View Full Version : Chinese Auto Sears! OMG!

11-02-21, 16:58
$19 each.. on the streets.


11-02-21, 17:33
So criminals will modify guns illegally despite laws to prevent it.


11-02-21, 18:11
Wouldn't those $19 Chinese auto sears be illegal to bring into the country? Wouldn't that mean the .gov is failing to enforce a law already on the books?

11-02-21, 18:17
Wouldn't those $19 Chinese auto sears be illegal to bring into the country? Wouldn't that mean the .gov is failing to enforce a law already on the books?

No, the Biden administration never fails at anything. You're just confused or a fascist/Nazi. But then I'm thinking that the Biden admin. can fix this non- problem with a mandate.

11-02-21, 18:51
Trump's fault

11-02-21, 19:36
OMG TRIGGER RACIST ALERT :) the Chinese gov is awesome you racist calling them Chinese :)

Reckon the illegal’s can bring them in and they can be legal and the half to full million they will be able to afford the guns to put them in and a house and ….

Any of YOU on the other hand gulag time

11-02-21, 20:03
Wouldn't those $19 Chinese auto sears be illegal to bring into the country? Wouldn't that mean the .gov is failing to enforce a law already on the books?

Yeah...they can stop fake Rolex watches but can't stop auto sears? Go cry me a river. I'm inclined to believe they let them in on purpose just so they can create the drama and congress can attempt to justify their existence. Same with those airsoft rifles that got declared to be legit machine guns.

11-02-21, 20:50
I bet we all know a certain actor who will be on board banning since he killed someone with a prop gun or so the story goes
I mean if actors have accidents everyone else HAS TO BE BANNED

Yeah...they can stop fake Rolex watches but can't stop auto sears? Go cry me a river. I'm inclined to believe they let them in on purpose just so they can create the drama and congress can attempt to justify their existence. Same with those airsoft rifles that got declared to be legit machine guns.

Ned Christiansen
11-02-21, 21:10
I'm inclined to believe they let them in on purpose just so they can create the drama and congress can attempt to justify their existence..

Dems win-- with more gun control (after all, law abiding gun owners who don't do this crap are to blame, right?)

China wins. "A rifle behind every blade of grass" becomes "a rusty, single-shot .22 for every 2500 Americans".

11-02-21, 21:54
Dems win-- with more gun control (after all, law abiding gun owners who don't do this crap are to blame, right?)

China wins. "A rifle behind every blade of grass" becomes "a rusty, single-shot .22 for every 2500 Americans".

Even with a single shot .22, regarding China..."wish a MF'er would." It's one thing to dominate our economy, but China still ain't in a place to project military force half way around the world. Every American would end up with a new Type 56. Even Russia in the 80s understood Red Dawn was a fantasy that would never happen. Massive nuclear exchange...sure....boots on the ground...would almost be worth the US dead to kill that many Russians. Afghanistan would be a walk in the park compared to trying to invade the US.

11-02-21, 21:55

Chinese AS’s ? Yeah right! :sarcastic:

11-03-21, 08:08
The massive Auto Sear crime problem will FINALLY be addressed!! Thank the Lord.

11-03-21, 08:18
$19 each.. on the streets.


$19!!!! They were $50-90 at the German tactical stores overseas!

11-03-21, 08:40
M4 by Wish....Too bad it will take you 6 months to get it....

11-03-21, 10:34
I've never been in the market for a full auto sear and I don't believe I would buy a Chinese full auto sear, but I do find it odd that now they appear.
Hundreds of container ships needing off loaded and this hits the market?
Really smells like a set up.

11-08-21, 18:17
I've never been in the market for a full auto sear and I don't believe I would buy a Chinese full auto sear, but I do find it odd that now they appear.
Hundreds of container ships needing off loaded and this hits the market?
Really smells like a set up.

+1. I wouldn’t even allow one on my property, who needs the trouble?

11-08-21, 18:42
This is like the solvent catcher gag. You buy it and whaddya know you get a visit from the ATF.
These guys are so off the chain that if fifty "auto sears" get out there for every guy that gets busted, well, as long as it's a white, anglo/saxon, protestant well, were good.

Honestly we have little or no information about the shooting in Vegas a half dozen years ago, yet there are likely room fulls of data. These guys don't own the truth.

11-09-21, 04:01
..it is enabling the criminals to install the "giggle switch" in a glock, add a 33 round mag and spray the opposition.

Most likely the ones that are coming in are being replicated via a 3D printer... There has been a lot of shootings in Philly that might be attributed to it...