View Full Version : Covid Really Sucks

09-14-21, 15:39
I was out of the country, and came down with Covid.

I had ZERO Covid symptoms, everyone thought I had the local flu because those were my symptoms. After 4 days of being ill, I went for PCR test because I was going to fly back to the USA, but the test came back positive.

I was unable to keep even water down, so I was put in hospital and put on IV's. Thank G-D, the doctors believed in and used the Ivermectin protocol,
so I was put on it as soon as I was tested positive.

I was so bad I had 2 days, where everyone was surprised, that I survived those 2 days.

I am now back in the USA, having tested no Covid with PCR test. But I am really exhausted.

I am sure that rucking at least 5 days a week plus yoga and strength training helped me survive this Chicom bio-weapon.

09-14-21, 15:52
Glad to hear that you recovered!

Interesting that it took four days to really get a head of steam on you?

And since you're better.... uhm, where are our clone P7s? ;)

09-14-21, 15:56
Damn. Glad you are back. I hope you make a 100% recovery.

09-14-21, 16:08
Good to hear from you, glad your doing better.

Alex V
09-14-21, 16:12
Happy to hear you are better. It's crazy how it hits some people hard while others feel nearly nothing.

A buddy of mine who is a big dude and smokes heavily said he had colds that were worse. Another who is in shape and doesn't smoke was fairly sick for a few days. Another one felt like crap for all of 12 hours.

Doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason.

09-14-21, 16:12
Everyone in my office came down with it, along with their families. Half were vaxxed. Miserable shit.

09-14-21, 16:15
My whole family had it, we went down like dominoes, one person about 24 hours behind the other. For us it was actually like a "bad cold"/URI with fever, from beginning to end about 2 weeks per person.

09-14-21, 16:35
Glad to hear you made it through Yoni.

09-14-21, 16:39
A close friend got over COVID-19 two weeks ago. He is really worn out and has to nap quite a bit. He is in his mid 60's, was vaccinated and very careful to wear a mask when he left the house.

Glad to hear you made it through it Yoni. I know a few people who did not.

09-14-21, 16:45
Had it last year in March...I didn't get the fever or loss of taste / smell like the girls, but the dry cough & heavy chest sucked. The damn fatigue was the worst, lasted weeks & was beginning to worry I would never feel normal.

IVM wasn't even on the radar...the trick is to jump in on day one & we are locked & loaded if it wants to go another round.

09-14-21, 17:54
Monoclonal antibodies like Regeneron have a damn good track record if given within a 10-day window from onset of symptoms. That's what they gave Trump last year when he had it.

09-14-21, 18:30
Glad you're doing better man. Yes, Covid can be rough. I've lost 11 family members because of it, many under 45, healthy, fit, farm people who have worked hard their entire lives (tough people to say the least). Some of them make no sense and were very fit people. 1 step-sister, her brother, 2 cousins, 4 uncles, and some other extended family members.

I agree with ABNAK, the Regeneron treatment can be a game changer. My wife was down with it pretty hard a few weeks ago and she had the Regeneron treatment and was out of bed a day later and was back to "normal" a few days later. I haven't had it yet that has been confirmed but have been treated twice in 6 months for the symptoms but haven't popped hot on any test, even though I've had quite a few tests.

Funny thing, my wife had it and I never caught it, even though I stayed in the house with her. My daughter had it and my son-in-law never caught it and he stayed in the house with her. We all had the Vax - me, wife, and SIL had the Moderna and the daughter had the Pfizer.

If the Shanghai Sniffles has your number, you're getting it. I know their are known co-morbitities that can contribute to how sick a person can get, but the rest is a crap shoot.

09-14-21, 19:05
I was out of the country, and came down with Covid.

I had ZERO Covid symptoms, everyone thought I had the local flu because those were my symptoms. After 4 days of being ill, I went for PCR test because I was going to fly back to the USA, but the test came back positive.

I was unable to keep even water down, so I was put in hospital and put on IV's. Thank G-D, the doctors believed in and used the Ivermectin protocol,
so I was put on it as soon as I was tested positive.

I was so bad I had 2 days, where everyone was surprised, that I survived those 2 days.

I am now back in the USA, having tested no Covid with PCR test. But I am really exhausted.

I am sure that rucking at least 5 days a week plus yoga and strength training helped me survive this Chicom bio-weapon.

What country?

Glad you recovered.

09-14-21, 21:20
Glad you're doing better man. Yes, Covid can be rough. I've lost 11 family members because of it, many under 45, healthy, fit, farm people who have worked hard their entire lives (tough people to say the least). Some of them make no sense and were very fit people. 1 step-sister, her brother, 2 cousins, 4 uncles, and some other extended family members.

I agree with ABNAK, the Regeneron treatment can be a game changer. My wife was down with it pretty hard a few weeks ago and she had the Regeneron treatment and was out of bed a day later and was back to "normal" a few days later. I haven't had it yet that has been confirmed but have been treated twice in 6 months for the symptoms but haven't popped hot on any test, even though I've had quite a few tests.

Funny thing, my wife had it and I never caught it, even though I stayed in the house with her. My daughter had it and my son-in-law never caught it and he stayed in the house with her. We all had the Vax - me, wife, and SIL had the Moderna and the daughter had the Pfizer.

If the Shanghai Sniffles has your number, you're getting it. I know their are known co-morbitities that can contribute to how sick a person can get, but the rest is a crap shoot.

My God, were they blood relatives to each other??? That’s horrible. I hope before this all fades from that they actually look at cases and figure out why some cases were worse than others.

09-14-21, 22:03
Happy to hear you are better. It's crazy how it hits some people hard while others feel nearly nothing.

A buddy of mine who is a big dude and smokes heavily said he had colds that were worse. Another who is in shape and doesn't smoke was fairly sick for a few days. Another one felt like crap for all of 12 hours.

Doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason.

Im in the camp that it doesn't matter what you do in life. When its your time, its your time. Only way anything makes sense

09-14-21, 22:08
I know tons of people who have had it. Way up in the double digits. From young to old (mid 80s) Healthy(er) and no so healthy. People who were worried, people who couldn't care less. People who are gym rats, people who smoke 10 packs a day, even people on chemo at the time.... 4 hospitalizations, 1 death. Friend of a friend's neighbor type of thing.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

09-14-21, 22:13
As part of my recovery from the fatigue, what is the best course of action?

Total rest or start working out as best as possible?

09-14-21, 22:17
My God, were they blood relatives to each other??? That’s horrible. I hope before this all fades from that they actually look at cases and figure out why some cases were worse than others.

No, it was on multiple sides of my family, mother's side, father's side, and some in-laws, so there's no correlation to genetics, bloodlines, or other common factors. None of those lost were "soft". No obesity, diabetes, or other known factors.

My wife and I didn't take this seriously in the beginning and only wore a mask to humor my parents when we went to see them. I spent over 200 nights in hotels in 2020 on business travel and never missed a beat. Have spent almost 130 so far this year and my wife and daughter ended up bringing it home from a Bachelorette party.

After it started running thru my family and taking some out, I started changing my approach to being out in public. I've always had to wear a mask on flights and in our plants but refused to wear one anywhere else. I started wearing a mask when in public and in large crowds.

I don't know what the right answer is but each of us has to make and live with our own decisions. One thing is for sure, it takes healthy individuals as well as the unhealthy, albeit on a smaller scale. It isn't the damn flu and anyone parroting that is naive. Very naive.

09-14-21, 22:18
Range therapy…. 55 grains times 30. Repeat as necessary….

09-14-21, 22:26
I simply rolled in the moment with the fatigue aspect & cannot recommend any remedy...I forced myself to walk the dogs when I thought I needed it & stayed dormant when it seemed my body said no.

It was weird...I would wake up & immediately knew it was either grab the leashes & take the dogs for a walk day or drag a blanket to the couch & veg. I didn't fight any urge...it went on forever & then one day I felt back to normal. I've had way worse sinus infections, but gotta say covid was the most bizarre cootie I've ever experienced much less try to explain. Don't overthink it & let your body speak...take extra time off if needed.

09-14-21, 23:10
As part of my recovery from the fatigue, what is the best course of action?

Total rest or start working out as best as possible?

I'm not a medical expert of any kind, but in my experience with things that kicked my ass hard, slow and steady regular exercise like maybe a daily walk around the park and nothing harder. Your body will tell you if you need to step it up or ease it back.

From what you described, which is scary as F, I might even put in a "light" exercise day followed by a recovery day. Gradual is what you are looking for. I've done a few "damn I hope this won't be permanent" injuries and that is what worked for me.

Yoga is probably the most important thing you ever did with your life. Flexible, relaxed and built over time are the things that let you come back from things that put other people into wal mart scooters forever.

Also I would NOT drop your guard yet. I would stay under medical supervision for the next 30 just to be sure. Lots of guys have gotten to zero symptoms and gone home only to have it all go bad fast. Don't screw around with this, if we've learned anything it is that everyone gets a very different experience.

Again I have no medical experience at all. So take that for what it's worth.

09-15-21, 00:02
I'm glad you are looking down at the grass not up, Yoni. Hope you get back to 100% soon.


09-15-21, 04:36
Good luck for a healthy recovery...

09-15-21, 05:16
I've read that high doses of vitamin C, along with standard doses of vitamin D3 (2000 iu), 30 mg zinc, 250 mg quercetin, and weekly doses of ivermectin aid in recovery. Also a low dose of aspirin.

