View Full Version : Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

08-24-21, 20:10
Seriously, someone has to stop these morons.


08-25-21, 09:14
We really screwed the pooch when we ceded “emergency powers” to the Governors on March 15th, 2020.


Next up is an emergency gun confiscation.

08-25-21, 09:15
We really screwed the pooch when we ceded “emergency powers” to the Governors on March 15th, 2020.


Next up is an emergency gun confiscation.

08-25-21, 09:39
Saw something today that claims that the Pfizer vaccine that got FDA approval is NOT the one that's available now. Appears to be sort of a bait and switch deal that in previous decades I would have chalked up to just being clickbait, but now... https://rumble.com/vlmd4g-pfizer-seeking-full-indemnification.html

08-25-21, 09:58
If you step back and measure the level of chaos we're generating, it's no wonder they are trying to shove all of this hypocracy through when everyone is overwhelmed.
Someone's getting rich off of this, very, very rich.

08-25-21, 10:08
Someone's getting rich off of this, very, very rich.

Exactly! Get this shot that doesn't work. You just have to do it!

08-25-21, 10:42
Exactly! Get this shot that doesn't work. You just have to do it!

Who says it doesn't work?

08-25-21, 10:43
Exactly! Get this shot that doesn't work. You just have to do it!

Who says it doesn't work?

08-25-21, 10:52
Who says it doesn't work?

Well considering the vaccine isn't preventing the virus, well?
And then you say, "Just not this virus".
Well what happens three jabs from now? Because Fauci is now saying we wont get a handle on this until fall of 2022. So, it's looking like we will be getting multiple vaccinations because this isn't going to stop mutatating.
In the meantime, you keep spreading fear, I hope that makes you feel good, or at least superior to the rest of it at this point.

Time will Tell.

08-25-21, 10:54
Well considering the vaccine isn't preventing the virus, well?
And then you say, "Just not this virus".

I guess we need to define "works"

As with the flu shot, "works" = "statistically significant reduction in odds of serious illness requiring hospitalization, or death"

So, who says that the covid vaccines do not provide a "statistically significant reduction in odds of serious illness requiring hospitalization, or death"

08-25-21, 10:57
I guess we need to define "works"

As with the flu shot, "works" = "statistically significant reduction in odds of serious illness requiring hospitalization, or death"

So, who says that the covid vaccines do not provide a "statistically significant reduction in odds of serious illness requiring hospitalization, or death"

No really President Clinton, I'm not going to let you redefine "Is".

The Isreali's are finding drugs all ready developed that cure Covid. Boy I bet that pisses off the people counting on getting rich off of this.

08-25-21, 11:02
Thank you for admitting the vaccines provide a "statistically significant reduction in odds of serious illness requiring hospitalization, or death"

08-25-21, 11:03
I guess we need to define "works"

As with the flu shot, "works" = "statistically significant reduction in odds of serious illness requiring hospitalization, or death"

So, who says that the covid vaccines do not provide a "statistically significant reduction in odds of serious illness requiring hospitalization, or death"

Well 50% of the people coming down with Covid in Israel and Ireland have been vaccinated. I would guess 50% number kind of comes down to a crap shoot doesn't it?
How do you know the other 50% didn't have natural immunity?

08-25-21, 11:04
Well 50% of the people coming down with Covid in Israel and Ireland have been vaccinated. I would guess 50% number kind of comes down to a crap shoot doesn't it?
How do you know the other 50% didn't have natural immunity?

Thank you for admitting they are much less likely to be hospitalized or die when they get covid, if they were vaccinated.

08-25-21, 11:08
Thank you for admitting they are much less likely to be hospitalized or die when they get covid, if they were vaccinated.
I didn't admit anything, but I willo admit this, your grasping at straws.

75% of hospitalized patients in Massachusetts were vaccinated.
So at what point is the point of getting vaccinated pointless?

08-25-21, 11:13
False/misleading title.

Sample size: 469 cases of covid.

"Overall, 274 vaccinated patients with a breakthrough infection were symptomatic, according to the CDC. The most common side effects were cough, headache, sore throat, muscle pain and fever. Among five Covid patients who were hospitalized, four were fully vaccinated, according to the agency. No deaths were reported."

So we have 469 identified cases of covid. 58% of the cases were vaccinated. 1.06% of cases were hospitalized.

Of the vaccinated who contracted covid, 1.45% were hospitlized.

