View Full Version : Trying to remember a novel title or author

08-18-21, 12:17
At various times I have tripped over a British author who wrote novels about unusual war experiences. While these books had their share of action, they were a bit more cerebral than the run of the mill types. Here are three quick synopses from memories decades old:

1. (This is NOT "Lie Down with Lions" by Ken Follett) A SAS guy has the job of clandestinely collecting parts and avionics from HIND helicopters, and a small supply of Redeye missiles (I believe with Israeli markings) to cover his tracks. He occasionally runs across a French nurse who has a different view of things from him.

2. As I recall, another one begins with a police report about a missing British subject who has few friends but is acknowledged as a phenomenal long range target shooter. Interviews with various people indicate that he also has an unusual rifle that has great long range capabilities. The bulk of the novel then shifts to the missing man, who has travelled to Kurd country for reasons that are a bit obscure. He has no military background, but he knows how to use his (then sort of exotic) .338 Lapua rifle to great effect. He also meets up with a female Peshmerga leader who teaches him something about leadership and devotion while fighting Iraqis. The novel ends with a follow up to the police report saying the the subject had returned home, but had little to say about where he had been.

3. All I remember about the third novel I read is that it was set in South America, and our hero, when asked about what a revolutionary movement should use to begin its campaign, suggests a flame thrower. Not the backpack model, a big one, on a cart. Our here and his new friends then push this damn thing hither and yon through the jungle, at first successful, then ...

That's all I got. You may see a pattern here. Any help?

08-18-21, 21:51
No help on your request, but based on the details you seem to like this is one you might enjoy.


08-21-21, 08:26
jsbhike: Thanks for the suggestion. (Sorry for being late to respond, events of the past week have kept me pinned down: flooded basement, Biden, Biden, federal regulations [Biden]). I find it interesting that when you look up "The Malayan Emergency" (counter-insurgency operations, 1948-1960), you get references to this book about WWII. This is not a mistake; from what I have heard, it's the best discussion of jungle warfare out there, and this book touches on a somewhat successful insurgency movement, while the Malayan Emergency involved a long term suppression of Communists in the same place.

But, guys, any help on the novels?

08-24-21, 13:16
A helpful member sent me a note that the Kurdish tale was "Holding the Zero" by Gerald Seymour. I also found a book entitled "In Honor Bound", by the same author about Afghanistan and Hind helicopters (of course); must be the US version because it is not spelled "Honour".

Thanks to all who looked through stacks of old books to help.