View Full Version : This'll angry up the blood, and how...

09-14-21, 22:54

So first they're admitting to imposing unnecessary restrictions on people that have no scientific basis. For the sole purpose of making their lives so hellish they're forced to get a vaccine they don't want. A pandemic so terrifying the government has to remind us it's real 24/7, and a vaccine so great we have to be forced to take it. It's okay, though, because their intentions are pure.:rolleyes:

And then if you read down to the end of the article, you find out that they're counting people without a third shot as unvaccinated. So these traitorous antivaxxers they speak of on hot mic, who are out there terrorizing the fully vaccinated with their mere existence, include people who took both shots. People who obediently took both doses because they were promised that the vaccines were safe and EFFECTIVE, and that that would be the end of it. And now they're being treated like lepers for refusing a third.

I tried to keep an open mind (and I think there are lies and misconceptions on both sides), but GOD DAMN THIS VACCINE.

P.S. And don't think that this is isolated to Israel.


09-15-21, 01:24
Well, from the what I’m hearing, more and more vaccinated (2X shots) are getting sick. And I don’t mean testing positive, and I don’t mean staying at home feeling under the weather, and I’m not talking immuno compromised. I’m talking intubated if not on ECMO.

It looks like a lot of people are losing protection at 6 months, maybe less. With Delta waning, I was wondering why they are pushing vaccinations and talking about boosters (outside of not wanting to talk about A-stan and inflation)- I think they are bum rushing us before it gets out that the vaccine isn’t it is all cracked up to be.

09-15-21, 02:34

Coal Dragger
09-15-21, 02:44
Well, from the what I’m hearing, more and more vaccinated (2X shots) are getting sick. And I don’t mean testing positive, and I don’t mean staying at home feeling under the weather, and I’m not talking immuno compromised. I’m talking intubated if not on ECMO.

It looks like a lot of people are losing protection at 6 months, maybe less. With Delta waning, I was wondering why they are pushing vaccinations and talking about boosters (outside of not wanting to talk about A-stan and inflation)- I think they are bum rushing us before it gets out that the vaccine isn’t it is all cracked up to be.

Proof of this claim?

09-15-21, 02:54
Well, from the what I’m hearing, more and more vaccinated (2X shots) are getting sick. And I don’t mean testing positive, and I don’t mean staying at home feeling under the weather, and I’m not talking immuno compromised. I’m talking intubated if not on ECMO.

It looks like a lot of people are losing protection at 6 months, maybe less. With Delta waning, I was wondering why they are pushing vaccinations and talking about boosters (outside of not wanting to talk about A-stan and inflation)- I think they are bum rushing us before it gets out that the vaccine isn’t it is all cracked up to be.

I definitely sense desperation from them. I just can't figure out why it's so damned important to them in the first place. They have such control of the data they could simply declare that the vaccine has achieved herd immunity and pat themselves on the back for a job well done. They kept saying when we got to like 70% the vaccines would give us herd immunity, and if we're not there already we're close enough for them to lie and say we are.

I'm seriously beginning to suspect that antibody dependent enhancement is already here in a big way, and that those who have already taken the vaccine will be dependent upon the government and big pharma for many years to come for rapidly developed booster shots to maintain their immunity, possibly multiple times per year. I sure can't think of a better way to control people than to hold something over their heads that they need to live.

This isn't exactly without precedent. Granted it's not a one to one analogy, but GMO crops have proven to be fundamentally the same. In truth they're no more resistant to pests than the unmodified crops before them, but there's no going back because now they rely on supplemental chemicals that have to be purchased every year in perpetuity, and without these fertilizers and pesticides they won't last a week. Like I said, not a one to one analogy, but the fact remains the same this wouldn't be the first time that science has pretended to cure something while in fact simply weakening us to make us reliant on them.

So with that in mind, if ADE is already on the table, they have a limited amount of time to get people to take the jab before the cat's out of the bag. Once it is, everyone who's taken it will have no choice but to toe the line, and those who haven't never will. And now they're coming for the children, too, which would be predictable. A lot of people would risk dying of ADE for a principle they felt strongly about, but few would risk the lives of their children. Seemingly unbreakable wills would suddenly toe the line in a big way if failure to do so meant being ejected from the system, and their children either being denied access to boosters, or not being first in line.

09-15-21, 05:54

Proof of this claim?

This guy might be a little difficult to understand but here you go...
Covid Outbreak In Duke University - 97.8% Are Fully Vaccinated 2.2% Are Unvaccinated

09-15-21, 06:18
Proof of this claim?

Unless you've been living under a rock or solely watching CNN you should be able to find the data yourself.

It is well known these jabs are very narrow in their effectiveness and we are seeing exactly what at least one person warned us would happen. Yet this entire fiasco has been mis-managed at every step by the potato heads in charge at the FDC and WHO.


09-15-21, 08:21
One person's thoughts:


Conclusion (skips over lots of detail):

Thus, the globally coordinated vaccination program can be interpreted as a building block in a supranational strategy of a great reset. Global vaccination structures are being established that can be used for subsequent global vaccination campaigns. From the perspective of advocates of a great reset, globally coordinated covid-19 vaccination underscores the need for global structures and organizations that can then be used for other global purposes, such as effectively combating "climate change" and pushing for a great reset. In short, the state, the media, the pharmaceutical industry, and supranational organizations are closely intertwined and have a common interest in the vaccination narrative. From this perspective, the mounting pressure on the vaccine-free is unsurprising.

I also suspect that the vaccine downsides are well known to various governments, and the larger/more sophisticated governments that pushed them realize that if there remains a sizable unvaccinated control group, its better outcome will be obvious and there will be hell to pay for those who imposed the vaccines.

09-15-21, 08:45
Proof of this claim?


