View Full Version : US Nuclear Sub Details “Sold” by Suspect in a Sting By The FBI

10-11-21, 12:21

A Navy nuclear engineer with access to military secrets has been charged with trying to pass information about the design of American nuclear-powered submarines to someone he thought was a representative of a foreign government but who turned out to be an undercover FBI agent, the Justice Department said Sunday.
In a criminal complaint detailing espionage-related charges against Jonathan Toebbe, the government said he sold information for nearly the past year to a contact he believed represented a foreign power. That country was not named in the court documents.
Toebbe, 42, was arrested in West Virginia on Saturday along with his wife, Diana, 45, after he had placed a removable memory card at a prearranged "dead drop" in the state, according to the Justice Department.
It wasn’t immediately clear whether the Toebbes, who are from Annapolis, Maryland, have lawyers. The Navy declined to comment Sunday.

The FBI says the scheme began in April 2020 when Jonathan Toebbe sent a package of Navy documents to a foreign government and wrote that he was interested in selling to that country operations manuals, performance reports and other sensitive information.
Authorities say he also provided instructions for how to conduct the furtive relationship, with a letter that said: "I apologize for this poor translation into your language. Please forward this letter to your military intelligence agency. I believe this information will be of great value to your nation. This is not a hoax."


The. His wife is outed as a BLM supporter (on Fox).

I’m a little troubled by this but I’m surprised too. I wonder what or who could have prompted this guy to attempt to sell plans to a foreign buyer. Is this like the “kidnap the governor” plan that was a shit show? Wouldn’t the TS clearance be something that vetted this type of individual out? I wonder who he thought he was selling to, and I’m wondering if there is a link between the liberal activism and what was done or if that just happens to be a side thing.

10-11-21, 13:12
You'd think Personnel Reliability Program woulda caught this guy... then again, with the woke shitshow in charge the PRP standards have probably flipped 180.

10-11-21, 13:13
It was an FBI sting, the dude and his wife were fully engaged in espionage.

10-11-21, 13:16
Unfortunately, these clowns go on a list that goes all the way back to Benedict Arnold. No nation is immune.

10-11-21, 13:28

More, a CIA mole was active.

10-11-21, 14:06
Thread title is misleading.

Makes it sound like the FBI tried to buy a nuclear sub, not that they ran a sting operations on a guy trying to sell specs to what he believed was an enemy agent.

10-11-21, 14:09
Do executions come in His and Hers seats in the Electric Chair?

10-11-21, 14:19
Do executions come in His and Hers seats in the Electric Chair?

They do. It worked for the Rosenbergs. But ol' Ethel, she needed extra chair time before she died.

10-11-21, 16:41
Will be interesting if this ends up being an entrapment scheme.

10-11-21, 17:36
I’d say more of this is coming. The education system and MSM indoctrinate our youth to hate America and it’s establishments. They graduate college good little commies and then .gov recruits them with snappy commercials showing how wokeness is the key to success. Once in critical positions within the government they then proceed to sell out the country they have been taught to hate.

10-11-21, 17:55
They do. It worked for the Rosenbergs. But ol' Ethel, she needed extra chair time before she died.

Not sure if we've done it since. There was a lot of outcry even then. We didn't even execute the Manson bitches. Last one was Lisa Montgomery and she had to murder a 23 year old pregnant Bobbie Jo Stinnett in order to cut out and kidnap her baby. Bobbie Jo Stinnett was strangled and bled out.

Before Montgomery's execution, the last woman to be executed by the US government was Bonnie Heady, who died in a gas chamber in Missouri in 1953, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. Bonnie Heady was an exceptional POS who participated in the kidnapping and murder of a 6 year old boy, the family paid the demanded ransom but Bobby Greenlease was shot and killed shortly after his kidnapping.

Diana Toebbe won't even make it to death row much less be executed. She'll probably be paroled faster than female members of the Manson family.

10-11-21, 18:32
I understand the sentiment, but I am not, having worked with .gov, a big fan of them having the right to pull the big switch on “citizens” in any circumstance.

10-11-21, 19:21
I understand the sentiment, but I am not, having worked with .gov, a big fan of them having the right to pull the big switch on “citizens” in any circumstance.

That is my only, single reservation about capital punishment. Lots and lots of time the goobermint gets it wrong and I can't think of much worse than sending an innocent to jail let alone to the chair.

But in those rare instances where we are 100% certain we got it right, flush that turd. I'm not sure either of the Toebbe shitheads are worth the expense or drama to execute. Life in prison, and I mean life not 10 years, should suffice but they won't even get that.

10-11-21, 19:47
Will be interesting if this ends up being an entrapment scheme.

I doubt most of us could be entrapped into selling any classified info we may be privy to.

10-11-21, 19:59
I doubt most of us could be entrapped into selling any classified info we may be privy to.

Haven't heard his side of the story.

The agency making the claim against him has developed a nickname in recent years that they somehow avoided for decades.

10-11-21, 23:08
That’s why I initially titled the thread the way I did. I read the article and thought to myself, if someone passed all the checks and balances to obtain the necessary clearance needed to access the data being discussed, I find it unusual that the moral character would be weak enough to fall for this, unless it was a coerced sting that was designed to lure someone (possibly after brainwashing a spouse). I know, tin foil hat time but the agency accusing him isn’t the one I’d expect to be at the top of this kind of investigation.

