View Full Version : Holy Shyte....

10-30-21, 19:17
Apparently your President had a "bathroom accident" while visiting the Pope.

Can we invoke the 25th Amendment now?

10-30-21, 19:24
Do you have a link to main stream media report?

10-30-21, 19:34
Saw something on twitter but there's no coverage by any mainstream media. If it were true, they wouldn't cover it.

But what if he's not capable of "acting" as president anymore, do you people really want the kamala in the white house?

10-30-21, 19:41
On the upside, Whoreizontal might ditch the "slow boil" and crank the heat far enough that the other frogs in our pot start noticing...

10-30-21, 19:44
I only heard the pope loved biden said he is a good pro abortion supporting catholic and can have communion ?

But I did hear some other rumors of “accidents” have to wonder but then watch him and NAH no wonder just good covering up the truth

10-30-21, 19:54

10-31-21, 00:19
So Biden had a negligent discharge at the Vatican

10-31-21, 00:41
Hahahah made my night :)

So Biden had a negligent discharge at the Vatican

10-31-21, 03:45
Plenty of people out there saying it happened.

10-31-21, 05:26
Plenty of people out there saying it happened.

Does anyone really expect Chris Cuomo to announce that "the leader of the free world" shits himself during state visits? Even if they weren't 100% in the tank for him?

"And in other news, China invades the Phillipines, Guam and Hawaii"

That would be the next headline...

10-31-21, 06:24
If he can't not shit himself, he needs to stay home and close to the toilet.

10-31-21, 08:08
We all knew he was a shit stain, he's proving it every day.

10-31-21, 09:08
We all knew he was a shit stain, he's proving it every day.

Agreed 100%, but what does it say about the American people that did one of two things. They either voted for this shit stain or they allowed the Marxist to steal the election and give us this shit stain, and we allowed it.

10-31-21, 09:23
Agreed 100%, but what does it say about the American people that did one of two things. They either voted for this shit stain or they allowed the Marxist to steal the election and give us this shit stain, and we allowed it.

You're going to get me started Yoni..........It says a lot.

As I stated in another thread, if I were faced with the choice of punching holes in the ocean again for six years, it wouldn't happen. I've reached the conclusion more than 50% of this country isn't worth my life. In fact, I'd go so far as to say any true patriots in the Military should leave now and let them wallow in the shit they've created. Let them try to defend this country with the remaining shit stains.

It is so bad right now in corporations, I may not make it the final two years to my planned retirement date. The bullshit I deal with on a weekly basis would literally blow your mind.

Luckily, I am in a position where I can leave at any time. If I do leave before my planned retirement date, its going to leave a mark. I will finally be able to tell them exactly what I think.

I mostly just keep my mouth shut right now as diversity of opinion is not valued. I am most certainly not alone.

Straight Shooter
10-31-21, 09:53
Oh how I HOPE this is true.
BOTH of them are goblins.

10-31-21, 10:09
You're going to get me started Yoni..........It says a lot.

As I stated in another thread, if I were faced with the choice of punching holes in the ocean again for six years, it wouldn't happen. I've reached the conclusion more than 50% of this country isn't worth my life. In fact, I'd go so far as to say any true patriots should leave and let them wallow in the shit they've created. Let them try to defend this country with the remaining shit stains.

It is so bad right now in corporations, I may not make it the final two years to my planned retirement date. The bullshit I deal with on a weekly basis would literally blow your mind.

Luckily, I am in a position where I can leave at any time. If I do leave before my planned retirement date, its going to leave a mark. I will finally be able to tell them exactly what I think.

I mostly just keep my mouth shut right now as diversity of opinion is not valued. I am most certainly not alone.

Leave what? The country?

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10-31-21, 10:23
Leave what? The country?

Leave the .MIL

10-31-21, 11:06
HKGuns, I have a friend in the intelligence community in the same boat to keep it in a Navy theme.

He wants to leave, he has got up and walked out of more than one Marxist indoctrination course. He is at the level that he has briefed multiple Presidents and is behind closed doors in Congress a lot. But his wife wants him to stay till he has his 20.

I really think if the average person knew how deep the Marxist shit goes into the places that are supposed to keep the country free and safe, they would either pack up and leave or fight.

If you think it will change after the mid term elections, your wrong. I am not even sure the midterms are going to happen.

10-31-21, 11:12
Plenty of people out there saying it happened.


But for a little bit of perspective—There are plenty of people out there saying a bunch of dumb shit that never happened…. happened.

10-31-21, 11:14
Problem with "pack up and leave" is, there's nowhere left to go for exile. The light of freedom is dimming here, but once it goes out it's gonna be a long New Dark Ages before someone can find the torch and relight it...

10-31-21, 11:29
Problem with "pack up and leave" is, there's nowhere left to go for exile. The light of freedom is dimming here, but once it goes out it's gonna be a long New Dark Ages before someone can find the torch and relight it...

I agree 100% about a new Dark Age.

However I know of countries that will stay free.

