View Full Version : Is anyone else starting to get a Jonestown vibe?

08-25-21, 16:37
I'm not even kidding. I feel like we've arrived at that stage where the half who drank the koolaid are trying to force the other half to drink it, too.

But seriously, am I really the only one who's starting to get super creeped out by these people? The worst part is I can't even talk about this with family or friends for fear they'll be like:

And that's what I find so creepy about all this is how insistent not only the government is getting, but how incredulous people are at the mere thought that maybe someone would choose not to get it.

It just feels more and more like this has nothing to do with anything besides compliance for its own sake. Just going from the official numbers and information coming from the CDC and foreign health departments, I feel like there's a lot of room in all this for debate and personal choice. Like this is fifty thousand shades of gray. Just going from the official narrative it seems there's less legitimate reason to get it, and more legitimate reasons not to get it, than the seasonal flu vaccine. At least we're pretty sure the flu vaccine works and isn't hurting people, vs. this thing, all the conspiracy junk aside, that feels like playing Russian roulette. Just seems like it's failed even in places where it was given the best possible chance of success, and on top of that it seems there are way more than enough reasons now to be overly cautious when it comes to assessing its safety, if for no other reason than the fact it was rushed to market and has zero track record.

08-25-21, 16:52
You are not the only one, I feel like I’m in bizarro world where things that I know that are objectively true are being called false by a large number of people.

I used to think my dad was a very intelligent and open minded person capable of serious critical thinking but I mentioned some time ago to him about how everything was going down the toilet and how I wished we still had the economy under Trump just before Covid hit, and he blew up on me and said to never mention that name again. Totally boggled my mind. Here I am, months after graduating with a ME degree, having applied to probably around a hundred jobs so far and still nothing, yet I know if I had graduated a year earlier I would have had a job lined up before graduation.

08-25-21, 16:56
We seem to be a nation full of virtue signalers, oppositional defiant disorder celebrators, or completely checked out and not engaged at all.

Straight Shooter
08-25-21, 16:58
You are not the only one, I feel like I’m in bizarro world where things that I know that are objectively true are being called false by a large number of people.

I used to think my dad was a very intelligent and open minded person capable of serious critical thinking but I mentioned some time ago to him about how everything was going down the toilet and how I wished we still had the economy under Trump just before Covid hit, and he blew up on me and said to never mention that name again. Totally boggled my mind. Here I am, months after graduating with a ME degree, having applied to probably around a hundred jobs so far and still nothing, yet I know if I had graduated a year earlier I would have had a job lined up before graduation.

Brother- Ill politely say, if cant cant get a job with an ME degree...you either aint tryin, or you need to get out of whatever one horse town youre in.
Man, degree'd positions are EVERYWHERE.
As to the OP's question: Youre about 20-25 years behind.

08-25-21, 17:06
Been sayin' the same thing ever since "Night of the Living Braindead" in Nov 2008...

08-25-21, 17:08
I'm with you OP. I struggle with the amount of people on "the right" that are frothing at the mouth defending this nonsense. This is why I left WA state for WY. People are sucked in by fear and its a very powerful motivator. I question why people are suddenly so scared. We all know we will die someday. It just won't be from this stupid thing! LOL.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

08-25-21, 17:11
You are not the only one, I feel like I’m in bizarro world where things that I know that are objectively true are being called false by a large number of people.

I used to think my dad was a very intelligent and open minded person capable of serious critical thinking but I mentioned some time ago to him about how everything was going down the toilet and how I wished we still had the economy under Trump just before Covid hit, and he blew up on me and said to never mention that name again. Totally boggled my mind. Here I am, months after graduating with a ME degree, having applied to probably around a hundred jobs so far and still nothing, yet I know if I had graduated a year earlier I would have had a job lined up before graduation.

The government is lying about job openings. They get that data by just pulling from the jobs posting sites, so if the same job gets posted to all three major sites it gets counted three times. And on top of that, lots of those jobs posted aren't even really that serious. They're just seeing what's out there. It's kind of like how your girlfriend has that secret Tinder account where she's just looking for that next best thing, but she's already got you really well trained so anyone less than prince charming himself probably isn't going to motivate her to leave you, and prince charming can do way better and she knows it so he's not going to apply, but nevertheless she's going to have some B team dudes waiting in the wings as backup for when you inevitably get tired of her bullshit and dump her ass. Like she might even interview some of them behind your back and give them every indication there's a position to fill, for which they're in the running, but she knows she's just playing with them as long as you're around and willing to pander to her.

And of the jobs that are actually available in a non hypothetical sense, the employers want to take them overseas. They just post them for appearances to make it seem like maybe they kind of want to hire an American sort of. Like if the job description is bending over backwards and Gumby applies he might get it, if HR will sign off on it.

