View Full Version : Guns and The 2008 Election!

12-10-08, 22:23
Great info here!



12-10-08, 23:23

12-11-08, 03:24
Surprisingly good news. The whole issue of executive orders still looms though. Hopefully he'll be too busy trying to "rebuild America's image amongst the Muslim community" (LOL) to worry about gun-grabbing.

12-11-08, 04:24
For the first time in weeks I'll sleep a little better. Just a little.

30 cal slut
12-11-08, 07:10
did anyone else have trouble sleeping immediately prior to the election?

i'l be honest with you, i was at times sick to my stomach with worrry about 2A rights. i'm a single issue voter and this is my single issue.



Of the 23 candidates for the U.S. Senate endorsed by the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund, the NRA-endorsed candidate won in at least 14 of these races, with the outcome still uncertain in Alaska, Georgia, Minnesota and Oregon

Potential net loss of at least three Senate seats - Colorado, New Hampshire, New Mexico and North Carolina

After the 2006 elections, NRA ratings in the Senate comprised 47 A-rated, four B-rated, six C-rated, twelve D-rated and 32 F-rated

In the 111th Congress, NRA ratings in the Senate comprise 41 A-rated, two B-rated, nine C-rated, twelve D-rated and 32 F-rated (with four seats still uncertain)

Three pro-gun Senate freshmen include: Jim Risch (ID), Mike Johanns (NE) and Mark Warner (VA)

Of the 248 candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives endorsed by the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund, the NRA-endorsed candidate won in at least 216 of these races, with the outcome still uncertain in six races, including CA-4, LA-4, MD-1, OH-15, VA-5 and WA-8

After the 2006 elections, NRA ratings in the House comprised 226 A-rated, 28 B-rated, twelve C-rated, thirteen D-rated, 149 F-rated and seven ?-rated

In the 111th Congress, NRA rating in the House comprise 222 A-rated, seventeen B-rated, fourteen C-rated, 22 D-rated, 150 F-rated and three ?-rated

There were election upgrades in four House seats, including MD-1, MN-3, NJ-7 and OR-5 but setbacks in thirteen House districts including AZ-1, CO-4, FL-8, FL-24, ID-1, MI-7, MI-9, NJ-3, NY-13, NY-25, NY-29, OH-1 and PA-3

There were no gun vote changes - for better or worse - in the following 23 Houses districts despite changes in the congressmen (and their party in some cases) representing these districts: AL-2, AL-5, CA-52, CO-2, CO-6, CT-4, FL-15, FL-16, IL-11, IL-18, KS-2, KY-2, LA-6, ME-1, MO-9, NY-21, NY-26, OH-7, OH-16, PA-5, TN-1, TX-22 and VA-2

The 26 pro-gun House freshmen (9 Democrats and 17 Republicans) include: Bobby Bright (AL-2), Parker Griffith (AL-5), Duncan Hunter (CA-52), Mike Coffman (CO-6), Bill Posey (FL-15), Tom Rooney (FL-16), Debbie Halvorson (IL-11), Aaron Schock (IL-18), Brett Guthrie (KY-2), Bill Cassidy (LA-6), Erik Paulsen (MN-3), Gregg Harper (MS-3), Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9), Martin Heinrich (NM-1), Harry Teague (NM-2), Chris Lee (NY-26), Larry Kissell (NC-8), Steve Austria (OH-7), John Boccieri (OH-16), Kurt Schrader (OR-5), Glenn Thompson (PA-5), Phil Roe (TN-1), Pete Olson (TX-22), Jason Chaffetz (UT-3), Glenn Nye (VA-2) and Cynthia Lummis (WY-AL)

My analysis: Any major gun control legislation is highly unlikely. We're safe, for now. But we should always keep our guard up.

30 cal slut
12-11-08, 07:18


Wednesday, December 10, 2008
2008 Congress – It Could Be Much Worse!

One of the members of the gunsnet community posted an analysis of the 2006 and 2008 Congressional elections this morning. All other things being equal, it paints a bit rosier picture of the incoming Congress than the initial returns would have you believe. The table below summarizes the NRA rating of all of the members of both the 2006 and 2008 House and Senate.


As you can see, the pro-Second Amendment cause has lost a little ground from 2006 to 2008, but the numbers are not totally disastrous. I’ve taken the data above and graphed it into pie charts so the balance of power is clearly visual.


In 2006, “A” rated representatives held a clear majority in the House, and if you throw in the “B” rated members, that majority only grows.


In 2008, amazingly “A” rated representatives STILL hold a clear majority of the votes in the House. That majority is thinner than it was in 2006, and the number of “B” rated representatives is smaller but still provides some cushion. The number of “F” rated representatives is roughly unchanged, but there has been significant growth in the number of “D” rated representatives. Hopefully this trend will not continue, but the good news is that strong anti-Second Amendment legislation is going to run into a serious roadblock in the House of Representatives.

The picture in the Senate is, however, not quite as favorable.


In 2006, “A” rated senators made up the largest voting bloc at 47, and if you add in the 4 “B” rated senators, then solidly pro-gun individuals made up a majority in the Senate.


In 2008 the picture has changed somewhat for the worse. These numbers were tabulated before the four initially undecided races were finalized, so there will undoubtedly be impact from those races. In 2008 there are only 41 “A” rated senators at this point – a steep drop from 2006, but they prevent any anti-Second “supermajority” in the Senate, so the filibuster is still in play. The only good news is at this point there is no net growth in “D” rated or “F” rated senators either. That may change going forward.

