View Full Version : Holy Smokes this is bad.

09-15-21, 11:05
Do you understand what this says about our FBI?

09-15-21, 11:13
Does this really surprise you after all we've learned about the FBI? We've only seen the tip of the iceberg, of all the stuff we've seen you can bet it is FAR worse in reality. Regardless of what Hannity will tell you, YES the rank and file are included in this disaster of an organization.

You reap what you sew and this is the end result of diversity and other woke hiring and promotion practices. I have personal experience with these clowns and that pretty much sums it up.

Anyone working for a large company can see it happening every single day.

How long did it take them to raid Roger Stone's house? -This is called a clue.

09-15-21, 11:13
Do you understand what this says about our FBI?

It’s imperative that Americans by the mass realize our institutions at the highest levels have been taken over by a criminal cartel and until we stand up nothing will change. I’ll call it, nothing will be done and we will fall as a super power because I just want to “Netflix and chill “

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-15-21, 11:46
^^Pathetically accurate.

09-15-21, 12:06
She should have identified as an avocado or something. Or said Larry's office window blinds cord looked like a noose. It's the only way to get anything done.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

09-15-21, 12:12
I think "We" mostly knew that this kind of crap went on, but hopefully it will wake up a lot more people to hear this report coming from a sympathetic gymnast, rather than from some rural and/or male white person that the masses have been indoctrinated to mock and ignore.

09-15-21, 12:47
But on CNN, MSNBC, NPR, ABC News, CBS, NY Times, WAPO, Huff Post, LA Times don't have time for this with, only 74% of vaccinated, or Hurricanes and SEPT 18TH RIOTS!!!!

We need term limits and actual consequences, how, I don't know just yet, but we need for the buck to stop somewhere.

09-15-21, 12:54
But on CNN, MSNBC, NPR, ABC News, CBS, NY Times, WAPO, Huff Post, LA Times don't have time for this with, only 74% of vaccinated, or Hurricanes and SEPT 18TH RIOTS!!!!

We need term limits and actual consequences, how, I don't know just yet, but we need for the buck to stop somewhere.

Unless you replace the staffs at the same time as the elected officials/appointees, all Term Limits do is reshuffle deck chairs on the Titanic. It's the Bureacratic Class, both on the Hill and in the Agency HQ's, that are the real power... the legislators and leaders get isolated by staff gatekeepers and only fed the info the staffs WANT them to see.

09-15-21, 12:55
That pinhead Wray is up there now, pleading the FBI’s case. So, how many times now has he performed the exact same song and dance in his 4 year tenure? When the FBI LITERALLY just fired the Supervisory Agent involved in this disgrace TODAY, why should we believe them this time?

Horowitz just admitted that even when they refer internal crimes committed by FBI agents to the DoJ for decisions on prosecution, they never even make a recommendation for or against prosecution! WTF!!!

The DoJ has flatly refused to prosecute FBI agents involved in this miscarriage of justice, in spite of damning evidence that said agents colluded with USA Gymnastics leadership against the victim’s interests.

This should be the the straw that breaks the DoJ’s back. Wray should be fired immediately for incompetence. Horowitz should be forced to resign. The Hoover Building should be demolished as a message to the entire agency. ALL the senior “leadership” at DoJ should be stripped of their titles, jobs, EVERYTHING, then forcibly thrown out of the Main Justice building!

I’ve long and often stated unequivocally that we do not have a system of “Justice”, but a system of law. Well I no longer believe we even have a system of law either. It’s completely broken and feckless. They victimized these gymnasts and enabled, if not actively facilitated the sexual abuse of many more young girls. This is unconscionable in the extreme. Everyone involved in this tragedy needs to be perp walked with full press coverage, up to and including ANYONE in the FBI and DoJ who knew and did nothing. :mad:

09-15-21, 13:17
When the FBI comes to your house........GET OFF MY PORCH!

09-15-21, 13:24
When the FBI comes to your house........GET OFF MY PORCH!

I continue to marvel at anyone who’d ever agree to talk to the FBI. The entire system is stacked against you and they don’t even follow their own rules, which brings no repercussions against them when they do it.

09-15-21, 13:34
I continue to marvel at anyone who’d ever agree to talk to the FBI. The entire system is stacked against you and they don’t even follow their own rules, which brings no repercussions against them when they do it.

