View Full Version : Project Veritas interviews a teacher

08-31-21, 16:59
A total sleaze bag manipulating and bullying kids


08-31-21, 19:03
And they wonder why the Homeschool movement has been taking off like a Saturn V the past year or so...

08-31-21, 19:56
Another depraved man, doing depraved things. Almost like he was Joe's own son.

Straight Shooter
09-01-21, 21:17
This goblin is TERMINATED. GOOD JOB P.V.!

09-01-21, 23:43
This goblin is TERMINATED. GOOD JOB P.V.!

There is some good news. Unfortunately 100's just like him.

But seriously I can remember when a volunteer football coach had to go through half a dozen cycles of vetting because he had a USMC tattoo on his arm and the school and PTA worried about the image it presented to kids. I sorta got where they were coming from but I was also WTF he isn't even being paid and wants to actually HELP kids play football better. Also it's a military tattoo not prison tat's.

Meanwhile this scumbag who is loaded with ink gets a job actually teaching children? We've come a long way and not in a good trajectory.

09-02-21, 19:53
That soy boy pussy made a video stating he’s possibly getting fired and getting death threats. As it should be. That mf’er is the equivalent to the cracker in the middle of a circle jerk.

09-02-21, 23:09
You'd almost rather have some addled dope fiend teaching your child. Or maybe not "almost".

09-02-21, 23:11
You'd almost rather have some addled dope fiend teaching your child. Or maybe not "almost".

You know what they say... "if you want something done right, do it yourself."

09-02-21, 23:21
You know what they say... "if you want something done right, do it yourself."

My wife did. My children never saw the inside of a public school until my daughter went to college.

09-02-21, 23:59

A public school teacher in California is reportedly set to be fired after being seen on video praising Antifa and discussing his effort to “turn [students] into revolutionaries” — as parents are expressing outrage at the school district for allowing the “indoctrination” of their children.

In a video captured by conservative media-advocacy group Project Veritas, Gabriel Gipe, who teaches advanced placement government at Inderkum High School in Sacramento, is seen explaining how he pushes his political ideologies on his students.

“As of today, this teacher was placed on paid leave because of his actions and choices in the classroom. Natomas Unified will be taking the legally required next steps to place the teacher on unpaid leave and fire the teacher.”

The District made clear that the walls of the teacher’s classroom were cleared of all posters and signage, which included other material that was not appropriate.

The teacher reportedly used stamps with the images of Josef Stalin, Fidel Castro and Kim Jung Un to mark completed work from the students, during at least the 13 days of the 2021-2022 school year.

With regard to materials on the classroom walls, the district found that some of the materials “were added, at the earliest, May of 2021.”

09-03-21, 00:03
My wife did. My children never saw the inside of a public school until my daughter went to college.

If I ever get the chance to have kids I'd like to, even though it'll be a challenge reconciling that with the on-site requirements of museum work.

09-03-21, 00:09
You know what they say... "if you want something done right, do it yourself."

There's a limit. If a guy HAS to work 40+ hours a week to pay the mortgage, bills and property taxes that provide for public education, should he really have to stop in order to teach his kids personally? Should everyone also be required to haul their own garbage to the dump and deliver their own mail?

What we need is accountability such as in this instance only on a comprehensive scale that eliminates ALL teachers trying to promote a personal agenda that is contrary to or unrelated to the subject they are employed to teach. If I'm hired to teach drivers education I'm not gonna be using that time to promote the second amendment, that isn't my job.

We also need to take the additional steps of removing any political indoctrination from the entire school board and educational system itself but that is asking a lot and won't be easy.

Videos like this, which clearly show how embedded these radical extremists are are very important because this obviously is not a "one of" example. If this was an Aryan Nations guy who was promoting his hateful ideology in a public high school there would be a national overhaul of the entire public school system from top to bottom.

People have to catch on to the reality that just because a group hates one form of racism or hatred doesn't mean they aren't actually practicing an alternate form or racism or hatred. Everyone here knows that antifa are radical communists but too many people in this country think they are simply a watch group against fascism.

09-03-21, 00:27
There's a limit. If a guy HAS to work 40+ hours a week to pay the mortgage, bills and property taxes that provide for public education, should he really have to stop in order to teach his kids personally? Should everyone also be required to haul their own garbage to the dump and deliver their own mail?
I believe I noted that in my prior followup, sir, with a hard choice I'm gonna have to make in my own career if I transition from datamining and analysis to on-the-floor exhibit work. :) The ideal sitch would be a co-op, each family taking one subject and doing an hour or two a week teaching it for everybody.

09-03-21, 00:44
I believe I noted that in my prior followup, sir, with a hard choice I'm gonna have to make in my own career if I transition from datamining and analysis to on-the-floor exhibit work. :) The ideal sitch would be a co-op, each family taking one subject and doing an hour or two a week teaching it for everybody.

