View Full Version : Fauci hates puppies

10-24-21, 06:26

10-24-21, 06:39
If this doesn't get rid of this Marxist liar, nothing will.

10-24-21, 08:26
And I hate Fauci, so there's that.

10-24-21, 08:30
Everyone hates Fauci but the Marxist.

10-24-21, 08:43

Thats a f'ing horror movie, the bugs were eating them alive and because they made too much noise whila that was going on, they cut their vocal cords.

10-24-21, 09:05
That’s some sick Sh&$ for what purpose? I bet in wet dreams he would love doing this to humans

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10-24-21, 09:46
I wish the same sadistic experimentation for that #*&%sucker !

10-24-21, 10:22
I wish the same sadistic experimentation for that #*&%sucker !

You know if your willing to do that in the name of Science, I have an idea, I've got some tent stakes, rope and some honey. I also know of some isolated desert area that I would like to show you. Personally.

10-24-21, 10:30
I'm sure all you cared a great deal any animal testing before seeing Fauci was distantly was involved.

10-24-21, 11:00
I'm sure all you cared a great deal any animal testing before seeing Fauci was distantly was involved.

I more see it as just another reason to hate the F’er more than anything. But personally, i’m not a huge fan of dogs being used in experiments. If I’m being totally honest though; if it’s a rat or something i’m indifferent so long as the experiment has legit benefits for humans.

Did I mention F*** Fauci though?

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10-24-21, 11:04
I'm sure all you cared a great deal any animal testing before seeing Fauci was distantly was involved.

No,really and that's rather sanctimonious isn't it?
This is the first time I've heard of using bugs to eat puppies.
I'm sitting here with a Dog thats wearing the cone of shame right now and she's getting babied until it comes off, so your BS is just that BS.

10-24-21, 11:41
No,really and that's rather sanctimonious isn't it?
This is the first time I've heard of using bugs to eat puppies.
I'm sitting here with a Dog thats wearing the cone of shame right now and she's getting babied until it comes off, so your BS is just that BS.

No kidding, how tone deaf do you have to be to support dog torture. Gives me the creeps.

10-24-21, 11:57
That’s some sick Sh&$ for what purpose? I bet in wet dreams he would love doing this to humans

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History shows that serial killers almost invariably start with cruelty to animals...

10-24-21, 12:04
sadly the left loves to kill babies its empowering to them ?

sadly not sure this will do anything

yeah sick beyond anything read that yesterday

10-24-21, 12:07
So, Fauci is the reincarnated Joseph Mengele?

10-24-21, 12:11
Mad scientists seem to be everywhere. I wonder if they squirmed a little when they saw the results of their "science"? Probably not.

10-24-21, 12:13
So, Fauci is the reincarnated Joseph Mengele?

Probably not.....yet. Planned Parenthood, now they are Joseph Mengele.

10-24-21, 12:20
Worst day on the job ever was when I was asked to walk a lab facility to evaluate upgrading their HVAC system. Had no idea what the lab did. On the way out, I was taken through a room of cages and in the hall way they were exercising the beagles they used for testing. They were so happy and playful and they were all going to be killed. Still makes me sick to my stomach. I don't know how those folks doing that job deal with that.

10-24-21, 12:24
Remember, Fauci is a product of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study institutional culture, who have never been held accountable and still maintain "We did NOTHING wrong, because SCIENCE!"

Clinton apologizing and agreeing to a settlement for their misdeeds only shielded them institutionally and personally from accountability, and the institutional malfeasance is going to continue and KEEP getting worse until all these wannabe Herr Doktors see some of their own held accountable. And as arrogant as they are I'm sure even High Priest Fraudci's head on a pike wouldn't faze them, probably only give them a martyr.

That said, taking this evil little freak down is still a job that needs doing. And I'm not exactly a "dog lover" myself, but I am a *rabid* hater of unnecessary and unprovoked cruelty. (In response to heinous crimes is another story, but...)

10-24-21, 13:31
You know if your willing to do that in the name of Science, I have an idea, I've got some tent stakes, rope and some honey. I also know of some isolated desert area that I would like to show you. Personally............................................................................................................................................................................