But yea, if you look at the labor participation rate those numbers are far more honest. If you break it down into age groups, the only jobs that actually recovered are the entry level minimum wage jobs in the services industry. Hardly anyone is hiring skilled and white collar right now.

Best of luck to you, man, I hope you find something soon. I'm in no way trying to discourage you. Quite the opposite actually. More like just want to tell you the truth so you don't have any delusions like pretty much everyone else your age. They all think there are all these jobs out there and that they are the actual shit itself, like employers are just going to come running to them begging them to work for a salary ten years ahead of their tenure. Hopefully when all these morons walk off their jobs for the great resignation this fall you'll be able to get one of them.

08-25-21, 17:13
Brother- Ill politely say, if cant cant get a job with an ME degree...you either aint tryin, or you need to get out of whatever one horse town youre in.
Man, degree'd positions are EVERYWHERE.
As to the OP's question: Youre about 20-25 years behind.

He's not the first I've heard of. Not by a long shot.

08-25-21, 17:32
Brother- Ill politely say, if cant cant get a job with an ME degree...you either aint tryin, or you need to get out of whatever one horse town youre in.
Man, degree'd positions are EVERYWHERE.
As to the OP's question: Youre about 20-25 years behind.

A degree alone does not equal EXPERIENCE.

My son is figuring that out currently with his degree. His douchebag mom (and the school) brainwashed him into thinking he would instantly have a 200k per year job as soon as he graduated and uhh, No.

Tried to tell him several times that is not the way it works and he would just get angry with me. Now that he is experiencing exactly what I warned him about WHILE he gets to pay back all those student loans and he is starting to come to believe the same thing I have said about his mom for years. (that she is an idiot)

08-25-21, 17:40
I'm not even kidding. I feel like we've arrived at that stage where the half who drank the koolaid are trying to force the other half to drink it, too.

If the vaccine worked, why would they care? They're safe right? Obviously we can see the vaccine does not work.... so WHY double down on it?

08-25-21, 18:02
You are not the only one, I feel like I’m in bizarro world where things that I know that are objectively true are being called false by a large number of people.

I used to think my dad was a very intelligent and open minded person capable of serious critical thinking but I mentioned some time ago to him about how everything was going down the toilet and how I wished we still had the economy under Trump just before Covid hit, and he blew up on me and said to never mention that name again. Totally boggled my mind. Here I am, months after graduating with a ME degree, having applied to probably around a hundred jobs so far and still nothing, yet I know if I had graduated a year earlier I would have had a job lined up before graduation.

@rero360 - you want an engineering job? I gots the hookup. I work for the worlds largest food and pharmaceutical grade packaging company. We have dozens of unfilled engineering positions, both at the plant level and corporate project engineering, which is where I happen to work out of. Remotely. For excellent pay and bennies.

PM me and I will send you a link to our job vacancy page. Only caveat is you have to use my name in the referral process so I get my cut of the recruiting fee.

Johnny Rico
08-25-21, 18:05
You are not the only one, I feel like I’m in bizarro world where things that I know that are objectively true are being called false by a large number of people.

I studied psychology in college. By and large I think the field is a bunch of tripe, but I did learn a few useful things. Like the powerful need to conform suffered by a significant portion of the population. It helped me realize early on that there are a whole lot of easily suggestible and weak-willed people out there, and the importance of being able to trust your own judgement. Stick to your guns, you're not alone though it may sometimes feel that way.

Google the Asch conformity experiment for some eye-opening reading material.

08-25-21, 18:06
It just feels more and more like this has nothing to do with anything besides compliance for its own sake.

Just like Y-chromosome "women" and 39 genders or any of the other nonsense group-think that's been building to a crescendo for the last decade at least.

08-25-21, 18:09
I haven't thought about it in terms of johnstown but that is exactly how it feels. My wife and I are self described conspiracy theorist and have always felt like we were weird in others eyes(which we don't care by the way), but now we feel like the only sane people on the planet. Its strange. It feels like the world is in a cult and we are the only ones who can see it.

08-25-21, 18:14
But yea, if you look at the labor participation rate those numbers are far more honest. If you break it down into age groups, the only jobs that actually recovered are the entry level minimum wage jobs in the services industry. Hardly anyone is hiring skilled and white collar right now.

Plenty of jobs never went away so there is nothing to 'recover' from. Many of those same jobs are booming right now and can't find enough help for squat.

I personally never missed a single day due to this scamdemic crap. More work than I can handle for a good few years out at least...

Carpenters, electricians, plumbers, Auto/diesel mechanics, truck drivers, etc... Damn good money to be made and easy as pie to get your foot in the door most anywhere making a good bit more than min wage.

