View Full Version : My Heart is Broken

08-12-21, 20:25
The Virginia Commissioner for Public Health issued a directive that all school children, in public and private schools, must wear masks.

How does a “public” commissar derive the power to issue a mandate to a private school? This breaks my heart. I don’t see any push back from our “Shepherds” either.

This reminds me of:

First they came for the Communists, but I wasn't a Communist so I didn't speak out. Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I didn't speak out. Then they came for the Jews, but I wasn't a Jew so I didn't speak out. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me. - Martin Niemöller

I implore you to stop donating or tithing money to any church that fails to stand up for its flock.

08-12-21, 20:33
It’s kind of his/her job to make decisions like that. Not saying it is the correct choice, but who else would make the decision? It is a communal, not an individual issue, and schools are inherently communal, whether public or private.

If I may kindly push back, suggesting someone should reject their community of worship because the board decides to follow the recommendation of a state official, for the purpose of health, isn’t consistent. These are not easy decisions.

I don’t think masks do much. However, our church is made up if a mix of elderly and youth, Republican and Democrat. Elders/deacons/pastors are called to both lead and serve. No matter what we do, someone thinks it is the wrong choice. So give the church leadership a break, it isn’t as simple as “We shall not bow to the king’s statue.”

08-12-21, 20:55
No, it is no public official’s job to restrict the first amendment rights of the public.

Your problem is not with the school, rather the population at large for not watering the tree of liberty with dictators like this.

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08-12-21, 21:06
The irony here is that communism is the reason why this is happening.

08-12-21, 21:18
Sorry for the sort of off topic post but this thread is about schools in Virginia so I thought you might want to see this:

Tearful Virginia Teacher Resigns At School Board Meeting, Denounces "Highly Politicized Agendas"


08-12-21, 21:22
It’s kind of his/her job to make decisions like that. Not saying it is the correct choice, but who else would make the decision? It is a communal, not an individual issue, and schools are inherently communal, whether public or private.

If I may kindly push back, suggesting someone should reject their community of worship because the board decides to follow the recommendation of a state official, for the purpose of health, isn’t consistent. These are not easy decisions.

I don’t think masks do much. However, our church is made up if a mix of elderly and youth, Republican and Democrat. Elders/deacons/pastors are called to both lead and serve. No matter what we do, someone thinks it is the wrong choice. So give the church leadership a break, it isn’t as simple as “We shall not bow to the king’s statue.”

I am vehemently against kids wearing masks, especially ones that have been vaccinated, but the Jedi is right. The power of the government is almost limitless when it comes to public health and pandemics. That’s just the nature of the beast. Literally the beast. Now that’s not to say it’s not without checks and balances. They should be taken to court and and data should be presented to show that it is not a good use of public resources. They have to show that the public health is actually forwarded by this. We all know the data is they are not to support that we should be wearing masks.

08-12-21, 21:51
It’s kind of his/her job to make decisions like that. Not saying it is the correct choice, but who else would make the decision? It is a communal, not an individual issue, and schools are inherently communal, whether public or private.

If I may kindly push back, suggesting someone should reject their community of worship because the board decides to follow the recommendation of a state official, for the purpose of health, isn’t consistent. These are not easy decisions.

I don’t think masks do much. However, our church is made up if a mix of elderly and youth, Republican and Democrat. Elders/deacons/pastors are called to both lead and serve. No matter what we do, someone thinks it is the wrong choice. So give the church leadership a break, it isn’t as simple as “We shall not bow to the king’s statue.”

Francis Bellamy(pledge of allegiance author) was a socialist that moonlighting as a Baptist minister. Once the congregation caught on to his sermons being socialist tripe they kicked him out. There is something to be said for not playing along with wrong.

08-13-21, 09:53
Francis Bellamy(pledge of allegiance author) was a socialist that moonlighting as a Baptist minister. Once the congregation caught on to his sermons being socialist tripe they kicked him out. There is something to be said for not playing along with wrong.

Exactly. Men are flawed, period.

