View Full Version : Biden Considers Paying Border Crossers $450K Each in Reparations

10-28-21, 17:01

President Joe Biden’s administration is considering a plan that would give border crossers, who were subjected to former President Donald Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy, about $450,000 each in a reparations-style payout.

NO way can we make it out of that spending if he gets his way and Americans do not stand up its over I reckon

10-28-21, 17:02
Biden can ride his magic Amtrak train back home and break open his piggy back then! :mad:

10-28-21, 17:16
I assume this will require legislation, correct? I don't think even the Demtards would touch this with a 10-ft pole.

Let me be clear on this: Your illegal (see that word there?) Third World, low-life, unskilled sorry asses (and your fvcking g-damn kids too) HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE HERE. PERIOD. I don't GA-flying-F what your shithole country is like. Fix it or rot you bastards. Of course you could apply to come here LEGALLY (see that word there?). But apparently that's too hard. WAAAHHH!!! :cray:

The above is for the holier-than-thou pantywaists on this site who will inevitably whine about "This site is becoming like Stormfront" or some other such whiney-ass bullshit because we won't welcome with open arms the Third World flotsam we are being sent. And if you pantywaists don't like it, well......IDGAF what you think.

10-28-21, 17:29
I busted my ass and worked a ton of OT last week, to have a third of my paycheck disappear to the gov. Seriously, enough. **** this nonsense, and anyone who voted for these assholes.

10-28-21, 17:46
It would be like the cops arresting you for robbing a bank, you don't make bail, so you sue the city because the cops kept you from your children. Then the mayor has a super duper swell idea that you are right. So not only does he try and cut you loose, but he gives you $50K for your trouble. Biden and crew are stupid and evil.

10-28-21, 18:09
They want us dead, and broke this is punishment , pure and simple !

10-28-21, 18:13
If this passes I may take a couple of weeks off work and have my wife drop me off south of the border. I’ll swim the Rio Grande and No Habla Ingles with the best of them and collect my 450 grand. Heck, maybe take the wife and kids with me so I can retire young.

10-28-21, 18:51
How can a judge come to this decision??

And why only during Trump Era?

Law was in effect since at least 2001.

My little brain hurts trying to comprehend this.

Sent from my SM-G991U1 using Tapatalk

10-28-21, 19:23
**** this shit, I'm going to Mexico, getting a tan, drink some tequlia, get some brown puntang and hop aboard the next migrant caravan. Later.

10-28-21, 19:49
Lawyers for the border crossers want around $3.4 million per family unit.

With the lawyers getting half…

What’s $1 billion? That’s the proposed total spending on it. Imagine in the next election cycle and for the ones following that you can point that the Democrats gave illegal aliens $1 billion and $1 million each for breaking the law. Imagine all the people, even and especially Hispanics who came here legally, not finding that to be very funny.

I don’t know who gave it the title “zero tolerance“ but if it is just the following of the letter of the law, I don’t know exactly how you can prevail in court with that. Outside of the justice department giving up like a little whiny bitch.

For people who say they don’t want to see Trump reelected, they sure as hell are trying as hard as they can to get him reelected. This is how you end up with another President Trump term. He might be able to win just with this.

Break the law get $1 million, don’t get the jab and you lose your job and get no benefits.

10-28-21, 20:43
How do we end the harsh spectacle of seeing "kids in cages"?

I know! We'll pay a small fortune to the people who drug the kids across the border and right up to the cage!

There's a direct line from American liberals and their preferred policy on immigration to child trafficking and exploitation. I truly believe this is not hyperbole. My cynicism meter has been buried in the red for so long it must be broken.

10-28-21, 21:37
Hola, me namo Hector. Where do I sign up for this lawsuit?

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

10-28-21, 21:58
How much more evidence do you need this government is against you?

Do t worry, he won’t remember in the morning.

10-28-21, 22:47
I am so pissed of with the ****ing bullshit from these Marxist.

I am almost willing to bet if I moved to Russia, I would pay less taxes and have more freedom.

Where the hell did the United States of America go.