0 died (0%)

08-25-21, 11:15
CDC reference

This is from the source referenced in your video

"Roughly 97% of new hospitalizations and 99.5% of deaths in the U.S. are among unvaccinated individuals, U.S. health officials repeated this week."

Your source


08-25-21, 11:18
This is from the source referenced in your video

"Roughly 97% of new hospitalizations and 99.5% of deaths in the U.S. are among unvaccinated individuals, U.S. health officials repeated this week."

Your source


Something you might want to watch and learn from.

08-25-21, 11:21
I watched your source. 99.5% of covid deaths are unvaccinated. Pretty clear cut, that is.

Thank you for sharing that information

08-25-21, 11:24
I watched your source. 99.5% of covid deaths are unvaccinated. Pretty clear cut, that is.

Thank you for sharing that information

Who keeps that data?
Would the people who keep that data have a vested interest in selling you a vaccine?

I'll just drop this here, I'm sure however you don't want to watch it, it's about one of those pesky people who died from the vaccine.

08-25-21, 11:27
Considering that one Moderna exec has openly said "our entire purpose is to hack the human genome, turn it into an operating system with regular patches"... one can see why such statements inspire a certain degree of distrust.

Considering how many systems get fried everytime Microsoft pushes a patch...

08-25-21, 11:28
Who keeps that data?

It was your source, man. If you want to discredit your post and start fresh (again), feel free

But given past experiences, I'm pretty sure you are just going to move the goal posts and bounce around from one name calling nothing to another name calling nothing without ever providing a source or reference you are willing to stand behind.

08-25-21, 11:30
Some more common sense.
Covid-19 has always been a treatable virus, when treated early with off the shelf drugs 85% are prevented from going to the Hospital.

08-25-21, 11:32

White House Staff not required to be vaccinated???

08-25-21, 11:35

They asked her how she could have the virus when she's had the vaccine.

Is anyone picking up as to why people don't trust the media?

08-25-21, 11:40

Have a morale objection to the vaccination?
Tuff, roll up your sleeve.

08-25-21, 11:42
It was your source, man. If you want to discredit your post and start fresh (again), feel free

But given past experiences, I'm pretty sure you are just going to move the goal posts and bounce around from one name calling nothing to another name calling nothing without ever providing a source or reference you are willing to stand behind.

I can agree with someone's arguement and not agree with 100% of their data, which in this case appears to be some fine print on the bottom of the label.
I'm not going to discuss this with you further, you've closed your mind.

08-25-21, 11:43
I watched your source. 99.5% of covid deaths are unvaccinated. Pretty clear cut, that is.

Thank you for sharing that information

Stop trying to derail this thread.

This isn’t about efficacy of vaccines or if wearing a mask does jack squat outside a controlled medical setting; this is about us ceding authority to government that we will regret intensely when they apply these imaginary powers to the rest of our lives and make no mistake, they will.

08-25-21, 11:43
I can agree with someone's arguement and not agree with 100% of their data, which in this case appears to be some fine print on the bottom of the label.
I'm not going to discuss this with you further, you've closed your mind.

The data does not support their claim. Misleading/fake news headline. The data doesn't lie, though the biased individual interpreting it in a color way certainly can

08-25-21, 11:44
Stop trying to derail this thread.

This isn’t about efficacy of vaccines or if wearing a mask does jack squat outside a controlled medical setting; this is about us ceding authority to government that we will regret intensely when they apply these imaginary powers to the rest of our lives and make no mistake, they will.

I directly responded to a post claiming the vaccine doesn't work.

If this thread is not about that, those posts should be deleted, as well as my responses to them.

OR, we can admit that the vaccines DO work, while also acknowledging that people's individual personal medical choices remain just that, their individual personal chocies.

There is no need to justify choosing not to get vaccinated by misrepresenting whether or no the vaccines work

08-25-21, 11:48
I directly responded to a post claiming the vaccine doesn't work.

If this thread is not about that, those posts should be deleted, as well as my responses to them.

I didn't claim the vaccine doesn't work, but I have asked again and again about my questions about it's effectiveness, no one seems to have an answer.

08-25-21, 11:53
OR, we can admit that the vaccines DO work, while also acknowledging that people's individual personal medical choices remain just that, their individual personal chocies.

There is no need to justify choosing not to get vaccinated by misrepresenting whether or no the vaccines work

Or we can say "Your Not the Boss Here." and go about posting again?

08-25-21, 11:54
Or we can say "Your Not the Boss Here." and go about posting again?