08-13-21, 10:05
This is how its done:


08-13-21, 10:16
Happening everywhere...this sort of feedback is starting to grow.

Several districts are flipping the bird to Abbott's no mask orders.


08-13-21, 11:01
Yeah my state governor just made the same declaration here this week. I have three school aged children and the frustration level with this BS is at a boiling point for myself and a great number of people i’ve talked to.

I decided to look up the total number of deaths in my state (it’s a small state) and according to the states public health page there have been TWO recorded covid deaths for children aged 0-17.



When it comes to a lot of the dictates and mandates being put out lately, this isn’t about science it’s about control and coercion.

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08-13-21, 13:56
The Virginia Commissioner for Public Health issued a directive that all school children, in public and private schools, must wear masks.

How does a “public” commissar derive the power to issue a mandate to a private school? This breaks my heart. I don’t see any push back from our “Shepherds” either.

This reminds me of:

First they came for the Communists, but I wasn't a Communist so I didn't speak out. Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I didn't speak out. Then they came for the Jews, but I wasn't a Jew so I didn't speak out. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me. - Martin Niemöller

I implore you to stop donating or tithing money to any church that fails to stand up for its flock.

It’s kind of his/her job to make decisions like that. Not saying it is the correct choice, but who else would make the decision? It is a communal, not an individual issue, and schools are inherently communal, whether public or private.

If I may kindly push back, suggesting someone should reject their community of worship because the board decides to follow the recommendation of a state official, for the purpose of health, isn’t consistent. These are not easy decisions.

I don’t think masks do much. However, our church is made up if a mix of elderly and youth, Republican and Democrat. Elders/deacons/pastors are called to both lead and serve. No matter what we do, someone thinks it is the wrong choice. So give the church leadership a break, it isn’t as simple as “We shall not bow to the king’s statue.”

These two statements are not compatible. Recommended is not the same as mandated.

You can wear a mask and recommend wearing masks, while still objecting to government mandates. It doesn't make you a hypocrite at all.

08-13-21, 14:15
Come on, man!

A cloth covering that has gaps and tiny holes is not the same as a healthcare setting with an N95.

This has nothing to do with health.

Alex V
08-13-21, 15:54
Times like this I feel justification for my decision not to have kids.

I used to hold out hope that there would be a breaking point, but now I’m fully convinced that I’m short order I will once again be living in the Soviet Union where I need permission to enter a store or travel from state to state.

08-13-21, 16:09

08-13-21, 16:46
Homeschool !

Why would anyone give up their kids to be educated by the people doing this to them and after so long hearing what they say and do to your children is beyond me !

08-13-21, 17:04
Come on, man!

A cloth covering that has gaps and tiny holes is not the same as a healthcare setting with an N95.

This has nothing to do with health.

I don't put much faith in the N95 claims either. When video is shown of scientists working with viruses they are kitted out with much more than an N95 mask.

08-13-21, 18:46
The Virginia Commissioner for Public Health issued a directive that all school children, in public and private schools, must wear masks.

How does a “public” commissar derive the power to issue a mandate to a private school? This breaks my heart. I don’t see any push back from our “Shepherds” either.

This reminds me of:

First they came for the Communists, but I wasn't a Communist so I didn't speak out. Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I didn't speak out. Then they came for the Jews, but I wasn't a Jew so I didn't speak out. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me. - Martin Niemöller

I implore you to stop donating or tithing money to any church that fails to stand up for its flock.

The meme is for Mickey Mauci, but it works just as well with this tinpot tyrant as well. :mad:


08-13-21, 19:47
Come on, man!

A cloth covering that has gaps and tiny holes is not the same as a healthcare setting with an N95.

This has nothing to do with health.

It's all a joke and it's just about "feel good" legislation. If masks actually worked all airline personnel would always wear them since the first outbreak of SARS, Mers, etc. and no virus would ever make it's way around the globe.