F U 2 PAL, I would however be willing to inflict that on Fauci and your apparently cut from the same cloth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-24-21, 13:33
Probably not.....yet. Planned Parenthood, now they are Joseph Mengele.

Tentacles of the same evil octopus. Or would that be Hydra?

10-24-21, 15:01
Tentacles of the same evil octopus. Or would that be Hydra?

As far as I'm concerned they're working for the same person, if you know what I mean.

10-24-21, 15:02
As far as I'm concerned they're working for the same person, if you know what I mean.

I think we're on the same page here. :)

10-24-21, 16:31
I saw this Australia News last night. Sick ****er.

ETA: Here it is...


10-24-21, 16:33
I saw this Australia News last night. Sick ****er.

What better way for an aspiring serial killer to hide, and even give himself outright legal protection, than to go into medical research?

10-24-21, 16:40
Eye for an eye.

10-24-21, 18:28
Remember, Fauci is a product of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study institutional culture, who have never been held accountable and still maintain "We did NOTHING wrong, because SCIENCE!"

Clinton apologizing and agreeing to a settlement for their misdeeds only shielded them institutionally and personally from accountability, and the institutional malfeasance is going to continue and KEEP getting worse until all these wannabe Herr Doktors see some of their own held accountable. And as arrogant as they are I'm sure even High Priest Fraudci's head on a pike wouldn't faze them, probably only give them a martyr.

That said, taking this evil little freak down is still a job that needs doing. And I'm not exactly a "dog lover" myself, but I am a *rabid* hater of unnecessary and unprovoked cruelty. (In response to heinous crimes is another story, but...)

I remember bringing that up last year and got someone all but hurt. Numerous "that stopped in 19xx" until they gave up with examples extending in to the last 10 years.

10-24-21, 18:29
That’s some sick Sh&$ for what purpose? I bet in wet dreams he would love doing this to humans

Some folks would argue that's what happening now with the vaccine mandates. The ends justify the means.

10-24-21, 18:35
I remember bringing that up last year and got someone all but hurt. Numerous "that stopped in 19xx" until they gave up with examples extending in to the last 10 years.

Yeah, they just went underground and moved to countries with more lax "consent" statutes.

Like Firefly would say, a day without crucifixions of these sick freaks is a day without sunshine, and brothers it's gettin' mighty rainy out there... #WeMissYouFirefly

10-24-21, 18:38

What happened to Firefly?

10-24-21, 18:39
What happened to Firefly?

I haven't seen any posting activity from him in the better part of a year. Hope he's well, wherever he is...

10-24-21, 18:45
I haven't seen any posting activity from him in the better part of a year. Hope he's well, wherever he is...

Gotcha, thought you were saying something did happen to him. Last time he popped in was 07-12-21, so just over 3 months, nothing wrong with taking a break.

10-24-21, 19:32
Yeah, they just went underground and moved to countries with more lax "consent" statutes.

Like Firefly would say, a day without crucifixions of these sick freaks is a day without sunshine, and brothers it's gettin' mighty rainy out there... #WeMissYouFirefly

I don't know if they even have to go anywhere, they just have to do enough vetting on who they let in. The Tuskeegee syphillis experiment went on for decades with just a few people complaining internally which went no where. One of those finally had enough and went public. Could have stopped it or maybe just a name change.

10-24-21, 19:35
After the leak and the "visible shutdown" they just moved it to Honduras.

The wrathful Old Testament part of me wants to say "make them shoot their own kids/grandkids full of live AIDS or Ebola under a strict No Treatment order and see how THEY like it," but if somebody did that to me over my father's crimes my first instinct would be to make sure that my last action before dying was to take as many of them as possible out with me. So that's no bueno, which leaves Make Them Be Their Own Test Subjects.

10-24-21, 19:38
Gotcha, thought you were saying something did happen to him. Last time he popped in was 07-12-21, so just over 3 months, nothing wrong with taking a break.

I hope he's laying on a beach somewhere with a little hottie.

10-24-21, 19:53
which leaves Make Them Be Their Own Test Subjects.

