View Full Version : If You Build it, They will Fund---TX. Border Wall, Private Donations top $54 Million

09-03-21, 07:36

Once again, we only have one another.....but, there are still a lot of us. You are not alone.

"In the Absence of Orders, Go Find Something and Kill it"

Erwin Rommel

09-03-21, 08:15
In the single month of August, they raised $54 Million Dollars! Not only from Texas but from across the entire United States. That should be enough money to fund 10-20 miles or more of fencing. Not really sure, I know that when the Feds were doing it it was something like $5-6 mil per mile but since Texas is building on Private Land, no Condemnations etc...I would think it would be much cheaper......

We CAN make a difference.