I guess Franklin was correct we have lost the Republic

10-28-21, 23:40
I assume this will require legislation, correct? I don't think even the Demtards would touch this with a 10-ft pole.

Let me be clear on this: Your illegal (see that word there?) Third World, low-life, unskilled sorry asses (and your fvcking g-damn kids too) HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE HERE. PERIOD. I don't GA-flying-F what your shithole country is like. Fix it or rot you bastards. Of course you could apply to come here LEGALLY (see that word there?). But apparently that's too hard. WAAAHHH!!! :cray:

The above is for the holier-than-thou pantywaists on this site who will inevitably whine about "This site is becoming like Stormfront" or some other such whiney-ass bullshit because we won't welcome with open arms the Third World flotsam we are being sent. And if you pantywaists don't like it, well......IDGAF what you think.

Out-fuucking-standing post right there. Amen.

10-29-21, 00:33
This has a little to do with the actual immigrants. The real reason for doing this is putting hundreds of millions of dollars into the hands of pro immigration lawyers to seed even more lawsuits.

10-29-21, 05:24
This current proposal reeks of AOC level lunacy.

10-29-21, 06:36
This has a little to do with the actual immigrants. The real reason for doing this is putting hundreds of millions of dollars into the hands of pro immigration lawyers to seed even more lawsuits.

This is it in a nut shell. It's all about funding the ACLU.

10-29-21, 11:21
How can a judge come to this decision??

And why only during Trump Era?

Law was in effect since at least 2001.

My little brain hurts trying to comprehend this.

Sent from my SM-G991U1 using Tapatalk

For a few months in 2018, under a Trump EO, all adults crossing the border illegally were to be prosecuted. If they were single adults with children, the children were placed with HHS while the parent was detained. Some of those families sued claiming undue hardship, etc and these payments are a proposed settlement. The EO was rescinded after a few months and these payments aren't for any recent immigrants.

10-29-21, 11:42
When we get back in power, we need to get all the 1/6 people that were held with out bail payouts, with our kind of lawyers getting 1/2. Imagine that Lawyer from Rittenhouses Defense, Robert Barnes, with $100million to play with…

The dems are so much better at playing the system and using our money against us.

Someone needs to get in Joe Manchin’s ear that any deal on the budget has to have a rider about not funding this pay out. I can’t think that this would be very popular in W.Va. Let it ride through the courts. I’m pretty confident that if it gets to SCOTUS, those people won’t see a dime.

Straight Shooter
10-29-21, 11:57

10-29-21, 12:56
For a few months in 2018, under a Trump EO, all adults crossing the border illegally were to be prosecuted. If they were single adults with children, the children were placed with HHS while the parent was detained. Some of those families sued claiming undue hardship, etc and these payments are a proposed settlement. The EO was rescinded after a few months and these payments aren't for any recent immigrants.

Further proof this is 100% political. Disgusting

10-29-21, 19:00
More money for anti-gun lawyers. This will finance a generation of them:

White supremacists have used the number "88" as a hate symbol for decades, but on Thursday, that number was reflected in the millions of dollars that the Justice Department will pay over FBI lapses that allowed Dylann Roof, an avowed White supremacist, to buy the semi-automatic pistol used in the massacre.


That's how you have to look at these. Payouts to collectivist lawyers to use to finance more lawsuits.

10-29-21, 19:01
IF you get killed by an illegal that that is a record- you don't get a dime.

10-29-21, 19:18
This is the new 3rd rail in politics, or should be !

10-29-21, 20:06
IF you get killed by an illegal that that is a record- you don't get a dime.

That’s right. You get nothing. The federal government has to give you permission to sue them. They gave illegals permission, but not citizens.


10-29-21, 21:04
No Way.
Have they decided to give up the mid-terms?

10-29-21, 21:07
No Way.
Have they decided to give up the mid-terms?Give up? They figured out how to steal elections, the fix is in. Just wait for the new variant riiiiiiight around election time. Mail in ballots, same day registration, fair elections are over in this country.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

10-30-21, 11:18
Give up? They figured out how to steal elections, the fix is in. Just wait for the new variant riiiiiiight around election time. Mail in ballots, same day registration, fair elections are over in this country.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

And you can forget about that voter ID thing too.

