View Full Version : Parents protesting adoption of CRT targeted by FBI after comments from AG

10-06-21, 08:50
My initial reaction is an emotional one. It feels like this admin intends to shove it's agenda down our collective throats, marginalize us, and then gather public support via propaganda to support openly persecuting us.

I'm sick to death of feeling persecuted. I just want to be left alone. I have other things to worry about without repeated threats shoving their way into my life.

https://americandigest.com/bidens-ag-just-ordered-the-fbi-to-target-parents-as-potential-domestic-terrorists/ (https://americandigest.com/bidens-ag-just-ordered-the-fbi-to-target-parents-as-potential-domestic-terrorists/)

10-06-21, 09:45
Why do we have School Boards if they dont want our opinions?

I seem to remeber some FBI Agents shelving a report from a young Olympic Gymnast about her sexual assault, guess taming those school board protests more important?

10-06-21, 09:46
I keep waiting for the dillweeds at the top to do the right thing, even once. Let's see if Christopher Wray tells Garland to stay in his lane. I'm not holding my breath.

10-06-21, 09:48

Conflict Of Interest? AG Garland's Family Getting Rich Selling Critical Race Theory Materials To Schools

When it comes to conflicts of interest, Attorney General Merrick Garland appears to have a huge one.

Merrick's daughter, Rebecca Garland, is married to the co-founder of an education resource company that pushes critical race theory - which angry parents across the country are protesting. Taking matters into his own hands, AG Garland tapped the FBI on Monday to huddle with local leaders to address a "disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence" against teachers and school board members.


(that article links to CTH, which appears to be down right now, presumably either ddos attack or just sheer volume of legit page views)

My initial reaction is an emotional one. It feels like this admin intends to shove it's agenda down our collective throats, marginalize us, and then gather public support via propaganda to support openly persecuting us.

Already in the third stage of your list if you pay any attention.

I'm sick to death of feeling persecuted. I just want to be left alone. I have other things to worry about without repeated threats shoving their way into my life.

Hey, have you heard the one about the guy "who just wanted to be left alone"?

10-06-21, 10:16
I'm starting to understand better how the FBI had such a hard time getting the gangsters in the 1920s and 30s.

10-06-21, 10:17
Try and spot the "NOT-a-mom"... :rolleyes:


10-06-21, 10:51
First the gov. implements red flag laws, then they come up with reasons to use them.
How many of those parents on school board meeting videos will be getting visits from the police searching for weapons?

10-06-21, 11:46
This is the Obama era 2.0. The whole point of the DOJ doing this is to intimidate people into keeping quiet and staying away from public discourse.

Wouldn’t it just be great if these people would simply let the >50% of the country that doesn’t want to deal with them and their nonsense just leave and continue the American Experiment?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-06-21, 12:00
So Third World.

This is why you can’t let collectivists have power.

10-06-21, 12:45
So how long before this administration starts throwing executive actions around in regard to homeschooling? I forsee them using the same tactic they have used with COVID to target the opposition through their children.

Don't want your kids in public school? Fine, we'll just make public education mandatory. Resist and we'll send the Feds after you. Try and hide and we'll label you an enemy of society. No health care for you or your children, no jobs, seized assets, etc..

I'm surprised this hasn't happened yet, honestly.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

10-06-21, 12:48
Secret Police Gonna Secret Police!

10-06-21, 14:22
This is all just payback for the serfs having the audacity to elect an outsider like Trump. If you didn’t see this stuff coming………

They’re not interested in solving problems, they’re simply enriching themselves and expect to hold onto power by creating more problems only they can solve.

Trouble is they solve nothing and the cycle continues.