Guy that delivered some materials for us a few days ago was a new driver / new employee to that company. That company hired him out of a half-way house and paid for his truck driving school, paid his room and board while he went to the school, paying his phone bill then and now as well + paying him a pretty fair salary now that he is actually working... Not bad considering where he was vs what he has going for him now.

I like that driver. Guy has balls. He did not budge when he stepped inside the shop and the Dober girls ran up to him all puffed up and barking at him. Guy just sort of looked down at them when they got up to him and said in a friendly tone 'Whats up yall?'. Girls instantly took a liking to him (as I did). :)

We recently hired on a semi-retired long time friend of mine. He was asking me what sort of hours we kept / what sort of hours he needed to keep and I told him right quick, 'Dude, here are the keys to the shop - You set your own hours and work when you damn well please. Damn glad to have you here and appreciate any time you do have to help out'.

08-25-21, 18:16
If the vaccine worked, why would they care? They're safe right? Obviously we can see the vaccine does not work.... so WHY double down on it?

Easier for them to double down than admit they made a mistake.

08-25-21, 19:37
Just had this discussion over our meal tonight. Makes you wonder if you have lost your mind or almost everyone else has. The level of irrational hostility is unsettling to say the least. You are not the only one who feels that way for sure.

Also feels like they are in a mad rush to get the jab into as many as possible as fast as possible.

08-25-21, 19:42
Just remember how bad it was in this country just before and during the civil war....it was really bad and divided, which led to some biblical level slaughter. Might give you some perspective. Things aren't great, but we're still pretty free.

08-25-21, 19:47
You are not the only one, I feel like I’m in bizarro world where things that I know that are objectively true are being called false by a large number of people.

I used to think my dad was a very intelligent and open minded person capable of serious critical thinking but I mentioned some time ago to him about how everything was going down the toilet and how I wished we still had the economy under Trump just before Covid hit, and he blew up on me and said to never mention that name again. Totally boggled my mind. Here I am, months after graduating with a ME degree, having applied to probably around a hundred jobs so far and still nothing, yet I know if I had graduated a year earlier I would have had a job lined up before graduation.

Keep your head up. I graduated college in 2007 and it was bleak. Then the world was ending with the Obama New World Order FEMA death camps.

Things are pretty shitty right now, but they also were back in 2007/8 when I was entering the real world.

My advice would be - don’t feel like any job is beneath you, and always live well below your means. You’ll figure out how to get by and, if you have the drive, how to find something and excel at it.

I graduated with a political science degree in 2007 with plans to go to law school. Then I worked for a while as a construction laborer, then an entry level corporate recruiting job. I ended up as part owner of a telecom construction company, and we just sold out this year. Be agile and frugal, and don’t get sucked into too much AM talk radio.

08-25-21, 20:07
Brother- Ill politely say, if cant cant get a job with an ME degree...you either aint tryin, or you need to get out of whatever one horse town youre in.
Man, degree'd positions are EVERYWHERE.
As to the OP's question: Youre about 20-25 years behind.

I’m in Los Angeles, I work in the National Guard with people who work for Lockheed and Northrop Grumman and have passed on my resume to them and so far have had just a few phone interviews. 21 years in the Guard, currently a 1SG almost done with SGM academy active secret clearance, did an internship years back as a CNC machinist, did an internship last summer as a ME, knowledgeable in GD&T, SolidWorks, FEA, CFD, and much more.

I did a phone interview with one company and they decided to not hire me because I was still in the guard and they didn’t want to lose me to a deployment or long drill weekends. Another company, I interviewed with the day before leaving for 42 days to Japan for the Guard, was totally upfront about it, they seemed cool and I let them know when I was back as requested but they didn’t pick me. I’m truly scratching my head as I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Every time I have interviewed for a position in person I get the job, ****ing Covid has really put a hamper on that for me.

I’ll add that during my most recent interview I was asked why I was applying for an entry level position and not something in management given my 17 years of management experience in the guard. I replied by saying that why I intend on being in management in around 5 years, I wanted actual engineering experience before I felt comfortable managing other engineers. The manager was surprised by that answer, I think in a good way. We shall see, I should be hearing back from him any day now.

08-25-21, 21:05
Just remember how bad it was in this country just before and during the civil war....it was really bad and divided, which led to some biblical level slaughter. Might give you some perspective. Things aren't great, but we're still pretty free.

We're free to do what they let us. And free to bitch and moan when they don't, so long as we use the right gender pronouns.:lol:

08-25-21, 22:09
But seriously, am I really the only one who's starting to get super creeped out...

Just now? You need to get out more, or take up history.

