View Full Version : Totalitarians running around

08-07-21, 17:50
The trendy who want to eliminate the 1st Amendment due to freedom of speech.


08-07-21, 18:05
Starting to warm up to the idea that we can "mercy kill" an entire generation.

Love the use of "hate facts." The one girl that went right to "cancel" needs to be head shot.

08-07-21, 18:11

08-07-21, 20:18
Starting to warm up to the idea that we can "mercy kill" an entire generation.

Love the use of "hate facts." The one girl that went right to "cancel" needs to be head shot.

I'm the reverse of the Yippie saying, unless an exception is EARNED I never trust anyone UNDER age 40. (Which kinda hamstrings finding anyone to start a family with... LOL)

This just shows that we're approaching the end of Tytler's Cycle--the party's almost over and the bill's about to come due.

08-07-21, 20:23
I have never see a group of people that deserve the future they are going to get.

08-07-21, 20:29
I have never see a group of people that deserve the future they are going to get.

The problem is they're gonna drag us into it with 'em... and maybe we deserve some of it for not digging in and trying to slow the roll back when we were in the Liberty and Abundance stages... instead we've barreled right through Selfishness, Apathy and well into Dependence all in the course of my meager four decades on this rock.

Stop the world, I want off this ride!

Straight Shooter
08-07-21, 20:58
I have never see a group of people that deserve the future they are going to get.

I hope they CHOKE on it.

08-07-21, 21:00
The problem is they're gonna drag us into it with 'em... and maybe we deserve some of it for not digging in and trying to slow the roll back when we were in the Liberty and Abundance stages... instead we've barreled right through Selfishness, Apathy and well into Dependence all in the course of my meager four decades on this rock.

Stop the world, I want off this ride!

Honestly, who were we gonna shoot? Who was gonna do it?

The time to jump was Bush 41 to Clinton following Ruby Ridge and Waco, one guy did it. Unfortunately he was seriously fringe and lacked target discrimination. Instead of going after the powers that be that permitted Ruby Ridge and Waco combined with his Turner Diaries fantasies, he hit a building that was mostly filled with average joes lucky enough to land a .gov job and a day care full of kids.

The underground "enough is enough" movement then immediately became "radical terrorists patriot white supremacist" and anyone with a brain walked away. Nobody enjoyed the "well make you a professor at a college" like they did with the murderers from the 60 radicals crew and patriot actually became a dirty word.

There was a legit militia movement but it got saddled down with retards from Aryan Nations and goofballs like Bo Gritz. Then and there was the time to vote from the rooftops. Following Rodney King, and say what you will about the rioters, but they owned LA after that verdict (except for certain Korean districts) and the state kow towed to them.

Waco SHOULD have been the same result, but unfortunately Koresch was a child molesting nutjob who thought he was rock n roll jesus. The revolution would not be televised so nobody saw the Reno squad in action. Also it was hard to take up arms for a dipshit like Koresch or anyone dumb enough to follow him. But if the media had shown and stressed the ATF kiddie barbeque the way they ran the Rodney King beating we might have gotten some traction.

Rather than being the fourth pillar of democracy, MSM has largely been the fifth column. But we've had a hijacked government for awhile now. Some of it goes back to Reagan's watch and his willingness to look the other way while we do whatever to fight communism anywhere, some of it goes back a lot farther. Most of the seeds were put in place by LBJ and co.

08-07-21, 22:06
The problem is they're gonna drag us into it with 'em... and maybe we deserve some of it for not digging in and trying to slow the roll back when we were in the Liberty and Abundance stages... instead we've barreled right through Selfishness, Apathy and well into Dependence all in the course of my meager four decades on this rock.

Stop the world, I want off this ride!

You nailed it. Several have been ridiculed, chased off and banned here for bringing up things that we are living NOW. And I’m speaking about things being discussed 10 to 15 years ago.