10-31-21, 11:52
Does anyone really expect Chris Cuomo to announce that "the leader of the free world" shits himself during state visits? Even if they weren't 100% in the tank for him?

"And in other news, China invades the Phillipines, Guam and Hawaii"

That would be the next headline...

COME ON MAN China cant invade Guam we know this because are super intelligent radical leftist dems have said Guam would tip over if we put troops on it ya know its a island !

truth teaching scuba for 15 years the idiocy you hear by what are supposed to be intelligent people like how deep do we have to dive to get UNDER the island ! That really happens !


10-31-21, 11:55
My state will stay free. My community will stay free. My family will stay free.

That’s going to be a decision everyone will have to make.

My family and community already made a decision. We won’t flee. We have freedom here. We will keep it.

10-31-21, 11:59
Leave the .MIL

Probably one of the most un-patriotic things I’ve ever heard. You’re saying that the good people in the military should leave so that our country is basically defenseless. That’s despicable.

I’ve only ever been at the tactical level. I’ve yet to sit through any type of Marxist indoctrination. I’m not crazy about where we’re headed, but giving up to let the greater good suffer is as un-American as communism.

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10-31-21, 12:02
The defeatist attitude is strong here.

10-31-21, 12:35
I’ve yet to sit through any type of Marxist indoctrination.

You, me, and everyone else has.


10-31-21, 13:29
Probably one of the most un-patriotic things I’ve ever heard. You’re saying that the good people in the military should leave so that our country is basically defenseless. That’s despicable.

I’ve only ever been at the tactical level. I’ve yet to sit through any type of Marxist indoctrination. I’m not crazy about where we’re headed, but giving up to let the greater good suffer is as un-American as communism.

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You are entitled to your opinion. Questioning my Patriotism is crossing the line.

Unless you been living under a rock you’ve been exposed to it.

If their constant bullshit doesn’t come at a cost, they will continue.

10-31-21, 13:48
When you feel it in your gut, well, it's time to go.

10-31-21, 14:06
Probably one of the most un-patriotic things I’ve ever heard. You’re saying that the good people in the military should leave so that our country is basically defenseless. That’s despicable.

I’ve only ever been at the tactical level. I’ve yet to sit through any type of Marxist indoctrination. I’m not crazy about where we’re headed, but giving up to let the greater good suffer is as un-American as communism.

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The people in the mil are not fighting the marxism being crammed down their throat. They will resist only to a certain point. Who are those in the mil serving? Who's interests are they serving? Who determines where they get deployed?

The system is going to collapse. It wont be reversed from within. The patriotic Americans on the outside will be the ones that step up when the time comes.

10-31-21, 15:13
Lot of talk from people not even in the military. If you’re advocating for the good Americans to just give up or telling me what I have or have not been subjected to than **** you.

It’s not perfect and there’s lots of room for improvement but this is still the best country in the world and the military is still loaded with some of the best Americans alive today. Regardless of who says what, if it ever comes to something insane like a civil war, the real Americans serving in the military are going to do a huge amount of the heavy lifting.

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10-31-21, 15:48
Let’s keep to the topic of the President shitting his pants. [emoji90]

10-31-21, 15:48
Lot of talk from people not even in the military. If you’re advocating for the good Americans to just give up or telling me what I have or have not been subjected to than **** you.

It’s not perfect and there’s lots of room for improvement but this is still the best country in the world and the military is still loaded with some of the best Americans alive today. Regardless of who says what, if it ever comes to something insane like a civil war, the real Americans serving in the military are going to do a huge amount of the heavy lifting.

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The good ones will be doing the heavy lifting against the very institution they served in.

10-31-21, 18:26
Biden, out Swalwelling Swalwell. :sarcastic:


10-31-21, 18:42

10-31-21, 19:04

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10-31-21, 19:12

He can be a spokesperson now.

10-31-21, 20:17

Immediately brought this to mind:


There was a radio sketch (circa ‘90’s) by the same name that was always worth a good laugh, but I can’t seem to find it. Not sure if was syndicated or a local sketch (WDVE 102.5).

10-31-21, 21:10
So did he really or did he not soil himself? I’d like to hear a report from someone that was close by.

10-31-21, 23:41
So did he really or did he not soil himself? I’d like to hear a report from someone that was close by.

Reckon it will be denied even if it happened NO WAY that will ever be confirmed

10-31-21, 23:43
Reckon it will be denied even if it happened NO WAY that will ever be confirmed

They'd deny even if there was a clearly visible trail of brown left in his wake and visibly oozing out of his pant legs.

11-01-21, 02:25
I mean, if a bunch of old guys on a gun forum say it happened....has to be true.

11-01-21, 05:13
I mean, if a bunch of old guys on a gun forum say it happened....has to be true.

In our own defense, well some of us may have some sort of related personel experiance.

11-01-21, 06:51
I mean, if a bunch of old guys on a gun forum say it happened....has to be true.

