View Full Version : Millennial on my flight

08-10-21, 19:39
I was flying home from Florida and some Millennial went Full metal jacket Millennial. So some twenty something girl takes her seat on the plane. The pilot is saying, "please take your seats quickly, storms are approaching and we need to get off the ground".

The Milly sits in the aisle seat of her row. Some guy shows up and says, hey this is my seat. The girl says, I want to sit here. He calmly explains you have to sit in your assigned seat. The little shite just kept saying I WANT TO SIT HERE. All the while people are like what's going on up there as the line behind stacks up. The guy had to call a flight attendant to make the girl move. I mean WTF, has no one told this little entitled brat NO?

Its just a sign of the tragic Millennial lost culture.


08-10-21, 19:46
Want in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills first.

08-10-21, 19:47
Yeeesh. All hope is lost PB.

I suppose the airline provided a therapist for her on landing….

08-10-21, 19:48
Unfortunately this is 50 or more percent of the little pukes that will soon be the ones who will be the future taxpayers when we retire. Can you say no social security.

08-10-21, 19:50
I was flying home from Florida and some Millennial went Full metal jacket Millennial. So some twenty something girl takes her seat on the plane. The pilot is saying, "please take your seats quickly, storms are approaching and we need to get off the ground".

The Milly sits in the aisle seat of her row. Some guy shows up and says, hey this is my seat. The girl says, I want to sit here. He calmly explains you have to sit in your assigned seat. The little shite just kept saying I WANT TO SIT HERE. All the while people are like what's going on up there as the line behind stacks up. The guy had to call a flight attendant to make the girl move. I mean WTF, has no one told this little entitled brat NO?

Its just a sign of the tragic Millennial lost culture.


A friend in my book club was just recommending something she just read that has relevance here. As she described it...

I ran across this by accident while looking for something else. Seems very timely...
"When toxic envy grows unchecked, it will inevitably destroy an individual, a family, a society —even a civilization. In our day, envy has reached its tipping point, fueling acts of anger, violence, and revenge in America’s cities and corporate boardrooms.

In this timely and brilliantly written book, Anne Hendershott argues that the political class, social media, and advertisers have created a culture of covetousness by relentlessly provoking us to envy others and to be envied. The result is not surprising: a deeply indignant and rapacious generation that believes no one is more deserving of advantages and rewards than they."

Describes so many addled Soymalians to a T...

08-10-21, 21:22
It was my first hand experience to this insanity. You can see a house flooded on TV, but it's different seeing it spot on.


08-10-21, 21:26
It was my first hand experience to this insanity. You can see a house flooded on TV, but it's different seeing it spot on.


I can believe it, I saw it a generation prior in my classmates during my time among the little narcissistic-sociopaths-in-training the local political and socialite animals inflicted on the world by blighting it with their accursed spawn.

08-10-21, 21:51
This is what some people would call “hot chick energy.”

08-10-21, 21:57
On a previous regional jet I flew we'd have to move people for balance occasionally and some people would absolutely lose their shit about moving from one identical seat to another.

Glad to not have that problem any more though there are still the folks who just think they'll plop in a "premium" seat and no one will notice.

08-10-21, 22:17
I have flown on a Horizon now owned by Alaska years ago that was flight was almost empty of passengers. I had to sit where the flight attendant said to balance the plane.

08-10-21, 22:17
90% of the time I see issues on flights it's Gen Xer's like me. People in general have lost all civility it seems like. When we were traveling with kids the airlines were constantly shifting on of the kids around away from us. We'd try and trade seats and people would lose their shit. A couple times I just let them sit with my grade school aged talkative kid. They'd take us up on the offer by the time we reached cruising altitude.

08-10-21, 22:44
As my daughter typifies that generation beautifully :rolleyes: , & as I only just became aware of this video clip (South Park) yesterday... I'll leave this right here.

NSFW... BEFORE you click on it... https://youtu.be/zAoZ_rRoEuQ

Millennials, to a tee - near as I can tell.

08-10-21, 23:39
90% of the time I see issues on flights it's Gen Xer's like me. People in general have lost all civility it seems like. When we were traveling with kids the airlines were constantly shifting on of the kids around away from us. We'd try and trade seats and people would lose their shit. A couple times I just let them sit with my grade school aged talkative kid. They'd take us up on the offer by the time we reached cruising altitude.