“Those who cannot hear have to feel.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-07-21, 22:06
Rather than being the fourth pillar of democracy, MSM has largely been the fifth column. But we've had a hijacked government for awhile now. Some of it goes back to Reagan's watch and his willingness to look the other way while we do whatever to fight communism anywhere, some of it goes back a lot farther. Most of the seeds were put in place by LBJ and co.

There have been real deal Marxists/communists(actual associates of Marx) in the USA and federal government since the 1850s.

That's on top of several founders seeming to be more interested in empowering themselves than being in a free country.

08-07-21, 22:43
Honestly, who were we gonna shoot? Who was gonna do it?
I don't mean racking bolts and stacking bodies, I mean more being vigilant and rooting out the subversive elements within. The Tytler Cycle *will* run its course in the end no matter what, but maybe if we had been more aggressive rooting out subversives in the '50s, and maybe if we had managed to preserve a culture of "skin in the game," we might have been able to delay and buy more time.

Personally, I think the derailment started when the Enemy Within struck back at McCarthy, but LBJ was when the pedal really went to the floorboards.

08-07-21, 22:48
To be fair, these fake interviews, aka "lie-witness news" is really just sensationalism. They prey on ignorance rather than true convictions. None of those people knew what the hell they were talking about. Most probably couldn't tell you what the 1st Amendment even says. Leftists do the same damn thing and make random right wingers look just as foolish. Regardless of the point of view, you have to know that they're always going to edit out the people who give rational responses.

08-07-21, 23:24
Teen Vogue Urges Gen Z to Mobilize, Build ‘Socialist Future’: ‘No Future Under Capitalism’

Sadly those folks are real and really stupid though the on campus things Prager U does are great

Saw one campus thing like that and a who are these (had pics of hitler Mussolini etc the one student was saying as they pointed to hitler I think he was one of our presidents ?

08-08-21, 01:13
There have been real deal Marxists/communists(actual associates of Marx) in the USA and federal government since the 1850s.

That's on top of several founders seeming to be more interested in empowering themselves than being in a free country.

Of course, but I'm speaking of mainstream not fringe. As soon as Marx barfed out his simplistic ideas 75% of the reading planet went "That's Brilliant...We Should Do THAT." Only decades of practice demonstrated what a really stupid idea it actually was.

But sadly most people are simple minded, lack critical thinking ability and are thus vulnerable to utopia solutions.

08-08-21, 01:33
I don't mean racking bolts and stacking bodies, I mean more being vigilant and rooting out the subversive elements within. The Tytler Cycle *will* run its course in the end no matter what, but maybe if we had been more aggressive rooting out subversives in the '50s, and maybe if we had managed to preserve a culture of "skin in the game," we might have been able to delay and buy more time.

Personally, I think the derailment started when the Enemy Within struck back at McCarthy, but LBJ was when the pedal really went to the floorboards.

So while he was actually correct about communist infiltration there are some problems.

First he was accidentally correct most of the time. In general he didn't know what the F he was actually talking about. He and the HUAC went after Hollywood with a "prove to me you are innocent" mindset and he polarized most of America who at the time understood concepts like innocent until proven guilty so his hardass shit didn't fly.

Second he went after shit like Hollywood. He knew better than to take a look at the FBI or Hoover would Hoover the shit out of him in a manner that McCarthy was using on everyone else.

He didn't even know where to begin with agencies like the CIA and he probably didn't even know it existed.

He didn't catch the Rosenbergs, he didn't discover the treason of Klaus Fuchs and to the best of my knowledge he didn't identify a single communist infiltrator. Some Hollywood types who refused to testify got blackballed and even most of those still phoned it in under assumed names.

