View Full Version : This Is Whats Going On In Israel

10-30-21, 16:37
How can so many be in denial?

10-30-21, 19:51
Pro mtn biker very well known dude in mtn bike community and so on damaged by the vax and so many more I know yes its rare but its not that rare and it is happening

I think when he says all meds you always see the may cause or side effects are …….

But if they said the side effects to the shot are …... we would see it different BUT none of this absolute zero like all other injections or meds etc...


10-30-21, 21:42
I didn't watch the whole thing, I will do so later.

Israel was on the front end of trying to get a handle on Covid. Israel will soon be on the front end of being anti vax.

An Israeli professor at MIT compiled the rise in Para Medic calls for cardiac events in males post vaz, in all age groups . They basically went up by +- 40%

About 5 years ago I was attending a history lecture and the Johns Hopkins professor made the comment that Americans and the citizens of the world would give up their freedom in light of a pandemic. People are terrified by what they can't see.

10-31-21, 00:07
And here is another video from Israel, lol. All I can say is Yikes!!


10-31-21, 03:23
I didn't watch the whole thing, I will do so later.

Israel was on the front end of trying to get a handle on Covid. Israel will soon be on the front end of being anti vax.

An Israeli professor at MIT compiled the rise in Para Medic calls for cardiac events in males post vaz, in all age groups . They basically went up by +- 40%

About 5 years ago I was attending a history lecture and the Johns Hopkins professor made the comment that Americans and the citizens of the world would give up their freedom in light of a pandemic. People are terrified by what they can't see.

Yoni, It's not just Israel. Just glad that this lady is documenting whats going on and trying to open peoples eyes. Most people probably already don't want the injection anyway, they're just taking it because they're being told its the only way their lives will be normal. Of course thats a lie.

Listen to this one as well;

10-31-21, 06:15
And here is another video from Israel, lol. All I can say is Yikes!!


This guy is a wack job. Not saying 90% of his warning isn't true.

But your not getting into heaven if you took the vax, is just nuts.

10-31-21, 06:23
I don't know all of your religious traditions Yoni, but since I can respect what I do know, it's not much of a stretch for me to see why he might believe it.
You don't get to go in and change the recipe for humanity.

10-31-21, 06:49
I don't know all of your religious traditions Yoni, but since I can respect what I do know, it's not much of a stretch for me to see why he might believe it.
You don't get to go in and change the recipe for humanity.

Anyone that walks down the street in Jerusalem, telling the people what G-D will do or will not do or generally thinking they are someone else. Is a wack job, suffering from what is an accepted condition called Jerusalem syndrome. We have multiple King Davids, Napoleon, etc., wandering the streets of Jerusalem

10-31-21, 08:12
How can so many be in denial?

Because, people as a whole are stupid, irrational, beings, easily manipulated by fear!
Look all around you! Even after something has been proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt…denial wins the day, among the masses.
Most of these people will not see the truth for what it is until they are directly effected by it!
Like lambs in the slaughterhouse, these people will stand in line to be euthanized.
It’s elementary to me….you don’t get “vaccinated” against a virus that has a 99.07 survival rate amongst healthy people, not already dying from something else! I mean really…WTF?
Now let’s vaccinate the kids against “the most deadly virus known to man” because they have an absolute minuscule chance of dying from it, or even showing symptoms!

Besides that…don’t people realize that real vaccines, take years, sometimes decades to create? How long did this “vaccine” take to create? Two three months lol….oh sure.
I bet that 3.7 million dollar grant awarded to the Wuhan institute in 2015 had absolutely nothing to do with it…..

We are living the movie Idiocracy, my friend. And there is no sign of normalcy left.

10-31-21, 08:37
My son and I independent of each other had the same insight.

We have always struggled with the Holocaust, how could over 6 million Jews be docile in the face of mass murder.

Covid has given us the answer to that question and we learned being an idiot sheep is not an exclusive Jewish problem.

10-31-21, 08:45
Because, people as a whole are stupid, irrational, beings, easily manipulated by fear!
Look all around you! Even after something has been proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt…denial wins the day, among the masses.
Most of these people will not see the truth for what it is until they are directly effected by it!
Like lambs in the slaughterhouse, these people will stand in line to be euthanized.