What kills me more than anything is people my age or older who either don't know how to act or just decided to start acting like a little kid for no reason. I mean jesus christ if the grandparents of the world don't know how to act like a grown up, there is no hope for anyone else.

Thankfully from time to time I will see a millenial (or younger) who is actually correcting their childs behavior so it's almost balance.

08-10-21, 23:58
Anyone between 25 and 40 years of age is a real asshole. Although, I was watching TV the other night and some crazy dude was talking. Not sure what he was saying, but I think he has dementia or something. Someone said he was the President, but I kinda doubt he could win an election. Anyway, his whole generation sucks.


08-11-21, 04:51
I have worked in bars, airports, and am about to retire LE and no one generation has a monopoly on assholery. Also in my agency I see many gen-X and gen-Z who are absolute heroes, not that you will ever hear about it on cable news.

08-11-21, 07:27
Pre Rona I was flying a decent amount for work. The amount of absolute entitled and full blown idiots always amazed me.

The best were the ones that would hold up the line of loading passengers for 5 minutes while they went through their bag looking for whatever the hell they just had to have before they sat down. I have also had more than one be in my isle seat and when you tell them it's yours they act surprised and then ask if you would just sit in their middle seat. Yeah no.

Alex V
08-11-21, 08:04
As a millennial, I feel personally attached!


08-11-21, 08:31
Not sure that's Millennial or bad parenting. Being a bitch transcends generations.

08-11-21, 08:35
90% of the time I see issues on flights it's Gen Xer's like me. People in general have lost all civility it seems like. When we were traveling with kids the airlines were constantly shifting on of the kids around away from us. We'd try and trade seats and people would lose their shit. A couple times I just let them sit with my grade school aged talkative kid. They'd take us up on the offer by the time we reached cruising altitude.

A few years ago (5? Maybe 6) my family--me, wife, six kids, at the time aged 5-15--flew to Omaha, Neb. We purchased our tickets together. When we got to the gate, the seats were scattered all over the plane. The gate agent asked people if they would switch and people freaked the hell out. Same thing as you: eventually people wanted to move and we all ended up more or less together.

08-11-21, 09:05
I was a road warrior in a previous role at my company. I kept a go bag and would often be on a plane 2 hours after booking the flight at the office. I’ve seen all sorts of drama and yes, a millennial or two, but years ago when I was maybe 25 I was sitting in a coach seat and a grown ass man, likely in his 50’s or 60’s sat behind me and kept punching my seat and telling me I had to put my seat in the most upright position because he couldn’t fit. Nonstop from Florida to Chicago. My seat was already fully upright. Now you think with him bitching out loud and and hitting the seat the FA would intervene, but she came up and told us to work it out ourselves. I’ve seen a woman of the same age range lose it in the baggage claim because her (Uber expensive) suitcase got wet in a rainstorm, and many grown men whine and scream because they can’t get any free upgrades to first class. It comes in all generations and while it may seem like it’s millennials, the older generations allowed this to proliferate because we (I’m 42) as influencing generations didn’t raise our kids to respect things and others or to be grateful for what they have.

08-11-21, 10:04
Not sure that's Millennial or bad parenting. Being a bitch transcends generations.

As I like to say, "Assholery knows no demographic boundaries, nor any other." I'm having a hard time figuring out how to politely tell an old friend (dating back to college, and about my grandfather's age) that he's going Full Metal Vaxhole with his insulting anyone who hasn't made the same choice he did.

08-11-21, 10:48
As I like to say, "Assholery knows no demographic boundaries, nor any other." I'm having a hard time figuring out how to politely tell an old friend (dating back to college, and about my grandfather's age) that he's going Full Metal Vaxhole with his insulting anyone who hasn't made the same choice he did.

I have a friend doing the same thing on social media. I have politely told him the fact he's behind a computer screen keeps him from getting his ass kicked...by me, and a whole host of others.

08-11-21, 11:05
I have a friend doing the same thing on social media. I have politely told him the fact he's behind a computer screen keeps him from getting his ass kicked...by me, and a whole host of others.

I hear ya, and thought about it... the problem is that where we have to deal with each other, I'm only a junior member who's in as a "Legacy" because my grandfather was "one of the tribe" in the F-106 community. (Sort of like how when dealing with Masons, I can speak some of the language and be more than a pure outsider because of the family tie and being raised among them, but I'm not the same as a "Worshipful Brother" in good standing ) Perhaps I should bring it up with Da Ole Sarge, my mentor over there, and let him handle it... then again, he's already weighed in for our side as only a Crusty Old Sarge can.