It's "some" level of protection but so is wearing a paper bag over your head. More troubling to me than the mask / no mask controversy are the statements by the teacher in the video in post #5 where dissenting opinions are not allowed, even off the clock and and how "white, able bodied christian females" need to be replaced.

Aside from the blatant first amendment violation, so much for the war on women we always hear about from the left. If the variable was changed from white to black we'd have a national race war on our hands.

08-13-21, 20:54
Times like this I feel justification for my decision not to have kids.

I used to hold out hope that there would be a breaking point, but now I’m fully convinced that I’m short order I will once again be living in the Soviet Union where I need permission to enter a store or travel from state to state.



S till, while more severe measures — such as mandating vaccines for interstate travel or changing how the federal government reimburses treatment for those who are unvaccinated and become ill with COVID-19 — have been discussed, the administration worried that they would be too polarizing for the moment.

08-13-21, 21:35
I've said it here for going on ten years. Look to Virginia to see how your state will be taken down. This from a 67 yo Virginian. ... and if you win it back, the efforts you will have to go to bring it back to sanity.

Everyone needs to get in line by November for our elections. I'm seeing some positive signs. The left ruined Monument Ave this past year. Translation, the highest $/sf land in Richmond. Cary St near CCofVA is sporting several Youngkin signs. Small pockets of BLM signs still exist in Chesterfield if you get into the subdivisions. I think the thrill is gone when they have 3 kids at home and one money earner laid off. while they won't vote RED maybe they simply won't vote. Problem is they believe the socialist lie of free money.

McCauliff owns a parole board that set a cop killer free under some very strange circumstances. AND.. the left is OK with Northam sporting the black face and KKK uniform. Soooo... who knows.

I'm running across a lot of people that are getting tired of the leftist bul****. All walks of life. Male, female, young, old, money, no money.

We can win VA back in November. Hell even Doug Wilder, the first black governor, doesn't want McCauliffe to win. McCauliffe is the Bill Maher of Governors. Just a total greasy sleeze bag.


"It's all a joke and it's just about "feel good" legislation." Yep... now parse that ... "It's ... legislation" <<< that's the problem. More fn laws, more fn rules made by people that are either clueless, politically(financially) motivated, or both.

Virginia used to be a a place that was basically do whatever you want. Mountains, Beach, Capital, Museum, City, Rural, all in a compact 2hr drive situation. Add a couple hours and you are in several other states. You can experience weather seasons here. The Civil War can be remembered here. Edgar Allen Poe. Jamestown. It's a pretty good sized state but you can 'be there' in all these historic places very quickly. The Left is erasing as much history, comfort, and excitement from VA as possible. They are turning it into a beehive of 'followship' especially in the City of Richmond.

In VA, the Left is trying to break the spirit of old Virginia. I honestly don't know a single Democrat politician that is not a total BS artist. Abigal spanberger, Tim Kaine, Terry Mccauliffe, Mark Warner, ... they are total BS career politicians. I have never heard an honest word from any of them that had true gravity connected to real life in the context of their jobs and the prosperity of Virginia.

08-13-21, 22:16
I don't put much faith in the N95 claims either. When video is shown of scientists working with viruses they are kitted out with much more than an N95 mask.

the theory I heard /read way back when is that yes the virus could pass through the material of an N95 device but the multiple layers would obstruct and trap it's travel by design. The way I look at it is if you find yourself in the critical situation of 'need'... it is either too late or failure to plan. But N95 is actually a viable plan if used properly. That's just what I understand and what made sense to me from many varied sources.

Personally I like the under the nose fashion statement. It exudes that 'I'm doing my part in my own inept way' feeling. The REI neck gaiter is cool too. The thing to remember is that during a pandemic you need to do your own thing.

08-13-21, 22:21
Times like this I feel justification for my decision not to have kids.

I used to hold out hope that there would be a breaking point, but now I’m fully convinced that I’m short order I will once again be living in the Soviet Union where I need permission to enter a store or travel from state to state.

I kind of fee like, if you think not having kids was the right choice because they wear masks in school this year...you wouldn't have been able to handle the real issues parents deal with so you are probably justified in your decision.