Have at it

Stop trying to derail this thread.

This isn’t about efficacy of vaccines or if wearing a mask does jack squat outside a controlled medical setting; this is about us ceding authority to government that we will regret intensely when they apply these imaginary powers to the rest of our lives and make no mistake, they will.

PS: It's you're

08-25-21, 12:03
PS: It's you're

The grammer and spelling Police always win.

08-25-21, 12:08
We really screwed the pooch when we ceded “emergency powers” to the Governors on March 15th, 2020.


Next up is an emergency gun confiscation.

Governments Worldwide are using the virus to broaden the scope of control & power over their citizens.

This should be of concern to everybody regardless of your view on the Pandemic.
Natural or bio weapon / safe or dangerous...tyranny is tyranny with mandates in our future.

08-25-21, 14:33
This cracks me up. For years we have recognized that we cannot trust the gov. And now because some of our group is pro jab they tell us the info provided from said agencies is trustworthy.

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08-25-21, 15:25
Madness...to stay employed with the city you must get vaccinated because the vaccine doesn't work on those who are already vaccinated unless all city employees are vaccinated.

This is the new logic so suck it up 'you selfish anti jab bastards'


08-25-21, 17:42
Governments Worldwide are using the virus to broaden the scope of control & power over their citizens.

This should be of concern to everybody regardless of your view on the Pandemic.
Natural or bio weapon / safe or dangerous...tyranny is tyranny with mandates in our future.

And there it is.

08-25-21, 22:43
Considering that one Moderna exec has openly said "our entire purpose is to hack the human genome, turn it into an operating system with regular patches"... one can see why such statements inspire a certain degree of distrust.

Considering how many systems get fried everytime Microsoft pushes a patch...


All there. Misconstruing what he said. Pretty good breakdown of his statements and the science.

The height of a govt power comes during war or pandemics. Lot’s of individual rights get put aside for the greater good. How many here would say that the draft is illegal? The key is that the executive branch doesn’t get carte Blanche power forever. Every action is reviewable by the courts and if the assumption of power is not inline with the threat, it gets negated. Frankly, I fault the states and organizations for not seeking more court cases, more quickly.

08-26-21, 01:45
Madness...to stay employed with the city you must get vaccinated because the vaccine doesn't work on those who are already vaccinated unless all city employees are vaccinated.The death of reason.

08-26-21, 03:07
See how the rules are slowly changed?

08-26-21, 04:39
Australia just lost it...

08-26-21, 08:12
Australia just lost it...

You know, I've lost a lot of respect for the Australians in the last month or two. I used to think they were a lot like Americans in the fact they have a "don't put up with any shit" attitude and wouldn't allow this kind of thing to happen.

But then again, the same could be said about Americans in some places...

08-26-21, 09:55
It’s called Mind War. Alex Jones is right, there is a war on for your mind and the bad guys are winning.


08-26-21, 10:33
You know, I've lost a lot of respect for the Australians in the last month or two. I used to think they were a lot like Americans in the fact they have a "don't put up with any shit" attitude and wouldn't allow this kind of thing to happen.

But then again, the same could be said about Americans in some places...

Here this will cheer you up

08-26-21, 13:21
You know, I've lost a lot of respect for the Australians in the last month or two. I used to think they were a lot like Americans in the fact they have a "don't put up with any shit" attitude and wouldn't allow this kind of thing to happen.

But then again, the same could be said about Americans in some places...

After the Australians allowed themselves to be disarmed Progressives said in effect "See, the sky didn't fall!" Their path was set however. Americans failed in allowing blatant election fraud to stand. I fear our path may too be set now. But the final test remains: will we yield our guns as the Australians did?

08-26-21, 15:24
Warning from 40 years ago:


08-28-21, 20:28
The vaccine is pointless


I’d like to see what the public perception would be if they reported all the people who didn’t get Covid. Or maybe all the people who got it and, gasp, lived.

Not saying, just saying.

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Coal Dragger
08-28-21, 22:21
The vaccine is pointless


I’d like to see what the public perception would be if they reported all the people who didn’t get Covid. Or maybe all the people who got it and, gasp, lived.

Not saying, just saying.

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OK, natural immunity is better than that conferred by vaccination. That is not unusual.

The study you posted evidently did not address unvaccinated individuals as another data set. Yet you and the author of that clickbait, want to imply that it proves the vaccines are inherently dangerous in comparison to having no vaccine at all and no prior exposure to COVID-19 and no naturally produced antibodies from that exposure. Furthermore if you read the study, not just the clickbait, previously infected individuals who also got a vaccine dose as a booster were even better protected than those with only natural antibodies.