08-11-21, 11:14
This is what some people would call “hot chick energy.”

Young fellas, watch and learn. There is an old saying, which many of us have ignored in the past to our detriment: " No matter how hot she is, somebody, somewhere is sick of her shit."

08-11-21, 11:48
When I worked in retail, the biggest assholes were usually guys over 50. It was guys that age who never listened to us, rudely demanded things, and were unforgiving for any inconvenience whether we caused it or not.

Assholery comes in all generations.

08-11-21, 12:51
Older dudes complaining about younger individual / entire younger generation. Old dudes forgets their generation raised that younger S***** generation. haha.

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08-11-21, 14:20
There are assholes in every generation. And everybody has been an asshole one time or another. I know I have. And not all Millennials are self entitled brats. I have 3 kids that work 40-60 hrs a week and are great kids. One stepson that thinks the world owes him everything and nothing is his fault.

I think the biggest thing that is new is this group of kids that think they are entitled to anything and everything. Ie any seat on the plane. And are confused when they don't get their way. That was previously owned by a very few very rich kids. Not any more, social class has nothing to do with it.

08-11-21, 14:39
Older dudes complaining about younger individual / entire younger generation. Old dudes forgets their generation raised that younger S***** generation. haha.

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This is a major reason I won't get drug into this type of discussion in real life. It is patently stupid to complain about younger generations when your own generation is responsible for creating any perceived problem in the younger generation. (no offense PB). I do business with a TON of millennials, after all they are now 40 to 25, and as customers I don't find them any more entitled than any other age groups. I employ 4 GenZ kids, and 4 Millennials; all of them work their asses off and bring real value to my company. My buddy constantly complained about his 18 y.o. kid, but I also constantly point out to him (50 y.o.) that he was exactly the same way when he was 18.

08-11-21, 15:19
This is a major reason I won't get drug into this type of discussion in real life. It is patently stupid to complain about younger generations when your own generation is responsible for creating any perceived problem in the younger generation. (no offense PB). I do business with a TON of millennials, after all they are now 40 to 25, and as customers I don't find them any more entitled than any other age groups. I employ 4 GenZ kids, and 4 Millennials; all of them work their asses off and bring real value to my company. My buddy constantly complained about his 18 y.o. kid, but I also constantly point out to him (50 y.o.) that he was exactly the same way when he was 18.

Yep, there are plenty of good ones. I worry a great deal about grade school kids they way some school systems are plain kookoo. Parents will have to be diligent to counter our educational system. From K1 to Grad school. Not all, but more than should be that have a highly liberal slant.


08-11-21, 15:41
This is what some people would call “hot chick energy.”

Is that part of the matrix?


As my daughter typifies that generation beautifully :rolleyes: , & as I only just became aware of this video clip (South Park) yesterday... I'll leave this right here.

NSFW... BEFORE you click on it... https://youtu.be/zAoZ_rRoEuQ

Millennials, to a tee - near as I can tell.

Best. Show. Ever.

08-11-21, 16:34
This is a major reason I won't get drug into this type of discussion in real life. It is patently stupid to complain about younger generations when your own generation is responsible for creating any perceived problem in the younger generation. (no offense PB). I do business with a TON of millennials, after all they are now 40 to 25, and as customers I don't find them any more entitled than any other age groups. I employ 4 GenZ kids, and 4 Millennials; all of them work their asses off and bring real value to my company. My buddy constantly complained about his 18 y.o. kid, but I also constantly point out to him (50 y.o.) that he was exactly the same way when he was 18.

The Greatest Generation...people born from roughly 1900 to 1920 give or take a few years. All but incapable of error.

Then everything went totally down the crapper in the 1960's when(strangely enough) people aged mid 30's to mid 70's were the primary elected or appointed office holders.

08-11-21, 19:18
The Greatest Generation...people born from roughly 1900 to 1920 give or take a few years. All but incapable of error.

Then everything went totally down the crapper in the 1960's when(strangely enough) people aged mid 30's to mid 70's were the primary elected or appointed office holders.

Greatest Generation (which included bootleggers, gangsters, famous kidnappers and serial killers) raised the baby boomers and tried to give them a life without any of the hardships they had to endure having fought dictators all over the globe and making the world safe for democracy.