08-13-21, 22:38
Here is what I don't understand. WE have the power. There are more of us than them. They only have the power that we allow them to have. If one of us stands up against them alone, we will be squashed and made an example of. If all, most, or even a large percentage of us simply say "no" and vociferously refuse to comply with their tyranny, their tyranny will be over.

I'm ready to stand and fight. Been ready for years. I'm not going to ruin my family's lives by doing it alone and being stomped by the boot heel of the communists taking over our country and the world. What will it take to get the majority to stand up and say no to their mandates. We're seeing hints of it, but why not more. If "they" said that everyone must affix a large purple dildo to their forehead before stepping out in public, we'd all laugh and say no. What are they going to do? Arrest 350 million people for failure to comply with the government forehead dildo mandate? Why is the face diaper mandate any different. Their own studies show that masks, even when worn correctly which is rarely the case, don't stop viral particles. So why are so many of us walking around with face diapers on?

I rebel when I can in many ways, but I'd love to see 50, 100, 500 people walk in to a store and all say "no" to their idiocy. What will it take to get more people on board? It needs to start happening all over the country. Publicly. Large groups of people giving the finger to the lefty lunatics. They have no power if we don't give it to them.

08-13-21, 22:57
I used to hold out hope that there would be a breaking point, but now I’m fully convinced that I’m short order I will once again be living in the Soviet Union where I need permission to enter a store or travel from state to state.


I've said it here for going on ten years. Look to Virginia to see how your state will be taken down....the Left is trying to break the spirit of old Virginia.

Well, let me finish breaking what's left of your acheybreakey hearts... If this is what's getting people here 'heartbroken', oh... we have so much more to show you...



And I could go on... and on... and on. This is the absolutist state of mind of the people you're dealing with.
Of interest, note that one of those is in regard to the 'climate change' scam.
The mileage taxes, gas taxes, push to stop people from working on their own cars, push to put a breathalizer in every car, push for electric everything (with eventual obamacare-like penalty taxes attached for every year not complied), etc, etc,... ALL OF IT is part of what I like to call "the great arm twist" to make everything SO miserable, people will just get beat down with the stupid, and finally fed up, choose the 'easy road' of least resistance.
Same with the guns. And on and on.

08-13-21, 23:23
Here is what I don't understand. WE have the power. There are more of us than them. They only have the power that we allow them to have.

I don't think that is really true.

08-13-21, 23:24

Canadia... :rolleyes:

08-14-21, 00:19
I don't think that is really true.

How so? If we all stood up and said no, what could they do about it? Cliven Bundy and a few dozen guys with guns backed down the full force of the feds and made them retreat. Why do you think it would be different for 1 million of us? Or 10 million?

If half the country simply refused to wear masks, what are they gonna do about it? Arrest us? Attack us? There might be a few showdowns, and those would end badly of the .gov in more ways than one, whichever way things went. Either they back down and we go on our merry way, or they shoot some of us in our own streets and create a whirlwind of backlash and finally wake the sleeping giant. Its a fight they don't want to have, and its a fight we can't lose IF we have the numbers.

08-14-21, 00:50
How so?

If half the country

Half the country will not.

08-14-21, 05:07
How so? If we all stood up and said no, what could they do about it? Cliven Bundy and a few dozen guys with guns backed down the full force of the feds and made them retreat. Why do you think it would be different for 1 million of us? Or 10 million?

If half the country simply refused to wear masks, what are they gonna do about it? Arrest us? Attack us? There might be a few showdowns, and those would end badly of the .gov in more ways than one, whichever way things went. Either they back down and we go on our merry way, or they shoot some of us in our own streets and create a whirlwind of backlash and finally wake the sleeping giant. Its a fight they don't want to have, and its a fight we can't lose IF we have the numbers.

And a few half assed gangs shut down entire cities during the summer of love and rioting.

And what would they do if we stopped wearing masks, well anyone who was employed by an idiot would find themselves unemployed for starters. You know how this shit works.

