View Full Version : Gabby Petito Murder.

09-22-21, 13:57
I've been kind of keeping an eye on this and it appears to be a crazy mess.
In Utah they interact with Law Enforcement and Brian Laundrie's face is scratched and he recieved some contusions. Gabby didn't have a mark and said that he hadn't hit her, but was being "Mean".
No one has said exactly when she died, but it may have been as long as three weeks ago.

I'm certainly glad I never had a daughter.
At this point regardless of who killed Gabby the boyfriend Brian is going to burn for it.

However it's a great escape from Covid, the Border, Afghanastan, and Biden.

09-22-21, 14:07
I've been kind of keeping an eye on this and it appears to be a crazy mess.
In Utah they interact with Law Enforcement and Brian Laundrie's face is scratched and he recieved some contusions. Gabby didn't have a mark and said that he hadn't hit her, but was being "Mean".
No one has said exactly when she died, but it may have been as long as three weeks ago.

I'm certainly glad I never had a daughter.
At this point regardless of who killed Gabby the boyfriend Brian is going to burn for it.

However it's a great escape from Covid, the Border, Afghanastan, and Biden.

Supposedly there is a witness and a 911 call that says he saw Laundrie hitting Petito.

Add to the fact, he came home alone, didn't want to talk to the police and lawyered up, then disappears. Yea...ok....totally rational.

09-22-21, 14:13
However it's a great escape from Covid, the Border, Afghanastan, and Biden.

The single reason I am familiar with it.......I'd rather watch this unfortunate shit show than any of those other topics.

Gotta wonder exactly what she was thinking.

09-22-21, 14:14
I hope if he did it, they find pieces of him in a gator turd somewhere in the Florida swamps.

09-22-21, 14:21
I'm betting his parents are compromised & get some sorta charges as well...my gut thinks the whole mustang left @ the swamp was a plant but who knows.

Coal Dragger
09-22-21, 14:27
Dude probably wandered off and OD’d on something to take the easy way out.

09-22-21, 14:36
I'm betting his parents are compromised & get some sorta charges as well...my gut thinks the whole mustang left @ the swamp was a plant but who knows.

I'm thinking the same thing. I think the parents led the authorities on a wild goose chase in the swamp which bought him time to flee the state. I hope not, but who knows.

09-22-21, 14:44
The single reason I am familiar with it.......I'd rather watch this unfortunate shit show than any of those other topics.

I think that is why all the media outlets are keeping this as their headline for days on end. Don’t want folks thinking about the destruction of our country by this illegitimate administration, General Milley being in bed with the ChiComs, Americans abandoned in Afghanistan, inflation going through the roof, the $3.5 trillion spending bill that will get rammed through, etc….

09-22-21, 14:53
Find him, kneecap his ass, and leave him for the gators. Done.

If ma and pa helped him hide they can feed wildlife too.

Any pu$$ that smacks women let alone kills them is trash in my book. No mercy. I'll put on a dress if it will get the little bitch to try that shit with me. ;)

09-22-21, 14:54
I think that is why all the media outlets are keeping this as their headline for days on end. Don’t want folks thinking about the destruction of our country by this illegitimate administration, General Milley being in bed with the ChiComs, Americans abandoned in Afghanistan, inflation going through the roof, the $3.5 trillion spending bill that will get rammed through, etc….

Or the whole story of Hunter Biden's lap top not being Bogus and the MSM lied to us about it, right up until election day. All that about 10% for the big Guy stuff was true.

Here's how I feel about all of this and I've drilled this in to my Sons head. If a relationship gets sketchy, run, don't walk to the nearest exit. If a Woman hit's you walk away.
Years ago I was TDY at an Army school, graduation was over and someone pulled some BS and we were all kept at school and our orders and diploma's were held for 24 hours.
Now this is pre cell phone and I didn't know when I could leave, so I didn't call home.
When I finally do get home, my ex was crazy mad, I blew her off and went to bed. In the middle of the night I feel her on top of meand as my eyes focused I noticed she had a Ruger Mark I to my forehead. I punched the F*ck out of her and disarmed her. BTW she wanted to call the Cops on me for that.
Yeah Women that like to hit you in a joking manner aren't joking.

09-22-21, 15:47
LOL, I thought this was to distract you from Biden.

09-22-21, 16:01
What if Gabby had some bizarre link to Hunter……

09-22-21, 16:06
I guess I'm the only one to see that this self absorbed little twat drove the freaking guy nuts and he snapped.