I’m totally only barely almost middle age and that dude totally shat himself! [emoji38]

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11-01-21, 08:30
I mean, if a bunch of old guys on a gun forum say it happened....has to be true.

I prefer to call them a neglegent discharge.

11-01-21, 08:31
Probably one of the most un-patriotic things I’ve ever heard. You’re saying that the good people in the military should leave so that our country is basically defenseless. That’s despicable.

I’ve only ever been at the tactical level. I’ve yet to sit through any type of Marxist indoctrination. I’m not crazy about where we’re headed, but giving up to let the greater good suffer is as un-American as communism.

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The Jab is a Self Selecting Purge of the military. They want people who will unquestioningly follow orders.

I was at the TNVC Night Fighter 101 class weekend before last. There was a Carbine Class going on at the facility at the same time. One of the neat things about the facility is that it's actually a former retirement home. During the day, students sit around in the old Day Room and share meals and talk- about everything. It was attended by an Airforce Colonel among others, who is getting out for that very reason. He spoke plainly and clearly about his motivation for doing so.

At some point, people should suffer the consequence of what they have done. It's the only way for them to learn-Got nothing to do with "American or Un American". You want Green Energy. Fine, freeze your ass in the dark. Are we learning yet?

11-01-21, 10:40
PSA Thinks there's something to it....Lol...


11-01-21, 10:49
PSA Thinks there's something to it....Lol...

https://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-ar-15-vatipants-15-stripped-lower-receiver-pre-order-ships-in-approximately-10-12-weeks.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=daily_deals&utm_campaign=20211101&utm_term=morning&utm_content=1029202Just got that email myself.

There are various people selling t shirts already also.

Soli Deo Gloria

11-01-21, 10:54
Just got that email myself.

There are various people selling t shirts already also.

Soli Deo Gloria

Everyone wants to make a buck....

11-01-21, 10:56
Ok, so Biden is incontinent in addition to being a clueless, Alzheimers affected senile incompetent. The cackling cunt Kamala is an utterly worthless sod who serves no utility whatsoever. The real question is, and subject too much speculation, is who is really in charge and running/leading the nation? Obviously not shitstain joe or kunty kam.

11-01-21, 11:07
Ok, so Biden is incontinent in addition to being a clueless, Alzheimers affected senile incompetent. The cackling cunt Kamala is an utterly worthless sod who serves no utility whatsoever. The real question is, and subject too much speculation, is who is really in charge and running/leading the nation? Obviously not shitstain joe or kunty kam.

The Obama Cabal- Valerie "Rasputin" Jarrett et al...Marxists---the Nomenklatura.

11-01-21, 12:13
The Jab is a Self Selecting Purge of the military. They want people who will unquestioningly follow orders.

I was at the TNVC Night Fighter 101 class weekend before last. There was a Carbine Class going on at the facility at the same time. One of the neat things about the facility is that it's actually a former retirement home. During the day, students sit around in the old Day Room and share meals and talk- about everything. It was attended by an Airforce Colonel among others, who is getting out for that very reason. He spoke plainly and clearly about his motivation for doing so.

At some point, people should suffer the consequence of what they have done. It's the only way for them to learn-Got nothing to do with "American or Un American". You want Green Energy. Fine, freeze your ass in the dark. Are we learning yet?

The military is an extension of the government. Look at how the administration pulled out of Afghanistan leaving Americans and allies behind. Did any soldiers refuse to leave them behind? No, they followed orders. Was that patriotic?
Who did stay behind? Civilian contractors.

It’s not unpatriotic to get of a the military when it’s being run like it is now from the top down.

11-02-21, 12:47
As if he wasn't already the laughing stock of a president to the rest of the world...

Biden Reportedly Pooped His Pants at the Vatican (https://www.guardiangazette.com/2021/10/31/biden-reportedly-pooped-his-pants-at-the-vatican/)

11-02-21, 13:21
As if he wasn't already the laughing stock of a president to the rest of the world...

Biden Reportedly Pooped His Pants at the Vatican (https://www.guardiangazette.com/2021/10/31/biden-reportedly-pooped-his-pants-at-the-vatican/)

Well, that's interesting. The fact that he supposedly changed pants during his visit- as shown by video, coming and going- Who does that and why? I've been to the Vatican and I can tell you, that neither I, nor any of the folks I went with changed our pants while there. To be fair, we did not meet the Pope and maybe I would have shat myself having seen Gods representative here on Earth......But, the whole pants change thing would lend quite a bit of creedence to the idea that he did in fact shit himself.

11-02-21, 16:42
I had an O5 come visit my work site back in the spring, he and his team showed up in civilians, and he had his polo shirt on inside out. OK, no big deal, happens to us all, but then later in the morning, he goes into one of the porta-johns, and while he's in there a contractor rolls up with a forklift and proceeds to move it with him still inside. The dude came out with a bit of blue on him once he was able to get out.

11-02-21, 18:18
It gives new meaning to the “go” in let’s go Brandon.

11-02-21, 18:53
biden is total shit stain

11-02-21, 19:17

11-02-21, 19:17