View Full Version : Powell sounds off.

12-11-08, 20:56

SFW link.

12-11-08, 21:31
I'm having trouble describing what a POS that guy is.

12-12-08, 06:53
Very sad.

12-12-08, 07:52
Powell is as conservative as I am black.

12-12-08, 11:33
I am still at a loss as to why Powell didn't fess up on the Wilson/Plame issue. He knew about Armitage very early, IIRC. Assuming that everything I've heard is true, it is hard to respect him any more. He allowed a lot of damage to be done to the Bush administration.

12-12-08, 15:19
Meanwhile...., Getting back on topic!

Powell - - - Dang, so he ready, ready was a "Politician General."

Disappointing. :(

12-12-08, 17:31
All the religious stuff aside. I specifically remember an interview that Powell gave many years ago and when asked about his stance on gun control he stated that he was for an "assault weapons ban" as well as licensing, etc...So Colin Powell can kiss my ass.

12-12-08, 20:59
Mods: Although this thread has gone of course, as the originator, I'm perfectly ok with it. Good conversation so far.

I've shared my opinion on the subject this thread is now on and frankly don't have the energy to do it again. This topic is something I'm so sure I have right that "discussing" it does not interest me in the least. I suppose that's arrogance, but I've made peace with that. ;)

Carry on. :cool:

Jay Cunningham
12-12-08, 21:03
ZDL - you are correct and I'm going to split these topics.


El Mac
12-12-08, 23:11
Powell - - - Dang, so he ready, ready was a "Politician General."

Yes he really really was...as everyone in a green suit could have attested to years ago. He was totally political. Jumped ahead of hundreds of his peers because he was a smart guy that happened to have the right skin color. So often in gov't its time and place...

Don Robison
12-12-08, 23:16
Never cared for him while he was on active duty, cared less for him after he retired and decided to stay in politics and couldn't care less what he has to say now.

12-12-08, 23:27
I think his first name(pronounced correctly, just cleverly misspelled) pretty much sums him up today.