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09-01-21, 13:40

The problem in the country is all these damn hicks that won't just embrace communism.


Hillary was right- the Peasants really ARE revolting.....


YOU are bad people and you deserve everything that your Masters decide to do to you.

09-01-21, 14:05
We've been sliding toward Balkanization for a long time, and the past few years have hastened the process. It's going to get worse before it gets better.

09-01-21, 14:24
"So far, these are merely anecdotes, but if verified by more rigorous research they could point toward something real and important: Not just growing ideological unification across the rural areas of the country, but the drift of that ideology in the direction of the Confederacy. The point isn't that the American countryside increasingly wants to avenge the honor of Southern slaveowners for their loss in a war that ended over a century and a half ago.

Rather, the people who live in these areas share with the historic South an intense distrust of the federal government, veneration of local law enforcement, resentment of city folk, suspicion of minorities and foreigners, hostility to technologically driven change, and a keen sensitivity to cultural slights."

If I may, as to the Bolded part, I think he's pretty wrong.
I may distrust my Government, resent City folks (for generally some pretty sound reasons) I really don't see a lot of hostility for minorities or Foreigners unless the .gov bussed them in and dropped them off to sink or swim.
Technology, well it's pretty much embraced.
Keen sensitivity to cultural slights. Yes, we love our Momma's and if you talk bad about her I will kick your ass.

09-01-21, 14:31
"So far, these are merely anecdotes, but if verified by more rigorous research they could point toward something real and important: Not just growing ideological unification across the rural areas of the country, but the drift of that ideology in the direction of the Confederacy. The point isn't that the American countryside increasingly wants to avenge the honor of Southern slaveowners for their loss in a war that ended over a century and a half ago. Rather, the people who live in these areas share with the historic South an intense distrust of the federal government, veneration of local law enforcement, resentment of city folk, suspicion of minorities and foreigners, hostility to technologically driven change, and a keen sensitivity to cultural slights."

Yea, that's kind of the "money shot" bottom line of that particular article isn't it?

On the other article- You know the whole "Deplorable" thing never got me worked up as hard as the other exchange where she used the word "Irredeemable" to describe Trump supporters....Now THAT, holy crap, that's a dog whistle to genocide if I've ever heard one. I mean, if you can't be sent to a re education camp because you are irredeemable, what else could they possibly do with you?

09-01-21, 14:36
On the technology I think rather than talking about people using technology to make their lives better- because everyone has a computer, everyone has a cell phone, many people have streaming services vs cable anymore---- What he's getting at is the role technology plays in transferring jobs over seas or trashing traditional industries and destroying local communities in the process along with the mass surveillance state that's being built- in many cases by private companies.

I will also say that personally, I am Damn Hostile to Foreigners that are here illegally. If you're an American- by birth or naturalization, fine by me, but if you simply hop a fence and think you can stay, not hardly.

09-01-21, 14:48
Yea, that's kind of the "money shot" bottom line of that particular article isn't it?

On the other article- You know the whole "Deplorable" thing never got me worked up as hard as the other exchange where she used the word "Irredeemable" to describe Trump supporters....Now THAT, holy crap, that's a dog whistle to genocide if I've ever heard one. I mean, if you can't be sent to a re education camp because you are irredeemable, what else could they possibly do with you?

You know by saying that essentially she admitted she hated 25% of Americans, by her policy over the years, I would guess that number to be a little low, but then at least 50% hated her guts and would like to wear them for garters.

09-03-21, 02:00
The best part is that rural America makes the shit that matters. We grow the food, we pump the oil, we cut the timber, we generate the electricity, we mine the minerals..

09-03-21, 08:02
The best part is that rural America makes the shit that matters. We grow the food, we pump the oil, we cut the timber, we generate the electricity, we mine the minerals..

I live in an urban area that's very transient with people from outside of NC. I hear a lot of people talk smack about rural NC and the south. I tell them 'make fun at your peril.' Not only applied to rural NC/south, but rural Americans everywhere.

09-03-21, 08:13
Well, if they don't want my hick, white supremacist cows why do they keep buyin em?

09-03-21, 08:14
The candyasses are getting scared. We may not be able to catch and hang Soros, but their skinny, worthless, hides will NOT escape the coming storm...