09-15-21, 08:23

Sorry to hear about your bout with covid but I'm glad that you have recovered. Continue to get better.

09-15-21, 08:46
I was out of the country, and came down with Covid.

I had ZERO Covid symptoms, everyone thought I had the local flu because those were my symptoms. After 4 days of being ill, I went for PCR test because I was going to fly back to the USA, but the test came back positive.

I was unable to keep even water down, so I was put in hospital and put on IV's. Thank G-D, the doctors believed in and used the Ivermectin protocol,
so I was put on it as soon as I was tested positive.

I was so bad I had 2 days, where everyone was surprised, that I survived those 2 days.

I am now back in the USA, having tested no Covid with PCR test. But I am really exhausted.

I am sure that rucking at least 5 days a week plus yoga and strength training helped me survive this Chicom bio-weapon.

Glad you're feeling better at least. I'd be interested to hear more about that protocol and what their SOC was, and other info you can supply. What supplements, meds, etc are you using now to address any damage, avoid long covid, etc?

09-15-21, 09:36
Kol habriyut Yoni!
Means "wishing you good health", for the non Heebs.
Also interested in what meds/supplements are recommended for Rona recovery.
Based on what I have read, vax post actual infection and recovery is not necessary and may well be harmful, at least in the short term.


09-15-21, 10:16
As part of my recovery from the fatigue, what is the best course of action?

Total rest or start working out as best as possible?

I had it this past February. It was like a bad case of the flu for me. I was out of the gym for about 2 weeks. I do cross fit 4 times a week and a regular workout 3-4 times a week. I went right back and and could barely finish a workout. I kept at it though and after about 3 weeks I felt pretty much 100%. So in my case I went right back at it. Sounds like your case of COVID was worse than mine so it may take you longer to get back to 100%. When you get back to working out do what your body lets you do and go from there.

09-15-21, 10:19
Glad you made it through, Yoni. My best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.

09-15-21, 12:18
It can take up to four months to replace red blood cells. As I understand, the virus damages the membrane of red blood cells.

09-15-21, 12:56
Yeah it sucks Yoni, glad yo are making it through.

I'm in the middle of going through it myself. (my second round I believe, I had a terrible illness in Feb 2020 that was not flu or strep. I had fever, cough, chest congestion, sweats, chills) I think I got it from a chinese ship at the time, before Covid really made it to US.

This time was very mild to begin with, no fever, no cough or sore throat, but the headaches and fatigue are what intrigued me to get myself tested. That and my wife was positive. Going on just over a week this time now and I feel like I've turned the corner. I lost taste and smell for a couple days, that's it. But i have my appetite and good moments where I feel like being up and active, so I take advantage of those moments. Hopefully they will be more and more often. i got both ivermectin and regeneron this round too and it must have helped.

09-15-21, 13:37
FWIW I ran across this for those who have a covid vit / therapeutic supplement regiment...Lysine


09-15-21, 19:52
FWIW I ran across this for those who have a covid vit / therapeutic supplement regiment...Lysine


Thanks, a search showed some promise. Will pick some up @ Walmart, cheaper than Amazon and tired of sending money to Bezos.


09-16-21, 09:01
Glad your's went semi tolerable Yoni. Ended up with double pneumonia here, but on the mend after a few weeks.

2nd time(more than likely) I have had it. First was early February 2020 before it was supposed to be here, but my doc agrees I checked off the symptoms well that time too.

09-26-21, 07:39
Just an update, so others that have "long covid" can share knowledge.

Still don't have normal energy, but I am walking or doing a workout 6 days a week. Now workout is about 12 to 15 minutes with the lightest resistance band, and I am smoked at the end. I also go out for a walk that is about that same 15 minute time frame, also smoked at the end.

Last night had the worse covid headache so far.

But strength is coming back just very slowly.

So everyone that is in the same boat, just keep pushing forward.

09-26-21, 07:53
Just an update, so others that have "long covid" can share knowledge.

Still don't have normal energy, but I am walking or doing a workout 6 days a week. Now workout is about 12 to 15 minutes with the lightest resistance band, and I am smoked at the end. I also go out for a walk that is about that same 15 minute time frame, also smoked at the end.

Last night had the worse covid headache so far.

But strength is coming back just very slowly.

So everyone that is in the same boat, just keep pushing forward.

What supplements and or meds are you using ?

09-26-21, 08:40
What supplements and or meds are you using ?


09-26-21, 09:45
On the mend here, so think I can get the timeline right on progression.

Added B12, D, Zinc, and a baby aspirin in to the daily mix once there was a positive test.

Our son seems to have likely contracted it at school and was the first to present a symptom on a Monday evening with a headache that continued until slightly after he woke up the next morning which didn't click with us as anything other than a headache. Has had some coughing since then, but not even sure of it being related.

Wife began experiencing symptoms(low fever, stuffiness, cough) 2 evenings later(Wednesday) that initially seemed to be sinus related. Thursday morning came the positive test. After that the cough progressed along with lethargy and just about total loss of smell for a week. Can't recall the exact temp, but don't think it hit 102 and her SpO2 stayed high 90s.

Son(no symptoms by then other than iffy cough) tested positive Thursday afternoon while mine was negative.

I started coughing within a couple hours of taking the test and had a full on cough and dead tired with a low grade fever by Friday morning. Talked to our family Doc about what was going on and what was likely my first case of this in February 2020 that was mild.

During the next week son fine, wife SpO2 was up(cough,Tired, low fever).

Over the next week I had a lack of energy, coughing, and a low fever(which oddly made me feel like a high fever...very hot and touch was irritating....same scenario in Feb. 2020), but my Sp02 began dropping. By Friday morning it dipped in to the low 80s/ occasional upper 70s so off to the ER. Venous/arterial blood draws and X rays(can't recall if lung CT scan was that Friday or the rest of the story), but was given the option of home oxygen(3.5-5LPM) or getting admitted so I took the home oxygen option.

By next day the home O2 wasn't working so back to ER(same tests as the day before, as mentioned I can't recall which day the lung CT scan was done on) then was placed in a covid ICU ward on high volume 02(not sure what the highest was while in, but do recall seeing 80% at 35lpm early on) at least partially on a bipap set up. Started IV antibiotics and an oral steroid at that point along with breathing treatments. Oddly enough, my first temperature check in ICU was 103, but no irritated skin or feeling hot/crappy....this case and my likley earlier one were totally the opposite of any other time in my life when I have hit close to 100 or above).

Stayed in ICU 8 days with double pneumonia until the O2 gradually got dropped(by docs and nurses) to 60%/35lpm which got me moved to a non ICU room on a Sunday night where(oddly to me) the O2 got bumped to 70%/35lpm with no mention to me as had occurred with every O2 drop they gave me. The docs who visited me in the first 2 mornings kept mentioning trying to lower it, but never did the first drop.

The high volume O2 only had an @ 6' hose, but in ICU the toilet was beside the bed so workable. Regular room had a regular bath 10'+ too far away so was given a urinal jug upon arrival. By Tuesday I needed the bathroom so dropped the cannula and slowly made my way to the bathroom which was an easy trip there, but wobbly on the way back. Later Tuesday I needed to again so wisely called a nurse who I finally cajoled in to rigging me up on their wall O2 with a long enough hose with the promise I would hook back to the high volume as soon as I got back in bed, which I accomplished with no issues.

Wednesday ended up being an identical bathroom need situation debate with finally getting the wall O2 again. Finished my business and was sitting down about to switch back to high volume when a nurse almost ran in and told me not to switch since my O2 had stayed up fairly well while I was and she was going to go confer. After that I stayed low volume till discharge 2 days later on Friday morning.

Saturday afternoon(@ 28 hours after discharge) I had some heavy coughing that resulted in spit up blood a long with O2 drops when standing so ER had me come back in Saturday night. Vein/artery draws and a lung ct scan ruling out a clot sent me home along with steroids. Finally starting to drop home O2 the last few days.

Only advice I can think of is to check Sp02 levels and try to stay active. I was tired week 1, so laying down far more than normal, but not 24/7 so unsure if being up more would have prevented the pneumonia or not.

Also, find out about options in your area before you get sick. Our local hospital seems to be locked in to the official preplanned program based on my experience and a family friend who ended up dying on a vent earlier in the year being denied hydroxychloriquin and the other possible treatments at the time. I was made aware a hospital in an adjoining county was doing infusion therapy, but knew no other details such as how to get it and how long it could be done. I would likely have been within the window either on the 1st ER visit or the day of admittance, but not a peep from anyone treating me. That is an irritating issue(particularly combined with the details on the family friend dying) since 2 weekends later I was immediately informed that I would likely have to be transferred to another facility if admitted due to "bed shortage" which is actually an under staffing issue.

09-26-21, 10:45
Also, find out about options in your area before you get sick. Our local hospital seems to be locked in to the official preplanned program based on my experience and a family friend who ended up dying on a vent earlier in the year being denied hydroxychloriquin and the other possible treatments at the time. I was made aware a hospital in an adjoining county was doing infusion therapy, but knew no other details such as how to get it and how long it could be done. I would likely have been within the window either on the 1st ER visit or the day of admittance, but not a peep from anyone treating me. That is an irritating issue(particularly combined with the details on the family friend dying) since 2 weekends later I was immediately informed that I would likely have to be transferred to another facility if admitted due to "bed shortage" which is actually an under staffing issue.

