View Full Version : American Heroes Channel......WTF?

09-24-21, 09:24
[formerly the Military Channel] WTF is up with their Nazi fetish? I swear, it's Nazi this and Nazi that. I didn't think there were that many shows about Nazis. Gets friggin' old. I'll try to find something to watch while doing cardio early in the morning before work and that's all they have on. Thinking about calling and complaining as well as dropping that channel from my DTV package.

If I called and complained about Nazi shows would that make me a Nazi then, seeing as how I'm sick of watching that crap? You know, if you complain about our all-Nazi 24/7 shit then you must be against anything showing them in a bad light, hence you must be a Nazi too. SMH

09-24-21, 09:30
It was like that back when it was the History channel was young.
Lots of "World at War" and Nazi footage 24x7.

09-24-21, 09:58
Simple- it sells. WW2 and the Civil War will always make money.

09-24-21, 10:31
Simple- it sells. WW2 and the Civil War will always make money.

That’s what I think- and there is a lot of material. Either German or ours. That and they had cool tech, which always makes for good nerd TV.

09-24-21, 10:49
Simple- it sells. WW2 and the Civil War will always make money.

Sure, but there was LOT of WWII (like half of it) that didn't involve the Nazis. Don't see anywhere near as much on the Pacific war. Besides, we're not talking about D-Day or Battle of the Bulge shows; no it's crap like "Nazis: Evil Empire", "Project Nazi", "Nazis: Evolution of Evil", "Nazi Secret Files", or "Hitler". Almost all of those are redundant series too. Give it a break already, jeez.....I don't two shits about Nazis or their history. Battles? Yeah, that I'll watch. But spare me the recap of their sordid history. I get it already.

09-24-21, 11:13
The Western Left teaches that anyone religious or with a positive opinion of tradition is a fascist, and therefore two breaths away from rounding up some random minority and putting them into death camps. That's the reason for the aggressively incessant Nazi talk.

"You are a fascist, you just don't realize it yet. Can't you see how similar you are to the people in these documentaries??!! You probably don't think systemic racism is real! See?! That proves it! You're attempting to subvert the social and economic progress of the Western world. You've got renounce this right now or we're going to have to do something we really don't want to do! Our patience with you people is wearing thin!"

By their definition, everyone who posts here is a fascist and needs reeducation. Get it?

09-24-21, 11:16
Sure, but there was LOT of WWII (like half of it) that didn't involve the Nazis. Don't see anywhere near as much on the Pacific war. Besides, we're not talking about D-Day or Battle of the Bulge shows; no it's crap like "Nazis: Evil Empire", "Project Nazi", "Nazis: Evolution of Evil", "Nazi Secret Files", or "Hitler". Almost all of those are redundant series too. Give it a break already, jeez.....I don't two shits about Nazis or their history. Battles? Yeah, that I'll watch. But spare me the recap of their sordid history. I get it already.

If you haven't watched this yet(and/or knew it already) this will give you a whole extra angle on pissed since the channel undoubtedly gloss over Adolph's little helpers.


09-24-21, 12:08
History Channel was Nazi 24/7 back in the late 90s.

Honestly I'd rather watch that over and over than all the "reality" tv on learning channels. I couldn't care less about street racing or cutting down trees or digging for gold. They're interesting as a one off special or a limited series of X episodes about person or people who do something different or it's in an educational perspective where the viewers learn how something is done. This "reality" tv is crap and not at all interesting.

If I'm having a quiet Sunday I'll put on How it's Made and let that run all day. Much more interesting than DuckAxeAlaskaRacing shows

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09-24-21, 14:00
I'll put on How it's Made and let that run all day.

Agreed. I find it hard not to "binge" watch it. Very interesting shows.

09-24-21, 14:48
It was like that back when it was the History channel was young.
Lots of "World at War" and Nazi footage 24x7.

Yep. We have to remember it was the most documented part of that war. Also there is a deep fascination with the subject because of all the bizarre components that went along with it.

But yeah, it is a little unsettling to have shows devoted to Hitler on a channel called "Heroes", not intended but seems off. Still better than Ice Road Truckers.

Straight Shooter
09-24-21, 15:03
Consider giving up TV altogether.
What peace.

09-24-21, 15:52
Sure, but there was LOT of WWII (like half of it) that didn't involve the Nazis. Don't see anywhere near as much on the Pacific war. Besides, we're not talking about D-Day or Battle of the Bulge shows; no it's crap like "Nazis: Evil Empire", "Project Nazi", "Nazis: Evolution of Evil", "Nazi Secret Files", or "Hitler". Almost all of those are redundant series too. Give it a break already, jeez.....I don't two shits about Nazis or their history. Battles? Yeah, that I'll watch. But spare me the recap of their sordid history. I get it already.

Yep. We have to remember it was the most documented part of that war. Also there is a deep fascination with the subject because of all the bizarre components that went along with it.

But yeah, it is a little unsettling to have shows devoted to Hitler on a channel called "Heroes", not intended but seems off. Still better than Ice Road Truckers.

Dam, I agree with all above and yea, plenty of info about the dam Nazi & Hitler, cool its important stuff, BUT its the same shows day after day, night after night ! I haven't seen anything New or something I haven't already watched 10 times coming around, same old same !! Maybe the New Fall Season will bring something "newer" !

09-24-21, 16:02
I turn off the TV and just read a book on the Russian Civil War

09-24-21, 16:30
Peeped Netflix lately? Even Discovery + is full of “Nazi secret space weapons” documentaries…

09-24-21, 16:31
There would be a killer market for minor brush war documentaries like Rhodesia and the SA border conflict. Think of the TTPs and technical innovations that occurred during those conflicts. I suppose apartheid and anti-communist stuff doesn't play well today though.

09-24-21, 16:55
Lets see a disaterous end result of a war.
Uncontrolled inflation.
Political Divison.
Goods not being moved in to population centers.

All we're missing is a kristalnacht and we're all in.

09-24-21, 17:16
On the upside, it does give a refresher for those with the mental faculties who haven't yet done so to line it up and draw the parallels between then and now.

It's actually nice that History's started up "Cities of the Underworld" again after like a 10-year hiatus and NatGeo has been replacing some of its "all tuna" days with dusting off reruns of Drain The Oceans and Albert Lim's Lost Cities. Too bad we don't have anyone to pick up where Gunny left off with Mail Call and Lock n Load... kinda oversimplified but they were good "primer level" introductions.

09-24-21, 17:34
There would be a killer market for minor brush war documentaries like Rhodesia and the SA border conflict. Think of the TTPs and technical innovations that occurred during those conflicts. I suppose apartheid and anti-communist stuff doesn't play well today though.

I’d be in to see that. Although I am sure they would portray Robert Mugabe and his communist terrorists who raped, tortured and murdered thousand of civilians as the heroes fighting against the white oppressors. Maybe do a before and after. Rhodesia- the breadbasket of Africa and exporter of food. Zimbabwe- a starving, crime ridden hell hole that begs for food from the international community.

09-24-21, 18:11
There would be a killer market for minor brush war documentaries like Rhodesia and the SA border conflict. Think of the TTPs and technical innovations that occurred during those conflicts. I suppose apartheid and anti-communist stuff doesn't play well today though.

Probably far less footage as most people were fighting rather than filming. However the nazi's really thought it was gonna be a 1,000 year reich, or at lest they did until about 1943, so they filmed just about everything including a lot of stuff that would be used against them in Nuremburg. But they never thought they would actually lose and felt a responsibility to document everything for the generations to come for the grateful citizens of Germania.

And honestly, I'd rather park a bunch of kids in front of that and have them actually learn something about anything than the shit they normally watch or find myself watching Pawn Stars.

In the early days if small dish the Learning channel was actually that rather than Bridzillas or whatever, the Discovery channel was like NOVA all day long and the history channel could be left on all day long.

Sure there were more important theaters of war, but again that usually precludes people running around with just a camera and getting anything worthy and surviving. In the Pacific, Victory at Sea is still probably the definitive documentation other than what was filmed by the Japanese. On the Russian front, very little was filmed considering how much was actually happening. I bet a bunch of people tried to film it and got blown up with everyone else.

Even most of our D Day footage was lost while it was being transported back. I think we only have a couple reels of day one footage. I hope they continue to show "The World at War" forever, besides being exceptionally well produced and comprehensive, every generation needs to see it so they think for a moment before throwing around words like "nazi."

Then there is also the fact that the Russians waited until the wall came down to release all of their secret files and in the course of doing so changed some history regarding the last days of the war as well as revealing a lot of atrocity information about both sides. The Germans themselves seem to have waited about 50 years before they were willing to discuss some things in great detail.

