View Full Version : CDC To Announce COVID Vaccines Don’t Work on Delta Variant

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07-30-21, 08:02
When the truth is that they have not worked on Covid and has proven to be harmful, hence Biden crediting Trump for the vaccine yesterday.

That baseline is why CTH said two months ago to watch for the moment when the White House credits Trump with the vaccine, because that’s the moment when: (1) the vaccine was going to be identified as dangerous; and/or (2) reports would show the vaccine did not work.

….And right on cue, the late-evening reporting indicates that tomorrow the CDC will announce the vaccine doesn’t work (against the Delta variant). Hence, the need for masks, social distancing and/or possibly lockdowns 2.0. Reminder, when the Intelligence Branch needs to get the public relations engaged, they use the New York Times.

[New York Times] – […] New research showed that vaccinated people infected with the Delta variant carry tremendous amounts of the virus in the nose and throat, she said in an email responding to questions from The New York Times.

The finding contradicts what scientists had observed in vaccinated people infected with previous versions of the virus, who mostly seemed incapable of infecting others.

That conclusion dealt Americans a heavy blow: People with so-called breakthrough infections — cases that occur despite full vaccination — of the Delta variant may be just as contagious as unvaccinated people, even if they have no symptoms. (link)

Bottom line of this narrative shift… vaccinations don’t work. Everything goes back to square one. Blame Trump, not us.

There is also data showing that COVID hospitalizations offer no distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated; and in the example of LA county, the percentage of vaccinated people hospitalized with COVID is identical to the percentage of vaccinated people in the general population. [70% of population vaccinated, 70% of COVID hospitalization patients are vaccinated.] The vaccine offers no benefit from the standing of hospitalization… or so it appears.

In San Francisco, 77% of the population is vaccinated and 83% of the COVID hospitalizations at University of California SF Hospital are previously vaccinated [link]. Again, highlighting the vaccine offers no benefit from the standpoint of hospitalization.

Additionally, there’s data from a recent Pfizer study [Pre-Release pdf Here] where 44,000 patients were studied. 22,000 were given the vaccine, and 22,000 received the placebo. The results amid both groups was almost identical.


07-30-21, 08:03
CDC Is Hiding Data On “Breakthrough Infections”…


07-30-21, 08:04
At what point do you just disregard all of this tripe and get back to living your life?

07-30-21, 08:09
Since November 8th 2020.

- I don't wear masks
- I'm not getting the vaccine
- I am not a subject
- I am no longer compliant

They can kiss my supple, round white arse.

07-30-21, 08:22
Maybe I’m misremembering biology, but I think I was taught that virus mutation is always less lethal as an adaptation to stop killing the host, which is the only place the virus can replicate. Is there new “science” now?

07-30-21, 08:26
Maybe I’m misremembering biology, but I think I was taught that virus mutation is always less lethal as an adaptation to stop killing the host, which is the only place the virus can replicate. Is there new “science” now?

Not always less lethal. That answer is a 'sometimes'. Some bugs' mutation is less lethal; sometimes, it become more so.

07-30-21, 08:26
Since November 8th 2020.

- I don't wear masks
- I'm not getting the vaccine
- I am not a subject
- I am no longer compliant

They can kiss my supple, round white arse.

^This. Absolutely this.

I’ll add my reply to people asking me if I’m “vaccinated” is this: “have you ever had an STD?”

The blank stares and shock are priceless.

07-30-21, 08:42
Maybe I’m misremembering biology, but I think I was taught that virus mutation is always less lethal as an adaptation to stop killing the host, which is the only place the virus can replicate. Is there new “science” now?

Viruses mutate to survive without any consideration of the host. Sometimes those mutations are manageable other times they are far worse. Viruses don't act according to rules or regulations.

07-30-21, 08:47
What are some examples?

07-30-21, 08:50
Since November 8th 2020.

- I don't wear masks
- I'm not getting the vaccine
- I am not a subject
- I am no longer compliant

They can kiss my supple, round white arse.

This, but I have to adjust a bit;
They can kiss my wrinkly, flat as a board white arse.

07-30-21, 08:56
Maybe I’m misremembering biology, but I think I was taught that virus mutation is always less lethal as an adaptation to stop killing the host, which is the only place the virus can replicate. Is there new “science” now?

I remember learning this, however, a virus acts, but the success of that act either prolongs or kills off the host.
Successful virus's weaken and lessen their effects, that's the long term looking back on a virus theory. These stay with us forever.
Viral materials however have no plan, they can go nuts, kill off all the hosts and die out. These burn out quickly because they kill the hosts before they can be passed on to another host.

07-30-21, 09:28
What are some examples?

Bird flu, HIV, some strains of Hep C, ebola...

07-30-21, 10:19
When the truth is that they have not worked on Covid and has proven to be harmful, hence Biden crediting Trump for the vaccine yesterday.

CDC did not say that, vaccines work extremely well against covid, and does work against Delta, only slightly less effective according to several large published studies. Oddly, the page you posted links to a study that shows the efficacy and safety of the vaccines in general, and does not support the linked claims at all:


That's what you get when a highly biased site from a author who does not science uses a study to support their position, that literally says the opposite what they claim...

If anything, Delta is a motivator to get vaccinated. Best to get info from primary sources vs interpretations of biased web sites. For non scientists, with links to studies for those who science:


Bottom line: vaccines don't, and never claimed to, prevent infection per se. They do appear highly effective at reducing serious complications, hospitalizations, and deaths, including Delta.

I'm also the one who, from the very start, advocated for other approaches and adjuvant approaches on this site (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?221763-Covid-19-adjuvant-approaches-etc) and continue to do, but misinformation, disinformation, and pseudo science on vaccines does not help us in anyway, and to a large extent, why we are in the cluster F.

There's no doubt the powers that be, let us all down, mostly due to their pissing match and dislike for the orange guy, and from day one, covid became politicized and weaponized, and we have every right to be angry and question all info supplied at this point, but at some point it's also cutting of yet nose to spite ye face, and that's happening way too much also.

When the dust settles on this one, there will be a lot of finger pointing and most of them will be right!

07-30-21, 11:22
I told my 85 year old, diabetic, mother to get the vaccine in April, because of her risk factors.

She was in pretty much perfect health, for her age, her sugar has been under control for 20 years. She has been demonstrating signs of dimensia since early May and it is progressing quickly. ZERO family history of this and she was fine at Christmas.

I now count it as the worst advice I have ever given.

- Can I prove it is the vaccine? Nope
- Do I think it is the vaccine? Yep
- Will it ever be counted as the vaccine? Nope

07-30-21, 11:39
I told my 85 year old, diabetic, mother to get the vaccine in April, because of her risk factors.

She was in pretty much perfect health, for her age, her sugar has been under control for 20 years. She has been demonstrating signs of dimensia since early May and it is progressing quickly. ZERO family history of this and she was fine at Christmas.

I now count it as the worst advice I have ever given.

- Can I prove it is the vaccine? Nope
- Do I think it is the vaccine? Yep
- Will it ever be counted as the vaccine? Nope

Had she gotten covid and died, how would you feel then? I'm not disparaging your comments, and don't think her experience should be ignored, and some do report "brain fog" from the vaccine, but as you point out, difficult to really pinpoint her experience to the vaccine considering her age, and the reality is as always: risk vs benefits, her risks of taking her chances with having covid (and Delta pretty much guarantees those not not vaccinated will get it) vs the vaccine.

Data strongly favors the vaccine in her case.

Now, you could also say, at 85, quality vs quantity is really the issue and better off she took her chances with covid, and if it was her time it was her time, and I can understand that POV too, and passing no judgments on that POV.

But, we are stuck between making some often difficult decisions here, much of which (most?) we can blame on what I said above, us being caught in the middle of the political pissing match between orange guy and those who hate him.

That's what should make us all really angry. That's what makes me really angry.

07-30-21, 11:46
Bird flu, HIV, some strains of Hep C, ebola...

My understanding is the mode of transmission seems to be an factor, and in respiratory viruses, the general trend is to become more contagious/transmissible but less lethal, which makes some sense.

07-30-21, 11:51
Had she gotten covid and died, how would you feel then? I'm not disparaging your comments, and don't think her experience should be ignored, and some do report "brain fog" from the vaccine, but as you point out, difficult to really pinpoint her experience to the vaccine considering her age, and the reality is as always: risk vs benefits, her risks of taking her chances with having covid (and Delta pretty much guarantees those not not vaccinated will get it) vs the vaccine.

Data strongly favors the vaccine in her case.

Now, you could also say, at 85, quality vs quantity is really the issue and better off she took her chances with covid, and if it was her time it was her time, and I can understand that POV too, and passing no judgments on that POV.

But, we are stuck between making some often difficult decisions here, much of which (most?) we can blame on what I said above, us being caught in the middle of the political pissing match between orange guy and those who hate him.

That's what should make us all really angry. That's what makes me really angry.

There are a couple things that make me very angry.

1. They are ignoring proven, viable, therapeutic options and pushing an experimental vaccine 100%, as a one size fits all solution for everyone. Including pregnant women and children.

2. There was no reason for 700,000 people to die in this country. Whatever their reasons, I tend to think they are political, yet they continue to let people die, when they know very well, this virus is treatable.

THIS is what pisses me off and it should piss everyone off to the point where we DRAMATICALLY reduce the size of the over lords and so-called "experts."

07-30-21, 12:08
They are ignoring proven, viable, therapeutic options and pushing the vaccine 100% as a one size fits all solution for everyone.

There was no reason for 700,000 people to die in this country.

Whatever their reasons, I tend to think they are political, they've let people die, when they knew very well, this virus is treatable. THIS is what pisses me off and it should piss everyone off to the point where we DRAMATICALLY reduce the size of the over lords and so-called "experts."

Per comments, and the fact I started a thread at the very beginning of all this to focus on adjuvant approaches, I fully agree there.

It's bordering on criminal negligence, certainly medical negligence, to actively suppress other therapeutics, but I and others have been saying that as it pertains to cancer, CVD, diabetes, etc for decades now, 30 years for me, and those kill millions.

This event perhaps made that a more acute reality that end of the day, the system protects itself and both by its design and intent, stifles and blocks anything that threatens that system, such as inexpensive therapeutics that either can't be patented, or simply out of patent.

It's disgusting and it needs to stop, and maybe, covid will have exposed that reality enough where people say enough is enough. Check out the book written by a friend of mine: Pharmocracy:


Having said all that, I think the vaccines are an essential tool in the tool box in this situation.

07-30-21, 12:16
There are a couple things that make me very angry.

1. They are ignoring proven, viable, therapeutic options and pushing an experimental vaccine 100%, as a one size fits all solution for everyone. Including pregnant women and children.

Agree on this 100%. The lack of candor in dealing with this is mind boggling, but not surprising. Follow the $. Billions to be made from the “vaccine”. No profit in saving lives with Ivermectin.

07-30-21, 13:53
I think part of the issue is how hard and easy it is to ‘prove’ something. In these medical studies, the populations always suck. They just do. Even in huge national things like this. You run a study get results. Someone run another study and gets different result. And that is for researchers that are actually looking at data and not trying to get a certain result, which is frankly rare.

Anyways, it seems that this CDC action is all based on a Provincetown, MA case cluster- one in which no one dies. To speak Massachusetts- pretty whicked Pandemic that doesn’t kill anyone…

07-30-21, 14:10
You had me at;

CDC To Announce COVID Vaccines Don’t Work

07-30-21, 14:32
1. They are ignoring proven, viable, therapeutic options and pushing an experimental vaccine 100%, as a one size fits all solution for everyone. Including pregnant women and children.

2. There was no reason for 700,000 people to die in this country. Whatever their reasons, I tend to think they are political, yet they continue to let people die, when they know very well, this virus is treatable.

Once you are willing to admit the second one, and I understand it’s hard to fully process, but are you so sure the first one is still true? What if they want to extend the panic and emergency powers rather than get to a solution?

Somebody needs to keep getting sick and dying.

The totalitarian mandates are so ridiculously over the top and the messaging so bad... you have to wonder if it’s by design to solidify vaccine hesitancy into refusal.

Plus, when in history has a communist cared one bit how many of his own countrymen need to be killed to advance communism?

07-30-21, 14:48
the article said about the leaked internal CDC doc https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/07/29/cdc-mask-guidance/?wpmk=1&wpisrc=al_news__alert-hse--alert-national&utm_source=alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wp_news_alert_revere&location=alert

The document outlines “communication challenges” fueled by cases in vaccinated people, including concerns from local health departments about whether coronavirus vaccines remain effective and a “public convinced vaccines no longer work/booster doses needed.”

so direct from CDC says they are effective !
All COVID-19 vaccines currently authorized in the United States are effective against COVID-19, including serious outcomes of severe disease, hospitalization, and death.

now are saying OH WAIT lower

emerging data suggest lower effectiveness against confirmed infection and symptomatic disease caused by the Beta, Gamma, and Delta variants compared with the ancestral strain and the Alpha variant.

and now concerned even amongst vaccinated

demonstrating that Delta infection resulted in similarly high SARS-CoV-2 viral loads in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. High viral loads suggest an increased risk of transmission and raised concern that, unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus.This finding is concerning and was a pivotal discovery leading to CDC’s updated mask recommendation. The masking recommendation was updated to ensure the vaccinated public would not unknowingly transmit virus to others, including their unvaccinated or immunocompromised loved ones.

OH WAIT maybe maybe not oh wait back to normal ?

COVID-19 vaccines are effective
Vaccine breakthrough cases occur in only a small percentage of vaccinated people. To date, no unexpected patterns have been identified in the case demographics or vaccine characteristics among people with reported vaccine breakthrough infections.
COVID-19 vaccines are effective. CDC recommends that everyone 12 years of age and older get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as they can.
People who have been fully vaccinated can resume activities that they did prior to the pandemic.

OH that was close I guess normal is maybe lies and wearing a mask and being lied to and taking it

Jul 26
You’re fully vaccinated 2 weeks after getting your last #COVID19 vaccine. Get vaccinated as soon as you can so you can get back to doing the things you love.

07-30-21, 16:32
At what point do you just disregard all of this tripe and get back to living your life?


If we had the political will and were not invested in fear, we'd use known treatments that work (especially when caught early) (Hydroxychloroquine/VitD/VitC/Zinc/Some other stuff cocktails that many doctors have been using for months to successfullly treat), Ivermectin, which has been used in many countries worldwide to greatly lower infection rates, and simply getting everyone on large (safe) doses of VitD, which has been shown to greatly reduce the magnitude of the infection/symptoms.

Instead we are invested in fear and control.

07-30-21, 16:36
To speak Massachusetts- pretty whicked Pandemic that doesn’t kill anyone…

Sorry, but this is not Massachusetts. "Wicked" is properly an adverb, not an adjective. I would guess the adjective version is more a California thing.

Proper Massachusetts version of your sentence would be something along the lines: "Pretty wicked bad/terrible/horrible/some adjective Pandemic that doesn't kill anyone"

07-30-21, 17:40
In July 2021, following multiple large public events in a Barnstable County, Massachusetts, town, 469 COVID-19 cases were identified among Massachusetts residents who had traveled to the town during July 3–17; 346 (74%) occurred in fully vaccinated persons. Testing identified the Delta variant in 90% of specimens from 133 patients. Cycle threshold values were similar among specimens from patients who were fully vaccinated and those who were not.


111,000+ Vaccine Breakthrough Cases Identified in US – More Than **10X** CDC’s Count When They Stopped Tracking in May


It's all bs at this point & don't believe anything but what I'm seeing...the above matches what's happening in my little world & it's the exact opposite of what the msm is regurgitating. Our friend / admin from a local hospital says 9 out of 10 covid patients in the ICU as of today had the vaccine & the only covid cases I've heard of locally / personally are from the vaccinated. Don't tell me these folks are lucky to be jab'd or it be worse when I don't see any un-jab'd folks catching delta & the media tells me they are responsible for the spread. The covid narrative is going to mutate in the direction that leads to control / fear & make no mistake lock downs & mandates will be tried again soon. I don't think it matters if 100% are jab'd, there is going to be a delta & probably a zeta variant that would cause the resurgence of the stupidity. Surgeon general is saying the jab'd need to mask up to protect the un-jab'd...they are trying desperately to convince the hesitant & pitting pro vs anti as a tool.


August is going to be insane.

Two weeks to flatten the curve...

07-30-21, 17:53
And with a bubonic plague case in Colorado...
*in Fauci Cultist Retard voice* "Ohnoes the Black Death is back! LOCK IT DOWN LOCK THE WHOLE WORLD DOWN RITENAO FOREVER!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!!"

07-30-21, 23:23
Not always less lethal. That answer is a 'sometimes'. Some bugs' mutation is less lethal; sometimes, it become more so.

Yeah, it's more often than not going to mutate weaker......but not every time.

07-30-21, 23:43
And can someone please tell me where, in all this madness, is the g-damn ChiCom penance?

For that matter, does anyone have any info on what is happening inside China itself with regards to their virus? Are they dying like flies? I can only hope so. Screw the ChiComs and ALL their people too. A YouTube interview Will posted a few months ago was pretty eye-opening about what the average Chinese thinks of America (hence my statement of "screw ALL of them"). At one time I was philosophically opposed to McArthur's plan for the ChiComs during the Korean War, but now I'm not so sure. The world might be a better place now. Just sayin'.......:rolleyes:

07-31-21, 01:00
You know what the Chi-Coms would have done in the reverse situation... They probably scratched their heads when they didn't get a can of sunshine, or a lot of round eyed Taiwanese pilots with mad skills...

07-31-21, 01:01
And can someone please tell me where, in all this madness, is the g-damn ChiCom penance?

For that matter, does anyone have any info on what is happening inside China itself with regards to their virus? Are they dying like flies? I can only hope so. Screw the ChiComs and ALL their people too. A YouTube interview Will posted a few months ago was pretty eye-opening about what the average Chinese thinks of America (hence my statement of "screw ALL of them"). At one time I was philosophically opposed to McArthur's plan for the ChiComs during the Korean War, but now I'm not so sure. The world might be a better place now. Just sayin'.......:rolleyes:

We’re too worried about Taiwan flying a flag in Japan at the Olympics that might anger China. All while convincing our college kids that it’s bad to root for America at the games, and they should only cheer individuals, because obviously all nations are equal. :rolleyes:

07-31-21, 01:20

Question for our Massholes. Is Provincetown 'gay'. I was just on vacation back east and drove up and down Cape Cod. We drove all the way out to Provincetown- and it was, well, -gay. First I noticed that there were a lot of two guy groups walking around. Then, not a lot of women. Then it became clearer that it was gay couples. This was the weekend of July 17th.

Was just wondering since Provincetown and the 'party' atmosphere there supposedly fueled the outbreak. Didn't know if the gay part and higher rates of immuno compromise might have factored in.

All this masking over 6 hospitalizations and zero deaths.... No wonder their isn't a huge jump on masks.

Speaking of science experiments, We are about to run the largest one in history. GOP states are not going to mask up and in two months, actually probably a month, we'll know how far this whole delta thing was overblown.

#DeltaHoax or will be this what condemns the GOP to lose the 2022 elections.

ETA: Funny thing about science. I'd look at the data that came out of Provincetown and use to bolster the position that all is well and we are on the right path. There were infections. There were hospitalization, usually with underlying conditions and none serious with no deaths. That is why "science" and 'data' are not what the press plays them out to be. 'Follow the science and data' is meaningless because people can look at those two things and come to different decisions. Science and data are not leadership or decisions.

07-31-21, 01:35
And can someone please tell me where, in all this madness, is the g-damn ChiCom penance?

For that matter, does anyone have any info on what is happening inside China itself with regards to their virus? Are they dying like flies? I can only hope so. Screw the ChiComs and ALL their people too. A YouTube interview Will posted a few months ago was pretty eye-opening about what the average Chinese thinks of America (hence my statement of "screw ALL of them"). At one time I was philosophically opposed to McArthur's plan for the ChiComs during the Korean War, but now I'm not so sure. The world might be a better place now. Just sayin'.......:rolleyes:

So you do know that the average Chinese person is given their opinion by state tv and state news yes? They can't just pop on the internet and google "truth of Tienanmen Square." Not making excuses for the true believers, but I suspect 75% of that country is effectively captive by one means or another.