08-14-21, 06:51
Now the State wants Nash’s back in stores? For what?

08-14-21, 06:55
And a few half assed gangs shut down entire cities during the summer of love and rioting.

And what would they do if we stopped wearing masks, well anyone who was employed by an idiot would find themselves unemployed for starters. You know how this shit works.

This is kind of my point, we need powerful institutions to stand up for us and rally us together. Instead, they’ve abandoned us to the wolves.

08-14-21, 07:06
And a few half assed gangs shut down entire cities during the summer of love and rioting.

And what would they do if we stopped wearing masks, well anyone who was employed by an idiot would find themselves unemployed for starters. You know how this shit works.

Pretty sure the half assed gangs aren't exactly self funded.

08-14-21, 07:45
Canadia... :rolleyes:

Those are the kind of people that need lead dosing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-14-21, 07:58
Half the country will not.

Half the country doesn't even have to.

We down here don't even have a choice to refuse, because they aren't required

It sounds like some of you simply need to move to better states. I know, I know, it's not simple, but if you live in CA or NYC you bring all this on yourself

08-14-21, 15:30
It sounds like some of you simply need to move to better states. I know, I know, it's not simple, but if you live in CA or NYC you bring all this on yourself

Except for the fact that this simply isn't the case. Since October I have been in Georgia more than I've been in CA. Spent about a week in FL too. Spent a week in OK at the beginning of this month. Its no different in other states. OK has one of the best Governors I've ever heard of with his stunts giving the proverbial finger to PETA, and happily signing Constitutional Carry into law in his state, yet the mask mandate stands. Any airport anywhere in the country still requires it too. Ive seen a few people in every state not complying, but it seems that most people do comply.

My point is that it is working because enough of us comply. If we all collectively just refused to comply, what can they do about it? Nothing. Are they going to jail 350 million Americans? I don't know what the tipping point is, but it doesn't have to be half of us. Think of any company or organization. How many could continue to function if 40% of the staff was sent home for refusal to wear a face diaper? What if those 40% went home and retaliated in some way or other against the useful idiot commies who sent them home. I'm not even talking about violence or anything illegal, but at some point I'd expect it to escalate to that level.

08-14-21, 16:01
I think most people don’t see the mask policies as a hill worth dying on. Especially when you consider it might actually help. I know there are plenty of people that feel like masks don’t do any good, but there’s a lot to suggest they might.

In flight of the original context of this thread, I personally think there is a good lesson in sometimes having to follow rules and deal with minor inconveniences we don’t like. There are times for protest, obvious, but not every inconvenient public policy is worth the hullabaloo. I don’t have the energy to find the existential struggle between good and evil in every rule.

08-14-21, 17:09
Except for the fact that this simply isn't the case. Since October I have been in Georgia more than I've been in CA. Spent about a week in FL too. Spent a week in OK at the beginning of this month. Its no different in other states. OK has one of the best Governors I've ever heard of with his stunts giving the proverbial finger to PETA, and happily signing Constitutional Carry into law in his state, yet the mask mandate stands. Any airport anywhere in the country still requires it too. Ive seen a few people in every state not complying, but it seems that most people do comply.

My point is that it is working because enough of us comply. If we all collectively just refused to comply, what can they do about it? Nothing. Are they going to jail 350 million Americans? I don't know what the tipping point is, but it doesn't have to be half of us. Think of any company or organization. How many could continue to function if 40% of the staff was sent home for refusal to wear a face diaper? What if those 40% went home and retaliated in some way or other against the useful idiot commies who sent them home. I'm not even talking about violence or anything illegal, but at some point I'd expect it to escalate to that level.

When I say people in many states don't have mask mandates, I'm not talking about inside of airports, or inside of a hospital, I thought that would be understood. You going to say FL and GA don't allow concealed carry because you can't walk into an elementary school with your rifle slung up to eat lunch?

Where did you go in Georgia that had a mask mandate? FL, same question, where did you go that had a mask mandate?