10-06-21, 23:00
First the gov. implements red flag laws, then they come up with reasons to use them.
How many of those parents on school board meeting videos will be getting visits from the police searching for weapons?
Got it in one.
To many on the center-right side are being led around by the nose as usual - everyone's seeing individual legislative actions, not the building of a dystopian framework that simply isn't complete yet and hasn't been 100% fully activated. There's "so much going on" , Here! A thing! There! A Thing! Anyone with spoonful of tactical acumen knows you can't fight everywhere at once, and that is exactly the situation they have successfully manufactured. There's simply to much happening to fast to fight, it, let alone when one side has their hands tied behind their back, half of it willingly.
Even the people that think they "know" what the leftists are up to are going to be blindsided by how fast and complete the new iron curtain is going to drop. Or how much information the various gov agencies already have, or what they can collect real quick.

So how long before this administration starts throwing executive actions around in regard to homeschooling? I forsee them using the same tactic they have used with COVID to target the opposition through their children.

Don't want your kids in public school? Fine, we'll just make public education mandatory. Resist and we'll send the Feds after you. Try and hide and we'll label you an enemy of society. No health care for you or your children, no jobs, seized assets, etc.....
Probably don't even need an executive action.
They will do what they've always done in regard to homeschooling and also try and pin "child abuse" on the parents. That's been a staple of their attempts to corral homeschooling renegades forever. This time they will say "the radicalized parents are denying their kids access to life-saving medicine and endangering their communities, etc, etc."
These days, probably add pedo stuff and a terabyte or two of kiddie pron on a hard drive as well, just to seal the deal. Nobody ever questions that stuff.
Court of media-driven public opinion is the new rule of law.
Once CPS starts getting involved in this, well... there's only two options for those being targeted, after that.
Those f***ers will literally steal your kids out from under you if they can gin up a reason.

Like I've said before... won't be a 'civil war' as people are expecting, just dozens of mini-WACOs, most of which you probably won't hear about, past the first couple, unless you were there..

10-07-21, 00:01
And this is a national law enforcement issue why?

Get your ass to the border and STFU.

They’ve corrupted the FBI as a partisan political apparatus, and they are trying to do it to the military now.

10-07-21, 06:13
Got it in one.
Probably don't even need an executive action.
They will do what they've always done in regard to homeschooling and also try and pin "child abuse" on the parents. That's been a staple of their attempts to corral homeschooling renegades forever. This time they will say "the radicalized parents are denying their kids access to life-saving medicine and endangering their communities, etc, etc."
These days, probably add pedo stuff and a terabyte or two of kiddie pron on a hard drive as well, just to seal the deal. Nobody ever questions that stuff.
Court of media-driven public opinion is the new rule of law.
Once CPS starts getting involved in this, well... there's only two options for those being targeted, after that.
Those f***ers will literally steal your kids out from under you if they can gin up a reason.

Like I've said before... won't be a 'civil war' as people are expecting, just dozens of mini-WACOs, most of which you probably won't hear about, past the first couple, unless you were there..

Years ago I was going to work in Colorado for a couple of months. I asked an old Friend to check in on my Son once in a while, just check in and look around. As this was a last minute assignment for me, I had some things to prepare and then called my friend back and he said "No, my wife wont let me do that, but if you would like, he can stay here with us."
The Guy is a Buddy, but to be honest his Wife is a bit of a whack job, so I said "No, thats Okay."
The Next day I see them at Church and they ask me to brunch after mass. We were at a local Mexican Restraunt and there were a couple of people at the table that I didn't know. Come to find out they all worked for CPS.
BTW, My friends whack job Wife is a Principal of one of our local schools.
I finish a couple of Margarita's and go on home and play CYA, because now they've really pissed me off.
Contact my Attorney (On a Sunday yet !) Double check the food stores, (plenty), brief my Son and check his cell phone (All Good there.) Spoke with CPS 30 min before leaving town.
Briefed the kid to not open the door for anyone and flew out the next day.

It all turned out okay and thankfully I haven't had to speak to those two for 20 years now.

But that's the mind set, "We know how to raise your Children better than you do."
If that means Federalizing the Education of all of our Children, so be it. Let the indoctrination begin.