Boy Scout
08-26-21, 00:23
Read this and all the associated links and you’ll see what’s up. It’s the reason why we’ve all felt like the world has flipped upside down in the last year and a half:


08-26-21, 04:43
Follow the logic?????

08-26-21, 07:10
Just now? You need to get out more, or take up history.

Get the jab or else is starting to feel like a few rather unpleasant eras in history.

08-26-21, 08:42
Easier for them to double down than admit they made a mistake.

It is. The problem is most of these people are "educated" and think they know better. To admit they were wrong is just not an option for them. They would rather go down with the ship than admit they were wrong and the "stupid people" were right. The blow to their ego would send them years into therapy and they would never be able to, in their mind, justify their own differing opinion again. Fragile creatures, that can't accept that everyone gets it wrong sometimes, you learn, you adjust and tack accordingly.

08-26-21, 09:19
I get more of a feeling of living in a watered down version of The Stand.

08-26-21, 10:06
We're free to do what they let us. And free to bitch and moan when they don't, so long as we use the right gender pronouns.:lol:

It's always been like that to one extent or another. I live in SoCal and to be quite honest, don't come in contact, ever, with these pronoun nazis, and I move about wherever. Guns are an obvious problem here of course.

08-26-21, 10:23
This is twelve minutes long, but it's a time line showing how Fauci personally drove this off of the rails.

If you think this guy is blameless you really, really need to watc h this.

08-26-21, 11:36
I did a phone interview with one company and they decided to not hire me because I was still in the guard and they didn’t want to lose me to a deployment or long drill weekends.

I hope you are just making that up, because that is 100% illegal. If they actually told you that then you dodged a bullet and it isn't someone you want to work for regardless.

08-26-21, 11:54
I hope you are just making that up, because that is 100% illegal. If they actually told you that then you dodged a bullet and it isn't someone you want to work for regardless.

True, but would you really WANT to work at a place that you have to sue to get or keep the job? There are all kinds of ways to create a hostile work environment without crossing into anything illegal... one of my Management classes in college 20 years ago actually had a unit on "subtly encouraging less-desirable employees to seek greener pastures."

08-26-21, 12:03
I'm just amazed at what I run across on a daily basis...would you have ever thought??


Lotsa stories trending on SM saying truckers across the globe are gonna park / protest on Aug 31...another fox story on where Sysco (largest food wholesaler) says they are gonna miss deliveries due to labor shortages. Wife just got back from shopping saying the shelves are & have been skinny as of late. The current covid vibe simply sucks. Got a call for a routine dr visit & told them to reschedule when their mask mandate is gone...beginning to wonder now.

08-26-21, 12:59
True, but would you really WANT to work at a place that you have to sue to get or keep the job? There are all kinds of ways to create a hostile work environment without crossing into anything illegal... one of my Management classes in college 20 years ago actually had a unit on "subtly encouraging less-desirable employees to seek greener pastures."

You’d be surprised how just asking lazy people questions can make them uncomfortable enough to move on.

08-26-21, 13:11
I'm just amazed at what I run across on a daily basis...would you have ever thought??


Lotsa stories trending on SM saying truckers across the globe are gonna park / protest on Aug 31...another fox story on where Sysco (largest food wholesaler) says they are gonna miss deliveries due to labor shortages. Wife just got back from shopping saying the shelves are & have been skinny as of late. The current covid vibe simply sucks. Got a call for a routine dr visit & told them to reschedule when their mask mandate is gone...beginning to wonder now.

I seem to recall lots of times when that rumor's gone around... no action on it that'd be noticeable above the "baseline" of general supply-chain disruption though.

08-26-21, 13:57
I'm just amazed at what I run across on a daily basis...would you have ever thought??


Lotsa stories trending on SM saying truckers across the globe are gonna park / protest on Aug 31...another fox story on where Sysco (largest food wholesaler) says they are gonna miss deliveries due to labor shortages. Wife just got back from shopping saying the shelves are & have been skinny as of late. The current covid vibe simply sucks. Got a call for a routine dr visit & told them to reschedule when their mask mandate is gone...beginning to wonder now.

Any US workers striking that provides trucking, food production, food and pharma packaging, grocery and food retailers, anyone that supports critical infrastructure and continuity of operations for the country needs the same treatment that Reagan gave the air traffic controllers. Get back to work or you will be terminated on site. No enemployment insurace, no .gov bennies, no help. Your family will get hungry. Sucks for you.

08-26-21, 14:41
It's not a strike...it's a 24 hour shutdown (wherever they happen to be / road blockages) to show the govt they aren't going to be forced to take the jab & all the other bs going on. They are asking the public to join them by not purchasing any good or service that is taxed. I don't even know if it will cause a fuss or has real traction here or abroad...just sorta popped up today.