07-31-21, 01:39
We’re too worried about Taiwan flying a flag in Japan at the Olympics that might anger China. All while convincing our college kids that it’s bad to root for America at the games, and they should only cheer individuals, because obviously all nations are equal. :rolleyes:

Not really new, been that way since 1981. It's BS but it's been BS for a long time.

07-31-21, 02:18
Interesting developments in Indonesia.


07-31-21, 06:41
Have “cases” become “infections” in Newspeak?

07-31-21, 06:53
You know what the Chi-Coms would have done in the reverse situation... They probably scratched their heads when they didn't get a can of sunshine, or a lot of round eyed Taiwanese pilots with mad skills...

Our enemies know they have it made. They can start a pandemic, crash our economy, sow discord and division and the American response will be "Trump's fault! Racism! White supremacy!" .

07-31-21, 08:33
So you do know that the average Chinese person is given their opinion by state tv and state news yes? They can't just pop on the internet and google "truth of Tienanmen Square." Not making excuses for the true believers, but I suspect 75% of that country is effectively captive by one means or another.

I've used a story as an analogy that will hopefully make my point: years ago my wife and I used to speed walk or jog on the streets where we used to live. Out in the country, but with a few houses around. There was a Rottweiler that would usually come out into the street and snarl while circling us. He had to go 120# easily. BIG dog. I managed to kind of shoo him away but he got braver. One day I said "Fvck it, we're not getting bit by that damn dog" and took my .357 on our next sortie. My wife said "You don't know how that dog was raised, maybe he was abused". I told her "If I'm about to get attacked I don't give a damn how that dog was brought up. What matters right then is that he's about to attack us". [Never did have to shoot the dog thankfully, the owner saw me pull out the revolver and he called his dog right away.....never did come back out after us. Funny how that works.]

So my point is that the Chinese are extremely nationalistic, whether they are diehard commies or not. They are also a homogenous society, not a "melting pot" like we are. We are seen as outsiders who threaten the Great Dragon. So commie or not they are reflexively Chinese to the core. Sure, many countries are but they are our biggest potential enemy and a "near-peer" to boot. Just like to some degree we held the German and Japanese people accountable for the actions of their government, so too we should hold the Chinese people to the same standard. In the video Will posted the gringo who spoke Mandarin lived there for a while and spoke to people all over. Their comments didn't seem communist-leaning, but instead fiercely nationalistic. Go Team China! Screw the Yankee dogs kind of thing. Well, fine, I hate you bastards too. ALL of you.

07-31-21, 08:56
Once you are willing to admit the second one, and I understand it’s hard to fully process, but are you so sure the first one is still true? What if they want to extend the panic and emergency powers rather than get to a solution?

Somebody needs to keep getting sick and dying.

The totalitarian mandates are so ridiculously over the top and the messaging so bad... you have to wonder if it’s by design to solidify vaccine hesitancy into refusal.

Plus, when in history has a communist cared one bit how many of his own countrymen need to be killed to advance communism?

Democrats used the virus to their advantage in 2020 and want to do the same in 2022.

07-31-21, 09:17
Democrats used the virus to their advantage in 2020 and want to do the same in 2022.

And every two years thereafter until Judgment Day...

07-31-21, 09:27

Question for our Massholes. Is Provincetown 'gay'. I was just on vacation back east and drove up and down Cape Cod. We drove all the way out to Provincetown- and it was, well, -gay. First I noticed that there were a lot of two guy groups walking around. Then, not a lot of women. Then it became clearer that it was gay couples. This was the weekend of July 17th.

Yes, P-Town is famous for being a gay town. It has the highest percentage of LGBTQ people of any town in the country. I think it's mostly gay/bi men; The town of Northhampton, MA, which is about an hour and half from P-Town in Western MA, is the most lesbian town in the U.S.

Was just wondering since Provincetown and the 'party' atmosphere there supposedly fueled the outbreak. Didn't know if the gay part and higher rates of immuno compromise might have factored in.

All this masking over 6 hospitalizations and zero deaths.... No wonder their isn't a huge jump on masks.

Speaking of science experiments, We are about to run the largest one in history. GOP states are not going to mask up and in two months, actually probably a month, we'll know how far this whole delta thing was overblown.

#DeltaHoax or will be this what condemns the GOP to lose the 2022 elections.

I don't know if it will be. Right now, it's not about who's "right" on how to handle this thing, but an issue of liberties. Even liberals are getting fed up with COVID restrictions and the government constantly moving the goalposts on this whole situation. First they said we could take the masks off once we were vaccinated. Then they changed it to "a LOT of people have to be vaccinated". Now it's "EVERYBODY has to be vaccinated." Now it's "As long as COVID exists, you have to mask up and distance REGARDLESS of whether or not you're vaccinated."

People are sick of hearing that COVID breaks every rule we ever knew about viruses. Vaccines are supposed to immunize the individual. I have my polio vaccine. If I get exposed to polio, I have nothing to worry about. I can't get sick, and I can't spread polio. But COVID? Now if I'm exposed to someone with COVID I can get the virus and spread it even if I don't get sick? I can get it from another vaccinated person?? The worst part about this rhetoric is that they aren't saying that it IS the case. The government is saying "We don't know that this is NOT the case, and though the evidence for this is scant, we have to act like this IS the case until proven otherwise...and even if it's proven otherwise, we'll STILL act like it's the case because we can't ever be 100% sure!"

07-31-21, 09:47
Interesting developments in Indonesia.


China Virus, China Vaccine, a dozen deaths.

Who cares? THe chinese produced Vaccine doesn't work in a few cases. Not really interesting.

07-31-21, 10:20
Take the time to listen to Dr Peter McCullough.


07-31-21, 10:30
We’re too worried about Taiwan flying a flag in Japan at the Olympics that might anger China. All while convincing our college kids that it’s bad to root for America at the games, and they should only cheer individuals, because obviously all nations are equal. :rolleyes:

Well, I’m not cheering for any “woke” American athlete from the USA. Not one.

As far as Taiwan is concerned... we have to look back into history and be objective. We sided with the Communist Party in China and dumped Chang Kia Shek (spelling) so we created this clusterfvck. Not sure how to extricate ourselves from it without bloodshed - and it would be a LOT of bloodshed on BOTH sides, perhaps nukes involved.

We Americans NEVER learn.

Ignorance is NOT bliss.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-31-21, 10:41
For those who do care about objective science based intel on this topic, a good page in general, and a high quality discussion on this topic, is via Dr. John Campbell. He covers a lot of ground here and lays it out nicely:


07-31-21, 11:16
All I hear from the current administration and the mainstream media is how high the infection rate is of the delta strain and how we all need to get the vaccine which isn't delta specific. What I haven't heard is the delta infection rate among individuals who contracted the previous covid strain. I'm not a biologist, but I would think that having survived the actual virus would give a person greater immunity than a vaccine would.

07-31-21, 11:31
All I hear from the current administration and the mainstream media is how high the infection rate is of the delta strain and how we all need to get the vaccine which isn't delta specific. What I haven't heard is the delta infection rate among individuals who contracted the previous covid strain. I'm not a biologist, but I would think that having survived the actual virus would give a person greater immunity than a vaccine would.

That does appear to be the case, and one reason it's advised to get at least one shot of the two shot protocols even if one had covid. I know 2 people who who had covid about year ago, didn't get vaccinated, both ended up in the hospital from the new varient, one in serious condition and 50/50 if he makes it.

Vaccination is highly consistent and predictable, natural exposure is not, and can range from highly robust to minimal, depending on wide array of variables, some known, some not, and unless one has access to a lab that will test for all that, you don't know. Immunity is one of the most complex areas of human biology and "where common sense goes to die" as those who study the topic like to say.

There's still a great deal unknown about the immune system, but one silver lining of this cluster F we are in with covid, is a moon shot level of effort and research to learn more, especially as it pertains to viruses for obvious reasons, we will all benefit from.

07-31-21, 12:09
That does appear to be the case, and one reason it's advised to get at least one shot of the two shot protocols even if one had covid. I know 2 people who who had covid about year ago, didn't get vaccinated, both ended up in the hospital from the new varient, one in serious condition and 50/50 if he makes it.

Vaccination is highly consistent and predictable, natural exposure is not, and can range from highly robust to minimal, depending on wide array of variables, some known, some not, and unless one has access to a lab that will test for all that, you don't know. Immunity is one of the most complex areas of human biology and "where common sense goes to die" as those who study the topic like to say.

There's still a great deal unknown about the immune system, but one silver lining of this cluster F we are in with covid, is a moon shot level of effort and research to learn more, especially as it pertains to viruses for obvious reasons, we will all benefit from.

I just called my local CVS, and they do covid antibody testing for $38. What I find interesting is that they tell you up front that you can get the vaccine at no cost, but that insurance will not pay for antibody testing.

07-31-21, 13:00
That does appear to be the case, and one reason it's advised to get at least one shot of the two shot protocols even if one had covid. I know 2 people who who had covid about year ago, didn't get vaccinated, both ended up in the hospital from the new varient, one in serious condition and 50/50 if he makes it.

Vaccination is highly consistent and predictable, natural exposure is not, and can range from highly robust to minimal, depending on wide array of variables, some known, some not, and unless one has access to a lab that will test for all that, you don't know. Immunity is one of the most complex areas of human biology and "where common sense goes to die" as those who study the topic like to say.

There's still a great deal unknown about the immune system, but one silver lining of this cluster F we are in with covid, is a moon shot level of effort and research to learn more, especially as it pertains to viruses for obvious reasons, we will all benefit from.

I know it's anecdotal and not exactly "scientific", but COVID is unpredictable. As I've said before, it appears that if it "has your number" you're screwed......they can throw the proverbial kitchen sink at you and you'll still die. Fortunately that is a very small percentage of cases, but it happens (I've seen it at work). Seems to be no rhyme or reason to how/who it kills in those extreme cases. The results are all over the board. Sure, you can say it's the elderly or immunosuppressed, and you'd be MOSTLY correct, but nowhere near TOTALLY correct. It is those off-the-wall deaths that are most disturbing.

07-31-21, 13:33
I just called my local CVS, and they do covid antibody testing for $38. What I find interesting is that they tell you up front that you can get the vaccine at no cost, but that insurance will not pay for antibody testing.

Not clear what the value would be anyway in the context of the discussion, unless you just wanna know. It does tell you anything other than you were exposed at some point. It does not tell anything about your immune status, ergo, how you may respond to another variant. Prior exposure should be protective, how protective is the Q per above.

07-31-21, 13:56
Not clear what the value would be anyway in the context of the discussion, unless you just wanna know. It does tell you anything other than you were exposed at some point. It does not tell anything about your immune status, ergo, how you may respond to another variant. Prior exposure should be protective, how protective is the Q per above.

And I would argue that the same could be said of the vaccine.

07-31-21, 14:01
And I would argue that the same could be said of the vaccine.

I see no parallels at all, but you do you. Good luck.

07-31-21, 14:04
Excellent objective science based discussion via Dr. John Campbell's page on the leaked CDC doc:


07-31-21, 14:33
I see no parallels at all, but you do you. Good luck.

Are you suggesting that the antibodies formed after taking a vaccine that utilizes a weakened or dead form of the virus are somehow better or stronger than the antibodies created when a person has overcome the full strength virus?

07-31-21, 14:58
Are you suggesting that the antibodies formed after taking a vaccine that utilizes a weakened or dead form of the virus are somehow better or stronger than the antibodies created of a person who has overcome the full strength virus?

mRNA vaccines don't utilize "weakened or dead form of the virus" for starters, but target spike proteins, so highly targeted.

I explained the differences already above to the best of my understanding, and it's still in flux, but again, natural immunity ranges considerably between individuals, for reasons unclear, likely less protective against variants, there's a qualitative and quantitative test used for testing antibodies, and so forth.

The immune response from the vaccine is not the same as that of natural immunity, natural immunity appears to be more variable within individuals, and more virus specific, where as the vaccine targets the spike proteins all covid viruses use to enter via ACE2 receptors.

Hence, why it's recommended those with prior exposure, get vaccinated, possibly getting one of the two shots of the 2 shot protocol mRNA vaccines.

Those with prior exposure and partial vaccination may be the best protected of all, but more data is needed there.

07-31-21, 16:17
And I would argue that the same could be said of the vaccine.

Not clear what the value would be anyway in the context of the discussion, unless you just wanna know. It does tell you anything other than you were exposed at some point. It does not tell anything about your immune status, ergo, how you may respond to another variant. Prior exposure should be protective, how protective is the Q per above.

mRNA vaccines don't utilize "weakened or dead form of the virus" for starters, but target spike proteins, so highly targeted.

I explained the differences already above to the best of my understanding, and it's still in flux, but again, natural immunity ranges considerably between individuals, for reasons unclear, likely less protective against variants, there's a qualitative and quantitative test used for testing antibodies, and so forth.

The immune response from the vaccine is not the same as that of natural immunity, natural immunity appears to be more variable within individuals, and more virus specific, where as the vaccine targets the spike proteins all covid viruses use to enter via ACE2 receptors.

Hence, why it's recommended those with prior exposure, get vaccinated, possibly getting one of the two shots of the 2 shot protocol mRNA vaccines.

Those with prior exposure and partial vaccination may be the best protected of all, but more data is needed there.

It’s the spike protien replicated by our body from mRNA strand specifically, not directly from mRNA. If the spike protein changes, your vaccine is hosed faster than natural immunity that is probably based on multiple parts of the virus. I agree the spike was the best way to go, but it might lose it’s its relevance faster. How your body responds to virus, what kind of variant you got, what kind of load are probably all driving differences.


. If this were a report on that first came out about the vaccines, you’d have to say that they don’t work. Granted, I’d like 10x as many people in the study, but there appears to be no difference between the vax’d and un-vax’d in infection or outcome. You’d also have to say that out of 469 known cases, there were no deaths… if delta is that dangerous, you’d expect a few at least. Three out of the five hospitalizations had health issues.

Funny how they don’t run any real stats on these numbers when they clearly could have. That is telling. That CDC document is basically a flier with less than high school level math. Why is that.

SO we have vaccines that don’t work against a variant that doesn’t kill anyone. Checkmate. I mean, that is what the data says. It’s their data.

If you were looking at this data in 2018, you’d say that was a nasty flu outbreak, n'est-ce pas? Would it have triggered a nation wide mask mandate? That is a question to ask people to see if they are crazy kool-aide drinkers.

07-31-21, 16:41
At what point do you just disregard all of this tripe and get back to living your life?

For me and my family? 14 months ago.

07-31-21, 16:48
Listen to Dr Robert Malone and Dr Peter McCullough.
Here is Dr McCullough on covid and the jab.

Here is Dr Malone;

07-31-21, 19:23
So from the CDC flier and the PowerPoint Presentation.

-The vaccines don’t work. (The viral load and the hospitalizations and outcomes in the P-town outbreak.)
-Delta doesn’t kill anyone (P-town outbreak)
-Masks don’t work (It’s in there PP slide deck, 20% effective in protecting you. People seem to think that they are impenetrable force fields. At best, masks slow down infection spread, but with a R as high as it is, everyone is going to get this.)

The ultimate crazy thing is that the CDC bases their action plan on the P-town outbreak. They like the result that people need to wear masks, they seem to ignore the data that shows that vaccines are ineffective. You can’t take one result from the data and throw out the other. That is CRAZY.

The new normal is that COVID is with us all over the planet.

07-31-21, 19:45
Anybody got it right now? Send me a damn kleenex to suck on. I just wanna catch a dose and be done.

07-31-21, 20:03
Anybody got it right now? Send me a damn kleenex to suck on. I just wanna catch a dose and be done.

If you're talking about the WuFlu, no, you don't want to wish it upon yourself, simply because of the unpredictability of it. Yeah you have a 98.2% chance of surviving (this assumes the fatality figure for all ages combined from the COVID peak last year to earlier this year), but I'd never bet my life on a supposition. YMMV

07-31-21, 20:03
Anybody got it right now? Send me a damn kleenex to suck on. I just wanna catch a dose and be done.

Site is working just peachy tonight I see......

07-31-21, 20:05
Listen to Dr Robert Malone and Dr Peter McCullough.
Here is Dr McCullough on covid and the jab.

Here is Dr Malone;

Summaries or salient points, please.

07-31-21, 20:05

07-31-21, 20:22
So from the CDC flier and the PowerPoint Presentation.

-The vaccines don’t work. (The viral load and the hospitalizations and outcomes in the P-town outbreak.)
-Delta doesn’t kill anyone (P-town outbreak)
-Masks don’t work (It’s in there PP slide deck, 20% effective in protecting you. People seem to think that they are impenetrable force fields. At best, masks slow down infection spread, but with a R as high as it is, everyone is going to get this.)

The ultimate crazy thing is that the CDC bases their action plan on the P-town outbreak. They like the result that people need to wear masks, they seem to ignore the data that shows that vaccines are ineffective. You can’t take one result from the data and throw out the other. That is CRAZY.

The new normal is that COVID is with us all over the planet.

Something else I found interesting in the CDC study that you posted was the following graph:

Now I'm not a member of Mensa, but to me that graph makes it look like those who are vaccinated have a better chance of getting the delta variant than the non-vaccinated do.

07-31-21, 22:05
Maybe not so much, since 75% of the population is vaccinated and 75% roughly of the people who got infected were vaccinated. It’s more that the vaccination and unvaccinated got infected at roughly rates proportional to their population. The strange thing from the graph is, it makes it look like it was initiated by vaccinated people passing it on, not unvaccinated….

It is a horrible date is set to be used to make decisions.

07-31-21, 22:30
Maybe not so much, since 75% of the population is vaccinated and 75% roughly of the people who got infected were vaccinated. It’s more that the vaccination and unvaccinated got infected at roughly rates proportional to their population. The strange thing from the graph is, it makes it look like it was initiated by vaccinated people passing it on, not unvaccinated….

If the vaccine had any benefit, the rates of infection between vaccinated and not shouldn't match. There could be other variables at play, of course, but this is a big flashing warning light. It's a small data set and limited to one outbreak, but the numbers absolutely should NOT match if the vaccine is working as claimed.

Too little data to say if this was started by vaccinated super-spreaders. That concern has been raised by some of the "fringe" commenters, some of whom have MD's and PhD's... but this doesn't prove that, or even provide a very meaningful data set to work from on that one issue.

08-01-21, 00:49
It’s the spike protien replicated by our body from mRNA strand specifically, not directly from mRNA. If the spike protein changes, your vaccine is hosed faster than natural immunity that is probably based on multiple parts of the virus.
The vaccine maker gets to choose what point to attack. They look for a portion they believe is the least likely to mutate. I read this in some stuff about next gen flu vaccine work a few years ago that was probably mRNA.

Funny how they don’t run any real stats on these numbers when they clearly could have. That is telling. That CDC document is basically a flier with less than high school level math. Why is that.
If you start with “I want to bring back masks and lockdowns and vote by mail” then work backwards it will make more sense.

08-01-21, 06:18
What are some examples?

I found a reference, viruses either mutate to become more transmissible and less lethal or more lethal yet less transmissible. So Delta may cause more “cases” but they are less worrisome.

08-01-21, 08:46
This supports my theory:


08-01-21, 09:26
If “delta” was deadlier we would see a spike in deaths in the unvaccinated contracting it. We’re not seeing that. We’re seeing fewer hospitalizations and fewer deaths with this “surge”.

This has become ludicrous. It was always a power play by the State and they won’t let it go, you’re going to have to make some tough decisions, bow down or just let it go and be free.

Don’t give in to the fear mongers.

08-01-21, 10:24
Ran across this & obviously can't confirm legitimacy but goes along with what I'm being told by a friend who is admin at a local hospital. They do not test for delta & only receive +/- results. My theory is anyone who is fully vaccinated & tests positive is simply rubber stamped breakthrough. Local news keeps saying non-jab'd are filling up hospitals & that is simply not the case from those I talk to in the know. We'll have a new scary deadly zeta variant before the month is over.


