View Full Version : Gov Cuomo and sexual Harassment.

08-03-21, 13:02

The video title says it all, but Cuomo just went well under the bus on this one.
I think given the two, the dead grandparents or sexual harassment, given that this is New York would guess he got the worst of the two choices. Anywhere else it would be turned around and he would be answering for the deaths.
Instead we got this...

Well lets hope we can get as much justice as possible out of this.

08-03-21, 13:11
I got $10 that says this all blows away like a fart in the wind.

Hell, Blagojevich is lookin to make a comeback and he did time.

08-03-21, 13:17
I got $10 that says this all blows away like a fart in the wind.

Hell, Blagojevich is lookin to make a comeback and he did time.


If a Governor can get away with either wearing a Klan outfit or being in blackface (maybe both) because of his party, this certainly won't go anywhere.

Alex V
08-03-21, 13:27

If a Governor can get away with either wearing a Klan outfit or being in blackface (maybe both) because of his party, this certainly won't go anywhere.


Dems voted back a convicted crack head as Mayor of DC. The voted a convicted child sex offender into the state assembly in VA.

They won't care at all about Cuomo.

08-03-21, 13:59
The only way this hurts Cuomo is if the far left mounts a successful coup to oust the current NY dem establishment. I know they want to, I'm just not sure they can. The bulk of the national party, the press and a lot of NY state dems are gonna have his slimy back.

08-03-21, 14:05
He might be the sacrificial lamb. I checked...and it was breaking news on CNN as well and they were treating it like big time news. If this is "supposed to go away", I don't think they would be treating it like this, but who knows. They might be testing the water on how much they can actually get away with.

08-03-21, 14:14
So the Gumba is gonna take the fall, eh?

08-03-21, 14:30
I got $10 that says this all blows away like a fart in the wind.

Hell, Blagojevich is lookin to make a comeback and he did time.

Yup, about 50/50 on this.

Although, even USA Today called on him to resign...

It does point out though the truth of the generalized statement about Communists- "Whatever they accuse you of doing/being, they actually are".

08-03-21, 14:34

Dems voted back a convicted crack head as Mayor of DC. The voted a convicted child sex offender into the state assembly in VA.

They won't care at all about Cuomo.

That's because they only care about power. Not even about winning elections which causes R's to piss their pants, the thought of losing an election because the Soccer Moms think they are "mean". Nope, the Commies understand POWER, they are willing to lose elections etc...to advance their ultimate agenda, breaking the system and achieving One Party Permanent Rule- and that it's all that ultimately matters.

08-03-21, 15:12
Color me suprised.


I might be out $10 soon. It'll be amongst the best $10 I ever spent. Pony up suggestions for an appropriate charity.

08-03-21, 15:27
Yeah, when I heard even schumer was calling for his head then I figured they are eating their own for whatever reason...only news all day which is getting boring.

08-03-21, 15:50
"No elected official is above the law," Schumer and Gillibrand added.

Hopefully they will remember saying that.

08-03-21, 15:51
I got $10 that says this all blows away like a fart in the wind.

Hell, Blagojevich is lookin to make a comeback and he did time.

Blago thinks he’s the man because Trump commuted his sentence.

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08-03-21, 16:04
Wasn’t or isn’t the Weiner on the rise too after his exploits?

I got $10 that says this all blows away like a fart in the wind.

Hell, Blagojevich is lookin to make a comeback and he did time.

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08-03-21, 16:11
Wasn’t or isn’t the Weiner on the rise too after his exploits?

That computer, the one with Hillary's E-mails on it, you remember, the same one he used to send pictures of his genitalia to an underage girl?
Eventually that cost him any kind of work in politics or fame and fortune.

08-03-21, 16:12
Wasn’t or isn’t the Weiner on the rise too after his exploits?

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I honestly can't believe Hillary hasn't had him killed yet. Dude needs to keep a low profile or he's tempting fate.

It was his laptop that relit the email scandal just before election day.

08-03-21, 16:15
Shithizpantz is calling on him to resign so I'm guessing he's being thrown to the wolves. Kinda pot v kettle for Biden but that's politics.

