View Full Version : Rule of Law Gone....US Will No Longer Deport Illegals solely for Being Illegally Here

10-01-21, 08:19

What the hell, Pick and choose what laws you will follow as seems best at the time.....Seems like a fine way to run a society.....

10-01-21, 08:59
You didn’t vote they way they wanted so you are being replaced. Simple.

10-01-21, 09:00
You didn’t vote they way they wanted so you are being replaced. Simple.

Absolute truth.

10-01-21, 09:07
As Mel Brooks stated “it’s good to be the king”

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diving dave
10-01-21, 09:33
They need more demorats....

10-01-21, 12:38
when they start to use a punch to sink the nails deeper on the coffin of you !

10-01-21, 12:42
Makes me wonder why the American citizens don’t just say screw it and break whatever laws they don’t like. Heck I have recently went around mattress stores ripping off the tags. All jokes aside it’s frustrating always following laws when the left does what they want to. And we wonder why they always win issues. Can’t have a flourishing society is there are two different standards of laws. Just doesn’t work. But I fear we have lost too much ground anyways and should hunker down for the fight.

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10-01-21, 15:59
Allowing elections to be stolen have consequences !

10-01-21, 19:28
Nothing new. If you are on the Left you have a free reign to break whatever law you want. If you are on the Right you sit in jail for 9 months because your cell phone tracker put you in the Capital on January 6th. Or you get impeached twice but those that provided the false evidence and testimony walk free.

10-01-21, 19:53
Two end-goals of unfettered ILLEGAL immigration:

1) more Democheat votes (the overwhelming reason for it).

2) as Tucker mentioned, the untimely and unnatural (essentially forced) changing of the racial makeup of America.

I only ask one question.....Why the hell are they allowed to stay? Any of 'em, their damn kids included! I didn't ask you to come here. GTFO and change your shithole country. Don't know what else to tell ya but you aren't welcome here. It's like in a baseball game where you are sliding into home and get tangled up with the catcher but manage to reach around him and touch the plate. Safe! :mad: No way it should be like that.

These aren't physicians or RN's or engineers. They are the "needy". They will no doubt require WELFARE programs of some sort. Sorry (not), but that don't cut it. We have enough freeloading asswipes of our own without importing more. You go the fvck back from whence you came. We'll even provide flights if it's too far to make your ass walk.

There is a legal way to apply (see that word "apply") to come here and maybe even become a citizen at some point. I have ZERO problem with that, your skin color, country of origin, or what God you pray to being irrelevant. NO ONE has a "right" to come here.

This current disaster at the border and it's almost gleeful welcome by the libtards only cements my resistance (to my dying day) of ANY future proposed "pathway to citizenship". If you came here illegally then you NEVER will become a citizen.

That also goes for your damn kids too. No sob story about how you were brought across as a cute wittle baby and have been here most of your life. In that situation maybe you can stay (only you, your criminal parents go, and if you don't like that then go with 'em!) but you will NEVER become a citizen. NEVER.

My GAF meter ran out quite some time ago.

10-01-21, 21:49
This isn't the first time. Since 2008, and probably before, we've had sanctuary cities and places that simply decide to not enforce.

10-01-21, 23:15
Sincere question...then why are we expelling the Haitians??...wouldn't an influx of them serve the same goal..or am I missing something??

10-02-21, 00:16
They are not expelling Haitians as a rule.

10-02-21, 01:25
They are the new global citizens.

The plan is the destruction of America.

10-02-21, 07:51
We have to rebuild at the state and local level first. The election stealing has to be stopped there, first.

Also, less recent immigrants have to be shown the effects of the most recent wave and how they are impacted. As the spouse of someone who legally immigrated, I have a good perspective.

10-02-21, 13:36
Obama promised to fundamentally change America, and he did.

The country you grew up in is gone, and it is never coming back.

10-02-21, 14:05
Makes me wonder why the American citizens don’t just say screw it and break whatever laws they don’t like. Heck I have recently went around mattress stores ripping off the tags. All jokes aside it’s frustrating always following laws when the left does what they want to. And we wonder why they always win issues. Can’t have a flourishing society is there are two different standards of laws. Just doesn’t work. But I fear we have lost too much ground anyways and should hunker down for the fight.