This appears to be a case of mental retardation on your part, and the author of that drivel you posted. There’s no vaccine for being stupid so, good luck with your life.

08-29-21, 00:17
OK, natural immunity is better than that conferred by vaccination. That is not unusual.

The study you posted evidently did not address unvaccinated individuals as another data set. Yet you and the author of that clickbait, want to imply that it proves the vaccines are inherently dangerous in comparison to having no vaccine at all and no prior exposure to COVID-19 and no naturally produced antibodies from that exposure. Furthermore if you read the study, not just the clickbait, previously infected individuals who also got a vaccine dose as a booster were even better protected than those with only natural antibodies.

This appears to be a case of mental retardation on your part, and the author of that drivel you posted. There’s no vaccine for being stupid so, good luck with your life.

Wow, such hostility. Simply a different perspective. Not anti vaccine, simply anti that vaccine. Maybe you need to brush up on what a vaccine is supposed to do. You sure you’re not a democrat?

Good luck with your life.

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Coal Dragger
08-29-21, 00:33
You need to consider what groups were studied and which ones were not, I’m not sure what to tell you if that doesn’t register.

The study found no causation of increased risk from the vaccine. It only found that compared to those who had recovered naturally from COVID-19 that vaccinated individuals with breakthrough cases were less well protected than those who had already had COVID both in outcomes (for previously infected individuals who got COVID-19 again), and likely hood of contracting a variant through a breakthrough infection. With no control group of non-vaccinated people who also had no prior COVID-19 infection, your claim that the vaccine (Pfizer) is pointless is an illogical conclusion that only an uneducated person would reach.

08-29-21, 06:55
OK, natural immunity is better than that conferred by vaccination. That is not unusual.

MANY times better according to the study.

Why risk side effects of a poorly tested jab if one has already had the Covid?

The more you vaccine shills try and force this crap on everyone the less I trust any of you. I am however glad that YOU are the long term testing subject though instead of ME. Appreciate your potential sacrifice! LOL! :)

08-29-21, 08:19
Notice people seem about a half a bubble off lately?
This is why.

08-29-21, 09:48
I predict new “variants” will keep emerging until the govt gets the results they want.

Coal Dragger
08-29-21, 09:59
MANY times better according to the study.

Why risk side effects of a poorly tested jab if one has already had the Covid?

The more you vaccine shills try and force this crap on everyone the less I trust any of you. I am however glad that YOU are the long term testing subject though instead of ME. Appreciate your potential sacrifice! LOL! :)

If you read the study you would see those with both natural immunity and at least one dose of the Pfizer as a booster were even more well protected than the other two groups.

For the record I don’t care if you get vaccinated or not, I just have a low tolerance for stupid people who can’t make educated decisions because they lack the intellectual capacity to understand basic scientific studies. There’s a lot of that going around where a dumb dumb draws a conclusion from a peer reviewed study, that is not supported by the study at all. Like in this case.

08-29-21, 16:13
I predict new “variants” will keep emerging until the govt gets the results they want.This is absolute truth. Fear mongering the public into total submission.

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Coal Dragger
08-29-21, 17:40
That I can agree with.

08-30-21, 20:14
If you read the study you would see those with both natural immunity and at least one dose of the Pfizer as a booster were even more well protected than the other two groups.

Risking a tiny, tiny bit more protection in exchange for the risk of adverse reactions to the jab.

Which more media is finally starting to get around to talking about...


I am betting that when all is said and done and the real numbers come out these vaccines are going to break records for the number of confirmed adverse reactions. Will be like the Cuomo nursing home Covid death numbers and get bigger and bigger as time goes on and the facts come out.

08-30-21, 20:19
Risking a tiny, tiny bit more protection in exchange for the risk of adverse reactions to the jab.

Which more media is finally starting to get around to talking about...


I am betting that when all is said and done and the real numbers come out these vaccines are going to break records for the number of confirmed adverse reactions. Will be like the Cuomo nursing home Covid death numbers and get bigger and bigger as time goes on and the facts come out.I agree with you, but you'll never convince the "science is god" people. A major tenant of being a conservative is allowing personal choice. Its so bizarre that so many of the supposed conservatives are losing their minds when we say "no thanks" to the jab.