If I ever was arrested by them (or any police agency), but especially the FBI, the only words out of my mouth are "I want a lawyer". Want me to come down to talk about something in your interrogation room.....NO.

09-15-21, 13:37
I continue to marvel at anyone who’d ever agree to talk to the FBI. The entire system is stacked against you and they don’t even follow their own rules, which brings no repercussions against them when they do it.

No words are more important in the dictionary. If the fbi has any evidence they wouldn’t want to talk. They would arrest you. My cousin is a detective and told me specifically to never say anything to the police without your lawyer, “especially if your innocent.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-15-21, 14:06
We have an extreme failure to not equally apply laws.


Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

09-15-21, 14:25
Has she been arrested for sedition yet?

09-15-21, 14:27
They should have let that Dad loose in the courtroom on Nassar and just picked up the pieces afterwards.


Though it's certainly one time I think a judge got it right:


Regardless, things like this make me sick to my stomach. An FBI Agent actually let child rape go. For what? Seriously, what reason did they have for not slamming that bastard hard?

09-15-21, 14:28
I don't have Netflix any longer, but for those who do, I highly suggest watching the documentary "Athlete A".

None of this should be a surprise to anyone. It was well documented already.

09-15-21, 14:32
Unless you replace the staffs at the same time as the elected officials/appointees, all Term Limits do is reshuffle deck chairs on the Titanic. It's the Bureacratic Class, both on the Hill and in the Agency HQ's, that are the real power... the legislators and leaders get isolated by staff gatekeepers and only fed the info the staffs WANT them to see.

Valid point. I do think that fresh blood at the Congressional and Senate levels will have to examine the bureaucracy we have in place, how much change they can effect and the culture that they have in place will change when the people really do say it is time to, for better or for worse.

09-15-21, 14:57
Has she been arrested for sedition yet?

They probably haven’t finished installing child porn on her computer yet. :rolleyes:

09-15-21, 15:13
Valid point. I do think that fresh blood at the Congressional and Senate levels will have to examine the bureaucracy we have in place, how much change they can effect and the culture that they have in place will change when the people really do say it is time to, for better or for worse.

If we crush the Deep State "interagency consensus" bureaucracy, that's a huge chunk of the problem solved by itself.

09-15-21, 15:41
The fbi is the US equivalent of the Gestapo/STASI/KGB or any other loathsome agency. There may be a few 'good' agents, but I highly doubt it.

Straight Shooter
09-15-21, 17:04
The fbi is the US equivalent of the Gestapo/STASI/KGB or any other loathsome agency. There may be a few 'good' agents, but I highly doubt it.

If they are "good"...WTF are they working for the FBI? You work for demons...YOURE A F-ING DEMON, PERIOD.

09-15-21, 17:11
Wait. You mean to tell me the agency created by a closet freak and used to amass dossiers on political opponents from its onset hasn’t changed its stripes. Say it isn’t so.

Nassar was politically connected. He eventually lost his mojo, but till then he was untouchable. Kind of like the members of the central committee and their friends back in the old country. They wanted to rape your daughter they raped your daughter and nobody did squat about it.

Alex V
09-15-21, 17:31
The FBI projecting pedophiles? Color me shocked.

None of this will ever stop while we sit idly by.

The Founders gave us a way to fix this, but we refuse to use it, so we deserve this.

Straight Shooter
09-15-21, 18:11
The FBI projecting pedophiles? Color me shocked.

None of this will ever stop while we sit idly by.

The Founders gave us a way to fix this, but we refuse to use it, so we deserve this.


09-15-21, 18:49
YES are Americans so risk adverse that they choose serfdom over freedom because freedom requires effort ?

09-15-21, 19:02
YES are Americans so risk adverse that they choose serfdom over freedom because freedom requires effort ?

It's just like the Fall of Rome, how one Caesar after another lobotomized the masses with bread and circuses leading to decay, rot and inability to effectively resist when the Ostrogoths came a-raiding.

09-15-21, 19:02
YES are Americans so risk adverse that they choose serfdom over freedom because freedom requires effort ?

It's just like the Fall of Rome, how one Caesar after another lobotomized the masses with bread and circuses leading to decay, rot and inability to effectively resist when the Ostrogoths came a-raiding.

09-15-21, 19:10
The FBI projecting pedophiles? Color me shocked.

None of this will ever stop while we sit idly by.