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I’m not totally sure if they see that as a problem or a benefit to the destruction of our society and culture that would lead to the change that they hope comes. I would think that the people here would be some of the last people to start ignoring or disobeying the law, but I think it’s a distribution function with more and more people saying screw it why should I follow law if nobody does. We’ve had some great examples here in Colorado over the past two years of what happens when a significant, or even just a few percent, of the population decides to tell the law to go screw itself. They shut down one of the major highways here to have their own drag races. Did it a few times around town. That and just general craziness on the highways. Then of course the riots.

And even beyond that, just the rise in violent crime. I know they say that property crime is not increasing, but I call BS on that. We are seeing way too many porch pirate and catalytic converter thefts- And in a most recent catalytic converter theft a lookout pulled an AR 15 pistol on the homeowner who dared to question what was going on.

10-02-21, 15:58
There is going to come a time when Police must decide if they are going to continue to be enforcers
of an illegitimate administrations illegal policies or become targets for everyone who oppose them !

10-02-21, 16:16
There is going to come a time when Police must decide if they are going to continue to be enforcers
of an illegitimate administrations illegal policies or become targets for everyone who oppose them !

Before it gets to that point gun owners will be targeted as domestic terrorists.

Don't forget they already said domestic terrorism is the greatest threat facing America. Who do you think the DT's are?

10-02-21, 16:44
Looking at my Mexican friends, it doesn't take living here very long before they discover they are really Conservative.
They may come here poor, but they don't mind working their asses off to become middle class. The next generation usually has a Doctor or a Lawyer in them.

10-02-21, 18:07
When you say continue :) glad you notice they are :)
As I say I Think we passed that in many places ! As in they are not going to turn around its over for many of them as they themselves are drunk on the power given ! Not all but many
Look at Portland and Seattle and many other lefty cities where they just stand by and watch rioters burn loot stores and do nothing IMHO those hired from within those places are already that way

There is going to come a time when Police must decide if they are going to continue to be enforcers
of an illegitimate administrations illegal policies or become targets for everyone who oppose them !

10-02-21, 18:25
Looking at my Mexican friends, it doesn't take living here very long before they discover they are really Conservative.
They may come here poor, but they don't mind working their asses off to become middle class. The next generation usually has a Doctor or a Lawyer in them.

This isn’t a total win for the illegals. By keeping them illegal the left is keeping them undercontrol. Stop acting the way we want you to? Out you go.

I’m not on the side of illegals, but if I lived in a SH!thole part of town and you left the garage door open, I might just come in- especially if you then took me to the living room and gave me a meal, all while telling me I’m bad. The mixed messages, or even really contradictory messages, we give foreigners cause what we are doing.

10-02-21, 21:33
This isn’t a total win for the illegals. By keeping them illegal the left is keeping them undercontrol. Stop acting the way we want you to? Out you go.

I’m not on the side of illegals, but if I lived in a SH!thole part of town and you left the garage door open, I might just come in- especially if you then took me to the living room and gave me a meal, all while telling me I’m bad. The mixed messages, or even really contradictory messages, we give foreigners cause what we are doing.

I'm pretty sure, if given the chance to get the idea across in some "official" manor, that it would be unmistakable what I was saying. "Come here legally or you will be thrown out, and your kids too. If you spit one out while here they either go into foster care or you take them with you. Either way, YOU are gone."

10-04-21, 05:44
There are 85,000 new democrat voters heading to the border now through Mexico. We know what will happen to them and it won't be detainment or deportation. To make sense and understand what is happening, you have to skew your view points to looking at these situations from a progressive commie ideal to understand that the results of all of this chaos is exactly what they want. Collapse any system and you can "Build back better". I think the end result of all this is getting into line with this idea of the IMF's Economic Reset agenda.

10-04-21, 11:56
There is going to come a time when Police must decide if they are going to continue to be enforcers
of an illegitimate administrations illegal policies or become targets for everyone who oppose them !
Before it gets to that point gun owners will be targeted as domestic terrorists.

Don't forget they already said domestic terrorism is the greatest threat facing America. Who do you think the DT's are?
........................................................ SO BE IT !!!!..........................................................................................

10-04-21, 13:57
Esq., I don't know where you've been, but the rule of law died a long time ago. We've been lawless with a rogue government for years. They do whatever they want and we let them. I don't know anyone who would use the term "rule of law" to describe what has been happening for the last several years. Further, our border has been porous for decades. I've walked into businesses where the employees look at me like I'm from Mars for speaking English.