Moving beyond this things like SS fascination with the occult and what was done at Wewelsburg are mind boggling to consider. When you think, they actually believed this shit and changed the world because of it.

09-24-21, 18:13
Lets see a disaterous end result of a war.
Uncontrolled inflation.
Political Divison.
Goods not being moved in to population centers.

All we're missing is a kristalnacht and we're all in.

Pretty much, we've already had the Reichstag fire on Jan. 6.

09-24-21, 18:14
This also explains why whenever somebody asks me for an author recommendation, of late my answer is always "William L. Shirer."

09-24-21, 18:32
There would be a killer market for minor brush war documentaries like Rhodesia and the SA border conflict. Think of the TTPs and technical innovations that occurred during those conflicts. I suppose apartheid and anti-communist stuff doesn't play well today though.

There are quite a few videos on YouTube from the Bush War while it was happening along with current interviews with people who lived there and fought in it.

Can't recall the minute mark to jump to, but Smith mentions how Rhodesia was blasted as being white racists while simultaneously having a massive illegal immigration issue of non-whites fleeing their home countries for Rhodesia which sounds very similar to present day USA.


09-24-21, 18:37
And honestly, I'd rather park a bunch of kids in front of that and have them actually learn something about anything than the shit they normally watch or find myself watching Pawn Stars.

Sure there were more important theaters of war, but again that usually precludes people running around with just a camera and getting anything worthy and surviving. In the Pacific, Victory at Sea is still probably the definitive documentation other than what was filmed by the Japanese. On the Russian front, very little was filmed considering how much was actually happening. I bet a bunch of people tried to film it and got blown up with everyone else.

I like the shows about battles, be it Stalingrad, D-Day, the Bulge, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, etc. I just get annoyed with the endless droning about the Nazis themselves and their history/rise to power, etc., making entire series about them. It's like they have an obsession with it. As another poster suggested, it seems it is an effort in inundate the viewing public with "Nazi = Evil", as if we didn't know that already. I also tend to think this immersion in all-things-Nazi makes it much more easy and likely to have "Nazi" roll off the lips of someone who you disagree with politically. Worst part is those clueless libtard morons have no flippin' idea what a Nazi really was or how totally off-base their accusations are.

09-24-21, 18:40
There would be a killer market for minor brush war documentaries like Rhodesia and the SA border conflict. Think of the TTPs and technical innovations that occurred during those conflicts. I suppose apartheid and anti-communist stuff doesn't play well today though.

Absolutely. More obscure conflicts like the Malaysian Insurgency, the Philippine Insurrection (early 1900's), stuff like that. I am a history buff and tire of being beat over the head with Nazi crap. Give us something actually interesting.

09-24-21, 18:47
Absolutely. More obscure conflicts like the Malaysian Insurgency, the Philippine war (early 1900's), stuff like that. I am a history buff and tire of being beat over the head with Nazi crap. Give us something actually interesting.

The something different angle of The Great War was something I liked along with the week by week 100 years later format. Just wish I had caught the first couple of years + 100 years when it came on instead the binge watch catch up I had to do on their off days.

09-24-21, 21:00
I like the shows about battles, be it Stalingrad, D-Day, the Bulge, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, etc. I just get annoyed with the endless droning about the Nazis themselves and their history/rise to power, etc., making entire series about them. It's like they have an obsession with it. As another poster suggested, it seems it is an effort in inundate the viewing public with "Nazi = Evil", as if we didn't know that already. I also tend to think this immersion in all-things-Nazi makes it much more easy and likely to have "Nazi" roll off the lips of someone who you disagree with politically. Worst part is those clueless libtard morons have no flippin' idea what a Nazi really was or how totally off-base their accusations are.

I understood you from the first post and I get it. Just offering alternative POV. I probably have a couple hundred documentaries on DVD about WWII and with a lot of them there is a lot of retread of the same info over and over so I get your basic complaint.

09-24-21, 22:51
[formerly the Military Channel] WTF is up with their Nazi fetish? I swear, it's Nazi this and Nazi that. I didn't think there were that many shows about Nazis. Gets friggin' old. I'll try to find something to watch while doing cardio early in the morning before work and that's all they have on. Thinking about calling and complaining as well as dropping that channel from my DTV package.

If I called and complained about Nazi shows would that make me a Nazi then, seeing as how I'm sick of watching that crap? You know, if you complain about our all-Nazi 24/7 shit then you must be against anything showing them in a bad light, hence you must be a Nazi too. SMH
As several posts have pointed out...
Welcome to 2021. Seriously where have you been? :laugh:
You won't see an end to it until the prevailing politikal winds change.

Personally, I like getting into the backstory of all that stuff, (and having watched several of the mainstream documentaries, I've noticed most of them suck, and are a bunch of wide-eyed gawping and over-buildup for little payoff, "but you guys like, that they were so evil and stuff, ermagherd". Ugh...), but even I am heartily sick of the endless parade of shitty recycled nonsense.

It's actually nice that History's started up "Cities of the Underworld" again after like a 10-year hiatus and NatGeo has been replacing some of its "all tuna" days with dusting off reruns of Drain The Oceans and Albert Lim's Lost Cities. Too bad we don't have anyone to pick up where Gunny left off with Mail Call and Lock n Load... kinda oversimplified but they were good "primer level" introductions.
Oh yeah, those were great shows. I also liked "Ancient Tech" or whatever it was called, too, even if it was a bit speculative.

There are quite a few videos on YouTube from the Bush War while it was happening along with current interviews with people who lived there and fought in it.

Can't recall the minute mark to jump to, but Smith mentions how Rhodesia was blasted as being white racists while simultaneously having a massive illegal immigration issue of non-whites fleeing their home countries for Rhodesia which sounds very similar to present day USA....
Yes, contemporary "history" also leaves out the part where Britain and the rest of the so-called anti-communist west shanked the Rhodies in the back by backing the Zanla/Zipra (sp?) groups that were raising the havoc in the first place, and sabotaging pretty much all reasonable attempts at political solutions. Sure, there was also direct Russian involvement, but hey, with friends like these, eh?
If you look into it, the politics we see overtly today were already WELL entrenched even back then...
Then there's the whole memory-hole of post WW2 "liberation" events, but that's another topic.

Much as I hate the way that site is going, youtube is freaking slaying on the historical front these days. A lot of the privately-produced history content has come a LONG way since the olden days. There are quite a number of channels providing as-good-as, or better-than (old school)history-channel level content.
The Great War/Great War is a great channel covering all the stuff about WW1 you thought you knew, and a whole lot of events regarding the fallout of that conflict that have been largely forgotten. A great break from WW2, if you still want to talk about a world-shaping conflict, but are tired of nawtzeez 24/7.
Also, Mark Felton is a great "variety-history" channel with everything from WW2 to Falklands content.
I'm also liking Sandrhoman and Schola Gladiatora for oldschool pike and blade era warfare.
There's also a great channel calle The Operations Room that does really neat minute-by-minute narrated animated battle maps of various battles.
I mean, I could go on for a while listing off current-production YT history channels, on top of the unsung heroes who've kept alive the ancient archives of decades past.

09-25-21, 06:38
Also, Mark Felton is a great "variety-history" channel with everything from WW2 to Falklands content.

I have really started getting in to Felton's clips. Usually short, but specific, informative, and new info for me that apparently the bulk of historians skip over.

Lance "The History Guy" Geiger and his wife. Fairly high percentage of military related topics, but not all and(similar to Felton) he digs up stuff not many others do.

09-25-21, 08:47
There would be a killer market for minor brush war documentaries like Rhodesia and the SA border conflict. Think of the TTPs and technical innovations that occurred during those conflicts. I suppose apartheid and anti-communist stuff doesn't play well today though.A few years ago there was a one episode show about the start of "contractors" and their role in Africa. This happened in the 90s. Most of the guys were S. African/Rhodesian/Ausie SF. It was an interesting show. I saw it maybe 10-15 years ago

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09-25-21, 13:50
yup on the youtube channels so many good ones on various things
from Roman history to other conflicts to WWI or WWII day by day or Korea or odd off stories not heard

09-25-21, 21:41
Well, if nothing else, shows about Nazis are shows about anti-communists.
So at least there’s that.

09-26-21, 00:11
I have really started getting in to Felton's clips. Usually short, but specific, informative, and new info for me that apparently the bulk of historians skip over.......
Yes, and annoyingly addictive, like "oh, that next clip is only 5 minutes, I'll watch that too real quick."
Next thing you know, you've been on the crapper for two hours... :laugh:
Same thing with Dark Docs.