This is very true!
It seems like a refusal to see the truth or they just don't want believe or acknowledge whats going on.
What ever it is is baffling.

10-31-21, 08:54
Pro mtn biker very well known dude in mtn bike community and so on damaged by the vax and so many more I know yes its rare but its not that rare and it is happening

I think when he says all meds you always see the may cause or side effects are …….

But if they said the side effects to the shot are …... we would see it different BUT none of this absolute zero like all other injections or meds etc...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7inaTiDKaUI don't know if that's the same video I watched but it's interesting/disturbing towards the end when he talks about people contacting him about having the same side effects and afraid to tell their family because the family is blindly pro vaccine

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10-31-21, 09:33
This guy is a wack job. Not saying 90% of his warning isn't true.

But your not getting into heaven if you took the vax, is just nuts.

That’s actually not all that nuts.
I have heard many, many references of “the mark of the beast” once you’re marked, you cannot get into heaven.
It is still a very disturbing, yet deniable idea, to think the world is run by disciples of the devil….but now, I am convinced there just could be something to that.

10-31-21, 10:02
My son and I independent of each other had the same insight.

We have always struggled with the Holocaust, how could over 6 million Jews be docile in the face of mass murder.

Covid has given us the answer to that question and we learned being an idiot sheep is not an exclusive Jewish problem.

Please correct me if I am wrong here but didn't some of the Jews back then at least try to put up some resistance?

Today, in this case with the Covid garbage, it seems to me as if the 'resistance' is non-existent or half-hearted at best. The sheep now are 'ok' so long as they still have their internet. They care not how censored it is.

10-31-21, 10:11
The resistance is being censored and marginalized just like the truth.

10-31-21, 10:17
Please correct me if I am wrong here but didn't some of the Jews back then at least try to put up some resistance?

Today, in this case with the Covid garbage, it seems to me as if the 'resistance' is non-existent or half-hearted at best. The sheep now are 'ok' so long as they still have their internet. They care not how censored it is.

Yes back then we have Jews in the partisans, Red Army and revolting in ghettos and even one death camp.

Today Jews in the USA and Israel are fighting back against the vax SS. I have a friend that is on the Blaza network and he is working hard to spread the resistance.

I tell everyone I know about the miracle drug Ivermectin. It saved my life, that is for sure. Second it saved me from months of suffering from long covid. We now know Covid and long covid hit fit muscular men harder than wimpy girly boys .

10-31-21, 11:00
The resistance is being censored and marginalized just like the truth.

...but it's out there. All over the globe actually.

12,000 USAF service members refusing jabs. American Airlines feeling the pain of SW w/ 1000 canceled flights due to another mass sick day protest. 25-30% of first responders in NYC won't be working starting tomorrow...as the employment mandates deadlines for employment come to pass, it will become more difficult for the msm to sensor resistance.

10-31-21, 11:07
I know they had to give CAG a waver for mandatory vax and I think I heard the same about DevGrp

10-31-21, 12:40
Yes back then we have Jews in the partisans, Red Army and revolting in ghettos and even one death camp.

Today Jews in the USA and Israel are fighting back against the vax SS. I have a friend that is on the Blaza network and he is working hard to spread the resistance.

I tell everyone I know about the miracle drug Ivermectin. It saved my life, that is for sure. Second it saved me from months of suffering from long covid. We now know Covid and long covid hit fit muscular men harder than wimpy girly boys .

And he critiques the study they used.


11-02-21, 09:04
The resistance is being censored and marginalized just like the truth.

And it even happens here, considering I started a thread with this link in it and it was deleted. Although my thread title was pretty extreme (Faulci's Genocide) and I offered no description of the video admittedly. But this is a really damning video on how wildly inaccurate the VAERS system is and also takes Fauci to task on his use of Remdesiver. It is a very damning video and a must watch because thing are just as you say! The resistance is being censored and marginalized, just like the truth. Thats exactly what this video is about. Very damning. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qvfd0rgLYZh6/

11-02-21, 09:39
Has anyone listened to the 2Alpha Collection podcast by a former SF veteran and all around awesome squared away guy. Check out his latest 2 podcasts. He is by no means a conspiracy guy but he gets it. If you don’t know who he is your missing out.