I don't give a crap about someone who is thinks documenting her staged "happy" adventure in a van is a productive contribution to the world. I give about as much of a crap about her as she would if I were dead.... ZERO!

09-22-21, 16:19
I guess I'm the only one to see that this self absorbed little twat drove the freaking guy nuts and he snapped.

I don't give a crap about someone who is thinks documenting her staged "happy" adventure in a van is a productive contribution to the world. I give about as much of a crap about her as she would if I were dead.... ZERO!

Actually, during the discussion with LEO's in Utah, that was the feeling I got from her conversation. He probably got smacked one too many times and flipped.
I don't know how I would feel about my 19 year old daughter travelling accross country before she's married either.

09-22-21, 16:43
I guess I'm the only one to see that this self absorbed little twat drove the freaking guy nuts and he snapped.

I don't give a crap about someone who is thinks documenting her staged "happy" adventure in a van is a productive contribution to the world. I give about as much of a crap about her as she would if I were dead.... ZERO!

Nonetheless, the guy is still a psycho.

09-22-21, 16:56
If you watch the video of them engaged with LE, they both seem to have a case of the ding-dongs...having said that, it's pretty clear it was an abusive relationship & from interviews of her friends / family he was clearly wanting to control her.

A female park ranger supposedly talked to her about the health of their 'relationship' she had witnessed just before her disappearance. Many speculate a breakup caused the snap??

09-22-21, 17:28
Actually, during the discussion with LEO's in Utah, that was the feeling I got from her conversation. He probably got smacked one too many times and flipped.
I don't know how I would feel about my 19 year old daughter travelling accross country before she's married either.

Due to the scores of domestics I worked my impression is that both of them are whacked and probably drove each other nuts. Him being a passive/aggressive instigator and her flying off the handle yelling/screaming/slapping. I’ll put money on both of them being heavy weed smokers, too. Just my opinion.

09-22-21, 18:53
Self absorbed little twat? How are you all making that assumption? Dude killed her plain and simple. No ****ing excuses for it. If you are getting abused by a 19 yr old female then you need to check to see if you are really a man.

He looked her and his parents have helped him flee. Arrest them and freeze bank accounts. The son will give himself up when he runs out of money.

09-22-21, 19:07
I don't know how I would feel about my 19 year old daughter travelling accross country before she's married either.

If you are getting abused by a 19 yr old female then you need to check to see if you are really a man.

She was 22 years old, therefore a legal drinking age adult.

On a side note, the race baiting "experts" are in full swing...

Gabby Petito case example of 'missing white woman syndrome,' experts say (https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/gabby-petito-case-missing-white-woman-syndrome-experts/story?id=80144611)

09-22-21, 20:50
She was 22 years old, therefore a legal drinking age adult.

On a side note, the race baiting "experts" are in full swing...

Gabby Petito case example of 'missing white woman syndrome,' experts say (https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/gabby-petito-case-missing-white-woman-syndrome-experts/story?id=80144611)

19 or 22 Years old doesn't matter. If your getting beat up by her (she doesn't look that strong) then you need to check yourself. Dump her off at a Greyhound bus station and move on.

09-22-21, 21:01
19 or 22 Years old doesn't matter. If your getting beat up by her (she doesn't look that strong) then you need to check yourself. Dump her off at a Greyhound bus station and move on.

On a lighter note, I have heard of a local here who married while stationed in Germany(thinking 1950's early 1960's) and was bringing her home to south central KY when she flaked out near the northern KY airport they landed at so she got dropped off at the nearest bus stop instead of riding the rest of the way with him.

Back to the not so lighter current.

09-23-21, 02:37
19 or 22 Years old doesn't matter. If your getting beat up by her (she doesn't look that strong) then you need to check yourself. Dump her off at a Greyhound bus station and move on.

Don’t know if you had been abused like what I saw but the first time you defend yourself from women like that the cops are all over the man when I’m reality more times than not in the past few years it’s been the woman.

If she did act like that video and everything she was more likely the aggressor not him and she might have went off with someone else because she was into that thing.

09-23-21, 07:56
If she did act like that video and everything she was more likely the aggressor not him and she might have went off with someone else because she was into that thing.

I was thinking this too. She bounced with a random dude and it didn’t end well.

Either way sucks all around. That said, I’m not sure how this is national news though?

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09-23-21, 07:58
I was thinking this too. She bounced with a random dude and it didn’t end well.

As in you think some random dude killed her and not her boyfriend?