Well, if nothing else, shows about Nazis are shows about anti-communists.
So at least there’s that.


09-26-21, 00:11
Forum induced bump fire

09-26-21, 08:06
Well, if nothing else, shows about Nazis are shows about anti-communists.
So at least there’s that.

Yeah there is that.

The more I learn about each side, the more it is obvious those 2 groups can split the finest of hairs since there is little difference between.

Only thing I can distinguish is *maybe* some slight respect for private property by fascists, but that goes out the window when they get pissed at a particular group.

09-26-21, 08:15
Yes, and annoyingly addictive, like "oh, that next clip is only 5 minutes, I'll watch that too real quick."
Next thing you know, you've been on the crapper for two hours... :laugh:
Same thing with Dark Docs.

I do that all the time too. :D

Dark Docs guy's delivery is like nails on a chalk board to me so I don't seek his stuff out, but when it pops up as suggested the topic usually sounds interesting so I click and then it's on the toboggan ride of the next and the next sounds interesting and short so there goes an hour or 2.

09-26-21, 09:01
Just give me reruns of History’s Mysteries. That was my favorite show as a teenager, haha.

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09-26-21, 14:28
Yeah there is that.

The more I learn about each side, the more it is obvious those 2 groups can split the finest of hairs since there is little difference between.

Only thing I can distinguish is *maybe* some slight respect for private property by fascists, but that goes out the window when they get pissed at a particular group.

Well, respectfully I have to say you don’t know anything about National Socialism and/or communism, or you view it from a very materialistic(American) context.

National Socialism is the protection of the people and their culture as the highest goal.
Communism is the destruction of nationalities in favor of classifying all peoples as economic units. Kinda like capitalism.

09-26-21, 15:01
Well, respectfully I have to say you don’t know anything about National Socialism and/or communism, or you view it from a very materialistic(American) context.

National Socialism is the protection of the people and their culture as the highest goal.
Communism is the destruction of nationalities in favor of classifying all peoples as economic units. Kinda like capitalism.

That sounds like the stated/theoretical version, but not so sure on the in practice outcomes and(my opinion) anything I can thing of tends to quickly slide away from theoretical/claimed goals once the rubber meets the road. Usually there is the claim to be outright boosting the smallest peon(socialism/communism) or defending what the individual works for(typical claim of/for capitalism) while in practice all seem to work toward consolidating power in an elite class and at least start using those they consider lessers like borrowed mules.

For sure there was a lot of Europe living under socialism/communism where Nazis were viewed as less onerous from a ownership of property angle(at least for those they weren't screwing over that week) and I have mentioned that here before.

US capitalism isn't(at least on the truly free market claim) and likely never has been considering how far back crony capitalism/corporate welfare schemes have been around. Can't be a "free" market if certain segments of society are prevented by failing via government intervention and while I am aware German business had to compete for contracts, it was getting boosted by German.gov support which sounds not very different from many US .gov/corporate relations..

Hope that explains my angle on it a bit better with the caveat of I wasn't there to see it first hand and like everyone else I am limited to trying to sift facts from the more common BS stories we, and those before us, get fed.

Respectfully here too. No offense taken and none intended. We are here to learn and open discussion is part of that.

09-26-21, 18:44
Well, respectfully I have to say you don’t know anything about National Socialism and/or communism, or you view it from a very materialistic(American) context.

National Socialism is the protection of the people and their culture as the highest goal.
Communism is the destruction of nationalities in favor of classifying all peoples as economic units. Kinda like capitalism.

That might be the intended outcome, but National Socialism resulted in the complete destruction of most German people and most of their culture.

Communism sounds benevolent in theory but is savage in practice, capitalism sounds savage in theory but is benevolent in practice. What you want vs. what you get with any given system of government are usually two different things. Democracy sounds great but ends up being mob rule.

09-26-21, 19:13
That might be the intended outcome, but National Socialism resulted in the complete destruction of most German people and most of their culture.
Communism sounds benevolent in theory but is savage in practice, capitalism sounds savage in theory but is benevolent in practice. What you want vs. what you get with any given system of government are usually two different things. Democracy sounds great but ends up being mob rule.

I lived in Germany for 9 straight years, most of the time in an apartment on the economy. So I got to see and interact with a lot of Germans and I noted how passive all the men seemed to be, wrote it off, filed it for later.
Then we were talking to some German Friends and they started talking about the War and the tremendous losses the German People suffered. They lived in the Schwienfurt area and they said it was pretty flat before it was all over.
The older "GrandPa" in this party was not born in Germany, but served in the Waffen SS. Showed me the Tattoo. You could see the physical reaction in him change when the subject was brought up.
So I thought about the totality of the passivity and the losses and came to a conclusion. The Germans just killed every bit of Warrior, aggressive, driven to win right out of the gene pool. Two World Wars in a Lifetime?

09-27-21, 07:22
That might be the intended outcome, but National Socialism resulted in the complete destruction of most German people and most of their culture.

Communism sounds benevolent in theory but is savage in practice, capitalism sounds savage in theory but is benevolent in practice. What you want vs. what you get with any given system of government are usually two different things. Democracy sounds great but ends up being mob rule.

To be fair they were doing quite well until the capitalist Americans, imperial brittons, and communist Russians (theoretically opposed to each other) allied to crush Germany and keep it from creating a German ethnic state.
The Nazis financed (without the usury common here) German family formation, traditional gender roles, religious faith and nationalized unions and workers protections. They banned the sexual immorality that plagues us and even curtailed the trans-gender ideology in its crib. The books they burned were to great extent by authors like Magnus Hirshfeld.

The communists on the other hand initially made at will divorce and abortion ‘rights’ and did all they could to destroy the family unit. This was only changed when it caused such havoc in Russia that it threatened the states existence. They also managed to murder somewhere between 10 and 30 million Christians.

We will never know what would have happened under National Socialist rule in Germany, because the United States and the Soviet Union teamed up to crush it. That’s very strange when you think about it. What common ground would capitalist America and communist soviets have shared to see crushing Nazi germany as being in both their best interests. I simply don’t know, it just doesn’t make sense to someone raised in the waning days of the Cold War.
Then looking at the world today, and my three children, I think I understand why the Nazis won popular election.

09-27-21, 08:11
To be fair they were doing quite well until the capitalist Americans, imperial brittons, and communist Russians (theoretically opposed to each other) allied to crush Germany and keep it from creating a German ethnic state.
The Nazis financed (without the usury common here) German family formation, traditional gender roles, religious faith and nationalized unions and workers protections. They banned the sexual immorality that plagues us and even curtailed the trans-gender ideology in its crib. The books they burned were to great extent by authors like Magnus Hirshfeld.

The communists on the other hand initially made at will divorce and abortion ‘rights’ and did all they could to destroy the family unit. This was only changed when it caused such havoc in Russia that it threatened the states existence. They also managed to murder somewhere between 10 and 30 million Christians.

We will never know what would have happened under National Socialist rule in Germany, because the United States and the Soviet Union teamed up to crush it. That’s very strange when you think about it. What common ground would capitalist America and communist soviets have shared to see crushing Nazi germany as being in both their best interests. I simply don’t know, it just doesn’t make sense to someone raised in the waning days of the Cold War.
Then looking at the world today, and my three children, I think I understand why the Nazis won popular election.

Man those poor Germans. Now everything makes total sense. I'd start a genocide too if I wasn't allowed to burn Hirshfelds books!

They eugenics was cool too! Why not?!? Can't have weak people pissing in the gene pool! Totally cool! Should start something like that here too!!

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

09-27-21, 08:19
Man those poor Germans. Now everything makes total sense. I'd start a genocide too if I wasn't allowed to burn Hirshfelds books!

They eugenics was cool too! Why not?!? Can't have weak people pissing in the gene pool! Totally cool! Should start something like that here too!!

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Well, to be honest yes I’d do horrible things to protect my children from sexually depraved predators and my country from communism.
Weakness in the face of evil is no virtue.

Furthermore we Americans were at the forefront of eugenics primarily via breeding for healthiest children. In the 1920’s ‘Best baby’ contests were fairly common where babies and children were judged for their physical and intellectual prowess. Having a such a ‘perfect’ child was quite a point of pride.
What is wrong with trying to make your own as best they can be?

09-27-21, 08:25
Well, to be honest yes I’d do horrible things to protect my children from sexually depraved predators and my country from communism.
Weakness in the face of evil is no virtue.

Damn I never realized that Europe was so full sexual predators and communist. Especially those pesky grandma's and their grandkids. Germans with their great technology probably had some magic 8 ball to know those kids will grow up to be communist sexual predators. Too bad we can't just shoot old women and kids here!