I had served with this guy for ten years, I had known him for 20. This stuff with his Wife was always on the back burner, then she went full on leftist.

10-07-21, 07:55
I would have kept him around, said nothing for a year, and then slowly worked to destroy his marriage. If he was smart, he’d eventually thank you.

10-07-21, 08:20
And this is a national law enforcement issue why?

Get your ass to the border and STFU.

They’ve corrupted the FBI as a partisan political apparatus, and they are trying to do it to the military now.

Standard Totalitarianism. Did you Nazis and Communists would show up on University campuses and shout down lectures they disagreed with? Remind you of anything?

10-07-21, 15:07
Got it in one.
To many on the center-right side are being led around by the nose as usual - everyone's seeing individual legislative actions, not the building of a dystopian framework that simply isn't complete yet and hasn't been 100% fully activated. There's "so much going on" , Here! A thing! There! A Thing! Anyone with spoonful of tactical acumen knows you can't fight everywhere at once, and that is exactly the situation they have successfully manufactured. There's simply to much happening to fast to fight, it, let alone when one side has their hands tied behind their back, half of it willingly.
Even the people that think they "know" what the leftists are up to are going to be blindsided by how fast and complete the new iron curtain is going to drop. Or how much information the various gov agencies already have, or what they can collect real quick.

Probably don't even need an executive action.
They will do what they've always done in regard to homeschooling and also try and pin "child abuse" on the parents. That's been a staple of their attempts to corral homeschooling renegades forever. This time they will say "the radicalized parents are denying their kids access to life-saving medicine and endangering their communities, etc, etc."
These days, probably add pedo stuff and a terabyte or two of kiddie pron on a hard drive as well, just to seal the deal. Nobody ever questions that stuff.
Court of media-driven public opinion is the new rule of law.
Once CPS starts getting involved in this, well... there's only two options for those being targeted, after that.
Those f***ers will literally steal your kids out from under you if they can gin up a reason.

Like I've said before... won't be a 'civil war' as people are expecting, just dozens of mini-WACOs, most of which you probably won't hear about, past the first couple, unless you were there..

I’ve been saying for years, these manufactured crises and not distract the public and keep citizens off their elected misrepresentatives to do anything useful. They move at a snails pace and when they don’t get anything done they throw their hands up and say “gee guys, we tried!!”. The citizens forget or give up. Rinse and repeat.

Republicants had both houses of Congress for how long and did exactly what again? How much of the damage of the previous years did they undo exactly?

Yet here we are with Biden and his minions at record pace along with Congress undoing what was done over the last few years.

At this pace they will win if they haven’t already.

10-07-21, 15:13
I keep thinking "Where's the Tipping Point?"
Almost everyone I know walks around like nothing is happening.

10-07-21, 15:38
The FBI is not a law enforcement agency. They are an investigative agency with the power of arrest. They investigate what they are told to investigate. The history of the organization is checkered at best and especially so in the last few decades. They are well on their way to becoming Public Enemy #1. I have both friends and relatives who were agents many decades ago and they are even more critical than I.

10-07-21, 15:39
I keep thinking "Where's the Tipping Point?"
Almost everyone I know walks around like nothing is happening.Because nothing is happening.

Are people being evicted by the masses? Has fuel dried up? Are there even rations? Is it even close to the 70s embargo? Is food missing from stores? Like seriously missing and not just your favorite cereal? Are there bread lines? Or has food become something you have to scrape together for?

Can you still pig out on buffalo wings while watching the Sunday game? Can you go to a bar and get shit faced with friends (for the most part yes)?

Until football games end and GrubHub stops there won't be a tipping point

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

10-07-21, 16:50
The FBI is not a law enforcement agency. They are an investigative agency with the power of arrest. They investigate what they are told to investigate. The history of the organization is checkered at best and especially so in the last few decades. They are well on their way to becoming Public Enemy #1. I have both friends and relatives who were agents many decades ago and they are even more critical than I.

