View Full Version : Would it be Okay at this point to point out.

09-02-21, 06:48
That if you voted for Joe Biden you have blood on your hands?
I mean we were all pretty aware that he had severe cognative loss and that he is dangerous as POTUS in that condition.
I'm just thinking if you voted for him, well, I hope your proud.

09-02-21, 08:10
I was thinking; I hope you develop horrifically painful, rapid growth brain cancer and leave the Gene Pool.

09-02-21, 08:17
I'd be surprised if ANYBODY here voted for him.

Then again... I do have a few folks in my private band camp, sooo...

09-02-21, 08:44
Those that voted for Biden did not get him "installed" into office. It was blatant fraud and criminal decisions/actions that got him installed. I would say that rino lawmakers at the state level are more responsible than any real "live" citizen that actually voted for Biden.

09-02-21, 08:49

09-02-21, 09:20
Even Barack Obama warned about Feckless Joe.

Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f--- things up.

09-02-21, 10:23
Even Barack Obama warned about Feckless Joe.

That he did.

09-02-21, 11:21
That if you voted for Joe Biden you have blood on your hands?
I mean we were all pretty aware that he had severe cognative loss and that he is dangerous as POTUS in that condition.
I'm just thinking if you voted for him, well, I hope your proud.

I'm going to simply this whole thing.

If one actually voted for the crazy old vegetable brain because they really liked him or his message, that person is going to keep quiet and acts like nothing happens. If you ask that person, he/she will say that the salad head did a good job and ending the war. Whether deep inside that person believes it or not, that's what he/she will say. He/she may have buyer's remorse deep down inside, but admission is not going to happen.

Since most of us here on this forum thinks there was election fraud, those other "mysterious extra voters" don't care, do they?

Another group of voters that voted for veggie head are Trump haters. Well, they still hate Trump and they feel the same way as the voters in the first group.

09-02-21, 11:33
I'm going to simply this whole thing.

If one actually voted for the crazy old vegetable brain because they really liked him or his message, that person is going to keep quiet and acts like nothing happens. If you ask that person, he/she will say that the salad head did a good job and ending the war. Whether deep inside that person believes it or not, that's what he/she will say. He/she may have buyer's remorse deep down inside, but admission is not going to happen.

Since most of us here on this forum thinks there was election fraud, those other "mysterious extra voters" don't care, do they?

Another group of voters that voted for veggie head are Trump haters. Well, they still hate Trump and they feel the same way as the voters in the first group.

Not just Trump haters, "Other" haters--meaning if you're not sufficiently Left of Lenin for their purity tests... well, Orwell was himself a socialist and I've seen idiots trying to smear him and anyone who cites him as "Reich-wing Fascists." Like Trump said, their real hatred is everyone who doesn't think as they do, and Trump was just their highest priority because he was the biggest and most effective barrier between them and us, as I noted in this old Redstate piece where I was trying to call the Nevertards that then ruled Redstate back to sanity while in the middle of my own pivot.
Funny how the Republican Establishment only believes in "the only alternate to our guy is the even worse D" when it's THEIR guy... of course, the R and D elites look down their noses at all filthy proles equally. I've long thought that Farm Country should quit shipping food to the Concrete Jungles, particularly the Left Coast and Northeast, and see how things change then...

09-02-21, 12:50
OF all the people around Joe, the one that history is going to be least kind to is Dr. Jill. Maybe being that close, she doesn't see the decline, but that is hard to really believe. Anyone who has been around loved ones going through this knows that your perception of it is trailing and glosses over things, but you know something isn't right. You know any indepth cognitive test would show a pretty marked decline in the last 6 years. Joe may have been wrong most of the time, but he thought and spoke quickly on his feet- and he is no where near his peak- that is obvious.

Maybe in 2017 or so when Joe was starting the run, she didn't see it as much. I don't think at this time that she can turn a blind eye to it, but what to do? Let Kamala take over, even Jill knows that would be worse for the country.

If only Trump had shown the ability to show any kind of impulse control, we wouldn't be here right now. Trump could have made it a running joke- don't make me bring out 'bad Trump'.

But here we are. Sold a bad bill of goods, and the insurance claim or replacement is a high-time, hard-ridden refurb unit.

Can we get a cacckle-off between Kamala and Tucker Carlson? What is up with their laughs....

09-02-21, 12:53
OF all the people around Joe, the one that history is going to be least kind to is Dr. Jill. Maybe being that close, she doesn't see the decline, but that is hard to really believe. Anyone who has been around loved ones going through this knows that your perception of it is trailing and glosses over things, but you know something isn't right. You know any indepth cognitive test would show a pretty marked decline in the last 6 years. Joe may have been wrong most of the time, but he thought and spoke quickly on his feet- and he is no where near his peak- that is obvious.

I think she actively WELCOMES his decline so she can "Shadow President" just like her hero, fellow trader-upper and gold-digger Edith Bolling Galt Wilson. She's ambitious, avaricious, and thinks playing Jeff Dunham to his Walter is the perfect arrangement.

09-02-21, 14:32
Jeff Dunham to his Walter is the perfect arrangement.

You mean this? :)


09-02-21, 14:39
You mean this? :)


Yup... in the sense that he's the dummy, she's the hand up the ass making the lips work.

09-02-21, 14:40
That if you voted for Joe Biden you have blood on your hands?

That seems like a pretty harsh thing to say about someone’s deceased Grandparents.