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09-27-21, 08:35
Damn I never realized that Europe was so full sexual predators and communist. Especially those pesky grandma's and their grandkids. Germans with their great technology probably had some magic 8 ball to know those kids will grow up to be communist sexual predators. Too bad we can't just shoot old women and kids here!

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Germany lost something like 3 million people in a communist uprising in the early 1920’s. Bavaria was held as an independent communist state for a year, with the accompanying purges.
In point of fact, the SA was formed (out of the Freikorps/ww1 vets who fought back the communist uprising) to protect Nazi party rallies from what would become Antifa. Literally Antifa. The very same we see today. Post WW1 Europe was literally full of communist sympathizers, as was the presidency of Roosevelt.
As far as sexual predators among sexual degenerates-how many ‘tranny story hour’ advocate and participants need to be revealed to be child rapists before we recognize that the two are one in the same. Wouldn’t you fight to protect your children from that?

09-27-21, 11:37
Germany lost something like 3 million people in a communist uprising in the early 1920’s. Bavaria was held as an independent communist state for a year, with the accompanying purges.
In point of fact, the SA was formed (out of the Freikorps/ww1 vets who fought back the communist uprising) to protect Nazi party rallies from what would become Antifa. Literally Antifa. The very same we see today. Post WW1 Europe was literally full of communist sympathizers, as was the presidency of Roosevelt.
As far as sexual predators among sexual degenerates-how many ‘tranny story hour’ advocate and participants need to be revealed to be child rapists before we recognize that the two are one in the same. Wouldn’t you fight to protect your children from that?Yes I would fight to protect my child which is why I said it's a shame we can't just shoot old people and children on the street... never know who's who. Probably a bunch of pinkos in the making and retired sexual predators. And who needs the crippled and mentally challenged? They just take up space and resources!

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

09-27-21, 11:45
Consider giving up TV altogether.
What peace.

I agree! Best decision i ever made.

09-27-21, 12:11
Yes I would fight to protect my child which is why I said it's a shame we can't just shoot old people and children on the street... never know who's who. Probably a bunch of pinkos in the making and retired sexual predators. And who needs the crippled and mentally challenged? They just take up space and resources!

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Strawman, thy name is Arik.
For what it’s worth American eugenicists criticized Nazi germany for not being as stringent as we were here.

09-27-21, 12:12
I agree! Best decision i ever made.

Very, very close to that here too. We’re down to streaming YouTube just because there is so much information available there at your fingertips.
When something pops up on the homestead it’s a lot easier to search it in YouTube than anywhere else.

09-27-21, 14:59
Strawman, thy name is Arik.
For what it’s worth American eugenicists criticized Nazi germany for not being as stringent as we were here.

Yep, US sci/med/political elite was years ahead of Germany on eugenics and I seem to recall that being the case with the UK's top tier miscreants as well.

And the US wrong doing kept going with the syphilis experiments in to the early 70's(before 1 guy didn't take to the collective wrong doing) and scum like Dr. Kligman mentioned in the link below.

Kligman was recognized for his contributions around the time of his death which(along with Kligman and kindred spirits dying of old age instead of short drop hangings) is indicative that the sci/med community was never taught the appropriate lesson and sure has no desire to draw the correct conclusion on it's own.


09-27-21, 18:54
Strawman, thy name is Arik.
For what it’s worth American eugenicists criticized Nazi germany for not being as stringent as we were here.Sure sure. Whatever so long as I'm not defending fascists. But hey you goose step all you want

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

09-27-21, 18:59
Yep, US sci/med/political elite was years ahead of Germany on eugenics and I seem to recall that being the case with the UK's top tier miscreants as well.

And the US wrong doing kept going with the syphilis experiments in to the early 70's(before 1 guy didn't take to the collective wrong doing) and scum like Dr. Kligman mentioned in the link below.

Kligman was recognized for his contributions around the time of his death which(along with Kligman and kindred spirits dying of old age instead of short drop hangings) is indicative that the sci/med community was never taught the appropriate lesson and sure has no desire to draw the correct conclusion on it's own.

https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/commentary/albert-kligman-holmesburg-prison-black-men-retina-a-medical-experiments-20210104.htmlLet me know how many extermination camps US had! He keeps skipping that part. I'm guessing all those people must have been sexual predators and/or communists

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

09-27-21, 19:32
Let me know how many extermination camps US had! He keeps skipping that part. I'm guessing all those people must have been sexual predators and/or communists

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

The US did start a concentration camp system and some US citizens were killed in those camps. I don't find any of that acceptable which is the same view I hold on Nazis, communists, fascists of any country, or any other name picked by statists/totalitarians/et al.

Out of curiosity, how many people could the Nazis have killed in their camps that you would have found acceptable and not try what seems to be an argument the US wasn't as bad due to numbers?

I have seen that used on Nazi vs. US stuff as well as loss of some freedom here(we still have more gun rights, speech rights and so on versus China) and it is bewildering to me to say the least.

And I do consider communists and sexual predators(as well as non-sexual predators) to be a problem worthy of a what ever is required to stop them from inflicting themselves on their victims regardless of their place of birth, current address, occupation....name what ever descriptive criteria you wish combo'd with communist or predator and I am opposed to them since they wish to victimize someone.

09-28-21, 15:28
Let me know how many extermination camps US had! He keeps skipping that part. I'm guessing all those people must have been sexual predators and/or communists

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Well it’s interesting you bring that up-there weren’t any extermination camps in Germany.
At first they were ALL extermination camps.
Then, after the war, it was shown that there weren’t any extermination/death camps in the allied zone of occupation.
Then, after the Cold War ended, it was shown that there weren’t any death camps in the soviet zone of Germany either.
So the current story is that it was just prison camps in Germany, and the death camps were in occupied countries.
But then you see things like the death toll at Auschwitz consistently being revised down, from 4 million murdered there to now, I think, less than a million.
The human soap and lampshades were a lie, as were the 5 million non-Jews murdered. Simply made up out of thin air. Simon Wiesenthal was a liar-see this Times of Israel piece:


So the story continues to change.

That said, how many tens of millions of Christians did the soviets, our allies and the nation and system we fought and died to save, murder? How many US citizens were locked up without due process in places like manzanar, and had their property seized permanently? I grew up with a few of them.

As to Fascism, it has a lot going for it and if this country is the only alternative, well I’ll start polishing my boots.

And no, I don’t think we were the good guys.
At best, there were no good guys, at worst we killed our ancestral European brothers to save Stalinist communism that has infected us.

09-29-21, 00:33

We will never know what would have happened under National Socialist rule in Germany, because the United States and the Soviet Union teamed up to crush it. That’s very strange when you think about it. What common ground would capitalist America and communist soviets have shared to see crushing Nazi germany as being in both their best interests. I simply don’t know, it just doesn’t make sense to someone raised in the waning days of the Cold War.....
Well... that and they put a nutter in charge. Seriously. The dude should have listened to his Wermacht commanders and not been such a twat.
THEN maybe we'd have seen. But apparently some people started to believe their own press.
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" would be a good summation of Post-WW1 Germany.

Sorry, but I'm half Polish, so I am kinda obligated to hate everyone... :laugh:

09-29-21, 05:40
Well... that and they put a nutter in charge. Seriously. The dude should have listened to his Wermacht commanders and not been such a twat.
THEN maybe we'd have seen. But apparently some people started to believe their own press.
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" would be a good summation of Post-WW1 Germany.

Sorry, but I'm half Polish, so I am kinda obligated to hate everyone... :laugh:

Everyone talks about the Jews having a bad time of it, but they know nothing of the poles.
Literally stomped by both the Germans and the soviets.
The causus belli for which the British and French started the war.
Then, abandoned by the west and given away to Stalin before the war was even over.
Piles SHOULD hate everyone.

Fun fact-the Poles had some of the largest contingents of fighters out of the foreign regiments in the British armed forces.
They showed up after the fall of Poland and only asked to be given the opportunity to fight to reclaim their homeland.
The British took them in with open arms, and after the war tried to charge the polish government for the cost of the war material the polish used while fighting under British colors.
Again, poles should hate everyone, particularly the perfidious Anglo.

09-29-21, 07:35
Everyone talks about the Jews having a bad time of it, but they know nothing of the poles.
Literally stomped by both the Germans and the soviets.
The causus belli for which the British and French started the war.
Then, abandoned by the west and given away to Stalin before the war was even over.
Piles SHOULD hate everyone.