A shockingly large percentage of the boomer generation rejected their parents values and thinking "they" could make the world a better place embraced communism, counter culture, selected racism and hippie horseshit while also producing domestic terrorism and a few notorious serial killers.

Basically no matter what you do, you still can't win.

08-11-21, 19:22
The fault with the GG's is that in trying to spare their children the suffering they endured as children that made them so tough and determined, they overcompensated and went too far the other way. Granted, it was kind of a pathological compulsion in response to childhood trauma... I'm not trying to blame anybody, just to pop the hood, look at the moving parts and understand how and why things played out the way they did. A finder of fact, not a trier of liability.

08-11-21, 19:29
Greatest Generation (which included bootleggers, gangsters, famous kidnappers and serial killers) raised the baby boomers and tried to give them a life without any of the hardships they had to endure having fought dictators all over the globe and making the world safe for democracy.

A shockingly large percentage of the boomer generation rejected their parents values and thinking "they" could make the world a better place embraced communism, counter culture, selected racism and hippie horseshit while also producing domestic terrorism and a few notorious serial killers.

Basically no matter what you do, you still can't win.

While true on boomers, very few boomers were holding elected or appointed office in the 1960's. Those positions were being held by The Greatest Generation and they were voting in and enforcing a wide range of totalitarian ideologies as had their predecessors.

While they went and shot up some totalitarian in the 1940's, the same could be said for Nazis shooting Soviets and Soviets shooting Nazis where there was an extremely fine line between the ideologies of their leaders.

08-11-21, 20:01
While true on boomers, very few boomers were holding elected or appointed office in the 1960's. Those positions were being held by The Greatest Generation and they were voting in and enforcing a wide range of totalitarian ideologies as had their predecessors.

While they went and shot up some totalitarian in the 1940's, the same could be said for Nazis shooting Soviets and Soviets shooting Nazis where there was an extremely fine line between the ideologies of their leaders.

Also, remember that they had been propagandized in Rooseveltian Progressivism, which was basically fascism with a velvet glove instead of the iron fist the other two offshoots of Wilsonian Progressivism favored.

08-11-21, 20:05
Also, remember that they had been propagandized in Rooseveltian Progressivism, which was basically fascism with a velvet glove instead of the iron fist the other two offshoots of Wilsonian Progressivism favored.

Oh big time and that Roosevelt propaganda was still in play in public schools of the 80s and 90s.

08-11-21, 20:39
While true on boomers, very few boomers were holding elected or appointed office in the 1960's. Those positions were being held by The Greatest Generation and they were voting in and enforcing a wide range of totalitarian ideologies as had their predecessors.

While they went and shot up some totalitarian in the 1940's, the same could be said for Nazis shooting Soviets and Soviets shooting Nazis where there was an extremely fine line between the ideologies of their leaders.

All true. But idealism rarely works. You can't fix everything.

08-11-21, 21:04
The Greatest Generation...people born from roughly 1900 to 1920 give or take a few years. All but incapable of error.

Then everything went totally down the crapper in the 1960's when(strangely enough) people aged mid 30's to mid 70's were the primary elected or appointed office holders.

My grandmother, born at in 1918 Austria-Hungary, left Europe at age 15 and had nothing bad to say about it, even though they escaped Europe with nothing but the clothes on their back. I loved her, but she was delusional throughout her life. She raged two raging liberal sons and somehow my dad escaped that. Your two sentences really don't make sense. The 1960's were almost completely controlled economically and politically by "the greatest generation". I thank them for saving the world in the 40's, but they weren't infallible.

In reality there hasn't been a generation in this country that didn't mess things up in some way.

08-11-21, 21:26
My grandmother, born at in 1918 Austria-Hungary, left Europe at age 15 and had nothing bad to say about it, even though they escaped Europe with nothing but the clothes on their back. I loved her, but she was delusional throughout her life. She raged two raging liberal sons and somehow my dad escaped that. Your two sentences really don't make sense. The 1960's were almost completely controlled economically and politically by "the greatest generation". I thank them for saving the world in the 40's, but they weren't infallible.

In reality there hasn't been a generation in this country that didn't mess things up in some way.

That's the point I was making. The exact same people that heap praise on people because they were roughly 20-40 years of age between 1940 to 1945 will then go on to rant and rave about the 1960s like it was some other group of people entirely.

08-11-21, 22:04
That's the point I was making. The exact same people that heap praise on people because they were roughly 20-40 years of age between 1940 to 1945 will then go on to rant and rave about the 1960s like it was some other group of people entirely.

