert his previous statement that further mandates would not happen.

08-04-21, 17:52
I think our only hope is immediate mass passive resistance, Gandhi style. No masks, no vaccine, no lockdowns, no closures, no curfews, etc. and so forth. We all just en masse go back to living our normal lives and let herd immunity work its magic.

I agree with this, strongly. And you see some of this in France and the UK, though with little success so far.

Voting is basically worthless at this point. We all know the 2020 election was dirty. We may disagree on exactly how, how much, or whether it would have changed the supposed "Biden" victory, but no one here can seriously claim it was a completely free and fair election. While I strongly support the efforts in some states to reform voting for 2022, I don't see it happening in enough states, or surviving politically-biased court challenges in the states where it may pass.

The problem is that the government is literally paying people to go along with all this nonsense. Loads of free money ***
So this being the case I wouldn't expect much pushback from the masses, at least for as long as the gravy train has any steam left in it. I think about the best we can do is hide as much money and assets off the books as possible and keep our passports current.

I also agree with this. There won't be enough popular support while the masses are getting "free money." We are heading in the direction of Venezuela. Popular support may come around when people are hungry and basic utilities become unreliable, but by that point the entire country is F*d.

08-05-21, 16:21
AZ gov said we are not going backwards, he lost a lot of credibility for his past rulings and must know it. Eff that noise.


08-05-21, 18:02
Don't look now...the Lambda version is on the horizon.......

Wait until the Omega version hits in 2 yrs.....

08-05-21, 20:55
Da Fuq?!!! Concerts and parties are "safe" but going to work will kill ya cause the boogeybug got a makeover and walks through walls now.

F every weak ass pussy hiding under their bed collecting their dole. I ain't missed a day of work since the whole thing started outside of a short stint being sick (not covid) for a bit and told to shut the job down.

I know that don't make me special, there are a lot of folks who have been doing the same. But J. H. C. there are a LOT of panty pissers out there. We got work, we got jobs withering on the vine cause we can't fill em. I'm talking prevailing wage with bennies, $20-$40/hr. but folks can "do alright" staying home or doing door dash on the sly to supplement the dole. I wish we could afford to leave these Mother F'ers behind. Let them stay unemployed forever, but unfortunately we need every swinging dick (and the women too) to get off their ass.

Something like a small family or church meeting was going to wipe out everyone, but multiple hundred personnel riots(of the pure ideology) were perfectly safe.

08-06-21, 04:25
The war on covid that never ends because there will always be a viruses and mutations...

08-06-21, 05:37
The war on covid that never ends because there will always be a viruses and mutations...

And elections that need stolen….

08-06-21, 08:19
https://ahca DOT myflorida DOT com/docs/2020_COVID_19_Vaccination_Record_Card DOT pdf

110lb card stock.

Someone needs to make a 'vaccination' card which is the Constitution or BOR and that they have been 'vaccinated' for it. ;). Have the bar code link to the Declaration on independence.

08-06-21, 09:24
Someone needs to make a 'vaccination' card which is the Constitution or BOR and that they have been 'vaccinated' for it. ;). Have the bar code link to the Declaration on independence.

With all the crap, and the absurd claims "flying is not a right," the Sovereign Citizen line of BS is looking more and more interesting.

08-06-21, 09:42
Don't look now...the Lambda version is on the horizon.......

Wait until the Omega version hits in 2 yrs.....

Well I guess when we run out of the Greek alphabet we will be OK.

08-06-21, 11:30
Well I guess when we run out of the Greek alphabet we will be OK.Then we proceed with Roman numerals!! [emoji48]

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

08-06-21, 12:26
I identify as vaxxed :)

don't question me !

08-06-21, 13:02

08-06-21, 13:34
Well I guess when we run out of the Greek alphabet we will be OK.

There is always the Chinese alphabet, which the way things are going this country will be learning/speaking soon enough.

08-06-21, 13:54
I identify as vaxxed :)

don't question me !


08-06-21, 14:23
Well I guess when we run out of the Greek alphabet we will be OK.

nope then we are back with fraternity labeling... Alpha Beta, Gamma Theta Rho, ... lol

08-06-21, 14:24
There is always the Chinese alphabet, which the way things are going this country will be learning/speaking soon enough.

well Bidet's adminstration just sold a bunch of weapons to Taiwan so let's see what gets hacked next week......

08-06-21, 14:57

What are you, Amish? :p

08-06-21, 20:40
And elections that need stolen….

That’s a bingo!

Will the vaccine stop me from getting it? No.
Will the vaccine stop me from giving it to someone else? Also no.
If I get the vaccine can I at least stop wearing a mask? Again, no.
Why do I have to get the vaccine, then? BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT SAID SO!

Please just let the revolution get here already. It’ll weed out all of the soft ass left and all of the right wing internet warriors with 10,000 rounds of ammo and zero training. NODs and ammo are expensive, I just need yours.

08-06-21, 20:53
What are you, Amish? :p