Going forward, it appears that a pro-Second majority is in the bag in the House of Representatives; however we can’t take that for granted. Remember when firearm related bills are proposed to write your representatives. In the Senate one suggested tactic is to focus on the bloc of “C” rated senators. This probably isn’t a bad tactic as they could go either way on any particular piece of legislation. However if we value our liberties, we need to write our representatives regardless of where they fall on the curve, from the staunchest “A” rated supporter of our right to keep and bear arms all the way through the worst “F” rated gun grabber. Even if we have no hope of lobbying our representative, we can’t afford to remain silent as the stakes are simply too high.

Until next time!!!
Posted by Fingolfen at 3:12 PM

12-11-08, 10:04
Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about EOs.

If Obama issued an EO reinstating the AWB, not only would it be unconstitutional (executive cannot make laws), but it would result in a shitstorm of such epic proportions that it would dwarf any prior scandal in recent history and the quickest way to ensure a 1 term presidency.

12-11-08, 18:46
We've gone over EOs here before. It's been gone over in a lot of places before, come to think of it.


12-11-08, 19:12
We've gone over EOs here before. It's been gone over in a lot of places before, come to think of it.


Your point being?

12-11-08, 19:12
You mean all guns won't be automatically banned on January 21st? :p

In all seriousness I wrote Mark Warner and expressed my concerns about Obama and a Democrat controlled Congress. His reply was basically that there were way too many other issues on the agenda to deal with gun legislation.

12-11-08, 21:20
He cannot issue an EO concerning an AWB! Period end of story!!!

Since an AWB concerns interstate commerce its a matter for Congress, he CANNOT issue an EO banning guns

12-13-08, 09:46
Great info here!



Very good news. I'm not really surprised , but this is the first time someone has come up with hard numbers on the new Congress.

12-13-08, 10:19
did anyone else have trouble sleeping immediately prior to the election?

i'l be honest with you, i was at times sick to my stomach with worrry about 2A rights. i'm a single issue voter and this is my single issue.

I am not a single issue voter, but the first one I do check is their stand on the 2A. It is a good way to view most politicians' outlook on the liberty/security.

12-13-08, 17:41
As far as EO goes, He cannot! However, I will not be led into a false sense of security by statistics. It is a wait and see game. I will not sleep easily until we have another Pro Gun, Pro self defense, constitutionalist in office. Socialism in any form scares the hell out of me. Socialized health care, redistribution of wealth etc. Sounds like pure socialism to me. Any socialists society does not tolerate freedom of any kind especially the tools by which we guarantee the protection of the constitution and its Bill of rights. Ok, I am calm now. Thanks for allowing me to rant. Woo Hoo!

Heavy Metal
12-13-08, 18:48
If your congresscritter is a b,c or even a d, LEAN ON THEM!!!

Left Sig
12-13-08, 19:08
He cannot issue an EO concerning an AWB! Period end of story!!!

Since an AWB concerns interstate commerce its a matter for Congress, he CANNOT issue an EO banning guns

However, he can issue an EO to further restrict the importation of firearms, including complete bans on semi-auto rifle, pistol, or high cap magazine imports. This could have a big effect on the availability of AK's, HK's, Glocks, Walthers, any magazines made by Mec-Gar or Act-Mag (just about all OEM magazines nowadays), and anything else that is imported.

This wouldn't affect US made firearms, so everything would still be legal, just harder to get and more expensive due to fewer competitors in the marketplace.

12-14-08, 02:38
He cannot issue an EO concerning an AWB! Period end of story!!!

Since an AWB concerns interstate commerce its a matter for Congress, he CANNOT issue an EO banning guns

That was funny.

Apparently you are well read on the subject.

12-18-08, 15:26
I'm not a single issue voter but the 2nd ammendment is my most important issue, afterall:
'there ain't many things that can't be fixed w/ $700 and a 30-06' - jeff cooper.
Once the 2nd ammedment is gone there is no stopping the rest from going.

12-18-08, 15:33
However, he can issue an EO to further restrict the importation of firearms, including complete bans on semi-auto rifle, pistol, or high cap magazine imports. This could have a big effect on the availability of AK's, HK's, Glocks, Walthers, any magazines made by Mec-Gar or Act-Mag (just about all OEM magazines nowadays), and anything else that is imported.

This wouldn't affect US made firearms, so everything would still be legal, just harder to get and more expensive due to fewer competitors in the marketplace.

This is true, but that would just mean more companies here hopefully but it would hurt in the short term though

That was funny.

Apparently you are well read on the subject.

Its something Ive hashed over w/ others, Obama has blinded enough people, no sense in allowing us to blind ourselves w/ false info

I'm not a single issue voter but the 2nd ammendment is my most important issue, afterall:
'there ain't many things that can't be fixed w/ $700 and a 30-06' - jeff cooper.
Once the 2nd ammedment is gone there is no stopping the rest from going.

+1, the way i look at it is, if they dont trust me with a gun, i dont trust them w/ power

12-18-08, 18:24
1. Outlaw guns.
2. Create a gun black market like the one that exist for drugs.
3. Good guys can't get guns.
4. Bad guys get all fully auto weapons from the black market.

12-30-08, 04:18
Bump for a reality check.