They were interviewing educators in NJ earlier & many are prepared to walk over the jab mandate...abbott put an EO to keep it from happening here, but does not apply to the private sector. Buddy of mine was canned last week for refusing the mandate & I suspect this whole you have to be vaccinated to be employed is about to explode.

08-26-21, 15:19
I'm just amazed at what I run across on a daily basis...would you have ever thought??


Lotsa stories trending on SM saying truckers across the globe are gonna park / protest on Aug 31...another fox story on where Sysco (largest food wholesaler) says they are gonna miss deliveries due to labor shortages. Wife just got back from shopping saying the shelves are & have been skinny as of late. The current covid vibe simply sucks. Got a call for a routine dr visit & told them to reschedule when their mask mandate is gone...beginning to wonder now.

These schools are being turned into literal prisons. They already put up fences around them, now they just need the concertina wire. They're also installing these things called "reflection rooms" that are literal prison cells. Bleak, four walls, 6x8, no windows, and very secure. Has ministry of love written all over it. I can just imagine the parents going to pick up their kid and being told he's in the reflection room and finding out that it's literally solitary confinement. I guess go to the corner and think about what you did just isn't cutting it with today's unruly youth.

08-26-21, 15:22
I hope you are just making that up, because that is 100% illegal. If they actually told you that then you dodged a bullet and it isn't someone you want to work for regardless.

Nope, I still have the voicemail where the hiring manager stated it. Funny thing is, this company makes parachutes for the government, specifically NASA, SOCOM, and companies like SpaceX.

08-26-21, 15:24

So apparently this is happening. Yeaaaaa...so I guess we're in it for the long haul now.

08-26-21, 15:44
Nope, I still have the voicemail where the hiring manager stated it. Funny thing is, this company makes parachutes for the government, specifically NASA, SOCOM, and companies like SpaceX.

Time for an "Anonymous Whistleblower" call to the relevant IG... not worth fighting over your job, but if they have that attitude toward those whose lives depend on their product maybe they need to find a new line of work.

08-26-21, 15:47
Time for an "Anonymous Whistleblower" call to the relevant IG... not worth fighting over your job, but if they have that attitude toward those whose lives depend on their product maybe they need to find a new line of work.

Yep, good advice from Diamond. ESPECIALLY if they're a .gov contractor. Keep that Voicemail and report them.

08-26-21, 15:51
Yep, good advice from Diamond. ESPECIALLY if they're a .gov contractor. Keep that Voicemail and report them.

I would be VERY nervous jumping, or riding a capsule under, a chute that came out of a shop with that prevailing house attitude. Safe bet that what a man does to you, whether for good or ill, he HAS done to others before and WILL do again.

Granted, I haven't flown since 2012 anyway...

08-26-21, 15:56
Nope, I still have the voicemail where the hiring manager stated it. Funny thing is, this company makes parachutes for the government, specifically NASA, SOCOM, and companies like SpaceX.

Burn them


08-26-21, 17:11
The division that was ingrained by the obama administration is taking a much stronger hold on the US population. Mask v. non maskers, Vax v. unvaxed, Right v. left, Chevy v. ford, etc.
The divisiveness has caused families to shatter, divorces, workplace conflict, the list goes on. Solution? None. Peaceful coexistence is a fallacy. Perhaps the country will balkanize a la Czech Republic and Slovakia or totally disintegrate. Who knows ?

08-27-21, 06:56
We seem to be a nation full of virtue signalers, oppositional defiant disorder celebrators, or completely checked out and not engaged at all.


The collectivist mindset. People don't realize how far social media/publix skewls/and the general population have pushed this. Got to go with the crowd, get worked up about what the crowd gets worked up about and never be an outlier!

08-28-21, 12:36
I find the responses from the people I know or have socialized with to be much different between the Tv watching drones and the non Tv watchers. Tv watchers are full of fear and more fear Shots and masks or we are going to all die..

08-28-21, 12:51
I find the responses from the people I know or have socialized with to be much different between the Tv watching drones and the non Tv watchers. Tv watchers are full of fear and more fear Shots and masks or we are going to all die..

I agree with you, although talking with my wife you would think she watches TV and all that but we haven’t had cable since 2015, but she’s always been a germaphobe and I’m sure the crap she consumes online contributes to her hysteria.

08-28-21, 13:22
The division that was ingrained by the obama administration is taking a much stronger hold on the US population. Mask v. non maskers, Vax v. unvaxed, Right v. left, Chevy v. ford, etc.
The divisiveness has caused families to shatter, divorces, workplace conflict, the list goes on. Solution? None. Peaceful coexistence is a fallacy. Perhaps the country will balkanize a la Czech Republic and Slovakia or totally disintegrate. Who knows ?