That's quite the awful adventure you had! Did you have any co morbidity that would have increased your risks of hospitalization? While adding those supps and others, may be better than nothing on a + test, D in particular requires ongoing healthy levels for best effects at reducing serious complications/hospitalizations.

09-26-21, 11:15
That's quite the awful adventure you had! Did you have any co morbidity that would have increased your risks of hospitalization? While adding those supps and others, may be better than nothing on a + test, D in particular requires ongoing healthy levels for best effects at reducing serious complications/hospitalizations.

Oh it sucked and sucked bad. First go(early 2020 so likely, not tested) was not fun, but largely uneventful as was this till the pneumonia kicked in.

High blood pressure, albeit under control.
and no idea if the regulated part makes a difference or not.

The family friend mentioned had diabetes that he really didn't manage properly, but as far as anyone knew really nothing else including(oddly enough with his diabetes practices) not really being over weight. Fairly active and not appliance/furniture size as his diet would have caused in a lot of folks.

Keeping up with the additional vitamins and minerals. Been using multis since probably my teens hoping to plug any holes from regular diet and actually double checked with our family Doc since I could recall zinc as being one that can get in to toxicity issues with heavy doses and the combo is at that break over point.

Feel free to ask what ever. Like I mentioned I am not back up to 100%, but for sure wasn't after several days in to this which I figure had a lot to do with O2 levels dropping and why my only real recommendation is to have some options scoped out in advance.

09-26-21, 11:27
Just an update, so others that have "long covid" can share knowledge.

Still don't have normal energy, but I am walking or doing a workout 6 days a week. Now workout is about 12 to 15 minutes with the lightest resistance band, and I am smoked at the end. I also go out for a walk that is about that same 15 minute time frame, also smoked at the end.

Last night had the worse covid headache so far.

But strength is coming back just very slowly.

So everyone that is in the same boat, just keep pushing forward.

was hoping to hear from ya :) feel better and prayers with ya :)

09-26-21, 11:29
On the mend here, so think I can get the timeline right on progression.

Added B12, D, Zinc, and a baby aspirin in to the daily mix once there was a positive test.

Our son seems to have likely contracted it at school and was the first to present a symptom on a Monday evening with a headache that continued until slightly after he woke up the next morning which didn't click with us as anything other than a headache. Has had some coughing since then, but not even sure of it being related.

Wife began experiencing symptoms(low fever, stuffiness, cough) 2 evenings later(Wednesday) that initially seemed to be sinus related. Thursday morning came the positive test. After that the cough progressed along with lethargy and just about total loss of smell for a week. Can't recall the exact temp, but don't think it hit 102 and her SpO2 stayed high 90s.

Son(no symptoms by then other than iffy cough) tested positive Thursday afternoon while mine was negative.

I started coughing within a couple hours of taking the test and had a full on cough and dead tired with a low grade fever by Friday morning. Talked to our family Doc about what was going on and what was likely my first case of this in February 2020 that was mild.

During the next week son fine, wife SpO2 was up(cough,Tired, low fever).

Over the next week I had a lack of energy, coughing, and a low fever(which oddly made me feel like a high fever...very hot and touch was irritating....same scenario in Feb. 2020), but my Sp02 began dropping. By Friday morning it dipped in to the low 80s/ occasional upper 70s so off to the ER. Venous/arterial blood draws and X rays(can't recall if lung CT scan was that Friday or the rest of the story), but was given the option of home oxygen(3.5-5LPM) or getting admitted so I took the home oxygen option.

By next day the home O2 wasn't working so back to ER(same tests as the day before, as mentioned I can't recall which day the lung CT scan was done on) then was placed in a covid ICU ward on high volume 02(not sure what the highest was while in, but do recall seeing 80% at 35lpm early on) at least partially on a bipap set up. Started IV antibiotics and an oral steroid at that point along with breathing treatments. Oddly enough, my first temperature check in ICU was 103, but no irritated skin or feeling hot/crappy....this case and my likley earlier one were totally the opposite of any other time in my life when I have hit close to 100 or above).

Stayed in ICU 8 days with double pneumonia until the O2 gradually got dropped(by docs and nurses) to 60%/35lpm which got me moved to a non ICU room on a Sunday night where(oddly to me) the O2 got bumped to 70%/35lpm with no mention to me as had occurred with every O2 drop they gave me. The docs who visited me in the first 2 mornings kept mentioning trying to lower it, but never did the first drop.

The high volume O2 only had an @ 6' hose, but in ICU the toilet was beside the bed so workable. Regular room had a regular bath 10'+ too far away so was given a urinal jug upon arrival. By Tuesday I needed the bathroom so dropped the cannula and slowly made my way to the bathroom which was an easy trip there, but wobbly on the way back. Later Tuesday I needed to again so wisely called a nurse who I finally cajoled in to rigging me up on their wall O2 with a long enough hose with the promise I would hook back to the high volume as soon as I got back in bed, which I accomplished with no issues.

Wednesday ended up being an identical bathroom need situation debate with finally getting the wall O2 again. Finished my business and was sitting down about to switch back to high volume when a nurse almost ran in and told me not to switch since my O2 had stayed up fairly well while I was and she was going to go confer. After that I stayed low volume till discharge 2 days later on Friday morning.

Saturday afternoon(@ 28 hours after discharge) I had some heavy coughing that resulted in spit up blood a long with O2 drops when standing so ER had me come back in Saturday night. Vein/artery draws and a lung ct scan ruling out a clot sent me home along with steroids. Finally starting to drop home O2 the last few days.

Only advice I can think of is to check Sp02 levels and try to stay active. I was tired week 1, so laying down far more than normal, but not 24/7 so unsure if being up more would have prevented the pneumonia or not.

Also, find out about options in your area before you get sick. Our local hospital seems to be locked in to the official preplanned program based on my experience and a family friend who ended up dying on a vent earlier in the year being denied hydroxychloriquin and the other possible treatments at the time. I was made aware a hospital in an adjoining county was doing infusion therapy, but knew no other details such as how to get it and how long it could be done. I would likely have been within the window either on the 1st ER visit or the day of admittance, but not a peep from anyone treating me. That is an irritating issue(particularly combined with the details on the family friend dying) since 2 weekends later I was immediately informed that I would likely have to be transferred to another facility if admitted due to "bed shortage" which is actually an under staffing issue.

also good to hear :) and same prayers thoughts :)
last paragraph is wise stuff :)

09-27-21, 01:30
We lost a county officer yesterday too it. Mid 30s good shape. He has been in the hospital with it for 3 weeks.

One of my best friends from another department was admitted to the Hospital with it also. COVID pneumonia and liver and kidney damage due to the dehydration, etc.

He has been one of the “it is just a cold” types and is really regretting that now. We have been texting and hopefully he recovers quickly.

But our local departments have taken a beating from it. We are a small area with a few small departments serving a rural are. With Wayne passing yesterday that puts at 5 deaths and a number still unrecovered for duty after a few months.

It really is no joke.

09-27-21, 06:31
We lost a county officer yesterday too it. Mid 30s good shape. He has been in the hospital with it for 3 weeks.

One of my best friends from another department was admitted to the Hospital with it also. COVID pneumonia and liver and kidney damage due to the dehydration, etc.

He has been one of the “it is just a cold” types and is really regretting that now. We have been texting and hopefully he recovers quickly.

But our local departments have taken a beating from it. We are a small area with a few small departments serving a rural are. With Wayne passing yesterday that puts at 5 deaths and a number still unrecovered for duty after a few months.

It really is no joke.

Hope your buddy kicks it and the complications.

I get where your buddy is coming from because it is frequently not much like what I assume I caught in early 2020(and doctor assumes as well) on down to nothing. I also had a very protective Mom who would take me to the Dr. very quick as a child. In infancy that saved me a few times, but as I got older I ended up with flu and crap of that sort a few days to a week after sitting in the lobby beside people with flu while I had some variation of sniffles so I got very in to not going for trivial stuff.

That being said, I would have likely been screwed had it not been for the wife because I was definitely not at the top of my game within a few days in to it and was barely functioning by the time we went to the ER. Been hearing "brain fog" in the fear version stories, but if that is what happened to me then it seems to really be oxygen saturation dropping too low to think.

I can't say this enough, have back up plan options in place while well. If you get it and it goes bad, you won't be thinking or researching like normal and your local pros may not be interested in doing (or even sharing info on) options they don't do at their facility.

09-27-21, 07:19
I am sure if I had got PCR tested 4 days earlier, I would have been cured in no more than 3 days due to Ivermectin protocol. This would have kept me from the 2 days where my condition was touch and go.

My attitude has changed greatly. The fact that 99.5% of my demographic survives covid, doesn't mean this crap will not kill you. I am still anti covid vax, but if you don't feel good get tested and if it is positive get on the Ivermectine protocol. Remember I had ZERO Covid symptoms, but I still almost died due to being so sick.

Also does anyone know if the monoclonal treatment help with long covid? I don't know since with the PCR test I came back with no covid found.

09-27-21, 07:37
We lost a county officer yesterday too it. Mid 30s good shape. He has been in the hospital with it for 3 weeks.

One of my best friends from another department was admitted to the Hospital with it also. COVID pneumonia and liver and kidney damage due to the dehydration, etc.

He has been one of the “it is just a cold” types and is really regretting that now. We have been texting and hopefully he recovers quickly.