09-23-21, 08:03
As in you think some random dude killed her and not her boyfriend?

I’m thinking maybe she left him and went off with someone else. That person killed her. Boyfriend just thinks she left him and Boyfriend leaves distraught and drove home?

Or he snapped and killed her. Guess if they find the dude, we’ll hear what he has to say.

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09-23-21, 11:57
As in you think some random dude killed her and not her boyfriend?

Thats how i thought it was, at first. But him dipping off and hiding made that theory come to an end. If he was innocent, he would have not bailed.

09-23-21, 12:12
Thats how i thought it was, at first. But him dipping off and hiding made that theory come to an end. If he was innocent, he would have not bailed.

I definitely see where you are coming from with that statement, but with the new norm of guilty until proven innocent in these high-profile cases, maybe he freaked out and disappeared (with the help of his parents) because no one would believe his story.

I don't have an opinion either way yet, just something to consider.

09-23-21, 12:57
I definitely see where you are coming from with that statement, but with the new norm of guilty until proven innocent in these high-profile cases, maybe he freaked out and disappeared (with the help of his parents) because no one would believe his story.

I don't have an opinion either way yet, just something to consider.

Nah. I can see that possibility in a panic on the spot situation, but he AND the parents had days to think about it and make a rational decision. He offed her 100%.

09-23-21, 13:14
Yeah, I'm not buying the "one armed man" theory on this one.

The batshit crazy ones are always the best in the sack, but when your turn on the ride is up you get the F off and go catch the next one. Short of actual self defense ala Averageman, ya don't knock em around and you sure as hell don't kill em.

09-23-21, 14:07
Never Marry a Redheaded Spaniard, that's like, hot as hell.

09-23-21, 15:32
Never Marry a Redheaded Spaniard, that's like, hot as hell.

Umm,... you still got a number?


09-23-21, 17:16
She was 22 years old, therefore a legal drinking age adult.

On a side note, the race baiting "experts" are in full swing...

Gabby Petito case example of 'missing white woman syndrome,' experts say (https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/gabby-petito-case-missing-white-woman-syndrome-experts/story?id=80144611)

You can always depend on that. We can have an entire summer of drug addict George Floyd and a ACTUALLY race based movement Black Lives Matter, but let a white person get some media time and it's "missing white woman syndrome"...isn't that special. Would love to start a White Women Matter website but I'm sure it's already a porn site dedicated to black on white interracial.

Wouldn't it be fun to have a year where all references to any race were completely removed from media and laws and we had to deal with people as "people" and nothing more except for their actions (both good and bad), I suspect most people's heads would explode. Sure we'd still have a good guess at what "Chicago man" looked like but we already know what "Florida man" looks like most of the time.

09-23-21, 21:36
You can always depend on that. We can have an entire summer of drug addict George Floyd and a ACTUALLY race based movement Black Lives Matter, but let a white person get some media time and it's "missing white woman syndrome"...isn't that special. Would love to start a White Women Matter website but I'm sure it's already a porn site dedicated to black on white interracial.

Wouldn't it be fun to have a year where all references to any race were completely removed from media and laws and we had to deal with people as "people" and nothing more except for their actions (both good and bad), I suspect most people's heads would explode. Sure we'd still have a good guess at what "Chicago man" looked like but we already know what "Florida man" looks like most of the time.
Yeah, but, how would we ever figure out who was involved in the Waffle House riot at 2 a.m.?

09-24-21, 06:16
I'm a little tired of "Crimminal drug adict, Black Man gets shot because he's shady as shit Sydrome".

09-24-21, 10:42
Can anyone explain why they didn't arrest her on the spot? They had a 3rd party witness, visible physical abuse evidence on his face and her being visibly distressed. That's physical domestic violence to a T and I can't understand why they didn't arrest her?

I believe that had they done this, she'd probably still be alive. Anyone else?

09-24-21, 10:49
The typical no one wants to prosecute so they go their separate ways to "cool off." Our dept has a strict no excuses policy on domestic violence. Nothing will get you hemmed up more than shit canning a domestic report.

Now there is a missing black man from chicago that they found floating in the river and of course the mom is up in arms saying he didn't get enough attention from the police as gabby did. Gotta love the race card. Two totally different situations with different circumstances. One missing by himself with no signs of fowl play, the other with a shady boyfriend and a disturbance prior.

09-24-21, 10:56
Can anyone explain why they didn't arrest her on the spot? They had a 3rd party witness, visible physical abuse evidence on his face and her being visibly distressed. That's physical domestic violence to a T and I can't understand why they didn't arrest her?