10-11-21, 23:39
That’s why I initially titled the thread the way I did. I read the article and thought to myself, if someone passed all the checks and balances to obtain the necessary clearance needed to access the data being discussed, I find it unusual that the moral character would be weak enough to fall for this, unless it was a coerced sting that was designed to lure someone (possibly after brainwashing a spouse). I know, tin foil hat time but the agency accusing him isn’t the one I’d expect to be at the top of this kind of investigation.

So the first thing I learned when I was put in charge of "the money" is that they are gonna check the money. It's a test now, it's a test tomorrow and next month they are gonna check the money and it better be right. So if you are in charge of the money drawer you need to watch the money, you need to watch everyone who goes near the drawer and you even have to watch the guy who counts the money who is checking on you.

The same exact shit applies to evidence in your custody, sensitive or classified information in your custody and every single thing like that. You can't get tricked into taking money if you aren't willing to take money, you can't get tricked into losing evidence if you aren't willing to lose evidence and you sure as shit can't get tricked into selling classified information.

I've been there, I've been tested, I've even been in a room full of assholes talking about "we all take a piece, here is your cut new guy" and the correct answer is to walk out of the room and F those guys. You don't need to dime them out but you sure as shit don't play cards with them. Sometimes they are shady, sometimes they are dirty as F and sometimes they are simply checking you out to see what you are willing to go along with. More than once it was all on camera and it was all about seeing what "I" would do in that situation.

Entrapment is "we have kidnapped your family so if you don't do what we say we are going to kill your family." But just going "you can get paid if you break the rules yo" is not entrapment. Never was, never will be and anyone thinking shady offers are entrapment can get F'ed. They can get extra F'ed if they are in a position where they are trusted with money, evidence or information. They should do 10 years for being stupid enough to think nobody is watching the money drawer all the damn time.

10-12-21, 03:06
I’ve never been privy to any classified information, I was the guy that guarded the gate or sat at the desk outside the Top Secret Library. I never had the need to know but I hope they are testing those that have access to our secrets. I hate traitors like the Walker spy ring, Aldrich Ames, Robert Hanssen, et. al. with a passion.

10-12-21, 05:54
So the first thing I learned when I was put in charge of "the money" is that they are gonna check the money. It's a test now, it's a test tomorrow and next month they are gonna check the money and it better be right. So if you are in charge of the money drawer you need to watch the money, you need to watch everyone who goes near the drawer and you even have to watch the guy who counts the money who is checking on you.

The same exact shit applies to evidence in your custody, sensitive or classified information in your custody and every single thing like that. You can't get tricked into taking money if you aren't willing to take money, you can't get tricked into losing evidence if you aren't willing to lose evidence and you sure as shit can't get tricked into selling classified information.

I've been there, I've been tested, I've even been in a room full of assholes talking about "we all take a piece, here is your cut new guy" and the correct answer is to walk out of the room and F those guys. You don't need to dime them out but you sure as shit don't play cards with them. Sometimes they are shady, sometimes they are dirty as F and sometimes they are simply checking you out to see what you are willing to go along with. More than once it was all on camera and it was all about seeing what "I" would do in that situation.

Entrapment is "we have kidnapped your family so if you don't do what we say we are going to kill your family." But just going "you can get paid if you break the rules yo" is not entrapment. Never was, never will be and anyone thinking shady offers are entrapment can get F'ed. They can get extra F'ed if they are in a position where they are trusted with money, evidence or information. They should do 10 years for being stupid enough to think nobody is watching the money drawer all the damn time.

Yes. This used to be table stakes. Now it has to be explained.

10-12-21, 05:57
So the first thing I learned when I was put in charge of "the money" is that they are gonna check the money. It's a test now, it's a test tomorrow and next month they are gonna check the money and it better be right. So if you are in charge of the money drawer you need to watch the money, you need to watch everyone who goes near the drawer and you even have to watch the guy who counts the money who is checking on you.

The same exact shit applies to evidence in your custody, sensitive or classified information in your custody and every single thing like that. You can't get tricked into taking money if you aren't willing to take money, you can't get tricked into losing evidence if you aren't willing to lose evidence and you sure as shit can't get tricked into selling classified information.

I've been there, I've been tested, I've even been in a room full of assholes talking about "we all take a piece, here is your cut new guy" and the correct answer is to walk out of the room and F those guys. You don't need to dime them out but you sure as shit don't play cards with them. Sometimes they are shady, sometimes they are dirty as F and sometimes they are simply checking you out to see what you are willing to go along with. More than once it was all on camera and it was all about seeing what "I" would do in that situation.

Entrapment is "we have kidnapped your family so if you don't do what we say we are going to kill your family." But just going "you can get paid if you break the rules yo" is not entrapment. Never was, never will be and anyone thinking shady offers are entrapment can get F'ed. They can get extra F'ed if they are in a position where they are trusted with money, evidence or information. They should do 10 years for being stupid enough to think nobody is watching the money drawer all the damn time.

I have heard it described as "in whose mind the crime was created".


Dude may be guilty as sin, but thinking of things like collaborating with a Chinese bio lab along with other similar interactions with foreign governments going back decades not being an issue and looking at who and what is getting labeled as traitors seems to be numerous reasons to stop and look at the whole thing.