Hoover dies in 72. Figure it takes a few years to actually get into the correct role and practices. So late 70s, maybe? By the early 90s you get Waco and Weaver- those didn’t happen in a vacuum. So when was that golden age of the FBI, which week or day was that in 1983?

The FBI has been a political tool since its inception. We may think that it is being run by the left, but frankly, it seems that they are running their own game now. That current FBI is such a F***tard. He sounds like a surfer dude- “I don’t know maaaannn.” Of course Lurch before him. I wouldn’t an FBI agent babysit my underage niece, let alone my daughter.

10-08-21, 07:51
Pretty Telling...
Once your on this "List" for complaining to the School Board, what other "Lists" does this put you on ie No Fly List?

10-08-21, 08:11
Scum lying scum
Our country is over if this continues and we will be communism full bore

Pretty Telling...
Once your on this "List" for complaining to the School Board, what other "Lists" does this put you on ie No Fly List?

10-08-21, 08:31
More lies from Lying Liars.
The FBI shows up on your door step for expressing your views on your local School Board. The entire First Ammendment is dying by intemidation.

john armond
10-08-21, 09:26
Pretty Telling...
Once your on this "List" for complaining to the School Board, what other "Lists" does this put you on ie No Fly List?

I can see you being put on a lot of lists, and then eventually being denied other things. The possibility of having access to medical care is one. Aren’t there already doctors refusing to to treat people based on their vaccine status? No more firearms. No unemployment when you get fired for being investigated for “intimidation.” Hell some states are already stating you will not be able to receive unemployment benefits if you lose your job for not getting the vaccine.

Isn’t the guy who shot Bin Laden on the No Fly List for tweeting a picture of himself?

10-08-21, 09:36
I call on the next Republican president if he has a clear majority in both houses of Congress to close the FBI. A more worthless waste of tax money is difficult to find

10-08-21, 10:01
I call on the next Republican president if he has a clear majority in both houses of Congress to close the FBI. A more worthless waste of tax money is difficult to find

Well you pretty much have to; at this point they've decided to consider Conservatives their mortal enemy.

10-08-21, 10:49
I call on the next Republican president if he has a clear majority in both houses of Congress to close the FBI. A more worthless waste of tax money is difficult to find

I have little confidence another Republican president can be elected in the foreseeable future.

10-08-21, 15:25
I do think we will see one but he wont be it will be a RINO or just a dem calling themselves that and not even hiding it

Just so they can say SEE its fair now shut up and your check in or mark against your app sure we are going to see voting apps that will be out in the near future I reckon will make sure that IF you vote for their shill or conservatives that you are on the OTHER list

No tin foil either truly think this is going to be happening as its happening now in other ways with the vax idiocy etc...

I have little confidence another Republican president can be elected in the foreseeable future.

10-08-21, 19:18
Hoover dies in 72. Figure it takes a few years to actually get into the correct role and practices. So late 70s, maybe? By the early 90s you get Waco and Weaver- those didn’t happen in a vacuum. So when was that golden age of the FBI, which week or day was that in 1983?

The FBI has been a political tool since its inception. We may think that it is being run by the left, but frankly, it seems that they are running their own game now. That current FBI is such a F***tard. He sounds like a surfer dude- “I don’t know maaaannn.” Of course Lurch before him. I wouldn’t an FBI agent babysit my underage niece, let alone my daughter.

The FBI has long been a very unnecessary agency. They are one agency that has overlapping jobs with pretty much all the other Fed LE agencies, and they don't necessarily do ANYTHING better than any other agency. Honestly, they should be disbanded with their intelligence/counterterrorism and organized crime missions shifted to HSI (which already does a lot of that anyway) and their financial crime investigations shifted to the Secret Service.

10-08-21, 21:00
I call on the next Republican president if he has a clear majority in both houses of Congress to close the FBI. A more worthless waste of tax money is difficult to find

The ATF? :laugh:

10-09-21, 06:31
Parents who protest what their children are taught are identified as violent extremists and their children become wards of the state until adopted by pedophiles.

