View Full Version : My odd Ghislaine Maxwell Memory.

09-13-21, 15:13
I have an odd connection to this story. My GF's father was the CEO of Berlitz International, and was a wealthy man due to that. Maxwell had purchased Berlitz at that time. He mentioned meeting Maxwell and his daughter Ghislaine, and I didn't think anything of that for decades until the Epstein thing, and it was a while until I finally put 2+2 on that one.

When Maxwell "fell" off his boat and their whole $ issues exposed, he like many lost his job quickly, and had to scramble for another source of employment. I remember them having to downsize their house and such. The GF and I broke up, and I was out of the loop after that.

Small world no?


09-13-21, 18:52
Maxwell is one of those people that makes me wish I really believed in final judgement and eternal hell.

Cause that's where she really belongs.

09-13-21, 19:50
I really hope she talks. She doesn't seem tough enough to keep her mouth shut and do her time. She is The keeper of the secrets (and videos). I hope those child molesting shitbirds are getting very nervous

09-13-21, 19:53
She's going to fall down some stairs while in handcuffs with a Federal Marshall at each elbow and break her neck and in custody .
Never goes to trial.

09-13-21, 20:52
She's going to fall down some stairs while in handcuffs with a Federal Marshall at each elbow and break her neck and in custody .
Never goes to trial.

Yup. Or a mysterious heart attack, brain aneurysm, stroke, etc...

09-14-21, 00:18
Yup. Or a mysterious heart attack, brain aneurysm, stroke, etc...

Suicide while on suicide watch. Of course all the relevant cameras will be down, inexplicably, during the time "she" does the deed, and then the guards on duty will also commit suicide in the following months, presumably due to their own guilt and depression from failure to prevent Ghislane from offing herself.

09-14-21, 00:58
I can't believe the bitch is still alive.

09-14-21, 01:29
I really hope she talks. She doesn't seem tough enough to keep her mouth shut and do her time. She is The keeper of the secrets (and videos). I hope those child molesting shitbirds are getting very nervous

Much as I'd love to see her expose the Woody Allen's of the world without evidence that can't be ignored, I also sorta hope she gets shived to death. She should die feeling like nobody...a thing...something that somebody else did for whatever.

09-14-21, 07:26
I wouldn't count on Epstein being dead vs. living a tax payer subsidized dream.

Our country has a nasty history of connected low lifes just up and dying around the time their victims come to light and getting denied the right and pleasure of hanging them by their heels for pinata duty.

Another merry band of perverts from years past lead by Georgia Tann.


09-14-21, 07:31
How did Hunter's "art sale" go?

Charges dropped in 3, 2, ...

09-14-21, 11:30
After watching what happened to epstein, she should have wised up fast.

If she was smart she would have a dead-hand switch on the evidence she has. Anything happens to her, it gets released.

It is what I suspect is still keeping her alive, she's let everyone know she has this setup and waiting.

Probably what she is using to negotiate a deal for herself as to prison as well.

09-14-21, 13:46
After watching what happened to epstein, she should have wised up fast.

If she was smart she would have a dead-hand switch on the evidence she has. Anything happens to her, it gets released.

It is what I suspect is still keeping her alive, she's let everyone know she has this setup and waiting.

Probably what she is using to negotiate a deal for herself as to prison as well.

You don’t think she was his handler? For IIS, MI6, CIA or all three?

09-15-21, 12:58
You don’t think she was his handler? For IIS, MI6, CIA or all three?

one of the above is possible, if I recall correctly there is intel community in her background somehow. however I suspect it's more likely jeffyboy made one of several mistakes.
1. he got greedy & raised the annual booking fees for 'fantasy island' too high.
2, got too big for his britches & thought he was untouchable.
3. somebody got tired of paying the annual booking fees for 'fantasy island' and decided jeffyboy had to go.
4. Everybody knew about 'fantasy island' jeffyboy couldn't keep it quiet or was getting careless about handling things, time for him to go.

Jeffyboy was playing at a level where a peon like him having the power he did over the rich and powerful is something that is going to stick in their craw badly. I suspect people at that level of power and influence do not like having a peon like him having the ability to tell them to 'eff off' on whatever basis and be able to get away with it.
Consequently he was set up and gotten rid of, and his personal collection of videos was securely put away.

Maxwell probably saw the writing on the wall and made sure to have an insurance policy. She hid out for how long? A year?
And she had help doing so along with the financial means to do so. What does that say about her planning things out?
At some point she'd have to come out from hiding, she can't run for the rest of her life. Take a year to get her insurance policy set up, then they 'find' her and it quite possibly being her deliberate doing as now she's ready to deal with them.

All of this could be entirely wrong albeit given what we saw reported about the situation it is what I think the most immediate possibility.

09-15-21, 14:50
No offense, but you need to research this in more detail. He had too many “coincidences” in his past to be what the surface legend purported him to be. As for her, look into her father’s life and death. If I’m not mistaken, there are movie plots based on it…

09-16-21, 12:57
No offense, but you need to research this in more detail. He had too many “coincidences” in his past to be what the surface legend purported him to be. As for her, look into her father’s life and death. If I’m not mistaken, there are movie plots based on it…

No offense taken. As I said all of what I wrote could be wrong. To your point I do recall articles about jeffyboy talking about intel things in his background. "coincidences" as you put it which seemed possible yet no immediate connection and I don't disagree with your point.
it is entirely possible those coincidences turn out to be much deeper than will ever be known, and it's not impossible jeffyboy running an X rated fantasy island would have intel activities involved with it.

My thinking is based on what appears to be the most likely. The money he made based on supposed speculation and/or investment simply defies explanation, how much money he made vrs how much he put in. It simply doesn't add up and was mathematically almost impossible. the most likely scenario is all of that was a money laundering operation for the blackmail he was likely making off of 'fantasy island'.
Hence my comment about 'annual booking fees for fantasy island'.

As for maxwell, it is a fact she managed to disappear for almost a year after jeffyboy was killed, how did she manage to do that? And she has not "committed suicide". The odds are there's only one thing keeping her alive, what she possibly has in terms of evidence and what she can do with it.

This whole situation is likely something we'll never know the entire truth about.

09-17-21, 05:58
I think his operation more than likely discovered something that was too hot for him to know, so they popped him, possibly. Think of the Army guards that accidentally saw Stalin’s incapacitated body, subsequently killed by the NKVD, for instance.

09-19-21, 01:32
I think his operation more than likely discovered something that was too hot for him to know, so they popped him, possibly. Think of the Army guards that accidentally saw Stalin’s incapacitated body, subsequently killed by the NKVD, for instance.

we could speculate from now till the cows come home as to what was going on behind what we were able to observe and discern, and likely never know how deep that situation really goes.

09-19-21, 08:44
Yup. Or a mysterious heart attack, brain aneurysm, stroke, etc...

More like Hillary Clinton herself empties an entire belt from a SAW into Maxwell on live national television, and the FBI still concludes that it was a suicide.