The Founders gave us a way to fix this, but we refuse to use it, so we deserve this.

It's been tried once since then, for reasons both good and bad. The outcome was not good for those who challenged the established government.

The time to spill blood was the 1960s when the government was being infiltrated and occupied. But the only ones willing to spill blood were the radical leftists and the standing government completely capitulated at all levels.

I don't think the same insurrectionist tactics would actually work 50 years later. They know how they infiltrated and they closed the doors behind them.

I don't think "a way" really exists any longer and I don't think we are to blame and I don't think we deserve any of this.

Just as our country is no longer economically independent, christ we don't even make our own steel or cars anymore and US Steel was assumed to be a "forever" thing, as individuals we no longer enjoy the independence that once existed.

Ironically the only thing really keeping us from truly becoming "Amerika" is the multitude of foreign enemies that threaten our government.

09-15-21, 19:32
It's just like the Fall of Rome, how one Caesar after another lobotomized the masses with bread and circuses leading to decay, rot and inability to effectively resist when the Ostrogoths came a-raiding.

Actually it was a massive culture shift that came with the adoption of Christianity to replace nearly all of the previous beliefs and values. People began to wonder what they were defending.

In 313 AD, the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which accepted Christianity. By approving Christianity, the Roman state directly undermined its religious traditions. Finally, by this time, Romans considered their emperor a god. But the Christian belief in one god — who was not the emperor — weakened the authority and credibility of the emperor.

In 380 CE, the emperor Theodosius issued the Edict of Thessalonica, which made Christianity, specifically Nicene Christianity, the official religion of the Roman Empire. Theodosius I resorted to standard Roman policy and pacified the Visigoths temporarily with handouts and promises. But money and titles couldn't buy back a Roman army or, more important, a reputation for invincibility.

Wave after wave of Germanic barbarian tribes swept through the Roman Empire. Groups such as the Visigoths, Vandals, Angles, Saxons, Franks, Ostrogoths, and Lombards took turns ravaging the Empire, eventually carving out areas in which to settle down. The Angles and Saxons populated the British Isles, and the Franks ended up in France.

In 476 C.E. Romulus, the last of the Roman emperors in the west, was overthrown by the Germanic leader Odoacer, who became the first Barbarian to rule in Rome. The order that the Roman Empire had brought to western Europe for 1000 years was no more.

In less than 100 years after the conversion to christianity, Rome had fallen.

09-15-21, 20:29

Asking what Accountability looks like.

09-15-21, 21:06
It's just like the Fall of Rome, how one Caesar after another lobotomized the masses with bread and circuses leading to decay, rot and inability to effectively resist when the Ostrogoths came a-raiding.

Don't blame me, I voted for Visigoths.


09-15-21, 22:35
I generally despise Richard Blumenthal on general principles, but he's going after the FBI hard over this.

09-16-21, 05:50

09-16-21, 08:52
I truly fear the country I used to serve...

09-16-21, 09:12
I truly fear the country I used to serve...

Exactly what “they” want, for people to be anxious and fearful.

Alex V
09-16-21, 09:14
It's been tried once since then, for reasons both good and bad. The outcome was not good for those who challenged the established government.

The time to spill blood was the 1960s when the government was being infiltrated and occupied. But the only ones willing to spill blood were the radical leftists and the standing government completely capitulated at all levels.

I don't think the same insurrectionist tactics would actually work 50 years later. They know how they infiltrated and they closed the doors behind them.

I don't think "a way" really exists any longer and I don't think we are to blame and I don't think we deserve any of this.

Just as our country is no longer economically independent, christ we don't even make our own steel or cars anymore and US Steel was assumed to be a "forever" thing, as individuals we no longer enjoy the independence that once existed.

Ironically the only thing really keeping us from truly becoming "Amerika" is the multitude of foreign enemies that threaten our government.

I respectfully disagree, Steyr.

Capitulation is out fault entirely. What ever happened to going out on your feet, not on your knees?

09-16-21, 12:01
And More;

I think we need to know who the heck this specific Agent was and he needs some serious attention.

09-16-21, 13:59
If they are "good"...WTF are they working for the FBI? You work for demons...YOURE A F-ING DEMON, PERIOD.

You are correct sir !

09-16-21, 15:48
I respectfully disagree, Steyr.

Capitulation is out fault entirely. What ever happened to going out on your feet, not on your knees?

