View Full Version : Random musings, gifts, donations,ethics & Etc.

08-08-21, 08:51
So I live in "The Ski Town" which has a large number of wealthy people, some who are Clients of mine.
I get paid to make things happen, mainly in the construction world but due to my hobbies in other aspects.

1.Recently a clients house flooded and he was concerned his Ar-15 was damaged. It was not, but do to conflict of interest I had some else look at it.
Me-What do you want to inspect, shoot(ammo supplied), then clean/oil it?
Response-Dude i'll do it for Free, take about 30 minutes
Me-No I need to pay you, Will $100 work? just need a professional receipt(insurance reasons) with your qualifications.
Round and round for 15 minutes. Never thought paying someone to shoot some else firearm & ammo was so complicated.

2. Home owner was remodeling asked the construction crew, if anyone could use the Viking range at their personal house(gifting it).
Carpenter said sure,(pick me) Took it, then promptly sold it $5000.00 value, home owner saw ad, was annoyed.
Do you think the Carpenter was justified in taking it then selling it for money when that was never the intent?
The result was the rest of the High end appliances were simply sold by the Homeowner and nothing else was gifted to the rest of the Crew.

3. Client doing a remodel said I could dispose of cabinets as i see fit, Offered the entire kitchen (5 years old) for free including marble countertops on social media.
With the caveat, You must supply labor, tools transportation off site. Estimating cabinets valued at $60k originally and counter top/sink maybe another $10k.
Most of the responses were among the line's of "I'll take it can you remove and deliver", Me-"Positively Not, Read the Freaking Ad"

4. Client asked me, to find a family in need for various house hold goods. With the understanding nothing is to be sold for financial gain. Using local Family Services Organization to distribute.
Various people who found out what i'm doing have started asking for stuff(Think house furnishing out of a $5mil. property) Me Are you on food stamps? Have you hit rock bottom and trying to get back on your feet? Then NO!
Them-But I want/deserve It!
Me Nope..

Just Random Musing

08-08-21, 21:09
I can help you with the easy one.

Any legit gunsmith can do a cleaning / servicing and provide an invoice.

As for the rest, I've discovered people "mostly suck" with notable exceptions from time to time. The number of paycheck to paycheck people I know who will resist letting you buy them lunch is only surpassed by the number of high tax bracket people I know who were all about "gimme free shit."

Obviously exceptions in both categories exist but it shouldn't be like that.

If I had to choose, I'd probably rather hang out with the blue collar crowd who generally understands where the boundaries of personal conduct are drawn than the very wealthy (but not Trump wealthy) who thinks their tax bracket entitles them to everything and the entire world is some form of personal employee.

08-09-21, 07:44
As for the rest, I've discovered people "mostly suck" with notable exceptions from time to time. The number of paycheck to paycheck people I know who will resist letting you buy them lunch is only surpassed by the number of high tax bracket people I know who were all about "gimme free shit."
Obviously exceptions in both categories exist but it shouldn't be like that.
If I had to choose, I'd probably rather hang out with the blue collar crowd who generally understands where the boundaries of personal conduct are drawn than the very wealthy (but not Trump wealthy) who thinks their tax bracket entitles them to everything and the entire world is some form of personal employee.

I don't know, I would say hanging out with the middle class gives you the pulse of Average American Life.
The Uber wealthy, well occasionally if your friends you've got to set the boundaries. When no body tells you NO, occasionally it's refreshing when someone is honest with them.
Here's the difference, I'm changing oil on my motorcycle and a friend comes over and we chat while we do it. He's got it figured out and goes home and does it himself.
The wealthier friend watches and then asks me to change his, I say, "No, but the tools are right here and I will walk you through it.
Sometimes you just gotta set limits.

08-09-21, 16:41
I don't know, I would say hanging out with the middle class gives you the pulse of Average American Life.
The Uber wealthy, well occasionally if your friends you've got to set the boundaries. When no body tells you NO, occasionally it's refreshing when someone is honest with them.
Here's the difference, I'm changing oil on my motorcycle and a friend comes over and we chat while we do it. He's got it figured out and goes home and does it himself.
The wealthier friend watches and then asks me to change his, I say, "No, but the tools are right here and I will walk you through it.
Sometimes you just gotta set limits.