At least to the first paragraph, the conspiracy in the second is just speculation.

09-15-21, 09:28
If you are being persuaded, reminded, pressured, lie to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilted, threatened, punished, criminalized...if all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance, you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is NOT in your best interest. Freedom is dangerous & folks need to be reminded.

09-15-21, 13:38
One person's thoughts:


Conclusion (skips over lots of detail):

I also suspect that the vaccine downsides are well known to various governments, and the larger/more sophisticated governments that pushed them realize that if there remains a sizable unvaccinated control group, its better outcome will be obvious and there will be hell to pay for those who imposed the vaccines.

For the moment they're doing a really good job of keeping those waters too murky for the average person to see, or even the observant to demonstrate to the true believers' satisfaction. It takes a huge amount of objectivity and reading between the lines as it is to see the likely truth.

If the vaccines are injuring people at the rates suggested by the VAERS data, it's being covered up as an outbreak in the Delta variant. And they're able to conceal the deaths by lumping those people in with the "non vaccinated" group, because they didn't have both shots, weren't two weeks out from the second, or hadn't had the booster. As we see with that article in Israel, the term "fully vaccinated" is a moving target that few people at any given time are going to meet. Just as soon as the majority of people have the third shot, they will move it again by requiring a fourth.

And if ADE is currently on the table, as an alternative or in addition to vaccine injuries, they can hide that using the exact same methods. Oh, if he had only gotten that second booster he would still be alive.

And with the surplus deaths this would result in, and the data so muddled nobody can say with certainty where those deaths are coming from, they can claim an outbreak of a deadlier variant. As for why they might want to do that, the economy is sending up all kinds of red flags. One thing I have zero doubt of is that the first lockdowns were used to hide a preexisting financial crisis. It basically allowed them to pause the crisis. It cost them a lot of stimulus, which took us to the brink of hyperinflation, which would be doom for the banks. So in lieu of recovery, and no more stimulus possible, it would seem their only option is to hit the pause button again, necessitating another pretext to do so.

We're kind of at a crossroads here. Either they have to declare the pandemic to be over and reopen, admit that the vaccines don't work and this is just something we'll have to learn to live with like the flu, or declare an outbreak of a yet deadlier variant and blame it on the unvaccinated.

09-15-21, 15:11

Here's another angle to all this. It's undeniable that the pro vs. anti vax debate has become highly politicized, with the vast majority of the antis being on the far right. What better way to purge the government and even the private sector of ultra conservatives?

The really hellish part about the federal mandate for employers to force vaccines is that it removes any potential liability from them. Since their only choice is to comply or face fines, or worse, they can't exactly be blamed now for any harm that might come to their employees.

09-15-21, 17:24
Well, from the what I’m hearing, more and more vaccinated (2X shots) are getting sick.

What if they are lying about the “delta surge” and hospitals aren’t “overflowing” with people seriously ill and dying?

A new study suggests that almost half of those hospitalized with COVID-19 have mild or asymptomatic cases.

09-15-21, 17:49
What if they are lying about the “delta surge” and hospitals aren’t “overflowing” with people seriously ill and dying?

A new study suggests that almost half of those hospitalized with COVID-19 have mild or asymptomatic cases.

When are they 'not' lying to us about any of this???

09-15-21, 18:13
When are they 'not' lying to us about any of this???

There's definitely been a lot of lying in terms of hospitals overflowing. And that was from day 1. Even back in April of 2020 those were all lies.

09-15-21, 18:38
There's definitely been a lot of lying in terms of hospitals overflowing. And that was from day 1. Even back in April of 2020 those were all lies.

Hoping that guys like you that have seen it first hand and KNOW the real story keep sharing it far and wide.

09-15-21, 18:46
There's definitely been a lot of lying................ there fixed it for you .

09-15-21, 18:56
Hoping that guys like you that have seen it first hand and KNOW the real story keep sharing it far and wide.

I think you have me confused with someone else. I'm an industrial designer with an extreme aversion to medical facilities. It is now a matter of public record though that the hospitals were never overwhelmed. They even had to admit before dismantling them that the emergency hospitals set up never received a single patient.

09-15-21, 19:10
I think you have me confused with someone else.

Crap. Thought I was replying to mRad...

Sorry brother.

Coal Dragger
09-16-21, 04:44

This guy might be a little difficult to understand but here you go...
Covid Outbreak In Duke University - 97.8% Are Fully Vaccinated 2.2% Are Unvaccinated

OK so a quick glance at the article this gentleman referenced brings up a few points, which I think are pertinent and that a lot of guys are not considering.

For starters the majority of positive cases of COVID-19 in this outbreak are asymptomatic, in a population in this instance that is 98% vaccinated this seems to indicate that the vaccine is doing the job of protecting people from serious illness if most of them show no symptoms at all.

Further even a brief glance at personnel numbers of staff, faculty, and students going on 2019 numbers puts the day to day on campus population at 24,434 people. It’s probably more than that but I’m not counting the research hospital staff etc.

In 2019 Duke had 15,634 students, if we use that number for 2021 that means 15,321 of them are fully vaccinated, and 312 are not. So if 350 students came down with COVID-19 that is 2% of the student body. If we toss in faculty and administration on campus for the total of 367 that is .015% testing positive. Probably using too low a number for the population. I didn’t see a break flown on those 8 individuals who weren’t vaccinated bring students or employees, not that it matters.

My observation is that of most of them aren’t actually getting sick, because they’re young and fully vaccinated, then they’re not endangering each other. So why are they overreacting? It’s stupid. If you’re vaccinated you’re more likely to not show symptoms, so I say go on about your day to day as per normal. If you are spreading the Chinese Lung Herpes oh well, adults can make adult decisions.