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08-30-21, 20:20
I predict new “variants” will keep emerging until the govt gets the results they want.

Not sure on that.

Hopeful that as some states (like Florida and Texas) stand up and defy some of the mandates that eventually the numbers will better help prove them correct.

08-30-21, 20:36
I agree with you, but you'll never convince the "science is god" people. A major tenant of being a conservative is allowing personal choice. Its so bizarre that so many of the supposed conservatives are losing their minds when we say "no thanks" to the jab.

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That is they way my parents taught it to me.

'Work hard and be happy' was heard often growing up. Or one can choose to do the opposite.

Coal Dragger
08-30-21, 22:02
Risking a tiny, tiny bit more protection in exchange for the risk of adverse reactions to the jab.

Which more media is finally starting to get around to talking about...


I am betting that when all is said and done and the real numbers come out these vaccines are going to break records for the number of confirmed adverse reactions. Will be like the Cuomo nursing home Covid death numbers and get bigger and bigger as time goes on and the facts come out.

So you’re worried about 23 observed cases of myocarditis out of a total of 2,810,000 total doses of the Moderna vaccine?

Is that your argument? That is what you find so utterly terrifying that you’re afraid to get a vaccine?

There’s a .000819% of having this side affect, and that is super scary to you?

The National Weather Service calculates a 1:15,300 chance of being struck by lightning in your lifetime. That’s several times more likely at a .00654% chance, than developing myocarditis from the Moderna vaccine.

You just see the clickbait articles and then don’t read the information in them. Seriously engage the old brain and look at the numbers yourself.

08-30-21, 22:18
I gave up on ZeroHedge a couple of years ago. Excellent propaganda. Really pulls you in and it makes sense, until it never comes to fruition. Pretty much need to take what they say and it bet against it. Like I said, it sounds like it makes sense, and I guess they are the masters of what could happen, but never seems to happen.

08-30-21, 22:21
Not sure on that.

Hopeful that as some states (like Florida and Texas) stand up and defy some of the mandates that eventually the numbers will better help prove them correct.

Florida cases have peaked, Texas would have with out 200k illegals with 15-40% infection rate boosting their numbers. Deaths will follow. The wave is moving north and it will be interesting when it gets to vax and masked areas and still causes the same spike.

Masks were a talisman for the early versions, with Delta, they are just silly.

08-30-21, 22:33
So you’re worried about 23 observed cases of myocarditis out of a total of 2,810,000 total doses of the Moderna vaccine?

Is that your argument? That is what you find so utterly terrifying that you’re afraid to get a vaccine?

There’s a .000819% of having this side affect, and that is super scary to you?

The National Weather Service calculates a 1:15,300 chance of being struck by lightning in your lifetime. That’s several times more likely at a .00654% chance, than developing myocarditis from the Moderna vaccine.

You just see the clickbait articles and then don’t read the information in them. Seriously engage the old brain and look at the numbers yourself.

You actually have a better chance of getting myocarditis from COVID-19.

Coal Dragger
08-30-21, 22:51
LOL stop it with data and facts.

The crowd here wants to believe in what they want, not what evidence actually points to.

It’s basically like a religion to them, kind of like being woke is a religion for leftist zealots.

Dumb dumbs are gonna dumb dumb, thinking for one’s self is not what the cool kids on either side are doing!

08-30-21, 23:09
One thing is for sure…nobody here has actually examined the evidence. They’ve seen what somebody else tells them the evidence is.

But you haven’t seen it. Your doctor hasn’t seen it. And there is a good chance those doing the research to tell you what the evidence is is simply making up large portions of it. Because that’s what they do, as unfortunate as it sounds, but it is true. Even everybody’s good buddy Tony got caught back in the day making up research.

Truth is the vaccine isn’t as effective as they want you to believe or even as effective as we had hoped. Nor is it some DNA-altering killer designed for population control.

Of those I personally know, I haven’t seen the virus kill. But I do know one person which is now suffering an auto-immune response that has sent him into renal failure. They are suspecting he will soon be on chemotherapy to knock out his immunity, to give the kidneys a chance to heal. That’s a pretty significant side-effect. But I also happen to know a person who was killed by an influenza vaccine and a gentleman who got Polio from a bad batch of polio vaccines back in the day. He doesn’t walk.

Professionally, I’ve seen hundreds die from the virus, though most of which I’d put in the last year or two of their life regardless.