The one thing he did do was throw his weight around and pressure people to give favorable treatment to him and his friends like when he sought preferential treatment for a former aid in the US military. He also managed to be such a complete jackass that people were more concerned with getting rid of Joe than they were in finding actual communists. Kind of like how Nixon f'ed himself by being such an insecure and hateful little man despite having done some very important things like normalizing relations with China so we didn't fight a two front Cold War and taking us off the gold standard so the dollar value didn't fluctuate wildly with gold prices. This also meant that Americans could once again own private stocks of gold which had been illegal since 1933 when FDR made it a federal crime to own gold bullion.

As a result Nixon is only remembered for Watergate and McCarthy is only remembered for being a blowhard.

Now when the wall came down and KGB documents were released, McCarthy's fears were more than vindicated as the USSR had dramatically infiltrated this country and in places way more dangerous than Hollywood, but not of that would really matter and even mentioning it would be deemed McCarthyism.

08-08-21, 06:17
To be fair, these fake interviews, aka "lie-witness news" is really just sensationalism. They prey on ignorance rather than true convictions. None of those people knew what the hell they were talking about. Most probably couldn't tell you what the 1st Amendment even says. Leftists do the same damn thing and make random right wingers look just as foolish. Regardless of the point of view, you have to know that they're always going to edit out the people who give rational responses.

Except this guy doesn't always edit out the people who give responses that run counter to the theory he is testing. He didn't in the destroy free speech video, nor this one on sending unvaccinated off to jail.


08-08-21, 08:09
The problem is the KGB ran a successful campaign to bring about the down fall of the USA. They only made two mistakes, first they failed to take into account how rotten their own system was. So they never even thought the USSR would fall first. Second they failed to under stand the lure of freedom and liberty that the USA gave to the whole world.

The KGB started in the early 1950's to create a movement that would weaken the American people, and one of the things they did was to take on education. From K all the way through the universities. Lenin said it best you give me the education system of a country for 10 years and I then control the future of that country.

So the question, people ask is how do we eradicate the marxist poison?

I have thought about this very question long and hard, unfortunately the answers I have come up with are painful. Also the solutions when applied in the world of today where China has just defeated the USA and the world in the first worldwide biological war, seem to weaken the USA in the short term. This is a problem with China on the march.

So here are the items that could potentially turn things around, but understand if used in a proper way by the Marxist could also mean victory for them.

1. Economic collapse. Force the people in the video to face hard choices in life. They will be given a choice adapt to the new situation or suffer worse than if you get down and work hard and understand the things you currently believe are rubbish. The down side to this is that since the American people have now been programed to demand the government solve all problems, this also could strengthen the marxist in government and seal the deal forever.

2. People just get to the point that they have had enough and take to the streets like they are in some countries in the EU. Just refuse to bend the knee any more. Then when marxist get in your face be willing to risk it all in a violent response . This could mean going to jail. So we are not even close to doing this. I am watching an incident in Seattle where a husband and wife went to a homeless camp to try and get property back that was stolen from their car. They saw the human garbage had their stuff and wanted it back. The mob attacked and in their fleeing in their car they ran over one of the scum killing them. I want to see if they get charged.

Lastly I was told on Friday that one of the Special Mission Units in mass refused the Covid vaccinations in mass. The revolt then spread to the other SMU and from their to all of JSOC. So DOD had to give a waver to these units .

Now with the head of the CDC admitting that vaccinations are worthless, that you can get Delta and spread Delta even after being jabbed. I hope most people will say no to the 3rd jab if they have taken the first 2.

Lastly, the country need republicans to get smart and to grow a set. They need to get rid of Romney, Cheney and all the Rinos. Because if they win in 2022 and 24 and do business as usual in 26 the Marxist will win big and will win for decades to come. For to vote for Republicans will just be a waste of time.

I used to argue in 3rd world countries with people about voting because most people don't vote. i now understand why they didn't .

I will vote in 22 and 24, but if the Republicans don't roll back laws to curb the 3 letter agencies and to restore freedoms taken, then I am done with them.

08-08-21, 08:20
Meh. I have a 12ga, they have a face. Let em run their mouths around me like that and the two shall meet. Got a good stockpile of flight control 8 pellet 00 just for the occasion.