08-01-21, 10:33
No jab, no mask, no trust in this corrupt Govt.

08-01-21, 11:24
Anybody else out there starting to feel like we're approaching Book of Revelation if not well into it?

08-01-21, 12:04
If “delta” was deadlier we would see a spike in deaths in the unvaccinated contracting it. We’re not seeing that. We’re seeing fewer hospitalizations and fewer deaths with this “surge”.

This has become ludicrous. It was always a power play by the State and they won’t let it go, you’re going to have to make some tough decisions, bow down or just let it go and be free.

Don’t give in to the fear mongers.

Have you noticed the “death tickers” aren't scrolling across the bottom of the tv screen like they were last year? For as horrible as this surge is, how contagious delta is and how the unvaccinated are killing everyone the death toll sure isn’t being reported.

08-01-21, 12:28
The 2 doctors I linked in a previous post are highly credentialed. One them, Dr Malone is the creator of the MRNA vaccine. They have been on the right track since the beginning. The experimental vaccines are causing antibody dependent enhancement just like they did in the trials. Essentially the experimental vaccines are responsible the resistant mutations.

Here is Dr Peter McCullough; video is in the link. Educate yourself instead of relying on snippets of information.

"Dr. Peter McCullough said these deaths have been facilitated by a false narrative bent on pushing an all-new, unproven vaccine for a disease that was highly treatable.

He said COVID was a bioweapon and the vaccines represent “phase two” of that bioweapon.

“As this, in a sense, bioterrorism phase one was rolled out, it was really all about keeping the population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation,” McCullough said in a June 11 webinar with German attorney Reiner Fuellmich and several other doctors...


Here Dr Malone discusses the antibody dependent enhancement and the experimental vaccine negative effects that are being suppressed.

08-01-21, 12:38
Something else I found interesting in the CDC study that you posted was the following graph:

Now I'm not a member of Mensa, but to me that graph makes it look like those who are vaccinated have a better chance of getting the delta variant than the non-vaccinated do.

Which is probably based on behavior as much as anything. If you got vaccinated, you’re probably under the impression that you have a higher threshold to infection. Not an unreasonable assumption. But it seems the delta variant works in a different manner than the others. I’d be interested to know the how, but I haven’t seen anything about that.

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08-01-21, 13:31
But, we are stuck between making some often difficult decisions here, much of which (most?) we can blame on what I said above, us being caught in the middle of the political pissing match between orange guy and those who hate him.

That's what should make us all really angry. That's what makes me really angry.What makes me angry is trying to make decisions based on untrustworthy entities: the media, the government, and academia which now apparently owns science and medicine. All three entities I intensely hate because of their politics, meddling and self righteous attitudes, ridiculously poor decision making and prodigal spending, and complete disregard for (and immunity from) the consequences of being wrong. Trust them with advice on what to do with my body? Absolutely not. When all three push an agenda and want to force something while setting records for shady activity including censorship and propaganda? Hell f***ing no. How do I trust knowing what they're actually injecting people with? Unit 731 comes to mind.

Then all the doctors are all going along with it out of fear of their licensing boards, hospitals, insurance companies, and peers. But then who's left to ask?

08-01-21, 14:19
CDC did not say that, vaccines work extremely well against covid, and does work against Delta, only slightly less effective according to several large published studies. Oddly, the page you posted links to a study that shows the efficacy and safety of the vaccines in general, and does not support the linked claims at all:


That's what you get when a highly biased site from a author who does not science uses a study to support their position, that literally says the opposite what they claim...

If anything, Delta is a motivator to get vaccinated. Best to get info from primary sources vs interpretations of biased web sites. For non scientists, with links to studies for those who science:


Bottom line: vaccines don't, and never claimed to, prevent infection per se. They do appear highly effective at reducing serious complications, hospitalizations, and deaths, including Delta.

I'm also the one who, from the very start, advocated for other approaches and adjuvant approaches on this site (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?221763-Covid-19-adjuvant-approaches-etc) and continue to do, but misinformation, disinformation, and pseudo science on vaccines does not help us in anyway, and to a large extent, why we are in the cluster F.

There's no doubt the powers that be, let us all down, mostly due to their pissing match and dislike for the orange guy, and from day one, covid became politicized and weaponized, and we have every right to be angry and question all info supplied at this point, but at some point it's also cutting of yet nose to spite ye face, and that's happening way too much also.

When the dust settles on this one, there will be a lot of finger pointing and most of them will be right!

This is the best stated synopsis I have seen of the reality I’m living.
Trying to have a logical conversation about all of this has been far harder than actually taking care of my COVID patients.
You sir, give me hope.

08-01-21, 14:30
If “delta” was deadlier we would see a spike in deaths in the unvaccinated contracting it. We’re not seeing that. We’re seeing fewer hospitalizations and fewer deaths with this “surge”.

This has become ludicrous. It was always a power play by the State and they won’t let it go, you’re going to have to make some tough decisions, bow down or just let it go and be free.

Don’t give in to the fear mongers.
Not deadlier, more contagious.

I’m a physician in conservative rural Texas and vaccine hesitancy is high here. Most older and high risk people still got the vaccine right away, and they seem to have concluded the risk benefit of it was in favor of the vaccine. I expect it will be at least partially effective at keeping the death rates overall lower. If a lot of people get sick in a hurry, it may still be overwhelming. On the other hand we could get to herd immunity faster…

As for deaths, they after come about 3 weeks after the person gets COVID, so it will be delayed. I’m certainly seeing increased cases the past 2 weeks. I haven’t had anyone hospitalized with Covid for several months, but the past 2 weeks I have had 4 cases. Fellow physicians have similar experiences. We have had the first death in months. The majority of cases are relatively minor, and I’m seeing younger unvaccinated adults and kids that are sick. Presumed delta COVID sort of exploded over about 2 weeks. The original disease here seemed to start more slowly.

I don’t think the vaccine is as effective for delta as we had hoped, especially Pfizer, which was the most common vaccine here. If Moderna is proven to work better vs Delta, I would hope to see the CDC recommending a Moderna booster or series.

I’m not stopping life. I’m not afraid of the vaccine. I only wear a mask at work, but I’ve done that for decades and only really as needed.

08-01-21, 16:56
There is no win here. It would be easier to fix the illegal immigration problem than the COVID problem. Get the shot and live your life.

08-01-21, 19:15
There is no win here. It would be easier to fix the illegal immigration problem than the COVID problem. Get the shot and live your life.

To me, it depends on your age group and health. I know a lot of guys on these forums are old timers. If you’ve got one foot in the grave, fk it. Take the shot. That’s like raw doggin a hooker. Who gives a shit. I’m 45 and have survived a lot, including an ex wife who morphed into a feminist. This government concocted “disease” doesn’t scare me one bit. No fear here.

08-01-21, 19:47
There is no win here. It would be easier to fix the illegal immigration problem than the COVID problem. Get the shot and live your life.

Have you listen to what the man who created the MRNA has to say about the experimental vaccine?


If haven't listened why?

08-01-21, 20:18
There is no win here. It would be easier to fix the illegal immigration problem than the COVID problem. Get the shot and live your life.

Or don’t get the shots and live your life...


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08-02-21, 09:46

Very low breakthrough infection rate for vax’d people according to Kaiser. But the CDC data for P-town said that everyone was getting it???

Is there a difference between a ‘breakthrough infection’ and and infection, as in virus present in the nasal passages?

The data and communication on this is absolute crap. Now the NYC mayor of all people isn’t pushing a mask mandate? So who is knee-capping Fauci now?

08-02-21, 10:02
That's by design, because this virus is a political weapon meant to facilitate power seizures and further election shenanigans. Many of us predicted there'd be a new strain dropping as soon as the first one looked beat, then there'll be another to keep the fear-porn train going...

Watch the movie Songbird. It's where they fully intend to go with this.

08-02-21, 10:05
That's by design, because this virus is a political weapon meant to facilitate power seizures and further election shenanigans. Many of us predicted there'd be a new strain dropping as soon as the first one looked beat, then there'll be another to keep the fear-porn train going...

Watch the movie Songbird. It's where they fully intend to go with this.

Well, and all fairness viruses mutate, so....

We always knew there would be other strains and variants.

08-02-21, 10:40
How we got here…


08-02-21, 10:40
Try reading this...

Why are they so desperate to get 100% compliance on the [emoji382]??


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08-02-21, 10:57
Well, and all fairness viruses mutate, so....

We always knew there would be other strains and variants.

True, but I'm referring to the weaponization of them to keep the Pandemic Panic Porn train rolling onward to 1984.

08-02-21, 11:05
I’m 27 year old, very active, healthy male and I got the shot. Maybe I’m brainwashed, but we were concerned about taking care of the girlfriends grandparents, so I got it. Nothing adverse has happened.

Now, I’m disgusted with the forced vaccination, the lies, etc. I’m not masking again and I’m not getting another vaccine.

08-02-21, 12:38
Try reading this...

Why are they so desperate to get 100% compliance on the [emoji382]??


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hahaha, no.

It’s because big pharma are making money hand over fist! This is the single greatest wealth transfer since Noah.

08-02-21, 12:41
Try reading this...

Why are they so desperate to get 100% compliance on the [emoji382]??


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

From the article
".......I am speaking of the US in particular, but it is important to point out that in the US the establishment is still desperately clamoring for a much higher vaccination rate. In places like Europe, the UK and Australia vaccinations rates are higher"

Australia's vaccination rates aren't higher. In fact they're only at about 15% for fully vaccinated and double for 1st dose. With 12.3 million doses given. US on the other hand is at 50% with 346 million doses

UK is at 57%
Germany and Italy 52%
France 47%
Spain 57%
Canada 59%
Poland 46%

So we're pretty much in line with everyone else even though we have a lot more people.

08-02-21, 13:15
Yeah, my girlfriend is all-in brainwashed and I'm trying to figure out how to tell her that for many people there is GOOD REASON to distrust the "public health authorities" in the US leading pushing this, between Tuskegee Syphilis, shooting kids up with radioactives just for shitzngigglez in the '50s and the delieberate blocking of potential AIDS tratments like AZT in the '80s...

I'm probably butchering it, but there's an old legal presumption of "false in one, false in all"--and three BIG datapoints of Prior Bad Acting by the CDC and its fellow Alphabet Soup, two of them participated in by one Anthony Fauci in particular, kind of establishes a certain Rebuttable Presumption of continued bad acts and bad faith.

08-02-21, 13:50
Yeah, my girlfriend is all-in brainwashed and I'm trying to figure out how to tell her that for many people there is GOOD REASON to distrust the "public health authorities" in the US leading pushing this, between Tuskegee Syphilis, shooting kids up with radioactives just for shitzngigglez in the '50s and the delieberate blocking of potential AIDS tratments like AZT in the '80s...

I'm probably butchering it, but there's an old legal presumption of "false in one, false in all"--and three BIG datapoints of Prior Bad Acting by the CDC and its fellow Alphabet Soup, two of them participated in by one Anthony Fauci in particular, kind of establishes a certain Rebuttable Presumption of continued bad acts and bad faith.

You don't even need to dredge up history to distrust this nonsense. Every single step taken by our "experts" has made this problem worse, not better.

Steve Kirsch has a $2M reward out there for anyone who can point to one thing that has been done correctly since this nonsense started. He still holds his $2M and has had no takers.

08-02-21, 14:20
This is the best stated synopsis I have seen of the reality I’m living.
Trying to have a logical conversation about all of this has been far harder than actually taking care of my COVID patients.
You sir, give me hope.

Doing the best I can doc, but it's mostly an echo chamber in this thread. I will add that we had (have?) some excellent med pros here who commented in the beginning, supplied a lot of great info, are are either lurking or left, apparently tired of combating info that's easily debunked, and just repeated over and over. I fully "get" the frustration of people, feel the powers that be let us down on every possible level, have missed opportunities for treatments, and think they can vaccine their way out of this current situation. But, we are where are and must work from there, and politicization weaponization of the topic from day one continues to prevent that, leaving all of us in the middle.

Not deadlier, more contagious.

I’m a physician in conservative rural Texas and vaccine hesitancy is high here. Most older and high risk people still got the vaccine right away, and they seem to have concluded the risk benefit of it was in favor of the vaccine. I expect it will be at least partially effective at keeping the death rates overall lower. If a lot of people get sick in a hurry, it may still be overwhelming. On the other hand we could get to herd immunity faster…

What is the SOC these days you follow? On herd immunity, I wrote about that when all this started in Medium, but in retrospect, the US being close to one big co morbidity (that's the elephant in the room no one wants to actually talk about in my view...), I'm not convinced it would work in the US, unless people are ok with far more deaths than seen so far:


There is no win here. It would be easier to fix the illegal immigration problem than the COVID problem. Get the shot and live your life.

While taking at least the minimum supps supported by adequate data (D, C, Zinc, Mag, etc), losing weight is needed, getting regular exercise, and not eating crap for food, thus greatly reducing risks of serious complications and death from covid, yes. That however requires taking some personal responsibility for the outcomes of exposure, a very unpopular thing in the US these days. Not directed at you, general observations.

Have you listen to what the man who created the MRNA has to say about the experimental vaccine?


If haven't listened why?

How many times you going to post that? Starters, he didn't create mRNA vaccines, and that's normally credited to Dr. Katalin Karikó and her collaborator Dr. Drew Weissman. On being questioned about his claim, he responded "... he did not invent the mRNA vaccines, but instead the 'vaccine technology platform.' He also presented copies of nine patents – none of which showed that he invented the mRNA vaccines."

He's obviously a very smart guy, and I have been paying attention to what he's been saying, I suspect, before you ever heard of him. He makes a lot of legit points in that interview, some that are easy to take out of context, especially for people who lack the sci/med background to understand the nuances of what he's actually saying in context of the topic.

He's 100% right that we will not vaccine our way out of covid, that all discussions of potential side effects of the vaccines are being suppressed, that it's bad science to do so, and in my view, only gives the hard core anti vaxer types (which he clearly is not), ammo for their claims it's all a secret plot control our minds with nanno bots...something something Bill Gates...something something population control by Soros, etc.

Note he stresses those who are at high risk, such as the morbidly obese (his example), should be vaccinated. The real problem is, the US is one big fat (pun intended...) co morbidity, and 'Murican's are not prepared to pay that price for herd immunity as it will really happen minus the vaccines. I wrote about herd immunity when all this got really started in Medium:


While I agree with Malone on most of what he's saying, he's also being used by the anti vax crowed like a $2 hooker, having much what he's saying taken out of context, or simply not understood, and to date, and we should follow his recs starting at min 37 of that interview.

08-02-21, 14:35
Lindsey Graham happy the jab saved him from getting sicker...smh.


08-02-21, 14:40
Lindsey Graham happy the jab saved him from getting sicker...smh.

https://mobile.twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/1422272144059289602Can you prove otherwise?

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

08-02-21, 14:42
I think the big fat American's thing is an extreme generalization and is exaggerated. I look at the people in my neighborhood and none of them are "o-beast" but appear to be relatively fit and normal.

For my sample of one, I weigh the same as I did in high school with the same or lower body fat content. (Its been a very long time since I was in high school.)

08-02-21, 14:45
Lindsey Graham happy the jab saved him from getting sicker...smh.


Guess Lindsey realized that was a stupid comment & deleted...Someone told my uncle he was lucky to get the jab when he was at his worst & snapped. 'I got the vaccine so I wouldn't get sick you idiot.'

08-02-21, 14:47
I think the big fat American's thing is an extreme generalization and is exaggerated. I look at the people in my neighborhood and none of them are "o-beast" but appear to be relatively fit and normal.

For my sample of one, I weigh the same as I did in high school with the same or lower body fat content. (Its been a very long time since I was in high school.)What's normal or fit looking. We're used to seeing everyone as rather plump!

I'm 6'1 and 206 and that's overweight by about 20 lbs

Best way to know is see a doctor and have a workup. You don't need to be 300lbs to have high BP or diabetes.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

08-02-21, 14:49
You don't even need to dredge up history to distrust this nonsense. Every single step taken by our "experts" has made this problem worse, not better.

Steve Kirsch has a $2M reward out there for anyone who can point to one thing that has been done correctly since this nonsense started. He still holds his $2M and has had no takers.

True, but I'm a historian so I usually find it easier to communicate when I can bring up past parallels and make the argument that "this is just the latest version of [fill in the blank]." :)

08-02-21, 14:59
I think the big fat American's thing is an extreme generalization and is exaggerated. I look at the people in my neighborhood and none of them are "o-beast" but appear to be relatively fit and normal.

Pretty enlightening.

08-02-21, 15:00
I think the big fat American's thing is an extreme generalization and is exaggerated. I look at the people in my neighborhood and none of them are "o-beast" but appear to be relatively fit and normal.

For my sample of one, I weigh the same as I did in high school with the same or lower body fat content. (Its been a very long time since I was in high school.)

We must be in very different neighborhoods as I see obese people all over the place at the supermarket, mall, etc, etc. Regardless, we lead the world in obesity, diabetes (a major co morbidity) and other lifestyle related diseases, such as CVD, etc. We have reports from the DOD that the terrible general health and obesity of ever younger people makes them "too fat to fight" and represents a serious NS issue, any doc will tell you how often those in the ER are obese, etc, etc.

Some co morbidity, we have no control over, like aging, some disease, etc., but we are not a healthy society, and getting worse, and covid has exposed that reality in spades for us all to see.

Which, if it gets discussed at all, will be a blip, and then back to more commercials about latest greatest pharma drug to treat high A1C, and big gulp sodas and stuff.

With 300m + people, I'd say conservatively 50% with at least 1 co morbidity, keeping them alive long enough to complete their life cycle as a good consumer and voter via vaccines, is a no brainer.

08-02-21, 15:28
I have crohn’s, or at least a immune response to environmental conditions where I live that mimics the symptoms of crohn’s. I have an extremely mild case of WPW that the VA failed to fix. I’ve been exposed to all sorts of nasty stuff over the 21 years I’ve been in the Army, I’m 38 and am currently a little out of shape, 5’10”, just under 200 pounds.

I don’t trust any of the information I’m getting about both the virus and the vaccines so I refuse to get the jab and I live my life as best as I can like I always have (mask up around the germaphobe wife when we’re in public to ease her anxiety)

08-02-21, 15:35
Have you listen to what the man who created the MRNA has to say about the experimental vaccine?


If haven't listened why?

I listened to it and I have a number of issues with it:
6 month immunity from natural or vax? I think we are seeing longer than that, and if you had COVID last year, that means that the vax is your future..
THe side-effects from the vax? Maybe, could's. He takes the position that for people at risk of dying, take the vax. Children, outside of IC, probably not.
Interesting comments about why the full approval isn't coming. But how can you have a cabal so powerful that it is pushing the vax so far, but won't screw with the data for full approval? Not a great argument.
"Gene Therapy" ain't what this is. It is not changing your genetic information in your DNA. He uses the term only once or twice in the start, and he may have been using it to describe how people describe it.
His point that a 'leaky' vax is bad because it will lead to super strains is actually backwards. If the vax wasn't leaky and killed off all the current strains, that would open the path for a new strain. Competitive inhibition of sorts from the delta still circulating at a high R0, but not killing vax'd people is the best of both worlds in some ways.

I agree with 95% of what I heard, the issue is that you had a hard science guy on with some hard politics guys; the message get tweaked a bit.

Overall I agree with his path forward. Vax for people at risk, natural immunity for everyone else, and this is now endemic to humans.

From the article
".......I am speaking of the US in particular, but it is important to point out that in the US the establishment is still desperately clamoring for a much higher vaccination rate. In places like Europe, the UK and Australia vaccinations rates are higher"

Australia's vaccination rates aren't higher. In fact they're only at about 15% for fully vaccinated and double for 1st dose. With 12.3 million doses given. US on the other hand is at 50% with 346 million doses

UK is at 57%
Germany and Italy 52%
France 47%
Spain 57%
Canada 59%
Poland 46%

So we're pretty much in line with everyone else even though we have a lot more people.