We are being played for the fools we are by the right , left and center.

08-28-21, 14:01
I find the responses from the people I know or have socialized with to be much different between the Tv watching drones and the non Tv watchers. Tv watchers are full of fear and more fear Shots and masks or we are going to all die..

Huh, I very rarely watch TV. Maybe that's my problem.:laugh:

08-28-21, 14:39
Marx was almost right about one thing... there is an Opiate of the Masses, but it's not Religion, it's Mass Media Propaganda.

08-28-21, 15:16
Marx was almost right about one thing... there is an Opiate of the Masses, but it's not Religion, it's Mass Media Propaganda.

Same shit, different religion.

08-28-21, 15:23
Yes, this is all starting to take on cult-like proportions.....

The new religion...a weird, post-modern statism.....all the gender bullshit, fake racism, fake pandemic, "take the shot or you're unclean", a new cult for the idiot masses.

08-28-21, 17:48
A mother and daughter in Florida's Miami-Dade County, both of them school employees, have died from COVID-19 after being admitted to a hospital for treatment in early August.
The two women, Lillian Smith and her daughter Lakisha Williams, were both unvaccinated and worked in the Miami-Dade school district, Local10.com reported.
Smith was a first-grade teacher at the Dr. William A. Chapman Elementary School in Naranja, Florida.
Williams was a school cafeteria manager and had just within the last month been promoted to the position, prior to contracting the virus. She is survived by her husband Jermaine Williams and her two teenaged children.

I'm starting to see more and more of this "Slut Shaming" on news stories.

08-28-21, 19:58
Been sayin' the same thing ever since "Night of the Living Braindead" in Nov 2008...

I have too... since Nov 1992...

08-28-21, 20:06
I have too... since Nov 1992...

In my defense for being late-to-the-party, in 1992 I was TWELVE.:)

08-28-21, 21:37
I'm just amazed at what I run across on a daily basis...would you have ever thought??


Lotsa stories trending on SM saying truckers across the globe are gonna park / protest on Aug 31...another fox story on where Sysco (largest food wholesaler) says they are gonna miss deliveries due to labor shortages. Wife just got back from shopping saying the shelves are & have been skinny as of late. The current covid vibe simply sucks. Got a call for a routine dr visit & told them to reschedule when their mask mandate is gone...beginning to wonder now.Went shopping today. Shelves are like 2018.

Being in the trucking industry I call BS. For every trucker protesting there are 2-5 more who don't give a flying F and can't wait to get the contracts

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

08-28-21, 23:17
Man, that is fantastic...pat yourself on the back for all the perfection in THE friendly city of love & all the 2018 shopping inventories.

It's just us suck asses down here on the border dealing with stupidity...sorry to share a negative story that doesn't jive with your trucking narrative Arik. East Bound And Down.

08-29-21, 02:14
Man, that is fantastic...pat yourself on the back for all the perfection in THE friendly city of love & all the 2018 shopping inventories.

It's just us suck asses down here on the border dealing with stupidity...sorry to share a negative story that doesn't jive with your trucking narrative Arik. East Bound And Down.

I'm hearing of shortages all over the place. McDonalds in the Northwest went like three days without fries. McDonalds. Without fries. Let that sink in for a moment.

Oh, and I operate a business out of my house and shipping is ****ED. I receive on average two or three packages a day and send on average at least that many. I get machines from Europe and parts of China. At least 50% of my packages get delayed. Having a domestic first class package take three weeks is becoming normal. It wasn't nearly this bad even in March of 2020. This is a whole new level.

08-29-21, 06:40
In my defense for being late-to-the-party, in 1992 I was TWELVE.:)

:p I'm waiting for someone to chime in and say, "Nov 1976!"

08-29-21, 07:09
I'm hearing of shortages all over the place. McDonalds in the Northwest went like three days without fries. McDonalds. Without fries. Let that sink in for a moment.

Artificial Bacon bits in my area.

None at Kroger, Wallyworld, Aldis, and on and on for a good period of time here recently.

Granted, Real bacon could be had but those artificial basturds are easy and I do like easy. No idea why those would suddenly seem to dry up but for lazy folks like me that don't wish to actually 'cook' some real Bacon that was a biatch that damn near caused me to call 911.

A potato or salad without some sort of bacon flavored something on it is worthless to me.

Those and a few spells recently where the Pachos cheese dip was extremely hard to find. Sometimes only the white stuff was around and sometimes only the other. WHy???

I only need a few things in life to be truly happy. Beer, Panchos cheese dip, and artificial bacon bits top my list.