That is fair enough.

10-24-21, 19:59
After the leak and the "visible shutdown" they just moved it to Honduras.

The wrathful Old Testament part of me wants to say "make them shoot their own kids/grandkids full of live AIDS or Ebola under a strict No Treatment order and see how THEY like it," but if somebody did that to me over my father's crimes my first instinct would be to make sure that my last action before dying was to take as many of them as possible out with me. So that's no bueno, which leaves Make Them Be Their Own Test Subjects.

What makes you think these people don’t experiment on their own children?

10-24-21, 20:08
What makes you think these people don’t experiment on their own children?

Because *they're* special and if they experiment on their own there's nobody to hand the legacy down to... though some are evil enough I wouldn't put it past 'em.

10-24-21, 20:25
What makes you think these people don’t experiment on their own children?

They do...some just try to cover their grave mistakes & blame the govt.


Probably some underlying condition & had it coming anyway...sigh.

10-24-21, 20:30
When all is said and done and Americans realize that they were fed a 5 course meal of bullshit and that
untold 10's of thousands died unnecessarily from the Covid Conspiracy , cover up , and outright evil mendacity ,
Mussolini will look like he got off lucky.

10-24-21, 20:46
When all is said and done and Americans realize that they were fed a 5 course meal of bullshit and that
untold 10's of thousands died unnecessarily from the Covid Conspiracy , cover up , and outright evil mendacity ,
Mussolini will look like he got off lucky.

Starting to think that. The left keeps pushing the more desperate to control they become, people are pissed, I’m in Georgia so restrictions aren’t bad but I have some friends in blue states that are seriously getting fed up, politically they were middle of the road, not any more

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10-24-21, 21:19
Think about this: and this is just the one where the evil little Fascist freakshow got CAUGHT. History shows that what a man does once he's probably done before and probably will again... now doesn't that start to make you wonder how many OTHER barbaric little atrocities like this he's done over the years?

10-24-21, 21:31
Little bastard needs to be tied up with barbwire and left on an anthill

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10-24-21, 21:33
Little bastard needs to be tied up with barbwire and left on an anthill

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Marvin Boggs had the right idea...


10-24-21, 23:48
Thats a f'ing horror movie, the bugs were eating them alive and because they made too much noise whila that was going on, they cut their vocal cords.

Fauci needs to be euthanized.

10-25-21, 00:34
Fauci needs to be euthanized.

Too quick and painless. Needs to be made such a spectacular example of his fellow Wannabe Mengeles will be telling horror stories about his fate for a thousand years...

10-25-21, 01:53
Eye for an eye.

When are we bringing that back?

10-25-21, 02:14
When all is said and done and Americans realize that they were fed a 5 course meal of bullshit and that
untold 10's of thousands died unnecessarily from the Covid Conspiracy , cover up , and outright evil mendacity ,
Mussolini will look like he got off lucky.

The key word I think you missed is “if”. Until the masses start active resistance nothing will change.

10-25-21, 02:38
When are we bringing that back?

Not soon enough, it long overdue.

10-25-21, 12:04
It gets worse:


Hey, hey, ho, ho, Evil Fauci has to go!

10-25-21, 13:35
Yup. "Pick your target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it"--Alinsky the living shit out of this guy.

10-25-21, 13:44
Well the NIH threw Fauci under the Bus by releasing the information that, Yes, he was funding gain of function research.

10-25-21, 13:58
Well the NIH threw Fauci under the Bus by releasing the information that, Yes, he was funding gain of function research.

Bear in mind, the director of NIH's Ethics Office who had to approve all Fauci's crap is Mrs. Fauci... so it's a safe bet that anything they do to him gets blowback through her. It's gonna get messy... if it weren't for his wife as a piece in the puzzle, I'd expect them to Pawn sacrifice the man to protect the institution so the rest can continue their Mengele-ing in peace.

10-25-21, 15:12
I'm sure all you cared a great deal any animal testing before seeing Fauci was distantly was involved.

I did, slick, so put a sock in it.