But our local departments have taken a beating from it. We are a small area with a few small departments serving a rural are. With Wayne passing yesterday that puts at 5 deaths and a number still unrecovered for duty after a few months.

It really is no joke.

Which is odd because in my office, where everyone is mostly older, and in very poor shape (very high BMI) everyone has had it and most didn’t realize it. Hell one guy is about 350lbs, and just had a quadruple bypass. Diagnosed with Covid before he was even released from hospital but had no reaction to it.
I’m the youngest and in best shape and somehow have managed to avoid it. At least I think so, I’ve never been tested. Never had any real symptoms.
That’s one of the big reasons I have a hard time buying into any of this-it’s so inconsistent.
But I sure as heck don’t trust the government.

09-27-21, 07:54
Which is odd because in my office, where everyone is mostly older, and in very poor shape (very high BMI) everyone has had it and most didn’t realize it. Hell one guy is about 350lbs, and just had a quadruple bypass. Diagnosed with Covid before he was even released from hospital but had no reaction to it.
I’m the youngest and in best shape and somehow have managed to avoid it. At least I think so, I’ve never been tested. Never had any real symptoms.
That’s one of the big reasons I have a hard time buying into any of this-it’s so inconsistent.
But I sure as heck don’t trust the government.

We have a lot of relatively sedentary work and workers in their 40s and older. Thank God, but so far we have only lost one person to Covid and that was in the beginning of last year. Covid makes zero sense.

I hope you continue to improve, Yoni!


09-27-21, 08:09
I am sure if I had got PCR tested 4 days earlier, I would have been cured in no more than 3 days due to Ivermectin protocol. This would have kept me from the 2 days where my condition was touch and go.

My attitude has changed greatly. The fact that 99.5% of my demographic survives covid, doesn't mean this crap will not kill you. I am still anti covid vax, but if you don't feel good get tested and if it is positive get on the Ivermectine protocol. Remember I had ZERO Covid symptoms, but I still almost died due to being so sick.

Also does anyone know if the monoclonal treatment help with long covid? I don't know since with the PCR test I came back with no covid found.

From what I have read on the infusion it is limited to about 10 days from start(and closer to the start the better) while 11 or more it starts losing efficacy fast.

I am very glad you caught it somewhere they aren't afraid to try to knock it out and did it fairly quick.

Was starting to have a change of heart on the vaccine when getting admitted, but as this built up while in I was hearing of several vaccinated locals getting sick with mild symptoms(which the story line is now including) on up to as severe as what I have(that is just about a verboten topic) so there is a very debatable potential risk versus reward line there in my opinion.

09-27-21, 15:17
Before I got sick, I had issues with the vaccines. About 4 to 5 weeks ago the breakdown for seriously sick people in hospital in Israel was around 60% had been stuck twice, it was like 10% had one jab and 30% were unjabbed.

I don't know what the current situation is, other than the Israeli government is now saying anything less than 4 jabs is not full immunization.

EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF them. The question is how big was the payoff to Israeli government officials?

09-27-21, 18:52
Which is odd because in my office, where everyone is mostly older, and in very poor shape (very high BMI) everyone has had it and most didn’t realize it. Hell one guy is about 350lbs, and just had a quadruple bypass. Diagnosed with Covid before he was even released from hospital but had no reaction to it.
I’m the youngest and in best shape and somehow have managed to avoid it. At least I think so, I’ve never been tested. Never had any real symptoms.
That’s one of the big reasons I have a hard time buying into any of this-it’s so inconsistent.
But I sure as heck don’t trust the government.

To me that is the crazy thing about it. Another friend of mine got it early in the year. He was down for weeks with it. Early 40s, good physical shape, Overall very healthy. They had to take him to the hospital twice. Although to be fair he can be a real manbaby about illness so……

His mom is in terrible health, on dialysis, and barely has a functioning heart. She got it and just felt a bit more tired than normal for a couple days.

It seems to affect everyone so differently. I am glad your office has been spared the worst of it. My Brokerage has had a couple cases but nothing major. Our police and EMS have been the hardest hit around here.

09-27-21, 18:57
I don't know what the current situation is, other than the Israeli government is now saying anything less than 4 jabs is not full immunization.

EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF them. The question is how big was the payoff to Israeli government officials?

That crap will be biannual before long (if not more).

09-27-21, 19:20
That crap will be biannual before long (if not more).

This. This bug is going to be at least an annual booster like the flu shots we are already getting. Most likely it will be a spring and fall thing. It’s going to make sone folks sone serious money.

09-27-21, 21:11
This. This bug is going to be at least an annual booster like the flu shots we are already getting. Most likely it will be a spring and fall thing. It’s going to make sone folks sone serious money.

Those drug companies and their profits (they have no liability for anything harmful / adverse their stuff does) mean nothing. This is about control.

At the Obama birthday party videos that got out - Who were wearing masks and who were not?

Rules for thee but not for me...

09-27-21, 23:12
Those drug companies and their profits (they have no liability for anything harmful / adverse their stuff does) mean nothing. This is about control.

At the Obama birthday party videos that got out - Who were wearing masks and who were not?

Rules for thee but not for me...

It's not even about "Rules", if they were truely worried, they simply wouldn't do it, they wouldn't not wear a mask, they wouldn't, not get a vaccination and they would social distance.
If they aren't worried about it, think about it....They obviously are more informed than we are..
Why should you worry about it?

09-28-21, 05:16

Meanwhile the Nordic Countries are putting the rest of us to shame.

“Norwegians took to the streets over the weekend to celebrate an end to the country’s CCP virus restrictions after government-imposed measures limited people’s social interactions for about 18 months.”

Edit to add - Not that the every day American would even know other country’s .gov are rolling back the draconian rules we’ve been forced to live under.

Fox News top story on their online platform right now.


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09-28-21, 06:28
Goal post moved again.


"Q How many — how many Americans need to be vaccinated for us to go back to normal? Like what is the percentage of total vaccinations that have to be deployed?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think — look, I think we get the vast majority — like is going on in so many — some industries and some schools — 96, 97, 98 percent. I think we’re getting awful close. But I’m not the scientist. "

09-28-21, 06:37
It's not even about "Rules", if they were truely worried, they simply wouldn't do it, they wouldn't not wear a mask, they wouldn't, not get a vaccination and they would social distance.
If they aren't worried about it, think about it....They obviously are more informed than we are..
Why should you worry about it?

When this first kicked off I gave it/them the benefit of the doubt everything was mostly on the level till the duplicitous crap started coming out.

That was also around the time my initial "oh crap" wore off and I finally started actually thinking about filter capability vs. virus size.

10-04-21, 18:55
Went in for the first follow up with my GP today and while I am not 100% yet everything is at least on regular schedule if not slightly ahead.

First thing(that also affects my figure out a plan ahead of getting sick advice) the Dr. was going over the meds given to me in the hospital and got to a part that said something about anti-virals were not given and finished reading in kind of a questioning tone, then said oh. Below that was the reason which was due to the low blood oxygen level I showed up with. I told him that made me feel better since I had learned while in the hospital 9 days or less since beginning of symptoms(I first went in at 7 days do that info caused a WTF) worked fine for the infusion while 11 or more was progressively more useless to try it.

So, if you get it, keep an eye on the calendar and on blood oxygen levels to keep possibilities open.

I should have added pulse oximeter to my earlier recommendation too. I never really felt bad with other illnesses in my life such as flu being much worse, but once the pneumonia kicked in the blood oxygen dropped fast. Without the oximeter and a wife paying attention I would have likely stayed home till blacking out and whatever happened after that. I assume that was similar to CO poisoning or cabin pressure loss and you don't notice it's happening till you finally drift off.

10-04-21, 19:24
Went in for the first follow up with my GP today and while I am not 100% yet everything is at least on regular schedule if not slightly ahead.

First thing(that also affects my figure out a plan ahead of getting sick advice) the Dr. was going over the meds given to me in the hospital and got to a part that said something about anti-virals were not given and finished reading in kind of a questioning tone, then said oh. Below that was the reason which was due to the low blood oxygen level I showed up with. I told him that made me feel better since I had learned while in the hospital 9 days or less since beginning of symptoms(I first went in at 7 days do that info caused a WTF) worked fine for the infusion while 11 or more was progressively more useless to try it.

So, if you get it, keep an eye on the calendar and on blood oxygen levels to keep possibilities open.

I should have added pulse oximeter to my earlier recommendation too. I never really felt bad with other illnesses in my life such as flu being much worse, but once the pneumonia kicked in the blood oxygen dropped fast. Without the oximeter and a wife paying attention I would have likely stayed home till blacking out and whatever happened after that. I assume that was similar to CO poisoning or cabin pressure loss and you don't notice it's happening till you finally drift off.

What my recommendation to you would have been was "Get the monoclonal antibody infusion". Optimally it needs to be done within 10 days (some say 7, but the earlier the better). You mention an "infusion" so is that what it was?

One could ponder why do some younger, relatively healthy people get pole-axed by COVID? It's that "window of opportunity" for things like the monoclonal antibodies. You're younger, you are in decent shape, and you've just felt like crap for a week or so and it isn't going away. No biggie, right? Screw it, I'll deal with it. If it's COVID that shit CAN (not always or even most of the time) put you in a heap of trouble. COVID pneumonia, or that plus a superimposed bacterial pneumonia is where the fatalities are coming from, i.e. you can't breathe, namely the oxygenation part.