Copy. I understand what you were saying now, and agree.

08-12-21, 07:34
...and the cycle continues.


08-12-21, 07:35
What this saying about IQ going down as quantity of people around grows? AKA mob mentality.

People do the same thing in airports, crowded walmarts, etc. You can almost feel people gets stupider....

We flew back the other day from a show in Vegas. Got in to a connection in Houston. When we got in, not many people in that area of the terminal. We had about a 2 hour layover. We ate lunch and noticed it got a helluva lot busier. Walked to the bathroom and you could just tell something changed, people were doing stupid stuff left and right. I came back and said to my wife- "crowd is up, IQ is down.."

08-12-21, 07:37
What this saying about IQ going down as quantity of people around grows? AKA mob mentality.

People do the same thing in airports, crowded walmarts, etc. You can almost feel people gets stupider....

We flew back the other day from a show in Vegas. Got in to a connection in Houston. When we got in, not many people in that area of the terminal. We had about a 2 hour layover. We ate lunch and noticed it got a helluva lot busier. Walked to the bathroom and you could just tell something changed, people were doing stupid stuff left and right. I came back and said to my wife- "crowd is up, IQ is down.."

The problem is that there are stupid people and they are breeding.


08-12-21, 08:13
What this saying about IQ going down as quantity of people around grows? AKA mob mentality.

People do the same thing in airports, crowded walmarts, etc. You can almost feel people gets stupider....

We flew back the other day from a show in Vegas. Got in to a connection in Houston. When we got in, not many people in that area of the terminal. We had about a 2 hour layover. We ate lunch and noticed it got a helluva lot busier. Walked to the bathroom and you could just tell something changed, people were doing stupid stuff left and right. I came back and said to my wife- "crowd is up, IQ is down.."

Something to be said for herd or lemming mentality. It's a real thing. People get in groups and there's a subconscious desire to give up being a decision-maker, hoping someone else will step up. But no one does. So everyone's collective level of intellect and operations drops. Crazy.

08-12-21, 10:39
What this saying about IQ going down as quantity of people around grows? AKA mob mentality.

People do the same thing in airports, crowded walmarts, etc. You can almost feel people gets stupider....

We flew back the other day from a show in Vegas. Got in to a connection in Houston. When we got in, not many people in that area of the terminal. We had about a 2 hour layover. We ate lunch and noticed it got a helluva lot busier. Walked to the bathroom and you could just tell something changed, people were doing stupid stuff left and right. I came back and said to my wife- "crowd is up, IQ is down.."

I've long harbored a theory that you can only pack so much IQ into a square mile... never been able to quantify it though.

Similarly, as you melt from an individual into a nameless, faceless part of the mob, you lose your sense of accountability since they'll never pick you out of the crowd and that emboldens your inner Mr. Hyde to assert itself more, actually much like we see with the internet and sometimes even on this very forum, since the lack of consequences being able to be brought home to you is removed as a deterrent.

08-12-21, 11:48
As a millennial, I feel personally attached!


Same lol

08-12-21, 12:22
I've long harbored a theory that you can only pack so much IQ into a square mile... never been able to quantify it though.

Similarly, as you melt from an individual into a nameless, faceless part of the mob, you lose your sense of accountability since they'll never pick you out of the crowd and that emboldens your inner Mr. Hyde to assert itself more, actually much like we see with the internet and sometimes even on this very forum, since the lack of consequences being able to be brought home to you is removed as a deterrent.

Unless you are a conservative anywhere around the capital on Jan 6th. Then the FBI and other agencies will spend months combing through pictures, videos, and using multi million dollar facial recognition software to find you and track you down.

08-12-21, 13:03
Unless you are a conservative anywhere around the capital on Jan 6th. Then the FBI and other agencies will spend months combing through pictures, videos, and using multi million dollar facial recognition software to find you and track you down.

This is why Antifa wear hoods and masks, just like their Klan distant ancestors--and I was talking less in facts than in the perceptions of those so nefariously inclined. But yeah, mass surveillance is a game changer until countermeasures are developed... though they're already on to counter-countermeasures like gait analysis.

Congratulations, Patriot Act-loving Bush-humpers, THIS is what you voted to unleash upon us.

08-13-21, 23:12
My Millennials are awesome. They’d be even more awesome if they get married and promote me to Grandfather.

08-13-21, 23:21
...and the cycle continues.


