View Full Version : Loudon County Father fights the school board.

10-13-21, 14:07
Scott Smith, a small business owner in Virginia, was smeared by the National School Boards Association last month in its letter begging President Joe Biden and his administration to use domestic terrorism laws to punish parents who were fed up with the radical indoctrination of their children in schools. In the letter, the NSBA used Smith’s viral June 22 arrest at a Loudoun County school board meeting to justify extreme action from federal law enforcement.

The U.S. Justice Department’s Attorney General Merrick Garland announced last week that he would grant the NSBA’s request and directed the FBI and state attorneys to address “a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff who participate in the vital work of running our nation’s public schools.”

At the time of his arrest, Smith was protesting the school board’s policy proposal to allow students to ignore their sex and use whichever locker room matches their “gender identity” on a given day. Less than one month before the gathering that was eventually ruled an “unlawful assembly” after parents and concerned community members vocalized their problems with the anti-science proposal, “a boy allegedly wearing a skirt entered a girls’ bathroom at nearby Stone Bridge High School, where he sexually assaulted Smith’s ninth-grade daughter.” The boy was charged with multiple counts of sodomy and one count of forcible fellatio and was also linked to a recent “sexual battery and abduction” case at another high school earlier in October.

The school board, however, denied that there was ever any sexual assault from a transgender-identifying student.

“Our students do not need to be protected, and they are not in danger. Do we have assaults in our bathrooms or locker rooms regularly?” said school board member Beth Barts.

“To my knowledge, we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms,” Superintendent Scott Ziegler replied.

The board chairwoman Brenda Sheridan also asked if the district had “any issues involving transgender students in our bathrooms or locker rooms,” before Ziegler claimed that the predatory trans-identifying person doesn’t exist.

After Smith and a progressive activist who was in favor of the bathroom policy argued at the school board meeting, Smith was forcefully arrested, charged with two misdemeanors, and found guilty on all charges. His sentence for 10 days in jail was suspended “contingent on a year of good behavior.”


10-13-21, 14:09
Pretty Infuriating.

10-13-21, 14:38
Atrocious, moral depravity on every level, from the so-called Leader of the Free World, to the political machine driving this agenda, to the savagery of these baby sociopaths walking about with impunity.
“Do we have assaults…regularly?” Some one would get smirk knocked right the f*ck from ‘their’ entitled mug, regardless of ‘their’ gender, real or perceived.
Yet, I am nothing but a deplorable example of toxic masculinity.

Heads, spikes, walls.


10-13-21, 14:50
More on this.

10-13-21, 20:20
If I had a school age daughter and they had a bathroom policy like that - She would be given a knife and taught how to use it.

10-13-21, 20:23
If I had a school age daughter and they had a bathroom policy like that - She would be given a knife and taught how to use it.

I'd tell them fcck off an pull her out of that school. I'm so glad my kids are done with school.

john armond
10-13-21, 20:24
Amazing the videos relating to this keep being removed, isn’t it?

Nothing to see here..move along.

10-13-21, 20:34
It will take violence, but then the cancer will be viewed as martyrs. These walking piles of human shit deserv consequences for their evil action. A child was raped, by another child. The victim is being put on trial by adults claiming that she's lying. **** sakes people.

10-13-21, 20:35
Not a huge fan of law suits, but this guy's family and the other girls family have what would seem like a huge case.

Transgender rapes girl in girls bathroom. School system moves the kid to another high school where he does the same thing to another girl. Then he gets charged and the school board/superintendent claim they knew nothing about the incident.

I feel sorry for the two girls who have been scarred for life. David

10-13-21, 20:46

10-13-21, 22:11
Amazing the videos relating to this keep being removed, isn’t it?

Nothing to see here..move along.

Those pukes want to 'normalize' the crap and have everyone go along with it / look the other way.

Screw that. Wrong is wrong.

10-13-21, 23:52
Shit like this makes me feel fortunate I don't have kids.

It's intolerable enough I have to live in a world with this crap, if I had kids I'd have definitely found my bell tower by now.

10-14-21, 00:11
It will take violence, but then the cancer will be viewed as martyrs. These walking piles of human shit deserv consequences for their evil action. A child was raped, by another child. The victim is being put on trial by adults claiming that she's lying. **** sakes people.
But... but... #metoo #believeallwammen. :rolleyes:

Apparently the YT videos have disappeared. Convenient...

10-14-21, 00:27
But... but... #metoo #believeallwammen. :rolleyes:

Apparently the YT videos have disappeared. Convenient...

Believe all women and #metoo have always been with the stipulations that you belong to the same political cult they do. Look how they treated the women that accused Biden before the election. Just one big sick game

10-14-21, 05:50
The father was arrested at a school board meeting after trying to speak out about what he says happened to his daughter after the superintendent denied there had been any assault. The police have confirmed there was a reported sexual assault. The father is still being prosecuted. The skirt-wearing boy was moved to another school and allegedly assaulted another girl according to reports.
But on top of all that, to make it even worse, the National School Boards Association (NSBA) cited the incident in a letter to Joe Biden as one of the reasons they wanted the FBI to come in and investigate parents who could be responsible for “domestic terrorism.”
Smith called the letter targeting parents by Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland “scary.” “That’s really scary that our government will weaponize themselves against parents and using my video across the nation to spread fear. That’s wrong. I am not a bully. I am not a racist. I love everyone. I love this country. I want better stuff for it.”
Many parents came out last night to the Loudoun School Board meeting to speak out against the alleged cover-up and to call for the resignation of the superintendent. Even during that meeting, the school board may have violated the open public meetings requirement by not allowing an open meeting and only letting in one parent at a time to speak.
They weaponized what happened to this poor parent to use against other parents and it’s just completely shameful.

This is what happens when you push "Group Think" and Socialism.

10-14-21, 08:55

Crowder got suspended for a week from YouTube for posting about this.

10-14-21, 11:42
He should out the student's name, damn the consequences.

10-14-21, 12:18
Just another example that those on the Left are evil creatures without morals whose god is their agenda. Anyone that votes for them are their enablers and just as sick.

10-14-21, 14:54
I'm just sayin'
If my Daughter was A$$ raped in school and someone told me to keep quiet?
There would be bodies on the floor.
Someone would pay and pay.

10-15-21, 11:01

15 yo rapist.

10-15-21, 12:11
I'm just sayin'
If my Daughter was A$$ raped in school and someone told me to keep quiet?
There would be bodies on the floor.
Someone would pay and pay.


10-15-21, 19:01
Piece of shit, school board whatever, said I missed understood the question!

10-16-21, 09:17
Atrocious, moral depravity on every level, from the so-called Leader of the Free World, to the political machine driving this agenda, to the savagery of these baby sociopaths walking about with impunity.
“Do we have assaults…regularly?” Some one would get smirk knocked right the f*ck from ‘their’ entitled mug, regardless of ‘their’ gender, real or perceived.
Yet, I am nothing but a deplorable example of toxic masculinity.

Heads, spikes, walls.

When the flag goes up...
