View Full Version : No new single family homes in California??

09-19-21, 13:46
If it is your property, why do you have to build on it for others? This is pretty lifechanging.
SB 1079. Residential property: foreclosure.

Existing law provides certain requirements that must be satisfied before the exercise of a power of sale under a deed of trust. One requirement is that, if a loan is secured by real property containing 1-4 single-family residences, a notice of sale containing specific information be sent to potential bidders and to the property owner.

SB 1079 requires that the notices of sale additionally provide tenants with notice, and that the notices specify a tenant’s right to purchase the property during foreclosure sales. The law also provides that a trustee cannot bundle properties for sale (each property must be bid on separately), unless the deed of trust provides otherwise.

Additionally, SB 1079 provides an alternative process for trustee’s sales under a power of sale in a deed of trust on real property containing 1-4 single-family residences. The law permits “eligible bidders” to bid on foreclosed properties up to 45 days after the foreclosure sale. Eligible bidders primarily include: (A) the tenant occupying the property, (B) a prospective owner-occupant, and (C) certain non-profits.

09-19-21, 13:53
Some good points here.
It would appear that the suburbs are being regulated out of existance, property owners will go for the money and sell out. Then you get to wake up one morning and discover you live in a Prefabricated Ghetto.
Also, how will they deal with section 8 ?

09-19-21, 14:24
Live in the pod, eat the bugs. You will own nothing and be happy.

Are you paying attention yet?

09-19-21, 14:42
Judge Dredd Mega Cities coming soon.

09-19-21, 14:54
I can imagine paying 250K for a Condo and then find out my neighbors are section 8 and everything that goes along with that.
Your home is now worth nothing.

09-19-21, 15:57
I can imagine paying 250K for a Condo and then find out my neighbors are section 8 and everything that goes along with that.
Your home is now worth nothing.

Try 750k for a hotel room sized apt in SF across the street from a shanty homeless town under the freeway. And the value still goes up.

09-19-21, 16:03
Enjoy your socialist utopia.

09-19-21, 16:54
Don’t forget the poo!

09-19-21, 17:50
Yet people still live there... Maybe one day they will wake up and realize what they are voting for...

09-19-21, 18:08
Yet people still live there... Maybe one day they will wake up and realize what they are voting for...

Haha, that's a good one. Did you watch the interviews with Californians on why they voted to keep their Governor?? Because he cares about the homeless, he is doing an awesome job with the state's covid response, the state economy is awesome, etc..... They are living in an alternate reality....

09-19-21, 18:14
Let's hope they all stay there instead of moving and then trying to make thier new community the shithole that California is.

09-19-21, 18:40
Judge Dredd Mega Cities coming soon.

Here you go: https://cityoftelosa.com/

Also, I’m pretty sure Bill Gates has been buying land in and around Buckeye, AZ, for his own future utopia.

john armond
09-19-21, 18:46
Here you go: https://cityoftelosa.com/

Also, I’m pretty sure Bill Gates has been buying land in and around Buckeye, AZ, for his own future utopia.

What no one seems to ever take into account with all these grand ideas is evil within man. Everything is supposed to be perfect with everybody getting along, no jealousy, no crime, nothing bad ever…unless they just plan to eliminate any “undesirables.”

09-19-21, 20:16
Here you go: https://cityoftelosa.com/

Also, I’m pretty sure Bill Gates has been buying land in and around Buckeye, AZ, for his own future utopia.

This “city” sounds frightening. Do you have to interview in order to be given a spot on the list? Do you have to give a sample of your blood and attend a welcome “ritual”?

09-19-21, 20:17
What no one seems to ever take into account with all these grand ideas is evil within man. Everything is supposed to be perfect with everybody getting along, no jealousy, no crime, nothing bad ever…unless they just plan to eliminate any “undesirables.”

Sure sounds like it. If you don’t belong, you are sent out to the wasteland.

09-19-21, 20:35
I can imagine paying 250K for a Condo and then find out my neighbors are section 8 and everything that goes along with that.
Your home is now worth nothing.

Where do you find a condo in Ca that you can buy for 250K that isn't already in the ghetto? Had a friend that got a job paying 4 times what his job doing the same thing on the east coast paid. His commute was 165 miles one way to a place he could afford. He didn't last a year before coming back.

09-19-21, 20:52
Haha, that's a good one. Did you watch the interviews with Californians on why they voted to keep their Governor?? Because he cares about the homeless, he is doing an awesome job with the state's covid response, the state economy is awesome, etc..... They are living in an alternate reality....

Pretty much why I don't worry a lot about trying to fix CA. It's useful function as an idiot magnet is probably it's greatest attribute. I feel sorry for those stuck behind the lines and I know there are good people with family or work ties that can't be left behind but it's like trying to bring literacy, enlightenment and responsibility to the trailer park. There is only some much that can be accomplished, they are in CA on purpose and these are the things that are most important to them.

I only wish there was a way to funnel EVERY illegal alien, every homeless person, everyone who advocates socialism to communism and every person with a substance abuse problem to CA. It's a damn shame such a beautiful state got sacrificed to the crazy crew but it became a hippie mecca during the 60s and tolerated the radicals.

