View Full Version : Ontario Wildfires

07-29-21, 22:24
At times the smokey haze has been slightly visible, tonight I drove past St. Paul at dusk and could barely make out the skyline. Sitting here in the garage, it smells like my neighbor is having a bonfire but the Canadian border is 300+ miles north. Crazy…

07-29-21, 22:39
I hear ya! I'm in Utah, and I can smell all the dope burning in the CA and OR forest fires.

07-29-21, 23:54
Yep, can smell them all the way down to central Iowa.

But I'll give you a crazier one. When I lived in South Florida we'd sometimes get a lot of dust storms and it was sand blown across the Atlantic from the Sahara desert. Never underestimate wind.

07-30-21, 11:45
We've had smoke and haze from Siberia ,2400 miles away, for the last 6 weeks.