Blue collar is typically middle class, at least anymore.

08-09-21, 16:57
So I live in "The Ski Town" which has a large number of wealthy people, some who are Clients of mine.
I get paid to make things happen, mainly in the construction world but due to my hobbies in other aspects.

1.Recently a clients house flooded and he was concerned his Ar-15 was damaged. It was not, but do to conflict of interest I had some else look at it.
Me-What do you want to inspect, shoot(ammo supplied), then clean/oil it?
Response-Dude i'll do it for Free, take about 30 minutes
Me-No I need to pay you, Will $100 work? just need a professional receipt(insurance reasons) with your qualifications.
Round and round for 15 minutes. Never thought paying someone to shoot some else firearm & ammo was so complicated.

2. Home owner was remodeling asked the construction crew, if anyone could use the Viking range at their personal house(gifting it).
Carpenter said sure,(pick me) Took it, then promptly sold it $5000.00 value, home owner saw ad, was annoyed.
Do you think the Carpenter was justified in taking it then selling it for money when that was never the intent?
The result was the rest of the High end appliances were simply sold by the Homeowner and nothing else was gifted to the rest of the Crew.

3. Client doing a remodel said I could dispose of cabinets as i see fit, Offered the entire kitchen (5 years old) for free including marble countertops on social media.
With the caveat, You must supply labor, tools transportation off site. Estimating cabinets valued at $60k originally and counter top/sink maybe another $10k.
Most of the responses were among the line's of "I'll take it can you remove and deliver", Me-"Positively Not, Read the Freaking Ad"

4. Client asked me, to find a family in need for various house hold goods. With the understanding nothing is to be sold for financial gain. Using local Family Services Organization to distribute.
Various people who found out what i'm doing have started asking for stuff(Think house furnishing out of a $5mil. property) Me Are you on food stamps? Have you hit rock bottom and trying to get back on your feet? Then NO!
Them-But I want/deserve It!
Me Nope..

Just Random Musing

Case 1, I would have introduced your client and the gunsmith, let them hash out terms.
Case 2 is a "WTAF?!" If I was giving something like that, I'd have a condition attached about "Pay It Forward, costs of delivery but no more."
Case 3 is a headshaker, really raises questions about the quality of our public ed system. (And we were already churning out borderline-illiterate "graduates" before I completed my sentence in '99...)
Case 4: "F*** off, freeloaders." It'd be different if they asked you to keep an eye out for things that might fit within a certain budget they could BUY...

08-09-21, 17:07
I can help you with the easy one.

Any legit gunsmith can do a cleaning / servicing and provide an invoice.

As for the rest, I've discovered people "mostly suck" with notable exceptions from time to time. The number of paycheck to paycheck people I know who will resist letting you buy them lunch is only surpassed by the number of high tax bracket people I know who were all about "gimme free shit."

Obviously exceptions in both categories exist but it shouldn't be like that.

If I had to choose, I'd probably rather hang out with the blue collar crowd who generally understands where the boundaries of personal conduct are drawn than the very wealthy (but not Trump wealthy) who thinks their tax bracket entitles them to everything and the entire world is some form of personal employee.

Ran in to some well off pillars of the community wanting free stuff at my first job out of college. Lots of lying and tantrums till supervisors would give in.

One local business owner(according to one of his golfing buddies) stops in hotels for the free breakfasts when he is out and about in the mornings.

I assume another economically similar guy's scheme has been shut down by computers in most restaurants, but he would order something cheap in a restaurant then flag down other servers claiming he had been shorted this, thar, and the other till he had a full meal.

08-09-21, 19:13
To date, worst one I've seen is a church decided to buy the poor "in need" minority family a starter house.

They promptly sold it and pocketed the cash. When asked "Hey WTF" they actually told the church to "Take it up with god."

Literally thousands of hard working - can use help families in Broward, but these F tards have to be the one to be given a house.

08-09-21, 19:19
To date, worst one I've seen is a church decided to buy the poor "in need" minority family a starter house.

They promptly sold it and pocketed the cash. When asked "Hey WTF" they actually told the church to "Take it up with god."

Literally thousands of hard working - can use help families in Broward, but these F tards have to be the one to be given a house.

Shoulda put on a contract where they weren't being given the house, only a subsidized rental with option to buy.