Sure, when they come for me. But I don't see what is achieved by going after them. How far would I get. How many regular guys would I have to kill to "attempt" to get close to anyone relevant? Does that sacrifice justify the attempt?

You got a plan? Love to hear it. Especially if it doesn't involve hurting regular folks. What is the objective, remove Biden and create President Harris? Going after the FBI?

We've had guys like Reagan and Trump in office, the fact that things weren't "fixed" tells me that options available to me are limited to occasionally putting guys like Reagan and Trump in office.

The problem isn't I failed, the problem isn't you failed, the problem is we are greatly outnumbered by people who don't know what they are doing when they vote for these people and a scary number of people who DO know what they are doing when they vote for these people.

I can influence my little corner of the world. That's about it. If I was a recording artist, celebrity or pro athlete I would have greater influence.

But if there is something I'm not doing that would actually change things, even a little bit, and it's something I'm not currently doing...then please tell me and everyone else about it.

09-16-21, 17:34
I've said it before on here and will repeat it: the FBI should be disbanded and EVERY SINGLE ONE of those agents should be fired. Distribute their various responsibilities to other Federal LE organizations. They are a corrupt plague on our society and should be dealt with without mercy. ALL of them. Remember, it's the "rank and file" agents (who Hannity fellates) that tie people up with that bullshit "lying to a Federal agent" gotcha-charge. Sure, their superiors approve it, but they are involved with it at the ground level. BTW, that law should be repealed.

Also, don't give a damn if this is a popular opinion or not.

Alex V
09-16-21, 17:40
Sure, when they come for me. But I don't see what is achieved by going after them. How far would I get. How many regular guys would I have to kill to "attempt" to get close to anyone relevant? Does that sacrifice justify the attempt?

You got a plan? Love to hear it. Especially if it doesn't involve hurting regular folks. What is the objective, remove Biden and create President Harris? Going after the FBI?

We've had guys like Reagan and Trump in office, the fact that things weren't "fixed" tells me that options available to me are limited to occasionally putting guys like Reagan and Trump in office.

The problem isn't I failed, the problem isn't you failed, the problem is we are greatly outnumbered by people who don't know what they are doing when they vote for these people and a scary number of people who DO know what they are doing when they vote for these people.

I can influence my little corner of the world. That's about it. If I was a recording artist, celebrity or pro athlete I would have greater influence.

But if there is something I'm not doing that would actually change things, even a little bit, and it's something I'm not currently doing...then please tell me and everyone else about it.

That’s why I said we, and not you or I.

At some point we need to organize, because we won’t survive by ourselves. The country certainly won’t.

Honestly I don’t have a plan, despite my Ukrainian-Jewish roots I don’t have Leon Trotsky‘s abilities in organizing.

09-16-21, 18:16
Distribute their various responsibilities to other Federal LE organizations.

Part of the problem is that so many of the "laws" passed by Congress for a century or more are themselves corrupt. Federal criminal law basically went to hell during FDR's reign and never got better. If you have evil laws to start with, good people charged with enforcing them will ever cooperate with evil, or leave the job, replaced by others who will do it.

09-16-21, 20:18
That’s why I said we, and not you or I.

At some point we need to organize, because we won’t survive by ourselves. The country certainly won’t.

Honestly I don’t have a plan, despite my Ukrainian-Jewish roots I don’t have Leon Trotsky‘s abilities in organizing.

So it won't be as easy as gathering together at Wright's Tavern. With modern digital tracking I don't think it's possible to organize anything, especially something like Constitutional Reset 2.0 where the government very much would be the target.

Patriot Acts, Federal agencies and everything would be brought to bear. And unlike 9-11, they would actually act on the intel and there would be inter agency cooperation like we've never seen before.

And again, the real problem is we are greatly outnumbered by people who do not want a constitutional republic, they do not want to be given that level of responsibility, they voted for a nanny state on purpose.

The government of the United States hasn't been stolen, the nature of the average American has been dramatically altered. They truly worry more about Caitlyn Jenner being given the freedom to use any bathroom than about the freedoms of ordinary people.

09-16-21, 20:21
Part of the problem is that so many of the "laws" passed by Congress for a century or more are themselves corrupt. Federal criminal law basically went to hell during FDR's reign and never got better. If you have evil laws to start with, good people charged with enforcing them will ever cooperate with evil, or leave the job, replaced by others who will do it.

