View Full Version : How can anyone argue numbers on Covid related deaths vs Covid vaccine related deaths?

08-25-21, 11:40
With all of the suppression of information, blatant fraud, and so many other, more then apparent red flags....How can this even be a legitimate argument?
I mean, most of us have heard about hospitals receiving incentives, to fraudulently report CODs as Covid related.
I personally know this is completely true! My very own deceased uncle passed last April, and Covid 19 was rubber stamped as the official COD.
That’s all fine, and dandy..except, I’m pretty sure the actual COD was caused from injuries caused by the truck that struck his Harley! He passed on the scene.
I personally have a very large issue with this!
How can anyone base any argument about numbers, when the damn numbers have been cooked in so many ways?

What about good ole Cumo, sending all those Covid 19 patients to the nursing homes, when there was an actual Cruise ship, set up as a medical ship, in the port of NYC, waiting for patients? WTF?

Now we here these stories of the Scientific community being suppressed, about the dangers of the rmda vaccine. These same entities suppressed a sitting President, how could one even argue that they haven’t?

How can anyone logically believe these same entities wouldn’t cook the numbers in the other direction?
It’s soooo important for EVERYONE to get the jab!
Of course it’s important...for the elite to vaccinated all of you/us! Again...WTF?
I am just completely blown away by all of this!
Where is the critical thinking?

At this point, how can Anyone with sound mind, believe anything these Corporate sponsored goons say?

08-25-21, 11:48
All part of the bigger plan? What happened to the seasonal flu that claimed thousands each year? I've heard nothing about it at all since this all began. Just a thought I guess. Who was it that said "Never a let a crisis go to waste."??

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08-25-21, 12:06
That’s the point, you can’t argue them.

Remember when they were setting up COVID tents at hospitals all over the US? Remember how they said there’s THOUSANDS OF SICK AND DYING EVERY DAY!!!

We had a hospital local to us here who had the COVID tents. The only people who occupied them were the HEROES making TikTok videos.

You can’t argue numbers with the people making them up.

08-25-21, 12:26
While COVID has magnified the issue, it's always been there: a 300-pound 65-year-old with a BP of 220/140 has a cardiac arrest or a fatal head bleed: what's the COD? This has always been an issue.

Case in point: last week my wife's best friend's uncle (yes, seriously) fell off a tractor, broke most of his cervical spine, they had to emergently intubate him, they withdrew life support so he died. He was 97 (no typo). The trauma doc and the neurosurgeon gave him different COD.

08-25-21, 12:30
Watch this and listen to this guy.
He paints a rather gloomy picture.

08-25-21, 12:36
And then what?

08-25-21, 12:38
Another more-than-simply-vaccinate article:


08-25-21, 12:45
Another more-than-simply-vaccinate article:


There are a lot of smart people claiming that when caught early, common prescription drugs lowers the hospitalization requirements by 85%

08-25-21, 12:54
The coroner, Brenda Bock, says two of their five deaths related to COVID-19 were people who died of gunshot wounds.

“these two people had tested positive for COVID but that’s not what killed them,” she said. “The gunshot wound killed them.”


Makes ya go hmmmmm don’t it?

08-25-21, 13:02
Australia is going nuts and no one seems to want to throttle back on the Hyperbole/Tyranny

08-25-21, 14:30
All of this is flipping crazy!
And then you have physicians warning about the side effects they are witnessing, blood clotting, heart problems, etc. all being censored!
Scientists, including the inventor of rmda tech, warning people not to get the jab, under any circumstances! Virologists, who have studied human anatomy for decades...telling us this vaccine, and rmda tech is absolutely deadly! And will eventually kill you!
All this, compiled with the pseudo Science, lies, and fraud, coming out of the Fauci camp...how can anyone question real science? I’m not talking “Fauci’s” science, I’m talking about real science.

08-25-21, 14:50
If it’s all a conspiracy to kill everyone with mRNA tech...

Why did “they” allow the J&J?

How are “they” going to survive the total collapse of human civilization without the survivors putting their heads on pikes?

08-25-21, 15:10
If it’s all a conspiracy to kill everyone with mRNA tech...

Why did “they” allow the J&J?

How are “they” going to survive the total collapse of human civilization without the survivors putting their heads on pikes?

J&J, I cannot even begin to speculate on. I have no idea.
With everything currently transpiring, in the world, there are no certain answers to anything.
But, speaking from experience, I can tell you without a doubt...there is tremendous amount of un checked fraud currently in play. And, I am totally positive..it has nothing to do with public safety.

08-25-21, 15:37
Australia is going nuts and no one seems to want to throttle back on the Hyperbole/Tyranny

So remember this when the Dems talk about OZ as a great model for "common sense gun laws". This is EXACTLY the authoritarian power grab they want to pull off here. Gotta get the guns first, then go totalitarian dictatorship.

08-25-21, 16:38

08-26-21, 08:30
J&J, I cannot even begin to speculate on. I have no idea.
With everything currently transpiring, in the world, there are no certain answers to anything.
But, speaking from experience, I can tell you without a doubt...there is tremendous amount of un checked fraud currently in play. And, I am totally positive..it has nothing to do with public safety.


The level of flim-flam in this whole mess is telling.

08-26-21, 09:32
Scientists, including the inventor of rmda tech, warning people not to get the jab, under any circumstances! Virologists, who have studied human anatomy for decades...telling us this vaccine, and rmda tech is absolutely deadly! And will eventually kill you!I appreciate you being aware of the widespread censorship, but this is not what is being said! (1) He said the mRNA treatments should be reserved exclusively for the statistically at-risk portion of the population (immunocompromised, elderly, obese etc). By giving shots to the young and healthy, we are creating resistant variants that render useless the treatments given to the at-risk population. (2) He stated there are known risks, myocarditis and pericarditis, along with other unknown risks from the mRNA treatments. He did not state you are guaranteed to have mRNA induced morbidities. We cannot fight misinformation with misinformation.