Fun fact-the Poles had some of the largest contingents of fighters out of the foreign regiments in the British armed forces.
They showed up after the fall of Poland and only asked to be given the opportunity to fight to reclaim their homeland.
The British took them in with open arms, and after the war tried to charge the polish government for the cost of the war material the polish used while fighting under British colors.
Again, poles should hate everyone, particularly the perfidious Anglo.

Poland has always been an interesting story right up to now.

Something I can't figure out is the more or less free pass Japan has received post WWII for evil and bizarre crap they did during the 30s-40s which was easily on par with Nazis &/or any Communist(who also get a free pass) country.

I can understand the Communist free pass in elite circles to prevent drawing attention to the behavior their ideology gravitated to, but Japan is a bit of a head scratcher especially considering US propaganda(what I have seen historically at least) about Japan seemed to be more zealous than what was produced concerning Germany at the same time.

09-29-21, 07:47
I think it has been a very long time since I have read such a worthless thread.

Revisionist history, that is just wrong and even a defense of the Nazis.

In an other thread, the question was asked if this forum is in decline? With threads like this it for sure is in decline.

AHC, has way too much WW2 stuff, but they have to fill 24 hours every day and I think the problem is nobody is making new content.

09-29-21, 08:40
I think it has been a very long time since I have read such a worthless thread.

Revisionist history, that is just wrong and even a defense of the Nazis.

In an other thread, the question was asked if this forum is in decline? With threads like this it for sure is in decline.

AHC, has way too much WW2 stuff, but they have to fill 24 hours every day and I think the problem is nobody is making new content.

These is some "new" stuff getting put out, but it is on YouTube and fairly short clips done by folks like Mark Felton, Lance Geiger, and some others mentioned.

The "new" is it happened way back then and(fact, false, & in between) recorded then. The general/bulk stuff has sort of been covered well and could be viewed as been done to death.

The Felton, et al stuff required some digging and occasionally gets down to minutiae. Obviously not "new"
, but if the viewer hasn't dug beyond the info presented continuously post WWII odds are then it likely hasn't been heard before.

And there is the free pass bad actors of WWII and other time periods that historians(at least main stream that ends up on TV) don't bring up much.

09-29-21, 18:19
I think it has been a very long time since I have read such a worthless thread.

Revisionist history, that is just wrong and even a defense of the Nazis.

In an other thread, the question was asked if this forum is in decline? With threads like this it for sure is in decline.

AHC, has way too much WW2 stuff, but they have to fill 24 hours every day and I think the problem is nobody is making new content.

I didn't start this thread with that in mind. I was bitching about a TV channel mostly showing a certain type of show all the damn time. It was not intended to devolve into a pro-con Nazi thread.

09-29-21, 19:03
I think it has been a very long time since I have read such a worthless thread.

Revisionist history, that is just wrong and even a defense of the Nazis.

In an other thread, the question was asked if this forum is in decline? With threads like this it for sure is in decline.

AHC, has way too much WW2 stuff, but they have to fill 24 hours every day and I think the problem is nobody is making new content.

It’s not revisionist history so much as the history that the empire has espoused since 1945 has been as propagandized as any other regime.

The forum in and of itself is simply reflecting the culture at large. The forum is declining because we live in a declining empire.
The focus on WW2 is due to it being the national religion. We are an ill-educated people who has been provoked to abandon the beliefs of our ancestors (predominantly Christian) and substitute them with a worship of self based on the victory over national sovereignty in 1945.
We have been taught what serves the purposes of the regime, and kept from that which may turn us against it. Like every other regime that’s ever existed.

A whole generation of men has become disillusioned with this place and how all our traditions and values have been continually eroded. We went looking for answers.
Personally the biggest realization I found wasn’t that the Nazis were good, more that we weren’t really any better. I’d like me you believe communism is the most evil thing ever brought upon the human race (thank you Moses Mordechai Levy Marx) then we (the US) are demonstrably less morally astute than the fascists who sprang up across Europe in the interwar years in order to fight against Bolshevism.
It’s simple math.

09-29-21, 19:30
Gendendelshooter I would normally like a fellow Grendel shooter.

" I’d like me you believe communism is the most evil thing ever brought upon the human race (thank you Moses Mordechai Levy Marx)"

Then you go out of your way to highlight the fact that Marx was a Jew in a manor that makes me think you have a problem with Jews, that tend to blind you to how truly evil the Nazi regime was.

I am not saying the USSR was an better . They were bad, murdering millions also.

The USA had periods of engaging in pure evil, but on the whole no where close to either the USSR or Germans

09-29-21, 19:49
The USA had periods of engaging in pure evil, but on the whole no where close to either the USSR or Germans

There is volume for sure.

I think a catch to that is an argument could be made that an average person formed in the USSR, Nazi Germany, and many/most other totalitarian states know of nothing else than carrying out the wrongful whims of their rulers. They should know from the standpoint of they wouldn't want it done to them, but they grew up in that environment.

An American can't by any stretch of the imagination legitimately make that claim when carrying out an official wrong certainly after 1945 and from what I have seen all the way back to the beginning.

09-29-21, 20:32
The USA had periods of engaging in pure evil, but on the whole no where close to either the USSR or Germans

I give you the School of Americas !!!! (WHINSEC)

Honduras Batalion 3-16 :)

09-29-21, 20:53
Gendendelshooter I would normally like a fellow Grendel shooter.

" I’d like me you believe communism is the most evil thing ever brought upon the human race (thank you Moses Mordechai Levy Marx)"

Then you go out of your way to highlight the fact that Marx was a Jew in a manor that makes me think you have a problem with Jews, that tend to blind you to how truly evil the Nazi regime was.

I am not saying the USSR was an better . They were bad, murdering millions also.

The USA had periods of engaging in pure evil, but on the whole no where close to either the USSR or Germans

I don’t care about the Jews, why must I like them? I see them for what they are-a foreign ethnic group that looks out for its own best interests ahead of other groups, with an abnormally high in group preference.
To be honest I’m tired of hearing “but what about the Jews?!” How about we think about ourselves. When was the last time a politician said “What about the people who conquered, settled, and civilized this continent-white Europeans?”
The state of Israel is objectively evil, but it’s a political entity and not too far removed from national socialism itself.

The USSR killed millions of my people-white Christians. Maybe that’s why I care about the holodomor more than the Holocaust. For the record the Jewish involvement in communism can’t be overlooked. As Sotlzenitzen said “It was a Jewish revolution, not a Russian revolution.” But I guess that makes me an anti semite.

The US is exactly as bad as the USSR. In just the 20th century how many sovereign governments did we overthrow for business interests? Iran, South America, Greece, and my personal favorite (because I spent a few years there) Iraq. We even repressed our own in the civil war. And, as much as I hate to say it because marxists do too-we did practice human chattel slavery. Not just of blacks but of my own European ancestors.

So don’t give me this “Well we’re not THAT BAD!” Bs. Our government absolutely is.

09-29-21, 21:01
I give you the School of Americas !!!! (WHINSEC)

Honduras Batalion 3-16 :)

Dear God I didn’t even know this was a thing.
I knew about United fruit but dang.

Americans really are good, kind, charitable people.
Our oligarchs though…ugh.

09-29-21, 22:37
yup :) its the gov that always messes it up for the people sadly

When you look into how many the school educated and WHO its insane

For grins unless you saw it look into battalion 3-16 and the cia interrogation manual :) it just keeps going and going and going

Dear God I didn’t even know this was a thing.
I knew about United fruit but dang.

Americans really are good, kind, charitable people.
Our oligarchs though…ugh.

09-30-21, 02:04
I think it has been a very long time since I have read such a worthless thread.

Revisionist history, that is just wrong and even a defense of the Nazis.

In an other thread, the question was asked if this forum is in decline? With threads like this it for sure is in decline.

AHC, has way too much WW2 stuff, but they have to fill 24 hours every day and I think the problem is nobody is making new content.

This is the only problem with these threads. While I might be able to be detached and completely objective in my academic study of third reich, SS occult beliefs, how the NSDAP came to be, etc.....NOBODY put my grandparents into work camps so that they could in their last days of life help build something for the state, their children didn't get tattooed like cattle and mass gassed without regard.

Now the Germans DID try and kill my grandfather every time he flew, and came close a couple times, but even that is not the same.

Now I hate to give ANYONE special victim status, but I think holocaust victims who suffered industrial, assembly line murder based upon nothing more than condition of birth, people who suffered live medical experiments to their death both SS doctors and Unit 731 and probably 9-11 plane passengers and tower jumpers do sort of have a unique special status among those other victims of horrific murder.

If my choice is that or shoot me, then just go ahead and shoot me. Don't rob me of my very humanity first while at the same time destroying my faith in pretty much all other humans.