08-03-21, 16:26
The ComDems rather have Cuomo resign over touching his secretary’s boobs than have a full fledge investigation over how his Covid policies killed 15,000 seniors in nursing homes.

08-03-21, 16:26
And this is what is known as grasping at straws.

And that this Man, a Governor of one of our States couldn't see this coming. At this point he is a liar and a condescending asshole for the most part.
He will be pressured to resign.

08-03-21, 16:30

And Cuomo is toast. When this guy calls you a pervert, well you've reached a kind of level of perversity that's kind of ginormous.
These guys kill me, if they weren't in power this would be Trumps fault and all a lie.

08-03-21, 16:39
When commies aren't busy raping and pillaging decent folk, they're busy offing each other. Stalin called Trotsky a fascist just before he had him murdered. So the head fascist has the lesser fascist offed. Same here, the head perv forgot for the day he needed to destroy the Republicans, and turned his attention to the lesser perv.

08-03-21, 17:02
I'm just waiting for Cuomo to go off like Nicholson in A Few Good Men.

"Your damned right I grabbed her ass, and I'd do it again. Deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me grabbing that ass."

08-03-21, 17:34
Dude, you got me lol’ing at work…

…”you need me grabbing that ass…”

I'm just waiting for Cuomo to go off like Nicholson in A Few Good Men.

"Your damned right I grabbed her ass, and I'd do it again. Deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me grabbing that ass."

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08-03-21, 18:17
That's because they only care about power. Not even about winning elections which causes R's to piss their pants, the thought of losing an election because the Soccer Moms think they are "mean". Nope, the Commies understand POWER, they are willing to lose elections etc...to advance their ultimate agenda, breaking the system and achieving One Party Permanent Rule- and that it's all that ultimately matters.

Precisely. I think they know that people are pissed at Cuomo over the anti crap and Scamdemic, so now that he's already accomplished it he's an acceptable sacrifice.

08-03-21, 18:52
I'm just waiting for Cuomo to go off like Nicholson in A Few Good Men.

"Your damned right I grabbed her ass, and I'd do it again. Deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me grabbing that ass."

Being a NY guy I would much prefer the end of The Shining where he goes off and freezes in the end !! Cuz we know its gonna be warm where he goes next,;),,what a piece of work this guy is !

08-03-21, 18:57
Min 1:25 Cuomo's photo defense montage. "I do it with everyone, black and white, young and old, straight and LGTBQ...<snip>" This guy is such a scumbag.


08-03-21, 19:01
I think if he didn't put himself out like that on national tv this would be a non issue

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just a scout
08-03-21, 19:06
The ComDems rather have Cuomo resign over touching his secretary’s boobs than have a full fledge investigation over how his Covid policies killed 15,000 seniors in nursing homes.

This is exactly it. He will be sacrificed to save the narrative

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08-03-21, 20:45
This is exactly it. He will be sacrificed to save the narrative
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Can they sacrifice his idiot brother too?

just a scout
08-03-21, 20:53
Can they sacrifice his idiot brother too?

We all wish, but if wishes were fishes…

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08-03-21, 20:58
They're asking him to resign. Doesn't mean he's going to. VA governor is still in office despite a call to resign!

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08-04-21, 08:33
This is all about Kavanaugh and getting him impeached off the Supreme Court.

They sacrificed Al Franken trying to get TRump and Moore.


“The Democrats are making a smart political calculation,” said Peter Wehner, who advised former President George W. Bush on domestic policy. “I think they probably saw the political opportunity, and they couldn’t take advantage of it unless they jettisoned their own problematic figures.”

08-04-21, 20:14

Oh my God I hope that Trump got this ball rolling !
This video details the entire tawdry matter. The Left are losing it, even going after his brother at CNN.

I'm really not seeing a downside

08-05-21, 05:42

Oh my God I hope that Trump got this ball rolling !
This video details the entire tawdry matter. The Left are losing it, even going after his brother at CNN.

I'm really not seeing a downside

My guess is that the NY Prosecutor, the same lady who spent four years going after Trump and now Cuomo, has her eyes on the Governor’s seat in the next election. She needs to get the competition out of the way.