I believe that had they done this, she'd probably still be alive. Anyone else?

Because She's cute, 22 and blonde?

09-24-21, 12:18
Just because he got the worse end of the fight doesn't mean he dodn't start it. I have arrested losers of the fights only because their actions led up to them getting their asses kicked. Nothing better than hooking up a reporting party who thinks if they get their side of the story out first then that is the version we believe. Two sides to every story and both of them are lies. Just have to see which parts match up for the truths.

09-24-21, 20:29
Classic signs of abuse all over in that video. He is the psycho piece of shit. Had he not killed her, he would’ve shaken a baby eventually.

09-27-21, 10:43
It seems everyone has an opinion on this now and people are set.
I don't know what happened but we've got quite a few hits on YouTube and everyone say's He's Guilty. They managed to humbuck some sort of charges against him related to a credit/debit card, but just want to talk to him about the murder.
Regardless of what happens from here forward, he's guilty in the court of public opinion.

And that's why I would hide my Son if he came to me with a situation like this.

09-27-21, 11:24
No worries now.

Dog the Bounty Hunter is on the trail...

09-27-21, 11:40
No worries now.

Dog the Bounty Hunter is on the trail...

I saw that, If I woke up to that pounding on my door, I don't know what would happen, I mean that's like a Big Foot sighting.

09-27-21, 17:18
No worries now.

Dog the Bounty Hunter is on the trail...

At this point there’s no convincing me that we aren’t living in a **** up simulation gone awry.

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09-27-21, 18:39
At this point there’s no convincing me that we aren’t living in a **** up simulation gone awry.

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Yes, there is definitely a glitch in the matrix. That's the only explanation I can come up with.

09-28-21, 09:23
Mom called the Police on "Dog the Bounty Hunter"
Boy that's some genuine Defective Work right there.

09-28-21, 21:22
Duane showed up because it’s national news and he knew it’d get him back in front of the cameras and into the limelight, if even only for a short while.

10-06-21, 02:41
It seems everyone has an opinion on this now and people are set.
I don't know what happened but we've got quite a few hits on YouTube and everyone say's He's Guilty. They managed to humbuck some sort of charges against him related to a credit/debit card, but just want to talk to him about the murder.
Regardless of what happens from here forward, he's guilty in the court of public opinion.

And that's why I would hide my Son if he came to me with a situation like this.

If I went on a cross country road trip with my girlfriend and returned several weeks later without her, all while being completely uncooperative with authorities, my parents would probably disown me and give me, at most, a 60 second head start before calling the police.

10-06-21, 06:29
If I went on a cross country road trip with my girlfriend and returned several weeks later without her, all while being completely uncooperative with authorities, my parents would probably disown me and give me, at most, a 60 second head start before calling the police.

You do know his Dad asked him to come back to deal with some property right?

10-06-21, 13:09
If you haven't see The Behavior Panel analysis on YouTube check it out:


Super interesting to hear their take.

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10-13-21, 21:02
CoD: Strangulation (https://www.foxnews.com/us/gabby-petito-cause-of-death)

10-13-21, 21:16
Serious question, who the **** cares about this case over the thousands of homicides every year?

And more importantly, whatever happens to innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt? Oh yeah, I forgot, it’s mob rule and people on Internet forums get to pass judgement and convict in the court of public opinion. That’s why our country is turning into a shithole.

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10-14-21, 00:37
And more importantly, whatever happens to innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk It never existed.. Bonnie and Clyde never got a trial... hundreds were hung at the hands of mobs throughout our history.

10-14-21, 00:58
Serious question, who the **** cares about this case over the thousands of homicides every year?

And more importantly, whatever happens to innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt? Oh yeah, I forgot, it’s mob rule and people on Internet forums get to pass judgement and convict in the court of public opinion. That’s why our country is turning into a shithole.

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Maybe people should stop making threads about these obvious media distractions.

10-20-21, 16:37
Looks like human remains were found in the search for Brian Laundrie.


Coal Dragger
10-20-21, 17:16
Called it. He went and offed himself.

10-20-21, 17:27
Called it. He went and offed himself.

Unless it's not him and someone found him, and he offed that guy in order to get away.

Coal Dragger
10-20-21, 17:34
Yeah, I'll bet you your favorite firearm that the remains are his.

Want to take those odds?

10-20-21, 17:55
Unless it's not him and someone found him, and he offed that guy in order to get away.

