View Full Version : Unclassified IC Summary of Assessment COVID-19 Origins

08-28-21, 10:12
Nothing earth shattering but lab leak the obvious origin, but that's the money shot. When do we take actions against China for not just releasing a viral WMD on the world due faulty/poor lab procedures, but refusing to cooperate? Which is worse? What don't they really want the world to discover?

"China’s cooperation most likely would be needed to reach a conclusive assessment of the origins
of COVID-19. Beijing, however, continues to hinder the global investigation, resist sharing
information and blame other countries, including the United States. These actions reflect, in
part, China’s government’s own uncertainty about where an investigation could lead as well as
its frustration the international community is using the issue to exert political pressure on China."


08-28-21, 10:30
I don't expect jack squat from the .gov. Every damn one of em has their nose so far up Chinese ass that they qualify as a medical device. They might talk a good game and put on a show from time to time, but they'd gladly sell every last citizen to China for medical experimentation if there was a dime in it.

We are fast becoming a puppet state of the CCP.

08-28-21, 11:00
Our government won't do anything. The Biden regime is thoroughly in the bag for the CCP. And the CCP already knows they did it. But don't worry, Biden will probably blame Trump and the GOP for the leak eventually.

08-28-21, 11:03
I don’t think it was a secret that China made this and released it.

No one is gonna do Jack squat about it.

Go get your vaccine slave!!!

08-28-21, 11:53
I don’t think it was a secret that China made this and released it.

Intentionally? While I would not put it passed them, evidence is strongest it was accidental via the lab, and we even know who patient zero was, researcher they called "the bat lady" who died. Chit heads, I mean Chincoms claim she's alive and well, but far as I know, not seen since it started and identified my post as patient zero. $ says she's way dead.

No one is gonna do Jack squat about it.

I'm hoping for something else, but will not hold breath, that's for damn sure. We gotta have our cheap widgets.

Go get your vaccine slave!!!

I did. Thank you for your concern.

08-28-21, 12:26
Our politicians are owned by Chinese lobby money and I am sure They have taken an oath of fealty to China.

08-28-21, 12:27
Intentionally? While I would not put it passed them, evidence is strongest it was accidental via the lab, and we even know who patient zero was, researcher they called "the bat lady" who died. Chit heads, I mean Chincoms claim she's alive and well, but far as I know, not seen since it started and identified my post as patient zero. $ says she's way dead.

I'm hoping for something else, but will not hold breath, that's for damn sure. We gotta have our cheap widgets.

I did. Thank you for your concern.

who is the cheap widget here?

08-28-21, 12:40
who is the cheap widget here?

Tony and gang maybe?


08-28-21, 13:12
As noted elsewhere, even if this WAS a deliberate Chinese biowar attack nobody will ever admit it because that kind of Pearl Harbor REQUIRES a "massive nuclear retaliation" response. Most pols would rather happily sacrifice even a significant portion of the world's populace than play Global Thermonuclear War.

Deterrence has failed, as has Assured Destruction. AD only works when a nation gives half a crap about the value of human life and the lives of its own populace...

08-28-21, 14:29
3.5 years investigating Trump/Russia nothing. 90 days investigating a global pandemic. Seems about right…

08-28-21, 14:34
I believe it was on purpose. They did it because they know no single power in the world will retaliate against them in the way they should retaliate, militarily. The Chinese don’t give a shit about the world. They don’t give a shit about their own people.

In regards to the last part of my statement, it was sarcasm. But I see you didn’t take it that way.

Intentionally? While I would not put it passed them, evidence is strongest it was accidental via the lab, and we even know who patient zero was, researcher they called "the bat lady" who died. Chit heads, I mean Chincoms claim she's alive and well, but far as I know, not seen since it started and identified my post as patient zero. $ says she's way dead.

I'm hoping for something else, but will not hold breath, that's for damn sure. We gotta have our cheap widgets.

I did. Thank you for your concern.

08-28-21, 14:35
Intentionally? While I would not put it passed them, evidence is strongest it was accidental via the lab, and we even know who patient zero was, researcher they called "the bat lady" who died. Chit heads, I mean Chincoms claim she's alive and well, but far as I know, not seen since it started and identified my post as patient zero. $ says she's way dead.

I'm hoping for something else, but will not hold breath, that's for damn sure. We gotta have our cheap widgets.

I did. Thank you for your concern.

If you were China, would you rather have the world believe it was accidental or intentional? If you were our government, would you rather tell us it was accidental or tell us it was intentional?

08-28-21, 15:53
I don't expect jack squat from the .gov. Every damn one of em has their nose so far up Chinese ass that they qualify as a medical device. They might talk a good game and put on a show from time to time, but they'd gladly sell every last citizen to China for medical experimentation if there was a dime in it.

We are fast becoming a puppet state of the CCP.

And they are doing it without firing a shot either.........

08-28-21, 17:16
Our government won't do anything. The Biden regime is thoroughly in the bag for the CCP. And the CCP already knows they did it. But don't worry, Biden will probably blame Trump and the GOP for the leak eventually.


08-28-21, 18:01

How much money did the boy come home with?

08-28-21, 18:45
IMHO it was an accidental leak, but it doesn't excuse them from fvcking with things they shouldn't have been, lax QC, and covering it up. Screw China.

Now one could convincingly make the argument that Trump was backing the ChiComs against the wall and their economy was on teetering on the edge in 2019, so they released it on purpose figuring "Well if we're going down ALL of them are coming with us". Wouldn't put it past those scum. But if I had to lay my next paycheck on the line I'd say it was an accident. Again, not excusing them of anything, but bio shit is soooo unpredictable that anyone doing so intentionally is damn near suicidal. You can't contain that genie once it's out of the bottle, hence the last two years. If this was 1920 you could rightly suggest that travel wasn't what it is now so "in theory" you could send it over here and not have to worry too much about it (of course the Spanish Flu proved otherwise in that era). In the 21st Century and travel being what it is there is no way to keep yourself insulated from it.

BTW, does anyone have reliable information on how bad the Chinese are still getting hit? I hope it bleeds those bastards dry......every last one of them.