View Full Version : Norway Bow Attack - Gun Control My @$$

10-13-21, 16:41
Mass killing even in Norway, killer used a bow and arrows to murder an unknown number of people in Norway.

So forget me giving up my guns ever.


10-13-21, 18:19
Even seen an English kitchen knife with a flat head tip?

You cannot neuter objects resulting in a safe zone. Crazy people are dangerous, they are dangerous with a butter knife. There is no way you can make somebody like Charles Manson "safe" by taking things away.

All you can accomplish is disarming the law abiding populace who by definition are not the problem and you actually cause problems by creating a larger pool of potential victims. If you find a dense enough group of people who are somewhat confined in a space like a movie theater, you can kill or hurt most of them with a simple screwdriver.

10-13-21, 19:54
Mexico has strict gun control
Works great

10-13-21, 23:23
Even seen an English kitchen knife with a flat head tip?

You cannot neuter objects resulting in a safe zone. Crazy people are dangerous, they are dangerous with a butter knife. There is no way you can make somebody like Charles Manson "safe" by taking things away.
Before they went full 1984 with their lockdown BS, the BritPo were doing neighborhood "weapon sweeps".
They were quite proud to show of the assortment of tools, gardening implements, scissors, bicycle ties, broken rakes, and other ephemera they'd managed to confiscate.
It was one of the most hilariously stupid things I've seen.
Meanwhile, stabbings were still going strong in major UK cities. Along with the acid attacks.

... If you find a dense enough group of people who are somewhat confined in a space like a movie theater, you can kill or hurt most of them with a simple screwdriver.
A gallon of gas and a few dollars of lock and chain...

Mexico has strict gun control
Works great

There was an interesting documentary on the Autodefensas in Mexico that I saw some time ago. Regular civilians who took up arms and organized to defend themselves from the cartels. They were making some headway for a while. Then the government got involved.
First the gov acted like they were in favor of the whole thing and wanted to help
Then the gov began to put regulations and restrictions on the 'defensas, which essentially slowly crippled their ability to operate.
Finally the gov stabbed them in the back, demanded they disarm, and called them the criminals.
And here we are today...

10-13-21, 23:58
A gallon of gas and a few dollars of lock and chain...

So it's the first thing I think of when the challenge is "kill everyone in the building", but at some point I stopped posting it on the net. "We" can figure this stuff out, but thankfully most of the truly deranged shitheads still opt for their "first person shooter" video game fantasy.

10-14-21, 05:26
The majority of mass killings historically did not involve firearms.

Now for the update, the suspect in this bow and arrow attack is a Dane that converted to Islam

10-14-21, 05:30
The majority of mass killings historically did not involve firearms.

Now for the update, the suspect in this bow and arrow attack is a Dane that converted to Islam

A Danish that converted to islam, isn't that a croissant?

10-14-21, 08:35
Happened in Norway of all places:

A Bow and Arrow Attack Leaves 5 Dead and 2 Wounded in Norway

A Danish man is in custody in Norway suspected of a bow-and-arrow that left four women and one man dead. Two people were wounded. The attack took place in the small town of Kongsberg about 42 miles southwest of the capital of Oslo.

The motive for the killings remains unclear, however, the 37-year old Danish citizen will be facing multiple charges. He was arrested by Norwegian police about 20 minutes after the attacks began and is believed to have been acting alone.

The attacker fired arrows at shoppers in the small Norwegian town of 28,000 people on Wednesday. Police Chief Ole Bredrup Sæverud said there was “a confrontation” between officers and the assailant, but he did not give further details.


Alex V
10-14-21, 08:41
Time to ban bows and arrows.

10-14-21, 08:59
Those quirky Danish. The article said it took some time for the popo to make the arrest. How long does it take to draw and shoot the fool. Or did they have to wait for the "armed" police?

10-14-21, 09:11
Suspect is a Dane that converted to Islam

10-14-21, 09:56
And the Religion of Peace strikes again.


"The man arrested Wednesday had been on the security agency’s radar, but the agency did not say why. Police described him as a Muslim convert who was previously flagged as having been radicalized.

“There earlier had been worries of the man having been radicalized,” Saeverud, the police chief, said during a news conference. He didn’t elaborate on what he meant by calling the suspect radicalized and did not provide more information about why the suspect was previously flagged and what authorities did in response."

10-14-21, 10:55
Does the FBI call this a mass-bowing? Mass-archery?

10-14-21, 11:04
A suppressed minority asking for help

10-14-21, 11:07
Does the FBI call this a mass-bowing? Mass-archery?

It's a toss up between "an Agincourt" and "they got The Jab."

10-14-21, 11:19
Yes todays bows are very deadly, they are not toys.
There are trying to say it was an "Act of Terror" now.

10-14-21, 11:21
Yes todays bows are very deadly, they are not toys.
There are trying to say it was an "Act of Terror" now.

Yeah man you ever see Rambo? Those assault bows are real weapons of war. Especially those exploding arrows you can get at any gun show.

10-14-21, 11:23
Mass killing even in Norway, killer used a bow and arrows to murder an unknown number of people in Norway.