My advice, if you don't want the vaccine (I've had the jab and I'd sure as hell be asking about it), make sure you get prompt attention and start inquiring about monoclonal antibodies if you don't shake it in *maybe* 4 or 5 days tops. Most Regeneron infusions are done by appointment, so in all likelihood you ain't gonna get it that day, probably not even the next. Keep that in your time frame estimation.

10-04-21, 19:39
What my recommendation to you would have been was "Get the monoclonal antibody infusion". Optimally it needs to be done within 10 days (some say 7, but the earlier the better). You mention an "infusion" so is that what it was?

One could ponder why do some younger, relatively healthy people get pole-axed by COVID? It's that "window of opportunity" for things like the monoclonal antibodies. You're younger, you are in decent shape, and you've just felt like crap for a week or so and it isn't going away. No biggie, right? Screw it, I'll deal with it. If it's COVID that shit CAN (not always or even most of the time) put you in a heap of trouble. COVID pneumonia, or that plus a superimposed bacterial pneumonia is where the fatalities are coming from, i.e. you can't breathe, namely the oxygenation part.

My advice, if you don't want the vaccine (I've had the jab and I'd sure as hell be asking about it), make sure you get prompt attention and start inquiring about monoclonal antibodies if you don't shake it in *maybe* 4 or 5 days tops. Most Regeneron infusions are done by appointment, so in all likelihood you ain't gonna get it that day, probably not even the next. Keep that in your time frame estimation.

Yes the monoclonal antibody infusion is what I am referring to.

Mentioned before that I likely had this in early 2020, now based on same initial symptoms and progression. If anything, the coughing was more severe on round 1, but still not as bad as flu I had when in high school.

If pneumonia had hit out of the blue that time like this did I would have likely been toast since no oximeter, no info at the time on this, and home alone during the daytime.

10-04-21, 19:50
Yes the monoclonal antibody infusion is what I am referring to.

Mentioned before that I likely had this in early 2020, now based on same initial symptoms and progression. If anything, the coughing was more severe on round 1, but still not as bad as flu I had when in high school.

If pneumonia had hit out of the blue that time like this did I would have likely been toast since no oximeter, no info at the time on this, and home alone during the daytime.

Glad you pulled through. Most people do, but then there's those that don't...... IMHO the monoclonal antibodies are the most effective treatment for COVID. Trump got that last year when he got sick. At the time I was like "WTF are monoclonal antibodies?" Figured if the POTUS got it then there must be something to it. Turns out there was.

10-04-21, 21:58
Glad you pulled through. Most people do, but then there's those that don't...... IMHO the monoclonal antibodies are the most effective treatment for COVID. Trump got that last year when he got sick. At the time I was like "WTF are monoclonal antibodies?" Figured if the POTUS got it then there must be something to it. Turns out there was.

If there wasn't something there, Pedo Joe wouldn't be trying to force "manufactured shortages" through his unneeded rationing.

10-05-21, 05:54
Was hit Friday and Saturday with long covid symptoms after having going 3 days with no issues.

I have gone back as of Saturday on Ivermectin and will stay on it through Thursday, as per the FLCC alliance.

10-05-21, 08:44
If there wasn't something there, Pedo Joe wouldn't be trying to force "manufactured shortages" through his unneeded rationing.

That was other news I got while in the hospital a few days after finding out about the time frame and that I had been in it. When the Dr. was reading the part about that treatment not being given with a questioning tone most would finish up with "WTF" I was starting to get very angry till he read the explanation. Lol

10-05-21, 15:02
Just to report that since Sunday, I have had no long covid issues.

Ivermectin is the covid killer. Which is why Pfizer and Merck are both coming out with slightly modified and rebranded Ivermectin. I will bet that when these pills hit the market place, the government will drop the jab and push the pills.

Here is the problem projected price per pill for these new "miracle" covid killing pills is projected at $60 to 70 a pill.

I bought in a farmacia in Republic Dominicana Ivermectin for humans, not for animals for 0.70 per pill.

The level of evil in the world of pharmacy companies is off the chart

10-05-21, 15:56
Just to report that since Sunday, I have had no long covid issues.

Ivermectin is the covid killer. Which is why Pfizer and Merck are both coming out with slightly modified and rebranded Ivermectin. I will bet that when these pills hit the market place, the government will drop the jab and push the pills.

Here is the problem projected price per pill for these new "miracle" covid killing pills is projected at $60 to 70 a pill.

I bought in a farmacia in Republic Dominicana Ivermectin for humans, not for animals for 0.70 per pill.

The level of evil in the world of pharmacy companies is off the chart

Glad you are doing better, this crap sure does linger.

One of the Pfizer scientists that just did a Veritas interview referred to Pfizer as evil if anyone cries foul on your opinion of them

10-05-21, 16:49
Glad to hear you’re on the mend. COVID certainly spins Fortuna’s wheel of outcomes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-05-21, 17:25
Was hit Friday and Saturday with long covid symptoms after having going 3 days with no issues.

I have gone back as of Saturday on Ivermectin and will stay on it through Thursday, as per the FLCC alliance.

Sorry to hear that. One of the Dark Horse Podcast episodes had a guest that said Fluvoxamine was proving effective in treating long term COVID symptoms. Have you considered that?

10-05-21, 17:40
Sorry to hear that. One of the Dark Horse Podcast episodes had a guest that said Fluvoxamine was proving effective in treating long term COVID symptoms. Have you considered that?

I have not tried Flvoxamine, as of now I am happy with the results from Ivermectin for both Covid and long covid.

Nuke China, it is called payback.

10-05-21, 18:24
I have not tried Flvoxamine, as of now I am happy with the results from Ivermectin for both Covid and long covid.

Nuke China, it is called payback. LOL read my sigline!

Being in a hospital you see what might or might not be effective in the acute onset of COVID. What is lesser known is what treats long-term COVID issues. Jury is out, and it is likely going to be quite a while before a coherent, peer-studied treatment regimen for it comes out.

10-05-21, 18:34
Not with PedoJoe in there he is in the pocket of Big Pharma.

10-05-21, 18:46
Nuke China, it is called payback.

No, it's called a "Doctrinal Required Response to a State-Actor Major WMD Attack."

10-05-21, 19:12
No, it's called a "Doctrinal Required Response to a State-Actor Major WMD Attack."

no matter how you call it, nobody will do it.

China won the first bio war in history

10-05-21, 19:12
No, it's called a "Doctrinal Required Response to a State-Actor Major WMD Attack."

no matter how you call it, nobody will do it.

China won the first bio war in history

10-05-21, 19:17
Just to report that since Sunday, I have had no long covid issues.

Ivermectin is the covid killer. Which is why Pfizer and Merck are both coming out with slightly modified and rebranded Ivermectin. I will bet that when these pills hit the market place, the government will drop the jab and push the pills.

Here is the problem projected price per pill for these new "miracle" covid killing pills is projected at $60 to 70 a pill.

I bought in a farmacia in Republic Dominicana Ivermectin for humans, not for animals for 0.70 per pill.

The level of evil in the world of pharmacy companies is off the chart

This is just capitalism ....healthcare is a business just like any other. You want/need my product ? This is the price, period end of sentence. The cost of bringing a medication to market is fairly high, anywhere from 100-500 million dollars, the profit can be 10x higher IF/WHEN said drug comes to market, if it does. It's just business regardless of the product, be iPhone, automobile, laptop, whatever. I know, think of the children or those unfortunate patients with disease 'xyz', well, it's just business, nothing personal. Harsh,, but true.

10-05-21, 19:17
no matter how you call it, nobody will do it.

China won the first bio war in history

Sadly true... this whole thing's been covered up because if one ICBM goes, they all go, and the pols believe that allowing Beijing's perfidy to go unanswered is preferable to fulfilling Mutual Assured Destruction.

I mean maybe most of us are better off that our lives are going on, but it is still technically Dereliction of Duty.

10-05-21, 21:03
This is just capitalism ....healthcare is a business just like any other. You want/need my product ? This is the price, period end of sentence. The cost of bringing a medication to market is fairly high, anywhere from 100-500 million dollars, the profit can be 10x higher IF/WHEN said drug comes to market, if it does. It's just business regardless of the product, be iPhone, automobile, laptop, whatever. I know, think of the children or those unfortunate patients with disease 'xyz', well, it's just business, nothing personal. Harsh,, but true.

Med and pharma are crony capitalism which is not a free market at all.

10-06-21, 04:49
Merck is in negotiations with multiple countries and the price of the reworked Ivermectic will be $800 for a course of the meds.

This is not capitalism.

This is pure evil, people are dying when maybe $20 bucks worth of Ivermectin will save peoples lives.

10-06-21, 17:11
I just had covid. I was lucky, I had a 102F fever for 3 days and now only have loss of smell and a lingering cough. I also know two people who died from it. Its severity seems to vary from person to person.

I wish I'd been able to try some Ivermectin. I've seen studies suggesting cocktails of Ivermectin, another drug, and certain vitamins can really help slow the replication of of the virus and help reduce its severity.

10-06-21, 19:21
I just had covid. I was lucky, I had a 102F fever for 3 days and now only have loss of smell and a lingering cough. I also know two people who died from it. Its severity seems to vary from person to person.

I wish I'd been able to try some Ivermectin. I've seen studies suggesting cocktails of Ivermectin, another drug, and certain vitamins can really help slow the replication of of the virus and help reduce its severity.