08-29-21, 08:35
Man, that is fantastic...pat yourself on the back for all the perfection in THE friendly city of love & all the 2018 shopping inventories.

It's just us suck asses down here on the border dealing with stupidity...sorry to share a negative story that doesn't jive with your trucking narrative Arik. East Bound And Down.Oh of course it doesn't jive, Twitter didn't say it.

Here's the deal. You think truckers are some patriotic Americans. Not really the case and a hell of a lot of them don't even speak English that good. You got Polaks, Russians, Latvians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Turks, Georgians, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Chinese, Mexicans..etc.. who don't care about politics and will drive 24/7 for a buck. They practically live in the trucks, most of the money they make they send home and if there's a void they'll fill it real quick. In my particular industry these guys are notorious for driving prices down because they'll literally take any load for pennies.

Maybe you'll get some local protests here and there but nationwide? Neh! I think a year ago there was a strike about ELDs. Did you feel the strike? Did the country stop? Did you even know of it?

It's a fragmented industry. You have contract drivers, owner-operators, leasers. Not to mention the smaller trucks.

At best it'll cause some minor inconvenience somewhere

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

08-29-21, 09:42
etc.. who don't care about politics and will drive 24/7 for a buck. They practically live in the trucks, most of the money they make they send home and if there's a void they'll fill it real quick. In my particular industry these guys are notorious for driving prices down because they'll literally take any load for pennies.

Big shortage of drivers here. Not at all like what you describe.


08-29-21, 09:55
There only people flipping out about the vaccine are the ones who took it. As for me, I’m not getting it. Call me stupid, paranoid, grandma killer, IDGAF.

08-29-21, 10:09
During an appearance in court, she said Cook County Judge James Shapiro asked whether she had taken the jab. The mother responded, explaining that she had not because she had bad reactions to vaccines in the past. The judge then ordered that she be stripped of her parenting rights until she takes the vaccine.

More "Slut Shaming" for not taking the vaccine.

08-29-21, 10:15
The Judge did the Reich thing !

08-29-21, 10:26
The American Civil Liberties Union is suing South Carolina over a ban on mask mandates in schools.

Earlier this summer, the South Carolina state legislature passed a budget bill with conditions prohibiting school districts from using government funds to “require that its students and/or employees wear a face mask at any of its education facilities.” Scientific studies are clear that COVID-19 transmission among children is much lower than among adults but that hasn’t stopped the Biden administration, the CDC, teachers’ unions, and now the ACLU from pushing for students and vaccinated teachers to mask up this fall.

08-29-21, 10:44
The Judge did the Reich thing !

I totally did Nazi that coming...

08-29-21, 23:14
Oh of course it doesn't jive, Twitter didn't say it.

Here's the deal. You think truckers are some patriotic Americans. Not really the case and a hell of a lot of them don't even speak English that good. You got Polaks, Russians, Latvians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Turks, Georgians, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Chinese, Mexicans..etc.. who don't care about politics and will drive 24/7 for a buck. They practically live in the trucks, most of the money they make they send home and if there's a void they'll fill it real quick. In my particular industry these guys are notorious for driving prices down because they'll literally take any load for pennies.

Maybe you'll get some local protests here and there but nationwide? Neh! I think a year ago there was a strike about ELDs. Did you feel the strike? Did the country stop? Did you even know of it?

It's a fragmented industry. You have contract drivers, owner-operators, leasers. Not to mention the smaller trucks.

At best it'll cause some minor inconvenience somewhere

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Well it Figures. It was never about 'here'...you just 'hear' what you want. The trucker movement discussed is in & all about Australia & New Zealand with my mention of some US drivers picking up the slack in agreement to follow suit as they see their same jonestown coming our direction. 'Our' trucker movement if it ever comes will have it's own thread likely, but we are not there yet. Those down under are much closer to the precipice of the whole I've f'ing had it moment. Truckers make the world go round...they go down, we all go down. Thus the minor current shortages you cannot deny happening now even of the said multiple back up contingencies you mention.

I'm still not sure how all the non speaking english will still carry 'your' industry forward, while my patriot drivers WILL **** it all up...if it indeed comes to that. Every where I drive down here has advertisements for hiring CDL drivers, yet you tout an over abundance. Hmmmm??

09-01-21, 23:19
Well it Figures. It was never about 'here'...you just 'hear' what you want. The trucker movement discussed is in & all about Australia & New Zealand with my mention of some US drivers picking up the slack in agreement to follow suit as they see their same jonestown coming our direction. 'Our' trucker movement if it ever comes will have it's own thread likely, but we are not there yet. Those down under are much closer to the precipice of the whole I've f'ing had it moment. Truckers make the world go round...they go down, we all go down. Thus the minor current shortages you cannot deny happening now even of the said multiple back up contingencies you mention.