So much better than the world under Orange Man with his mean tweets, porn star escorts, and bump stock bans.


10-09-21, 09:35
The FBI has long been a very unnecessary agency. They are one agency that has overlapping jobs with pretty much all the other Fed LE agencies, and they don't necessarily do ANYTHING better than any other agency. Honestly, they should be disbanded with their intelligence/counterterrorism and organized crime missions shifted to HSI (which already does a lot of that anyway) and their financial crime investigations shifted to the Secret Service.

As far as I know, the only federal LE agency near the time of the ratification was the marshalls service with a fairly limited role.

10-09-21, 10:29
First the gov. implements red flag laws, then they come up with reasons to use them.
How many of those parents on school board meeting videos will be getting visits from the police searching for weapons?

Yep, they made the red flag laws, now they need to prove they work. The headline will read “red flag laws prevented school shooting after firearms confiscated from parents who made threats at school board meeting.”

Of course, you’ll never know what the exact “threat” was or even if it’s true. The media believers will feel safe and hail the laws as a success.

10-09-21, 10:34
Like I've said before... won't be a 'civil war' as people are expecting, just dozens of mini-WACOs, most of which you probably won't hear about, past the first couple, unless you were there..

The ones we do hear about will be so scrubbed most will think it was just some crazy radicalized gun nut and will be told they should be happy that another school shooting or terrorist attack was averted through the hard work of the accountants with guns.

10-09-21, 10:37
And this is a national law enforcement issue why?

Because the FBI is the political police. Many Americans look at corrupt other countries with their national police forces being used as political police to exert power over the citizens, and think that would never happen here. Yet, here we are with our wonderful FBI.

10-09-21, 10:42
Because nothing is happening.

Are people being evicted by the masses? Has fuel dried up? Are there even rations? Is it even close to the 70s embargo? Is food missing from stores? Like seriously missing and not just your favorite cereal? Are there bread lines? Or has food become something you have to scrape together for?

Can you still pig out on buffalo wings while watching the Sunday game? Can you go to a bar and get shit faced with friends (for the most part yes)?

Until football games end and GrubHub stops there won't be a tipping point

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

This sounds pretty accurate to me. As long as the state checks keeping depositing and people can self-medicate, and as long as sports keep playing and we can keep posting selfies, then every thing will be honky-dory.

Booze and entertainment are great pacifiers.

10-10-21, 08:27
As far as I know, the only federal LE agency near the time of the ratification was the marshalls service with a fairly limited role.

Before the FBI, the Secret Service was the primary domestic intelligence agency. The Marshals actually had a more expanded role in the past, being that they had general day-to-day law enforcement duties in areas that were unincorporated into states. Also Border Patrol existed at the time of the FBI as well.

The thing with the FBI is that it was created almost entirely to enforce Prohibition. After Prohibition, it was all about suppressing the organized crime gangs that rose from Prohibition. Then, during WWII they took on the domestic intelligence role. Since then, they've just kept growing.

10-10-21, 10:12
Because the FBI is the political police. Many Americans look at corrupt other countries with their national police forces being used as political police to exert power over the citizens, and think that would never happen here. Yet, here we are with our wonderful FBI.

I don't think the FBI was ever wonderful.

Think about it, FBI was started by a cross dressing deviant, and he was able to stay in power by blackmail and other means.

So when Hoover was the moral leader of the F#cking Bunch of Idiots, are we surprised that agents have committed perjury in the FISA court more times than we can count?

10-10-21, 18:05
I don't think the FBI was ever wonderful.

Think about it, FBI was started by a cross dressing deviant, and he was able to stay in power by blackmail and other means.

So when Hoover was the moral leader of the F#cking Bunch of Idiots, are we surprised that agents have committed perjury in the FISA court more times than we can count?