08-05-21, 06:10
My guess is that the NY Prosecutor, the same lady who spent four years going after Trump and now Cuomo, has her eyes on the Governor’s seat in the next election. She needs to get the competition out of the way.

Concur. The left never sacrifices an in-power person. This will go nowhere.

Alex V
08-05-21, 07:33
If you read the report carefully... Turns out Cuomo touched Michelle Obama's penis.

Sorry... it's too easy.... I had to do it.

08-06-21, 13:24
I still know it's not going anywhere... though the thought of that perv being paraded out of the Governor's mansion in cuffs does make me giggle a bit.


An assistant to Gov. Andrew Cuomo who has accused him of groping her while they took a selfie together filed a criminal complaint against him with the Albany County Sheriff’s Office, The Post has learned.

The victim, who was identified as "Executive Assistant #1," in Attorney General Letitia James’ sexual harassment report, filed the complaint during a brief Thursday afternoon meeting with sheriff’s officials, who have since contacted the Albany County District Attorney’s office, Sheriff Craig Apple told The Post.

Apple said it’s possible the governor could be arrested if the allegations are substantiated.

"The end result could either be it sounds substantiated and an arrest is made and it would be up to the DA to prosecute the arrest," he said.

I still find this all to be far too coincidental. The real question people should be asking is who stands the most to gain from Cuomo being removed from the spotlight especially since he has the potential to challenge Harris in 24 for the DNC nomination...

08-06-21, 14:02

08-06-21, 14:23
You gotta think that they are throwing him under the buss because he is dangerous to them somehow. He must have info that would shed negative light on someone or multiple people higher up than him who want to preemptively discredit him and make him appear to be lashing out rather than telling the truth if he drops some info that would be harmful to them.

My guess is that his handling of of Covid/nursing homes and being resposnible for thousands of deaths got him putting safety nets into place to protect himself and those who would be hurt are curating his demise so he has less cache to harm them.

It's interesting that his handling of covid and hand in thousands of deaths was swept under the rug for the most part, but a few butt grabs is being blown up and used to end him...

There is for sure more to the story playing out behind closed doors.

As others have said, they wouldn't end his power seat unless he was a threat to the others in power or it was strategic in some way to enrich someone else who may be willing to give more and play ball in return for the position.

08-06-21, 18:18
You have to see this...

Sammy "The Bull" Gravano calls out Cuomo
listening to this, he makes a lot of sense.

08-06-21, 19:47
You gotta think that they are throwing him under the buss because he is dangerous to them somehow. He must have info that would shed negative light on someone or multiple people higher up than him who want to preemptively discredit him and make him appear to be lashing out rather than telling the truth if he drops some info that would be harmful to them.

My guess is that his handling of of Covid/nursing homes and being resposnible for thousands of deaths got him putting safety nets into place to protect himself and those who would be hurt are curating his demise so he has less cache to harm them.

It's interesting that his handling of covid and hand in thousands of deaths was swept under the rug for the most part, but a few butt grabs is being blown up and used to end him...

There is for sure more to the story playing out behind closed doors.

As others have said, they wouldn't end his power seat unless he was a threat to the others in power or it was strategic in some way to enrich someone else who may be willing to give more and play ball in return for the position.

My theory is that they're worried he won't play nice with Eric Adams. The Marxist wing of the Democratic Party is proving to be a serious problem for them, and their rhetoric is getting more and more violent and genocidal, and it's also being directed at the "moderate" Dems. What's more the Marxist wing has the greatest popularity among the media, academia, big business, and the younger voting bloc. It's also killing their chances at absolute power, the moderate/swing voting bloc is not liking this woke bullshit and cancel culture. The Dems seem to see hope that Adams' star will rise and bring them back to being the party of Bill Clinton. If Cuomo feuds with him, as he likes to do with NYC mayors, it'll just continue to strengthen the Marxist wing, leading to more losses to conservatives. They need a governor who is willing to play ball with NYC, and who is going to be tougher on crime.

08-08-21, 01:51
Cuomo is a predator, he needs to be taken out.

Albany County sheriff: Cuomo ARREST on the table


08-08-21, 03:16
My understanding is the a State/Local LEO got her crotch grabbed and she filed charges. Good For Her !
At the very least he will be impeached her charges assure that.
I really wanna see him perp walked out the mansion.