I bought a couple of tubes a few days before it hit here, but hadn't read up on dosing so once it hit I didn't trust myself on researching without screwing something up. Hindsight, to OD on it seems to take some effort and probably couldn't have made myself worse than I ended up.

Another part of having a plan in place before getting it so you go read easy to follow notes instead of researching things on the fly.

10-06-21, 19:46
I bought a couple of tubes a few days before it hit here, but hadn't read up on dosing so once it hit I didn't trust myself on researching without screwing something up. Hindsight, to OD on it seems to take some effort and probably couldn't have made myself worse than I ended up.

Another part of having a plan in place before getting it so you go read easy to follow notes instead of researching things on the fly.Therapeutic dosage is 0.4mg to 0.6mg per kg of bodyweight. Divide your bodyweight in pounds by 2.2 to get your bodyweight in kg. Then multiply your bodyweight in kg by 0.4 to get your daily dosage in mg of Ivermectin.

Each notch of the syringe is equivalent to 4mg of ivermectin.

10-07-21, 05:12
Ivermectin cured my covid in no time. But almost as important it cured my long covid. Yesterday I put on a 40 pound rucksack and went rucking for 35 minutes and felt great.

10-07-21, 08:27
This is just capitalism ....healthcare is a business just like any other. You want/need my product ? This is the price, period end of sentence. The cost of bringing a medication to market is fairly high, anywhere from 100-500 million dollars, the profit can be 10x higher IF/WHEN said drug comes to market, if it does. It's just business regardless of the product, be iPhone, automobile, laptop, whatever. I know, think of the children or those unfortunate patients with disease 'xyz', well, it's just business, nothing personal. Harsh,, but true.

The problem is, it's not a legit free market. Pharma also spends more on marketing than it does on R&D now, so the cost of R&D as the justification for drug prices is BS. The only free market aspect of it is they are allowed to charge what ever the market will bear, and the US funds cheap drugs for the rest of the planet. There's also a serious QC issue that gets all but ignored as pharma is the #1 spenders on advertising (and that chit needs to stop too), so the media ignores it:


10-07-21, 15:32
The problem is, it's not a legit free market. Pharma also spends more on marketing than it does on R&D now, so the cost of R&D as the justification for drug prices is BS. The only free market aspect of it is they are allowed to charge what ever the market will bear, and the US funds cheap drugs for the rest of the planet. There's also a serious QC issue that gets all but ignored as pharma is the #1 spenders on advertising (and that chit needs to stop too), so the media ignores it:


That is the part that freaking infuriates me as it should everyone else in this country. Trump put the America First Exec order in place - that got cancelled and anti Trump idiots are freaking clueless. Big Pharma absolutely hated that order. We payed for all the R&D while socialist medicine countries got them for pennies on the dollar while claiming "see! socialized medicine works!'. Effing ridiculous!

10-07-21, 17:40
That is the part that freaking infuriates me as it should everyone else in this country. Trump put the America First Exec order in place - that got cancelled and anti Trump idiots are freaking clueless. Big Pharma absolutely hated that order. We payed for all the R&D while socialist medicine countries got them for pennies on the dollar while claiming "see! socialized medicine works!'. Effing ridiculous!

While we also cover most of the costs of their defense from the commies so they can pay for all those social services while they talk chit about our system, but I digress. It's really time we stop doing that.

10-07-21, 17:44
Another side is many big pharma companies do NO R&D they rely on other companies to make or create a molecular structure they then buy and create the market for them based on what they can make off it

10-10-21, 14:40
I had a conversation with a doctor that is really on top of Covid, he said they are seeing BOTH from people that had Covid naturally and those that were injected a new thing, that seems to be growing in numbers .

People forming blood clots.

He said it is happening months after injection or having Covid. He told me to start taking a baby aspirin a day as a counter measure.

Later that week I talked to my regular doctor and he said the same thing.

So I went and bought some aspirin.

Also wanted to give an update on recovery so others can learn from me. The Covid doctor told me to stay on Ivermectin for 1 more week. I have had ZERO long Covid issues for 8 days now. I did a 45 minute strength work out for the first time yesterday and I am sore. I also am humping a ruck again.

So it seems I am on the mend

10-10-21, 15:00
I had a conversation with a doctor that is really on top of Covid, he said they are seeing BOTH from people that had Covid naturally and those that were injected a new thing, that seems to be growing in numbers .

People forming blood clots.

He said it is happening months after injection or having Covid. He told me to start taking a baby aspirin a day as a counter measure.

Later that week I talked to my regular doctor and he said the same thing.

So I went and bought some aspirin.

Also wanted to give an update on recovery so others can learn from me. The Covid doctor told me to stay on Ivermectin for 1 more week. I have had ZERO long Covid issues for 8 days now. I did a 45 minute strength work out for the first time yesterday and I am sore. I also am humping a ruck again.

So it seems I am on the mend

That's a well established, but the issue is, happens far less often via vaccines than it does being exposed to covid. As always, it's about risk/benefit and aint nothing 100% safe. The mechanism for it, is also the same I believe, generation of excessive ROS, which is still not being addressed and big missed opportunity of treatment in my view. See:


10-10-21, 15:14
That's a well established, but the issue is, happens far less often via vaccines than it does being exposed to covid. As always, it's about risk/benefit and aint nothing 100% safe.]

I don't remember if he gave numbers for vaxed V natural covid. He was dumping a lot of info on me. But I think like this if it is happening in both groups for the price of a bottle of baby aspirin, better safe than sorry.

10-10-21, 15:32
I don't remember if he gave numbers for vaxed V natural covid. He was dumping a lot of info on me. But I think like this if it is happening in both groups for the price of a bottle of baby aspirin, better safe than sorry.

I have been taking a baby aspirin a day for decades: https://www.webmd.com/men/features/aspirin-day-not

10-10-21, 18:10
I have been taking a baby aspirin a day for decades: https://www.webmd.com/men/features/aspirin-day-not

An enteric coated 81mg aspirin should do about the same and be safe stomach-wise for long-term use correct? Been taking one daily since I had my knees replaced in December of 2019 and never stopped.

10-10-21, 18:12
An enteric coated 81mg aspirin should do about the same and be safe stomach-wise for long-term use correct? Been taking one since I had my knees replaced in December of 2019 and never stopped.

And take with a meal, and you should be GTG.

10-10-21, 20:51
An enteric coated 81mg aspirin should do about the same and be safe stomach-wise for long-term use correct? Been taking one daily since I had my knees replaced in December of 2019 and never stopped.

I've been taking an 81mg aspirin for more than a few years since one of my croakers prescribed it when I turned 60. It won't cause any harm and beats prescription drugs.

I don't do Yoni's workout, he totes a rucksack a bit longer and a bit farther. I carry an 80 pound ruck up and down a hill behind the house for 20 minutes every day including days I feel under the weather.

The secret to life is to keep moving and keep breathing. The second part is critically important.

tomme boy
10-11-21, 00:29
Just about everyone in my family have had it but me. I was at my mother's house every day for the 2 weeks she was quarantined so I could get it and get on with it. But nothing. I have never had the flu either. Been this way my whole life. Everyone around me will get sick but I never do. The only thing I have ever had was the pox when I was 7yo.

I have a feeling if I do get it now I will probably end up dead.

10-12-21, 05:32
Latest medical update my ALT levels 2 weeks ago was 71, it should be 41 and lower. My pre Covid levels a year ago was 18.

Gave blood yesterday and my current ALT level is 42, so it is coming down and a sign that I have no liver damage from the chicom bio weapon.

10-12-21, 08:17
I've been taking an 81mg aspirin for more than a few years since one of my croakers prescribed it when I turned 60. It won't cause any harm and beats prescription drugs.

I don't do Yoni's workout, he totes a rucksack a bit longer and a bit farther. I carry an 80 pound ruck up and down a hill behind the house for 20 minutes every day including days I feel under the weather.

The secret to life is to keep moving and keep breathing. The second part is critically important.

Speaking of aspirin:

Aspirin Use is Associated with Decreased Mortality in Patients with COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis


Background Novel Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has resulted in more than three and half million deaths worldwide as of June 6, 2021. The role of aspirin in prevention of COVID-19 mortality has not been much studied. We aimed to study the relationship between aspirin use and covid-19 mortality.

Methods We searched PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane database for studies from January 2019 till June 6, 2021 with inclusion criteria of RCT, Cohort study, studies reporting mortality, and comparison studies on aspirin versus non-aspirin. Statistical analysis was done with Review Manager 5.4 statistical software using the inverse variance method. We assessed the pooled hazard ratio (HR), and 95% confidence interval using the random effect model and I-squared test was used to determine statistical heterogeneity.

Results We included five retrospective cohort studies which met our inclusion criteria with total of 14065 participants in both groups. There were 6797 participants in the aspirin group and 7268 participants in the non-aspirin group. Our results show that the use of aspirin was associated with 53% decrease in mortality compared to non-aspirin in patients with COVID-19 (adjusted HR 0.47, 95% CI 0.35-0.63, P< 0.001, I2= 47%). In the analysis restricted to patients hospitalized for COVID-19, the use of aspirin was associated with a 49% reduction in the risk for in-hospital mortality (adjusted HR 0.51, 95% CI 0.33-0.80, P = 0.004, I2= 39%).

Conclusions Our results show that aspirin is associated with decrease in both overall mortality and in-hospital mortality in patients with COVID-19.