I ask because I'm pretty sure you are full of it

ETA: So folks know where I'm coming from, I live in Georgia, and I have been required to wear a mask exactly 1 time in the past, oh IDK, 6 months? Once. For about 30 minutes. I'm not snowflake enough to be offended by that, circumstances considered. And I didn't avoid going anywhere to avoid wearing a mask, either. Went all the place and did all the things. Wrestling, swimming, dentist, all the restaurants, stores, more stores, car dealerships, car test drives with sales people, birthday parties, movie theaters...no mask. Not even "required" but you can ignore it and they do nothing, like..."all are welcome" and 90% don't wear a mask.

Not even sure where you could have gone that would require a mask. The international airport? A hospital? Courthouse? Basically, a government building (but not all, post office no mask) or a healthcare building otherwise...nope

08-14-21, 17:23
When I say people in many states don't have mask mandates, I'm not talking about inside of airports, or inside of a hospital, I thought that would be understood. You going to say FL and GA don't allow concealed carry because you can't walk into an elementary school with your rifle slung up to eat lunch?

Where did you go in Georgia that had a mask mandate? FL, same question, where did you go that had a mask mandate?

I ask because I'm pretty sure you are full of it

ETA: So folks know where I'm coming from, I live in Georgia, and I have been required to wear a mask exactly 1 time in the past, oh IDK, 6 months? Once. For about 30 minutes. I'm not snowflake enough to be offended by that, circumstances considered. And I didn't avoid going anywhere to avoid wearing a mask, either. Went all the place and did all the things. Wrestling, swimming, dentist, all the restaurants, stores, more stores, car dealerships, car test drives with sales people, birthday parties, movie theaters...no mask. Not even "required" but you can ignore it and they do nothing, like..."all are welcome" and 90% don't wear a mask.

Not even sure where you could have gone that would require a mask. The international airport? A hospital? Courthouse? Basically, a government building (but not all, post office no mask) or a healthcare building otherwise...nope

Atlanta has a mask mandate, or at least that’s what we were told for a conference we’re holding there in September.

08-14-21, 17:33
Atlanta has a mask mandate, or at least that’s what we were told for a conference we’re holding there in September.

Ha! Shows how much I avoid that city 'like the plague', OTP for me

But what do you know, a couple weeks ago the Dem mayor put a mandate in for Atlanta



We've lost and there's no coming back.

Edit: Maybe I should watch the news sometime so I know about things like this?


08-14-21, 20:46
I think most people don’t see the mask policies as a hill worth dying on. Especially when you consider it might actually help. I know there are plenty of people that feel like masks don’t do any good, but there’s a lot to suggest they might.

Um, no. There’s no indication that masks do anything. Masks are only intended to be effective in medical (surgical, mostly) to prevent bacteria from healthy people entering the surgical opening that lacks immunity response. Otherwise why on all those occasions before 2019 when you were sick and went to see your doctor, they weren’t wearing a mask? Stop spreading complete mask propaganda.

08-15-21, 07:41
Um, no. There’s no indication that masks do anything. Masks are only intended to be effective in medical (surgical, mostly) to prevent bacteria from healthy people entering the surgical opening that lacks immunity response. Otherwise why on all those occasions before 2019 when you were sick and went to see your doctor, they weren’t wearing a mask? Stop spreading complete mask propaganda.Not to mention the fungi and bacteria that accumulate on a mask worn over an 8 hour period an inch from kids mouths. Disgusting.

For those that don't believe me, wear a mask properly for a few hours. Leave it overnight, and then smell it.

08-15-21, 18:20
Where did you go in Georgia that had a mask mandate? FL, same question, where did you go that had a mask mandate?