10-30-21, 15:15
And you can forget about that voter ID thing too.

I say their will be voter ID in the form of a electronic phone app in the near future ?
Of course all minorities will be provided free :)

Will know and record all YOUR voting info and be used against you if when needed of course :)

11-05-21, 02:05

NO way can we make it out of that spending if he gets his way and Americans do not stand up its over I reckon

It's all lies, according to this liar...


11-05-21, 08:47
It's all lies, according to this liar...


You can almost see the strings if you look real hard at the image. "But I'm a real president..."

11-05-21, 13:05
His second string mouthpiece tried to put it all on DoJ yesterday. It didn't work.

11-05-21, 13:20
As biden says NO then turns around and says just change the words so its still on !

Hahahah typical democrat change the word to describe it and SEE its gone as they call you a racist liar :) hahahaha

11-05-21, 13:58
If the Republicans had a single ball among all of them and 1/1000 of a brain. They would call on all Americans to stop paying taxes.

11-05-21, 17:19
If the Republicans had a single ball among all of them and 1/1000 of a brain. They would call on all Americans to stop paying taxes.

I wish it were that simple. We would need to have all our assets hardened against electronic access. There have been several reports of people who have had their bank accounts wiped out be feds on simple suspicion of drug trafficking. My wife never received a bill from the IRS for additonal taxes owed. She found out only after she received a letter informing her that funds were taken out of her checking account directly.

Mauser KAR98K
11-06-21, 16:55
Nevermind, it's back.

Joe even yells at a reporter.


Who built the cages, Joe?

11-06-21, 17:23
It will come back in DUI fines and Child Support payments in no time.

11-06-21, 19:01
I say their will be voter ID in the form of a electronic phone app in the near future ?
Of course all minorities will be provided free :)

Will know and record all YOUR voting info and be used against you if when needed of course :)

Only records the vote if your online vaccine passport is up to date…

11-06-21, 19:04
Nevermind, it's back.

Joe even yells at a reporter.


Who built the cages, Joe?

Joe is evolving, or forgot. A month ago, if he was talking about a lost child, he would have told the story about his son Beau. Who he lost. He died. He was in the military.

11-06-21, 19:28
Only records the vote if your online vaccine passport is up to date…

Otherwise defaults do Democrat vote or WHOOPS just defaults anyway

11-06-21, 19:46
The retarded insanity of this whole proposal infuriates me, although I am beginning to believe the "conspiracy theories" that this is intentional (of course from a vote-grooming perspective it is, but it is more nefarious than that).

We don't want you. We didn't ask you to come here. We don't give a shit about you or your kids. Pretty simple, yet evidently that isn't so......:mad:

This country is NOT something I am proud of anymore. It also has ZERO respect internationally. This "empire" is falling, as other great ones have always done. Sad, but even more so it is disgusting. I despise the Left and their minions to the core of my soul.

11-06-21, 20:41
Saw vid of him yelling at press guy about being separated from your kid cause trump was so horrible wish the guy yelled out what about those AMERICANS that had their kids KILLED at the hands of criminal illegals in our country brought in buy YOU and your admin !

11-06-21, 21:37
Saw vid of him yelling at press guy about being separated from your kid cause trump was so horrible wish the guy yelled out what about those AMERICANS that had their kids KILLED at the hands of criminal illegals in our country brought in buy YOU and your admin !

For starters GTFO, we didn't aske you to come here. Fix your own shithole country or bide your time and come legally (novel idea, eh?). Of course it's a Catch-22 situation: if they had locked up the adults and kids together the wailing and gnashing of teeth would have been epic. Separate them? You're in the wrong yet again.

Give them a bottle of water, an MRE, and put their ass on a plane or ship back from whence they came IMMEDIATELY.

11-07-21, 10:10
Load all the shitbags up in C-130s.

Fly over Mexico.

Push 'em all out the back, at 20,000 ft.