I'm not at my red line just yet, but I can damn sure see it from here.

Straight Shooter
08-08-21, 08:22
Except this guy doesn't always edit out the people who give responses that run counter to the theory he is testing. He didn't in the destroy free speech video, nor this one on sending unvaccinated off to jail.


To be fair, these fake interviews, aka "lie-witness news" is really just sensationalism. They prey on ignorance rather than true convictions. None of those people knew what the hell they were talking about. Most probably couldn't tell you what the 1st Amendment even says. Leftists do the same damn thing and make random right wingers look just as foolish. Regardless of the point of view, you have to know that they're always going to edit out the people who give rational responses.

Where are the video's that make right wingers look foolish. Not doubting you a bit, Id like to see them.

08-08-21, 09:46
Where are the video's that make right wingers look foolish. Not doubting you a bit, Id like to see them.

All over YouTube. Jimmy Kimmel does this regularly on his show; sometimes the interviewer just comes up with nonsense, non-political things to trick people about, but usually they go around and annoy conservatives, always showcasing the least informed.

08-08-21, 09:55
If you don't watch the crap did it even happen? Getting yourselves all balled up about nothing. Its too late anyway, as SA said above, the time to act was during the Bush - Klintone transition and nothing happened. You'll all survive 4 miserable years of Chi-Den and then another 8 of Harris the Whore.

After that, most of us won't be able to do much other than soil the sheets at night.

Your votes no longer count and you're being lied to by both sides to sell books, trinkets and memberships. How is that AZ recount going and what is it going to change? Where is the Durham bombshells? Pfffffffffffffffft, nothing but theater of the absurd for your viewing pleasure.

Its late, its late, its late, its far too late.................... -FM

08-08-21, 10:47
They prey on ignorance rather than true convictions. None of those people knew what the hell they were talking about. Most probably couldn't tell you what the 1st Amendment even says.

That may be the case, but once the ignorant put their ignorance to action(which the subjects thought they were doing) they are no less of a problem than the kingpin(s) who aren't ignorant.

08-08-21, 11:38
We crossed the event horizon and we're headed for the singularity. Nothing to do now but take as much advantage of the giveaway programs as you can and enjoy the ride.

08-08-21, 11:41
One of the biggest problems I see is that we need to divorce ourselves completely from these lunatics so we don't get pulled over the cliff with them- but doing that means we need our own banking, tech sector, media, etc. We can't have any of that because our most intelligent people get inculcated into their dogma from an early age because the lunatics control education from top to bottom.

We have to begin with universities. It's where the radicals started. There has to be somewhere where kids with IQs over 120 can go to apply their talents where they aren't bombarded with leftist propaganda from every angle every day.

People with high IQs are particularly susceptible to leftwing propaganda because of its appeal to the open minded, which highly intelligent people tend to be.

You can't build anything if your intellegencia are captured away from their parents and brainwashed generation after generation. All of your media and bankers and entrepreneurs become leftists via total social normalization.

08-08-21, 13:48
One of the biggest problems I see is that we need to divorce ourselves completely from these lunatics so we don't get pulled over the cliff with them- but doing that means we need our own banking, tech sector, media, etc. We can't have any of that because our most intelligent people get inculcated into their dogma from an early age because the lunatics control education from top to bottom.

We have to begin with universities. It's where the radicals started. There has to be somewhere where kids with IQs over 120 can go to apply their talents where they aren't bombarded with leftist propaganda from every angle every day.

People with high IQs are particularly susceptible to leftwing propaganda because of its appeal to the open minded, which highly intelligent people tend to be.

You can't build anything if your intellegencia are captured away from their parents and brainwashed generation after generation. All of your media and bankers and entrepreneurs become leftists via total social normalization.