Things like co-ops exist, I'm sure you already knew that. Some parents are better at certain subjects than others so they might teach it to a group of kids.

It's really the only way to keep your kids out of the clutches of the radicals, IMO. It can be tough, but it's well worth the effort.

09-03-21, 00:52
Things like co-ops exist, I'm sure you already knew that. Some parents are better at certain subjects than others so they might teach it to a group of kids.

It's really the only way to keep your kids out of the clutches of the radicals, IMO. It can be tough, but it's well worth the effort.

Charter schools are another way. For people who can't afford private school it's usually far superior than most public schools. They were popping up all over the place in South Florida in the years before I moved.

09-03-21, 00:58
Charter schools are another way. For people who can't afford private school it's usually far superior than most public schools. They were popping up all over the place in South Florida in the years before I moved.

Are they independent of the school districts? I'm a little slack in my knowledge of charter schools. Do they avoid teachers like our young commie?

09-03-21, 01:31
Are they independent of the school districts? I'm a little slack in my knowledge of charter schools. Do they avoid teachers like our young commie?

According to the Education Commission of the States, "charter schools are semi-autonomous public schools that receive public funds. They operate under a written contract with a state, district or other entity (referred to as an authorizer or sponsor). This contract – or charter – details how the school will be organized and managed, what students will be expected to achieve, and how success will be measured. Many charters are exempt from a variety of laws and regulations affecting other public schools if they continue to meet the terms of their charters." These schools, however, need to follow State-mandated curriculum and are subject to the same rules and regulations that cover it, although there is flexibility in the way it is designed.

When it became obvious vouchers were never going to be supported in Florida, the state quickly moved to charter schools because so many public schools were complete failures. They had even gone to the point where they only "taught the test" that would allow them to maintain state standards and they were still failing.

Louisiana is another interesting case study, post Katrina most families almost completely abandoned the public school system because it was a absolute failure at every level. New Orleans is one of two cities in the United States of America where the majority of school students attend charter schools. 78% of all New Orleans schoolchildren studied in charter schools during the 2011–12 school year. As of May 2014, all but five of New Orleans' schools were charter schools.

Ironically CA is one of the three states with the highest number of students in charter schools so it may be something you want to explore. In California, local school districts are the most frequent granters of school charters. If a local school district denies a charter application, or if the proposed charter school provides services not provided by the local school districts, a county board consisting of superintendents from state schools or the state board of education can grant a charter.

A 2017 policy statement from the National Education Association expressed its strong commitment to public schools. Charter schools are funded by taxpayers so there must be the same liability, transparency, safeguards, and impartiality as public schools. 44 American states along with the District of Columbia implement legislation on state charter schools. However, many states do not compel charters to abide by open meeting statutes as well as prerequisites on conflict of interest that pertain to school districts, boards, and employees.

But to answer your question, they are usually a much safer bet and more conservative (in policy not politics) than public schools. There are designed to function where public schools have failed. So there isn't a lot of room for "how to be a commie 101."

09-03-21, 23:31


09-04-21, 15:04
I believe I noted that in my prior followup, sir, with a hard choice I'm gonna have to make in my own career if I transition from datamining and analysis to on-the-floor exhibit work. :) The ideal sitch would be a co-op, each family taking one subject and doing an hour or two a week teaching it for everybody.

I did that through highschool. K-5 public school, 6th-8th homeschooled, 9th-11th was a co-op, and my senior year was spent at a private school doing electives ready to graduate by the end of the first semester. My math instructor for all of high school was my best friend's mom who was adopted as a refugee from N Korea when she was 3 years old, and went on to become a brilliant mathematician. Biology and chemistry was taught by another friend's mom that was a pediatrician turned pharmacist after working 10 years in a hospital. And that's how it went for almost 4 years and now hearing from my girlfriend who works with SPED students in the public school system, my gut wrenches every time she tells me about what happened at work with what the students openly talk about. 8th graders talking about having sex and getting blowjobs in the football field bleachers from 7th graders. Doing drugs in the bathroom, setting shit on fire in the school building during school hours, and being absolute degens to the teachers to the point of causing tears. Some of it is the parents' faults, some of it is the regression of societal norms and morals. It's insane.

09-30-21, 16:36
That was a good idea from Veritas to release it the day before the school board meeting. Lots of pissed parents pointing out the need to give other school officials the boot, calling for criminal investigation in to Gipe, and so on.


10-02-21, 12:46
That soy boy pussy made a video stating he’s possibly getting fired and getting death threats. As it should be. That mf’er is the equivalent to the cracker in the middle of a circle jerk.
All actions have consequences. Some good, some bad. Oh, well,…