Related but not same, I quit volunteering when I saw how a lot of orgs treat the volunteers like crap but not the folks whose services they have to pay for. Ever since, I have a pro-forma Charity Rate that's a minimum hourly, and if I still support the cause at the end of the project I'll donate it back, but no more free rides.

08-09-21, 21:24
To date, worst one I've seen is a church decided to buy the poor "in need" minority family a starter house.

They promptly sold it and pocketed the cash. When asked "Hey WTF" they actually told the church to "Take it up with god."

Literally thousands of hard working - can use help families in Broward, but these F tards have to be the one to be given a house.

Caught a Neil Boortz show one day that had those kinds of stories...several were his staff or their families, others call in.

08-10-21, 01:31
People are basically in a bad spot anymore and do not care about charity as much as they do getting or taking it seems ?

Our church does a lot of outreach and leave it to them as they are pretty good about vetting for the most part have not heard bad stories like the house ? Sad really sad

I used to offer folks when panhandling sure I will go get you a burger but you have to go in with me sit down and eat it with me so we can talk ! And I never ever bought anyone a burger :)

08-10-21, 07:33
2. I'm not gonna lie, you give me a $5000 stove and its going on the market. I realize it hurt rich guy's feelings but what did he think would happen? Y'all should be pissed at the carpenter for not waiting until the job was finished - never kill the goose while its laying gold eggs.


08-10-21, 08:02
2. I'm not gonna lie, you give me a $5000 stove and its going on the market. I realize it hurt rich guy's feelings but what did he think would happen? (He thought the recipient could use it because the Carpenter said so)Y'all should be pissed at the carpenter for not waiting until the job was finished - never kill the goose while its laying gold eggs.


And there's the dilemma, If anyone rich, middle class whatever.. Offers to Pass forward any item with the INTENT and UNDERSTANDING that the Recipient has a need for the ITEM.
You would step to the front of the line for the Item. With Positively no Intention of Using It Except for Personal Financial Gain?
Basically, You're attitude is Once something is in Your Possession it's Yours to do as You Please Regardless of the Original Intent?

08-10-21, 10:42
And there's the dilemma, If anyone rich, middle class whatever.. Offers to Pass forward any item with the INTENT and UNDERSTANDING that the Recipient has a need for the ITEM.
You would step to the front of the line for the Item. With Positively no Intention of Using It Except for Personal Financial Gain?
Basically, You're attitude is Once something is in Your Possession it's Yours to do as You Please Regardless of the Original Intent?

Lets not make it personal, lol

I would have said "I have a stove" or "would you mind if I gave it to my ______" because that is literally how my mind works.

In answer to your question - yes, when I give a gift I understand that I surrender any and all claim or control I have over that property.


08-10-21, 19:12
People are basically in a bad spot anymore and do not care about charity as much as they do getting or taking it seems ?

Our church does a lot of outreach and leave it to them as they are pretty good about vetting for the most part have not heard bad stories like the house ? Sad really sad

I used to offer folks when panhandling sure I will go get you a burger but you have to go in with me sit down and eat it with me so we can talk ! And I never ever bought anyone a burger :)

I never gave them money, but if I was long that week and they looked like legit "need help" people, I've done a second trip through the drive through and grabbed a dozen burgers or whatever to hand out the window on my way home.

Back in Fl, there was usually a group of what looked like homeless vets that would congregate in the same spot so it was no hardship to grab a dozen burgers and help them out. They were always polite and thanked me even though they were a bit surprised the first time I did it.

08-10-21, 20:42
Here in Seattle, we actualy had an undercover gig by one of the news channels that traced several panhandlers back to very nice houses and spouses with Lexuses/similar dropping them off and picking them up. Sweet racket if you have no sense of pride or decency and a creative tax accountant to cover for your grift...

08-10-21, 23:47
Here in Seattle, we actualy had an undercover gig by one of the news channels that traced several panhandlers back to very nice houses and spouses with Lexuses/similar dropping them off and picking them up. Sweet racket if you have no sense of pride or decency and a creative tax accountant to cover for your grift...

Same deal in Fl, but I figure the guy with the electric strawberry patch on his jacket that has one leg missing below the knee and his buddies are probably legit. The guys standing in the intersection with the will work for food sign but only seem to be interested in cash are a different story.