View Full Version : Boosters incoming

09-17-21, 14:08

Pfizer/BioNTech, which is arguing that there's enough evidence of waning immunity to justify giving booster doses to people

Just some food for thought. If someone's thinking about taking that first dose to keep their job or whatever, they seriously need to ask themselves if they're committed to taking a potentially endless series of boosters multiple times a year.

The Israelis dutifully took the first two with the assurance that it would provide long lasting immunity. Before they knew it, they were back to being second class citizens if they refused to take a third. Now they're about to be ordered to take a fourth:


But even that seemingly won't be the end of it. The vaccine manufacturers are already developing a Delta specific booster: https://investors.biontech.de/news-releases/news-release-details/pfizer-and-biontech-provide-update-booster-program-light-delta

While Pfizer and BioNTech believe a third dose of BNT162b2 has the potential to preserve the highest levels of protective efficacy against all currently tested variants including Delta, the companies are remaining vigilant and are developing an updated version of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine that targets the full spike protein of the Delta variant.

Just to put that into context, the very same people who are right now lobbying the FDA to force Americans to take a third shot are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing an entirely new vaccine, that's going to come with entirely new unknown risks. And I would venture to say it's only logical that they're not making this investment without a very high degree of certainty that the product is going to be used. That is, they're not developing it "just in case" as the press release would have us believe. For-profit companies DO NOT develop products "just in case" they might be needed. They only develop new products when the need is crystal clear, and they're near 100% certain the demand will be there if they can successfully bring it to market.

So it looks like best case scenario right now, the mandates will include a third shot, possibly followed by a fourth, which Americans might be spared from if the Delta specific vaccine is available before the fourth shot mandate gets handed down. And it seems only logical to assume there will be boosters of that, as well, followed by future variant specific vaccines.

09-17-21, 14:36

I think this topic has been kicked well past death at this point. Everyone knows where they stand on the topic. I’ll just drop this gem and go.

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09-17-21, 14:37
....................and Trump was the tyrant eh?

On Tuesday, two top FDA vaccine regulators resigned — a decision that one former official said was rooted in anger over the agency’s lack of autonomy in the booster planning so far. A current health official said the pair, Marion Gruber and Philip Krause, left over differences with FDA’s top vaccine official Peter Marks. Now the agency is facing a potential mutiny among its staff and outside vaccine advisers, several of whom feel cut out of key decisions and who view the plan to offer boosters to all adults as premature and unnecessary.


09-17-21, 14:52

I think this topic has been kicked well past death at this point. Everyone knows where they stand on the topic. I’ll just drop this gem and go.

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I disagree. I think the majority of people are really unaware of what's going on in the background. Maybe they have some dodgy awareness that boosters might, in the future, be necessary, but I think they're pretty much unaware that it's going to be multiple boosters every year for the foreseeable future. Were they aware that that is now the situation in a nutshell, I don't think many people would take that first dose, much less give it to their children.

And that's to say nothing of the potential for antibody dependent enhancement. I hear lots of people who got the first two are now saying enough is enough and they won't take the third. Well, little do they know they might not have a choice.

Personally I think it's important that people know what they're up against, because most of them legitimately still think it's two shots and they're safe from persecution after that. Some are vaguely aware there might be a booster, but very few are aware of the potential for an endless series of boosters and new vaccines every three months. And unaware that if they get the first two and refuse any thereafter they won't keep their job, be able to go to bars, etc. This isn't a one and done thing like we're being told. This will be a constant merry go round that nobody gets to get off of.

So honestly if anyone thinks they're not going to be okay with that, they need to know this information NOW, not two weeks from now after they've already capitulated. Especially since medical/religious exemptions aren't going to work if you've already gotten one jab. So if they're not okay with a third and fourth, and more vaccines for variants after that even, then they stand a better chance of claiming that exemption now before they've taken a single shot. I would hate to see people walk off their job three months from now for refusing a booster, when they could have potentially not taken it at all and still keep their job.

09-17-21, 14:58
....................and Trump was the tyrant eh?


Well it's pretty clear that the manufacturers are the ones in charge now. Anyone who thinks they won't get their way doesn't know who the FDA really works for.

The article in the OP was just updated a few minutes ago I noticed:

FDA vaccine advisers reject Pfizer's request to add booster dose of its Covid-19 vaccine, but may vote again

I read that as the frog got anxious so they turned down the heat a little bit until he calms back down. Just wait until the deadlines to get vaccinated have come and gone. My guess is that's when they'll spring the bad news on everyone.

09-17-21, 15:25
Various info:


A MAJOR paper on this topic with a bunch of authors, including the FDA's #1 and #2 vaccine people, both of whom announced their upcoming departures a few weeks ago:


I am 100% as skeptical of the drugmakers and the elected politicians involved, but hopeful that the career type people who don't stand to make millions of dollars, and don't want to intentionally harm the masses for profit, might put up some roadblock.