10-12-21, 08:37
Good stuff Will.

Thank you.

10-13-21, 17:06
Latest medical update my ALT levels 2 weeks ago was 71, it should be 71 and lower. My pre Covid levels a year ago was 18.

Gave blood yesterday and my current ALT level is 42, so it is coming down and a sign that I have no liver damage from the chicom bio weapon.

God bless and take care!

10-13-21, 20:22
My sense of smell still doesn't work worth a damn after my bout with the chicom bio weapon.

10-13-21, 20:49
My sense of smell still doesn't work worth a damn after my bout with the chicom bio weapon.

As I have stated, I never had any real covid symptoms.

However post covid, a friend opened a $200 bottle of single malt and it tasted like chemicals to me. I eat hot spicy food all the time, after I got out of the hospital one morning I wanted eggs for breakfast.I never not even once had eaten ketchup on eggs, but that morning I wanted ketchup. Heinz ketchup burned my mouth like a ghost pepper. Coffee tasted like the contents of a porta potty.

That all is behind me, after I went back on Ivermectin for long covid.

10-13-21, 21:17
As I have stated, I never had any real covid symptoms.

However post covid, a friend opened a $200 bottle of single malt and it tasted like chemicals to me. I eat hot spicy food all the time, after I got out of the hospital one morning I wanted eggs for breakfast.I never not even once had eaten ketchup on eggs, but that morning I wanted ketchup. Heinz ketchup burned my mouth like a ghost pepper. Coffee tasted like the contents of a porta potty.

That all is behind me, after I went back on Ivermectin for long covid.

Coffee has always tasted like the contents of a porta-potty to me.

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10-13-21, 21:23
Coffee has always tasted like the contents of a porta-potty to me.

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not sure why or how you know that but OK :)

10-13-21, 22:16
not sure why or how you know that but OK :)

I am cool with it as well.

As a member he provides a lot of solid info on a wide range of topics. Not going to screw with him for little small crap that is his own business anyway.


10-14-21, 08:13
As I have stated, I never had any real covid symptoms.

However post covid, a friend opened a $200 bottle of single malt and it tasted like chemicals to me. I eat hot spicy food all the time, after I got out of the hospital one morning I wanted eggs for breakfast.I never not even once had eaten ketchup on eggs, but that morning I wanted ketchup. Heinz ketchup burned my mouth like a ghost pepper. Coffee tasted like the contents of a porta potty.

That all is behind me, after I went back on Ivermectin for long covid.

First go around in early 2020 nothing stood out as losing any sense of smell or taste.

Recent one, I lost(or at least muted) taste/smell of any body odor, mint, smoke, and salt.

I almost never add salt to food and most restaurant food seems overly salty to me, but salt became somewhat noticeable to me in high enough amounts. First week of it, family was bringing us fast food so I thought taste was dulled. 2nd & 3rd week in the hospital I thought they had really doubled down on the bland food thing I had never noticed before. First meal I wanted after discharge was the chipped beef version of SOS(very salty) and I could taste every other ingredient except salt.

Smoke I noticed gone the first week too. Another meal I ate soon after discharge was smoked beef brisket which tasted bizarre when tasting salt and smoky are gone....almost like getting something at a Chinese place Best way I can think of to describe it would be going to Kentucky Fried Chicken and a fried chicken breast or tenders come out tasting like sweet and sour chicken, but no salt.

Mint I noticed first week with tooth paste. I could feel the toothpaste in my mouth, but it was no different on flavor than water. Couple of weeks after discharge I tried an Altoid and I could taste sugar and feel the vapor/cool feeling, but no mint.

Body odor was gone. Bad breath, sweat, flatulence, urine all gone. Come to think of it, some deodorant scents disappeared the first week too. I was in ICU 2 or 3 days(showerd the evening before getting admitted) before a nurse asked me if I wanted to clean up so I assume I smelled like for by then from the time since last clean up and sweating heavily. First time I have been in that, or any other, hospital where most rooms were hot. Guessing high 70s to mid 80s that I assume were due to the air scrubbers they have put in most rooms.

Weird stuff for sure.

10-14-21, 11:52
As I have stated, I never had any real covid symptoms.

However post covid, a friend opened a $200 bottle of single malt and it tasted like chemicals to me. I eat hot spicy food all the time, after I got out of the hospital one morning I wanted eggs for breakfast.I never not even once had eaten ketchup on eggs, but that morning I wanted ketchup. Heinz ketchup burned my mouth like a ghost pepper. Coffee tasted like the contents of a porta potty.

That all is behind me, after I went back on Ivermectin for long covid.

Did you have the shot before you got covid?
From what I understand the shot will keep you from having the symptoms, in fact many don't know they are sick until people around them start getting sick from the virus that was spread from the person that had the shot. This is the reason for the recent spike in cases in the US.

I have had it twice, I got sick with covid Feb of 2020 just as it hit the US. My Dr thought I was having an allergic reaction, so he treated me for that. No one knew about covid yet. The meds he gave me didn't do much so I treated myself with breathing treatments & home made remedies. the 2nd time I got it was 18 months later & it was the Delta strain. I did the same as I did the first time but when I tested out negative I still couldn't taste anything. So I read online that eating an onion like you would an apple will bring them back. I thought it wouldn't hurt, after eating the onion it took about a day & the first thig I could taste was salt everything I ate tasted extremely salty, then I could taste the smokey flavor of flame cooked meat. It took about a month for my taste to all come back. My smell is still working on coming back.

10-14-21, 12:32
I am calling BS and lies from the CDC and NIH on get the shots and if you get covid again you will not have symptoms or be slightly sick. At the hight of Delta in Israel 60% of the people in ICU had both shots while 30% had 1 shot and 10% had no shot.
Get the shot, get the shot, get the shot.

FU is my response. I talked to a doctor that has started testing his patients that have had both shots and more than just a few now are showing in their bodies immune system the same profile as people with auto immune disorder.

10-14-21, 14:38
hearing folks from veritas leaked videos the fact their own people are against the vax should tell folks so pro something !
Like this latest one of run away hide from truth


But instead folks still posting youtube vids of hand picked pro vax people saying its better yet stats do not back that up

The other side is the refusal of so many to bash ivermectin and other things which has showed to work in real world by many doctors
Our gov refusing to do any solid studies because they do not want to loose the money and power

10-14-21, 17:23
hearing folks from veritas leaked videos the fact their own people are against the vax should tell folks so pro something !
Like this latest one of run away hide from truth


But instead folks still posting youtube vids of hand picked pro vax people saying its better yet stats do not back that up

The other side is the refusal of so many to bash ivermectin and other things which has showed to work in real world by many doctors
Our gov refusing to do any solid studies because they do not want to loose the money and power

If that had been CNN she would have stood around and gushed till after dark.

CDC and other .gov health agencies have put out data that counters the official narrative. Dude covers it in the video with links to where he got the info below it.


11-20-21, 09:09
Ivermectin vs Phizermectin


11-20-21, 09:11
The guy referenced early in the above video.


11-24-21, 12:46
Just wanted to add to the overall stats.

My cousin and her husband both have been sick for the last 2 weeks. Late 30s, early 40s. No pre existing conditions, no medications, no health issues, both are not fat. My cousin does tennis 3 times a week with a personal trainer and her husband has a personal trainer as well. I don't think they're super health food junkies but they don't live on McDonald's either. They definitely don't eat out on fast food.

They've been taking ivermectin since day one and two weeks in no help. Maybe it didn't get worse but it didn't help.

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11-24-21, 13:43
IVM was a blessing for Japan...are they taking zinc with it?? Think of IVM as the gun & zinc the bullet / delivery system.


11-24-21, 13:55
IVM was a blessing for Japan...are they taking zinc with it?? Think of IVM as the gun & zinc the bullet / delivery system.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1GF0H9V_1gI didn't ask. I was originally just asking how they were doing. Didn't want to keep them on the phone if they werent feeling well.

I'm going to guess yes knowing my aunt but really have no idea

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11-24-21, 14:44
Just wanted to add to the overall stats.

My cousin and her husband both have been sick for the last 2 weeks. Late 30s, early 40s. No pre existing conditions, no medications, no health issues, both are not fat. My cousin does tennis 3 times a week with a personal trainer and her husband has a personal trainer as well. I don't think they're super health food junkies but they don't live on McDonald's either. They definitely don't eat out on fast food.

They've been taking ivermectin since day one and two weeks in no help. Maybe it didn't get worse but it didn't help.

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Ivermectin didn't cure them in 48 hours as the all 'net experts claimed it would? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!

Not the first time I have heard that now...

(from someone who has ivermectin stashed away, but knows it's at best a tool in the tool box among many, and data far from a slam dunk as to its benefit and efficacy with covid)

11-24-21, 15:02
Just wanted to add to the overall stats.

My cousin and her husband both have been sick for the last 2 weeks. Late 30s, early 40s. No pre existing conditions, no medications, no health issues, both are not fat. My cousin does tennis 3 times a week with a personal trainer and her husband has a personal trainer as well. I don't think they're super health food junkies but they don't live on McDonald's either. They definitely don't eat out on fast food.

They've been taking ivermectin since day one and two weeks in no help. Maybe it didn't get worse but it didn't help.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Did they get monoclonal antibodies? From what I’ve read that is proven to be effective at treating the covs. Hope they get well soon.