Yep, as much as we are able, we need to work the system. Now I know many here will roll their eyes and say it was "game over" a long time ago, but that isn't completely true, look at the strides we have made with conceal carry since the 1980s. I understand that CCWs probably shouldn't need to exist IF the second amendment was actually respected, but sometimes you have to do a work around to get where you want even if it isn't the way it was supposed to work.

09-16-21, 20:45
Yep, as much as we are able, we need to work the system.

Or work to make the current system irrelevant and increasingly ignored. All the Covid "great reset" stupidity is actually starting to do this for a lot of people, many of whom don't really care about guns and RKBA. Work to rebuild and strengthen other frameworks, whether state and local government or just outside of government. Remind people at every opportunity what a cluster* the federal system is, and has been for a long time. Ask why people are being jailed for years for minor trespassing, but being released without any jail time for burning down a Target. Ask them why "Joe Biden" is forcing them to be injected with "dangerous Trump vaccines" that he swore never to take in 2020. Ask why federal taxes are 10-20 times other taxes, but what meaningful and useful services do you get from the feds in exchange? Ask them why "Biden" had us leave all our weapons and thousands of our supporters behind in Afghanistan, while Kamala literally hid from her own staff. Etc. etc.

Communism collapsed, not through violent revolution, but because the system was decrepit and weakening, and at some point the populations wouldn't stay quiet, and the insiders weren't getting enough benefit or believing in it enough to defend its continued existence. We don't need, or want, any violence or revolution, we just need to get enough people to open their eyes.

And unlike any of the Combloc, we don't need to invent some new form of government. We just need to go back to what the Constitution actually says, and the federal system before FDR and the Great Depression. Ideally without the Federal Reserve either. Since the federal Constitution is the supreme law, we literally just need people to follow existing law, minus the crazy that has poisoned it from FDR and since.

Alex V
09-16-21, 20:59
So it won't be as easy as gathering together at Wright's Tavern. With modern digital tracking I don't think it's possible to organize anything, especially something like Constitutional Reset 2.0 where the government very much would be the target.

Patriot Acts, Federal agencies and everything would be brought to bear. And unlike 9-11, they would actually act on the intel and there would be inter agency cooperation like we've never seen before.

And again, the real problem is we are greatly outnumbered by people who do not want a constitutional republic, they do not want to be given that level of responsibility, they voted for a nanny state on purpose.

The government of the United States hasn't been stolen, the nature of the average American has been dramatically altered. They truly worry more about Caitlyn Jenner being given the freedom to use any bathroom than about the freedoms of ordinary people.

It seems this discussion had already taken place before in this nation’s history. Being outnumbered did not deter the founders.

These words were true then as they are now.
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

09-16-21, 22:01
It seems this discussion had already taken place before in this nation’s history. Being outnumbered did not deter the founders.

These words were true then as they are now.
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

Talk about apples and watermelons.

So back then it was people who wanted freedom from the monarchy vs. those who wished to remain a B ritish subject. But even the loyalists weren't batshit insane and bent on the destruction of everything.

So keep hitting me with quotes about a time and place that is no longer possible and I'll see ya at Wright's Tavern for the super secret "patriots only" gathering. I'll be the guy in the "I'm Not A FBI Agent" t shirt. The secret knock is two taps...wait a few seconds...one tap....wait a few seconds...and then two more taps.

But don't tell anyone...it's a secret.

I call dibs on "Liberty Tree" for the name of my militia and I need to be made a Lt. Colonel at least. We'll need to make lists of people who need to be shot and those who only need to be tarred and feathered. I figure we can recruit from the next LARP convention or airsoft event.

09-16-21, 23:12
We are NOT outnumbered by the leftists and wierdos.

WE outnumber THEM. What we lack is unity, cohesion, logistics and planning with clear goals.

WE definitely do outnumber THEM.

09-16-21, 23:48
We are NOT outnumbered by the leftists and wierdos.

WE outnumber THEM. What we lack is unity, cohesion, logistics and planning with clear goals.

WE definitely do outnumber THEM.

This. Keeping us at each other's throats is what the kiddie-diddling freaks bank on to maintain their hold on power.

09-17-21, 00:25
We are NOT outnumbered by the leftists and wierdos.