Considering they found his backpack and other belongings with it.... I think it's him.

10-20-21, 18:16
Or he died of something else besides offing himself.

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10-20-21, 18:31
Or he died of something else besides offing himself.

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A few gators (the reptile kind) got him. Either way, if it's him, it saves the tax payers money from wasting on a trial. Let this thing end.

10-20-21, 18:55
Him being gator shit is about as happy of an ending as this mess will have.

10-20-21, 19:58
This seems like a giant distraction that will quietly go away because they found his "body". Hey stop talking about Afghanistan, the border crises, and these damn vaccine leaks we have a missing white girl!

I'm glad this is over, and that her family may find peace, but this entire case feels very off.

10-20-21, 20:40
This seems like a giant distraction that will quietly go away because they found his "body". Hey stop talking about Afghanistan, the border crises, and these damn vaccine leaks we have a missing white girl!

I'm glad this is over, and that her family may find peace, but this entire case feels very off.You're right, it's theater. But isn't most of the shit on the "news"?

10-20-21, 20:53
This seems like a giant distraction that will quietly go away because they found his "body". Hey stop talking about Afghanistan, the border crises, and these damn vaccine leaks we have a missing white girl!

I'm glad this is over, and that her family may find peace, but this entire case feels very off.

Afghanistan? What's going on there? What crisis at the border? Taco Bell using fake meat again?

10-21-21, 06:51
Taco Bell using fake meat again?

Go on … My interest has been peaked.

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10-21-21, 12:35
Aint no one eating Taco Bell worried about what the meat is.

10-21-21, 16:49
FBI just confirmed the skeleton is Brian. He dead.

10-21-21, 17:04
FBI just confirmed the skeleton is Brian. He dead.

I saw that. You know perhaps it is a distraction, but it's also a story about the bad side of the human condition.

10-21-21, 17:18
Aint no one eating Taco Bell worried about what the meat is.

haha … yeah you right about that. If your hitten up taco smell meat quality or lack of meat ain’t what you’re worried about.

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10-21-21, 17:58
haha … yeah you right about that. If your hitten up taco smell meat quality or lack of meat ain’t what you’re worried about.

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Everyone knows it's 10 percent beef and the other 90 percent is a blend of old tires and euthanized cats. Delicious though.

10-21-21, 19:04
Sure is a good laxative though.

Coal Dragger
10-21-21, 20:37
Dude probably wandered off and OD’d on something to take the easy way out.

Called it a month ago…

10-21-21, 21:12
Called it a month ago…

yeah... but I like to believe he was hiding and a gator got him.

Coal Dragger
10-21-21, 22:29
Oh I’m sure plenty of critters managed to repurpose him into turds.

10-21-21, 22:50
yeah... but I like to believe he was hiding and a gator got him.

Could have been sleeping in his bag and woke a snack.

10-22-21, 17:37
No big surprise, the FBI has used dental records to confirm found body was Brian Laundrie. I wonder if his parent will face any charges.

Brian Laundrie found: FBI confirms remains (https://www.foxnews.com/us/brian-laundrie-remains-confirmed-by-fbi)

11-23-21, 20:30
Scumbag shot himself in the head, seems like it would have been obvious from the remains early on...

Brian Laundrie autopsy: Forensic anthropologist says fugitive died of suicide (https://www.foxnews.com/us/brian-laundrie-autopsy-results)

which leads to this little twist...

Brian Laundrie update: Family surrendered guns to law enforcement on Sept. 17 -- but one was missing (https://www.foxnews.com/us/brian-laundrie-update-family-missing-gun)

11-24-21, 05:22
I think the parents took him into the woods and offed him to avoid civil lawsuits from her family. It explains their behavior.


11-24-21, 06:48
I think the parents took him into the woods and offed him to avoid civil lawsuits from her family. It explains their behavior.


If that were the case, they should have brought three bullets. They came across as cruel heartless scum. Just one guy’s opinion. This story did its job though. Provided Americans with a distraction to divert their attention from the multitude of actual issues impacting their lives.

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11-24-21, 07:18
If that were the case, they should have brought three bullets. They came across as cruel heartless scum. Just one guy’s opinion. This story did its job though. Provided Americans with a distraction to divert their attention from the multitude of actual issues impacting their lives.

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Its certainly the impression I was left with.

And you are correct about the distraction.


11-25-21, 07:57
With as much involvement and interference the parents had in the case, I would say that still leaves them open to lawsuit.