Having had COVID twice now, I really have no inclination to get vaccinated. My wife took the vaccine and COVID was much, much harder on her than me despite her vaccine. But frankly, for the vast majority of us, the cure is worse than the disease.

Also, it’s cute everybody thinks there is a grand conspiracy to hide the “cure” of common drugs which don’t actually seem to be panning out. But it is funny to see patients who have been dosing themselves off-label with livestock medication come in very very ill because they were “protecting” themselves from COVID.

I’ve come to the conclusion the average person is too stupid to be alive and that we deserve a species-ending event….that goes for the maskhole Karens the the Ivermectin Trumper Q-tards.

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08-31-21, 19:25
Dumb dumbs are gonna dumb dumb, thinking for one’s self is not what the cool kids on either side are doing!

Guessing you let your mask fall down a little there. LOL!

Pull it back up before the Rona gets you bro!

08-31-21, 19:32
One thing is for sure…

Surprised your comments have not went 'poof' from the other thread yet. WillShill must not have reported them yet...

Coal Dragger
08-31-21, 22:40
Guessing you let your mask fall down a little there. LOL!

Pull it back up before the Rona gets you bro!

I didn’t wear masks before, and don’t plan to start now.

09-01-21, 09:58
Surprised your comments have not went 'poof' from the other thread yet. WillShill must not have reported them yet...

Eh, nothing I said can be denied by anybody in reality. But I suppose them disappearing would further confirm what I’m saying is true.

I am really disappointed in the scientific community over the last year and half. If I had used evidence currently being accepted, I’d have been laughed out of college.

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09-01-21, 10:55
Top FDA Vaccine Officials RESIGN Over Fast-Tracked Booster Shot Approval By CDC, White House.

Bruhaha over FDA approval being fast tracked.

09-01-21, 11:30
Top FDA Vaccine Officials RESIGN Over Fast-Tracked Booster Shot Approval By CDC, White House.

Bruhaha over FDA approval being fast tracked.

And we are supposed to trust the science when the WHITEHOUSE made a decision and told the FDA to make it happen.

Trust the science? Outcomes are predetermined! There isn’t any f’ing science being conducted!

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09-01-21, 20:48
And we are supposed to trust the science when the WHITEHOUSE made a decision and told the FDA to make it happen.

Trust the science? Outcomes are predetermined! There isn’t any f’ing science being conducted!

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Would be especially pissed if I were a service member right now.

They just lost their choice in that matter thanks to the 'approval'.

09-01-21, 21:39
Would be especially pissed if I were a service member right now.

They just lost their choice in that matter thanks to the 'approval'.

I’m not a serviceman but I do work for an agency under DoD. Fortunately, as Title 38 a religious exemption is attainable and my supervisor happened to have suffered quite terrible side effects from his Moderna doses. He’s missed several weeks and has indicated to me he will sign my religious exemption.

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09-02-21, 06:01
Guys, this never going to end. We ceded sovereignty in March 2020 and it isn’t coming back:


09-03-21, 12:16
I've got a decent religious exemption letter that I got from a friend. PM me and I'll email you a copy. Also look into any family history of medical conditions that can be aggravated from viral illness which is essentially what the vaccine is. I found malignant hyperthermia, an allergy to general anesthesia, can be, according to the mayo clinic, aggravated by viral illness.

09-04-21, 06:32
Guys, this never going to end. We ceded sovereignty in March 2020 and it isn’t coming back:


Well, look at this:


09-04-21, 11:22
Interesting listen...


09-04-21, 12:46
And then there's the fact that we STILL don't fully understand how different genes interact with each other to start monkeying with them--take two other-wise-identical identical-genome zygotes where the only gene difference is 46-X vs 46-Y and you're gonna see plenty more differences than just "innie vs outie."

Like a certain movie at the tail end of my childhood had as its main point, "Genetic power is the most awesome force this world has ever witnessed and yet you wield it like a kid who's found his dad's gun."

09-05-21, 14:53

Israel is set to begin preparations to administer fourth doses of the coronavirus vaccines as the country deals with soaring cases despite its trail-blazing roll-out of jabs.

The country's national coronavirus czar Salman Zarka said the country needs to prepare for a fourth injection, which could be modified to better protect against new variants of the virus.

'Given that that the virus is here and will continue to be here, we also need to prepare for a fourth injection,' he told Kan public radio.

'This is our life from now on, in waves.'

'Thinking about this and the waning of the vaccines and the antibodies, it seems every few months — it could be once a year or five or six months — we'll need another shot.'