11-02-21, 09:58
Has anyone listened to the 2Alpha Collection podcast by a former SF veteran and all around awesome squared away guy. Check out his latest 2 podcasts. He is by no means a conspiracy guy but he gets it. If you don’t know who he is your missing out.

Thanks for this. Been looking for more solid podcast. Will be listening to your recommended episodes today and tomorrow.

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11-02-21, 11:36
And it even happens here, considering I started a thread with this link in it and it was deleted. Although my thread title was pretty extreme (Faulci's Genocide) and I offered no description of the video admittedly. But this is a really damning video on how wildly inaccurate the VAERS system is and also takes Fauci to task on his use of Remdesiver. It is a very damning video and a must watch because thing are just as you say! The resistance is being censored and marginalized, just like the truth. Thats exactly what this video is about. Very damning. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qvfd0rgLYZh6/

Tucker Carlson said “the only thing that gets censored is the truth”.

11-02-21, 13:50
If the country ever sinks into civil war, it will suck to be Fauci

11-02-21, 14:45
If the country ever sinks into civil war, it will suck to be Fauci Yeah and the Israeli's too, we need Nuremberg trials for Fauci, gates and many others at the WHO, CDC, NIH etc etc.. I was looking for the interview of the Israeli women that I watched recently and just realized it the first video in this thread that OP posted. And she's being interviewed by the same German legal team as the guy in the video I posted. So this is obviously one of the legal teams that are working together internationally to build a case or so it would seem. But yeah, given the vaccination uptake in Israel that is over 85% it would appear these globalist bastards sure have done a number on them! And now they a coming for the worlds children! Pure evil!

11-02-21, 14:45
He’s going to fall

11-02-21, 16:11
And now they a coming for the worlds children! Pure evil!

My children will not be getting this unnecessary potentially deadly shot. I’ve said in other threads, that’s my line in the sand. If adults want to get it, fine to each their own. But try forcing that **** on my kids via mandate or whatever, we’re gonna have a problem.

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11-03-21, 09:10
My children will not be getting this unnecessary potentially deadly shot. I’ve said in other threads, that’s my line in the sand. If adults want to get it, fine to each their own. But try forcing that **** on my kids via mandate or whatever, we’re gonna have a problem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh it's coming. Just look at what is happing in Australia. They are literally dragging children away from their families and forcibly injecting them with whatever it is that is in the injection. I fully expect this type bullshit to be happening in schools across the United States soon, injecting our nations children with this shit while they are at school without the parents knowledge or consent. If I had school age children I would be getting them out of the public school system ASAP. People need to wake up to the FACT that Event 201 is/was real! The globalist cabal planned this whole scamdemic / plandemic out ahead of time! And there is no longer any question of that, the proof is overwhelming and undeniable at this point! People need to wake up. And fast!


And this


11-03-21, 09:47
And here is a video of some Israeli scientist being interviewed on 60 minutes by none other than Anderson Cooper. Which again, pretty much parallels the "Spartacus Letter" for anyone who remembers that thread. And again, I don't know, I'm just laying this out there for you guys. Draw your own conclusions.


11-03-21, 15:15

US biotech firm Inovio reports encouraging virus vaccine results
Product said to trigger immune system response in 94% of patients in initial clinical trial; it is the only COVID-19 vaccine that doesn’t require refrigeration, firm says

30 June 2020, 7:23 pm
A person is injected as part of the first human trials in the UK to test a potential coronavirus vaccine, taken by Oxford University in England, on April 23, 2020. (Screenshot/Oxford University Pool via AP)

WASHINGTON, United States — The US biotech firm Inovio reported encouraging preliminary results Tuesday from tests of an experimental coronavirus vaccine.

Administered to 40 volunteers, it triggered an immune system response in 94 percent of those who completed the so-called phase one clinical trial, meaning they received two injections, four weeks apart.