Illegals used to keep a low profile, as they knew they were getting away with something. Now, they treat Americans like we are intruding on their turf and we are not welcome. A big ole contempt sandwich with a side of F U. And I'm not talking about just CA. Seen it in many states.

10-05-21, 07:33
The First Amendment under assault:


Dollars to donuts the “threats” are hoaxes perpetrated by the school board themselves. Stick a pin in that one.

10-05-21, 07:34
The First Amendment under assault:


Dollars to donuts the “threats” are hoaxes perpetrated by the school board themselves. Stick a pin in that one.

10-05-21, 08:02
The First Amendment under assault:


Dollars to donuts the “threats” are hoaxes perpetrated by the school board themselves. Stick a pin in that one.

It is along the lines of the January 6th "insurrection" where the only person killed was an unarmed female veteran shot by a government agent.

10-05-21, 09:26
There is going to come a time when Police must decide if they are going to continue to be enforcers
of an illegitimate administrations illegal policies or become targets for everyone who oppose them !
Before it gets to that point gun owners will be targeted as domestic terrorists.

Don't forget they already said domestic terrorism is the greatest threat facing America. Who do you think the DT's are?
........................................................ SO BE IT !!!!..........................................................................................

Well, the "Rule of Law" has been and was abandoned I believe first in the name of Marijuana, then Illegal Aliens.
You can't have it both ways, if you don't like a law, change it if you don't have the juice to change the law and you break it, well that's Anarchy and your just making it up as you go along.
I agree there are a lot of "Dumb Laws", but we pay people to make and vote those laws into existance. If your Politicans aren't correcting these Laws, well, why are we paying them a salary?

10-05-21, 14:39
Esq., I don't know where you've been, but the rule of law died a long time ago. We've been lawless with a rogue government for years. They do whatever they want and we let them. I don't know anyone who would use the term "rule of law" to describe what has been happening for the last several years. Further, our border has been porous for decades. I've walked into businesses where the employees look at me like I'm from Mars for speaking English.

Illegals used to keep a low profile, as they knew they were getting away with something. Now, they treat Americans like we are intruding on their turf and we are not welcome. A big ole contempt sandwich with a side of F U. And I'm not talking about just CA. Seen it in many states.

Oh, I'm just rubbing it in the nose of the "lawful conservatives" that still lurk in droves among gun owners.

I've known for 20 years or more what the reality of our situation was.

This is for the "We have to vote harder" to fix things crowd--- of which there are many in the "law abiding, conservative, Second Amendment group". You see them all the time when someone says things like, "We need to start shooting because that's the only way things will really change".... OH MY GOD.....blah, blah, blah....

They don't really understand what the hell is going on- they refuse to, and continue to labor under delusions of Truth, Justice and the American Way. They are going to reasonable themselves right onto the box cars. What is happening is NOT reasonable and it cannot be solved by reason, we're past that.

10-06-21, 13:22
Oh, I'm just rubbing it in the nose of the "lawful conservatives" that still lurk in droves among gun owners.

I've known for 20 years or more what the reality of our situation was.

This is for the "We have to vote harder" to fix things crowd--- of which there are many in the "law abiding, conservative, Second Amendment group". You see them all the time when someone says things like, "We need to start shooting because that's the only way things will really change".... OH MY GOD.....blah, blah, blah....

They don't really understand what the hell is going on- they refuse to, and continue to labor under delusions of Truth, Justice and the American Way. They are going to reasonable themselves right onto the box cars. What is happening is NOT reasonable and it cannot be solved by reason, we're past that.

Loved every word. We are on the same page.

10-06-21, 13:28
I agree there are a lot of "Dumb Laws", but we pay people to make and vote those laws into existance. If your Politicans aren't correcting these Laws, well, why are we paying them a salary?
Why indeed.

Also, We aren't voting most of this into existence. Our votes are nothing but a dog and pony show. They do what they want, install who they want, and make into law whatever they want regardless of what we say. We are, and have been for some time, entirely without representation. How long? I really don't know. It became very obvious to me when Bill the Liar was re-elected. There have been many notable re-affirmations along the way, but Bill's second term was the point when I realized everything was a lie. Since that time its been a weird existence. Trying to enjoy life and be a good person, but knowing what is really going on behind the scenes and what is coming our way. Hoping that someone somehow comes along and fixes things, but expecting the worst. The worst is what we've been getting more of lately.