WE outnumber THEM. What we lack is unity, cohesion, logistics and planning with clear goals.

WE definitely do outnumber THEM.

Exactly this! I might also add "fortitude."

09-17-21, 00:57
We are NOT outnumbered by the leftists and wierdos.

WE outnumber THEM. What we lack is unity, cohesion, logistics and planning with clear goals.

WE definitely do outnumber THEM.

Not sure I agree. Last several election with one lone exception suggest otherwise.

Even the "normal" people you think you know are clicking "likes" on BLM pages and support "antifa" because everyone hates "nazis." This popular, even if poorly researched support translates to massive donations and financial support from Amazon and the rest who don't want to upset their customer base.

Probably the MOST organized we've ever been is the NRA with the election of Obama and look how that turned out. Now "we" are the ones "gutting" the NRA, no need for the heavy lifting from anti gunners. Not saying the NRA doesn't have problems and seriously needs better leadership, but we are actively scuttling our own warships.

And for every purple hair, neck tattoo marxist waving an antifa flag, we sadly have our own extremists including some very vocal actual nazis (even if their numbers are below 100 nationwide) who think Trump was actually talking about them when he was talking about helping real conservatives. We also have ultra fundamentalists who think rape victims should be forced to have the child because abortion is wrong. We have the LARPer "patriot" brigade who believes that open carrying a slung AR-15 into Starbucks helps forward second amendment issues and they put their activism on social media with the same bravado as antifa clowns.

The rest are mostly, grossly uniformed. They are content to get news from their facebook feed because it's "convenient" and they never take the time to look at the actual source for the story and it's not like the MSM is strongly vetting information these days even if they get a somewhat credible source.

I know more than a few "serious" conservatives with military backgrounds, who have CCWs because they are strong second amendment advocates but easily 50% of the "links" they forward to me are 100% opinion news with wholly unsubstantiated "facts." I gave up sending them sourced corrections years ago.

The one thing they have in common is IF and WHEN they actually announce the Big Boog, they will all show up for the first phase of FBI round ups of extremist patriot groups.

Now all is not lost, but we are seriously playing defensive ball and a million red ants can still bring down an elephant.

09-17-21, 04:07
top men of the FBLie

09-17-21, 06:09
Not sure I agree. Last several election with one lone exception suggest otherwise.

Even the "normal" people you think you know are clicking "likes" on BLM pages and support "antifa" because everyone hates "nazis." This popular, even if poorly researched support translates to massive donations and financial support from Amazon and the rest who don't want to upset their customer base.

Probably the MOST organized we've ever been is the NRA with the election of Obama and look how that turned out. Now "we" are the ones "gutting" the NRA, no need for the heavy lifting from anti gunners. Not saying the NRA doesn't have problems and seriously needs better leadership, but we are actively scuttling our own warships.

Yep, drove to the house of the person I work for to get something signed. A very high level person in a very large company. Interestingly he is a 1st generation German immigrant. Boldly displayed on his garage was a rather large BLM sign. Will never look at him the same again. I knew he was very likely a liberal, I just didn't think he was stupid.

The NRA thing really annoys me.......and you're right. Too many of "us" ruin the good by looking for perfection.

Alex V
09-17-21, 07:35
Talk about apples and watermelons.

So back then it was people who wanted freedom from the monarchy vs. those who wished to remain a B ritish subject. But even the loyalists weren't batshit insane and bent on the destruction of everything.

So keep hitting me with quotes about a time and place that is no longer possible and I'll see ya at Wright's Tavern for the super secret "patriots only" gathering. I'll be the guy in the "I'm Not A FBI Agent" t shirt. The secret knock is two taps...wait a few seconds...one tap....wait a few seconds...and then two more taps.

But don't tell anyone...it's a secret.

I call dibs on "Liberty Tree" for the name of my militia and I need to be made a Lt. Colonel at least. We'll need to make lists of people who need to be shot and those who only need to be tarred and feathered. I figure we can recruit from the next LARP convention or airsoft event.

You can discount it and laugh, but that won't slow the destruction of this country or prevent our eventual enslavement. You can consider those old notions hokey, out dated and unable to be repeated, but in my humble opinion, that is the very reason we are in the situation we're in.

09-17-21, 11:42
If we crush the Deep State "interagency consensus" bureaucracy, that's a huge chunk of the problem solved by itself.

