View Full Version : Dems Try To Smear Youngkin With Tiki Torches In VA Gov Election

10-30-21, 15:46
It doesn't get any more desperate, or hilarious, than this...


TL/DW - a picture of some people posing as cookie-cutter-cliche huwyte soup reemasists in front of Youngkins tour bus made the rounds on social media. Instantly, the leftist socialites were aflame with passion, decrying the evils of the republicans, Youngkin, and wypeepo.
A few moments later... something didn't pass the sniff test so some internet commandos started digging, and behold...a couple of the people in the picture were found to be avowed democrat/leftist enablers. Who quickly set their media accounts to private... Shortly thereafter, the Lincoln Institute of leftist f***ery issues a statement saying that this was a staged event, because "muh Sharlotsvill, muh notsees, oh noes".
So, as usual, the left is lying and smearing to sway the fragile minded and parroteers of their constituency.

10-30-21, 15:49
Douchebag Mitt Romeny's campaign guy was asked about this, and instead he deflected and regurgitated the "widely debunked" very fine people on both sides fake line. These people need to be hurt.

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10-30-21, 16:29
There are few things that make me want to go back to the truck and get my tire iron, but if I did, I doubt they would do that twice.

Oh and Mitt Romeny's got the intellectual capacity of an inflateable punching bag.

10-30-21, 16:32
Wasn't the Dems.

It was the anti-Trump Lincoln Project. Their narrative is they did it because Younkins campaign wouldn't denounce Trump or his comments on the Charlottesville crap.

Let's think about that for a second. A supposed Republican organization just attempted to smear a Republican who is leading in the polls in a purple state.

What kind of lunacy is that?

10-30-21, 16:36
Trumps Charlottesville comments were fake news. Very fake news. He is really good at forcing people to expose what side they really stand on. Now purge them and leave them on their own.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

10-30-21, 19:56
I laughed like walmart tiki torches as torch carrying KKK hahahahahaahahahahaha

RINO they are leftists the names do not matter anymore in our modern society you are RACIST by birth based on color OH only if you are white cause only white can be racist ! Says the racists :)

10-30-21, 20:08
Would be nice if Veritas did their thing in VA like they have done in NJ.


10-30-21, 20:27
Wasn't the Dems.

It was the anti-Trump Lincoln Project. Their narrative is they did it because Younkins campaign wouldn't denounce Trump or his comments on the Charlottesville crap.

Let's think about that for a second. A supposed Republican organization just attempted to smear a Republican who is leading in the polls in a purple state.

What kind of lunacy is that?

The Lincoln Project are mostly former Republicans who have switched to the Democrats. They aren't even RINOs. RINOs espouse conservative views while doing absolutely nothing to defend them. The Lincoln Project is actively against conservatives.

10-30-21, 21:56
The Lincoln Project are mostly former Republicans who have switched to the Democrats. They aren't even RINOs. RINOs espouse conservative views while doing absolutely nothing to defend them. The Lincoln Project is actively against conservatives.

And a hotbed of pedophilia, on top of that...

10-31-21, 00:05
Wasn't the Dems.

It was the anti-Trump Lincoln Project. Their narrative is they did it because Younkins campaign wouldn't denounce Trump or his comments on the Charlottesville crap.

Let's think about that for a second. A supposed Republican organization just attempted to smear a Republican who is leading in the polls in a purple state.

Ok, sure, theoretically it wasn't *directly* the dems that DID the stunt. However... they and their parroteers are the ones bandwagoning on it in order to try to smear Youngkin, so, I thought it was sensible enough to state so off the bat.

What kind of lunacy is that?

The republican type. You know, same sort of folks that jumped right in with the leftists on stuff like the Jan 6 "event", and any other event or ideal they can swap sides on. One wonders if they're intentional traitors, or simply total cowards...

There's a reason (well, ok, more than one) I stopped ID'ing as republican/conservative/libertarian a long time ago, and I'd happily vote 3rd, 4th or 5th party, if only the other options weren't equally as worthless.
It's essentially being in the middle of the ocean with a deflating life raft. You can ditch the busted thing and sink fast, or hang on and sink slower, all the while wondering if it might be better to just get it over with...
Only difference is, a boat or chopper might show up if you're in the ocean; no cavalry coming over the horizon here.