Others have said it before, it is strange how this effects people. My buddy got it a month ago and he was fine in four days. Dude is 260 lbs, doesn’t eat very well, drinks more than he should, but he pulled through rather quickly. He did start, on mine and my wife’s advice, taking vitamin c, zinc, and vitamin d daily before he came down with it. Maybe that helped.

Also weird that out of the five people in his house; he and two kids got it but his wife and the other didn’t.

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11-24-21, 15:04
Did they get monoclonal antibodies? From what I’ve read that is proven to be effective at treating the covs. Hope they get well soon.

Others have said it before, it is strange how this effects people. My buddy got it a month ago and he was fine in four days. Dude is 260 lbs, doesn’t eat very well, drinks more than he should, but he pulled through rather quickly. He did start, on mine and my wife’s advice, taking vitamin c, zinc, and vitamin d daily before he came down with it. Maybe that helped.

Also weird that out of the five people in his house; he and two kids got it but his wife and the other didn’t.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkNo they didn't

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11-24-21, 15:24
Just wanted to add to the overall stats.

My cousin and her husband both have been sick for the last 2 weeks. Late 30s, early 40s. No pre existing conditions, no medications, no health issues, both are not fat. My cousin does tennis 3 times a week with a personal trainer and her husband has a personal trainer as well. I don't think they're super health food junkies but they don't live on McDonald's either. They definitely don't eat out on fast food.

They've been taking ivermectin since day one and two weeks in no help. Maybe it didn't get worse but it didn't help.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk
Sorry hope they get over it ASAP

You can not say it did not help ? You have no idea no way to prove it !
and nobody can say it DID help them no way of proving ?

Can we say If they did NOT take it they would be worse ? (No of course not know way to prove)

They took it and sounds like they avoided being hospitalized !

11-24-21, 15:36
Sorry hope they get over it ASAP

You can not say it did not help ? You have no idea no way to prove it !
and nobody can say it DID help them no way of proving ?

Can we say If they did NOT take it they would be worse ? (No of course not know way to prove)

They took it and sounds like they avoided being hospitalized !It's neither. Can't say they avoided being hospitalized. Can't say it did/didn't do anything.

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11-24-21, 17:01
Some corrections.
IVM was a blessing for Japan...are they taking zinc with it?? Think of IVM as the gun & zinc the bullet / delivery system.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1GF0H9V_1gCopy/paste from my cousin's text

"Vitamins, we take... zinc, C, D, Quercetin, curcumin, and black cumin seed oil (Nigella Sativa)

Prescription taking MethylPrednisolone (steroid) and Azithromycin (antibiotic) although I'm not sure if either is really helping

Did they get monoclonal antibodies? From what I’ve read that is proven to be effective at treating the covs. Hope they get well soon.

Others have said it before, it is strange how this effects people. My buddy got it a month ago and he was fine in four days. Dude is 260 lbs, doesn’t eat very well, drinks more than he should, but he pulled through rather quickly. He did start, on mine and my wife’s advice, taking vitamin c, zinc, and vitamin d daily before he came down with it. Maybe that helped.

Also weird that out of the five people in his house; he and two kids got it but his wife and the other didn’t.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk"Yes, but by the time we got around to it, it was Monday and we were told it's really most effective on the first few days of symptoms so it didn't make any sense to do it anymore
They are also very selective as to whom they allow the treatment"

Im pretty sure it was last Monday she's talking about.


"We both had fevers as high as 39.5. Better now but it's been 10 days and we still have fevers. I have bronchitis now from Covid. Coughing a lot. Hopefully on the way to recovery though"

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11-24-21, 17:42
Yeah, I'm betting if they got the M-A early on with everything else they are taking it would have helped, but this cootie doesn't follow a straight set of rules. I feel for him & had that dry hack cough for a while myself.

Curious what their dosage of IVM was...I have some I got from Mex in 6mg pills, but haven't looked into the recommended covid doses.

11-25-21, 07:49
Yeah where I currently reside the powers that be are being extremely stingy with the monoclonal antibody treatments. My buddy called the day he tested positive and was told he wouldn’t be eligible. As I said he ended up getting through it pretty much unscathed, but I find it strange the state is rationing a viable early treatment. Well I’m pretty sure I know why, but that’s best for another thread.

Hope your cousin gets through this soon.

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11-25-21, 09:09
Monoclonal antibodies are not in huge supply so you’ve got to be in the most effective window AND have one or more co-morbidity from a specified list.

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11-25-21, 09:50
Yeah, I'm betting if they got the M-A early on with everything else they are taking it would have helped, but this cootie doesn't follow a straight set of rules. I feel for him & had that dry hack cough for a while myself.

Curious what their dosage of IVM was...I have some I got from Mex in 6mg pills, but haven't looked into the recommended covid doses.

Ivermectin dosing is 0.4-0.6 mg/kg of bodyweight. A 150 lb person would require between 27 and 41 mg/day for 5 days.

11-25-21, 11:05
Thank you...amazing to me that so many do not even want any therapeutics to even work to protect the jab's rep / EUA.




11-25-21, 11:27
Already having natural antibodies, in addition to have a supply of Ivermectin on the shelf, I take the following daily.

A 2.4 mg
D3 .125 mg
C 1000 mg

Quercetin 500 mg
Trans-Resveratrol 500 mg
Zinc 50 mg

11-25-21, 11:35
Ivermectin dosing is 0.4-0.6 mg/kg of bodyweight. A 150 lb person would require between 27 and 41 mg/day for 5 days.

I weigh 220 and I took 30mg per day for both Covid and long covid. Got over covid fast and long covid as soon as I started taking IVM, I was over it

11-25-21, 11:50
Yeah where I currently reside the powers that be are being extremely stingy with the monoclonal antibody treatments. My buddy called the day he tested positive and was told he wouldn’t be eligible. As I said he ended up getting through it pretty much unscathed, but I find it strange the state is rationing a viable early treatment. Well I’m pretty sure I know why, but that’s best for another thread.

Hope your cousin gets through this soon.

Sent from my iPad using TapatalkThanks [emoji106]

Not strange. They're pushing vaccines. People talk.....less people allowed other treatments the more the next person will think I better get vaccinated before I potentially wind up like Bob!

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11-25-21, 11:52
Monoclonal antibodies are not in huge supply so you’ve got to be in the most effective window AND have one or more co-morbidity from a specified list.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkCan there be a prescription? Or can a private doctor have access and administer it? Or is it just state by state?

Reason I ask is because if people like Joe Rogan who were able to get it. There's a few more YouTubers who are no where near the specified list and still received it, although one was having difficulty breathing and overall a bad case of covid.

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11-25-21, 12:05
Can there be a prescription? Or can a private doctor have access and administer it? Or is it just state by state?

Reason I ask is because if people like Joe Rogan who were able to get it. There's a few more YouTubers who are no where near the specified list and still received it, although one was having difficulty breathing and overall a bad case of covid.

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If you have Rogan $, you'll get what ever medical care you want.

11-25-21, 12:32
Can there be a prescription? Or can a private doctor have access and administer it? Or is it just state by state?

Reason I ask is because if people like Joe Rogan who were able to get it. There's a few more YouTubers who are no where near the specified list and still received it, although one was having difficulty breathing and overall a bad case of covid.

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It requires a script as well as a doctor professing you have a diagnosis of the given conditions. The list is over 65, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, COPD, and a few others.

Most doses are allocated to infusion centers that got a rushed certification. As far as I know, they aren’t being given in doctor’s offices.

Like said above, if you have the $$$ or know somebody, you’ll get it regardless, but you need a referral. But many truly aren’t qualified. I got a dose, supposedly the last dose allocated for the day, and I got it based on the good buddy network. The pharmacist responsible for allocating was a colleague and he made sure I qualified.

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11-25-21, 12:45
It requires a script as well as a doctor professing you have a diagnosis of the given conditions. The list is over 65, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, COPD, and a few others.

Most doses are allocated to infusion centers that got a rushed certification. As far as I know, they aren’t being given in doctor’s offices.

Like said above, if you have the $$$ or know somebody, you’ll get it regardless, but you need a referral. But many truly aren’t qualified. I got a dose, supposedly the last dose allocated for the day, and I got it based on the good buddy network. The pharmacist responsible for allocating was a colleague and he made sure I qualified.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkIs Rendezovir (sp?) The same thing?

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11-25-21, 12:51
Is Rendezovir (sp?) The same thing?

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Remdesivir is an antiviral drug that mimics antibodies, vs actual harvested antibodies.

Edited for clarification.

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11-25-21, 12:53
Remdesivir is an antiviral drug and monoclonal antibodies is an actual antibody infusion…think of it as a blood transfusion of only immune cells from a recovered patient.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkGotcha. My aunt went to the hospital a week ago after having high temperature for almost a week. They gave her Remdesivir and that seemed to have worked. Whatever it did it took of the temperature permanently. She's still recovering but much better now

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11-25-21, 13:09
Gotcha. My aunt went to the hospital a week ago after having high temperature for almost a week. They gave her Remdesivir and that seemed to have worked. Whatever it did it took of the temperature permanently. She's still recovering but much better now

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I need to make a clarification though, I didn’t explain it 100% accurately. Think of remdesivir as synthetically-produced monoclonal antibodies made in a lab so you’re right to think of them as same/same. And yes, it’s quite effective, I’m glad she was able to get the infusion.

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11-25-21, 13:17

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