The issue is not as much intelligence as it is a certain intelligence type. The type of intelligence that is found in academia these days also comes with a high degree of arrogance, as well as incompetence. It seems like conservatives generally value practical intelligence over "book smarts", and in terms of learning how the world runs, we value life experience over theories and statistics. Thus, high IQ liberals almost always head off to college, while high IQ conservatives are looking at trades or tech schools.

08-08-21, 14:05
I don't believe there are intelligence types. There are personality types, but IQ is IQ. Every attempt to show otherwise has failed.

On average, high IQ people tend to be liberal because high IQ people are typically high in trait Openness to Experience, which is associated with liking frequent change, constantly meeting new people, etc. High IQ people also have more in common which each other than they do with other members of their "tribe" or home society, thus multiculturalism seems in every way superior to them, while conservatives value the familiar, the tribe, and find unneeded change disruptive and uncomfortable. Conservatives do have more common sense, but they aren't as intelligent on average.

High IQ is not all positives. I agree with Professor Jonathan Haidt that those high in trait openness, which correlates well with high IQ, have a strong tendency for blind spots for unintended consequences. i.e. very smart people tend to lack common sense. Hubris. When I study the ancient Greeks, I think I can see this tendancy playing out both in their tragic myths and in the actions of men like Pericles.

Conservatives, typically those of average intelligence, provide necessary balance to liberals in a society. Our society is currently broken, as liberals have been successfully divorced from conservatives via stealth insertion of dogma into the academy, which is the natural home of the liberal. Typically, it's conservatives that tend to favor authoritarian societies with strict rules, while liberals fight that. Now, liberals have been successfully subverted into craving more authoritarianism via dogma and fear.

We are being torn apart by the descendants of converts to hostile foreign ideologies who learned to be covert.

08-08-21, 14:15

08-08-21, 15:19
I don't believe there are intelligence types. There are personality types, but IQ is IQ. Every attempt to show otherwise has failed.

On average, high IQ people tend to be liberal because high IQ people are typically high in trait Openness to Experience, which is associated with liking frequent change, constantly meeting new people, etc. High IQ people also have more in common which each other than they do with other members of their "tribe" or home society, thus multiculturalism seems in every way superior to them, while conservatives value the familiar, the tribe, and find unneeded change disruptive and uncomfortable. Conservatives do have more common sense, but they aren't as intelligent on average.

High IQ is not all positives. I agree with Professor Jonathan Haidt that those high in trait openness, which correlates well with high IQ, have a strong tendency for blind spots for unintended consequences. i.e. very smart people tend to lack common sense. Hubris. When I study the ancient Greeks, I think I can see this tendancy playing out both in their tragic myths and in the actions of men like Pericles.

Conservatives, typically those of average intelligence, provide necessary balance to liberals in a society. Our society is currently broken, as liberals have been successfully divorced from conservatives via stealth insertion of dogma into the academy, which is the natural home of the liberal. Typically, it's conservatives that tend to favor authoritarian societies with strict rules, while liberals fight that. Now, liberals have been successfully subverted into craving more authoritarianism via dogma and fear.

We are being torn apart by the descendants of converts to hostile foreign ideologies who learned to be covert.

Then there's a difference between "intelligence" and "wisdom". You could have a 150 IQ, but if you can't comprehend simple logic and rhetoric, then your "intelligence" is a paper tiger. If you can't make a rational decision because you're ignoring the obvious reality in favor of philosophical theories, you're not being intelligent. Also, openness to new ideas is not necessarily intelligence if one cannot differentiate between a good new idea and complete idiocy.

Thus, I would argue that while there may be a lot of "intelligent" liberals, there aren't many "wise" ones.

08-08-21, 16:00
Then there's a difference between "intelligence" and "wisdom". You could have a 150 IQ, but if you can't comprehend simple logic and rhetoric, then your "intelligence" is a paper tiger. If you can't make a rational decision because you're ignoring the obvious reality in favor of philosophical theories, you're not being intelligent. Also, openness to new ideas is not necessarily intelligence if one cannot differentiate between a good new idea and complete idiocy.