And they started later and have approached or are passing our vax rates. Their vax rates aren't higher because of a lack of supply, not resistance. Was talking to a buddy in the EU this weekend and he said that there isn't nearly the anti-mask/vax movement there as there is here. He spent the first half of his life in the US, and he finds the resistance to vax and especially masking to be odd. I told him that is how you ended up with Mussolini...

08-02-21, 16:06
Reading through the thread, it seems like folks really do not understand what vaccines do (and don't) achieve medically...

Their job is to pre-train your body to recognize and respond very quickly with T-killers to invaders. Something that typically would occur naturally over time if infected, assuming you survived the infection.

They are not some form of force shield which repels virus clouds.

So the so-called "Breakthru" cases are not really a surprise. And are composed of two different groups:
1) folks who tested positive via nasal swab, but never really "had" COVID (no symptoms, etc).
2) Those who showed symptoms, typically mild. And subsequently were confirmed to be positive via testing.

Getting a viral load in the nasal cavities is like walking into a cloud of smoke or flour from a mill. It's present as you breathed it in, no more no less. And can be detected via swab if tested, assuming large enough quantities.

Mere presence in detectable quantities does not imply infection... only presence.

So it's painfully inaccurate to say someone "got COVID" just because they tested positive in a nasal swab test and never showed symptoms. Nor does it imply vaccine failure, in fact has nothing to do with the vaccine.

I'll leave it to the medical folks to conjecture on how many times folks test positive yet never show symptoms. But it should be no surprise that politicos who are routinely tested proactively occasionally show positive even if vaccinated. Could just mean they walked through a cloud. Or could mean they had an infection, but the body dealt with it prior to showing symptoms (it was pre-trained, remember)

So then there are the ones who were vaccinated, yet still "got COVID". Bucket #2, showed symptoms. These are the true breakthrough cases. And the facts are very clear: those who did show symptoms typically had very mild ones, often to the point that they would not have known it was COVID if not tested proactively. Their bodies were already trained, johnny on the spot. Detected invader, ramped up response (fever, white blood cells, etc), and dealt with it. The number of cases where where vaccinated people "caught COVID" and had to be admitted is very small. And even smaller yet the number who had to be put on respirators. (Something like 0.1%).

It feels like there needs to be a clearer definition beyond a positive nasal swab... mild COVID might be positive test + showing fever, respiratory distress, etc. Serious COVID requiring hospitalization with 24x7 supplementary O2 to keep saturation above 90%. And critical as Serious + being on respirator, etc.

There's a bunch of noise out there even by agencies who probably know better. Not accurate enough in their descriptions/language. And we are all over the place in this thread.

You can get the vaccine or not. Believe it works or not. But at least understand what it does and how it works.

And no, the CDC absolutely did not say the vaccine "does not work on delta", the OP and thread title is entirely inaccurate. Over time the virus could mutate enough that it becomes less effective. No indications of that being the case now. The increases in cases are largely due to (surprise) more unvaccinated folks getting infected and spreading. Delta does appear to be more "infectious" in the sense that smaller viral loads can cause infection.

08-02-21, 16:10
Was talking to a buddy in the EU this weekend and he said that there isn't nearly the anti-mask/vax movement there as there is here. He spent the first half of his life in the US, and he finds the resistance to vax and especially masking to be odd. I told him that is how you ended up with Mussolini...

And yet there are active protests and police interaction in both Germany and France on this masks/vaccination.

I will say informally with my EU (and really world wide) employees, any who could get the vaccine did. So small sample group... very little vaccine resistance. Then again, the ones in India and Bulgaria have had family members die. (Especially India)

08-02-21, 16:19
We must be in very different neighborhoods as I see obese people all over the place at the supermarket, mall, etc, etc. Regardless, we lead the world in obesity, diabetes (a major co morbidity) and other lifestyle related diseases, such as CVD, etc. We have reports from the DOD that the terrible general health and obesity of ever younger people makes them "too fat to fight" and represents a serious NS issue, any doc will tell you how often those in the ER are obese, etc, etc.

Some co morbidity, we have no control over, like aging, some disease, etc., but we are not a healthy society, and getting worse, and covid has exposed that reality in spades for us all to see.

Which, if it gets discussed at all, will be a blip, and then back to more commercials about latest greatest pharma drug to treat high A1C, and big gulp sodas and stuff.

With 300m + people, I'd say conservatively 50% with at least 1 co morbidity, keeping them alive long enough to complete their life cycle as a good consumer and voter via vaccines, is a no brainer.

I agree with your core/final point, but also think the routine (Fat 'Merican) co-morbidity COVID risk is a bit overblown. Is it a risk factor? Sure. Is it a death sentence? Clearly not. Nor is being fit make COVID risk free. I know multiple overweight/obese folks late 50's early 60's who got it and ran the normal range of ER visit to no big deal, thought it was a cold. One hospitalized. And I know fit folks who had serious impact, even some young ones. (Even a new one, I now have a family member with "COVID Foot"... it may be a decade before we know the real impact of this virus https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/coronavirus/covid-toes )

Morbidly Obese is a different situation. But then again, they already had to know that... it's in the definition of the category they are in. They are obese enough that there is serious health risk from their weight, not just from the contributing factors.

08-02-21, 16:29
Is there a difference between a ‘breakthrough infection’ and and infection, as in virus present in the nasal passages?

The data and communication on this is absolute crap.

yep, that is the core issue, sloppy communication and poor definitions.

Are you "infected" by pollen/dust because you have them present on a nasal cavity swab? yet if they were in your lungs due to reproduction, tricking cells into protecting them, and creating issues you would.

Maybe there are better diagnostic tests than the deep nasal cavity swab.

Nurse niece had a false negative test due to routine nasal swab testing. Apparently earlier tests removed/disrupted the membrane they swabbed and not enough bio material was present. Test showed negative, yet she had it and gave it to one of her parents.

08-02-21, 16:32
So based on everything I've read, getting vaxxed is still a good idea overall, unless you have specific medical issues that contraindicate. Also, despite what the CDC is saying, there's no reason for the vaxxed to resume wearing masks, especially if you're practicing social distancing. That's just another power grab for now.

Obviously that could change if national conditions actually change, but I'm not very swayed by the CDC guidelines when they used a 2 week bacchanal as the driver on universal, nationwide mask usage. I wasn't really comprehending until I saw this article on it:


Eighty-seven percent of those who tested positive were men with a median age of 40 and 74

Pics of said events... :rolleyes:





08-02-21, 16:42
And they started later and have approached or are passing our vax rates. Their vax rates aren't higher because of a lack of supply, not resistance. Was talking to a buddy in the EU this weekend and he said that there isn't nearly the anti-mask/vax movement there as there is here. He spent the first half of his life in the US, and he finds the resistance to vax and especially masking to be odd. I told him that is how you ended up with Mussolini...

Yes but when you have 30 million it's easier and faster to get to half the population than when you have 350 million. Hell, some countries never really closed. Serbia locked down for about 3 weeks. They had the real "two weeks to stop the spread". After that it was be careful, wear a mask if you feel the need, try to limit your activities around large crowds...etc.. and that was it. They now offer all the vaccines available. Russian, Chinese, Moderna, JJ, Pfizer... and in all this time they've had less than a million cases and less than 10k deaths.

But my point was more about the info floating around. There's A LOT of noise from both sides and very little data and what data there is is sprinkled in all that noise. And only thing that happens is people just post and repost what they agree with regardless of facts. Or data is posted but with no context. Lots of breakthrough infections it seems but then it's actually 00.077%. and there's 00.004% hospitalized and 00.001% died but those people were very old and extremely immunocompromised already. Their bodies couldn't handle the strain.

Could this data be compromised as well? Not everything reported? Possibly but I can only go off of what exists and not what someone with an internet connection comes across on 4Chan

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

08-02-21, 16:47
Speaking of science experiments, We are about to run the largest one in history. GOP states are not going to mask up and in two months, actually probably a month, we'll know how far this whole delta thing was overblown.

#DeltaHoax or will be this what condemns the GOP to lose the 2022 elections.

I was pondering this point earlier... I live in GA. Nominally a red state, certainly outside of a couple of metro areas. Nearly all "Trumpers" + repubs I know are vaccinated. At least 90%. It's a different group I see afraid to get vaccinated. (Thanks Kamela)

Atlanta is having an outbreak. But adjacent counties are not. It's not the folks who live outside Atlanta and work in the city getting sick, they are mostly vaccinated. It's the demographic groups who followed Kamela's "I would not trust a vaccine developed under Trump" comment. I know several afraid to take it, and see a clear difference by observation regarding wearing masks, etc.

Even the right wing redneck bubbas I know mostly took the vaccine as soon as available, even if they hate Fauci, don't trust the CDC, and despise the current regime. A couple I know who refused to be bothered ended up catching it. One lost a parent from it.

Clearly Fauci needs to be replaced. No one I know (right or left) trusts him. Biden / Kamela need to come out strongly on their past statements, make it clear it was about politics then, and that the vaccines should not be feared. CNN and mainstream media need to be told to quit beating the drum that it's only rabid Trumpers refusing to get the vaccines. The big cities with large minority population are starting to see real issues, which could be avoided.

08-02-21, 17:20
I think the big fat American's thing is an extreme generalization and is exaggerated. I look at the people in my neighborhood and none of them are "o-beast" but appear to be relatively fit and normal.

For my sample of one, I weigh the same as I did in high school with the same or lower body fat content. (Its been a very long time since I was in high school.)

good for ya :)
but sadly its a reality :)

also so many are TOFI now and have horrid visceral fat issues even though they appear OK

well again thanks to our crappy gov food pyramid !!!

outward appearance can not show what someone is inside and labs are the only way

with only about %12 of US being metabolic shape they have us where they want sadly

we are not the worst country though again blame industrialized seed oils and processed crap passed as food and lies about what is healthy the hate against meat etc...

08-02-21, 17:27
Lot's of good comments.

And yet there are active protests and police interaction in both Germany and France on this masks/vaccination.

I will say informally with my EU (and really world wide) employees, any who could get the vaccine did. So small sample group... very little vaccine resistance. Then again, the ones in India and Bulgaria have had family members die. (Especially India)

I'd say that it isn't as a big potitical issue and not as widespread. Non-complaince is always an issue, anywhere- and the right/anti over there would be far more likely than here to protest in an organized way. Just differences.

yep, that is the core issue, sloppy communication and poor definitions.

Are you "infected" by pollen/dust because you have them present on a nasal cavity swab? yet if they were in your lungs due to reproduction, tricking cells into protecting them, and creating issues you would.

Maybe there are better diagnostic tests than the deep nasal cavity swab.

Nurse niece had a false negative test due to routine nasal swab testing. Apparently earlier tests removed/disrupted the membrane they swabbed and not enough bio material was present. Test showed negative, yet she had it and gave it to one of her parents.

My in-house medical counsel has been big on this postives vs infections.

So based on everything I've read, getting vaxxed is still a good idea overall, unless you have specific medical issues that contraindicate. Also, despite what the CDC is saying, there's no reason for the vaxxed to resume wearing masks, especially if you're practicing social distancing. That's just another power grab for now.

Obviously that could change if national conditions actually change, but I'm not very swayed by the CDC guidelines when they used a 2 week bacchanal as the driver on universal, nationwide mask usage. I wasn't really comprehending until I saw this article on it:


Was listening to BEn Shapiro this morning and he mentioned, but did not reference, that the population and activiities around the outbreak have been noted to by health people as being, well, out of the norm? Most veiled way of saying it is that 75% of the cases were men. The not so veiled way to say it is that a gay hook-up hot spot with lots of spit-swapping activity, and a population with a higher incidence of immuno issues, isn't the best source for a study to base national policy on.

That relates to the title of the thread- which if you take the P-town data at face value shows that there is no difference between vax and un-vaxed populations when it comes to infection, hospitalization and death rate.

08-02-21, 17:38
From the article
".......I am speaking of the US in particular, but it is important to point out that in the US the establishment is still desperately clamoring for a much higher vaccination rate. In places like Europe, the UK and Australia vaccinations rates are higher"

Australia's vaccination rates aren't higher. In fact they're only at about 15% for fully vaccinated and double for 1st dose. With 12.3 million doses given. US on the other hand is at 50% with 346 million doses

UK is at 57%
Germany and Italy 52%
France 47%
Spain 57%
Canada 59%
Poland 46%

So we're pretty much in line with everyone else even though we have a lot more people.

I don’t buy the US numbers on pretty much anything. Especially this virus.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-02-21, 17:39
Hahaha, no.

It’s because big pharma are making money hand over fist! This is the single greatest wealth transfer since Noah.

It’s bigger than “just making money.”

You have zero sense of liberty I see.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-02-21, 18:44
It’s bigger than “just making money.”

You have zero sense of liberty I see.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I’m making the point that big pharma is making a ton of money and they are buying media, politicians and science by the wheelbarrow. Where did I indicate I agreed or approved of that and/or hate liberty?

08-02-21, 18:50
mandatory vaccination ID to eat or buy food or get medical !!!!

but a citizenship/USA ID for voting in our country that is racist and should not be required

this is where we are !

so our friend has just been denied surgery until they get vaccinated !!!

08-02-21, 19:03
This is long, but worth watching. Dr. Peter McCullough is legit and has saved many lives during this fiasco.


08-02-21, 19:30
This is long, but worth watching. Dr. Peter McCullough is legit and has saved many lives during this fiasco.


"Post discussion content when offering links and embedded videos."

08-02-21, 19:33

I’m making the point that big pharma is making a ton of money and they are buying media, politicians and science by the wheelbarrow. Where did I indicate I agreed or approved of that and/or hate liberty?

You did not.

I assumed and made an ARSE OF MYSELF.

Please accept my apology.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-02-21, 20:05
Exposing the fraud

08-03-21, 07:47
You can roll the Chinese flu dice or the US-made vaccine dice.

Either way you ARE rolling one or the other.

The odds of better health are with a vaccine, no doubt.

08-03-21, 08:13
"Post discussion content when offering links and embedded videos."


Most probably won’t bother though.

08-03-21, 14:02
You did not.

I assumed and made an ARSE OF MYSELF.

Please accept my apology.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

All good, bro.

08-03-21, 17:02
FW from an Old Sarge buddy...


I did not write this. I copied from a friend.

For all advocates of vaccine, I’m not knocking you but this is why I’m skeptical. Please read


ME: CDC, should I get poke if I already had Covid?

CDC: “Yes, you should be poked regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19.”

ME: Oh, okay, we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts. Got it. So, how long does poke-induced immunity last?

CDC: “There is still a lot we are learning about COVID-19 pokes and CDC is constantly reviewing evidence and updating guidance. We don’t know how long protection lasts for those who are poked.”

ME: Okay … but wait a second. I thought you said the reason I need the poke was because we don’t know how long my natural immunity lasts, but it seems like you’re saying we ALSO don’t know how long poke immunity lasts either. So, how exactly is the poke immunity better than my natural immunity?

CDC: …

ME: Uh … alright. But, haven’t there been a bunch of studies suggesting that natural immunity could last for years or decades?

CDC: Yes.

NEWYORKTIMES: “Years, maybe even decades, according to a new study.”

ME: Ah. So natural immunity might last longer than poke immunity?

CDC: Possibly. You never know.

ME: Okay. If I get the poke, does that mean I won’t get sick?

BRITAIN: Nope. We are just now entering a seasonal spike and about half of our infections and hospital admissions are poked people.

ME: CDC, is this true? Are there a lot of people in the U.S. catching Covid after getting the poke?

CDC: We stopped tracking breakthrough cases. We accept voluntary reports of breakthroughs but aren’t out there looking for them.

ME: Does that mean that if someone comes in the hospital with Covid, you don’t track them because they’ve been poked? You only track the UN-poked Covid cases?

CDC: That’s right.

ME: Oh, okay. Hmm. Well, if I can still get sick after I get the poke, how is it helping me?

CDC: We never said you wouldn’t get sick. We said it would reduce your chances of serious illness or death.

ME: Oh, sorry. Alright, exactly how much does it reduce my chance of serious illness or death.

CDC: We don’t know “exactly.”

ME: Oh. Then what’s your best estimate for how much risk reduction there is?

CDC: We don’t know, okay? Next question.

ME: Um, if I’m healthy and don’t want the poke, is there any reason I should get it?

CDC: Yes, for the collective.

ME: How does the collective benefit from me getting poked?

CDC: Because you could spread the virus to someone else who might get sick and die.

ME: Can a poked person spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: So if I get poked, I could still spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: But I thought you just said, the REASON I should get poked was to prevent me spreading the virus? How does that make sense if I can still catch Covid and spread it after getting the poke?

CDC: Never mind that. The other thing is, if you stay unpoked, there’s a chance the virus could possibly mutate into a strain that escapes the pokes protection, putting all poked people at risk.

ME: So the poke stops the virus from mutating?

CDC: No.

ME: So it can still mutate in poked people?

CDC: Yes.

ME: This seems confusing. If the poke doesn’t stop mutations, and it doesn’t stop infections, then how does me getting poked help prevent a more deadly strain from evolving to escape the poke?

CDC: You aren’t listening, okay? The bottom line is: as long as you are unpoked, you pose a threat to poked people.

ME: But what KIND of threat??

CDC: The threat that they could get a serious case of Covid and possibly die.

ME: My brain hurts. Didn’t you JUST say that the poke doesn’t keep people from catching Covid, but prevents a serious case or dying? Now it seems like you’re saying poked people can still easily die from Covid even after they got the poke just by running into an unpoked person! Which is it??

CDC: That’s it, we’re hanging up now.

ME: Wait! I just want to make sure I understand all this. So, even if I ALREADY had Covid, I should STILL get poked, because we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts, and we also don’t know how long poke immunity lasts. And I should get the poke to keep a poked person from catching Covid from me, but even if I get the poke, I can give it to the poked person anyways. And, the other poked person can still easily catch a serious case of Covid from me and die. Do I have all that right?

ME: Um, hello? Is anyone there?

Copied from a friend.

08-03-21, 17:07
FW from an Old Sarge buddy...


I did not write this. I copied from a friend.

For all advocates of vaccine, I’m not knocking you but this is why I’m skeptical. Please read


ME: CDC, should I get poke if I already had Covid?

CDC: “Yes, you should be poked regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19.”

ME: Oh, okay, we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts. Got it. So, how long does poke-induced immunity last?

CDC: “There is still a lot we are learning about COVID-19 pokes and CDC is constantly reviewing evidence and updating guidance. We don’t know how long protection lasts for those who are poked.”

ME: Okay … but wait a second. I thought you said the reason I need the poke was because we don’t know how long my natural immunity lasts, but it seems like you’re saying we ALSO don’t know how long poke immunity lasts either. So, how exactly is the poke immunity better than my natural immunity?

CDC: …

ME: Uh … alright. But, haven’t there been a bunch of studies suggesting that natural immunity could last for years or decades?

CDC: Yes.

NEWYORKTIMES: “Years, maybe even decades, according to a new study.”

ME: Ah. So natural immunity might last longer than poke immunity?

CDC: Possibly. You never know.

ME: Okay. If I get the poke, does that mean I won’t get sick?

BRITAIN: Nope. We are just now entering a seasonal spike and about half of our infections and hospital admissions are poked people.

ME: CDC, is this true? Are there a lot of people in the U.S. catching Covid after getting the poke?

CDC: We stopped tracking breakthrough cases. We accept voluntary reports of breakthroughs but aren’t out there looking for them.

ME: Does that mean that if someone comes in the hospital with Covid, you don’t track them because they’ve been poked? You only track the UN-poked Covid cases?

CDC: That’s right.

ME: Oh, okay. Hmm. Well, if I can still get sick after I get the poke, how is it helping me?

CDC: We never said you wouldn’t get sick. We said it would reduce your chances of serious illness or death.

ME: Oh, sorry. Alright, exactly how much does it reduce my chance of serious illness or death.

CDC: We don’t know “exactly.”

ME: Oh. Then what’s your best estimate for how much risk reduction there is?

CDC: We don’t know, okay? Next question.

ME: Um, if I’m healthy and don’t want the poke, is there any reason I should get it?

CDC: Yes, for the collective.

ME: How does the collective benefit from me getting poked?

