View Full Version : Morally indignant physicians coming to a practice near you....

08-18-21, 08:22
As a HC provider this pisses me the f*** off. Our job is to treat people and take care of them in a diseased state, not hold some Dr. Judgy Pants moral hgih ground virtue signaling position regarding one's vaccination status.


I am curious (not really, I know the answer) if the good Doctor is also as judgy with people who need to be seen for conditions resulting from drinking, smoking, being overweight...

08-18-21, 08:25
“Well,” I said, “I can pretty much guarantee we would have never met had you gotten vaccinated because you would have never been hospitalized. All of our COVID units are full and every single patient in them is unvaccinated. Numbers don’t lie. The vaccines work.”

No really you smug asshole how about if I bitch slap you until the mask comes off and I hold you down and French Kiss you?

08-18-21, 08:34
"Shouting through my N95 mask and the noise of the HEPA filter, I introduced myself. I calmly asked him why he decided not to get vaccinated."

It does not matter to how your treat the patient. Are you going to treat him in a lesser way because he did get a vaccine you smug little bitch? Just by asking the question you are positioning yourself into a position of being judgmental.

08-18-21, 09:02
"The only proven lifesaver we’ve had in this pandemic is a vaccine that many people don’t want. A vaccine we give away to other countries because supply overwhelms demand in the U.S. A vaccine people in other countries stand in line for hours to receive, if they can get it at all."

More propaganda from the ignorant. #Deport

08-18-21, 09:17
Why aren’t we vaccinating every immigrant coming through from Mexico?

08-18-21, 11:08
Why aren’t we vaccinating every immigrant coming through from Mexico?

Covid is not the priority on the border. Moving bodies as fast as possible is the mission

08-18-21, 11:14
It does not matter to how your treat the patient. Are you going to treat him in a lesser way because he did get a vaccine you smug little bitch? Just by asking the question you are positioning yourself into a position of being judgmental.

I recently had to spend a couple of weeks in the Hospital.
While I was in there I had a Doc decide to talk shit, I got out of bed and threatened to kick his ass unless he STFU and left the room.
He Left, I sat with a Cop the rest of the Night.

08-18-21, 14:27
What a one-sided argumentative piece. Written by someone who shouldn't be treating any human being - she obviously lacks the maturity, wisdom, and compassion.

The best part, though, is that her op-ed is a lottery ticket for any injured patient or surviving family. 100% for anyone who dies with Covid while under her care, but also for people who may die from unrelated conditions, even years in the future, as she's now on record as being vindictive to people who don't do, in advance of illness, whatever she thinks they maybe should have done. "Oh, got cancer at 50? Maybe you shouldn't have vaped for six months when you were 30." Any possible error in her medical treatment of a patient can now be treated as either intentional or emotionally-involved recklessness, where any doctor without this kind of permanent record would be able to argue it was a legitimate treatment decision and/or within the standard of care.

Assuming, of course, that she is actually a real person. There have been so many variations of this op-ed in chain newspapers and on Twitter, Reddit, etc., often with identical wording attributed to dozens of different "people," that a large proportion of them are obviously phony propaganda.

08-18-21, 14:36
It does not matter to how your treat the patient. Are you going to treat him in a lesser way because he did get a vaccine you smug little bitch? Just by asking the question you are positioning yourself into a position of being judgmental.

I work with doctors, hospitals and clinics everyday in my line of work. What this letter described is nothing new. I have been in the presents of physicians who tell me that we need to more socialize medicine as they remote start their Porsche SUV in an area where social programs have decimated the entire city they work in. They hold themselves up as elites and look down on the rest of us, society says you are smart because you have education, and you might know your particular field, but you are ever more removed from the realities of everyday working men and women and it further sews distrust into your institution to do so.

08-18-21, 14:41
I work with doctors, hospitals and clinics everyday in my line of work. What this letter described is nothing new. I have been in the presents of physicians who tell me that we need to more socialize medicine as they remote start their Porsche SUV in an area where social programs have decimated the entire city they work in. They hold themselves up as elites and look down on the rest of us, society says you are smart because you have education, and you might know your particular field, but you are ever more removed from the realities of everyday working men and women and it further sews distrust into your institution to do so.

Yeah, I have worked with and continue to work with judgmental providers. But, they don't alter their treatment because of it. Yes, I have also seen that, too.

08-18-21, 15:30
“Well,” I said, “I can pretty much guarantee we would have never met had you gotten vaccinated because you would have never been hospitalized. All of our COVID units are full and every single patient in them is unvaccinated. Numbers don’t lie. The vaccines work.”

No really you smug asshole how about if I bitch slap you until the mask comes off and I hold you down and French Kiss you?

Call Pookie, June Bug and Ray Ray.

The can set his arrogant arse straight...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-18-21, 16:17
Call Pookie, June Bug and Ray Ray.

They can set his arrogant arse straight...

No, really, I don't need to spend another night sleeping with a Cop in the room.

Boy Scout
08-19-21, 03:27
This is not the first of these propaganda articles. There’s been a plethora of them from all across the country, with almost the same verbiage. It is creating a medical apartheid state and is antithetical to American values and the Hippocratic Oath.

08-19-21, 05:44
This is not the first of these propaganda articles. There’s been a plethora of them from all across the country, with almost the same verbiage. It is creating a medical apartheid state and is antithetical to American values and the Hippocratic Oath.

Actually we created a "medical apartheid state" and these online anecdotes are one of the byproducts. But even if the story itself is from a fictional character, there are plenty of real world counterparts.

Medicine used to be somewhat of a safe haven from partisan politics, not anymore. It is just another component of society that is now weaponized. I used to have a dismal opinion of anyone who deliberately didn't vaccinate their kids which led to a resurgence of measles and other diseases we thought we had relegated to the third world.

But the Covid vaccine is hardly proven beyond any doubt so I can understand why there might be doubters. As much as the ideas had gaping holes in their actual defense I think wearing masks and not congregating every weekend in bars with the lowest orders of society probably did as much to reduce transmission as the vaccine itself. But I have no medical data to back that up so it's just assumption.

But if they are going to get militant about health care, what if we adopted the same attitude regarding personal defense and armed defense? Lots of doctors invading our safe space would find themselves in need of medical treatment, ironically for very avoidable things.

My general rule is I'm polite until you are not, I'm civil until you are not and I'm not violent until you bring violence to me. But I'm probably way better at the practiced application of violence than most people, especially those who are gonna start shit over personal medical decisions.

08-19-21, 08:00
But the Covid vaccine is hardly proven beyond any doubt so I can understand why there might be doubters.

So my wife still is very worried about getting the vaccine, she is completely in the medical world and has seen more people hospitalized for vaccine related issues than COVID itself. She's not a die hard right-winger (as the news states), shes a Vegan Yoga nut, who makes her own Almond and Nut milk and she hates how vilified she has become she is skeptical about the vaccine and it's side effects to women with comorbidities aged 28-39, which she falls into. She is also pro-abortion in which most liberals state, that a politician should never come between a woman and her right to choose, and then she's listening people around her berate her that she shouldn't have that right when it comes to this vaccine.