View Full Version : Before Magoul Dynamics and YouTube instructors... there was LENNY MAGILL!

09-02-21, 06:04
Lenny Magill is my spirit animal.

Dude is like a grown up Zack Morris from Saved By the Bell.

He amazingly rocked the hair, glasses, and fanny pack in the 90s.

I can honestly say I watched most of his VHS TAPES as a teenager growing up AND LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF 'EM!


Fun fact - Lenny's parents did not name him.

As soon as he came out of the birth canal, he looked around the room and then announced, "Hey there, it's Lenny Magill." And they all just stared at him, speechless, wondering where he got the wraparound sunglasses.


Seriously, while he was never some high speed snake eating mofo. He was visionary in using a camera, quality production, and mail order marketing. He honestly gave birth to the entertainment/instructor persona we have today on YouTube and elsewhere. Additionally, he got information out to a lot of people even if the info wasn't cutting edge or high speed.

09-02-21, 06:05

09-02-21, 06:06

09-02-21, 06:06

09-02-21, 06:06

09-02-21, 06:07

I can honestly admit that I have a shit-ton of his VHS tapes from back in the 1990s. I rented the hell out of them and later bought them when the local mom and pop rental store cleared out their VHS collection for DVDs.

Bask in the wonders of the 1990s.

Fun Fact:

Lenny's parents did not name him.

As soon as he came out of the birth canal, he looked around the room and then announced, "Hey there, it's Lenny Magill." And they all just stared at him, speechless, wondering where he got the wraparound sunglasses and kick ass hair.

He also videotaped his birth and sold the VHS and Betamax copies to his parents.

09-02-21, 09:10
The Lenninator.

09-02-21, 09:44
Epic video's with a hair gel factor of 9.8.

09-02-21, 20:03
I seriously forgot this dude...how could I?!?!?

Seems like he's been in the news recently:


09-02-21, 20:33
Definitely should have had a guest appearance on Miami Vice.

He was A/V pioneer, I was watching some old videos of the early Steel Challenge matches and he was the host/narrator.

09-02-21, 21:18
While not nearly as Ron Popeil as Lenny, when I was in high school my Dad ordered some VHS tapes from LFI (Massad Ayoob) and that led to us taking a few classes in 1983.

09-02-21, 22:20
Wow, Tammy Magill has some of the most awesome 80's "mall hair" I have ever seen.

09-02-21, 22:37
Great thread. I forgot about this dude. Definitely enjoyed his stuff back in the day.

09-02-21, 22:46
Magill attempted to get into the changing room that a friend's female coworker was in at SHOT Show a few years back.

09-02-21, 23:04
Tammy was shooting that revolver pretty decent.

Lenny's son Lenny Jr. shoots the SoCal local USPSA's here and there. He was shooting carry optics last I saw, right good too. Out of a 90-100 people, some of which are shooting full open guns at a GM level, he'd come in like 8th at 90%. Real good shooter.

Lenny is still making vids, saw some on YT.

09-02-21, 23:05
Wow, Tammy Magill has some of the most awesome 80's "mall hair" I have ever seen.

That was truly awesome 80's blond hair.