09-20-21, 01:11
This “city” sounds frightening. Do you have to interview in order to be given a spot on the list? Do you have to give a sample of your blood and attend a welcome “ritual”?

Entry to the commune would be less old school occult ritual and more 21st century hive mind drone acceptance- in other words, Future Citizen will be vetted well in advance based upon social credit score. That in turn is basically tied to FC’s entire social media profile, which for the newest generation is assigned at birth. That is to say, parents today are placing sensitive details of baby’s life on SM early on, and social credit of parents will establish a baseline for Future Citizen. Future Citizen’s personal choices and peer reviews from kindergarten onward will add/detract from the budding social credit score. By the time Future Citizen is on ‘their’ own, ‘they’ will be a known quantity. Gigs of snowflake experiences will do the vetting for them- their employer/education/SM posts will be in line with community standards, or they will not be suitable denizens of said commune.

09-20-21, 01:45
What no one seems to ever take into account with all these grand ideas is evil within man. Everything is supposed to be perfect with everybody getting along, no jealousy, no crime, nothing bad ever…unless they just plan to eliminate any “undesirables.”

Gonna be smooth sailing until they get their version of a BTK who will have a perfect score, low carbon footprint, regularly tithes 20% to BLM and the like but is secretly kidnapping, torturing and murdering victims of opportunity. Even the Soviets had Citizen X and the fact that everyone agreed that "serial killers" were uniquely a western problem it went on for a long, long time.

I'd almost say they deserved it, but the victims who are born into such servitude rarely deserve any additional misery...but they usually get it anyway.

09-20-21, 01:54
Entry to the commune would be less old school occult ritual and more 21st century hive mind drone acceptance- in other words, Future Citizen will be vetted well in advance based upon social credit score. That in turn is basically tied to FC’s entire social media profile, which for the newest generation is assigned at birth. That is to say, parents today are placing sensitive details of baby’s life on SM early on, and social credit of parents will establish a baseline for Future Citizen. Future Citizen’s personal choices and peer reviews from kindergarten onward will add/detract from the budding social credit score. By the time Future Citizen is on ‘their’ own, ‘they’ will be a known quantity. Gigs of snowflake experiences will do the vetting for them- their employer/education/SM posts will be in line with community standards, or they will not be suitable denizens of said commune.

So does that mean getting code and zoning approval for my home based FFL / SOT might be problematic?

I wouldn't jump through any of those hoops to live near Bill Gates. Indoctrinated, radical progressives are as undesirable as neighbors as the Section 8 crew. And to be honest, because equality matters, Bill Gates city should be required to set aside 20% for section 8 housing. They should also be forced to pledge to accept 10,000 of our new Afghan residents and since progressives always see the best in people, those Afghans need not be specially vetted. And a homeless shelter, certainly Bill is going to build a dormitory facility to house 10,000 homeless people who are having problems getting placement due to criminal background or substance abuse challenges. In fact it should be across the street from Bill's primary residence so every morning he can look out the window and view his dramatic humanitarian accomplishment.

They can earn their place by each day being rewarded for not using drugs or committing crimes. That simple contribution can pay for their food and housing and should they back slide and rape somebody or go on a 2 week heroin binge where they run the streets naked shouting incoherent things, they should never be arrested, just a few days of community service and they have proven to be part of the community and welcomed back into the fold.

Because that is how a progressive would do things.

09-20-21, 02:32
The “housing crisis” is a half truth pitched as a “problem facing us all.” The reality is that:

> large, unsold, unavailable inventories are maintained on the TBTF banks’ books dating back to 2007-2008, when they were acquired via foreclosure. These will remain unlisted for reasons which should be obvious.
> EPIC amounts of QE, most of which remains undisclosed due to changes in public accounting at the FED (h/t to the ESF)
> speculation via foreign investors laundering money/running birth tourism scams/etc.
> acquisitions by the shadow banking system/hedge funds/REITs/et al
> zero border control/migrant invasion of the U.S.

Back to the vidya, the day may come when homeowners are forced to house (and feed, and clothe,) Third World migrants. The idea has been floated already.

Think it’s just a California thing? Pay attention to it - California’s voter fraud machine was scaled up and went nationwide for 2020. The spiritual illness of the ruling clique and their One World disciples there is being spread to the other 49.

09-20-21, 06:57
Haha, that's a good one. Did you watch the interviews with Californians on why they voted to keep their Governor?? Because he cares about the homeless, he is doing an awesome job with the state's covid response, the state economy is awesome, etc..... They are living in an alternate reality....

Pretty much why I don't worry a lot about trying to fix CA. It's useful function as an idiot magnet is probably it's greatest attribute. I feel sorry for those stuck behind the lines and I know there are good people with family or work ties that can't be left behind but it's like trying to bring literacy, enlightenment and responsibility to the trailer park. There is only some much that can be accomplished, they are in CA on purpose and these are the things that are most important to them.

I only wish there was a way to funnel EVERY illegal alien, every homeless person, everyone who advocates socialism to communism and every person with a substance abuse problem to CA. It's a damn shame such a beautiful state got sacrificed to the crazy crew but it became a hippie mecca during the 60s and tolerated the radicals.

