View Full Version : Can someone explain WTF happened to Kirsten Sinema?

07-31-21, 20:22
Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty happy with her transformation. Don't think it's any secret I lived in AZ for a while. Still got a house there I hope to get back to. I remember Sinema from before she held any office. She was an activist and spokesperson for pretty much any nut job liberal idea that came along. She was as far left as it got back then.

Now she's there with Manchin running neck and neck for most conservative Democratic Senator. HELL, I like her more than quite a few Republicans. She's twice the man Mittens Romney is.

Some say she's posturing to hold a "purple" seat. I don't buy that. She seems genuine to me. I'm sure she has tempered some with maturity, but she seems to be moving closer and closer to the right. More small "L" libertarian kind of?

Any of you, especially the AZ guys, got any insight.

07-31-21, 20:24
Can a Tiger truly change its stripes?

What a person was is what they shall be... everything else is theater.

07-31-21, 20:45

I thought our secretly Liberterian Democrat Gov Polis was an OK guy. Turned out to be a COMPLETE A-Hole.

How 'conservative' do you need to be to look rational among the national Dems?

07-31-21, 20:45
Yeah I was expecting her to start the Senate version of the squad.

Not sure what is up, but we still have a lot of votes to go to see who she really is.

07-31-21, 21:30
Can a Tiger truly change its stripes?

What a person was is what they shall be... everything else is theater.

That’s what I say about DJT just about every time I post here, but no one wants to believe that he’s not still a loser New York Demonrat. Hint: He is, and he’s just as crooked as they all are.

07-31-21, 23:33
After her election, she joined the New Democrat Coalition, the Blue Dog Coalition and the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, amassing one of the most conservative voting records in the Democratic caucus.

Source: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/elections/2018/10/31/kyrsten-sinema-martha-mcsally-occupy-whats-left-political-middle/1572194002/


07-31-21, 23:45
It's called Jockeying for Position. As the rest of her party's Old Guard runs Far Left and makes themselves radioactive, she's gonna saw the branch off behind them and rebuild the party in her own image before beginning the Long March again.

Same deal as Gabbard, it's just for show; throwing the previous generation of leaders under the bus to look "not so bad, even reasonable" is one of the oldest tricks in the Marxist book. See also Khrushchev denouncing Stalin...

Make no mistake, she has a Long Knife, it is VERY sharp and she has full intention of planting it to-the-hilt in somebody's back. The question is whose and when.

08-01-21, 18:34
That’s what I say about DJT just about every time I post here, but no one wants to believe that he’s not still a loser New York Demonrat. Hint: He is, and he’s just as crooked as they all are.

Seriously let me ask you: was Twatlery, and then Xiden a better choice? Don't give me platitudes about "they're all the same". I get that.....to a certain degree. However, if you voted for either Cheat-o-crat > Trump I wonder why you're on this site. If you did not vote either time I can understand that MUCH more than actually voting "D". YMMV

For the record, I voted for Cruz in the 2016 primary, and he won my state, but not the nomination. I said as long as it wasn't a typical RINO (like McCain and Romney had been, or Bush and Christy were in 2016) I would vote for Trump. He is a populist. He is NOT a dedicated conservative. He was better than Hillary and then as the next four years unfolded I realized just how much the Left hated him. I LOVED it! That secured my vote for 2020. He is not particularly pro-gun, but is big time anti-illegal immigration, so that works out to an offsetting + and - for me. He knew where his base was when he pushed the bump-stock ban, and took it as a calculated loss. He is pro-business and the economy was doing quite well under him, certainly more so than Obama and the fraud in there now. His deregulation of energy production and other onerous Federal crap was definitely a good thing that needed to be done for quite some time. And finally, our enemies throughout the world actually feared us for a little while. Now? We are international chumps, just like under any other Democrat administration.

I regret neither time I voted for him.

08-02-21, 08:31
I don’t think DJT lied about any of his ideals. I just think the Democrat party has moved so far left that a run of the mill (D) from the 1980s is now a conservative.

08-02-21, 08:58
I don’t think DJT lied about any of his ideals. I just think the Democrat party has moved so far left that a run of the mill (D) from the 1980s is now a conservative.

JFK would never get his party's nomination today. Sinema and Manchin (for whatever trust one can have in them) are a dying breed.

Straight Shooter
08-02-21, 09:07
JFK would never get his party's nomination today. Sinema and Manchin (for whatever trust one can have in them) are a dying breed.

You know, Ive read that a lot about him, and MLK. While it COULD be true, we'll never know...my thoughts are they woulda morphed over the years into the current state of nuttiness right along with the rest of them. Maybe not.

08-02-21, 10:21
You know, Ive read that a lot about him, and MLK. While it COULD be true, we'll never know...my thoughts are they woulda morphed over the years into the current state of nuttiness right along with the rest of them. Maybe not.

JFK was probably assassinated because he didn't want the country to fall into that nuttiness. The Johnson Administration is where the Democrats began their slide leftward. You can never tell what may or may have happened had JFK never been shot: Would he have won reelection? Would he have gotten us as involved in Vietnam as Johnson did? Would the "War on Poverty" "War on Crime" "War on Drugs" and all the "wars" that Johnson declared have happened, resulting in the inflation of government? If we weren't drafting young kids to go fight a war that nobody understood, would the counterculture have been as big a thing? Would JFK done a better job working to establish civil rights for black people and been more efficient in getting rid of segregation? Communists are always looks to find their army among the disaffected, and they found it in the youth who opposed the Vietnam War and with many in the civil rights movement. Would they have gained the stranglehold on academia and entertainment the way they did if they didn't have the angry youthful ear?

There is so much that could have been different had it not been for the death of JFK.