Thus, I would argue that while there may be a lot of "intelligent" liberals, there aren't many "wise" ones.

Trust me on this speaking AS a former child prodigy who fizzled out as most prodigies do, all the horsepower in the world under the hood is useless unless you have the powertrain to back it up getting that horsepower to where the rubber meets the road. Lots of us tend to have overinflated self-opinions clinging to former glory-days... I see it a lot among my ex-classmates.

08-08-21, 16:07
Journalists need to cover more wars in person, before a war covers them .

08-12-21, 15:28
The problem is the KGB ran a successful campaign to bring about the down fall of the USA. They only made two mistakes, first they failed to take into account how rotten their own system was. So they never even thought the USSR would fall first. Second they failed to under stand the lure of freedom and liberty that the USA gave to the whole world.

The KGB started in the early 1950's to create a movement that would weaken the American people, and one of the things they did was to take on education. From K all the way through the universities. Lenin said it best you give me the education system of a country for 10 years and I then control the future of that country.

So the question, people ask is how do we eradicate the marxist poison?

I have thought about this very question long and hard, unfortunately the answers I have come up with are painful. Also the solutions when applied in the world of today where China has just defeated the USA and the world in the first worldwide biological war, seem to weaken the USA in the short term. This is a problem with China on the march.

So here are the items that could potentially turn things around, but understand if used in a proper way by the Marxist could also mean victory for them.

1. Economic collapse. Force the people in the video to face hard choices in life. They will be given a choice adapt to the new situation or suffer worse than if you get down and work hard and understand the things you currently believe are rubbish. The down side to this is that since the American people have now been programed to demand the government solve all problems, this also could strengthen the marxist in government and seal the deal forever.

2. People just get to the point that they have had enough and take to the streets like they are in some countries in the EU. Just refuse to bend the knee any more. Then when marxist get in your face be willing to risk it all in a violent response . This could mean going to jail. So we are not even close to doing this. I am watching an incident in Seattle where a husband and wife went to a homeless camp to try and get property back that was stolen from their car. They saw the human garbage had their stuff and wanted it back. The mob attacked and in their fleeing in their car they ran over one of the scum killing them. I want to see if they get charged.

Lastly I was told on Friday that one of the Special Mission Units in mass refused the Covid vaccinations in mass. The revolt then spread to the other SMU and from their to all of JSOC. So DOD had to give a waver to these units .

Now with the head of the CDC admitting that vaccinations are worthless, that you can get Delta and spread Delta even after being jabbed. I hope most people will say no to the 3rd jab if they have taken the first 2.

Lastly, the country need republicans to get smart and to grow a set. They need to get rid of Romney, Cheney and all the Rinos. Because if they win in 2022 and 24 and do business as usual in 26 the Marxist will win big and will win for decades to come. For to vote for Republicans will just be a waste of time.

I used to argue in 3rd world countries with people about voting because most people don't vote. i now understand why they didn't .

I will vote in 22 and 24, but if the Republicans don't roll back laws to curb the 3 letter agencies and to restore freedoms taken, then I am done with them.

You see the exact same thing in other Western counties


The radicals have taken over: Academic extremism comes to Canada
University campuses have always leaned a little left. But in the 1990s, as the previous generation of academics was replaced by baby boomers, they began to lean dramatically left. The humanities and social sciences were colonized by an unholy alliance of poststructuralists and Marxists – people who believe that Western civilization is a corrupt patriarchy that must be dismantled.

The prime minister that loves Castro banned guns on May1st, a special day for communists.

International Workers' Day
the date was chosen in 1889 for political reasons by the Marxist International Socialist Congress

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's tribute complimenting Fidel Castro as "remarkable" and a "larger than life leader who served his people" drew criticism and derision.