CDC: Because you could spread the virus to someone else who might get sick and die.

ME: Can a poked person spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: So if I get poked, I could still spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: But I thought you just said, the REASON I should get poked was to prevent me spreading the virus? How does that make sense if I can still catch Covid and spread it after getting the poke?

CDC: Never mind that. The other thing is, if you stay unpoked, there’s a chance the virus could possibly mutate into a strain that escapes the pokes protection, putting all poked people at risk.

ME: So the poke stops the virus from mutating?

CDC: No.

ME: So it can still mutate in poked people?

CDC: Yes.

ME: This seems confusing. If the poke doesn’t stop mutations, and it doesn’t stop infections, then how does me getting poked help prevent a more deadly strain from evolving to escape the poke?

CDC: You aren’t listening, okay? The bottom line is: as long as you are unpoked, you pose a threat to poked people.

ME: But what KIND of threat??

CDC: The threat that they could get a serious case of Covid and possibly die.

ME: My brain hurts. Didn’t you JUST say that the poke doesn’t keep people from catching Covid, but prevents a serious case or dying? Now it seems like you’re saying poked people can still easily die from Covid even after they got the poke just by running into an unpoked person! Which is it??

CDC: That’s it, we’re hanging up now.

ME: Wait! I just want to make sure I understand all this. So, even if I ALREADY had Covid, I should STILL get poked, because we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts, and we also don’t know how long poke immunity lasts. And I should get the poke to keep a poked person from catching Covid from me, but even if I get the poke, I can give it to the poked person anyways. And, the other poked person can still easily catch a serious case of Covid from me and die. Do I have all that right?

ME: Um, hello? Is anyone there?

Copied from a friend.This is about as trustworthy as taking medical advice from a random homeless crackhead

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08-03-21, 17:21
I hear one of the more common side effects of the jab is it makes you lose your sense of humor...

08-03-21, 17:53
I hear one of the more common side effects of the jab is it makes you lose your sense of humor...Hard to tell anymore with some of the posts

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

08-03-21, 18:16
This is about as trustworthy as taking medical advice from a random homeless crackhead

Yup, pretty much.
I'm unvaccinated and all of that is pretty much why.
I served 35 years in the Military and the MIC. Why does suddenly everyone in the .gov suddenly give a "F" about me?
I feel like I'm getting hustled just reading all of that.

Boy Scout
08-04-21, 05:44
A question for our resident doctors/physicians:

Can you get vaccines to administer in your practice?

If so, have you or would you administer them?

08-04-21, 06:13
My wife sent me this screen shot from our local next door. Now I can’t validate this guy’s claims, obviously, but it does fit a pattern i’ve seen personally of vaccinated individuals getting ill lately. Needless to say this dude took absolute hell in the comments for daring to share his experience. The left is always so full of love and caring …

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08-04-21, 07:23
Now I can’t validate this guy’s claims, obviously, but it does fit a pattern i’ve seen personally of vaccinated individuals getting ill lately.

Clearly you don't understand. IT IS ONLY THE UN-VACCINATED WHO ARE GETTING SICK, putting all of the "good" citizens at risk.

To the original point of the thread, of course it doesn't work against the "Delta" variant. The vaccine is CAUSING the Delta variant and we were warned of this by several who were silenced when they told us vaccinating in the midst of this fiasco was a very bad idea.

08-04-21, 08:57
Clearly you don't understand. IT IS ONLY THE UN-VACCINATED WHO ARE GETTING SICK, putting all of the "good" citizens at risk.

To the original point of the thread, of course it doesn't work against the "Delta" variant. The vaccine is CAUSING the Delta variant and we were warned of this by several who were silenced when they told us vaccinating in the midst of this fiasco was a very bad idea.

Delta started in India, not exactly a vaccine hot spot.
Vaccines don’t cause mutations in the virus.
Vaccinating everyone might not have been the best path, but vaccinating the over 60 crowd was a good idea, and other select groups.

Delta came from a region with little vaccine take up. The vaccine doesn’t cause the mutation to delta, at best it leaves room for it to expand faster. For this to be true, you have to admit that the vaccine works against earlier versions by the way. With an R as high, and higher than other earlier virus versions, the Delta variant was going to expand- vaccines or not.
With such a low rate of bad outcome in healthy young people, Vaxing older people, people with comorbidities and immuno issues and letting it run through the rest of the population was probably the most efficient path forward. Especially if you apply that globally. Vaxing every kid under 12 in the US is huge waste if you have populations in other parts of the world more vulnerable.

In a month we’ll all be able to see what happened. Did vaxed people die at rates like the unvaxed. Did Delta rise and peter out like it did in most other countries? DId masking make a difference. The data will be there.

08-04-21, 09:52
My wife sent me this screen shot from our local next door. Now I can’t validate this guy’s claims, obviously, but it does fit a pattern i’ve seen personally of vaccinated individuals getting ill lately. Needless to say this dude took absolute hell in the comments for daring to share his experience. The left is always so full of love and caring …

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A valid question at this point is: "40 years from now, will we discover that some of the subjects getting the poke were given a placebo, for "scientific study purposes"?" :confused:

08-04-21, 10:11
A valid question at this point is: "40 years from now, will we discover that some of the subjects getting the poke were given a placebo, for "scientific study purposes"?" :confused:

Considering that the culture of shitstains behind the Tuskegee Syphilis Study is alive and well in preserving the spirit of Herr Doktor Mengele... institutional cash settlements may happen, but this doesn't stop until somebody high level is held PERSONALLY accountable with something on the Hard Time to Head On Pike level.

08-04-21, 10:18
Considering that the culture of shitstains behind the Tuskegee Syphilis Study is alive and well in preserving the spirit of Herr Doktor Mengele... institutional cash settlements may happen, but this doesn't stop until somebody high level is held PERSONALLY accountable with something on the Hard Time to Head On Pike level.

Yep, and that will never happen. Because if it didn't happen over the Tuskegee Experiment, nothing will move the needle far enough. In another thread some are beginning to speak the unspoken thought, that there's no way this wasn't a bespoke bioweapon which was used to benefit the CCP, even at the sacrifice of their own people. While I doubt that will ever be officially proven, we should remember that Fauci worked hand in hand with the Wuhan lab on this virus, and has been providing them with cover and credibility since day one.

08-04-21, 10:50
Even if this thing is provably a biowar attack, and every day the harder I try to dig in NOT WANTING TO believe that the more I see pointing in that direction... well, even if it was as plain as the nose on Shitzizpantz's face it can NEVER be officially recognized as such because that kind of Act of War DEMANDS a nuclear strike response by both US and Russian doctrine, and nobody wants to be the first one to turn the keys because "one goes all go."

Knowing that we have a bunch of sick, twisted people who see you and your kids as lab-rats for whatever deranged experiments they come up with and have both financial and legal backing from Das Reich just gives you a real warm fuzzy feeling, doesn't it?

"More victims... I mean, volunteers!... for my experiments!"--Dr. Thrax, "Command & Conquer: Zero Hour"

08-04-21, 11:22
Delta started in India, not exactly a vaccine hot spot.
Vaccines don’t cause mutations in the virus.
Vaccinating everyone might not have been the best path, but vaccinating the over 60 crowd was a good idea, and other select groups.

Delta came from a region with little vaccine take up. The vaccine doesn’t cause the mutation to delta, at best it leaves room for it to expand faster. For this to be true, you have to admit that the vaccine works against earlier versions by the way. With an R as high, and higher than other earlier virus versions, the Delta variant was going to expand- vaccines or not.
With such a low rate of bad outcome in healthy young people, Vaxing older people, people with comorbidities and immuno issues and letting it run through the rest of the population was probably the most efficient path forward. Especially if you apply that globally. Vaxing every kid under 12 in the US is huge waste if you have populations in other parts of the world more vulnerable.

In a month we’ll all be able to see what happened. Did vaxed people die at rates like the unvaxed. Did Delta rise and peter out like it did in most other countries? DId masking make a difference. The data will be there.

Don't confuse people with facts, they don't like it. Dr Z here is a page I follow, and he's a smart doc with a generally balanced realistic POV on the issue, and he's probably accurate about Delta. That is, big surge in cases, but likely far less deaths and serious complications due to population that's being effected are younger healthier types, with small % being high risk and not vaccinated who may be in bad shape. I am seeing younger healthy types getting sick, a few - as posted in this thread prior - ending up in the ICU, but all should be fine.


08-04-21, 11:39
Has anyone noticed that the CDC overruled the SCOTUS?
So the Eviction Moratorium has expired, due in part having the SCOTUS over rule the Eviction Moratorium. They were told if they wanted a Eviction Moratorium they needed to go through Congress to get one.
No, not Joe Biden. He calls the CDC and tells them to do it. Keep up the Moratorium.

If I owned rental property I would burn it to the ground before I would let it go on my dime to finance.

08-04-21, 11:40
A question for our resident doctors/physicians:

Can you get vaccines to administer in your practice?

If so, have you or would you administer them?

I wish my PCP could get his hands on the shots. Then I'd get my Vax in the PRIVACY OF HIS OFFICE. :secret:

08-04-21, 11:51
Has anyone noticed that the CDC overruled the SCOTUS?
So the Eviction Moratorium has expired, due in part having the SCOTUS over rule the Eviction Moratorium. They were told if they wanted a Eviction Moratorium they needed to go through Congress to get one.
No, not Joe Biden. He calls the CDC and tells them to do it. Keep up the Moratorium.

If I owned rental property I would burn it to the ground before I would let it go on my dime to finance.

Pulling a Jackson, "you've made your ruling now enforce it IF YOU CAN." This is the kind of thing Marbury v Madison brought us Judicial Review for, if Roberts weren't too busy buggering children...

08-04-21, 13:04
Has anyone noticed that the CDC overruled the SCOTUS?
So the Eviction Moratorium has expired, due in part having the SCOTUS over rule the Eviction Moratorium. They were told if they wanted a Eviction Moratorium they needed to go through Congress to get one.
No, not Joe Biden. He calls the CDC and tells them to do it. Keep up the Moratorium.

If I owned rental property I would burn it to the ground before I would let it go on my dime to finance.

If Trump did this, they impeach him.

08-04-21, 13:05
Anyone see this? Very interesting results. This is pre Delta but shows the 2 main co morbidities were Obesity and panic/fear based disorders followed by diabetes WITH complications and kidney disease.

Diabetes WITHOUT complications and high blood pressure were actually pretty low on the list


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08-04-21, 14:09
An Israeli double-blind study indicates that Ivermectin works great:


Ivermectin, a drug used to fight parasites in third-world countries, could help reduce the length of infection for people who contract coronavirus for less than a $1 a day, according to recent research by Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer.
Prof. Eli Schwartz, founder of the Center for Travel Medicine and Tropical Disease at Sheba, conducted a randomized, controlled, double-blinded trial from May 15, 2020, through the end of January 2021 to evaluate the effectiveness of ivermectin in reducing viral shedding among nonhospitalized patients with mild to moderate COVID-19.

There are several (or more) prior studies supporting Ivermectin for Covid-19, but this one appears to be rigorous and of course comes from a country where (a) the research standards are considered top tier, and (b) the govt massively supports the Pfizer vaccine over other options.

08-04-21, 14:11
Yep, and that will never happen. Because if it didn't happen over the Tuskegee Experiment, nothing will move the needle far enough. In another thread some are beginning to speak the unspoken thought, that there's no way this wasn't a bespoke bioweapon which was used to benefit the CCP, even at the sacrifice of their own people. While I doubt that will ever be officially proven, we should remember that Fauci worked hand in hand with the Wuhan lab on this virus, and has been providing them with cover and credibility since day one.

Actually a virus with this kind of profile is a double win. They got rid of Trump and by preferentially killing old people it helps solve internal population problem for China. Fauci saying that the virus couldn’t be a bio weapon or intentional lab week because the Chinese care too much about their people to let that happen is the most laughable thing.

08-04-21, 14:33
Pulling a Jackson, "you've made your ruling now enforce it IF YOU CAN." This is the kind of thing Marbury v Madison brought us Judicial Review for, if Roberts weren't too busy buggering children...

That's exactly what I'd say if I were Gov. Abbott, regarding the federal judge who just told TX they can't have Troopers stopping unvaxxed, undocumented aliens that Biden is dumping in their laps.

08-04-21, 14:46
Has anyone noticed that the CDC overruled the SCOTUS?
So the Eviction Moratorium has expired, due in part having the SCOTUS over rule the Eviction Moratorium. They were told if they wanted a Eviction Moratorium they needed to go through Congress to get one.
No, not Joe Biden. He calls the CDC and tells them to do it. Keep up the Moratorium.

If I owned rental property I would burn it to the ground before I would let it go on my dime to finance.

In case you haven’t noticed the rule of law went out the window some time ago. The law is only enforced on those on the Right or if it benefits the Left.

08-04-21, 15:04
If the CDC has the ability to mess with property rights in the name of stopping epidemic, what do you think it’s going to happen after they finish the research on the “gun violence epidemic“? Watch the CDC put in place 90 day moratorium for gun and ammunition sales in areas with high incidence of gun crime. Of course this “limited action“ on evictions affect 90% of the US population.

Matt Walsh, and a daily wire, and his podcast today on August 4 is nailing it out of the park on this whole CDC eviction thing.

Does anybody else notice that the CDC claiming that the Delta variant is the new end of the world actually bootstraps their authority to unconstitutional to keep this eviction moratorium in place? How is nobody focusing on that? The other thing is that when this all ends what is going to happen to the property owners who are now way behind on their mortgages? Part of me wonders if this is a sophisticated plan to attack those private property owners and swoop in and take the rental properties and turn them into public housing. I definitely see that happening in cities like Portland and here in Denver.

08-04-21, 15:24
Does anybody else notice that the CDC claiming that the Delta variant is the new end of the world actually bootstraps their authority to unconstitutional to keep this eviction moratorium in place? How is nobody focusing on that? The other thing is that when this all ends what is going to happen to the property owners who are now way behind on their mortgages? Part of me wonders if this is a sophisticated plan to attack those private property owners and swoop in and take the rental properties and turn them into public housing. I definitely see that happening in cities like Portland and here in Denver.

I think you are on the right path of their plan and likely next steps.

If the courts were properly functioning, any person with a stake in this issue would be able to get an injunction against the CDC's declaration almost immediately. I think you will see that happen in a few district courts, then get tied up in circuit courts. SCOTUS might eventually take it but likely won't rule til sometime next year, at which point most landlords will be insolvent anyway.

08-04-21, 15:47
Woohoo!! Delta PLUS...bring it!!


08-04-21, 17:40
I think you are on the right path of their plan and likely next steps.

If the courts were properly functioning, any person with a stake in this issue would be able to get an injunction against the CDC's declaration almost immediately. I think you will see that happen in a few district courts, then get tied up in circuit courts. SCOTUS might eventually take it but likely won't rule til sometime next year, at which point most landlords will be insolvent anyway.

How do you get one of those one-circuit/whole-country injunctions like they got against Trump and his immigration stuff?

Oct 1 is the real date to watch, by then, either delta had run its course and it amounts to nothing, or hospitals are over-run. I'm banking on it being a fizzle, with all kinds of anecdotal heart-string stories.

I think that they are just trying to whip people up to take a booster COVID Shot when they go in for their standard Flu shot.

08-04-21, 17:47
How do you get one of those one-circuit/whole-country injunctions like they got against Trump and his immigration stuff?

Not my specialty, but from observing over the last 5+ years, they ONLY seem to be available if the person seeking them is a deep-state Democrat.

08-04-21, 19:47
Maybe I’m misremembering biology, but I think I was taught that virus mutation is always less lethal as an adaptation to stop killing the host, which is the only place the virus can replicate. Is there new “science” now?

That's exactly correct. The ideal virus doesn't want you or anyone else to know it's there. The most successful viruses are the ones that don't cause any symptoms whatsoever. They come and go all the time without anyone noticing. The worst viruses like Ebola and SARS are always unsuccessful because they cause major symptoms and often kill the host, limiting their ability to spread. The deadlier the virus, the lower its R0 value.

Now if COVID is manmade, though, it might be playing by different rules, especially if the vaccines are causing it to mutate in unnatural ways. The virologist who discovered AIDS is arguing that very thing. He claims that COVID is a manmade virus that has gene sequences taken from the AIDS virus. He's certainly one of the few people out there who understands this stuff who's not on someone's payroll. He's retired and has already won the Nobel prize, so he has nothing to lose by speaking the truth.

He's also saying that the vaccine is causing COVID to mutate faster, and that people who are vaccinated are more susceptible to the new variants, whereas people who have natural immunity are more immune to them. I know the data is saying otherwise, but there are many inconsistencies. Many retractions. First of all it was 60% of new cases were among the vaccinated, then it was 40%, and now they're claiming it's like 99%. Plus they're using different testing methods for vaccinated vs unvaccinated people. They'll basically run as many cycles as necessary to say an unvaccinated person has the virus. They also stopped counting vaccinated people who don't have serious symptoms.

So I guess we have a choice. We can believe the people who have constantly lied to us from the very beginning, or a Nobel prize winning virologist who's the top in his field, who has nothing to lose by speaking the truth.

08-04-21, 22:42
YUP YUP ! Exactly what I am hearing from great sources to

Sure we are going to hear something else to make people panic and live in fear soon since as people are not obeying or freaking out enough

That's exactly correct. The ideal virus doesn't want you or anyone else to know it's there. The most successful viruses are the ones that don't cause any symptoms whatsoever. They come and go all the time without anyone noticing. The worst viruses like Ebola and SARS are always unsuccessful because they cause major symptoms and often kill the host, limiting their ability to spread. The deadlier the virus, the lower its R0 value.

Now if COVID is manmade, though, it might be playing by different rules, especially if the vaccines are causing it to mutate in unnatural ways. The virologist who discovered AIDS is arguing that very thing. He claims that COVID is a manmade virus that has gene sequences taken from the AIDS virus. He's certainly one of the few people out there who understands this stuff who's not on someone's payroll. He's retired and has already won the Nobel prize, so he has nothing to lose by speaking the truth.

He's also saying that the vaccine is causing COVID to mutate faster, and that people who are vaccinated are more susceptible to the new variants, whereas people who have natural immunity are more immune to them. I know the data is saying otherwise, but there are many inconsistencies. Many retractions. First of all it was 60% of new cases were among the vaccinated, then it was 40%, and now they're claiming it's like 99%. Plus they're using different testing methods for vaccinated vs unvaccinated people. They'll basically run as many cycles as necessary to say an unvaccinated person has the virus. They also stopped counting vaccinated people who don't have serious symptoms.

So I guess we have a choice. We can believe the people who have constantly lied to us from the very beginning, or a Nobel prize winning virologist who's the top in his field, who has nothing to lose by speaking the truth.

08-04-21, 22:51
YUP YUP ! Exactly what I am hearing from great sources to
For example, Michael Crichton (who graduated Med School with a doctorate but never practiced because writing was more fun and paid better) once observed that you could carry Staphylococcus aureus for a lifetime with the only effect being a few pimples.

I'd go so far as to say the ideal virus mutates to somehow BENEFIT its host and encourage awareness and spread, but stealth is next-best.

08-04-21, 23:17
For example, Michael Crichton (who graduated Med School with a doctorate but never practiced because writing was more fun and paid better) once observed that you could carry Staphylococcus aureus for a lifetime with the only effect being a few pimples.

I'd go so far as to say the ideal virus mutates to somehow BENEFIT its host and encourage awareness and spread, but stealth is next-best.

Yep, there are symbiotic viruses that target bad bacteria in our bodies.

08-05-21, 05:43
Well, it doesn't seem to take a lot of in depth thought to understand we're being lied to. That The Big Government, Big Pharma and the MSM are involved in this and are promoting some things and completely overlooking others.
So you're getting the filtered truth, filtered through the Government, Big Pharma and the Media.
I'm Done, I want a shirt that says "No Mask, No Vax, No Problem. I will wear it everywhere.