09-17-21, 16:16
Not for Pfizer.


09-17-21, 20:21
I believe the Governor of New York was all about begining the roll out for the boosters on Monday.
I do know two have quit the board recently.

09-17-21, 20:32
Yes, I tend to think this endless booster theorizing (and the corresponding $$$ spent) is a crock of shiite. Those taxpayer funds would be equally or better spent on turning on the spigot of monoclonal antibodies.

09-17-21, 20:44
Imagine the tears flowing for all those who are now getting emotionally dope sick their next jab fix is delayed...

09-17-21, 20:54
Imagine the tears flowing for all those who are now getting emotionally dope sick their next jab fix is delayed...

Had a patient ask me today "Do you know when I can get the third shot?" Like in an anxious kind of way.

09-17-21, 21:14
This is why I think the "wait and see" tactic was a sound one.
No one from our .gov has shown any interest in my Life up to now, suddenly they want me to get a vaccine for a virus that was made in China, that we helped fund?
So now the vaccine has shown to have a narrow focus and will need more vaccines as time goes on and as the virus mutates.
In the meantime we ignore other medicines and treatments even when they are shown to be successful?

No, even if there is no ulterior motive, this is teetering on being a disaster. You don't keep slapping a patch on a tire everytime in busts.

09-18-21, 02:51
At least tickle my balls and tell me that it's Delta rated or something.

And who is surprised by this? The frickn vax card that they handed out had four slots in it.... And is too big for a standard business-car/credit-card slot in a wallet. That is pure govt planning there.

This is going to end up like my car insurance slip or car registration- I'll always have the old one from years ago, or a bunch of them, but never the right one.

09-18-21, 19:54
I am and will always be a pure blood!:dance3:https://www.bitchute.com/video/86IRiLqSaIL4/

09-18-21, 20:01
At least tickle my balls and tell me that it's Delta rated or something.

And who is surprised by this? The frickn vax card that they handed out had four slots in it.... And is too big for a standard business-car/credit-card slot in a wallet. That is pure govt planning there.

This is going to end up like my car insurance slip or car registration- I'll always have the old one from years ago, or a bunch of them, but never the right one.

Yes, I recall making a mental note of that when I got mine.

09-18-21, 20:47
Had a patient ask me today "Do you know when I can get the third shot?" Like in an anxious kind of way.

Step Dad called today to tell me he & mom got the booster yesterday when he told me no way in hell was he going to do it just a couple weeks ago...said he would rather die from the booster than listen to the nagging. Just like the first two jabs he just had a sore arm & it laid mom out in bed for 24 hours. Had to sign a waiver they had conditions to receive & although healthy for his age, he though being 78yrs old wasn't lying.

09-19-21, 11:09
Yes, I recall making a mental note of that when I got mine.

I just discovered that they didn't even fill mine out right. I was looking at it and they listed the same batch of Phizer on both my shots. I wondered how this was possible being that it was 22 days apart. So I went online and looked at my shot records. First dose was from batch xx077 and the second was xx087. The whole thing is so slip shod that I'm starting to wonder what they poked me with.

09-19-21, 11:42
I just discovered that they didn't even fill mine out right. I was looking at it and they listed the same batch of Phizer on both my shots. I wondered how this was possible being that it was 22 days apart. So I went online and looked at my shot records. First dose was from batch xx077 and the second was xx087. The whole thing is so slip shod that I'm starting to wonder what they poked me with.

They probobly don't know.

09-19-21, 13:21
This gal went in for for the flu shot & let with the jab...reckon that's happened more than once.


09-19-21, 13:46
WHO chief urges halt to booster shots for rest of the year

Meanwhile, The story of Ivermectin

09-19-21, 15:17
WHO chief urges halt to booster shots for rest of the year

Meanwhile, The story of Ivermectin

It wasn’t in the establishments interest to be able to treat people.

They needed as many bodies as possible to scare as many people as possible and blame Trump.

Just as Hunter Biden’s laptop was not reported, these treatments were scoffed at as Ignorant people taking horse medicine. Any valid discussion was censored by the same big tech companies and media who also censored the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Their positions are well known at this point.

The fix was in and people died needlessly as a result.

There is NOTHING anyone can say to convince me otherwise. Don’t forget, these are the same organizations who brought you 4 full years of Russia lies.

I sat in my house over Christmas 2019 wondering how they would destroy the Trump economy. It only took a few months for me to find out.

09-19-21, 16:09
WHO chief urges halt to booster shots for rest of the year

Meanwhile, The story of Ivermectin

Creating FOMO. If coercion doesn't work maybe reverse psychology will.