So forget me giving up my guns ever.


This just goes to show you can outlaw everything if someone wants to kill they will find a way.
So gun laws do nothing but make more victims.

10-14-21, 11:28
Yes todays bows are very deadly, they are not toys.

Totally. It's not like bows back in 1763, when the Indian's arrows would just bounce off of colonist's shirts, leaving them unharmed.

My buddy's got a fullysemiautomatic assault bow with a 40-round clip and autotrigger. He can shoot 20 arrows in a tenth of second. Hits targets over a mile away, and goes through 3 inches of RHA. It's enough to blow up an Abrams tank. We should outlaw assault bows, or at least impose a 30-day waiting period and mandatory insurance and storage requirements. It's for the children, and David Hogg.

/sarc (in case it's not freaking obvious), and btw someone who was practicing with a 65lb bow when I was 15.

10-14-21, 11:46
The majority of mass killings historically did not involve firearms.

Now for the update, the suspect in this bow and arrow attack is a Dane that converted to Islam

The most prolific mass murderer is political power.

Fred Bear(Bear Archery) gave an interview back in the mid 80s and claimed archery gear had killed more people than firearms. No idea if accurate(likely an assumption based on how long each have been around), but I guess this turd added to the tally.

B Cart
10-14-21, 12:36
Ban assault bows!!

In all seriousness, having killed many big game animals with a bow, I can definitely see how it would be easy to kill 2-legged critters with one. The accuracy and lethality of modern bows just keeps getting better. When i was shooting alot, i could regularly hit a pop can at 100 yards with my bow, so shooting a person in shopping area wouldn't be hard. It's just too bad he was able to shoot as many as he did before being stopped.

Guns aren't the problem, evil is the problem, and it's alive an well.

10-14-21, 12:53
Shocker that very little of the suspect is released. Or maybe not.

Sounds like the Danish and Norwegian police are also afflicted with violent crimes happening by folks on the watch list. Crappy situation to be in and not sure what the solution is without civil rights violations.

10-14-21, 13:15
Could use a thread merge here...

10-14-21, 14:08
Yeah man you ever see Rambo? Those assault bows are real weapons of war. Especially those exploding arrows you can get at any gun show.

Looking at optics for my compound recurve. Can't decide if I want a CQB RDS or a HPVO for a sniper bow. Also looking at one of these tripod setups but worried it might affect mobility.

10-14-21, 16:35
Australia gave up their guns and their balls !

10-14-21, 20:00
Shocker that very little of the suspect is released. Or maybe not.

Sounds like the Danish and Norwegian police are also afflicted with violent crimes happening by folks on the watch list. Crappy situation to be in and not sure what the solution is without civil rights violations.

I love the european articles I was reading were talking about the problems with right wing christian violence wonder how they are going to spin this guy ? right wing conservative christian recently converted islamist ?

10-15-21, 06:29
Ban assault bows!!

In all seriousness, having killed many big game animals with a bow, I can definitely see how it would be easy to kill 2-legged critters with one. The accuracy and lethality of modern bows just keeps getting better. When i was shooting alot, i could regularly hit a pop can at 100 yards with my bow, so shooting a person in shopping area wouldn't be hard. It's just too bad he was able to shoot as many as he did before being stopped.

Guns aren't the problem, evil is the problem, and it's alive an well.

Is this tongue in cheek? English long bows had a pull up to 80 lbs and Mongolian bows twice that. Modern bows are easier to to use and materials/technology have improved the bow, string, and arrow but they have not increased in lethality.

It is unfortunate he killed so many people, but thats what happens when you have no teeth in a dog eat dog world.


10-15-21, 06:33
Australia gave up their guns and their balls !

Given the Aussie lockdown protests vs US protests, perhaps they surrendered their guns and we our balls.


10-15-21, 09:16
A Danish that converted to islam, isn't that a croissant?

And the Winner of the Internet for the week, if not month. History, current events, and baking tour de 'force.

10-15-21, 09:25
Can't be that many "active archer" alerts.

10-15-21, 09:41
You know, I'm thinking you could take a hide a kill a hell of a lot of people that way.

10-15-21, 09:49
They will make it so that all arrows have to have noise makers so that the 'shots' can be tracked by all the fancy microphone-triangulation gear that they are putting into cities...

10-15-21, 11:57
Just wait until the thugs of Chicago start taking archery lessons a la Hunger Games inspiration.

10-15-21, 12:01
Just wait until the thugs of Chicago start taking archery lessons a la Hunger Games inspiration.

If you've seen them shoot a gun, as long as they have bows we have nothing to worry about.

10-15-21, 16:44
You know, I'm thinking you could take a hide a kill a hell of a lot of people that way.

After being in Wal-Marts and seeing the percentage of customers doing the thorazine shuffle, I am fairly sure a mass killer would be more effective grabbing a baseball bat, ax, or rope than a firearm due to the muzzle blast jarring them out of the stupor.

10-16-21, 09:48
Next there'll be "Three gun, one bow" events :D