View Full Version : Turning Point: 9-11 and the War on Terror...

09-22-21, 23:03
Pretty astonishing docuseries on Netflix. Still viscerally painful to watch footage of that day, and they are showing the real stuff...the stuff that they sorta stopped showing about a month after the event.

The phone calls to loved ones, I don't know how any human trapped in towers or on a plane could leave a calm and composed "final message" on a answering machine. I know it is how it should be, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't be that composed.

The air traffic control audio, the military (you mean this is a real life event, not a drill) audio traffic, the terrorists who thought they were transmitting to the passengers but were actually talking to air traffic control.

The entire background starting with the 1979 soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Comprehensive detail of the Afghan leaders including some current interviews. Interviews with CIA big guys including Bill Casey.

Basically everything you wanted to know and a bunch of stuff you probably wish you didn't know about the 9-11 event before and after. Probably safe to assume just about everyone here knows more than your average person about the event, I bet you still learn a bunch of shit you didn't know.

Pretty hard to watch, but probably needs to be seen and damn glad somebody put it together. Amazing lack of political bias, no blame games, just who was who, who did what and sequence of events.

I have slightly more respect for Bush 43 than I did a few hours ago. I now believe he did his best, still missed a shitload of opportunity but I think he tried.

Survivor stories are nothing short of amazing and told in a "matter of record" kind of way with nobody thinking they deserve a special cookie for what they did that day. Reminded me again that "not all NY'ers suck" and a lot of them are much better people than those who go around saying "NY'ers suck."

09-23-21, 06:59
Seeing it live once was enough for me. I can't keep watching it over and over again as I just get pissed off all over again.

09-23-21, 07:00
Thanks for the summary. I will try and watch this weekend.

Similarly, if you have access to Apple TV there is a great new documentary on there called 9/11 Inside the Presidents War Room. It was excellent. My opinion of Bush 43 was also redeemed as it related to that day. Great interviews with Bush, Cheney, Rice, CIA etc.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-23-21, 07:13
The air traffic control audio, the military (you mean this is a real life event, not a drill) audio traffic, .


The best one of the atc audio was when the guy said, "they all left the room", when someone on the other end of the line asked where the decision makers were. When the heat is on, leave the kitchen.

09-23-21, 09:37
If you're interested in lead-up, read The Looking Towers and Charlie Wilson's War.

Once you do, you begin question how could we not know 9/11 was going to happen.

09-23-21, 10:07
I enjoyed the series also. I was surprised to see that it touched on the government overreach and power grab that occurred as a result. That day temporarily brought Americans together as a nation, but in the long term put us on a path where people are willing to give up their freedoms for the illusion of feeling safe. This has been taken advantage of even more over the last year and a half.

It is hard to imagine that Bin Ladin wouldn't be giddy as a school girl if he could see the long term impact all of this has had on our country, not to mention the current Afghanistan mess.

09-23-21, 11:33
look into the airlines being shorted the week before !
snopes says NO this did not happen and takes the day before ? snopes are leftist idiocy though and says no over lots of truths ! shorts are not about a day before ! the actual commision did find unusual trading before but said they cant connect

week before abnormal high amount of shorts were taken out on United and American though

The 9/11 Commission Report concluded that "Exhaustive investigations by the Securities and Exchange Commission, FBI, and other agencies have uncovered no evidence that anyone with advance knowledge of the attacks profited through securities transactions."[20] The report further stated:

Highly publicized allegations of insider trading in advance of 9/11 generally rest on reports of unusual pre-9/11 trading activity in companies whose stock plummeted after the attacks. Some unusual trading did in fact occur, but each such trade proved to have an innocuous explanation.
so no connection ? but did occur ? and the cover up for the saudis we know was real and happened and still brushed under
all the other cover ups ?

so no connection but did occur and unknown who shorted it :) hahahhahah OK this is more than naked shorts etc... many do think it was the saudis or somewhere overseas to get money back but not so much that they would pin it on them
but maybe just coincidence but I doubt it I think it was the saudis as they had prior and figure make back what they invested

its done and past but how many here think our gov agencies would lie and cover things up when certain facts exist like yeah unusual trading did occur but then says nothing to see here move along ! if they had shown NO shorts in the week before then yeah conspiracy but it did happen and just on those !