Straight Shooter
09-09-21, 09:07
Just read where the rat bastard up for nomination to the BATF has been withdrawn.
EXCELLENT...and a huge defeat for the feckless old bastard in the WH.

09-09-21, 09:13
Just read where the rat bastard up for nomination to the BATF has been withdrawn.
EXCELLENT...and a huge defeat for the feckless old bastard in the WH.

I threw that up too, but you beat me too it.

It is good news. Be interesting to see who they nominate in his place....

09-09-21, 09:25
I think they purposely nominated the extremist chippy knowing that they would withdraw him later so that the next nominee wouldn't look so extreme, but would be just as bad or worse.

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09-09-21, 09:45
I think they purposely nominated the extremist chippy knowing that they would withdraw him later so that the next nominee wouldn't look so extreme, but would be just as bad or worse.

Obama would have been that clever, but "Biden" is some randomly shifting group of deep staters and flappers. Wouldn't be surprised if "Dr." Jill Biden is doing 90% of the decision-making that is attributed to Joe, and she's one of the few people there who is less capable and less knowledgeable than demented old Joe. So I think Chipman was actually intended to be confirmed, but the "Biden" team can't really accomplish anything that gets any pushback at all. "Biden" can hardly even stand up to Pelosi.

There's no one in charge there.

09-09-21, 09:53
Good bye asshole!

09-09-21, 09:54
Battle won, war continues, bigger bowlfloater to follow.

We did good, and can take a minute to celebrate, but we know they WILL be back with another goose-stepping jackboot.

09-09-21, 10:09
I always added an "M" to his name making him "Chimpman".
Not only does it fit his ape like look, it reminds you biden was just "Monkeying" around.

09-09-21, 10:10
Obama would have been that clever, but "Biden" is some randomly shifting group of deep staters and flappers. Wouldn't be surprised if "Dr." Jill Biden is doing 90% of the decision-making that is attributed to Joe, and she's one of the few people there who is less capable and less knowledgeable than demented old Joe. So I think Chipman was actually intended to be confirmed, but the "Biden" team can't really accomplish anything that gets any pushback at all. "Biden" can hardly even stand up to Pelosi.

There's no one in charge there.

Yea, this thought crossed my mind too. That Chipman was just a stalking horse, make us "shoot our wad" opposing him and then the real nominee has a clear path. Old tactic....But, I also agree that Biden and Co. are pretty incompetent and I don't think they have the ability to make this happen that way. Although, as every divorced man knows- Women are only as dumb as the smartest Lawyer they can find!

09-09-21, 10:16
This is nice to hear. We still need to keep this momentum going, they will follow this up with something to fan at their base while they are already up in arms over Texas abortion legislation.

09-09-21, 13:54
Good to see the Repubs holding the line for once.

We'll have to see if the next one is better or worse. I'm not betting on better.

09-09-21, 13:57
You gotta wonder who is actually calling the shots in the WH. There is no way CHI-Den even remembered who was nominated.

Good job Mitch.

09-09-21, 14:21
You gotta wonder who is actually calling the shots in the WH. There is no way CHI-Den even remembered who was nominated.

Good job Mitch.

"You know, that Waco Guy...."


The Turtle wins one now and then....

09-09-21, 14:25
I'm still unhappy that Trump didn't dismantle the entire corrupt agency.... or a least cripple it into ineffectuality. Just let the affirmative action hires play with crayons and draw govt paychecks.