08-05-21, 08:07
That's exactly correct. The ideal virus doesn't want you or anyone else to know it's there. The most successful viruses are the ones that don't cause any symptoms whatsoever. They come and go all the time without anyone noticing. The worst viruses like Ebola and SARS are always unsuccessful because they cause major symptoms and often kill the host, limiting their ability to spread. The deadlier the virus, the lower its R0 value.

Now if COVID is manmade, though, it might be playing by different rules, especially if the vaccines are causing it to mutate in unnatural ways. The virologist who discovered AIDS is arguing that very thing. He claims that COVID is a manmade virus that has gene sequences taken from the AIDS virus. He's certainly one of the few people out there who understands this stuff who's not on someone's payroll. He's retired and has already won the Nobel prize, so he has nothing to lose by speaking the truth.

He's also saying that the vaccine is causing COVID to mutate faster, and that people who are vaccinated are more susceptible to the new variants, whereas people who have natural immunity are more immune to them. I know the data is saying otherwise, but there are many inconsistencies. Many retractions. First of all it was 60% of new cases were among the vaccinated, then it was 40%, and now they're claiming it's like 99%. Plus they're using different testing methods for vaccinated vs unvaccinated people. They'll basically run as many cycles as necessary to say an unvaccinated person has the virus. They also stopped counting vaccinated people who don't have serious symptoms.

So I guess we have a choice. We can believe the people who have constantly lied to us from the very beginning, or a Nobel prize winning virologist who's the top in his field, who has nothing to lose by speaking the truth.

Several viruses mutate into stronger more resistant strains. Also, mortality is just one part of the R value equation (along with transmission rate and host density).

08-05-21, 08:24
I'm Done, I want a shirt that says "No Mask, No Vax, No Problem. I will wear it everywhere.

"My Body, My Choice"!!!

Only racists require in-person vaxxing. Mail-in vaxxing is safe, effective and promotes equity.

08-05-21, 12:27
And then there is this..
China lab leak “was the greatest coverup of all time and has caused deaths of more than 4 million people around the world, McCaul said in his GOP report.
The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that has claimed 4,247,960 lives globally leaked from China’s Wuhan lab sometime before Sept. 12, 2019, a new Republican-led investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 disease has found. The GOP report published on Monday, August 2 suggests that “a preponderance of the evidence prove that all roads [to coronavirus outbreak] lead to the Wuhan Institute of Virology” and that Chinese Communist Party of President Xi Jinping attempted the “greatest coverup of all time” by eliminating the earliest evidence of the 'lab leak'.
In the 84 page document, the GOP claimed that the United States ‘The House Foreign Affairs Committee Minority Staff’ has continued to investigate the origins of COVID-19, examining new information as it became available, including through expert testimony.

I think we are on track with this, But WTF are we going to do about it? Yeah it's cool that they've figured out now what most of us knew last January.
So WTF? We aren't going to do anything.

08-05-21, 12:36
And then there is this..
China lab leak “was the greatest coverup of all time and has caused deaths of more than 4 million people around the world, McCaul said in his GOP report.
The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that has claimed 4,247,960 lives globally leaked from China’s Wuhan lab sometime before Sept. 12, 2019, a new Republican-led investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 disease has found. The GOP report published on Monday, August 2 suggests that “a preponderance of the evidence prove that all roads [to coronavirus outbreak] lead to the Wuhan Institute of Virology” and that Chinese Communist Party of President Xi Jinping attempted the “greatest coverup of all time” by eliminating the earliest evidence of the 'lab leak'.
In the 84 page document, the GOP claimed that the United States ‘The House Foreign Affairs Committee Minority Staff’ has continued to investigate the origins of COVID-19, examining new information as it became available, including through expert testimony.

I think we are on track with this, But WTF are we going to do about it? Yeah it's cool that they've figured out now what most of us knew last January.
So WTF? We aren't going to do anything.

I think it was less an "attack" and more of an "oops."

They absolutely should be held accountable. But they won't. Nothing will happen.

08-05-21, 12:40
And then there is this..
China lab leak “was the greatest coverup of all time and has caused deaths of more than 4 million people around the world, McCaul said in his GOP report.
The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that has claimed 4,247,960 lives globally leaked from China’s Wuhan lab sometime before Sept. 12, 2019, a new Republican-led investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 disease has found. The GOP report published on Monday, August 2 suggests that “a preponderance of the evidence prove that all roads [to coronavirus outbreak] lead to the Wuhan Institute of Virology” and that Chinese Communist Party of President Xi Jinping attempted the “greatest coverup of all time” by eliminating the earliest evidence of the 'lab leak'.
In the 84 page document, the GOP claimed that the United States ‘The House Foreign Affairs Committee Minority Staff’ has continued to investigate the origins of COVID-19, examining new information as it became available, including through expert testimony.

I think we are on track with this, But WTF are we going to do about it? Yeah it's cool that they've figured out now what most of us knew last January.
So WTF? We aren't going to do anything.

What we're going to do about it? Nothing! We can't make anything here! And we rely on A LOT of junk to keep us alive!

Just my opinion but I don't think this is an attack. I think this is the Chinese "Chernobyl". They were arrogant, careless, had poor protocols or stopped following them and this was a matter of time. Afterwards instead of giving a heads up they tried to cover up. And of course after they chose their path that was it, can't vere off. Otherwise, if this was an attack why do it literally in your backyard. The lab is in Wohan and like a mile away from the market they tried to blame it on. If you're doing this as an attack there are a million other places you can release this. Like a million other Chinese wet markets and any 3rd world wet market. Or anywhere really...

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08-05-21, 12:47

A warning from the supreme covid commander of your upcoming variant...man I detest the guy.

08-05-21, 13:06
I think it was less an "attack" and more of an "oops."

They absolutely should be held accountable. But they won't. Nothing will happen.

Okay, they had an Ooops.
At that point the thing is to come clean and ask for help, instead.
They either kept it quiet and hoped they had it contained or
Once they understood that they couldn't contain it, they dispersed it all over the world.
Does anyone remember the numbers of International Flights leaving Wu Han after the Flu had begun to pop up on the News?
Also Trump had them up against the ropes on trade at the same time they had intense flooding and issues with their Pork supplies.

08-05-21, 13:07
I think it was less an "attack" and more of an "oops."

They absolutely should be held accountable. But they won't. Nothing will happen.

Okay, they had an Ooops.
At that point the thing is to come clean and ask for help, instead.
They either kept it quiet and hoped they had it contained or
Once they understood that they couldn't contain it, they dispersed it all over the world.
Does anyone remember the numbers of International Flights leaving Wu Han after the Flu had begun to pop up on the News?
Also Trump had them up against the ropes on trade at the same time they had intense flooding and issues with their Pork supplies.

08-05-21, 13:36
Okay, they had an Ooops.
At that point the thing is to come clean and ask for help, instead.
They either kept it quiet and hoped they had it contained or
Once they understood that they couldn't contain it, they dispersed it all over the world.
Does anyone remember the numbers of International Flights leaving Wu Han after the Flu had begun to pop up on the News?
Also Trump had them up against the ropes on trade at the same time they had intense flooding and issues with their Pork supplies.

They didn't have to disperse it. The fact that they acted like nothing happened, and tried to clean up hoping that whomever was infected doesn't spread it, especially in the beginning, was enough to disperse it. That city is an international hub with almost 9 million people in the city and 20 million in the metro area. It's basically equivalent to NYC and it's metro area. Release a highly contagious virus in NYC and see how fast that spreads! You'd pretty much have to wall off all 5 boroughs + some to make sure it doesn't spread outside of the city

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08-05-21, 13:56
Several viruses mutate into stronger more resistant strains. Also, mortality is just one part of the R value equation (along with transmission rate and host density).


A warning from the supreme covid commander of your upcoming variant...man I detest the guy.

He is literally invoking the "Bogey Man". Also, its a pandemic you dumb doc. If there is going to be variant, it is far more likely that it comes from another country.

These variants are random. They are not 'intelligently designed' with an end point. It isn't that viruses are trying to get less lethal and more contagious. It is that versions like that crowd out and are more successful than the other versions. HIgher lethality kills off hosts and makes it harder to spread. Faster spread means faster spread and more success. Viruses are in some ways just chemical reactions and not really 'alive' they have no plan or goal. Evolutionary changes and competitive pressure drive it.

08-05-21, 14:33
Well when the CDC is allowed to steal your property and they were told by the SCOTUS that they couldn't do that. The CDC does not have the right to administer or deny eviction notices.
You're watching Private Property Laws die, which in turn has amazing 2nd Amendment ramifications.
Biden has said F you to the SCOTUS and no one says Boo!

just a scout
08-05-21, 14:40
2nd, 3rd and 4th amendment implications.

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08-05-21, 15:11

A warning from the supreme covid commander of your upcoming variant...man I detest the guy.

I’ve mentioned the Lambda variant several times. After that we’re in for Monkey Pox. Whatever it takes to steal the next election and keep the cash flowing to big pharma.

08-05-21, 15:18
I’ve mentioned the Lambda variant several times. After that we’re in for Monkey Pox. Whatever it takes to steal the next election and keep the cash flowing to big pharma.

Yup. They are monitoring an exposure now.

08-05-21, 16:04
I had my first medical facility that I sell in request proof of vaccine or you can’t go in. It’s getting uglier and uglier. Just fck that noise.


08-05-21, 16:15
I had my first medical facility that I sell in request proof of vaccine or you can’t go in. It’s getting uglier and uglier. Just fck that noise.


soon at grocery stores everywhere !

waiting for them to say UH-OH we found out that if you do not get the vax updates major problems will follow !

OH sorry we signed you up for the monthly boosters and since its gov policy we are just pulling this direct from your bank account and if not you will be fined 10x the monthly fee

08-05-21, 16:18
I had my first medical facility that I sell in request proof of vaccine or you can’t go in. It’s getting uglier and uglier. Just fck that noise.


How does that not violate privacy laws?

08-05-21, 16:20
How does that not violate privacy laws?

same way CDC says no more private property I reckon just say it and its law
like when a dude can say I am a women and you have to agree and if you disagree you will be dealt with and cancelled

08-05-21, 16:27
I’ve mentioned the Lambda variant several times. After that we’re in for Monkey Pox. Whatever it takes to steal the next election and keep the cash flowing to big pharma.

Since the next one will be uber deadly, I'm going with the Zeta variant...Lambda, Epsilon & Delta Plus have been called out in the media so far in regards to covid. I'll take me some monkey pox just to have another flavor.

08-05-21, 18:00
How does that not violate privacy laws?

No shirts, no shoes, no service.

But here's the rub: You're still forced to bake that cake, still forced to arrange flowers for the transgender wedding.

Legit question, I wonder what would happen if a baker refused to bake a cake on grounds of someone being unvaccinated?

You are right, the privacy violation issues are enormous, and the downstream consequences will clog the courts.

08-05-21, 18:04
soon at grocery stores everywhere !

Interesting to see how this meshes with the $999 limit on 'free' stuff in stores in CA. Walk in, ignore the mask mandate, grab and go.

Or are they going to make not wearing a mask a higher crime than stealing.

I do think that this is their last gasp. This is the second time that they are crying wolf. When it goes through the normal cycle with less deaths, they are going to lose control. Plus, they can't shut down because that will cost them the election next year. I do worry that when they see big losses coming, that they start all this over again. Hell, I woulnd't put it past them to stir something up with CHina next summer to help in the elections.

08-05-21, 18:18
Interesting to see how this meshes with the $999 limit on 'free' stuff in stores in CA. Walk in, ignore the mask mandate, grab and go.

Or are they going to make not wearing a mask a higher crime than stealing.

I do think that this is their last gasp. This is the second time that they are crying wolf. When it goes through the normal cycle with less deaths, they are going to lose control. Plus, they can't shut down because that will cost them the election next year. I do worry that when they see big losses coming, that they start all this over again. Hell, I woulnd't put it past them to stir something up with CHina next summer to help in the elections.

I almost wonder if they WOULD shut everything down again, and with people refusing to comply, they could then use that as an excuse to declare martial law: Suspend habeas corpus and the Posse Comitatus Act and unleash active duty Army infantry divisions on the people.

08-05-21, 18:21
I almost wonder if they WOULD shut everything down again, and with people refusing to comply, they could then use that as an excuse to declare martial law: Suspend habeas corpus and the Posse Comitatus Act and unleash active duty Army infantry divisions on the people.

I think some of them would like to, but the overall pushback as well as the incompetent Federal organization would make it an unwise move. A "national lockdown" is probably unlikely to happen.

I have been wrong before though......:rolleyes:

08-05-21, 18:49
Interesting to see how this meshes with the $999 limit on 'free' stuff in stores in CA. Walk in, ignore the mask mandate, grab and go.

Or are they going to make not wearing a mask a higher crime than stealing.

I do think that this is their last gasp. This is the second time that they are crying wolf. When it goes through the normal cycle with less deaths, they are going to lose control. Plus, they can't shut down because that will cost them the election next year. I do worry that when they see big losses coming, that they start all this over again. Hell, I woulnd't put it past them to stir something up with CHina next summer to help in the elections.Simple. Which of the protected classes do you fall into? How many boxes can you check off?

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

08-05-21, 18:56
I think some of them would like to, but the overall pushback as well as the incompetent Federal organization would make it an unwise move. A "national lockdown" is probably unlikely to happen.

I have been wrong before though......:rolleyes:

The so called 'lockdown' we had last time was not really much of a lockdown (especially compared to like what they did in places like china). Here the 'essential' workers still got to go about life fairly normally and darn near everyone was an 'essential worker'. Fast food worker? Yep 'essential'...

They got away with it in China because the people are disarmed and can't really fight back. Try welding folks inside their apartments here in the USA and it will get ugly before long and at lots of different places.

Pretty sure if you took a poll here about how many members never missed a day of work during this entire mess so far and it would be a lot of members.

08-05-21, 19:09
Interesting to see how this meshes with the $999 limit on 'free' stuff in stores in CA. Walk in, ignore the mask mandate, grab and go.

Or are they going to make not wearing a mask a higher crime than stealing.

I do think that this is their last gasp. This is the second time that they are crying wolf. When it goes through the normal cycle with less deaths, they are going to lose control. Plus, they can't shut down because that will cost them the election next year. I do worry that when they see big losses coming, that they start all this over again. Hell, I woulnd't put it past them to stir something up with CHina next summer to help in the elections.


to think its now OK to enter a store to steal and wear a mask

not wearing a mask gets you in trouble :)

yeah the videos I am seeing of folks steal and the staff just watches the security just watches ? but hey not agree with someone's wacky left view and you are in trouble

08-05-21, 19:17
Pretty sure if you took a poll here about how many members never missed a day of work during this entire mess so far and it would be a lot of members.

Never missed one day since all this nonsense happened. I was told my position requires me to be in the field and that was that. I also was completely ok with that. NOW what i’m not ok with; is our corporate headquarters personal are finally peeking their heads out from under the giant rock they’ve been hiding under since March 2020 and want to implement all their “back to work” safety protocols on the rest of us who never stopped doing business as normal. F’n asshats all of them.

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08-05-21, 19:24
The so called 'lockdown' we had last time was not really much of a lockdown (especially compared to like what they did in places like china). Here the 'essential' workers still got to go about life fairly normally and darn near everyone was an 'essential worker'. Fast food worker? Yep 'essential'...

They got away with it in China because the people are disarmed and can't really fight back. Try welding folks inside their apartments here in the USA and it will get ugly before long and at lots of different places.

Pretty sure if you took a poll here about how many members never missed a day of work during this entire mess so far and it would be a lot of members.Same here. It was stupid and counter productive. People had nothing to do so they hung around Walmarts, Target and Costco. Basically putting more people into smaller spaces

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08-05-21, 19:29
Same here. It was stupid and counter productive. People had nothing to do so they hung around Walmarts, Target and Costco. Basically putting more people into smaller spaces

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Your error is in assuming it was ever ABOUT containment. What it was really about was destroying all those usually-R-owned mom-n-pops, what few were left, and transferring wealth from Main Street to Wall Street. Amazon, Target, Walmart and Costco all saw absurd Market Capitalization gains while Sam & Suzi's Neighborhood Store got a bayonet in the gut, was unable to keep up with bills and wiped out the proprietors' life savings.

08-05-21, 20:14
At what point do you just disregard all of this tripe and get back to living your life?

back in april, 2020

08-05-21, 20:50
Your error is in assuming it was ever ABOUT containment. What it was really about was destroying all those usually-R-owned mom-n-pops, what few were left, and transferring wealth from Main Street to Wall Street. Amazon, Target, Walmart and Costco all saw absurd Market Capitalization gains while Sam & Suzi's Neighborhood Store got a bayonet in the gut, was unable to keep up with bills and wiped out the proprietors' life savings.

And you nailed it.

08-05-21, 22:31
And you nailed it.

yes he did...

08-06-21, 02:15
Your error is in assuming it was ever ABOUT containment. What it was really about was destroying all those usually-R-owned mom-n-pops, what few were left, and transferring wealth from Main Street to Wall Street. Amazon, Target, Walmart and Costco all saw absurd Market Capitalization gains while Sam & Suzi's Neighborhood Store got a bayonet in the gut, was unable to keep up with bills and wiped out the proprietors' life savings.

It's not nationwide. There are many of us small businesses that kicked ass during 2020 and it's carrying into 2021. It is completely dependent on the state you live in.

08-06-21, 07:00
It's not nationwide. There are many of us small businesses that kicked ass during 2020 and it's carrying into 2021. It is completely dependent on the state you live in.I was going to say this too but it came out insensitive and a bit asshole-ish.

I'd bet its also dependent on the area, not just the state. I can't speak for what each individual business owner had to go through but in my immediate area there's only one business that closed, a flower shop. Over all in my general area I've seen maybe 2 or 3 "For Rent" signs of business that had closed and I've seen a few that changed ownership pretty fast.

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08-06-21, 08:16
The so called 'lockdown' we had last time was not really much of a lockdown (especially compared to like what they did in places like china). Here the 'essential' workers still got to go about life fairly normally and darn near everyone was an 'essential worker'. Fast food worker? Yep 'essential'...

They got away with it in China because the people are disarmed and can't really fight back. Try welding folks inside their apartments here in the USA and it will get ugly before long and at lots of different places.

Pretty sure if you took a poll here about how many members never missed a day of work during this entire mess so far and it would be a lot of members.

I worked from home, but I always worked from home and travelled, which is what changed.

Was actually busy as ever as we moved to a remote way of working with customers. The only good part was that the complaints I had been making for years about our remote access actually moved to the top of mind and got fixed...

On the working, I was a little pissed that, while we were lucky that we kept our jobs and make nice pay, we didn't get any money in any stimulus packages. Late last summer when restaurants opened back up, I talked to a waitress at a high end place about how awful it must have been. She said it was fine, got the govt money and just went on a three month road trip visiting friends all over the US. So glad my money financed her extended vacation while I was working more than ever.

08-06-21, 10:03
It's not nationwide. There are many of us small businesses that kicked ass during 2020 and it's carrying into 2021. It is completely dependent on the state you live in.

True, not for any lack of trying on DC's part, and hard-right Red States or more rural ones with Places The Big Boxes Dare Not Go stood a better chance.

Boy Scout
08-07-21, 01:15
Covid was never about the virus. It was about the largest transfer of wealth and power the world has ever seen. Taking the power and finances out of the hands of middle and struggling America, and placing them into the hands of the tech, financial, and government oligarchs and elite ruling class. It was about destroying our very way of life to bring about massive social change and to change the way not only our country, but the free countries of the world would progress into a new governance and financial system.

The American way of life, and with it the liberties that we and others hold so dear, is being destroyed in front of our very eyes and if something is not done and done soon, we will not recover.

There WILL be another lockdown - soon.

More rights WILL be taken from us.

We WILL be broken down into a caste system based on the vaccine/passport, digital ID/digital currency and social credit score.

08-07-21, 04:19
Biden said 350 million Americans have gotten the vax though he said it twice :) and they are all doing fine

08-07-21, 04:56
And there's this...
Covid has not been isolated so court ruled on 8/3/2021 that it does not physically exists.


08-07-21, 10:28
And there's this...
Covid has not been isolated so court ruled on 8/3/2021 that it does not physically exists.



SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was isolated in the laboratory and is available for research by the scientific and medical community.


Social media posts have suggested that the contents of the vaccines for COVID-19 are not known, because the virus that causes the disease has not been isolated. This is not true.


I actually don't get what the guy is actually going for. It would seem that he says that COVID doesn't exist.... That's F***ing stupid.

This is also this dumb-asses interpretation of what happened, when I don't trust his understanding of science, medicine, or law.

His own 'smart kid' told him to stuff it.

Govt's have jacked this from one end to the other but this guy is a distraction.

08-07-21, 10:40
An Israeli doctor says that the majority of COVID-19 patients hospitalized at his hospital are fully vaccinated and those with severe illness have also been vaccinated. Talking with Channel 13 TV News on August 5, Dr. Kobi Haviv, medical director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem said that “85 to 90 percent of the hospitalizations are in fully vaccinated people,” and “95 percent of the severe patients are vaccinated.”


08-07-21, 11:09
An Israeli doctor says that the majority of COVID-19 patients hospitalized at his hospital are fully vaccinated and those with severe illness have also been vaccinated. Talking with Channel 13 TV News on August 5, Dr. Kobi Haviv, medical director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem said that “85 to 90 percent of the hospitalizations are in fully vaccinated people,” and “95 percent of the severe patients are vaccinated.”


The answer is in the article:

August 5, Dr. Kobi Haviv, medical director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem said that “85 to 90 percent of the hospitalizations are in fully vaccinated people,” and “95 percent of the severe patients are vaccinated.” Herzog Hospital specializes in nursing care for the elderly.

Being old sucks. Also, just like the P-town CDC data, you need a lot more than a couple hundred cases to divine out information from the data.

08-07-21, 12:18
The answer is in the article:

Being old sucks. Also, just like the P-town CDC data, you need a lot more than a couple hundred cases to divine out information from the data.

You have a hospital that's full of old people who are essentially all vaccinated, which the maff would sorta like guarantee those who did end up hospitalized where vaccinated... shocking. Perfect example of context and the media and others more interested in causing consternation over useful information.

08-07-21, 12:19
The answer is in the article:

Being old sucks. Also, just like the P-town CDC data, you need a lot more than a couple hundred cases to divine out information from the data.

You have a hospital that's full of old people who are essentially all vaccinated, which the maff would sorta like guarantee those who did end up hospitalized where vaccinated... shocking. Perfect example of context and the media and others more interested in causing consternation over useful information.

08-07-21, 12:25
You have a hospital that's full of old people who are essentially all vaccinated, which the maff would sorta like guarantee those who did end up hospitalized where vaccinated... shocking. Perfect example of context and the media and others more interested in causing consternation over useful information.

I saw a perfect example of this in local media this week. Breaking news at 6:00: hospitals filling with sick covid patients. At 11:00, we'll discuss why many of those patients have already had the vaccine and still getting sick.

08-07-21, 15:35
Oh there's no mistaking it: vaccinated folks are indeed getting sick with COVID (most likely the Delta variant). It was never intended to guarantee you didn't get sick, but instead prevent severe illness and death. However, there are enough cases now (i.e. we finally see numbers that exceed the control group during the vaccine's development) that statistically some are being hospitalized and even dying. I still think your chances are better if you contract COVID if you've had the vaccine. That said, it is a bit depressing (working in a hospital like I do) to see that the vaccine isn't "all that and a bag of chips". I got the J&J back in March, my wife in May. While I certainly didn't think it made me bulletproof I was hoping, at least anecdotally, that it would be more protective than it is. I essentially feel like I did before I got the jab......just biding time and dodging the shit each day.

You can say it has a 98+% survival rate and that sounds reassuring, but working in a hospital you see that 1-2% and it makes it real, not some far off statistical improbability. Kind of like when you're 20yo death is waaayyy off in the distant future, but as you get older it crosses your mind more. It's all relevant. I'm telling ya, COVID is unpredictable as fvck. People who you'd swear would be goners if they got it survive, but some 40-some or 50-some year old bites the dust after having the kitchen sink thrown at them. If it's got your number you're screwed (certainly doesn't sound scientific but it's true). Now you factor in basically so-so results from the vaccines and you can understand why I'm soooo over this COVID shit.

Oh, and screw China.

08-07-21, 16:13
Do the vaccines I received in the military, to include smallpox, make my immune system any more resilient to this virus?

08-07-21, 17:50
fauci is pivoting now on therapeutics. Starts at 29 minutes


08-07-21, 18:07
Oh there's no mistaking it: vaccinated folks are indeed getting sick with COVID (most likely the Delta variant). It was never intended to guarantee you didn't get sick, but instead prevent severe illness and death. However, there are enough cases now (i.e. we finally see numbers that exceed the control group during the vaccine's development) that statistically some are being hospitalized and even dying. I still think your chances are better if you contract COVID if you've had the vaccine. That said, it is a bit depressing (working in a hospital like I do) to see that the vaccine isn't "all that and a bag of chips". I got the J&J back in March, my wife in May. While I certainly didn't think it made me bulletproof I was hoping, at least anecdotally, that it would be more protective than it is. I essentially feel like I did before I got the jab......just biding time and dodging the shit each day.

You can say it has a 98+% survival rate and that sounds reassuring, but working in a hospital you see that 1-2% and it makes it real, not some far off statistical improbability. Kind of like when you're 20yo death is waaayyy off in the distant future, but as you get older it crosses your mind more. It's all relevant. I'm telling ya, COVID is unpredictable as fvck. People who you'd swear would be goners if they got it survive, but some 40-some or 50-some year old bites the dust after having the kitchen sink thrown at them. If it's got your number you're screwed (certainly doesn't sound scientific but it's true). Now you factor in basically so-so results from the vaccines and you can understand why I'm soooo over this COVID shit.

Oh, and screw China.

I saw a blood type correlation on YouTube today as well as a document in early 2000.

It seems if you’re RH Negative you’re much better off than not.

And some of the underlying medical conditions cannot be seen with the naked eye. They will be determined once the patient is in the hospital though.


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08-07-21, 18:10
Covid was never about the virus. It was about the largest transfer of wealth and power the world has ever seen. Taking the power and finances out of the hands of middle and struggling America, and placing them into the hands of the tech, financial, and government oligarchs and elite ruling class. It was about destroying our very way of life to bring about massive social change and to change the way not only our country, but the free countries of the world would progress into a new governance and financial system.

The American way of life, and with it the liberties that we and others hold so dear, is being destroyed in front of our very eyes and if something is not done and done soon, we will not recover.

There WILL be another lockdown - soon.

More rights WILL be taken from us.

We WILL be broken down into a caste system based on the vaccine/passport, digital ID/digital currency and social credit score.

And the muppets amongst us will applaud it all. Sheep til the very end...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-07-21, 18:22
I saw a blood type correlation on YouTube today as well as a document in early 2000.

It seems if you’re RH Negative you’re much better off than not.

And some of the underlying medical conditions cannot be seen with the naked eye. They will be determined once the patient is in the hospital though.

BE SAFE!!! Thanks brother!

Oh how true that bolded part is!

08-07-21, 18:33
Will (or anyone else in the know):

This monoclonal antibody thing, how effective is it? Isn't that what they gave Trump when he had it? I have begun to see it mentioned in some COVID patient's charts (not all of them though). There are apparently criteria for it's administration.

08-07-21, 19:03
Oh there's no mistaking it: vaccinated folks are indeed getting sick with COVID (most likely the Delta variant). It was never intended to guarantee you didn't get sick, but instead prevent severe illness and death. However, there are enough cases now (i.e. we finally see numbers that exceed the control group during the vaccine's development) that statistically some are being hospitalized and even dying. I still think your chances are better if you contract COVID if you've had the vaccine. That said, it is a bit depressing (working in a hospital like I do) to see that the vaccine isn't "all that and a bag of chips". I got the J&J back in March, my wife in May. While I certainly didn't think it made me bulletproof I was hoping, at least anecdotally, that it would be more protective than it is. I essentially feel like I did before I got the jab......just biding time and dodging the shit each day.

You can say it has a 98+% survival rate and that sounds reassuring, but working in a hospital you see that 1-2% and it makes it real, not some far off statistical improbability. Kind of like when you're 20yo death is waaayyy off in the distant future, but as you get older it crosses your mind more. It's all relevant. I'm telling ya, COVID is unpredictable as fvck. People who you'd swear would be goners if they got it survive, but some 40-some or 50-some year old bites the dust after having the kitchen sink thrown at them. If it's got your number you're screwed (certainly doesn't sound scientific but it's true). Now you factor in basically so-so results from the vaccines and you can understand why I'm soooo over this COVID shit.

Oh, and screw China.Yep. Friend's cousin got sick. Guy is mid 40s, over 200lbs, doesn't take care of himself, lots of meat, fat, salt...salt, more salt, not much exercise, more fat and salt....etc.. Got sick and basically said it was like a medium flu. Didn't feel good but had worse. His next door neighbor....late 20s, exercise freak, running, weights, nutrition, no Co morbidities, no junk, didn't even drink, from sniffles to casket in 34 hours

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

08-07-21, 19:54

How do you know no comorbidity issues? Or even a single underlying issue ?
are you his doc ? Do you have his labs in front of you ?

about as honest as cops kill innocent black people because they are racist idiocy being spouted

Yep. Friend's cousin got sick. Guy is mid 40s, over 200lbs, doesn't take care of himself, lots of meat, fat, salt...salt, more salt, not much exercise, more fat and salt....etc.. Got sick and basically said it was like a medium flu. Didn't feel good but had worse. His next door neighbor....late 20s, exercise freak, running, weights, nutrition, no Co morbidities, no junk, didn't even drink, from sniffles to casket in 34 hours

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

08-07-21, 20:55
Yep. Friend's cousin got sick. Guy is mid 40s, over 200lbs, doesn't take care of himself, lots of meat, fat, salt...salt, more salt, not much exercise, more fat and salt....etc.. Got sick and basically said it was like a medium flu. Didn't feel good but had worse. His next door neighbor....late 20s, exercise freak, running, weights, nutrition, no Co morbidities, no junk, didn't even drink, from sniffles to casket in 34 hours

That is exactly the unpredictability I was talking about. It'll leave you shaking your head.

I heard someone I know say late last year "I wish I'd just get it and get it over with". I was like "No, you don't wish you'd get it. Statistically you'll be fine but there's always that outlier. Willing to roll the dice?" I'm not a gambler....no Vegas, no lottery tickets, etc. That extends to other aspects of my life too!

08-07-21, 20:56

How do you know no comorbidity issues? Or even a single underlying issue ?
are you his doc ? Do you have his labs in front of you ?

about as honest as cops kill innocent black people because they are racist idiocy being spoutedI'm not his doctor but I know the guy who was his friend.

Well....a 20 something who takes his health seriously, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink and doesn't take prescription meds is a good start. Everyone wants there to be some sort of health issues but that's not a guarantee for bad outcome.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

08-07-21, 21:08

How do you know no comorbidity issues? Or even a single underlying issue ?
are you his doc ? Do you have his labs in front of you ?

about as honest as cops kill innocent black people because they are racist idiocy being spouted

Honu, there are not very many people who don't have some kind of co-morbidity, especially as you get older (and I don't necessarily mean 75 or 80yo either). It isn't the Black Death or Ebola to be sure, but I would prefer to not get it if given my druthers!

Not to speak for Arik but I don't think he was spreading the dreaded "disinformation" or being a "Doomer". What he says is in line with what I see on the job, although I haven't seen one in his late 20's die yet at my particular facility. Right now we have a guy in the ICU who is in his early 40's (unvaccinated if that matters to you) and has been on high-flow oxygen (and a non-rebreather mask additionally at times) for a week+ now; I haven't seen his oxygen delivery level drop below 80%, then they have to raise it back up. He's not getting worse, but he's not getting better either.

It's certainly not the end of the world, don't get me wrong. I'd just rather not get it.

08-07-21, 21:11
I'm not his doctor but I know the guy who was his friend.

Well....a 20 something who takes his health seriously, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink and doesn't take prescription meds is a good start. Everyone wants there to be some sort of health issues but that's not a guarantee for bad outcome.

Absolutely. While I was of the same mindset early on, I have gotten off the "there HAS to be a reason" train some time ago. Sometimes shit happens......

08-07-21, 21:14
That is exactly the unpredictability I was talking about. It'll leave you shaking your head.

I heard someone I know say late last year "I wish I'd just get it and get it over with". I was like "No, you don't wish you'd get it. Statistically you'll be fine but there's always that outlier. Willing to roll the dice?" I'm not a gambler....no Vegas, no lottery tickets, etc. That extends to other aspects of my life too!

I'm not one to go chasing viruses, but I'll take the certainty of known risks over the who-knows-what of unknown ones. What good does it do to buy time now if it causes damage to the human genome for future generations? There's just too much we don't know for me to be comfortable participating in Midget Mengele's little mass experiment.

08-07-21, 21:49
I'm not one to go chasing viruses, but I'll take the certainty of known risks over the who-knows-what of unknown ones. What good does it do to buy time now if it causes damage to the human genome for future generations? There's just too much we don't know for me to be comfortable participating in Midget Mengele's little mass experiment.

Oh please don't misunderstand me, I am strongly "pro-choice" when it comes to this vaccine, regardless of whether I've chosen to get one or not. No societal repercussions either. This whole thing is getting to be a massive pain in the ass.....again. Once was enough. I'm good.

08-07-21, 22:22
You said he had no comorbidity that is the part I am tired of people saying they were healthy when almost guaranteed they were not ? That is FUD ! :)

chances are HE DID like insane high chances he did and you can take care of yourself but that wont matter if you have issues bad heart is a bad heart ! As example
and many do not know they have issues till its to late !

health is a part we can control and most are not in shape
as said above and by many you can not see internal health from the outside
And our food pyramid and the crap they say is OK is pure garbage we are being lied to about industrialized seed oils as heart healthy as example !
why so many are not in shape TOFI folks are common and visceral fat is dangerous more than Subcutaneous fat !

For a 20 something there pretty much had to be a health issue ! That is the truth and reality many want to say its going to kill you even if you are healthy and that is not true so the BS stories a friend of a friend was 20 in shape died with NOTHING WRONG again FUD FUD FUD !!!!!

I'm not his doctor but I know the guy who was his friend.

Well....a 20 something who takes his health seriously, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink and doesn't take prescription meds is a good start. Everyone wants there to be some sort of health issues but that's not a guarantee for bad outcome.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

08-07-21, 22:39
You said he had no comorbidity that is the part I am tired of people saying they were healthy when almost guaranteed they were not ? That is FUD ! :)

chances are HE DID like insane high chances he did and you can take care of yourself but that wont matter if you have issues bad heart is a bad heart ! As example
and many do not know they have issues till its to late !

health is a part we can control and most are not in shape
as said above and by many you can not see internal health from the outside
And our food pyramid and the crap they say is OK is pure garbage we are being lied to about industrialized seed oils as heart healthy as example !
why so many are not in shape TOFI folks are common and visceral fat is dangerous more than Subcutaneous fat !

For a 20 something there pretty much had to be a health issue ! That is the truth and reality many want to say its going to kill you even if you are healthy and that is not true so the BS stories a friend of a friend was 20 in shape died with NOTHING WRONG again FUD FUD FUD !!!!!Sure! Obviously no one who is otherwise healthy was effected by this. IMPOSSIBLE!

Yes yes food pyramid you've mentioned it like a gazillion times. And like I said this guy was a health nut. How many people in their 20s do you know that won't touch alcohol because it's unhealthy?

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

08-07-21, 22:50
Oh please don't misunderstand me, I am strongly "pro-choice" when it comes to this vaccine, regardless of whether I've chosen to get one or not. No societal repercussions either. This whole thing is getting to be a massive pain in the ass.....again. Once was enough. I'm good.

Yup. If you've chosen the Unknown Risks, I wish you luck, but I'm not gonna try to assert moral superiority over you making the choice that you deemed best for your situation and I appreciate your returning the courtesy. :) (This is a VERY awkward subject, my GF has fully bought in on the fearmongering and I'm trying to figure out how to get her off the Panic Porn Train before it barrels off the cliff... then again, she's in Toronto so gets bombarded by Turd's Propaganda Ministry 24/7, and succumbing to brainwashing was probably a matter of "when" not "if.") Now the vaxholes who want a Konzentrazionslager system for us who refuse to join their little cult and think Fauci is God, OTOH...

08-07-21, 23:02
And yeah agree with ya %100 do not want to get it so can do what I need to with health

Saying he had nothing wrong when they do not know that is what I am tired of ? Hope that makes sense just say no idea he was 20 he died
Its always the he was healthy he had no issues blah blah that is the FUD cause they do not know ! And stats say that is not the case :)

We can get a vax if we choose
We can get in really good shape if we choose
We can take precautions when we go shopping etc...

That is about it in quick everything else is kinda out of our control as in some sick obese dude shedding it like mad at the store when you are shopping ?

Getting in shape is tough and most are not I bet if we took a poll here many are out of shape and I bet many of the against it are out of shape which I find funny cause that is something they can do and it helps with everything in life :) that alone is what gets me and I lay into those folks I say well do something about your health than ! :)

I have not gotten the vax and will wait and see ? I am not against it but if I had issues I would most likely
I was for my parents getting it they are in late 80s and dad is going to be 90
My buddy got it my age he has heart condition and had a brain injury so yeah he got the J&J I prefer over the others :) I say was a good move for him
If I worked in the EMS field still I would have gotten it as example

we know obesity is a HUGE issue with both sides as in having and giving (shedding) anyone obese can do something but if anything more got obese during this last year and half sadly just shows human nature I guess ? A jab is easier than getting in shape ? No excuses I say

Not targeted at you :) more what I think and have said to folks
I say get to the docs get some panels done have a serious look at yourself and your diet be honest and bet %80 of the folks would be like WOW I have to do something about this that I can and get in shape ! Then decide and KNOW what you might have and take action which could include the vax and a life change :)
But %95 or more wont do anything ? Strange to me :) at least if you get it YOU KNOW ahead and can say HEY this is what I know ? This is serious enough folks should have an idea kinda like going on a cross country road trip do a bit of planning ?

Honu, there are not very many people who don't have some kind of co-morbidity, especially as you get older (and I don't necessarily mean 75 or 80yo either). It isn't the Black Death or Ebola to be sure, but I would prefer to not get it if given my druthers!

Not to speak for Arik but I don't think he was spreading the dreaded "disinformation" or being a "Doomer". What he says is in line with what I see on the job, although I haven't seen one in his late 20's die yet at my particular facility. Right now we have a guy in the ICU who is in his early 40's (unvaccinated if that matters to you) and has been on high-flow oxygen (and a non-rebreather mask additionally at times) for a week+ now; I haven't seen his oxygen delivery level drop below 80%, then they have to raise it back up. He's not getting worse, but he's not getting better either.

It's certainly not the end of the world, don't get me wrong. I'd just rather not get it.

08-08-21, 09:59
Will (or anyone else in the know):

This monoclonal antibody thing, how effective is it? Isn't that what they gave Trump when he had it? I have begun to see it mentioned in some COVID patient's charts (not all of them though). There are apparently criteria for it's administration.

Some good reading:


08-08-21, 10:29
Just looking at the number of cases and the infection rate and hospital stays, it seems like perhaps that hospital stays are getting much shorter? I don’t know if that’s because the average age is getting younger or the treatments are getting better or Delta is less dangerous, or a combination of all three? Just when they talk about the number of kids and I see the number being admitted it seems to work out that The kids are in for just a day or so for a lot of the cases? Get some drugs in them, get them on oxygen, and get them out the door?

I also like to point out to people that freak out about all this that in the middle of the greatest pandemic in the last century we haven’t built a single hospital or really added very much capacity to our medical system. The press seems to like to point out every time some small rural hospital with a couple of beds in the ICU get overrun or that or even a larger metropolitan hospital has a full ICU. It’s not like those things don’t happen in normal times. I’m not saying that things have always been great, or that people aren’t getting run down. It’s just that the National Guard is not dropping body bags off at your doorstep, and we haven’t drafted people into a medical service to take care of the sick. Those are two things I thought might happen when they were talking about an R of four and a 5% mortality rate That Northern Italy seemed to be experiencing.