I'm still not sure how all the non speaking english will still carry 'your' industry forward, while my patriot drivers WILL **** it all up...if it indeed comes to that. Every where I drive down here has advertisements for hiring CDL drivers, yet you tout an over abundance. Hmmmm??

Well? 4 trucks....more or less.. In Australia

How it carries forward? Easy. They're not writing novels, just driving.

09-02-21, 10:32
Indeed a big nothing burger...some claimed success & the govt shut down their SM but nothing with meat to back anything up. Some posted LE came down hard when it started but again no vids or pics. TGP even had a headline it was gonna happen & no follow up yet.

I think this summed it up the best...It's fubar down under.


09-02-21, 10:47
Indeed a big nothing burger...some claimed success & the govt shut down their SM but nothing with meat to back anything up. Some posted LE came down hard when it started but again no vids or pics. TGP even had a headline it was gonna happen & no follow up yet.

I think this summed it up the best...It's fubar down under.

https://mobile.twitter.com/retro_sista/status/1432557493595488259And now they have access ( or will have access shortly) to everyone's phones so if anyone tries to do a strike their phones can blocked, info deleted, account access denied...etc.. I can text you to meet up and they can delete the text!

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

09-02-21, 11:09
And now they have access ( or will have access shortly) to everyone's phones so if anyone tries to do a strike their phones can blocked, info deleted, account access denied...etc.. I can text you to meet up and they can delete the text!

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Worse... if the regime decides they don't like you they can now alter your accounts and social-media to MAKE you a terrorist or a kiddie-porn trafficker, whether you really are or not. Knowing this would give me Reasonable Doubt in any case where social media or digital data is cited as evidence...

Orwell was himself a socialist, and he tried to warn us about what would happen if his kind got unfettered power...

09-03-21, 06:45
Take the jab or your employer provided insurance wont insure you.

09-03-21, 07:55
And here you have folks saying "Take the Jab" or I will kill you for it.

09-03-21, 07:56
And yet they will insure every Walmart Scooter riding Whaleopottamus with 39 co morbidities- in fact, by law they CAN'T NOT INSURE THEIR "pre existing" conditions......

Welcome to Clown World.....Honk, Honk!

09-03-21, 09:13
More Australian lunacy...


09-03-21, 13:52
More Australian lunacy...


Yea and it doesn't help that I finally watched Songbird the other night. I saw that headline like 12 hours after having watched the movie for the first time. Watching the movie I couldn't help thinking that a lot of the stuff has played out, albeit in way less dramatic fashion. Pretty disturbing actually. Something tells me they weren't writing plays about the Spanish flu while that shit was actually happening. Time and time again I keep coming to the conclusion that real pandemics don't need 24/7 propaganda to convince people they're real. The bodies in the streets tend to speak for themselves, and in any real pandemic the government has to downplay it and artificially lower the numbers, otherwise people wouldn't go to work and everybody would starve to death. We just see the opposite, both in the news and even now in fiction, where this establishment is so obviously trying to make a giant mountain out of a teeny tiny molehill.

And referencing that stabbing video above, those pro vaxxers are obviously buying into all of it. Like they literally think this is a legitimate pandemic and the anti vaxxers are literally putting them and their children at risk of this horrible deadly virus. ****ing pathetic, and criminal to be that ignorant really. I feel like there's a limit to how much ignorance people can be forgiven for, and when their ignorance starts hurting innocent people I don't give a **** how much they were lied to, it's criminal that they chose to believe the lies for their own selfish reasons, like getting paid to sit home and smoke weed and play games while "working remotely." When I've watched interviews of Nazis saying they didn't know, they always sit there and cry about how they were lied to by their government, and for some reason those people were given a pass, and it's like ****er you sat there and watched innocent people hauled off to camps for no reason, and you supported that regime because it was advantageous for you to do so. Like own the **** up to it.

I feel like these pro vaxxers are pretty much in that same head space. They've chosen to believe a lie against the overwhelming preponderance of evidence, because that's the narrative that suits them. That's the narrative that gets them what they want. And it's kind of the exact same motives that the Nazis had. The Nazis wanted people's property, plain and simple, and that's what these pandemic peddlers want, too. It's really just an unspoken criminal conspiracy. The government is like, Hey if you support our criminal takeover of people's sovereignty we'll give you the sovereigns' stuff.

09-03-21, 14:41
I been sayin' it since before it released... the Left was so pissed about Michael Bay's movie because he found their playbook and put it on screen for all the world to see.

09-03-21, 14:44
Yeah...that whole turning in your firearms isn't looking so smart today. Crazy Times.

Gonna get worse too.



UK is getting sideways as well...