Inovio’s vaccine, called INO-4800, is designed to inject DNA into a person so as to set off a specific immune system response against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The medication is injected under the skin with a needle, then activated with a device that resembles a toothbrush, which delivers an electrical impulse for a fraction of a second, allowing the DNA to penetrate the body’s cells and carry out its mission.

Inovio, which is financed by the US Defense Department and the NGO CEPI, also said it has been included in US President Donald Trump’s plan to produce hundreds of millions of doses of the vaccine by January as part of Operation Warp Speed.

Inovio Pharmaceuticals CEO Dr. J. Joseph Kim attends a meeting at the White House, on March 2, 2020. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
Inovio’s medication is the only DNA vaccine that is stable at room temperature for more than a year and does not need refrigeration for transport or storage for several years, said Inovio CEO Joseph Kim.

This is a big plus when it comes to vaccinating people in developing countries, where it is harder to maintain the cold chain needed to preserve many products.

A total of 23 COVID-19 vaccine projects have launched clinical trials on humans, says the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and several have moved to phase two or three, which means they are being injected into thousands or even tens of thousands of volunteers.

A vaccine created by the US biotech firm Moderna and one from Oxford University in collaboration with British-Swedish firm AstraZeneca are among those which are in the most advanced stages of development, as are several Chinese projects. These include one from the company CanSinoBIO, which has received permission to administer the vaccine to Chinese soldiers.

11-03-21, 15:20

INOVIO Receives Authorization to Conduct Phase 3 Efficacy Trial of its COVID-19 DNA Vaccine Candidate, INO-4800

Published: Aug 26, 2021

INOVIO's global Phase 3 efficacy trial receives authorization to proceed from Brazil; other countries to follow
INOVIO to conduct INNOVATE Phase 3 efficacy trial with partner Advaccine in areas of world in need of COVID-19 vaccines


PLYMOUTH MEETING, Pa., Aug. 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --Inovio (NASDAQ:INO), a biotechnology company focused on bringing to market precisely designed DNA medicines to treat and protect people from infectious diseases, cancer, and HPV-associated diseases, today announced that it has received regulatory authorization from Brazil's ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária), the national health regulatory agency of Brazil, to initiate the global Phase 3 segment of its Phase 2/3 trial, INNOVATE (INOVIO INO-4800 Vaccine Trial for Efficacy), for INO-4800, its DNA vaccine candidate for COVID-19. INOVIO plans to conduct the global INNOVATE Phase 3 segment in multiple countries, including Brazil, with partner Advaccine Biopharmaceuticals Suzhou Co., Ltd. (Advaccine).

The global Phase 3 segment of the INNOVATE Phase 2/3 clinical trial will evaluate the efficacy of INO-4800 in a two-dose regimen (2.0 mg per dose), administered one month apart, in a two-to-one randomization in men and non-pregnant women 18 years of age and older in several countries across Latin America, Asia, and Africa. The primary endpoint of this case-driven Phase 3 trial is virologically confirmed COVID-19.

Dr. J. Joseph Kim, President and CEO of INOVIO, said, "With many countries in the world experiencing low vaccination rates and seeing an increase in infections, we feel the urgency to advance INO-4800 globally. I am incredibly proud of the INOVIO team and grateful to the health authorities in Brazil for their commitment to advancing the fight against COVID-19. INOVIO's focus on supporting the global response to the pandemic is unwavering – and will bring forward the potential advantages of INO-4800, which in addition to being well-tolerated with balanced neutralizing antibodies and T cell responses (CD8 and CD4), has a strong thermostability profile, and potentially offers the ability to serve as both a primary as well as a booster vaccine."