Yes and there are those here who would tell you that the "rank and file" FBI agents aren't the problem, it's the higher ups. WRONG! It's all of them for the most part. If you are a field agent and you have ever been involved with entrapping someone into a "lying to a Federal agent" charge you are part of the problem.

This isn't the FBI of the 60's or 70's going after mob bosses and racketeering. No, it has morphed into a Left-lead organization more akin to the KGB than a law enforcement agency. It is THE premier domestic state security apparatus, backed up by other despicable intel agencies. To them the enemy is no longer outside our borders, they see it as us and it's here that the problem lies.

10-11-21, 16:27
Are we surprised that the left reacts so aggressively to the parents complaining about CRT. CRT is anti-American and is the next step in the use of the education system to tear down this country so that they can build back better…. That they would call out national goon squads with unlimited power and the ability to ruin your life as you know it with a simple allegation tells you how critical, critical race theory is to their plans.

10-12-21, 12:06
I don't think the FBI was ever wonderful.

Think about it, FBI was started by a cross dressing deviant, and he was able to stay in power by blackmail and other means.

So when Hoover was the moral leader of the F#cking Bunch of Idiots, are we surprised that agents have committed perjury in the FISA court more times than we can count?

The FBI is the most audacious long con in the history of America.

10-12-21, 12:14
Interesting wrinkle here... long article claims that one of the most dramatic school-board meeting battles related to a student's rape and the father's attempt to speak about the rape and lack of appropriate school response.


Per the report, Smith was at the school board meeting because his daughter had been raped by a transgender boy in the girls’ bathroom at Stone Bridge High School. What transpired after that was almost as sickening as the act itself.

But while it is clear the local school board put children at risk in order to cover for their own demented ideology, things didn’t stop there. Smith’s case was actually cited by the DOJ in their letter warning of “domestic terrorism” at school board meetings. AG Merrick Garland had to have been apprised of the details of the case, yet he chose to obfuscate and pretend Smith was a terrorist threat anyway.

10-12-21, 12:36
Interesting wrinkle here... long article claims that one of the most dramatic school-board meeting battles related to a student's rape and the father's attempt to speak about the rape and lack of appropriate school response.


The system is always more important than the citizen. The legal system is designed and intended to protect the system before any other concerns. "Justice" is just a fairy tale.

10-12-21, 13:00
So, after reading most of the posts, simple conclusion: FBI = Gestapo + KGB all in one useless .gov agency. Lovely.

10-14-21, 11:29
I have to agree with the FBI being far, far off the rails. Despite the massive amounts of very good work being done to investigate actual crimes and arrest actual criminals, a growing percentage of the employees are the type of far left lunatics that are still recovering from their tummys hurting under Trump and actually think Biden is doing a good job. I'm right now hanging on to see if my religious objection to the vaccine mandate keeps me from getting fired; from a company whose leadership has lost their way. After 15 years, I would be leaving a lot on the table, including well over $25K just in unused sick days I could have cashed out when I retired...It's an awful position to be in for sure. I still work very hard at making sure my tiny slice is doing the job we're supposed to be doing, but it's certainly no secret that the top of the heap is an absolute embarrassment, and has been for quite some time. I feel like it was that sanctimonious narcissist Comey that really brought it to a head, made it okay to be a political hack and turned the agency into this politically driven thing you see today.

10-14-21, 11:47
I hate throwing the baby out with the bath water. Like them or lump them, they've had some pretty solid successes. They have also laid the turd or ten, and engaged in outrageous, egregious behavior. Not to mention their 'we're so secure no one can penetrate us' attitude has led to some embarrassment with CI work.

But being the old libertarian that I am, I say enjoin the FBI, ATF, SS, and DEA into one agency, cut the redundancy, create better oversight, and limit the scope.

10-14-21, 15:39
I hate throwing the baby out with the bath water. Like them or lump them, they've had some pretty solid successes. They have also laid the turd or ten, and engaged in outrageous, egregious behavior. Not to mention their 'we're so secure no one can penetrate us' attitude has led to some embarrassment with CI work.