Most counties did not vote for Newsome. But all it takes is one county, LA County. As it goes, so goes the state.

There was a good article last week about all of the disenfranchised voters, most of whom were in al the counties except three.

09-20-21, 09:16
This is not a Cali thing. There are ordinances in Texas cities (not sure if passed) that mandate no single family homes within x miles of major transpiration arteries.

If pricing doesn’t drive normal folks away from ownership fast enough, by golly by hook it crook they will make sure you are paying rent to the elites for life.

09-20-21, 11:04
This is not a Cali thing. There are ordinances in Texas cities (not sure if passed) that mandate no single family homes within x miles of major transpiration arteries.

If pricing doesn’t drive normal folks away from ownership fast enough, by golly by hook it crook they will make sure you are paying rent to the elites for life.

Same for Oregon, and pretty sure Washington. I had a conversation with a guy from rural Oregon last summer and he said despite being a gun toting, right leaning red county, his family property was one of the last in the area to get single family zoning when the built a cabin in the woods. This is bigger than Newsome’s latest stunt. This goes back to Obama’s marxist regime. Some changes to HUD called Affordable Fair Housing or some such. Basically no more single family zoning any where in the country.

09-20-21, 11:24
They are pushing the same thing in Denver, but saying that it is about community housing for disadvantaged people. REally, this is an assault on the middle class. Housing is a major store of wealth and retirement savings. They want to move everyone into smaller houses.

Don’t they realize that we are heading towards global peak population around 2040-2050??? And the way we are running the US, we won’t be the destination for other people much longer.

09-20-21, 11:24
They are pushing the same thing in Denver, but saying that it is about community housing for disadvantaged people. REally, this is an assault on the middle class. Housing is a major store of wealth and retirement savings. They want to move everyone into smaller houses.

Don’t they realize that we are heading towards global peak population around 2040-2050??? And the way we are running the US, we won’t be the destination for other people much longer.

09-20-21, 12:20
They are pushing the same thing in Denver, but saying that it is about community housing for disadvantaged people. REally, this is an assault on the middle class. Housing is a major store of wealth and retirement savings. They want to move everyone into smaller houses.

Don’t they realize that we are heading towards global peak population around 2040-2050??? And the way we are running the US, we won’t be the destination for other people much longer.

They do realize it, and plan to house everyone in mega-slums.

When you think about it, it makes sense. Our current distribution of suburbs is stupid from a logistical standpoint.


09-22-21, 09:25
The “housing crisis” is a half truth pitched as a “problem facing us all.” The reality is that:

> large, unsold, unavailable inventories are maintained on the TBTF banks’ books dating back to 2007-2008, when they were acquired via foreclosure. These will remain unlisted for reasons which should be obvious.
> EPIC amounts of QE, most of which remains undisclosed due to changes in public accounting at the FED (h/t to the ESF)
> speculation via foreign investors laundering money/running birth tourism scams/etc.
> acquisitions by the shadow banking system/hedge funds/REITs/et al
> zero border control/migrant invasion of the U.S.

Back to the vidya, the day may come when homeowners are forced to house (and feed, and clothe,) Third World migrants. The idea has been floated already.

Think it’s just a California thing? Pay attention to it - California’s voter fraud machine was scaled up and went nationwide for 2020. The spiritual illness of the ruling clique and their One World disciples there is being spread to the other 49.

Unfortunately you are right on that.

It's coming to all of Amerika one day in the future. We have to stop the insanity.

09-22-21, 10:10
Cali housing suburbs are fooked. Now its just a matter of time where rich developers come in, buy up single family home property and turn that area into a congested sh*thole. That was the plan all along though.

09-22-21, 10:27
Cali housing suburbs are fooked. Now its just a matter of time where rich developers come in, buy up single family home property and turn that area into a congested sh*thole. That was the plan all along though.

google BlackRock unless you are familiar and see all the press praising them and some others saying they are destroying ? IMHO they are the ones buying up huge amounts and will control the housing market like they do investing considering they manage something like 12+ trillion dollars ! Canada is what 16 trillion worth for perspective

09-22-21, 10:58
google BlackRock unless you are familiar and see all the press praising them and some others saying they are destroying ? IMHO they are the ones buying up huge amounts and will control the housing market like they do investing considering they manage something like 12+ trillion dollars ! Canada is what 16 trillion worth for perspective

Yup. We will see what happens if and when it affects someone rich with some clout. I bet the state will silently put exemptions in areas where the elites will not be affected.

09-22-21, 20:23
The states should have enacted their own intrastate electoral colleges based by county to elect all state government officials and representatives. That would have stopped the urban high density areas from controlling the state politics. Too little, too late.

09-22-21, 22:41
The states should have enacted their own intrastate electoral colleges based by county to elect all state government officials and representatives. That would have stopped the urban high density areas from controlling the state politics. Too little, too late.

FF couldn't think of everything. And yes, Cook county rules the state of Illinois even though 90% of the state is politically and socially in contrast with Cook county.