So I can probably have had these discussions with Stephen Ambrose types, but the old couples who ran the nice deli's back in the 80s and the guy who ran the newsstand and sold excellent egg creams...probably not. I don't think they can objectively view any part of their experience any more than the father of a murdered little girl wants to hear about what "traumatic childhood events" led the serial killing pedophile feral human down his path of destruction.

And I hope my deep interest in the war, and specifically the most peculiar / bizarre parts of National Socialist Germany do not offend those who suffered directly or indirectly when large part of their families were simply destroyed.

I understand on a much smaller level. I'm uninterested in what hardships or perceived attacks against faith or people drove the 9-11 hijackers to do what they did, beyond establishing a profile that we can be on guard against and use to track and kill others of their kind. But I don't want to sympathize, empathize or understand how they felt, I just wish they were all killed sooner. I imagine most jewish folks are uninterested in knowing about nazis at at least that basic and simplistic level.

09-30-21, 06:57
I understand on a much smaller level. I'm uninterested in what hardships or perceived attacks against faith or people drove the 9-11 hijackers to do what they did, beyond establishing a profile that we can be on guard against and use to track and kill others of their kind. But I don't want to sympathize, empathize or understand how they felt, I just wish they were all killed sooner. I imagine most jewish folks are uninterested in knowing about nazis at at least that basic and simplistic level.

The allowing likely to be hostile people in is at best idiotic and at worst indicates intent.

With that being said, there is at least some possibility a good part of the hate is created by dealing with .gov/.biz combined with "not one of us syndrome"(most of them tolerate abuse from their own like most of us do, while outsiders doing the same catch a dim view)

That formed part of my opinion on why we shouldn't have invaded in the first place while also cutting off the flow of people, ceasing doing business/intervention as it has been getting done, and, if hands off didn't get hands off in return, start turning areas in to glass parking lots.

09-30-21, 07:17
I don’t care about the Jews, why must I like them? I see them for what they are-a foreign ethnic group that looks out for its own best interests ahead of other groups, with an abnormally high in group preference.
To be honest I’m tired of hearing “but what about the Jews?!”
The state of Israel is objectively evil, but it’s a political entity and not too far removed from national socialism itself.

The USSR killed millions of my people-white Christians. Maybe that’s why I care about the holodomor more than the Holocaust. For the record the Jewish involvement in communism can’t be overlooked. As Sotlzenitzen said “It was a Jewish revolution, not a Russian revolution.” But I guess that makes me an anti semite.

The US is exactly as bad as the USSR. In just the 20th century how many sovereign governments did we overthrow for business interests? Iran, South America, Greece,

You are a liar, and not honest!
Go ahead tell us what is really in your heart, you think the mass murder of Jews was a good thing.

How are people that are born in the USA, a foreign ethnic group? Only by the virtue of being born Jewish. You think Jews as a monolithic group looks out for special Jewish interests. You show just how ignorant you are, we Jews are one of the most fractured groups around.

Israel is objective evil, are you really that effing stupid?

No country has done more to help the welfare of the people of the world. Medical advancement, agriculture advancement that ended starvation in parts of Africa. You want the list of Hamas and PLO leaders that were treated in Israeli hospitals much less your every day Palestinians.

As great as Solzhenitsyn was in giving the world a look into the gulags he was an antisemitic idiot, just like you. Of course people that were treated like second class citizens under the Czar would flock to the people that promised them equality. In the great book "Blood Lands" we learn that in the early 1930's in the NKVD 90% of the officers ranked captain and above were Jews, under Stalin by 1939 it was down to 3%.

The difference between the Nazis and the Soviets, is the USSR actually murdered more Jews than the Nazis did. The difference was that in the USSR, they were not murdered because they were Jews, they were murdered just like all the non Jewish victims of Stalin. So yes Jews found equality in death under Stalin.

Saying the USA is as bad as the USSR, is the stupidest thing I have ever read here at M4. I have stated that the USA did bad things, but not on the scope of the USSR and to say otherwise is ignorant and shows a distinct lack of study of history, other than the Nazi BS you read.

09-30-21, 07:28
You are a liar, and not honest!
Go ahead tell us what is really in your heart, you think the mass murder of Jews was a good thing.

How are people that are born in the USA, a foreign ethnic group? Only by the virtue of being born Jewish. You think Jews as a monolithic group looks out for special Jewish interests. You show just how ignorant you are, we Jews are one of the most fractured groups around.

Israel is objective evil, are you really that effing stupid?

No country has done more to help the welfare of the people of the world. Medical advancement, agriculture advancement that ended starvation in parts of Africa. You want the list of Hamas and PLO leaders that were treated in Israeli hospitals much less your every day Palestinians.

As great as Solzhenitsyn was in giving the world a look into the gulags he was an antisemitic idiot, just like you. Of course people that were treated like second class citizens under the Czar would flock to the people that promised them equality. In the great book "Blood Lands" we learn that in the early 1930's in the NKVD 90% of the officers ranked captain and above were Jews, under Stalin by 1939 it was down to 3%.

The difference between the Nazis and the Soviets, is the USSR actually murdered more Jews than the Nazis did. The difference was that in the USSR, they were not murdered because they were Jews, they were murdered just like all the non Jewish victims of Stalin. So yes Jews found equality in death under Stalin.

Saying the USA is as bad as the USSR, is the stupidest thing I have ever read here at M4. I have stated that the USA did bad things, but not on the scope of the USSR and to say otherwise is ignorant and shows a distinct lack of study of history, other than the Nazi BS you read.

I understand why you did it, but that crap didn't even deserve a response. There are some really messed up people out there........with some really twisted world views.

09-30-21, 07:36
This is the only problem with these threads. While I might be able to be detached and completely objective in my academic study of third reich, SS occult beliefs, how the NSDAP came to be, etc.....NOBODY put my grandparents into work camps so that they could in their last days of life help build something for the state, their children didn't get tattooed like cattle and mass gassed without regard.

Now the Germans DID try and kill my grandfather every time he flew, and came close a couple times, but even that is not the same.

If my choice is that or shoot me, then just go ahead and shoot me. Don't rob me of my very humanity first while at the same time destroying my faith in pretty much all other humans.

And I hope my deep interest in the war, and specifically the most peculiar / bizarre parts of National Socialist Germany do not offend those who suffered directly or indirectly when large part of their families were simply destroyed.

I understand on a much smaller level. I'm uninterested in what hardships or perceived attacks against faith or people drove the 9-11 hijackers to do what they did, beyond establishing a profile that we can be on guard against and use to track and kill others of their kind. But I don't want to sympathize, empathize or understand how they felt, I just wish they were all killed sooner. I imagine most jewish folks are uninterested in knowing about nazis at at least that basic and simplistic level.

NOBODY in my family was murdered by the Nazi's, we were not from Europe. I am sure if the war in North Africa hadn't happened when it did, then we would have lost people.

My father and uncles fought in both Europe and the Pacific. My dad fought all the way into Germany, then he was wounded. Which at 95, now forces him to use a walker.

In the great book "BloodLands" the author, showed just how the Germans dehumanized the victims, both Jews and non Jews. In one town in Poland, they gathered the doctors, professors in the town square . They forced them to strip then get down on the ground and push a soccer ball with their nose across the town square, when they got to the other side they got a bullet in the head.

Where the USSR, you just got a bullet to the head.

I think the study of regimes such as the Nazis, the USSR, Islamic terror and my favorites the ChiCom bastards that gave us the first biological war, is a good thing. I just read a book on the Russian Civil war and it opened my eyes even more as to what the Marxist in America are really doing. They are following the play book of the Bolsheviks. Because most Americans are not educated, we are going to lose.

09-30-21, 07:37
Double Tap

09-30-21, 07:55
I understand why you did it, but that crap didn't even deserve a response. There are some really messed up people out there........with some really twisted world views.

Because evil and lies, must be responded to and shut down. The people that push these views exposed as the morons they are. If we can stand up to supporters of Nazis or Marxist and defeat them with knowledge, then maybe we can avoid having to have a shooting solution.

09-30-21, 08:30
I don’t care about the Jews, why must I like them? I see them for what they are-a foreign ethnic group that looks out for its own best interests ahead of other groups, with an abnormally high in group preference.
To be honest I’m tired of hearing “but what about the Jews?!” How about we think about ourselves. When was the last time a politician said “What about the people who conquered, settled, and civilized this continent-white Europeans?”
The state of Israel is objectively evil, but it’s a political entity and not too far removed from national socialism itself.