While generally true, some serious shitbirds grew up during the depression and some amazing individuals stepped up during the 1950s "happy days."

I grew up during the 1980s which was generally a pretty good time to be alive, I didn't have to live through a great depression and two world wars to figure out how to be a decent person. But I knew some truly reprehensible people who did come up hard.

08-14-21, 13:57
Question related to the OP. How many of you knew (until recently) which "generation" they belonged to?

I don't really remember hearing/thinking about it until the past few years. I had to look up which generation is "mine".

08-14-21, 15:23
Question related to the OP. How many of you knew (until recently) which "generation" they belonged to?

I don't really remember hearing/thinking about it until the past few years. I had to look up which generation is "mine".

Speaking for myself, being right on the borderline I've never been really sure. Some sources put me Gen X, some Gen Y, some a "microgeneration" in between not totally one or the other... being raised with throwback values like my grandfather saw me as a second chance to apply the lessons and Oopses from raising his own children only further complicates things.

08-14-21, 16:46
...and the cycle continues.


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08-14-21, 18:45
Dude from the OP should have just said, "Fine by me sweetheart. You want to be on top or bottom?". :) :p

08-14-21, 19:31
Millenial is a funny generation, of which I belong to as I am in my thirties. We are getting older, some of us are now in our 40's. I'm not gonna rally around my generation by any means, but the majority of people I served in LE and USMC were millennials, and we weren't so bad.

08-14-21, 20:27
Question related to the OP. How many of you knew (until recently) which "generation" they belonged to?

I don't really remember hearing/thinking about it until the past few years. I had to look up which generation is "mine".

Seriously though. I was born in 83 and didn’t realize I was “a millennial” until a couple years ago. Apparently Gen Y was grouped in?

Truth is you were either brought up with values / morals or not.

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08-14-21, 20:36
Millenial is a funny generation, of which I belong to as I am in my thirties. We are getting older, some of us are now in our 40's. I'm not gonna rally around my generation by any means, but the majority of people I served in LE and USMC were millennials, and we weren't so bad.

Yup, 9/11 was our generation's Pearl Harbor.

08-14-21, 22:48
Yup, 9/11 was our generation's Pearl Harbor.

It was worse than Pearl Harbor IMO, at least Pearl was a military target.

08-14-21, 23:16
It was worse than Pearl Harbor IMO, at least Pearl was a military target.

True--I had meant it just in the sense of "wake-up call and Call to Arms." When Netanyahu called that morning a 'wakeup call from Hell,' he was more right than he knew for some of us...

08-15-21, 07:05
Truth is you were either brought up with values / morals or not.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

^^^ This. Example, we have three 30ish women working in our front office. With two of them it is constant drama, late for work, gotta constantly baby them, etc... The third one is always at work, on time, goes the extra mile, just a stellar employee. During a discussion about her dedication and performance the third one made the comment to me "well, my parents raised me to be somebody" .

08-16-21, 17:47
An interesting thought point is that millennials are just now entering into political office. Boomers have been the ruling class of this country for the last 40 years, have increased the national debt 10's of trillions, have entered us into multiple failed and wasted wars, and refuse to give up power of this country. I've certainly suffered more in my life due to boomer policies than millennial safe spaces.

08-16-21, 17:49
Boomers have been the ruining class of this country for the last 40 years[...]

FIFY. :(

08-16-21, 18:02
An interesting thought point is that millennials are just now entering into political office. Boomers have been the ruling class of this country for the last 40 years, have increased the national debt 10's of trillions, have entered us into multiple failed and wasted wars, and refuse to give up power of this country. I've certainly suffered more in my life due to boomer policies than millennial safe spaces.

Not all boomers were in the ruling class, but every ruling class directs attention to "enemies".

08-19-21, 15:48
An interesting thought point is that millennials are just now entering into political office. Boomers have been the ruling class of this country for the last 40 years, have increased the national debt 10's of trillions, have entered us into multiple failed and wasted wars, and refuse to give up power of this country. I've certainly suffered more in my life due to boomer policies than millennial safe spaces.

You missed the pile of Gen X'ers that are currently sticking us with Trillions more in debt. Sure Senate and House leadership is primarily Boomers, but Gen X'ers make up a large proportion of Congress.

Anyhow, back on topic, a very nice millennial bought me a drink on the airplane yesterday in apology for a very innocent elbow to my nose while stowing her (not overly large) carry on bag.