INOVIO's DNA medicines have shown the following overall characteristics:

Well-tolerated and Easy to Administer: INO-4800 has a strong safety profile and, unlike other COVID-19 vaccine candidates, INO-4800 is administered intradermally and has caused only very limited side effects (mostly mild injection site reactions).
Immunogenic: INO-4800 demonstrated robust immune responses: 100% of Phase 1 participants demonstrated overall immunological response rates and had balanced neutralizing antibodies and favorable T-cell responses (CD8 and CD4).
Stable and Transportable: INO-4800 has a favorable thermostability profile. The vaccine candidate is projected to be stable at room temperature for more than a year, at 37°C for more than a month, has a 3 to 5-year projected shelf life at 2-8°C and does not need to be frozen during transport or storage – a critical element when considering the feasibility of global distribution.
Characterizable and Scalable: INO-4800 is highly characterizable, scalable to population levels, and safe. The highly characterizable nature of the vaccine enables timely scaling of manufacturing with multiple manufacturing facilities able to be utilized.
Repeat Administration: INO-4800 can be safely readministered offering the potential for seasonal boosting usage without any concerns of generating an anti-vector response or formulation related issues.
The global Phase 3 segment of the Phase 2/3 INNOVATE trial builds upon the Phase 2 segment conducted in the U.S., which was funded by the U.S. Department of Defense Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense, (JPEO-CBRND) in coordination with the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (OASD(HA)) and the Defense Health Agency. Results from the trial can be found in the paper entitled "Safety and immunogenicity of INO-4800 DNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2: A Preliminary Report of a Randomized, Blinded, Placebo-controlled, Phase 2 Clinical Trial in Adults at High Risk of Viral Exposure," which has been disclosed in a pre-print in MedRxiv prior to peer review. Early INO-4800 research and development funding were provided by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Phase 2 data showed INO-4800 was well-tolerated and immunogenic in adults 18 and older. In another previously disclosed study using clinical samples, INO-4800 was also found to provide broad cross-reactive immune responses, including neutralizing antibodies and robust T cell responses, against variants of concern (alpha, beta, gamma and – in subsequent research – delta) – factors which could be critical in containing the SARS-CoV-2 virus as it shifts from pandemic to endemic spread.

Earlier this month, INOVIO announced the authorization to proceed in China with two clinical trials investigating heterologous boosting with INO-4800 through Advaccine as the trial sponsor. Working with Sinovac Biotechnology (Sinovac), Advaccine will evaluate the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of heterologous prime-boost sequential immunizations using INO-4800 and CoronaVac®, an inactivated COVID-19 vaccine developed by Sinovac and authorized for emergency use by the World Health Organization.

About INO-4800

INO-4800 is INOVIO's DNA vaccine candidate against SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Composed of a precisely designed DNA plasmid, INO-4800 is injected intradermally followed by electroporation using a proprietary smart device delivering the DNA plasmid directly into cells in the body and is intended to produce a well-tolerated immune response. INO-4800 is the only nucleic-acid based vaccine that is stable at room temperature for more than a year, at 37°C for more than a month, has a five-year projected shelf life at normal refrigeration temperature and does not need to be frozen during transport or storage – all which INOVIO believes are important considerations for mass immunizations.


INOVIO is a biotechnology company focused on rapidly bringing to market precisely designed DNA medicines to treat and protect people from infectious diseases, cancer, and diseases associated with HPV. INOVIO is the first company to have clinically demonstrated that a DNA medicine can be delivered directly into cells in the body via a proprietary smart device to produce a robust and tolerable immune response. Specifically, INOVIO's lead candidate VGX-3100 met primary and secondary endpoints for all evaluable subjects in REVEAL 1, the first of two, Phase 3 trials for precancerous cervical dysplasia, demonstrating ability to destroy and clear both high-grade cervical lesions and the underlying high-risk HPV-16/18. INOVIO is also evaluating INO-4800, a DNA vaccine candidate against COVID-19, in a global Phase 3 clinical trial, as well as Phase 2 trials in China and South Korea.

Partners and collaborators include Advaccine, ApolloBio Corporation, AstraZeneca, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency/Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense/Department of Defense, HIV Vaccines Trial Network, International Vaccine Institute, Kaneka Eurogentec, Medical CBRN Defense Consortium, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Ology Bioservices, the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, Plumbline Life Sciences, Regeneron, Richter-Helm BioLogics, Thermo Fisher Scientific, University of Pennsylvania, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, and The Wistar Institute. For more information, visit www.inovio.com.

11-04-21, 16:31
How can so many be in denial?

Most people think what the Tv tells them to think. Bottom line.