Get rid of ANY federal agency besides the marshal service. Relegate them to ONLY perform fugitive apprehension or court security. NO Fbi/Dea/Atf/Dhs, etc. Ever again, in perpetuity.

09-17-21, 11:59
I've said it before on here and will repeat it: the FBI should be disbanded and EVERY SINGLE ONE of those agents should be fired. Distribute their various responsibilities to other Federal LE organizations. They are a corrupt plague on our society and should be dealt with without mercy. ALL of them. Remember, it's the "rank and file" agents (who Hannity fellates) that tie people up with that bullshit "lying to a Federal agent" gotcha-charge. Sure, their superiors approve it, but they are involved with it at the ground level. BTW, that law should be repealed.

Also, don't give a damn if this is a popular opinion or not.

If you're a federal agent or attorney in ANY agency, and you've ever filed a 1001 case against a person without any other supporting charges, then you don't have evidence of an underlying crime. So WTF are you actually doing? Harassing American citizens is what you're doing, and you're part of the problem! :mad:

09-17-21, 13:59
If you're a federal agent or attorney in ANY agency, and you've ever filed a 1001 case against a person without any other supporting charges, then you don't have evidence of an underlying crime. So WTF are you actually doing? Harassing American citizens is what you're doing, and you're part of the problem! :mad:

That came up once upon a time.

"He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance."

Different players, same basic idea:

"He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions."

09-17-21, 14:43

I make it a point to read it, the whole thing, every July 4th.

Read it again the other day, on 9/11.

It has once again become very relevant to our current situation.

09-17-21, 18:11
You can discount it and laugh, but that won't slow the destruction of this country or prevent our eventual enslavement. You can consider those old notions hokey, out dated and unable to be repeated, but in my humble opinion, that is the very reason we are in the situation we're in.

So again.

1. Already doing what I can do to the extent of my influence in my local area.

2. Ready and willing to do anything additional, if and when it presents itself.

Again, if you or anyone else has a plan or ideas for things that we are not currently doing, that are more viable than "Storm Area 51 / Storm the Capitol Building", please let us know.

Because simply understanding the Constitution and quoting the founding fathers doesn't really move the ball...at all. I've been doing that for two decades and it's just words on the internet.

Hell I've been talking for years about an "easy one", removing the sporter clause from the 1968 GCA and 80% of gun rights activists still don't know what it is and not a single group from the NRA to the GOA has ever mentioned it much less decided to go after it.

So believe me, I know your frustration. Until then Lt. Col. AUG will be faithfully building the "Liberty Tree" militia and awaiting our marching orders. Let us know when the shooting starts in earnest.

09-17-21, 20:18
I would like to know specifically by name the Agent that shelved her report for like five years.

09-17-21, 20:22
So again.

1. Already doing what I can do to the extent of my influence in my local area.

2. Ready and willing to do anything additional, if and when it presents itself.

Again, if you or anyone else has a plan or ideas for things that we are not currently doing, that are more viable than "Storm Area 51 / Storm the Capitol Building", please let us know.

Because simply understanding the Constitution and quoting the founding fathers doesn't really move the ball...at all. I've been doing that for two decades and it's just words on the internet.

Hell I've been talking for years about an "easy one", removing the sporter clause from the 1968 GCA and 80% of gun rights activists still don't know what it is and not a single group from the NRA to the GOA has ever mentioned it much less decided to go after it.

So believe me, I know your frustration. Until then Lt. Col. AUG will be faithfully building the "Liberty Tree" militia and awaiting our marching orders. Let us know when the shooting starts in earnest.

Nah, you ain't no Lt Col. Might spot you some captain's bars, but keep pushing it and you'll be 1st LT. We don't self-promote around here!


09-17-21, 22:22
Nah, you ain't no Lt Col. Might spot you some captain's bars, but keep pushing it and you'll be 1st LT. We don't self-promote around here!


I became eligible for Lt. Col. rank once I achieved the age of 50 and surpassed 200 lbs. We both know damn well LTs have to walk around with a map and compass and F things up as much as possible. I'm not doing that much walking so that mandates minimum rank of Lt. Col.

When I manage to ND a firearm on the range we will talk about stars. As founder of the Liberty Tree militia I feel I am being humble wearing silver oaks when I probably should be wearing eagles.

So there.

Liberty Tree Militia "We eat more before 9am than most people do all day."