View Full Version : Do these numbnuts have to disclose support for BLM

09-08-21, 11:36
Occasionally, we get interviewed by retired agents when they're doing a five-year reinvestigation on one of our other employees and one of the questions is about if that person ever belonged to, or supported, a group that was attempting to overthrow the U.S. government.

So if this person was a big supporter of BLM, or had participated in the "mostly peaceful protests" would you be correct in answering "yes, they do support a group like that"? BLM's own founders continue to openly state they want an end to capitalism, a destruction of the nuclear family and a socialist society, none of which is compatible with the Constitutional Republic that some of us are desperately trying to maintain here in America.

I'm sure it would end up getting me questioned further rather than the person who actively supports an overtly Marxist organization that participated/organized something on the order of 85% of the nearly 700 violent riots in the United States last year.

Anyway, I was giving this some thought today seeing the investigator was in my wing of the building. I'm sure it will come up again in other interviews. Do these people commit perjury if they fill out federal or state applications and answer in the negative to that particular question?

Or has this already proven to be a moot point in that the left and seemingly every entity that matters supports them as well? Sure I'd get a different answer from the powers that be if I replaced the BLM riots with the Jan. 6 unrest at the Capitol.

09-08-21, 11:57
Don't perjure yourself. Answer honestly, and let the chips fall where they may.

09-08-21, 12:59
Of course you should report them.
However; since Crazy World has come to stay, I’d say to choose your battles.

09-08-21, 16:05
I don't know of anyone who works here who actively participated but I have my suspicions. Had one dope show up for his first day with a face mask with "black lives matter" on it. His wife's big collateral duty is to run the "diversity and inclusion" festivities

09-08-21, 16:57
If the domestic enemy in charge doesn't consider black lives to be the actual terrorist org. that it is, then the answer, to stay off the radar, would be "no".

Morally and practically of course, a lie, but subjectively accurate, for "them".

09-09-21, 10:07
I think my response would be "Do you have a list of said organizations?" :)