08-02-21, 10:43
JFK was probably assassinated because he didn't want the country to fall into that nuttiness. The Johnson Administration is where the Democrats began their slide leftward. You can never tell what may or may have happened had JFK never been shot: Would he have won reelection? Would he have gotten us as involved in Vietnam as Johnson did? Would the "War on Poverty" "War on Crime" "War on Drugs" and all the "wars" that Johnson declared have happened, resulting in the inflation of government? If we weren't drafting young kids to go fight a war that nobody understood, would the counterculture have been as big a thing? Would JFK done a better job working to establish civil rights for black people and been more efficient in getting rid of segregation? Communists are always looks to find their army among the disaffected, and they found it in the youth who opposed the Vietnam War and with many in the civil rights movement. Would they have gained the stranglehold on academia and entertainment the way they did if they didn't have the angry youthful ear?

There is so much that could have been different had it not been for the death of JFK.

Interesting musings. It's interesting to note that the Russian KGB's best assessment, done at a time of "oh crap they're gonna blame US and start WWIII how do we prove SODDI?" was that Johnson was the prime mover. I think Mitrokhin noted that in one of his books, if memory serves.

First rule of criminology: "Cui Bono?" And who has more to gain than the man One Heartbeat Away?

08-02-21, 12:59
It's called Jockeying for Position. As the rest of her party's Old Guard runs Far Left and makes themselves radioactive, she's gonna saw the branch off behind them and rebuild the party in her own image before beginning the Long March again.

Same deal as Gabbard, it's just for show; throwing the previous generation of leaders under the bus to look "not so bad, even reasonable" is one of the oldest tricks in the Marxist book. See also Khrushchev denouncing Stalin...

Make no mistake, she has a Long Knife, it is VERY sharp and she has full intention of planting it to-the-hilt in somebody's back. The question is whose and when.

As long as it's Pelosi's back, I'm OK with it. :dirol:

08-02-21, 13:04
Seriously let me ask you: was Twatlery, and then Xiden a better choice?

As much as I understand that Trump was a born again conservative who until very recently was a NY liberal liberal land developer and sometime reality show tv host who had the Clintons at his wedding...the above isn't even an honest question.

While all politicians are there to gain power, wealth and influence (nobody spends MILLIONS getting elected if they don't think they will get a return on that investment) the notion that Trump is equally as bad as Hillary or Biden is truly batshit insane or somebody just isn't paying very close attention.

Had Trump simply had a team manage his Twitter page, he might have gotten reelected. Trump lost the election because he had to put his opinion on the internet, and even though Twitter isn't policy, he polarized himself too much and got played.

08-02-21, 13:54
who until very recently was a NY liberal liberal land developer and sometime reality show tv host who had the Clintons at his wedding...the above isn't even an honest question.

I disagree with this narrative. Trump was more conservative in most things than Ron...........He even addressed this when questioned. It was part of NY politics to support a broad spectrum of political ideas. I don't think that means he suddenly converted.

08-02-21, 16:46
I disagree with this narrative. Trump was more conservative in most things than Ron...........He even addressed this when questioned. It was part of NY politics to support a broad spectrum of political ideas. I don't think that means he suddenly converted.

Why did you gloss over born again conservative? And recently converted is better than never converted.

08-02-21, 18:23
They're running crazy campaign ads trying to pressure her to support/secure their fraudulent voting games. Of course it's spun as protecting voter rights. Absolute insanity the f$%king propaganda that spins almost everything for the exact opposite of the truth.

08-03-21, 12:58
As much as I understand that Trump was a born again conservative who until very recently was a NY liberal liberal land developer and sometime reality show tv host who had the Clintons at his wedding...the above isn't even an honest question.

While all politicians are there to gain power, wealth and influence (nobody spends MILLIONS getting elected if they don't think they will get a return on that investment) the notion that Trump is equally as bad as Hillary or Biden is truly batshit insane or somebody just isn't paying very close attention.

Had Trump simply had a team manage his Twitter page, he might have gotten reelected. Trump lost the election because he had to put his opinion on the internet, and even though Twitter isn't policy, he polarized himself too much and got played.

Well that and the whole cheating (i.e. FRAUD) thing. But yeah, he had piss-poor management of his own administration. Being an "outsider", he relied too heavily on the suggestions of other swampy critters for positions he filled.

08-24-21, 23:28
After her election, she joined the New Democrat Coalition, the Blue Dog Coalition and the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, amassing one of the most conservative voting records in the Democratic caucus.

Source: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/elections/2018/10/31/kyrsten-sinema-martha-mcsally-occupy-whats-left-political-middle/1572194002/


A conservatives democrat is just a Marxist driving the speed limit.

JFK would never get his party's nomination today. Sinema and Manchin (for whatever trust one can have in them) are a dying breed.

He did support mass immigration, wrote a book for the ADL to justify it called "A Nation of Immigrants", that allow shows you JFKs real nature. Those two only exist as long as they can not be bribed by their own party, they are never to be trusted and are to be removed at the first possible chance.

08-25-21, 08:21
A conservatives democrat is just a Marxist driving the speed limit.

Not necessarily. I think it's a bit narrow to say they're all communists. There are some true DINOs who are conservative except maybe having some economic policies that are just slightly left of the RINOs, but are actually more pro-gun, pro-life, and pro-liberty than many in the GOP.

He did support mass immigration, wrote a book for the ADL to justify it called "A Nation of Immigrants", that allow shows you JFKs real nature. Those two only exist as long as they can not be bribed by their own party, they are never to be trusted and are to be removed at the first possible chance.

I have no problem with legal immigration, so long as the people coming here integrate and add to our nation.