10-06-21, 17:37
Well, the "Rule of Law" has been and was abandoned I believe first in the name of Marijuana, then Illegal Aliens.
You can't have it both ways, if you don't like a law, change it if you don't have the juice to change the law and you break it, well that's Anarchy and your just making it up as you go along.
I agree there are a lot of "Dumb Laws", but we pay people to make and vote those laws into existance. If your Politicans aren't correcting these Laws, well, why are we paying them a salary?

Because if you don't pay them the feds will show up with guns, take away your freedom, and everything else.

The government promotes peace while they enjoy a monopoly on force and violence.

10-06-21, 20:03
Maybe there's hope...


10-06-21, 20:50
Maybe there's hope...


seen a few do that now :)

also heard the gov is going to look into this kinda stuff and fine anyone splitting off employees ?

I used to own retail would never want to get into it again !

10-07-21, 19:18
So this 18 year old shoots 4 people at a school in Arlington TX and walks out of jail the next day. WTF is going on?


10-07-21, 19:28
Here's another one from Chicago. Gun fight in broad daylight between rival gangs leaves one man dead. Cook County DA says no charges filed.


10-07-21, 19:57
Last two going as dems plan !

10-08-21, 19:52
So this 18 year old shoots 4 people at a school in Arlington TX and walks out of jail the next day. WTF is going on?


Well my friend he is in one of the largest "protected and privileged" classes out there.

10-08-21, 20:14
Well, the "Rule of Law" has been and was abandoned I believe first in the name of Marijuana, then Illegal Aliens.
You can't have it both ways, if you don't like a law, change it if you don't have the juice to change the law and you break it, well that's Anarchy and your just making it up as you go along.
I agree there are a lot of "Dumb Laws", but we pay people to make and vote those laws into existance. If your Politicans aren't correcting these Laws, well, why are we paying them a salary?

That "If you don't like a law just get it changed" thing cuts both ways. It usually depends on who holds the reigns of power at a given time, although lately I've started to think that doesn't matter anymore.

It's easy to say "....just get it changed" but in reality that's a joke. Let's use seat belt laws as an example: I remember back when it was only ever going to be an add-on charge, like for a speeding ticket. Never would be a reason to pull you over, i.e. probable cause. Funny [not] how that has morphed into what it is today. I don't ever recall a public vote or referendum on that, nothing on the ballot when I voted. Yet it has become law just about everywhere. Get it changed? Hell, no one I know of voted for it in the first place, regardless of whether you think wearing a seatbelt is a smart thing or not.

Know what it comes down to? A cop exercising discretion. Loud music call and a joint falls out of the guy's pocket? A state like NJ where some guy is pulled over for speeding and the LEO notices the butt of a handgun underneath the seat. Say neither person has a real criminal record (i.e. not habitual offenders or felons). Yeah, the laws on the books say they're toast......but should they really be? It's like a cop version of jury nullification. Not to unduly put the burden of dealing with this stuff on cops, but after all, they are the starting point for any encounter with our spectacular "justice" system. Beat your wife and that joint falls out of your pocket? You're taking a ride. Have a kilo of coke in the car with the handgun showing? Turn around, you are also going for a ride.

I know the above sounds duplicitous, like on one hand I'm saying ignore laws and on the other saying "throw the book at 'em". Common freaking sense and a little prudent discretion would go a long way until we can eliminate laws which shouldn't even be on the books. Of course on the day when that happens I will park my unicorn in the rainbow lot at work!

10-12-21, 13:08
You don't have a country anymore-



If you don't understand or refuse to believe where this is headed, you deserve every evil thing that is going to happen to you because of it.

10-12-21, 14:25
You don't have a country anymore-



If you don't understand or refuse to believe where this is headed, you deserve every evil thing that is going to happen to you because of it.

Something tells me the GOP won't exactly be jumping up and down over the decision in the 1st link. :rolleyes:

10-12-21, 16:34
Its going to take awhile but we'll be like south africa eventually.

10-12-21, 17:08
You don't have a country anymore-



If you don't understand or refuse to believe where this is headed, you deserve every evil thing that is going to happen to you because of it.

What do we deserve if we do understand and believe where this is headed?

10-13-21, 17:13
We're getting it.