But being the old libertarian that I am, I say enjoin the FBI, ATF, SS, and DEA into one agency, cut the redundancy, create better oversight, and limit the scope.

Personally, I'd go a step further... consolidate all armed federal LE into the Marshals Service and reduce the others to specialized "technical/SME support" roles. Concentrate all fixed-site security into FPS (goodbye Kapitolpolizei Sturmabteilung) and all "specific individual protection" (no more DSS) to the Secret Service.

10-14-21, 15:53
You know the Louden County Father was used as an excuse to get the FBI in on it right?
That guy was trying to protest because his Daughter was anally raped by a boy wearing a dress in the Girls Bathroom.

10-14-21, 15:59
I hate throwing the baby out with the bath water. Like them or lump them, they've had some pretty solid successes. They have also laid the turd or ten, and engaged in outrageous, egregious behavior. Not to mention their 'we're so secure no one can penetrate us' attitude has led to some embarrassment with CI work.

But being the old libertarian that I am, I say enjoin the FBI, ATF, SS, and DEA into one agency, cut the redundancy, create better oversight, and limit the scope.

The federal government should be restricted to the U.S. Marshals Service for federal arrest powers. The Federal Protective Service can cover everything else where an armed security guard is needed.

Edit: Pretty much exactly what Diamondback posted. LOL

10-14-21, 17:22
Personally, I'd go a step further... consolidate all armed federal LE into the Marshals Service and reduce the others to specialized "technical/SME support" roles. Concentrate all fixed-site security into FPS (goodbye Kapitolpolizei Sturmabteilung) and all "specific individual protection" (no more DSS) to the Secret Service.

I could be down with that. I think for the black eyes counterintelligence has given FBI over the decades, they do that pretty well. Yes, secret service for all PSD/digpro work.

I would say the same thing for the intelligence community. Fold CIA, DIA, State Department's intelligence, national reconnaissance office, all into one department.

10-18-21, 15:40
You know the Louden County Father was used as an excuse to get the FBI in on it right?
That guy was trying to protest because his Daughter was anally raped by a boy wearing a dress in the Girls Bathroom.

And then the Louden County officials still claimed that there had been zero assaults; and the same rapist was moved to another school and did it again! It's no wonder this guy went ballistic. Okay to go after the Catholic church for widespread sexual misconduct but not the MUCH bigger problem in the public school system?? My boys are out now and I don't have to deal, but I'd be moving heaven and earth to get them home-schooled at this point, the public system is broken beyond repair

10-18-21, 15:54
Interesting wrinkle here... long article claims that one of the most dramatic school-board meeting battles related to a student's rape and the father's attempt to speak about the rape and lack of appropriate school response.


The DOEd and the FBI are bad enough- but the people that went hands on that guy were local LEOs/Sheriff. They need to be put in their place post haste. They got played and they need to assert publicly that they will not be the strong arm the leftist haters. IF they don't, they need replaced.

So, after reading most of the posts, simple conclusion: FBI = Gestapo + KGB all in one useless .gov agency. Lovely.

Your reading comprehension is excellent. If Durham is ever allowed to fully investigate and report, it will be even more apparent.

I'd love to see a US Attorney file RICO complaints against the FBI.... DOn't laugh. That is what the left would do if the tables were turned...

10-18-21, 22:02
I could be down with that. I think for the black eyes counterintelligence has given FBI over the decades, they do that pretty well. Yes, secret service for all PSD/digpro work.

I would say the same thing for the intelligence community. Fold CIA, DIA, State Department's intelligence, national reconnaissance office, all into one department.

That was *supposed* to be the entire point of creating a "Central Intelligence Agency" in the first place... and all this bullshit about "Director of NATIONAL Intel" is the job that DCI was *supposed* to be doing all those decades.

Seriously, though, you show me a resume that has CIA anywhere on it and I don't need any more before I'm calling Security to escort you off the premises... unless it's Culinary Institute of America for chef training.