08-08-21, 06:20
You gotta think that they are throwing him under the (bus) because he is dangerous to them somehow.


08-08-21, 07:48
Where are the Kavanough like protests? Why isn't Alisa Milano on tv talking about this?

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08-08-21, 13:01
Here we go, Gov Cuomo on Kavanaugh;

Oh my, my, lets live and die by his standard?
He has to be the most pompous asshole on Earth

08-08-21, 13:27
My theory is that they're worried he won't play nice with Eric Adams. The Marxist wing of the Democratic Party is proving to be a serious problem for them, and their rhetoric is getting more and more violent and genocidal, and it's also being directed at the "moderate" Dems. What's more the Marxist wing has the greatest popularity among the media, academia, big business, and the younger voting bloc. It's also killing their chances at absolute power, the moderate/swing voting bloc is not liking this woke bullshit and cancel culture. The Dems seem to see hope that Adams' star will rise and bring them back to being the party of Bill Clinton. If Cuomo feuds with him, as he likes to do with NYC mayors, it'll just continue to strengthen the Marxist wing, leading to more losses to conservatives. They need a governor who is willing to play ball with NYC, and who is going to be tougher on crime.

My theory is someone in the DNC thinks he's a threat to Kamala (or Biden if they manage to keep him propped up) in 2024 during the election. Facing facts here, he's about the only Democrat that could primary her/him and win in 24.

You and I both know Democrats bury news they don't like when it suits them. Northam and his little Klan/blackface adventures, Biden and Tara Reade, Biden and offspring, Biden and his child predator act, Adam Schiff and leaking classified information and bald faced lying to the press, so on and so forth. All instances that would have resulted in the media going crazy with the stories had it been a Republican.

There is a reason Cuomo is getting put on blast and it's not because someone wants to "do the right thing." He's a threat to the establishment and their chosen ones.

08-08-21, 14:12
I've heard rumblings that the AG, who is further to the left of Cuomo is eyeing a governor's seat and this is a reflection of internecine Democrat struggles.

Probably doesn't hurt that he's also a threat to KAMALA who wouldnt get elected to dog catcher with out Willie's Brown in her mouth.

08-08-21, 21:22
You gotta think that they are throwing him under the buss because he is dangerous to them somehow. He must have info that would shed negative light on someone or multiple people higher up than him who want to preemptively discredit him and make him appear to be lashing out rather than telling the truth if he drops some info that would be harmful to them.

My guess is that his handling of of Covid/nursing homes and being resposnible for thousands of deaths got him putting safety nets into place to protect himself and those who would be hurt are curating his demise so he has less cache to harm them.

It's interesting that his handling of covid and hand in thousands of deaths was swept under the rug for the most part, but a few butt grabs is being blown up and used to end him...

There is for sure more to the story playing out behind closed doors.

As others have said, they wouldn't end his power seat unless he was a threat to the others in power or it was strategic in some way to enrich someone else who may be willing to give more and play ball in return for the position.

Every NY Dem I’ve heard talk about this has brought up the Cuomo’s nursing home/COVID debacle. They are super pissed about him lying about it to them, then fudging about getting caught lying. They’ve been gunning for him since then, and then they hit pay dirt with this. Add to it that Cuomo’s response was weird and beyond tone-deaf to his constituency.

The Dems pounced on every transgression of Trump’s. No way do they want to eat the hypocrisy stew the GOP are waiting to serve up if they don’t see this thru.

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08-09-21, 09:29
Every NY Dem I’ve heard talk about this has brought up the Cuomo’s nursing home/COVID debacle. They are super pissed about him lying about it to them, then fudging about getting caught lying. They’ve been gunning for him since then, and then they hit pay dirt with this. Add to it that Cuomo’s response was weird and beyond tone-deaf to his constituency.

The Dems pounced on every transgression of Trump’s. No way do they want to eat the hypocrisy stew the GOP are waiting to serve up if they don’t see this thru.

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Huh? They have been eating the stew for awhile now. They eat it in public and could care less what anyone thinks. The Virginia governer is still in office. Biden's sexual harrasment suit isn't being investigated. They straight up told the Supreme Court and the Constitution to eff off by extending the rent/mortgage moratorium.