The USSR killed millions of my people-white Christians. Maybe that’s why I care about the holodomor more than the Holocaust. For the record the Jewish involvement in communism can’t be overlooked. As Sotlzenitzen said “It was a Jewish revolution, not a Russian revolution.” But I guess that makes me an anti semite.

The US is exactly as bad as the USSR. In just the 20th century how many sovereign governments did we overthrow for business interests? Iran, South America, Greece, and my personal favorite (because I spent a few years there) Iraq. We even repressed our own in the civil war. And, as much as I hate to say it because marxists do too-we did practice human chattel slavery. Not just of blacks but of my own European ancestors.

So don’t give me this “Well we’re not THAT BAD!” Bs. Our government absolutely is.

I have noticed a lot of biographical entries on early to mid 20th century commies and a common mention was either them or their parents were Jews who immigrated from Russia.

Screw them, but(if my understanding of US immigration at the time is correct) screw all the immigration flunkies who let someone in seeking to destroy US freedoms. And that problem goes back a long ways when loads of European Marxists(some were no joke acquaintances of Karl) who escaped Europe after their 1848 revolution failed. Several went on to high ranking officer positions in the US Army and at least one of those(Carl Schurz) ended up in Congress.

No man can serve 2 masters and that certainly seems to apply to socialists/communists/marxists based on their typical level of zeal.

Francis Bellamy(pledge of allegiance author) was a socialist masquerading as a Christian to the point of moonlighting as a Baptist minister till his sermons began showing what he really was and the congregation kicked him out.

09-30-21, 08:35
Let me be clear anyone who is a Marxist or a Nazi want to be is stupid, evil and must be shut down by any means.

I don't care if some Marxist in the USA today are Jews or Latina like AOC, they are evil

09-30-21, 17:34
Let me be clear anyone who is a Marxist or a Nazi want to be is stupid, evil and must be shut down by any means.

I don't care if some Marxist in the USA today are Jews or Latina like AOC, they are evil

As I stated earlier I didn't start this thread to go in the direction it has. I am annoyed by the repetitive Nazi crap on a certain channel. This morning was the Battle Of Midway, then the history of armored vehicles. Yay! No Nazi shit!

That said, a couple pages back Grendelshooter spouted some BS about it turning out that the Holocaust wasn't as stated. Really? My FIL will be 96 on Veteran's Day. He was in the 65th Infantry Division. His unit liberated the concentration camps at Mauthausen and Ohrdruf. Oh, and he has pictures. Know what my FIL's unit did to SS they captured? Let's just say they never made it to POW camps.

I despise revisionist history by both the Left and the extreme Right (like Nazi or Communist apologists). Mostly the Left these days, as they are the majority violators, but occasionally you get someone who crawls out of the wood work and spouts off soft-on-Nazi crap.

09-30-21, 17:41
My FIL will be 96 on Veteran's Day. He was in the 65th Infantry Division. His unit liberated the concentration camps at Mauthausen and Ohrdruf. Oh, and he has pictures. Know what my FIL's unit did to SS they captured? Let's just say they never made it to POW camps.

Rock on, brother; my Great-Uncle Frank was with the 77th at Gunskirchen, same story. Patton had to forcibly pull them back to ensure that some of those SS bastards were left alive to stand trial! (The 77th was three days ahead of his front line, and at least Uncle Frank's unit was given specific orders that "you see those lightning bolts you don't even give them the CHANCE to surrender.")

09-30-21, 18:34
Rock on, brother; my Great-Uncle Frank was with the 77th at Gunskirchen, same story. Patton had to forcibly pull them back to ensure that some of those SS bastards were left alive to stand trial! (The 77th was three days ahead of his front line, and at least Uncle Frank's unit was given specific orders that "you see those lightning bolts you don't even give them the CHANCE to surrender.")

The 77th ID was in the Pacific, so you're a number or two off on the designation. 71st ID liberated Gunskirchen. In 2016 the 65th and the 71st had a joint reunion (because there were so few left by then) in Conneaut, PA. They have an annual D-Day re-enactment there. It was pretty cool. Got to meet some 71st ID guys in addition to seeing some of the 65th guys I'd met previously through my FIL.

09-30-21, 18:37
The 77th ID was in the Pacific, so you're a number or two off on the designation. 71st ID liberated Gunskirchen. In 2016 the 65th and the 71st had a joint reunion (because there were so few left by then) in Conneaut, PA. They have an annual D-Day re-enactment there. It was pretty cool. Got to meet some 71st ID guys in addition to seeing some of the 65th guys I'd met previously through my FIL.

Thank you, it was the 71st "Red Circle." It's been a while since I've had access to his scrapbook, and may have been scrambled in memory because I deal a lot with the Southwest Pacific.

It was telling that they were only allowed on-site for 24 hours and then immediately isolated for extended debriefing, I suspect as much for Psych reasons as Lessons Learned. And contrary to what some report, he DID see lampshades of human skin and photographed them.

So when some people say it didn't happen, they're not only calling my uncle a liar, they're accusing him of photographic forgery too.

09-30-21, 19:27
Our fathers, uncles, or grandfathers were there, they saw the evil.

Plus the Nazis kept very accurate records in the camps.

Diamondback, do me a favor call your uncle and tell him an Israeli Colonel, thanks him for what he did.

09-30-21, 20:08
Our fathers, uncles, or grandfathers were there, they saw the evil.

Plus the Nazis kept very accurate records in the camps.

Diamondback, do me a favor call your uncle and tell him an Israeli Colonel, thanks him for what he did.

I wish I could, sir. Uncle Frank passed back in 2012, but I'm sure wherever he is in the Hereafter he'd appreciate the thought. :)

10-01-21, 08:27
You are a liar, and not honest!
Go ahead tell us what is really in your heart, you think the mass murder of Jews was a good thing.

How are people that are born in the USA, a foreign ethnic group? Only by the virtue of being born Jewish. You think Jews as a monolithic group looks out for special Jewish interests. You show just how ignorant you are, we Jews are one of the most fractured groups around.

Israel is objective evil, are you really that effing stupid?

No country has done more to help the welfare of the people of the world. Medical advancement, agriculture advancement that ended starvation in parts of Africa. You want the list of Hamas and PLO leaders that were treated in Israeli hospitals much less your every day Palestinians.

As great as Solzhenitsyn was in giving the world a look into the gulags he was an antisemitic idiot, just like you. Of course people that were treated like second class citizens under the Czar would flock to the people that promised them equality. In the great book "Blood Lands" we learn that in the early 1930's in the NKVD 90% of the officers ranked captain and above were Jews, under Stalin by 1939 it was down to 3%.

The difference between the Nazis and the Soviets, is the USSR actually murdered more Jews than the Nazis did. The difference was that in the USSR, they were not murdered because they were Jews, they were murdered just like all the non Jewish victims of Stalin. So yes Jews found equality in death under Stalin.

Saying the USA is as bad as the USSR, is the stupidest thing I have ever read here at M4. I have stated that the USA did bad things, but not on the scope of the USSR and to say otherwise is ignorant and shows a distinct lack of study of history, other than the Nazi BS you read.

So to be critical of the Jewish block in any way, or to even notice their influence in modern history, is to be anti Semitic?
Dang, talk about privilege. Sign me up lol.

I wish we here could do what y’all have done with Israel-you define who your people are, the state faith, you have an actual wall and control entry absolutely, and despite being a wealthy first world country get billions in aid… Yet when we want any of those things here we’re called racist, white supremacist, and (drumroll) anti Semitic.

Aaaaaaaaaand…Israel murdered a bunch of US sailors that one time. And spies on us. And sells our tech to our enemies, and expects us to fund their ethnostate.
Sorry dude but that makes zero sense.

10-01-21, 09:15
So to be critical of the Jewish block in any way, or to even notice their influence in modern history, is to be anti Semitic?
Dang, talk about privilege. Sign me up lol.

I wish we here could do what y’all have done with Israel-you define who your people are, the state faith, you have an actual wall and control entry absolutely, and despite being a wealthy first world country get billions in aid… Yet when we want any of those things here we’re called racist, white supremacist, and (drumroll) anti Semitic.

Aaaaaaaaaand…Israel murdered a bunch of US sailors that one time. And spies on us. And sells our tech to our enemies, and expects us to fund their ethnostate.
Sorry dude but that makes zero sense.

You ignorance of facts is beyond belief.

Billions in aid. Keep it as far as I am concerned. It is all spent inside the USA, it is welfare for the USA military industrial complex.

NSA cleared Israel of the attack on the Liberty, fog of war. Damn the USA had a lot of blue on blue violence during the GWOT. So give me a break.