I ask because I'm pretty sure you are full of it

Looks like you've already self-corrected, but I'll answer anyway. Newnan (I was there for both recent tornados), Peachtree City, Sharpsburg, Senoia, Griffin, Fairburn, all for work, and visiting friends in Grayson, and all the way over in Grovetown near Augusta. Ft. Meyers area in FL, but drove back and from from Atlanta to South FL 3 times and saw masks everywhere in between. Also got to shoot the hootch! Didn't wear a mask for that. I tried walking around without a mask. No-go in Walmart, Target, Zaxby's, Wendy's, Marco's, Wafflehouse, hobby shops, gun shops, pet stores, Academy Sports, Texas Roadhouse, Best Buy, Office Max, Race Trac, QT, etc... There was no business that would allow me to walk in the door without a mask in the areas where I was from October 2020 until July of 2021. As I said, I kept trying, and was shot down each time.

I'm glad we don't have to argue about this. We are on the same side here brother.

08-15-21, 18:27
Looks like you've already self-corrected, but I'll answer anyway. Newnan (I was there for both recent tornados), Peachtree City, Sharpsburg, Senoia, Griffin, Fairburn, all for work, and visiting friends in Grayson, and all the way over in Grovetown near Augusta. Ft. Meyers area in FL, but drove back and from from Atlanta to South FL 3 times and saw masks everywhere in between. Also got to shoot the hootch! Didn't wear a mask for that. I tried walking around without a mask. No-go in Walmart, Target, Zaxby's, Wendy's, Marco's, Wafflehouse, hobby shops, gun shops, pet stores, Academy Sports, Texas Roadhouse, Best Buy, Office Max, Race Trac, QT, etc... There was no business that would allow me to walk in the door without a mask in the areas where I was from October 2020 until July of 2021. As I said, I kept trying, and was shot down each time.

I'm glad we don't have to argue about this. We are on the same side here brother.

I'm sure you "saw" masks. A lot of people *choose* to wear them.

Government mandates are an entirely different ballgame.

Weird. I go to Walmart, Target, all the restaurants, hobby shops, gun shops, petco, petsmart, Academy, Best Buy, Texas Roadhouse, QT,...NONE require masks.

I'm still calling BS on all those places (or even, like one of those places outside Atlanta proper) mandating masks in Georgia.

I know you either didn't wear a mask those places, or witnessed >50% of the people in those places also not wearing a mask, even if there was some kind of stupid corporate required sign up somewhere.

I'd be happy to take videos or photos complete with current day newspapers for Georgia in the background of ANY business I Just listed with most people not wearing masks, if you'd like. Just name the business

08-15-21, 20:37
I'm sure you "saw" masks. A lot of people *choose* to wear them.

Government mandates are an entirely different ballgame.

Weird. I go to Walmart, Target, all the restaurants, hobby shops, gun shops, petco, petsmart, Academy, Best Buy, Texas Roadhouse, QT,...NONE require masks.

I'm still calling BS on all those places (or even, like one of those places outside Atlanta proper) mandating masks in Georgia.

I know you either didn't wear a mask those places, or witnessed >50% of the people in those places also not wearing a mask, even if there was some kind of stupid corporate required sign up somewhere.

I'd be happy to take videos or photos complete with current day newspapers for Georgia in the background of ANY business I Just listed with most people not wearing masks, if you'd like. Just name the business

I’m in GA today, went into a Kroger completely unaware of the stores’ mask mandate. No one said a word and I only noticed the sign on the way out. Shrug.

08-15-21, 20:39
I’m in GA today, went into a Kroger completely unaware of the stores’ mask mandate. No one said a word and I only noticed the sign on the way out. Shrug.

Nobody at Kroger wears a mask, and they haven't for a long time.

I'm not in Atlanta, but in a major high population area, and I go everywhere, no mask, and am in the [vast] majority in that regard.

Many places the employees haven't even been wearing masks, though some are going back to that recently.

Once Costco and Publix stopped requiring them, we knew it was all over, they were the last (non gov, non medical) holdouts

The gun store one really blows my mind, I go to 4 local gun stores and not one of them ever required masks, not even March and April of 2020...I"d love to know what gun store is requiring masks in GA right now

08-23-21, 05:47
Oh, we are indeed fortunate to have such shepherds…