As a result of the May 1, 2020 Order in Council (basically an executive order)

The complete ban list of newly prohibited firearms in Canada as of May 1 2020

Communist propaganda in Canada. Long live May1st




Former deputy prime minister of Australia 1:47


The NSW Teachers Federation and the Australian Education Union have a long history of using the education system to indoctrinate students with Marxist-inspired causes.

We’re paying for the teaching of Marxist politics

New Zealand:

Proof that indoctrinated youth occupy positions of power later on down the line.

Comrade Jacinda became prime minister and banned and confiscated firearms in New Zealand.

Socialist greeting from Jacinda:

Comrade Jacinda was 25 at this rally and became prime minister at 39.

"The goal of socialism is communism" - Lenin

The United States:

Austin City Hall vandalized




There's still hope:


Straight Shooter
08-13-21, 00:30
All over YouTube. Jimmy Kimmel does this regularly on his show; sometimes the interviewer just comes up with nonsense, non-political things to trick people about, but usually they go around and annoy conservatives, always showcasing the least informed.

Well, Ill never see it if f-in Jimmy Fvcknuts does it. And, I wouldnt believe a damn thing from mofackas mouth anyway...its all a set up anyway.

08-13-21, 19:12
We live in a time and place where the fourth estate has become the fifth column. Either way our lives are changing for the worse.

08-14-21, 09:18
The day I shared the opening video was the same time I first heard of Mark Dice. Apparently he has been doing this for awhile. Montage of some his others, 1 of the first in this video is from 2016 where he is getting signatures to allow illegal aliens to vote to skew the presidential election.


08-14-21, 10:25
Well, Ill never see it if f-in Jimmy Fvcknuts does it. And, I wouldnt believe a damn thing from mofackas mouth anyway...its all a set up anyway.

My point was just that: This is just a tactic that both sides use to prove that the other side is uninformed.

Unless you ask the most ardent leftist, your average person on the street is not going to knowingly say "Yes, I would prefer a communist dictatorship. I want a secret police organization that can arrest, torture, and murder political opponents. Yes, I do believe in the mass extermination of undesirable people..."

08-14-21, 10:35
My point was just that: This is just a tactic that both sides use to prove that the other side is uninformed.

Unless you ask the most ardent leftist, your average person on the street is not going to knowingly say "Yes, I would prefer a communist dictatorship. I want a secret police organization that can arrest, torture, and murder political opponents. Yes, I do believe in the mass extermination of undesirable people..."

Dice goes in to quite a bit of detail about exactly "what" people are signing a petition for. Now they may not like it if it ever lands at their own doorstep, but there is plenty of recorded history of people condoning and even cheering on harm done to others.

He also includes the people that voice opposition after hearing the same spiel as the signers.

08-14-21, 10:54
Dice goes in to quite a bit of detail about exactly "what" people are signing a petition for. Now they may not like it if it ever lands at their own doorstep, but there is plenty of recorded history of people condoning and even cheering on harm done to others.

He also includes the people that voice opposition after hearing the same spiel as the signers.

I'm not saying that such people don't exist. I just don't think your average American truly wants a dictatorship.

08-14-21, 11:26
Lovell does it a different/better way and asking follow up questions that mostly cause physical squirming.


10-09-21, 11:29
The eviction poll went the same way.

I hope he works his way to torture and execution polls soon.


10-09-21, 13:42
And people wonder how Germans allowed their government to murder Jews in a concentration camp? Hell, they would have signed petitions too. The ancestors of some of these people clamored for Japanese American to be rounded up and put in camps.


10-09-21, 16:37
And people wonder how Germans allowed their government to murder Jews in a concentration camp? Hell, they would have signed petitions too. The ancestors of some of these people clamored for Japanese American to be rounded up and put in camps.


The folks on outdoor forums showing support for US citizens getting stuck in US concentration in the 1940's has always been bizarre to me. Everything from "that was different" to open balls to the wall support indicates there is no doubt they would mindlessly do it today.