Spying, everyone spies on everyone, that is a fact of life.

Your just an idiot, that has issues with Jews and others that are smarter than you which is 99,99% of the general population of Haiti.

10-01-21, 09:15
So to be critical of the Jewish block in any way, or to even notice their influence in modern history, is to be anti Semitic?
Dang, talk about privilege. Sign me up lol.

I wish we here could do what y’all have done with Israel-you define who your people are, the state faith, you have an actual wall and control entry absolutely, and despite being a wealthy first world country get billions in aid… Yet when we want any of those things here we’re called racist, white supremacist, and (drumroll) anti Semitic.

Aaaaaaaaaand…Israel murdered a bunch of US sailors that one time. And spies on us. And sells our tech to our enemies, and expects us to fund their ethnostate.
Sorry dude but that makes zero sense.

Fairly sure Yoni has stated his opposition to the foreign aid sent to Israel on this forum.

10-01-21, 09:26
You ignorance of facts is beyond belief.

Billions in aid. Keep it as far as I am concerned. It is all spent inside the USA, it is welfare for the USA military industrial complex.

NSA cleared Israel of the attack on the Liberty, fog of war. Damn the USA had a lot of blue on blue violence during the GWOT. So give me a break.

Spying, everyone spies on everyone, that is a fact of life.

Your just an idiot, that has issues with Jews and others that are smarter than you which is 99,99% of the general population of Haiti.

Easy to say keep it when the only thing both governing parties here agree on is our unwavering aid to Israel.

Oh and the NSA says it’s okay-wonder how the sailors who were standing there beneath the Israeli helicopters loaded with commandos felt. I’m sure the fact that the NSA says it’s okay for our greatest ally to murder them makes it A-okay.

Not very many of our allies, let alone our greatest, celebrate as national hero’s the spies we catch and then release. In fact, the Israelis have a habit of hiding some very, very bad people from justice in the US.

I have issue with the fact that Israel is treated as special when it’s not more than a cancer.

My biggest issue though is that you are simply not allowed to notice them or their citizens in anything other than an obsequious light, and if you don’t kowtow you’re an anti semite.

10-01-21, 09:52
Easy to say keep it when the only thing both governing parties here agree on is our unwavering aid to Israel.

Of course because they are pressured by military industrial complex.

Oh and the NSA says it’s okay-wonder how the sailors who were standing there beneath the Israeli helicopters loaded with commandos felt. I’m sure the fact that the NSA says it’s okay for our greatest ally to murder them makes it A-okay.

Such an event never happened. Which just shows your ignorance. In 1967 Israel attacked by error the USS Liberty with fighter jet. This was cleared by the NSA, they verified that the fighter pilots thought it was an Egyptian ship.

Not very many of our allies, let alone our greatest, celebrate as national hero’s the spies we catch and then release. In fact, the Israelis have a habit of hiding some very, very bad people from justice in the US. Israel has extradited many criminals to the USA

I have issue with the fact that Israel is treated as special when it’s not more than a cancer.

Just more bullshit out of you. You should have been born 90 years ago in Germany.

My biggest issue though is that you are simply not allowed to notice them or their citizens in anything other than an obsequious light, and if you don’t kowtow you’re an anti semite.

With this I am done with you.

10-01-21, 10:48
With this I am done with you.

Woe is me.

10-01-21, 11:21
I think the worse times on the American Heroes Channel is not only the repetitive Nazi coverage, but the almost equally annoying and much less interesting "I almost got away with it" putting everyday common criminals in the spotlight...They seriously need to rename the channel, but I can't help but feel this is somewhat purposeful. (conflating American Heroes with Nazis and common crooks)

I say that only because the channel didn't run out of heroic American content. It's been Nazis and criminals dominating that channel from day one.

Sent from my BE2028 using Tapatalk

10-01-21, 12:29
Such an event never happened. Which just shows your ignorance. In 1967 Israel attacked by error the USS Liberty with fighter jet. This was cleared by the NSA, they verified that the fighter pilots thought it was an Egyptian ship.

Bullshit. Israel attacked the USS Liberty with 4 aircraft running multiple strafing runs each until they exhausted their ammo then were attacked by three torpedo boats. It was deliberate. The crew of the USS Liberty testified it was deliberate. I’ll defend Israel because the whole enemy of my enemy is my friend Jazz but that incident is inexcusable and not at all comparable to US blue on blue incidents during our wars.

10-01-21, 13:15
Bullshit. Israel attacked the USS Liberty with 4 aircraft running multiple strafing runs each until they exhausted their ammo then were attacked by three torpedo boats. It was deliberate. The crew of the USS Liberty testified it was deliberate. I’ll defend Israel because the whole enemy of my enemy is my friend Jazz but that incident is inexcusable and not at all comparable to US blue on blue incidents during our wars.

I was wrong with the wording.

I was saying the event that he was describing with helicopters and commandos attacking an American ship never happened.

USS Liberty was attacked 100%. It was deliberate, I don't dispute that.

Israeli pilots thought it was an Egyptian ship and this was later backed up by the NSA.

War sucks and you can have blue on blue killings. So here you had a neutral ship in a war zone and a mistake happened.

10-01-21, 13:36
At least the holocaust is the one single bit of history so sacred that it can't be cancelled. Yet.

10-01-21, 14:23
At least the holocaust is the one single bit of history so sacred that it can't be cancelled. Yet.

Jewish folks seem to be getting screwed pretty hard by NYC with the covid power grab.

If they can reach a level of control where they don't need Nazi's for the worst group ever it's possible though.

10-01-21, 15:13
Israeli pilots thought it was an Egyptian ship and this was later backed up by the NSA.

Aren't the NSA documents still classified? Like the JFK assassination it has been long enough that it stretches plausibility to believe this is for OPSEC.


10-01-21, 16:27
NSA declassified the docs about 3 years ago.

10-01-21, 19:43
Then I stand corrected.

10-01-21, 20:06
I was wrong with the wording.

I was saying the event that he was describing with helicopters and commandos attacking an American ship never happened.

USS Liberty was attacked 100%. It was deliberate, I don't dispute that.

Israeli pilots thought it was an Egyptian ship and this was later backed up by the NSA.

War sucks and you can have blue on blue killings. So here you had a neutral ship in a war zone and a mistake happened.

While I raise an eyebrow regarding the Liberty incident because Israel is such a staunch ally of ours, the USS Stark was harpooned by an Iraqi plane in 1987 with 37 KIA. Iran and Iraq were at war, we were sailing in the general vicinity, and disaster ensued. So yeah, the Liberty and Stark incidents have a few things in common. Shit happens in a combat zone unfortunately, but someone killed by "friendly fire" is just as dead as if they had been hit with an RPG or AK.

10-02-21, 04:06
I think quite a few people look at Nazi's and wonder "What happened to make these people do this?"
I have family that were Nazi's and Family living here in America. So what made them so different?
I would guess it probably mostly comes down to WWI.
I can't imagine losing so many young men and then the wounded and then the war reperations added on top of all of that. It was simply too much to overcome and set the stage for Hitler.
But for the most part, I think people in the United States went back to ignoring the News and all started back to work
I remember talking to my Grandmother on my Mom's side and asking her about WWII and she said "We had nothing to do with that, we were Austrian's." That's only slightly funny, when you consider her Second Cousin ran the Warsaw Ghetto for a bit.
It's a strange world and history is even stranger.

10-02-21, 08:57
I think quite a few people look at Nazi's and wonder "What happened to make these people do this?"

More than a few people have made the statement that the U.S. is seeing the basic lead up here and now that was happening in Germany in the 20 's and 30's.

10-02-21, 10:06
More than a few people have made the statement that the U.S. is seeing the basic lead up here and now that was happening in Germany in the 20 's and 30's.

Correct. The Left is dehumanizing and vilifying those on the Right, giving the OK to certain groups to Burn, Loot and Murder while jailing any political dissenters. Shortly after the election certain ComDems were publicly calling for the targeting and re-education of Trump voters. All of this to the cheers of the MSM and Democratic voters. So yeah, we are well on our way there.

10-02-21, 12:57
BOY you need to go to a reeducation camp and learn proper pronouns it sounds like :)

And YUP happening more and more

So many in WWII Germany knew what was up to afraid to speak out and act against it ! Happening again !

Correct. The Left is dehumanizing and vilifying those on the Right, giving the OK to certain groups to Burn, Loot and Murder while jailing any political dissenters. Shortly after the election certain ComDems were publicly calling for the targeting and re-education of Trump voters. All of this to the cheers of the MSM and Democratic voters. So yeah, we are well on our way there.