08-08-21, 11:04
Dr Peter Navarro, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Simone Gold, and this guy, are they quacks, stupid, misinformed, liars?

08-08-21, 11:32
Dr Peter Navarro, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Simone Gold, and this guy, are they quacks, stupid, misinformed, liars?

So in under 2 minutes, he calls the vaccine "needle rape".

French legal system as a model for science, OK that isn't very scientific.

He says they aren't running autopsy's and then shows a bunch of autopsy pics...

So if the vaccine is dangerous with a spike protein, isn't the virus even more dangerous?

My dad was a marathon runner and suffered a massive heart attack a month after his annual physical, must have been the vaccine, back in 1999....

The first guy is disgrace to science. Anecdotal evidence and conspiracy theories.

08-08-21, 11:41
Dr Peter Navarro, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Simone Gold, and this guy, are they quacks, stupid, misinformed, liars?

Appreciate you sharing some truth friend.

That guy did a fine job highlighting a bunch of stuff the Pro-Vax shills do not wish to discuss.

08-08-21, 12:10
French legal system as a model for science, OK that isn't very scientific.

His point (and he made it clearly) was the experimental vaccines should be held to a higher standard but are not.

If the person died 3 weeks after the shot - They should be trying their best to PROVE than the shot did not in any way cause or contribute to the death but... They are not.

They want others to do the work and prove that their 'experiment' was the cause.

And even 'if' someone comes along and does prove that the shot contributed to or caused the particular side effects or death - Forget about suing any of them thanks to them having liability protection for their experimental jabs.

They have zero incentive to even try to prove that their products are safe because no mater what they can't be sued for damages if any harm is caused due to their product.

That liability protection more or less gives them a free pass to not give a shit about long term effects, deaths, or anything of the sort. If that (liability protection) was not there they would be going out of their way to be SURE the products were safe. If there were the slightest chance of a potential adverse reaction there would be warning labels all over it... (informed consent)

There is zero informed consent here with these drugs.

I do however wish YOU luck being the test subject. Please advise in a few years how that all worked out for you... :)

08-08-21, 12:58
So in under 2 minutes, he calls the vaccine "needle rape".

French legal system as a model for science, OK that isn't very scientific.

He says they aren't running autopsy's and then shows a bunch of autopsy pics...

So if the vaccine is dangerous with a spike protein, isn't the virus even more dangerous?

My dad was a marathon runner and suffered a massive heart attack a month after his annual physical, must have been the vaccine, back in 1999....

The first guy is disgrace to science. Anecdotal evidence and conspiracy theories.

Are you not skeptical of the fauci/cdc science? Do you think the government push for the vax is mostly legit? Concerning covid is big gov only concerned about our health?

Or did you make a fear based decision to get the jab and are now defending because you lost all objectivity and the ability to reason?

Do you hold your beliefs or do they hold you?

Just some questions to contemplate...

08-08-21, 14:59
If you want to make a scientific argument you don’t do it the way that guy did it. From the very start him talking about his credentials is a red flag. He seems to imply that the pictures he has of cells and organs are from the same individual before and after, but that seems highly dubious.

Yes I think the vaccine push is mostly legitimate. Yes, Fauci is an asshole. That guy is an asshole. I really don’t care.

His comment about 1:11,000 autopsies is false. If you have that many odd deaths, you are going to get more than one autopsy.

Yes, I can science.

08-08-21, 18:21
Are you not skeptical of the fauci/cdc science?

I'm skeptical of selective science like when you completely ignore something like Lollapalooza in Chicago and the Obama "invitational" birthday party and go straight to condemning the Sturgis Rally in a conservative state...


White House medical advisor and epidemiologist Dr. Anthony Fauci shared his concerns about South Dakota's upcoming Sturgis Motorcycle Rally on Sunday's "Meet the Press," subtly rebuking attendees as host Chuck Todd appeared to suggest it could be another coronavirus "super spreader" event.

"I'm very concerned, Chuck, that we're going to see another surge related to that rally," Fauci said.

While Fauci said it was "understandable" that people "want to do the kind of things they want to do," he suggested that rally goers think of the greater good that could come from staying home.

"There comes a time when you're dealing with a public health crisis, that could involve you, your family, and everyone else that something supersedes that need to do exactly what you want to do," Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, urged.

First off, that little troll needs to be reminded of the words in our Declaration of "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" which says nothing about "You get to do things you want to do in the future." **** that guy.

I know the potty mouth filters are on, but it needs to be said. **** that guy.

So, "science" is taking a back seat to politics unless he wants to put Mayor "I'll only talk to black reporters" Lightfoot on blast as well over Lollapalooza. But of course, attendees in Chicago were "asked" to provide proof of vaccination:


Yeah right... As if someone can't send a pic of a vax card on their cell phone to their friends and make everything hunky-dory.

08-08-21, 18:46
If you want to make a scientific argument you don’t do it the way that guy did it. From the very start him talking about his credentials is a red flag. He seems to imply that the pictures he has of cells and organs are from the same individual before and after, but that seems highly dubious.

Yes I think the vaccine push is mostly legitimate. Yes, Fauci is an asshole. That guy is an asshole. I really don’t care.

His comment about 1:11,000 autopsies is false. If you have that many odd deaths, you are going to get more than one autopsy.

Yes, I can science.

Anyone who can science and applies it is now "... Pro-Vax shills" according to some here now.

08-08-21, 19:14
Anyone who can science and applies it is now "... Pro-Vax shills" according to some here now.

You for one apply selective science and that fits your narrative and then do your best to have any other views / comments deleted. Yes, You are a pro vax shill...

How many comments went 'poof' out of your thread here?

Straight Shooter
08-08-21, 19:44
You for one apply selective science and that fits your narrative and then do your best to have any other views / comments deleted. Yes, You are a pro vax shill...

How many comments went 'poof' out of your thread here?


08-08-21, 20:17
His point (and he made it clearly) was the experimental vaccines should be held to a higher standard but are not.

If the person died 3 weeks after the shot - They should be trying their best to PROVE than the shot did not in any way cause or contribute to the death but... They are not.

They want others to do the work and prove that their 'experiment' was the cause.

And even 'if' someone comes along and does prove that the shot contributed to or caused the particular side effects or death - Forget about suing any of them thanks to them having liability protection for their experimental jabs.

They have zero incentive to even try to prove that their products are safe because no mater what they can't be sued for damages if any harm is caused due to their product.

That liability protection more or less gives them a free pass to not give a shit about long term effects, deaths, or anything of the sort. If that (liability protection) was not there they would be going out of their way to be SURE the products were safe. If there were the slightest chance of a potential adverse reaction there would be warning labels all over it... (informed consent)

There is zero informed consent here with these drugs.

I do however wish YOU luck being the test subject. Please advise in a few years how that all worked out for you... :)

While the manufacturers are immune from lawsuits, I think employers who mandate it (with or without full FDA approval) should be held liable.

There is a pervasive attitude---coldly mathematical and statistically based---in the medical community that the vaccine risk juice is indeed worth the squeeze. This isn't new to COVID, it has reared it's ugly head when flu vaccines became the latest greatest thing. My wife is an RN and a couple years ago she had an elderly patient who was dying of side effects of the flu vaccine (IIRC it was Guillain-Barre). The retarded resident up on the floor made the statement "Well at least he could die knowing he helped save someone else". My wife was livid at that comment. "Why don't you ask him if he's glad he took one for the team". The idiot baby-doc didn't have a reply.

1 in 100,000 or other such lottery-winning odds are cool......unless YOU or a loved one are that one-off statistic.

Again, I got the J&J but am fervently in favor of choice. My body, my choice right? (yeah, we all know where we've heard that one before, but of course "that's different")

08-08-21, 20:29
1 in 100,000 or other such lottery-winning odds are cool......unless YOU or a loved one are that one-off statistic.

That’s where I’m at. Especially since i’ve seen first hand a number of people have adverse side effects after getting the jab.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-08-21, 20:33
Some good reading:



Couple of points: first off, now that there are increasing "breakthrough" infections of vaccinated patients, perhaps the monoclonal antibody thing should be considered a little more? Secondly, the logistics crap needs to be sorted through....we don't give it because you're not sick "enough" and we're overwhelmed, but wait and then they deem it too late. WTF?

Since the beginning of this fiasco I have been critical of the reluctance (or flat-out recalcitrance) of administering treatments (not vaccines) for COVID until it is too late in the game, then saying "They were too far along for it to be of help". Well no shit Sherlock!

08-08-21, 20:52
While the manufacturers are immune from lawsuits, I think employers who mandate it (with or without full FDA approval) should be held liable.

There is a pervasive attitude---coldly mathematical and statistically based---in the medical community that the vaccine risk juice is indeed worth the squeeze. This isn't new to COVID, it has reared it's ugly head when flu vaccines became the latest greatest thing. My wife is an RN and a couple years ago she had an elderly patient who was dying of side effects of the flu vaccine (IIRC it was Guillain-Barre). The retarded resident up on the floor made the statement "Well at least he could die knowing he helped save someone else". My wife was livid at that comment. "Why don't you ask him if he's glad he took one for the team". The idiot baby-doc didn't have a reply.

1 in 100,000 or other such lottery-winning odds are cool......unless YOU or a loved one are that one-off statistic.

Again, I got the J&J but am fervently in favor of choice. My body, my choice right? (yeah, we all know where we've heard that one before, but of course "that's different")

That's the difference between a frontline practitioner and a piss-sucking REMF papershuffler though. Fauci has never been a clinician, went straight into "theory" and so many of the Public Health Alphabet Soup share that detachment from reality living in their little bubble. As long as it's not THEIR kids getting pumped full of radioactives or anyone THEY care about getting shot up with infectious diseases and flagged as "Do Not Treat" to go be Typhoid Marys... and I would remind everyone that Josef Mengele went to his grave similarly believing that every atrocity he committed was "sacrificing a few For The Greater Good."

08-08-21, 21:02

Couple of points: first off, now that there are increasing "breakthrough" infections of vaccinated patients, perhaps the monoclonal antibody thing should be considered a little more? Secondly, the logistics crap needs to be sorted through....we don't give it because you're not sick "enough" and we're overwhelmed, but wait and then they deem it too late. WTF?

Since the beginning of this fiasco I have been critical of the reluctance (or flat-out recalcitrance) of administering treatments (not vaccines) for COVID until it is too late in the game, then saying "They were too far along for it to be of help". Well no shit Sherlock!

That's how the system is set up, and this vent has exposed the pitfalls of the system like nothing else. I'm vaccinated, recommend anyone who can do same, but we will not vaccinate our way out of this, and as I have said various places and times, not using all the options to treat this virus is medical negligence, perhaps criminal negligence in some instances. But, there's nothing new to see here, it's not that the system is broken, it's how the system was designed!

As this thread has devolved into worthless anti vax derpa derp levels without critical thinking or science, I'm out.

08-08-21, 23:02
Anyone who can science and applies it is now "... Pro-Vax shills" according to some here now.

I don't know if I would go that far, but it's like global warming where there's this establishment that has just turned into a giant echo chamber, and it's really hard to know who you can trust because everyone is either on the payroll or can be "gotten to" in one way or another. It makes it look like the vast majority support something when in fact it's only a few at the very top who are calling the shots narrative wise.

And then you have these outliers who are beyond reproach, and outside the system where they don't rely on anyone anymore, who are calling everything into question. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi for example. And a world renowned virologist in Germany whose name I can't remember.

08-09-21, 04:37
The government taking control of healthcare is at the top of the list for controlling its subjects.

Healthcare including "the science" has been weaponized through fear, misinformation, censoring, confusion, flip flopping back and forth, and using all these tactics to divide and subjugate.

Even the term healthcare is Orwellian.

But keep on believing the government funded science, medical community, and trust the pharmaceutical cartels...

08-09-21, 07:26
The government taking control of healthcare is at the top of the list for controlling its subjects.

Healthcare including "the science" has been weaponized through fear, misinformation, censoring, confusion, flip flopping back and forth, and using all these tactics to divide and subjugate.

Even the term healthcare is Orwellian.

But keep on believing the government funded science, medical community, and trust the pharmaceutical cartels...

You know I read that and I'm like really? Then I think about it a bit and here we are.
You simply can't get the truth or a consistent story out of these people, Fauci changing the narrative every five days, or Biden and Harris both talking smack about the vaccine, right up until elected, then suddenly, it goes from highly questionable to mandatory.
I'm sure at this point that they would love to mandate vaccinations, they would love to require you to come in and get a shot.
What they don't want is logic, free speech or your opinion, because if you do that, they bump you off of all electronic media and suddenly you no longer exist

08-09-21, 07:56

08-09-21, 08:36
You know I read that and I'm like really? Then I think about it a bit and here we are.
You simply can't get the truth or a consistent story out of these people, Fauci changing the narrative every five days, or Biden and Harris both talking smack about the vaccine, right up until elected, then suddenly, it goes from highly questionable to mandatory.
I'm sure at this point that they would love to mandate vaccinations, they would love to require you to come in and get a shot.
What they don't want is logic, free speech or your opinion, because if you do that, they bump you off of all electronic media and suddenly you no longer exist

Wanna know another dirty secret? After 18 months of this shit they STILL don't have an answer. Sure, there is the statist element involved, but boil it all away and these who we ostensibly turn to for "guidance" on this subject still do not know what they're dealing with or, more importantly, how to deal with it. So they focus on their agenda to hide their still-considerable ignorance.

08-09-21, 08:43
Wanna know another dirty secret? After 18 months of this shit they STILL don't have an answer. Sure, there is the statist element involved, but boil it all away and these who we ostensibly turn to for "guidance" on this subject still do not know what they're dealing with or, more importantly, how to deal with it. So they focus on their agenda to hide their still-considerable ignorance.

Hard truth. Real truth.

Science evolves, and it's not infallible. Instead of saying 'mea culpa' when the situation changed, they doubled down on "we're experts, you need to listen to us" without any avenue to ask "can you hold up a minute?"

They have no better answers now than they did 18 months ago, which is why the answers are the same: more masks, more vax, more shut-downs.

08-09-21, 09:08
And then you have these outliers who are beyond reproach, and outside the system where they don't rely on anyone anymore, who are calling everything into question. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi for example. And a world renowned virologist in Germany whose name I can't remember.

Gert Vanden Bossche?

I saw something featuring him this morning.

It's probably been said before, but the root of the problem to me is that this has gone the way of so many things lately. There is no open public debate between experts. One side sets the narrative and then actively shuts down dissenting opinions by coercion, deplatforming, and banning for "community policy violations."

The issue at hand is so important, we're told, that there isn't time for debate and we have to act on it right now.

Whether it's gun control or vaccination, when one side of the debate gets to operate that way it naturally raises concerns of legitimacy.

08-09-21, 11:51

This is the type of information and the type of medical professionals that is/are being suppressed and labeled as misinformation?

08-09-21, 11:53
Oh there's no mistaking it: vaccinated folks are indeed getting sick with COVID (most likely the Delta variant). It was never intended to guarantee you didn't get sick, but instead prevent severe illness and death. However, there are enough cases now (i.e. we finally see numbers that exceed the control group during the vaccine's development) that statistically some are being hospitalized and even dying. I still think your chances are better if you contract COVID if you've had the vaccine. That said, it is a bit depressing (working in a hospital like I do) to see that the vaccine isn't "all that and a bag of chips". I got the J&J back in March, my wife in May. While I certainly didn't think it made me bulletproof I was hoping, at least anecdotally, that it would be more protective than it is. I essentially feel like I did before I got the jab......just biding time and dodging the shit each day.

You can say it has a 98+% survival rate and that sounds reassuring, but working in a hospital you see that 1-2% and it makes it real, not some far off statistical improbability. Kind of like when you're 20yo death is waaayyy off in the distant future, but as you get older it crosses your mind more. It's all relevant. I'm telling ya, COVID is unpredictable as fvck. People who you'd swear would be goners if they got it survive, but some 40-some or 50-some year old bites the dust after having the kitchen sink thrown at them. If it's got your number you're screwed (certainly doesn't sound scientific but it's true). Now you factor in basically so-so results from the vaccines and you can understand why I'm soooo over this COVID shit.

Oh, and screw China.

This is relevant on any risk to life and health. Statistics don't mean shit when it's you or a loved one coding. As for the unpredictability of Covid, it reminds me of a very sage bit of advice on combat. Don't worry about the bullet with your name on it. There's not a thing in the world you can do to alter that fate. It's all the bullets addressed "To Whom It May Concern" that you should focus on dodging. It's along those lines of thought where I still recommend getting vaxxed, while leaving open the option to not get vaxxed if you're immunocompromised. In that case I suggest you live under a rock till this all blows over.

I'm skeptical of selective science like when you completely ignore something like Lollapalooza in Chicago and the Obama "invitational" birthday party and go straight to condemning the Sturgis Rally in a conservative state...


First off, that little troll needs to be reminded of the words in our Declaration of "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" which says nothing about "You get to do things you want to do in the future." **** that guy.

I know the potty mouth filters are on, but it needs to be said. **** that guy.

So, "science" is taking a back seat to politics unless he wants to put Mayor "I'll only talk to black reporters" Lightfoot on blast as well over Lollapalooza. But of course, attendees in Chicago were "asked" to provide proof of vaccination:


Yeah right... As if someone can't send a pic of a vax card on their cell phone to their friends and make everything hunky-dory.

I can assure you that when "event security" (warm body with a pulse) is trying to shovel thousands of people into a venue, no one is getting vetted or searched well enough to prevent anything they say they're preventing. As for Little Tony Fauci the demigod, he knows who's buttering his bread. That's exactly why he's completely untrustworthy and needs to be retired. Pretending Lollapalooza is acceptable because they're checking vax cards (LOL) and Obama's b-day bash is good to go because they're a "sophisticated, vaccinated crowd" is the height of hypocrisy. If he's unwilling to call them out, he has no business calling anyone out. That mixed message is exactly why no one trusts "the science". You can claim you represent "science" all you want, but you're stupid of you think people don't see through your BS. :(

While the manufacturers are immune from lawsuits, I think employers who mandate it (with or without full FDA approval) should be held liable.

There is a pervasive attitude---coldly mathematical and statistically based---in the medical community that the vaccine risk juice is indeed worth the squeeze. This isn't new to COVID, it has reared it's ugly head when flu vaccines became the latest greatest thing. My wife is an RN and a couple years ago she had an elderly patient who was dying of side effects of the flu vaccine (IIRC it was Guillain-Barre). The retarded resident up on the floor made the statement "Well at least he could die knowing he helped save someone else". My wife was livid at that comment. "Why don't you ask him if he's glad he took one for the team". The idiot baby-doc didn't have a reply.

1 in 100,000 or other such lottery-winning odds are cool......unless YOU or a loved one are that one-off statistic.

Again, I got the J&J but am fervently in favor of choice. My body, my choice right? (yeah, we all know where we've heard that one before, but of course "that's different")

That's another reason why people don't "trust the science". They know that people like Fauci refuse to see the trees for the forest. The individual just doesn't factor into their equations. The same goes for the drug companies. A certain level of collateral damage is acceptable in the equation, which is certainly higher when you're given blanket immunity free gratis by the government, regardless of how much profit you make off the deaths of others.

Like I keep saying, I think the odds favor getting vaxxed. That doesn't mean anyone trying to shame people for not getting vaxxed has a pedestal to stand on for broadcasting their holier than thou attitude.

08-09-21, 12:29
Can anyone validate or repudiate this article claiming that one of Pfizer's own studies found no real benefit to its vaccine?


The highly-anticipated Pfizer’s safety and efficacy study of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is finally out. After six months of monitoring over 45,000 patients, the study found that there were 15 deaths in the vaccine group and 14 deaths in the unvaccinated placebo group.

In other words, more vaccinated people died from the virus than the unvaccinated. According to the study, there were no deaths among 12‒15-year-old participants. The study not only demonstrates the lack of efficacy in the most important group but also highlights the extremely low fatality rate of Covid-19 in most of the 45,000 participants.

Full info at link.