10-25-21, 16:58
I'm sure all you cared a great deal any animal testing before seeing Fauci was distantly was involved.

You forgot one crucial point. Ethics. You don't outsource medical experiments that meet ethical standards to Tunisia. We have more than enough beagles and sand fleas here in America, so that dog literally won't hunt. :(

10-25-21, 17:20
You forgot one crucial point. Ethics. You don't outsource medical experiments that meet ethical standards to Tunisia. We have more than enough beagles and sand fleas here in America, so that dog literally won't hunt. :(

And we have been told by several flunkies on this forum for more than a year that medical/scientific ethics somehow preclude unethical behavior like falsifying numbers.

10-25-21, 17:25
And we have been told by several flunkies on this forum for more than a year that medical/scientific ethics somehow preclude unethical behavior like falsifying numbers.

Ethics Rules, like laws, only have as much meaning as their enforcement.

10-25-21, 17:43
Ethics Rules, like laws, only have as much meaning as their enforcement.

I would guess what most normal people consider ethics either develop(or not) by early to mid teens and(outside of subtle nuances of a given field) are not something that is going to develop in a college class or post college continuing education. That goes for the medical field as shown by the syphilis program, Kermit Gosnell, and the numerous docs making the news every year for ripping off patients and insurance companies.

10-25-21, 18:21
Well the NIH threw Fauci under the Bus by releasing the information that, Yes, he was funding gain of function research.

Thought it was more that one group (forgot name not veritas either) that got in dug around found stuff got it released it ? Then they had no choice ? But not sure :)

10-25-21, 18:32
I'm sure all you cared a great deal any animal testing before seeing Fauci was distantly was involved.

So just to cut right to the chase, I'd have exactly the same objection of Donald Trump or Ronald Reagan did it. Also there is animal testing that is probably necessary in order to advance critical medical science and then there is animal testing to see if this perfume will cause a rash. The former is sometimes necessary (since we aren't gonna be allowed to test on death row convicts) but the latter is BS.

Allowing insects to eat puppies, that really sounds like some BS that isn't in any way necessary to test anything. It sounds like "curiosity" and would only be done by someone who is a complete, soulless ghoul. That they spent $375,800 to learn what happens when sand flies eat beagle puppies is even more objectionable.

10-25-21, 19:03
I'm sure all you cared a great deal any animal testing before seeing Fauci was distantly was involved.

Somehow I missed news of Fauci decades back including clips of Kerri Mullis(Nobel Prize Winner for the PCR test) saying Fauci wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed on medical stuff and would lie right to your face. His staying in the same position does point to a level of expertise along the lines of J. Edgar Hoover which is not a positive.

Why does it bother you people aren't keen on torturing dogs for no apparent reason?

10-25-21, 19:10
I'm sure all you cared a great deal any animal testing before seeing Fauci was distantly was involved.

Do what you want with rats, guinea pigs and rabbits but don't **** with dogs. I'd rather see tests done on liberals than dogs.

10-25-21, 19:47
Do what you want with rats, guinea pigs and rabbits but don't **** with dogs. I'd rather see tests done on liberals than dogs.

I wouldn't even want rats to go through that since it sounds less like something done to ease or prevent people from suffering and more like suffering concocted for perverts to masturbate to.

10-25-21, 19:52
IMHO this is what should be done with child rapists and folks like that
They are open for any and all testing

10-25-21, 20:03
IMHO this is what should be done with child rapists and folks like that
They are open for any and all testing

I like your point of view

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10-25-21, 20:51
IMHO this is what should be done with child rapists and folks like that
They are open for any and all testing

"Your ideas intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter..."


10-25-21, 21:25
IMHO this is what should be done with child rapists and folks like that
They are open for any and all testing

You don't rid the world of monsters by becoming a monster. Further there will always be innocent people convicted especially in times like these.

10-26-21, 21:09
Yeah pretty much you do !

10-26-21, 21:11
Even John Wick is taking this poorly...

10-26-21, 22:57
You don't rid the world of monsters by becoming a monster. Further there will always be innocent people convicted especially in times like these.

"Let us do evil, that good may come"????...I'm with you on this.