View Full Version : Whitmer Plot FBI Agent Anti Trumper--Trump Voter

09-03-21, 07:23

Do you understand that every institution has been completely corrupted against you and the American way of life as we've known it? EVERY ONE. As Kurt Schlichter often says, "Buy guns and ammo, they hate you and want you dead".....We have nothing but one another......Prepare as best you can.

09-03-21, 07:28
Michael Hills — who represents defendant Brandon Caserta, who is among the six people charged in the case — said during a court hearing Thursday that prosecutors decided not to use Agent Richard Trask's testimony during a pending October trial. Prosecutors gave defense teams access to Trask's social media posts this week, with at least one taking aim at Trump and his supporters, Hills said, according to the Detroit News.

"If you still support our piece of s*** president you can f*** off," read the March 28, 2020, post. "As someone whose wife works in the hospital I hope you burn in hell along with your douchebag f****** reality tv star. His ego is going to kill a lot of people and anyone who supports that is a dumbass. This is what you get when you elect an egotistica/narcissistic (sic) maniac to the top office. He needs people to be nice to him or he won't help. F*** you douche."

No really, nothing to see here, he's getting a fair and unbiased form of Justice yopu just haven't seen before...

09-03-21, 09:28
LOL, he beat his wife after a dispute over a swingers party, allegedly. What a winner our secret police have employed.

09-03-21, 09:41
LOL, he beat his wife after a dispute over a swingers party, allegedly. What a winner our secret police have employed.

Stalins KGB was full of these types of people, the records are pretty clear on it. They literally recruited them from prison in many cases.

09-03-21, 10:32
Stalins KGB was full of these types of people, the records are pretty clear on it. They literally recruited them from prison in many cases.

People whom you have leverage over are easier to control...

09-03-21, 10:38
People whom you have leverage over are easier to control...

And, they have a history of doing things that are distasteful for most of society without qualms..... If you want to rob, rape and murder people- Who better to do it for you than people who are ALREADY DOING IT? Guy allows other men to screw his wife and beats her, you think he's going to have any problem beating YOUR WIFE OR DAUGHTER AND SCREWING THEM, in front of you? History says no.

09-03-21, 17:00
Sterling characters we have in the FBI.

09-03-21, 19:53
And, they have a history of doing things that are distasteful for most of society without qualms..... If you want to rob, rape and murder people- Who better to do it for you than people who are ALREADY DOING IT? Guy allows other men to screw his wife and beats her, you think he's going to have any problem beating YOUR WIFE OR DAUGHTER AND SCREWING THEM, in front of you? History says no.

I know that during the Vietnam era, really as it was coming to a close, the CIA recruited from amongst the enlisted looking specifically for psychopathic tendencies. Morally agnostic people are useful for certain tasks.

ETA: It also seems our society is training entire generations to be more moral agnostic, or at least to elevate the government as the arbiter of both truth, and right and wrong. We have interesting days ahead, I'm pretty darn certain.