09-03-21, 08:19
The candyasses are getting scared. We may not be able to catch and hang Soros, but their skinny, worthless, hides will NOT escape the coming storm...

And that's the funny thing to me.......They pretty much have it all- Government, Corporate America, Law Enforcement, Academia, Pop Culture and the Media, even the upper ranks of the Military.......

But yet they are getting more menacing by the day....It's driving them mad that we won't simply roll over and submit or just DIE and go away! It's like a dog that's been beat, they are just lashing out....

09-03-21, 08:24
And that's the funny thing to me.......They pretty much have it all- Government, Corporate America, Law Enforcement, Academia, Pop Culture and the Media, even the upper ranks of the Military.......

But yet they are getting more menacing by the day....It's driving them mad that we won't simply roll over and submit or just DIE and go away! It's like a dog that's been beat, they are just lashing out....

I live about 8 miles north of our city; kinda rural but not 'in the country'. About a mile from us a developer wants to put in a couple hundred high-density houses and condos. The locals are dead-set against it. I read an article of a zoning meeting, the money quote from a lady--in the city--who supported the rezoning and development, said "don't they know we know what's best for them?" when speaking about tax revenue the development would bring.

09-03-21, 08:29
I live about 8 miles north of our city; kinda rural but not 'in the country'. About a mile from us a developer wants to put in a couple hundred high-density houses and condos. The locals are dead-set against it. I read an article of a zoning meeting, the money quote from a lady--in the city--who supported the rezoning and development, said "don't they know we know what's best for them?" when speaking about tax revenue the development would bring.

Yea, that's the latest push though it goes back to Agenda 21. You have to Culturally Enrichify the suburbs.....Personally, I think that's great....for US.... Because when "middle America" can no longer keep their head up their asses, bunkered down in their cozy little cocoon, and has to DEAL WITH WHAT IS BEING DONE TO THEM, IN THEIR OWN FRONT YARDS, EVERY DAY.....Things will change. Take a look at the Buck Head secession movement in Atlanta....People are waking the F up!

09-03-21, 09:07
Yea, that's the latest push though it goes back to Agenda 21. You have to Culturally Enrichify the suburbs.....Personally, I think that's great....for US.... Because when "middle America" can no longer keep their head up their asses, bunkered down in their cozy little cocoon, and has to DEAL WITH WHAT IS BEING DONE TO THEM, IN THEIR OWN FRONT YARDS, EVERY DAY.....Things will change. Take a look at the Buck Head secession movement in Atlanta....People are waking the F up!

Next thing you know, because of that they'll be declaring the Browning buck logo "WAAAAAAAAAAAYCIST!"...

09-03-21, 09:12
Next thing you know, because of that they'll be declaring the Browning buck logo "WAAAAAAAAAAAYCIST!"...

Nah, they make pink ones- You can claim to be queer! Instant shield from any accusations. :D

09-03-21, 09:21
Chuckman, I live in an area very similar to yours it sounds. I’m in the VERY far west Chicago suburbs but even a bit west of there. One thing my “village” did when they incorporated about 20 years ago was establish bylaws that limit the “mass housing” and mandatory lot minimums for new construction. We also established a fund that is used to purchase various farm ground if it comes up for sale (and this plan is public knowledge) to continue to establish open space. I’ve seen it done and land is then slowly returned to nature. It’s refreshing to have this open space around and available. Our little 4 acre lot is next to two other 3-4 acre lots with a house on each, our 13 acre subdivision is surrounded by a tree farm that is slated to be purchased by the village whenever the business decides to sell(though we are interested in purchasing some of the land as well). That could be something that your area looks at doing as well.

09-03-21, 09:45
I wonder exactly how they plan to circumvent deed restrictions and restrictive covenants? Because those have already been found to be valuable property rights.

MEANING, if the state wants to essentially outlaw their enforcement in order to build more multi family units- they will have to pay compensation. Unless of course they declare them void as violating Public Policy- which is exactly what they did with all the old covenants against selling to blacks and jews etc....

09-03-21, 10:35
I would have to find out about that. And I really could see that happening in Illinois.