08-09-21, 10:23
I think my $10 is getting safer by the hour. The press and the "righteously indignant" are gonna gnash their teeth and stomp their feet for a bit. Then they will move on to the next bright shiny thing and this will go away.

It will be "settled and done with" and become "past allegations" without having "settled" or "done" anything. And creepy Cuomo will run for and win another term.

08-09-21, 12:13
Cuomo is a predator, he needs to be taken out.

Albany County sheriff: Cuomo ARREST on the table


Sounds like that sheriff should give his attorneys 24 hours to bring him in for booking, or they'll come to the governor's mansion with an arrest warrant and a pair of cuffs!

Every NY Dem I’ve heard talk about this has brought up the Cuomo’s nursing home/COVID debacle. They are super pissed about him lying about it to them, then fudging about getting caught lying. They’ve been gunning for him since then, and then they hit pay dirt with this. Add to it that Cuomo’s response was weird and beyond tone-deaf to his constituency.

The Dems pounced on every transgression of Trump’s. No way do they want to eat the hypocrisy stew the GOP are waiting to serve up if they don’t see this thru.

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Typical Democrat politics. It's acceptable to get thousands of elderly people killed, but grab one secretary's butt and you're impeached! :rolleyes:

08-09-21, 13:01
The Dems pounced on every transgression of Trump’s. No way do they want to eat the hypocrisy stew the GOP are waiting to serve up if they don’t see this thru.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

08-10-21, 11:18
And he resigned.
Now if his dopey "Fredo" brother would do the same.

Straight Shooter
08-10-21, 11:25
And he resigned.
Now if his dopey "Fredo" brother would do the same.

I loathe his brother more than him.

08-10-21, 11:34
Guess they'll have to change the sign

08-10-21, 11:56
Its a start, now he to be prosecuted for all of it.

08-10-21, 12:25
Its a start, now he to be prosecuted for all of it.

Better late than never, but not by much. Maybe no longer protected from lawsuits over killing thousands of his own citizens over pissing match with the orange guy. That would be a start.

Straight Shooter
08-10-21, 12:35
How AWESOME will it be if they also kick HAIRDO NEWSOM out in Kali....and Larry then wins. Whoa boy libtards heads will pop.

08-10-21, 13:29
Just another virtue signalling phony elected by the masses of idiots residing in NY. He had no business running for a doughnut, let alone running one of the largest States in the Country.

Trouble is we have far too many of these idiots in Government, at all levels in this country. Most of them wouldn't last 5 minutes with a real job. Fauci and his minions is prime example number one.

"2017 brought a long overdue reckoning where the pervasive poison of workplace sexual harassment was exposed by brave women and men who said this ends now," Cuomo tweeted on Jan. 2, 2018. "Our challenge in government is to turn society’s revulsion into reform. There must be zero tolerance for sexual harassment in any workplace, and we can and will end the secrecy and coercive practices that have enabled harassment for far too long."

08-10-21, 13:31
While I suspect some nefarious reason for the left calling for him to resign, it is actually nice to see them eat their own. Maybe they'll stop "the end justifies the means" type stuff. Doubtful. But one can dream

08-10-21, 13:36
I'm not afraid to say I am wrong or try to twist anything I said before.

I'm pleasantly surprised at the outcome. Still think he needs to be in jail.

08-10-21, 13:45
I've become so jaded by everything that has transpired in the last 12 or 13 years that I can't believe the left/dems would do anything because it's the right, decent, moral thing to do. To that end, I am certain that this play was only made to get him out of the limelight for fear that someone, somewhere might actually have the stones to look into the tens of thousands of people that died because of his twisted political jackassery. And once that box is opened, there would be a line of scumbags who could have been next for doing the same damn thing. I don't believe there will ever be a low spot for their atrocities, the bar just keeps going lower.

08-10-21, 15:28
Can't help but wonder what he's got planned for the next 14 days. I'm guessing he's got a fairly nefarious "to do" list. Otherwise WTF? Never heard of a Governor giving 2 weeks notice. ;) :p

08-10-21, 18:05
Commute sentences, $50K a pop? (: